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A) Complete the gaps using the gerund, to-infinitive or bare infinitive of the

verbs in brackets.

1. You should offer _______________ (get) her some professional
2. I wish _______________ (speak) about the problems that affect
young people.
3. You must _______________ (wake up) and _______________ (find)
the right solutions for you.
4. She insisted on _______________ (not hide) the problems you may
_______________ (have) if you drink.
Infinitive without to (bare infinitive)

After modal verbs (except ought to)
E.g.: Alcohol can hurt you.

After had better and would rather.
E.g.: I would rather not drive.

With make and let
E.g.: The glasses make them feel like
they are drunk.

After prepositions
E.g.: their friends died in a car accident after
having been drinking.

After likes and dislikes verbs
E.g.: He enjoys explaining what a TAD project

After certain verbs: imagine, miss,
forgive, suggest
E.g.: She suggested informing the students
about the law.
Infinitive with to

After some adjectives: afraid, glad, sorry,
happy, amazed, hard
E.g.: Mary was happy to hear her friend
was out of danger.

After certain verbs: agree, ask, decide, forget,
help, learn, offer, prepare, want, wish .
E.g.: They decided to join the TAD.
5. I dont mind _______________ (drive) if you are tired.
6. Its hard _______________ (imagine) _______________ (go) through these difficult
7. She agreed _______________ (take) her best friend to the association.
8. After _______________ (fail) a breath test; you must _______________ (go) to the
police station.
9. He gave up _______________ (smoke) two weeks now.
10. She insisted on not _______________ (tell) him the truth.
11. They made him _______________ (listen) to their conversation.
12. You cant _______________ (come) in without _______________ (ask) permission
13. They wanted _______________ (become) experts in technology.
14. Before _______________ (go) to bed you must _______________ (comb) your hair.
15. Ann is so unfit that she cant _______________ (touch) her toes without
_______________ (bend) her knees.
16. I dont mind _______________ (get up) early.

B) Finish the sentences below so that they have a similar a similar meaning to
the ones above.

1. I went to the theatre and I liked it.
I liked ______________________________________

2. Would you like to keep me company?
Are you interested in ___________________________

3. You shouldnt eat so many hamburgers.
You had better ________________________________

4. Being a good student is not difficult.
Its easy _____________________________________

5. Mark was allowed to drink alcohol at the party.
They let Mark __________________________________

6. When I was 16 I was taught to drive.
I learnt how ____________________________________

C) Complete the gaps using the gerund, to-infinitive or bare infinitive of the
verbs in brackets.

17. You should offer _______________ (get) her some professional
18. I wish _______________ (speak) about the problems that affect
young people.
19. You must _______________ (wake up) and _______________ (find)
the right solutions for you.
Infinitive without to (bare infinitive)

After modal verbs (except ought to)
E.g.: Alcohol can hurt you.

After had better and would rather.
E.g.: I would rather not drive.

With make and let
E.g.: The glasses make them feel like
they are drunk.

After prepositions
E.g.: their friends died in a car accident after
having been drinking.

After likes and dislikes verbs
E.g.: He enjoys explaining what a TAD project

After certain verbs: imagine, miss,
forgive, suggest
E.g.: She suggested informing the students
about the law.
Infinitive with to

After some adjectives: afraid, glad, sorry,
happy, amazed, hard
E.g.: Mary was happy to hear her friend
was out of danger.

After certain verbs: agree, ask, decide, forget,
help, learn, offer, prepare, want, wish .
E.g.: They decided to join the TAD.
20. She insisted on _______________ (not hide) the problems you may _______________
(have) if you drink.
21. I dont mind _______________ (drive) if you are tired.
22. Its hard _______________ (imagine) _______________ (go) through these difficult
23. She agreed _______________ (take) her best friend to the association.
24. After _______________ (fail) a breath test; you must _______________ (go) to the
police station.
25. He gave up _______________ (smoke) two weeks now.
26. She insisted on not _______________ (tell) him the truth.
27. They made him _______________ (listen) to their conversation.
28. You cant _______________ (come) in without _______________ (ask) permission
29. They wanted _______________ (become) experts in technology.
30. Before _______________ (go) to bed you must _______________ (comb) your hair.
31. Ann is so unfit that she cant _______________ (touch) her toes without
_______________ (bend) her knees.
32. I dont mind _______________ (get up) early.

D) Finish the sentences below so that they have a similar a similar meaning to
the ones above.

7. I went to the theatre and I liked it.
I liked ______________________________________

8. Would you like to keep me company?
Are you interested in ___________________________

9. You shouldnt eat so many hamburgers.
You had better ________________________________

10. Being a good student is not difficult.
Its easy _____________________________________

11. Mark was allowed to drink alcohol at the party.
They let Mark __________________________________

12. When I was 16 I was taught to drive.
I learnt how ____________________________________

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