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Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa

(Ayyappa I take refuge in thee )


Ayyappa also known as hari hara putra is also symbolized as shiva
Vishnu devotee unity. The devotees after observing 40 days
brahmacharya vrata go to ponnambala medu to have his darshan
climbing 18 holy steps. The serene and tranquility one feels in his
darshan is beyond description. The very posture communicates a lot
which is beyond the interpretation of common man
An attempt is made to understand the message conveyed by the lord


Compiled by Srinivasan Guru Swamy

The beautiful idol of Lord Ayyappa at Sabarimala is made of
Panchola (a five metal alloy) and is about one and a half feet high.
Lord Ayyappa sits in a meditative pose, with a band around the
folded legs and right hand in ' Chinmudra' with the forefinger
touching the thumb and three other finger upright towards the sky.
The postures and gestures of the lord is thought provoking. . An
attempt is made to interpret the significance of the postures.

1, Tatwamasi :

The slogan of the banner explain the great
philosophy of Lord a
Ayyappa. The literal meaning is Thou art
that. This Mahavakya "Tatwamasi"means the
great pronouncement consisting of three
words- Tat Twam Asi-as referred in
Chandokya Upanishad of Samaveda. The
translation in English. reads as "Thou art That
. indicates you are not anything other than thee. It means you are
not anything other than the great Paramatma (That) who is the
primordial cause and the creator of this Universe

2.yogamudra pose:

This posture is the state of deep sleep in yoga .
In Yoga Nidra,
you leave the Waking state of consciousness,
and go to the Deep Sleep state of consciousness,
yet, paradoxically, remain fully awake. It is an
extremely relaxing state in which samskaras of
attachment and aversion, the driving force
behind karma, are attenuated in strength. This
posture awakens the Sahsrara charka of
Kundalini yoga of Hata Yoga. In Yoga Nidra,
your mind is first scientifically disconnected
from the external surroundings and even from your

physical body
3.Chinmudra: Chinmudra is a sign or an insignia of wisdom. In
this gesture the thumb and the index finger of the hand are joined.
The index finger touches the middle of the thumb in
a semicircular fashion. The other three fingers
which represent body, mind and intellect stand
aloof. Index finger represents ego (Ahamkara) and
thumb represents Atma (self). The space between
the thumb and index finger stands for Sunny ,
Maya. Jnanamudra or Chinmudra denotes that
the person who renounces attachment to body,
mind and intellect and merges his individual ego
with Atma which is God itself achieves supreme
wisdom. Chinmudra also symbolises the un ion of
Jeeva (Individual Self) and Para Brahma" (The supreme self).
Thumb represents the word Tat. Index finger represent Twam.
Joining of thumb and index finger stands for the word Asi. The
Chinmudra is also known as Gyan Mudra , the gesture of

4.Danda Hasta: The left hand of the lord is
pointing towards the earth over his knees. The five
fingers of hand depicting the five elements of life
viz Fire, Air, Ether, Earth and Water. The hand
points towards the earth meaning the physical
body is made of five elements and will merge with
earth at the end of the Prana cycle.. As the lord is
part of Shiva amsam. This postuire gives greater
significance. The Posture indicate the gesture indicating that the
devotee should seek refuge under his feet, for salvation from the
cycle of Punarapi Maranam and Punarapi Jananam. Lord Ayappa
grants refuge to His devotees and protects them from all evils .

5.Patta Bandhana: As the Lord is in Yoga Mudra / Nidra posture.
He is in subconscious state of mind . The Yoga Patta ( belt ) around
his legs keeps him undisturbed from the present state. It is
presumed that in Kali Yuga when the earth is full of sinners, The belt
will snap , Awaken the lord. The Lord will rush to rescue his
devotees. The Supreme being will descend down to the earth to
rescue the world from sinners.

In Gita, The lord Krishna pronounces

Yada Yada hi Dharmasya Glanirbhavati Bharat
Abyuttanamadharmasya Tadatmanam srujamyaham

Pavitranaya sadhunam vinashaya cha Dushkritam
Dharma Samasthapanartye sambavami yuge yuge

6. Halo: The circular light behind the head indicates the divine light
,of being jyoti swaroopa, to enlighten the devotees. The lord blesses
his devotees atop Ponnambala Medu every year on Makar Sankranti
Day in the form of jyoti

7. Moola Mantra:

8.Beeja Mantra:


Swamiye Saram Ayyappa


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