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Using the English Articles A, An, and The

There is no simple, single rule for handling the articles a, an, and the in the English language.
However, there are three rules that will cover most cases, and if we get those rules right, then all we
have to worry about are the exceptions. Let's boil it down to these three basic rules.
Rule #1: The first time a singular, countable, non-unique noun that does not have
a specific name is introduced, use an indefinite article (i.e., "a" or "an".
cow is in the field.
n apple is on the table
river is running through the woods
!"ception to Rule #1: #f $ou are tal%ing about &all, ever$'here( of that noun,
using the definite article &the( is allo'ed ($ou can also use the indefinite.
The cow is a good animal for food !" cow is a good animal for food# is also acceptable$.
The dog is a good animal for a pet !" dog is a good animal for a pet# is also acceptable$.
Rule #): The first time plural or uncountable nouns are introduced, or if the
plural or uncountable noun is for &all, ever$'here,( use no article.
%ows are in the field !plural and they are being introduced$.
&eanut butter is in the refrigerator !uncountable and it is being introduced$.
%ows are a good source for food !this refers to all cows, everywhere$.
Rule #*: +se the definite article (i.e., "the" 'hen referring to a particular or
unique noun. This includes nouns that have alread$ been introduced.
'hen tal(ing about the head of our garden club, we might say: The president of the garden
club is )rs. *itherspoon.
+f we only want to point out that she is the head of a garden club, and we don't care which
garden club, we might say: )rs. *itherspoon is the president of a garden club.
+ saw a cow. The cow was eating grass !the first time we use cow, it is introduced$.
'e have peanut butter in the refrigerator !peanut butter is being introduced$. The peanut
butter is almost gone.
The )ississippi ,iver is long and fast !use "the# because it is a uni-ue noun$.
.ust to reiterate, using ,ule /0 and ,ule /1 means that sentence order may determine whether you use
an indefinite article or a definite article for a particular sentence. %ompare the following two lines:
+ saw a cow in a field. The cow was eating grass in the field.
The first sentence introduced a cow and a field. The second sentence referred to the cow and the field
that we introduced in the first sentence.
, cow was eating grass in a field. + saw the cow in the field.
The same thing applies here. The first sentence introduces a cow that is eating grass in a field. The
second sentence refers to the cow and the field that were introduced in the first sentence.
Here is another example of using ,ule /0 and ,ule /1:
+ saw a flower while + was on a wal( this morning. The flower was red. +n fact, the flower was so
beautiful, + bent down to smell it. + saw a bee on the flower. The bee was busy, flying bac( and forth.
nyway, the flower had no odor to it. + reached out to touch the flower, and + discovered that the
flower was plastic. &erhaps that is why the bee was so busy2 the bee was trying to find pollen, but
there was none. + en3oyed the wal( this morning.
-ore on +nique .ouns
4or geographic locations, it can get tric(y. 5ften it is the case that if the geographic location was
named after a person, no article is used: )ount ,ushmore, &i(e's &ea(, 6ryson %anyon, La(e 7eorge.
4or mountain ranges, use the definite article !the ,oc(y )ountains, the ppalachian )ountains$. 4or
specific mountains !)ount )itchell, )ount Everest, Little 6ig Horn$ do not use an article.
8ormally, with bodies of water, the definite article the should be used with rivers !e.g., the )ississippi
,iver, the 8ile ,iver$ but not with la(es !e.g., La(e 7eorge, .ordan La(e$. The 7reat 9alt La(e is an
4or oceans, use the definite article !the &acific 5cean, the tlantic 5cean$.
'hen referring to states as "9tate of ...# use the definite article. 4or example, the 9tate of +owa, the
9tate of 8ebras(a, the 9tate of 8orth %arolina, etc.'hen referring to them by name only, do not use an
article. Example: + grew up in +owa. + grew up in the 9tate of +owa.
This flow chart does not ta(e exceptions into account. +t will cover most cases though.
'as the noun already introduced:
+s it countable:
+s it singular:
, / ,n <
+s this for "all, everywhere#:
+s the noun uni-ue or does it
have a specific name:
=se The
!in general$
< +f "all, everywhere,# can also use The
Rule 1
The first time a singular, countable, non-unique noun is introduced, use an indefinite article (a
or an1 after that, use the definite article (the for that noun.
2ill in the blan%s 'ith a, an, or the, or leave it blan% if no article should be used.
+ started reading >>>>>> boo( by 'illa %ather this morning. >>>>>> boo( features >>>>>> boy
named .immy, who moves to 6lac( Haw(, 8ebras(a, to live with his relatives.
>>>>>> boo( by %ather was excellent. Each page would contain >>>>>> sentence that stirred up
memories of when + lived in 8ebras(a. +n the boo(, >>>>>> boy !.immy$ has >>>>>> grandmother
and >>>>>> grandfather in 8ebras(a. >>>>>> grandmother is friendly. + haven't met >>>>>>
grandfather yet.
