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1.1 Introduction To Quality Of Work Life
QWL means The degree to which members of a work organization are able to satisfy
important personal needs through their experience in the organization. QWL has gained
deserved prominence in the Organizational Behavior as an indicator of the overall of human
experience in the work place. It plays a key role in any organization and has
An effect on the people, their work, performance and self development as well as
organizations development. It basically refers to relationship between the employees and the
ecosystem in which he works. It focuses on creating a working environment where
employees work co operatively and achieve results collectively.

Quality of work life denotes all the organizational inputs which aim at the employees
satisfaction and enhancing organizational effectiveness. The basic purpose is to develop jobs
and working conditions that are excellent for employees as well as economic health of
It refers to the level of satisfaction, motivation, commitment and involvement an individual
experience with respect to their line at the work. The quality of work life is the degree of
excellence brought about work and working conditions that contribute to the overall
satisfaction and performance primarily at individual level and finally at organization level.
Quality of Work Life (QWL) has become one of the most important issues these days in
every organization. Employees are the force that is behind every successful organization. No
organization can become successful with technology only because for the use of technology
also, organizations need to have strong work force.
Quality of Work Life was the term actually introduced in the late 1960s. From that period
till now the term is gaining more and more importance everywhere, at every work place.
Initially quality of work life was focusing on the effects of employment on the general well-
being and the health of the workers. But now its focus has been changed. Every organization
needs to give good environment to their workers including all financial and non-financial
incentives so that they can retain their employees for the longer period and for the
achievement of the organization goals. At the end we can say that a happy and healthy
employee will give better turnover, make good decisions and positively contribute to the
organization goal.
The quality of work life is a process by which an organization responds to employee needs
for developing mechanism that allow them to share fully in making decision that designs their
life at work. Thus QWL means having good supervision, good working conditions, good pay
and benefits and interesting, challenging and rewarding job. Factors affecting quality of work
Job satisfaction:
Job satisfaction is the favorable or unfavorable with which employees view their work. As
with motivation, it is affected by the environment. Job satisfaction is impacted by job design.
Jobs that are rich in positive behavioral elements such as autonomy, variety, task identity,
task significance and feedback contribute to employees satisfaction. Likewise, orientation is
important because the employees acceptance by the work group contributes to satisfaction.

In sort, each element of the environmental system, can add to, or detract from, job
Pay: Quality of work life is basically built around the concept of equitable pay. In these days
ahead, employees may want to participate in the profit of the organization.
People: Almost everyone has to deal with three set of people in the work place. Those are
namely boss, co-workers in the same level and subordinates. Apart from this, some
professions need interaction with people like patients, media persons, public, customers,
thieves, robbers, physically disabled people, mentally challenged, children, foreign delegates,
gangsters,politicians, public figures and celebrities. These situations demand high level of
prudence, cool temper, tactfulness, humor, kindness, diplomacy and sensitiveness.
Health conditions of employees:
Organization should realize that their true wealth lies in their employees and so providing
healthy Environment for employees should be their primary objective.
Personal and career growth opportunities:
An organization should provide employees with opportunity for personal/professional
development and growth and to prepare them to accept the responsibilities at higher level.
Participative management style and recognition:
Flat organization structure helps organization facilitate employee participation. A
Participative management style improves the quality of work life. Workers feel that they have
control over their work process and they also offer the innovative ideas to improve them.
Recognition also helps in motivating employees to perform better. Recognition can be in
form of rewarding employees for their best performance.
Autonomous Work Teams:
An autonomous work team is one which can plan, regulate and control its own work world.
The management only specifies the goals that too in collaboration with the team. The team
organizes the contents and structure of its job, evaluates its own performance, establishes its
speed and chooses its production method. It makes its own internal distribution of tasks and
decides its own membership. Autonomous team approach increases satisfaction and reduces
turnover and absenteeism.
Motivation is a complex subject. It involves the unique feelings, thoughts and past
experiences of each of us as we share a variety of relationships within and outside
organizations. To expect a single motivational approach work in every situation is probably
unrealistic. In fact, even theorists and researches take different points of view about
motivation. Nevertheless, motivation can be defined as a persons drive to take an action
because that person wants to do so. People act because they feel that they have to. However,
if they are motivated they make the positive choice to act for a purpose because, for
example, it may satisfy some of their needs.
Work life balance:
Organization should provide the relaxation time for employees and offer tips to balance their
personal and professional lives. They should not strain employees personal and social life by

forcing on them by demanding working hours, overtime work, business travel, un-timing
By the globalization the modern employees are experiencing distress. To meet the challenges
posed by present standards, organizational must focus their attention in bringing a balance
between work life and personal life. The underlying assumption is that work life balance will
ultimately ensure Quality of work life. Today an employee desires work to be more
meaningful and challenging because quality is the acid test. A Quality of work life gives an
opportunity for deep sense of fulfillment. Employees seek a supportive work environment
that will enable them to balance work with personal interests.
Quality of work life provides a more humanized work environment. It attempts to serve the
higher order needs of workers as well as their basic needs. Quality of Work Life indicates
that the work should not have excessively negative conditions. It should not put workers
under undue stress. It should not damage or degrade their humanness. It should not be
threatening or unduly dangerous.
Employees in several companies that instituted Quality of work life experienced better health
and greater safety on the job. Other benefits included improved employee satisfaction,
morale, job interest, commitment and involvement ; increased opportunity for individual
growth ; greater sense of ownership and control of the work environment development of
managerial ability for circle leaders, improved communication in the organization and greater
understanding and respect between management and workers.
The term Quality of work life has been applied to a wide variety of organizational
improvement efforts. The common elements seem to be, has good man indicates, an attempt
to restructure multiple dimensions of the organizational and to institute a mechanism which
introduces and sustains changes overtime. Aspects of the change mechanism are usually an
increase in problem solving between the union and management Responsiveness to employee
concerns. In every organization, people and their behavior assumes vital role in determining
the performance and effectiveness. While many studies concentrated on physical and
financial performance of organization. Studies on behavioral aspects seem to be inadequate.
So, the attempts must to understand the human side of the enterprise.
The Quality of work life movement provides a value frame work and a philosophy which has
a long term implication for the human development and enrichment. It tries to balance both
the work and family life. Hence integrated approach with regard to Quality of work life is
required for the success of an individual and an organization. This underlines the necessity of
searching studies on the nature of human relations and the problems of human relations and
the problems of human behavior in the organization and suggests measures to cope with the
problems. Hence, an in depth on aspects like Quality of work life can throw light on many
non-identified aspects of human behavior which may help in understanding the issues
involved and improving the overall performance of these organizations. There it is found that
there is need to study in greater detail about the topic.


