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Faculty of Industrial Information Technology


IBD 1124
C++ Programming
Diploma Computer Application in Business

Semester 2/ 2008/2009 (Dec-Apr)

Lecturer : Izwan Suhadak Ishak (Mr. Su)

Room : Lecturer’s Room (Q)1, Level 2, FITM
Phone : 017 656 0102
Email :
Web :
Group : G1

Subject Synopsis

Students will explore and learn about algorithm as a structure to solve the problem
and they will use flow chart method to show the work flow. In this subject, student
will use C++ language to code the program and learn how to use this language to
solve the complex problem.

Subject Objectives

To gather and expose the students to form of algorithm, develop program and
coding the program to solve any problem via computer.

Lecture & Lab Schedule:

Day Tuesday Monday

Time 4.00 PM – 6.00 PM 5.00 PM – 8.00 PM

Venue BK 9 GL 002 (MK 7)

Consultation Hours:

Day Friday

Time 8.30 AM – 11.30 AM

Venue Lecturer Room

 Prefer during one hour after lecture or lab

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Course Planning :

Weeks Content Coursework

Chapter 1 : Programming Language
1.1 Programming language - Lecture
1 1.2 Programming approach - Lab
1.3 Evaluation of Programming

Chapter 1 : Programming Language

- Lecture
1.4 Language translator
- Lab
2 1.5 Programming life cycle
- Intro Visual C++
1.6 Introduction to C++
- Quiz 1
Chapter 2 : Program Structure
2.1 Program structure
2.2 C++ standard Libraries - Lecture
3 2.3 tokens, identifiers, variables and keyword - Lab
2.4 Basic data types
2.5 Constant

2.6 Declaring variables declaration of variables

2.7 Initializing variables
- Lecture
2.8 Operators
- Lab
4 2.9 Escape sequences
- Quiz 2
2.10 Input/Output
2.11 Comment

Chapter 3 : Selection
3.1 if Statement - Lecture
3.2 if-else statement - Lab
3.3 Nested if-else statement - Quiz 3
3.4 if-else statement using logical operators
3.5 Switch statement
Chapter 4 : Iteration or Loop - Lecture
4.1 WHILE loop - Lab
4.2 FOR loop - Submit LE1

Chapter 4 : Iteration or Loop

- Lecture
4.3 DO .. WHILE loop
- Lab
7 4.4 nested loop
- Quiz 4
4.5 break statements and continue statements

8 Semester Break – Have a nice day! - Mind Retreat!

9 Chapter 5 : Functions - Lecture

5.1 Built in function - Lab
5.2 User defined Function - Quiz 5
5.3 How to create and use User-Defined Functions - Submit LE2
5.4 Variable scopes (28/9/2007)
5.5 Passing Arguments MID-TERM TEST
5.6 Return values (Lab

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- Lecture
Chapter 6 : Arrays
- Lab
6.1 One Dimensional Array
10 - Quiz 6
6.2 Multidimensional array : Two dimensional

Chapter 7 : Pointers
7.1 Pointer Variable Declarations and Initialization
7.2 Pointers and One Dimensional Array
Chapter 8 : Characters and Strings - Lecture
8.1 Characters - Lab
8.2 String - Submit LE3
Chapter 9 : File Processing
9.1 File Input and File Output
9.2 Open and Close File

Chapter 10 : Structures
10.1 Declaring Structural Variables
- Lecture
10.2 Accessing Structure Member
12 - Lab
10.3 Arrays of Structures
10.4 Nested Structures

Chapter 11 : Introduction to Class and Object

11.1 A Class
11.2 Class Definition
- Lecture
13 11.3 An Object
- Submit Project
11.4 Access Member of A Class
11.5 Access Specifier


15 REVISION WEEK - Final Exam Tips

Main Module :

Saliyah Kahar, Fadzilah Che Fauzi dan Izwan Suhadak Ishak (2007) “Modul
Pengaturcaraan C++”

Extra References :

Gary J. Bronson (2006) “Program Development and Design Using C++”, Brooks/
Cole Thompson Learning.

Hennefeld Baker Burchard(2003) “Using C++ - An Introduction to Programming”,

Brooks/ Cole Thompson Learning.

Don Gosselin (2002), “Microsoft Visual C++.Net”, Course Technology.

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D.S Malik (2007), “C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis To Program Design”,
Third Edition, Thomson Course Technology.

Assessments Course :

Assessments Marks Quantity

Lab Exercise (LE) 10 % 3+
Quizzes + Commitment 10 % 3+
Project 20 % 1
Mid-Term Test (Paper + Lab) 20 % 2
Final Exam 40 % 1
TOTAL 100 % 10

Important Notes:

1. Students who are absent for more than 80% of the prescribed classes can be
barred from final exam which will result into receiving no grade for the paper.

2. Using information from other sources and not citing the source is plagiarism,
a form of CHEATING. When you are working with other students, please
remember that failing to contribute adequately to the project but taking full
credit for other ;s efforts is also a form for cheating. If you are caught
CHEATING or TRYING TO CHEAT in your assignment(s), quiz(s), test(s) or
final exam, you can and will be punished accordingly

3. Students attending the class must follow and adhere to the University’s dress
code. Any student caught not adhering to said dress code can and will be
prohibited from attending my class(s) and any loss resulted from his/her
absentee regarding this matter will be his/her own liability.

4. Students at all time should maintain good manners with other student’s,
lecturers and other university’s staff.

5. Respect lecture and other student’s times and rights. No messaging (SMS) or
telephoning is allowed during class.

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