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Good morning to all. Here I have come to talk on the topic
I would like to start with the quote of Bernard Shaw, Science never
solves a problem without creating ten more.
The 21
century has witnessed a rapid increase in TV, Video games,
iPod, internet and cell phones use in young children. The minds of children
are like blank pages. As we know that, the young generation of this era has
a high level of dexterity. Their elevated cleverness allows them to fill those
pages very fast with the provided information through gadgets.
Today, mass media plays a vital role in advancement of technology.
It can be considered as one of the major reasons for the fast changing
fashions and modern life style. Ideas and invention are brought to the
whole world within minutes. The negative aspect of media is being
encouraged by the present generations.
To a greater extent the children minds are deeply manipulated,
polluted and poisoned by the media. Obscene scenes, the stimulated crime
and differentiated lust are seriously damaging the behavior, expressions
and feelings in children.
The research of the pediatric reveals that, the Sensory Processing
Disorders affects 1 in 20 children due to over usage of gadgets. Todays
average household media environment includes 3 TVs, 3 DVD players, 2
video games, 2 iPods, 3 cell phones and 1computer.
A recent study says that the average use of TV among children is
about 6 hours per day. The technology advancement not only affects
children mentally but also physically.
Domination of gadgets has reduced the sports activities, art of
reading books and creativity in children, which results in obesity.
Preliminary studies indicate increase in attention difficulty, poor
academic achievement and sleep impairment maybe attributable to
children due to technology overuse.
On the other hand, technology has its own positive aspects. Science is
a blessing. We should think of the comforts we enjoy in it. Advancement in
technology has lightened our life, broadened our knowledge and has
leaded a healthy life.
In this modern world its difficult to avoid the well developed
technology. It lies in the hands of young generation to decide the best use
of it. I would like to conclude
A knife is a nice instrument to cut with
It is for us to decide what to cut with it.
Thank you.

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