The critical role played by the power industry in the economic progress of a country has to be
A self sufficient power industry is vital for a nation to achieve economic stability.
As per leading market research firm RNCOS (2008) report on Indian Power Sector Analysis
more than 64% of Indias total installed capacity is contributed by thermal power. Significant
jump in unit size and steam parameters will result in higher efficiencies and better economics
for the Indian power sector.
Western region accounts for largest share (30.09%) of the installed power in India followed
by Southern region with 27.76%.
Unbalanced growth remains the cause of concern for the Indian power sector. Only about
56% of households have access to electricity, with the rural access being 44% and urban
access about 82%.
Non Renewable Energy
It is the most easily available fossil fuel in the world. It is mostly carbon and is used as a
combustion fuel, especially after the Industrial Revolution. Coal can further be divided into
lignite, bituminous and anthracite. Lignite and Bituminous have lesser percentage of carbon
and therefore burn faster. They are not environmentally friendly, Whereas Anthracite has
about 98% carbon and therefore burns slowly and is more environmentally friendly. Coal can
be found in both underground mines and open mines.
Though Petroleum gained prominence through the 20th century, coal still continues to be the
most used raw material for power generation.

Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas is mostly found in underground rocks. Millions of years ago when plants and
animals died, they got buried in layers of mud and sand. The earth's crust changed its shape
and put immense pressure and heat on the dead plants and animals. Over a period of time, the

energy in those plants and animals changed into hydrocarbon liquids and gases. They then
turned into chemicals called hydrocarbons .Most of the hydrocarbons is found under the sea
bed. Oil has a disastrous effect on the environment and many scientists believe the main
reason for global warming.
Natural gas is usually found near a source of oil. It is a mixture of light hydrocarbons. It is
lighter than air and is odorless. It is therefore mixed with a chemical that gives it a strong
odour and thereby easy to detect in case of a leak. It is the cleanest burning fossil fuel.
Renewable Energy
Because of the environmentally disastrous effect of non renewable energy, an alternate
source of energy which would not pollute the environment and which can also be renewed
was tapped. NTPC has also formulated its business plan of capacity addition of about 1,000
MW thru renewable resources by 2017. In this endeavour, NTPC has already commissioned
95 MW Solar PV Projects and another 15 MW Solar PV and 8 MW Small Hydro Projects are
under implementation
They are known as renewable energy. The various types of renewable energy are
Solar Energy Project State

1 Dadri Solar PV Uttar Pradesh 5
2. Portblair Solar PV Andaman & Nicobar Island 5
3. Ramagundam Solar PV (Phase -I) Andhra Pradesh 10
4. Talcher Kaniha Solar PV Odisha 10
5. Faridabad Solar PV Haryana 5
6. Unchahar Solar PV Uttar Pradesh 10
7. Rajgarh Solar PV Madhya Pradesh 50
Total 95

Wind Energy :
Projects under Tendering (80 MW)
o 40 MW Wind energy projects in Karnataka.
o 40 MW Wind energy projects in Maharashtra.

Hydro Energy:
Projects under Execution (8 MW)
o 8 MW hydro energy based project at NTPC-Singrauli in Uttar Pradesh.

Geothermal Energy:
Tattapani Geothermal Project in Chattisgarh: mou Signed with Govt. Of


Majority of Generation, Transmission and Distribution capacities are with either
public sector companies or with State Electricity Boards (sebs)
Private sector participation is increasing especially in Generation and Distribution
Distribution licenses for several cities are already with the private sector
Three large ultra-mega power projects of 4000MW each have been recently awarded
to the private sector on the basis of global tenders.

Major players in the Power sector can be broadly divided into public, private and
international private sectors.

G - Generation T - Transmission D - Distribution

100% FDI permitted in Generation, Transmission & Distribution - the Government is
keen to draw private investment into the sector

Policy framework: Electricity Act 2003 and National Electricity Policy 2005
Incentives: Income tax holiday for a block of 10 years in the first 15 years of operation;
waiver of capital goods' import duties on mega power projects (above 1,000 MW
generation capacity)
Independent Regulators: Central Electricity Regulatory Commission for central psus and
inter-state issues. Each state has its own Electricity Regulatory Commission.