'e have >>>>>> ?orean exchange student, >>>>> boy, living with us. >>>>>> boy's name is 6rian,
and he is >>>>>> very good student. >>>>>> boy !6rian$ ate >>>>>> apple after lunch today. 3333>>
apple was delicious. Then he had >>>>>> pear, >>>>>> mango, and >>>>>> glass of mil(.
6rian, >>>>>> boy who is living with us, is really nice. He is learning how to write poetry. He wrote
>>>>>> poem this morning about >>>>>> red flower.
'e went to the 5uter 6an(s for %hristmas. There is >>>>>> beach there that is very nice. +t was too
cold to do much at >>>>>> beach, but we had a good time.
&apa has >>>>>> tuba. >>>>>> tuba !&apa's tuba$ can be very loud. >>>>>> tuba !&apa's tuba$ has
four valves and >>>>>> very large mouthpiece. &apa blows into >>>>>> mouthpiece when he wants
to play >>>>>> song. 'hen he presses >>>>>> valves, different notes come out.
There is >>>>>> haw( outside. + hope >>>>>> haw( doesn't eat our chic(ens@
Rule 2
The first time a plural or uncountable noun is introduced, use no article. #f the plural or
uncountable noun is used for &all, ever$'here,( use no article.
2ill in the blan%s 'ith a, an, or the, or leave blan% if no article should be used.
+ li(e to watch >>>>>> cows. 'hen + am driving and + see >>>>>> cows in >>>>>> field, it ma(es
me want to sing. 9eeing >>>>>> cows reminds me of my childhood. 'hen + was little, we would
visit 7randpa's farm. 7randpa had >>>>>> cow, and it was magical. The magical thing about
>>>>>> cow was that it could fly@ 'hen 7randpa needed to go into town to buy something from the
general store, he would ride on >>>>>> cow. +n general, >>>>>> cows do not fly. +n fact, this was
>>>>>> only cow that + ever saw fly.
>>>>>> crowds came from all over to see 7randpa's flying cow. 5nce, >>>>>> crowd came on a
4riday night and stayed until 9unday morning. 7randpa had not noticed >>>>>> crowd at first, until
he went outside and someone as(ed for his autograph. >>>>>> crowds ma(e 7randpa feel
uncomfortable, especially when they step on his toes.
;esterday, at lunch, + ate >>>>>> peanut butter. +n fact, + made >>>>>> peanut butter sandwich. 5n
>>>>>> peanut butter sandwich, + included >>>>>> banana. + love >>>>>> bananas. + also love
>>>>>> ice cream, but usually + will eat ice cream in >>>>>> bowls and rarely do + put ice cream on
>>>>>> peanut butter sandwiches.
>>>>>> 4ootball games are fun to watch. 8ebras(a played in >>>>>> bowl game this year.
8ebras(a did very well in >>>>>> bowl game. + hope that + can watch >>>>>> football games next
year too.
+ li(e playing >>>>>> football in the bac(yard too.
Rule 3
+se a definite article (e.g., "the" 'hen referring to a particular or unique thing, including
something that has alread$ been introduced.
2ill in the blan%s 'ith a, an, or the, or leave blan% if no article should be used.
>>>>>> 9tate of +owa is bordered by >>>>>> )ississippi ,iver on >>>>>> east side and >>>>>>
)issouri ,iver on >>>>>> west side. 'est of >>>>>> +owa is >>>>>> 9tate of 8ebras(a.
Last summer, we went fishing in >>>>>> 6oundary 'aters of northern )innesota. >>>>>> la(es in
)innesota are very pretty. 'e also drove along >>>>>> La(e )ichigan, >>>>>> La(e 9uperior, and
>>>>>> La(e Huron. +n =tah is >>>>>> 7reat 9alt La(e, which is >>>>>> largest salt water la(e in
the =nited 9tates.
Learning about >>>>> presidents is interesting. 5bama is >>>>>> president of the =nited 9tates right
now. There are other presidents too. )ildred is >>>>>> president A she is >>>>>> president of
>>>>>> library boo( club !a specific club$. 9ally is >>>>>> president A she is >>>>>> president of
>>>>>> neighborhood flower club !nonBspecific club$.
5ur football team had several coaches last fall. *ad was >>>>>> coach2 9cot was a coach2 Todd was
a coach2 and Larry was a coach. 'e had some good coaches@
>>>>>> 7rand %anyon is a beautiful place@ >>>>>> )ount ,ushmore is also amaCing. + would love
to go visit >>>>>> rctic %ircle some day.
+ saw a cow in the field. >>>>>> cow was brown and white. >>>>>>> cow was with its mother and it
loo(ed very happy. + li(e >>>>>> cows. *o you li(e >>>>>> cows:
Rule 1
The first time a singular, countable, non-unique noun is introduced, use an indefinite article (a
or an1 after that, use the definite article (the for that noun.
Practice Answers
2ill in the blan%s 'ith a, an, or the, or 'rite 4 if no article should be used.
+ started reading >>a>>> boo( by 'illa %ather this morning. >>The> boo( features >>a>>> boy
named .immy, who moves to 6lac( Haw(, 8ebras(a, to live with his relatives.