The common minimum program of the Govt. States, inter-alia, that Govt. Will
identify public sector companies that have comparative advantages and support them in their
drive to become global giants. In personal of these objectives, the Govt. Has decided to grant
the enhance autonomy and delegation of powers. Govt. Of India, Dept. Of Public Enterprises,
Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises conferred Maharatna status to NTPC on
19th May, 2010.
The grant of autonomy to the Board of Public Sector Enterprises is specific to the 9
Enterprises identified by the Govt., BHEL, BPCL, HPCL, IOC, IPCL, NTPC, ONGC, SAIL
and VSNL.
NTPC' s New Tagline "Transforming Lives"
Shri P. Umashankar , Secretary (Power) Govt. Of India unveiled the new tagline of NTPC
"Transforming Lives" in the presence of NTPC Board of Directors on May 17, 2010.
Core Sector
In order to ensure energy and security, the company has launched much lateral backward and
forward integration making it an integrated Power Major with interests in:
1. Hydro Power
2. Captive coal Mining
3. Oil and Gas exploration
4. Power Distribution and Trading through its subsidiaries NTPC Electricity Supply
Company Ltd. And NTPC vidyutvyapar Nigam Ltd.,




To be the world's largest and best power producer, powering India's growth"


Develop and provide reliable power, related products and services at competitive
prices, integrated multiple energy sources with innovative and eco-friendly technologies
and contribute to society.

B Business Ethics
E Environmentally & economically sustainable
C Customer Focus
O Organizational & Professional Pride
M Mutual respect & Trust
I Innovation & Speed
T Total Quality for Excellence
T - Transparent & Respected Organization
E - Enterprising
D - Devoted

NTPC a global giant in power sector. NTPC Limited is the largest power generating
company of India. A public sector company, it was incorporated in the year 1975 to
accelerate power development in the country as a wholly owned company of the Government
of India. At present, Government of India holds 89.5% of the total equity shares of the
company & the balance 10.5% is held by fiis, Domestic Banks, Public and others. Today, it
has emerged as an Integrated Power Major, with a significant presence in the entire value
chain of power generation business.

Based on 1998 data, carried out by Data monitor UK, an ISO 9001:2000 certified company,
NTPC is the 6th largest in terms of thermal power generation & the second most efficient in
terms of capacity utilization amongst the thermal utilities in the world.
Within a span of 33 years, NTPC has emerged as a truly national power company, with
power generating facilities in all the major regions of the country. Driven by its vision to
lead, it has charted out an ambitious growth plan of becoming a 75000 MW plus company by

NTPC's core business is engineering, construction & operation of power generating plants. It
also provides consultancy in the area of power plant constructions & power generation to
companies in India and abroad. As on date the installed capacity of NTPC is 30,144 MW
through its 15 coal based (23,395 MW), 7 gas based (3,955 MW) & 4 Joint Venture Projects
(2,794 MW). By 2017, the power generation portfolio is expected to have a diversified fuel
mix with coal based capacity of around 53000 MW, 10000 MW through gas, 9000 MW
through Hydro generation, about 2000 MW from nuclear sources and around 1000 MW from
Renewable Energy Sources (RES). NTPC has adopted a multi-pronged growth strategy
which includes capacity addition through green field projects, expansion of existing stations,
joint ventures, subsidiaries & takeover of stations.

NTPC has been operating its plants at high efficiency levels. Although the company has
18.79% of the total national capacity, it contributes 28.60% of total power generation due to
its focus on high efficiency.

NTPCs power contribution towards India

Recognizing its excellent performance and vast potential, Government of the India has
identified NTPC as one of the jewels of Public Sector 'Navratnas'- a potential global giant.
A) NTPC , the largest power company of India has been ranked 424 among the world's
2000 largest and most powerful public companies.The Forbes 'Global 2000' is a
comprehensive list of the world's largest, most powerful public companies, as
measured by revenues, profits, assets and market value.
B) NTPC has been playing a major role in meeting the power needs of the country and
contributing to its economic and social development. The company has been
conferred with coveted Maharatna status by the government for its outstanding
achievements over the years. NTPC has a vision to be the worlds largest and best
power producer, powering India's growth

C) NTPC has been awarded with the prestigious Energize Award 2012-13 as the
"Energizer Company of the Year" on July 27th, 2013. The award was been
organized by Talwar Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (TSPL), in association with CNBC TV18
with Smart Grid partner ABB and process Validation partner E& Y. Shri Mr. Ajoy
Mehta, IAS, Managing Director of MSEDCL presented the award to NTPC at a
function organised at Mumbai.
D) NTPC ranked 317th in the 2009, Forbes Global 2000 ranking of the Worlds
biggest companies.
E) NTPC has been rated as one of the top most Best Employer of the country for the
year 2003, 2004 & 2005 in a row.
F) It has also been rated as one of the Best Companies to Work for in India by
Mercer HR Consulting- Business Today Survey 2004, it has developed into a multi-
location and multi-fuel company over the past three decades.
G) NTPC has been awarded No.1, Best Workplace in India among large organizations
for the year 2008, by the Great Places to Work Institute, India Chapter in
collaboration with The Economic Times.
H) Leadership Award for CMD, NTPC in the 4
Global Leadership Summit by Amity
University for Sectoral Excellence in Power industry for his outstanding contribution
to the growth of Indian business & bringing glory to the country through his
pioneering leadership.
I) Ranked #1 independent power producer in Asia in the THIRD ANNUAL PLATTS
TOP 250 GLOBAL ENERGY COMPANY AWARDS 2008 for outstanding
Global financial &Industrial performance at the award ceremony in Singapore. The
corporation has been simultaneously ranked #15, overall in Asia amongst the energy
J) NTPCs excellence in executing power projects & its initiative in Decentralized
Distributed Power Generation has been recognized and awarded at IEEMA Power
Awards 2008.
K) NTPC Vindhyachal Stage-III (2x 500MW) has been conferred the IPMA SILVER
MEDAL for Project Excellence by International Project Management Association, at
the IPMA Congress, held in Rome, Italy, for implementation of project in record
time &achieving excellent environmental, economic performance and giving
outstanding support to the local community.
Some major awards given to the Company in the areas of environment management &
Corporate Social Responsibility include:

NTPC has been awarded Greentech CSR Award 2012 in Gold Category in Power
Sector by Greentech Foundation recently.

NTPC has been bestowed with Golden Peacock Award for Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) 2012 constituted by Institute of Directors (IOD), New Delhi.
Shri Neeraj Kapoor DGM (Resettlement & Rehabilitation ) received the award on
behalf of NTPC at a function held in Dubai on on 25th April, 2012.
US Environment Protection Agencys Climate Protection Award for the year 2003
won by NTPCs Centre for Power Efficiency & Environmental Protection (cenpeep).
The Climate Technology Initiative (CTI) Award by CTI, an initiative of the
International Energy Agency (IEA) & OECD countries also won by cenpeep.
ICC UNEP World Summit Business Award for sustainable Development
Partnership for promoting Sustainable Energy Development.
The Platts Global Energy Award for Community Development as the best
organization in Community Development.
Shell Helen Keller Award 2002 given by the National Centre for Promotion of
Employment for Disabled People.
TERIs Corporate Social Responsibility Award for year 2003.

Levels in hierarchy:
Corporate Directors

Regions - Executive Directors
Plants General Managers
Joint Ventures
NTPC has identified Joint Ventures, strategic alliances as
well as acquisitions & diversifications as viable and
desired options for its business development.
NTPC looks for opportunity to create such joint ventures
& strategic alliances, in the entire value chain of the
power business. NTPC as a partner endows the Joint
Venture Alliances with a winning edge. Acquisitions & Diversifications in the areas related
to the core business not only ensure growth but also add to the robustness of the company.
Diversification is carried out either directly or through subsidiaries/jvs.

Joint Ventures
Ratnagiri Gas
& Power Pvt.
Ltd. 28.33 %
Power Projects
Pvt. Ltd. 50 %
Energy Co.
Ltd. 50
Generating Co.
Pvt. Ltd. 50 %
Ltd.49 %
Aravali Power
Co. Pvt. Ltd.
50 %

Pvt. Ltd.
50 %
PTC India
5.28 %
Services Pvt.
50 %
Utility Power
Tech Ltd. 50 %
Power Co.
Pvt. Ltd.
50 %
Ventures Pvt.
Ltd. 50 %


Business development through Acquisition serves both NTPC's own commercial interest as
well as the interest of the Indian economy.
Taking over being a part of the acquisition process, is also an opportunity for NTPC to add to
its power generation capacity through minimal investment & very low gestation period.
NTPC has, over the years, acquired the following three power stations belonging to other
utilities/sebs and has turned around each of them using its corporate abilities.
UP rajyavidyututpadan Nigam of
Uttar Pradesh
1995 Orissa State Electricity Board
2000 UP State Electricity Board
2006 Central Electricity Authority
Location of NTPC Plants


NTPCs HR Vision:
To enable our people to be a family of committed world class professionals making
NTPC a learning organization.
Enhance organizational performance and commitment of employees by recognizing and
rewarding high performance

Build a competency based organization
Institutionalize core values and create a culture of team-building, empowerment,
equity, innovation and openness which would motivate employees and enable
achievement of strategic objectives
To be a preferred employer in order to attract and retain world class talent.
Human Resources
NTPC believes in achieving organizational excellence through Human Resources and follows
"People First" approach to leverage the potential of its 24,500 employees to fulfill its
business plans. 'People before PLF (Plant Load Factor)' is the guiding philosophy behind
the entire gamut of HR policies at NTPC. NTPC are strongly committed to the development
and growth of all our employees as individuals and not just as employees.
Employee development and growth
Elements of HR Strategy
Competence building, Commitment building, Culture building and Systems building are the
four building blocks on which our HR systems are based.


(A).Competency Building Measures
Talent Hiring and Management
Key Focus of HR: Attracting, Developing & Retaining Talents to be done on
sound manpower planning system based on benchmarking of
international practices of manpower norms.
The cost and quality of manpower hired to be competitive.
Development of Business orientation, commercial, marketing and legal skills
Competency based Performance Management System
Shift the focus from performance appraisal to performance management at all
Define, document and circulate competencies of all employees
Measures like KPA, Review & feedback system, identifying developmental
needs and linkage with T&D and Rewards & Recognitions
Online Module of PMS
Equipping Executives with Performance counseling , coaching & giving
positive feedback to improve performance, transparency and objectivity
Performance Evaluation to bring out developmental needs and linking it to
Training and Development Initiatives
Identifying Performers and Non-performer
Coaching and counseling the Non-Performers to enhance performance
System for suitably dealing the persistent Non-Performance.
Leadership Development Program
Leadership Development at all levels with special focus on developing
strategic leaders, functional leaders, business leaders, entrepreneurial leaders
and transformational leaders
Review & reinforcement of current leadership development program with
emphasis on people orientation and culture building.

Development of Global Competencies
Transition of Development Center to Assessment Center at different transitional
levels involving role change
Multi-source Feedback through 360 appraisals
Integrated Career planning, development and succession planning
Focus on employee Development & Job enrichment
Identifying various career paths leading to business leaders/functional leaders
Short-term and long -term career rotation plans
Strengthening succession planning for senior level positions- Leadership
succession criteria up to two levels below the Board
Identifying the functions and Jobs which are specialist in nature and
development of growth opportunities.