>>The> boo( by %ather was excellent. Each page would contain >>>a>> sentence that stirred up
memories of when + lived in 8ebras(a. +n the boo(, >>the> boy !.immy$ has >>a>>> grandmother
and >>a>>> grandfather in 8ebras(a. >>The> grandmother is friendly. + haven't met >>the>
grandfather yet.
'e have >>a>>> ?orean exchange student, >>a>> boy, living with us. >>The> boy's name is 6rian,
and he is >>a>>> very good student. >The> boy !6rian$ ate >>an>> apple after lunch today. The>
apple was delicious. Then he had >>a>>> pear, >>a>>> mango, and >>a>>> glass of mil(.
6rian, >>the> boy who is living with us, is really nice. He is learning how to write poetry. He wrote
>>a>>> poem this morning about >>>a>> red flower.
'e went to the 5uter 6an(s for %hristmas. There is >>a>>> beach there that is very nice. +t was too
cold to do much at >>the> beach, but we had a good time.
&apa has >>a>>> tuba. >>The> tuba !&apa's tuba$ can be very loud. >>The> tuba !&apa's tuba$ has
four valves and >>a>>> very large mouthpiece. &apa blows into >>the>> mouthpiece when he wants
to play >>>a>> song. 'hen he presses >>the>> valves, different notes come out.
There is >>a>>>> haw( outside. + hope >>the> haw( doesn't eat our chic(ens@
Rule 2
The first time a plural or uncountable noun is introduced, use no article. #f the plural or
uncountable noun is used for &all, ever$'here,( use no article.
Practice Answers
2ill in the blan%s 'ith a, an, or the, or 'rite 4 if no article should be used.
+ li(e to watch >>D>>> cows. 'hen + am driving and + see >>D>>> cows in >>a>>> field, it ma(es
me want to sing. 9eeing >>D>>> cows reminds me of my childhood. 'hen + was little, we would
visit 7randpa's farm. 7randpa had >>a>>> cow, and it was magical. The magical thing about
>>the> cow was that it could fly@ 'hen 7randpa needed to go into town to buy something from the
general store, he would ride on >the>> cow. +n general, >>D>>> cows do not fly. +n fact, this was
>>the> only cow that + ever saw fly.
>>D>>>> crowds came from all over to see 7randpa's flying cow. 5nce, >>a>>> crowd came on a
4riday night and stayed until 9unday morning. 7randpa had not noticed >>the>>> crowd at first,
until he went outside and someone as(ed for his autograph. >>D>>> crowds ma(e 7randpa feel
uncomfortable, especially when they step on his toes.
;esterday, at lunch, + ate >>D>>> peanut butter. +n fact, + made >>a>>> peanut butter sandwich. 5n
>>the>>> peanut butter sandwich, + included >>a>>> banana. + love >>D>>> bananas. + also love
>>D>>> ice cream, but usually + will eat ice cream in >>D>>> bowls and rarely do + put ice cream on
>>D>>> peanut butter sandwiches.
>>D>>>> 4ootball games are fun to watch. 8ebras(a played in >>a>>> bowl game this year.
8ebras(a did very well in >the>> bowl game. + hope that + can watch >>D>>> football games next
year too.
+ li(e playing >>D>>> football in the bac(yard too.
Rule 3
+se a definite article (e.g., "the" 'hen referring to a particular or unique thing, including
something that has alread$ been introduced.
Practice Answers
2ill in the blan%s 'ith a, an, or the, or 'rite 4 if no article should be used.
>The>> 9tate of +owa is bordered by >the>> )ississippi ,iver on >the>> east side and >the>>
)issouri ,iver on >the>> west side. 'est of >>D>>> +owa is >the>> 9tate of 8ebras(a.
Last summer, we went fishing in >the>> 6oundary 'aters of northern )innesota. >>D<>> la(es in
)innesota are very pretty. 'e also drove along >>D>>> La(e )ichigan, >>D>>> La(e 9uperior, and
>>D>>> La(e Huron. +n =tah is >the>> 7reat 9alt La(e, which is >the>> largest salt water la(e in the
=nited 9tates.
Learning about >D>>> presidents is interesting. 5bama is >the>> president of the =nited 9tates right
now. There are other presidents too. )ildred is >>a>>> president A she is >the>> president of >the>>
library boo( club !a specific club$. 9ally is >>a>>> president A she is >the>> president of >>a>>>
neighborhood flower club !nonBspecific club$.
5ur football team had several coaches last fall. *ad was >>a>>> coach2 9cot was a coach2 Todd was
a coach2 and Larry was a coach. 'e had some good coaches@
>The>> 7rand %anyon is a beautiful place@ >>D>>> )ount ,ushmore is also amaCing. + would love
to go visit >thee>> rctic %ircle some day.
+ saw a cow in the field. >The>> cow was brown and white. >The>> cow was with its mother and it
loo(ed very happy. + li(e >>D>>> cows. *o you li(e >>D>>> cows:
< =sing "The# in this case is acceptable also.

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