Training and Development, E-Learning & Global Exposure
Build functional Competency in all areas. Strengthen Core competencies of
the people in the company through state of the art practices.
Adopting Training Evaluation Model
Measuring effectiveness of training and transfer of the skill to the workplace
E-Learning modules for distant learning
Global exposure of executives for global competencies and mindset
Strengthening R&D
Revitalized R&D and Technology Centre
Significant role through applied & basic research
Global competencies
(B).Commitment Building Measures
Enabling Organizational Climate
Motivation and commitment through tangible & intangible motivators
The employee welfare systems will be designed and maintained by way of
providing best of quality of life to employees, their children and family
members so as to make NTPC a preferred employer.
Enhancing employee satisfaction through regular surveys and addressing the
areas of concern to transform NTPC a great place to work.
Compensation on the principle of differentiated compensation based on
performance and merit
Involvement and Attitude
Use of participative form
Positive attitude through training, role models, value based behavior and
(C).Culture Building Measures
Core-Values Actualization

Value Handbook, Values workshop, Value Actualization Teams, Value Audit
& Rewards
Development of value based leadership.
Culture of Respect, Trust and Openness
Value based behavior campaign
New PMS system built around competency, feedback etc
Culture of Team Work
Shift from hierarchical to flexible team based work teams
Customer Focus
Culture of working as per the needs and expectations of customers
Measurement for customer orientation of executives
System for interaction, feedback and evaluation of HR services by the internal
Communication (Top Down, Bottom Up, Forums, E-Communication/ outside
world for a socially responsive Orgn.)
Communication to be used as tool for removing misconceptions, managing
perception and promoting openness, trust and transparency.
Managing Globalization
Competency for multi-cultural nuances, diversity, law of the land, language &
Addressing compensation, Organization Cultures, competency and
commitment development issues by developing suitable systems and
Managing Mergers and Acquisitions
(D).System Building Measures
Focus on core-competency
Identifying core-competencies of HR & out-source, automate/simplify the
non-core activities so that time spent for routine and repetitive activities are
released for core-activities
Competitive and comparable cost for providing HR services
Hassle free and quality service for achieving high customer satisfaction
Continuous feedback from the customers on the service provided.
IT enabled Systems
Implementation of SAP ERP process
Making NTPC a paperless office through state of art technology
Knowledge Management System
Process Improvement Tools
ISO standards in HR, Six Sigma
Strategy Measurement and Alignment Tool
Implementation of Balance Score Card in HR
Customer Relationship Management
Managing Change

Productivity Enhancement measures
Discipline Management
Measuring impact of HR Initiatives through research and Feedback

To actualize our HR Vision & the Corporate Vision, an integrated HR model has been
developed. As per the model, at the periphery lies the role of HR to facilitate the organization
in fulfilling its Corporate Social Responsibility & facilitate good governance practices.
Within this framework, lies the role of HR to establish good customer relationship.
At the heart of the Model, lies the role of HR to create a Learning Organization based on
four building blocks i.e. Building Competence, Commitment, Culture and Systems. All
these HR roles are performed by a dynamic mechanism namely as Systems Designer, Internal
Consultant, Systems Monitor and Impact Assessors.
Facilitating CSR-NTPC has formulated a comprehensive Corporate Social Responsibility-
Community Development (CSR-CD) policy to take up social programs in a systematic
Facilitating Good Governance- It involves two aspects of the organization- Hard and Soft.
Hard aspect includes designing the organizational architecture, delegation of power etc. So
as to allow for maximum speed in working, empowerment, innovation etc. Soft aspect
includes Vision, Mission, Values and their actualization, culture building, strengthening
internal communication system etc. So as to create an enabling environment for full
actualization of individual potential as well as team potential.
Sound Customer Relationship- The foundation for development lies on establishing peace
and harmony in the organization through establishing good customer relationship i.e.
Relationship with internal as well as external customers. A number of participative forum
have been created at unit, region and corporate levels for information sharing, consultation
and finally joint decision making with the representatives of employees.
Based on the four building blocks of HR i.e. Building Competence, Commitment, Culture
and Systems, HR function will achieve creating Learning organization by performing roles
1. Systems Designer-Designing HR systems & HR strategies for achieving its business goals
and realizing its business strategy. HR professionals have to assess and articulate the needs
explicit or implicit of the employees as well as the organization and develop appropriate
systems to fulfill those needs.
2. Internal Consultant-Act as Internal consultant to Line Managers and equip them with
people skills for effective implementation of HR systems in their departments/units. A
number of such enabling systems have been created such as HR ambassador, Training
coordinators, QC facilitators, Mentors, Assessors, HR for Line Managers workshops etc.

3. Systems Monitor- HR department constantly monitors whether HR processes are
delivering in terms of fulfilling the intended objectives. It is being done through constant
reviews, HRIS, EDIS etc.
4. Impact Assessor-HR measures the effectiveness of HR systems/processes, the value they
have created and show how HR adds value and helps organization to achieve its goals
through undertaking various introspection studies such as Organization Climate survey, Best
Employer Survey, Vidya (Educational audit), e-darpan etc.
This is a dynamic process to continuously update the people systems and enhance the HR
delivery for improved business results and ultimately achieving the corporate goal
Scope of the study:
The term Quality of work life in its broader sense covers various aspects of employment and
non-employment conditions of work. This study covers the overall quality of work life of
employees, i.e. Their job satisfaction, work environment, working hours, work stress, their
relation with their colleagues, work assignments, infrastructure provided etc. The present
study aims at measuring the level of satisfaction of employees and to know about the various
welfare activities and benefits provided for the employees. The study is dependent on the
opinion expressed by all the employees of all the departments.
Quality of work life is a multi-dimensional aspect. Some of these aspects are:
Compensation and the reward for the work
Personal and career growth opportunities
Participative management style
Health and Safety of the employees
Job security
Job specification
By providing better quality of work life, the following results can be achieved:
Better performance of employees
More devotion and dedication towards work
Reduced absenteeism
Voluntary participation in an organizational activities
Reduced corruption
Lesser attrition
1.5 Significance of the study:
Quality of work life covers the various aspects under the general umbrella of supportive
organization behavior. Thus the quality of work life should be broad in its scope. It must
evaluate the attitude of employees towards personnel policies. The research will be helpful in
understanding the current position of the organization. And provide some strategies to extend
the employee satisfaction with little modification which is based on the internal facilities of
the organization.
The research can be further used to evaluate the facilities provided by the management
towards the employee. This study also helps to manipulate the expectations of the employees.


1.6 Objectives of the Study
This study tries to find out the relevance of QWL with national environment and that too with
a private company. The main focus of the study is whether the above factors play the key role
and the contribution of each as a QWL and organizational performance index. At the same
time it aims at studying the various parameters of QWL employees, how QWL leads to high
job satisfaction and the factors related to organizational performance.





Quality of worklife is important to organizational performance (Grayson, 1973). Quality of work
life is an important factor that affects motivation at work (Ghosh, 1992). Quality of work life
programmes has two objectives: to enhance the productivity and the satisfaction of employees
(Gardon, 1984). Quality of work life is the quality of the content of relationship between
employees and their total working environment with human dimensions added to the usual
technical and economic ones. Glasier (1976) thinks that quality of work life implies job security,
good working conditions, adequate and fair compensation, more even than equal employment
opportunity all together.
In their excessive literature review Katzell et. Al (1975) viewed quality of work life more
broadly as an individuals evaluation of the outcome of the work relationship. They observed that
a employee may be said to enjoy a high quality of working life when he has positive feelings
towards his job and its future prospects, is motivated to stay on the job and performs well and
feels his working life fits well with his private life to afford him a balance between the two in
terms of his personal values. Walton (1973) suggested eight major conceptual areas for
understanding quality of work life. These were adequate and fair compensation, safe and healthy
working conditions, development of human competencies, growth and security, social
integration, constitutionalization and total life space and social reliance. Various other studies
conducted on quality of work life include employment conditions, employment security, income
adequacy, profit sharing, equity and other rewards, employee autonomy, employee commitment,
social interaction, self- esteem, self- expression, democracy, employee satisfaction, employee
involvement, advancement, relations with supervisors and peers and job enrichment ( Chander
and Singh, 1993)
Runcie (1980) remarked that should an employee have positive perception of the quality of
worklife in the company, he would further probably strive to further improve the working
conditions, increase production and quality products. The experiences of a fair number of
organizations indicate that a number of specific roles and structures and the support systems,
must be in place and functioning effectively in order that the quality of work life programmes
remain viable grow, involve, permeate the organizational culture and produce long term success
and benefits.The cross nation experiences amply demonstrate that improvement in quality of
work life has definite potential and scope in improving productivity (Ledford and Lawler, 1982)
and overall organizational effectiveness ( Buchanan and Boddy, 1982) as also reducing
grievances, turnover and absenteeism ( Goodman, 1980) and industrial accidents (Havolovic,
1991). Yet inspite of the plethora of research on the subject, the efforts on the part of researchers
to identify the factors of quality of work life in the Indian context have not been encouraging





Scope of study :

The main objective of the study is to determine the employees quality of work life
practiced in National Thermal Power Corporation LTD RAMAGUNDAM. The studies
include managers and employees.

Research Objectives

To identify the present practice of Quality of Work life in the organization.
To know the Quality of work life program was in the accordance with the companys
To know the quality of work life program contribute to employee personal
To see if the quality of work program was effective or not and evaluated or not.
To suggest measures to improve quality of work life techniques if necessary.

Research Methodology


Blue print for the collection of data (or) measurement and analysis of data (or) aids the
researcher in the allocation of limited resources by posing crucial choices in methodology
(or) simply a plan and structure of investigation to obtain answers for research questions.

Research methodology:

Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem or the
steps adopted by the research to solve the research problem.

Nature of study: Qualitative study

Study Area:
The study has been conducted in National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd,


Sample Design: convenience sampling technique

Sample size : 135 employees
The sample size taken for survey includes numbers of employees .the sample takes into
consideration /constitutes all the managers and programmers in organizations.

Collecting the Data:
In dealing with any problem / topic it is often found that at hand are inadequate, and therefore
it becomes necessary to collect data that are appropriate.

Primary Data:

The primary data are those, which are collected afresh for the first
time, and those happens to be original in character, with reference to this study, data is
collected through
Primary data tool: Structured Questionnaire method
Analysis: spss factor analysis

Questionnaire method :

Data is gathered by distributing Questionnaire to managers and
employees. Questionnaire is prepared and pre tested before using it for data collection.
Questionnaire is a structured one consisting of questions, which are close, ended having fixed
response pattern with multiple answers. Likert scale is used in this analysis with five fixed
responses 5.Strongly agree 4. Moderately agree 3. Agree 2.Disagree 1.Strongly Disagree


Data analysis and interpretation

Data analysis and interpretation

Factor Analysis: Factor analysis is used to find factors among observed variables. In other
words, if your data contains many variables, you can use factor analysis to reduce the number
of variables. Factor analysis groups variables with similar characteristics together. With
factor analysis you can produce a small number of factors from a large number of variables
which is capable of explaining the observed variance in the larger number of variables. The
reduced factors can also be used for further analysis.

% of variable Mean
Factor1-job environment 62.996

1.1Self esteem 0.851 3.8
1.2 Training and development 0.871 4.05
1.3 Safety and health conditions 0.941 3.77
1.4 Interpersonal relations 0.912 3.38
1.5 Decision making 0.699 3.79
Factor 2 social relevance 11.513

2.1 Motivation 0.707 3.76
2.2Career opportunities 0.711 3.26
2.3Workschedule 0.642 3.13
2.4 Rewards and recognition 0.839 3.55
Factor 3 6.799

3.1Jobsatisfaction 0.567 4.22
Factor 4 maintenance 5.328
4.1 Physical working conditions 0.608 3.54
4.2 Maintenance of recreation clubs 0.386 3.54

Table shows that Factor 1 Job environment which plays an important role in NTPC
which is related to five attributes self esteem, training and development, safety ,interpersonal
relations ,decision making .From the table among these five factors safety and health
conditions play an important factor which has factor loading of 0.941 and mean value of
3.77.This shows that NTPC employees give more importance to safety and healthy conditions
in accordance to that NTPC Ramagundam has 5S system, first aid , restrooms ,crches,
safety equipments, fire engine facilities to take care of safety and healthy conditions of
their employees. Interpersonal relations is the second attribute showing the factor loading of
0.912 this shows that there are good interpersonal relations between employees and there is a
good culture between employees to accept and respect each other . Most of NTPC employees
feel esteemed to be part of NTPC. Third important attribute is Training and development
with factor loading of .871 and mean value of 4.05 .NTPC has Employee development
Centre in which it gives training to employees . Compensation and package has factor
loading of 0.897 this means NTPC employees are highly satisfied with their compensation
and package

Factor 2 is social relevance , it consists of four attributes motivation, career opportunities,
work schedule ,rewards and recognition. From the table it is found that rewards and
recognition plays an important role which has mean value of 3.55 employees performance is
evaluated based on the key performance indicators annually performance assessment will be
done basing on the key target .Employees are given rewards and recognitions for their efforts
Employees are given career and counselling classes for motivation .Employees have flexible
schedule work timing they are having three shifts. Employees are involved in corporate
social responsibility .

Factor 3 is job satisfaction which has factor loading of 0.567 and mean value of 4.22, this
means that employees are satisfied with their job role and some of the employees expressed
that job rotation should be done .

Factor 4 is maintenance which consists of two attributes maintenance of physical working
conditions and maintenance of recreation clubs which has factor loading of 0.68 and 0.567
which has mean value of 3.54 . Physical working conditions in plant are maintained with
hygienic conditions implementation of 5S system is done in order to maintain clean and neat
working conditions to employees .NTPC Ramgundam provides employees good
accommodation facilities to employees with standard maintenance in providing electricity,
water and road facilities .Recreation clubs are present in order to recreate and refresh their
employees NTPC Ramgundam has swimming pool ,Auditorium, Sports club ,Ladies club
,library ,NTPC club .


KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling
Bartlett's Test of
Approx. Chi-Square 4.682E3
Df 190
Sig. .001

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and Bartlett's Test :
It measures strength of the relationship among variables. The KMO measures the sampling
adequacy which should be greater than 0.5 for a satisfactory factor analysis to proceed.
Kaisen (1974) recommend 0.5 as minimum (barely accepted),values between 0.7-0.8
acceptable, and values above 0.9 are superb.
In the table KMO test significance is 0.881 this means that data is reliable and acceptable .

Bartlett's test is another indication of the strength of the relationship among variables. This
tests the null hypothesis that the correlation matrix is an identity matrix. An identity matrix is
matrix in which all of the diagonal elements are 1 and all off diagonal elements are 0. You
want to reject this null hypothesis. From the same table, we can see that the Bartlett's test of
sphericity is significant its associated probability is less than 0.05. In fact, it is actually 0.01,
i.e. the significance level is small enough to reject the null hypothesis. This means that
correlation matrix is not an identity matrix


Scree Plot
The scree plot is a graph of the eigenvalues against all the factors. The graph is useful for
determining how many factors to retain. The point of interest is where the curve starts to
flatten. It can be seen that the curve begins to flatten between factors and 5. Note also that
factor 5 has an eigenvalue of less than 1, so only four factors have been retained.
Eigenvalue: The standardized variance associate with a particular factor. The sum of the
eigenvalues cannot exceed the number of items in the analysis, since each item contributes
one to the sum of variances.


Rotated Component Matrix

Rotated Component Matrix

relevance Job satisfaction
Self esteem 0.7
Working conditions 0.64
Motivation work 0.86
Training & development 0.87
Safety and health 0.76
Recognition of work by
Communication 0.79
Interpersonal relations 0.9
Decision making 0.78
Job satisfaction .201 0.86
Compensation and pay 0.87
Appraisal 0.77
Accomodation 0.8
Procedures .097
Career 0.75
Stress 0.88
Schedule work 0.24
Canteen 0.75 .
Rewards recognition 0.72
Recreation clubs 0.54
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.

Rotated Component Matrix

relevance Job satisfaction
Self esteem 0.7
Working conditions 0.64
Motivation work 0.86
Training & development 0.87
Safety and health 0.76
Recognition of work by
Communication 0.79
Interpersonal relations 0.9
Decision making 0.78
Job satisfaction .201 0.86
Compensation and pay 0.87
Appraisal 0.77
Accomodation 0.8
Procedures .097
Career 0.75
Stress 0.88
Schedule work 0.24
Canteen 0.75 .
Rewards recognition 0.72
Recreation clubs 0.54

The idea of rotation is to reduce the number factors on which the variables under
investigation have high loadings. Rotation does not actually change anything but makes
te interpretation of the analysis easier
In analysis 20 factors were given which are reduced to four factors as Job environment,
social relevance ,job satisfaction and maintenance .



Total Variance Explained
Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings
Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 12.599 62.996 62.996 12.599 62.996 62.996 9.063 45.315 45.315
2 2.303 11.513 74.509 2.303 11.513 74.509 3.540 17.702 63.017
3 1.360 6.799 81.308 1.360 6.799 81.308 2.856 14.278 77.295
4 1.066 5.328 86.636 1.066 5.328 86.636 1.868 9.341 86.636
.821 4.106 90.743
.508 2.538 93.281
.365 1.825 95.106
.212 1.061 96.167
.208 1.038 97.205
.147 .733 97.938
.091 .453 98.392
.075 .375 98.767
.057 .284 99.051
.053 .263 99.314
.037 .187 99.501
.034 .168 99.670
.023 .115 99.785
.021 .103 99.888
.012 .058 99.947
.011 .053 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.


Total Variance
Table shows all the factors extractable from the analysis along with their eigenvalues,
the percent of variance attributable to each factor, and the cumulative variance of the factor
and the previous factors. First factor job environment contributes 62.996% variance
second factor social relevancecontributes 11.513% of variance third factor job
satisfaction contributes 6.79% of variance fourth factor maintenancecontribute 5.328% of
variance .
Principal component method seeks values of the loadings that bring the estimate of the total
communality as close as possible to the total of the observed variances


Discussions and findings of study

Findings :

1) Employees feel esteem to be part of NTPC
2) Employees are satisfied with their compensation and pay ,they feel more secure in
their job
3) The key human resources functions like, training and development policies are quite
4) The encouragement given by the superiors is good.
5) As the worker satisfaction is very important to the organizational success, the
superiors of managers should play an important role in identifying the performance of
employees which ultimately helps in designing pay scales according to their work.
6) The employees are good in maintaining harmonious interpersonal relations at work
7) Employees feel that their work being recognized by strictly following promotion
8) 5 S system is maintained to make neat and clean environment in the plants.
9) Canteen provides good quality of food at subsidized rates .
10) Township facilities are provided to permanent employees .
11) Employees
12) The employees are quite contended with their job, which experience them future
13) Some of the employees expressed that they are unable to maintain work life balance
due to location of work place
14) Employees feel that job rotation is not done properly .
15) Motivation of employee performance at work place is good.
16) The employee participation in the management activities is quite positive.
The employees are completely satisfied with total quality management concept.


The researcher would like to give the following recommendations.
should be enhanced. Dialogue culture among the employer and employees needs to be
introduced. It is an effective tool for organizational culture change and for performance
improvement and also reduces the dissatisfaction and unrest of firm production.
correction measure to be taken in time to time.

yees satisfaction and QWL in, Employers need to embrace a certain level
of employment security, job safety, free from job anxiety, reasonable wage, family
day/leisure life, social life enjoyment opportunity, and participation in decision making.
rk activities to be developed for more productivity/performance/Training to be
introduced in all level for performance and job satisfaction.



Every organization has to satisfy some of the basic needs and demands of its employees
because the satisfied and motivated employees are the sources of achieving organizational
goals and objectives. Employees are able to balance their lives between professional and
personal commitments. Thus people in NTPC would like to live without stress and lead better
quality of worklife.

In order to use maximum potentials of the human resources, the organization has to provide
them with the best quality of their work life. Therefore every organization needs to update
and improve the quality of work life of employees.
From the study it was clear that the overall quality of work life is good in NTPC-


Employee Name :
Designation :
Department :
Age :
Experience :
Employee id :
Name : Gender:
Employee id : Designation:

1.Feeling esteemed to be in NTPC
1. Strongly agree 2. Moderately agree 3. Agree 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree
2.Job related working condition are good
1. Strongly agree 2. Moderately agree 3. Agree 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree
3. Job environment and working conditions are motivating
1. Strongly agree 2. Moderately agree 3. Agree 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree
4.Training and development improves your career and opportunities
1. Strongly agree 2. Moderately agree 3. Agree 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree
5. Maintenance of safety and health conditions is good
1. Strongly agree 2. Moderately agree 3. Agree 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree
6. Your work is recognized by superiors
1. Strongly agree 2. Moderately agree 3. Agree 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree
7. There is good communication flow in departments
1. Strongly agree 2. Moderately agree 3. Agree 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree
8. There are good interpersonal relations between employees
1. Strongly agree 2. Moderately agree 3. Agree 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree

9. Employees are involved in decision making
1. Strongly agree 2. Moderately agree 3. Agree 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree
10. You are highly satisfied with your job
1. Strongly agree 2. Moderately agree 3. Agree 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree
11. Compensation and pay is good
1. Strongly agree 2. Moderately agree 3. Agree 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree
12.Introduction of self appraisal system will benefit employees
Strongly agree 2. Moderately agree 3. Agree 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree

13. Medical and accomdation facilties are good
1. Strongly agree 2. Moderately agree 3. Agree 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree
14.Rules and policies ,procedures of company are good to employees
1.Strongly agree 2. Moderately agree 3. Agree 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree
15.There are more opprtunites for career growth
1. Strongly agree 2. Moderately agree 3. Agree 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree
16.level of stress is high due to work
1. Strongly agree 2. Moderately agree 3. Agree 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree
17.workschedule is flexible and good
1. Strongly agree 2. Moderately agree 3. Agree 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree
18.cantene provides quality lunch at subsidizes rates
1. Strongly agree 2. Moderately agree 3. Agree 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree
19.Rewards and recognition are encouraging and motivating to employees
1.Strongly agree 2. Moderately agree 3. Agree 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree
20. Maintenance of recreation clubs is good
1. Strongly agree 2. Moderately agree 3. Agree 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree


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