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1. What type of tubes used in Air o!p oo"er#

A. $prin% type
&. f"oatin%
'. ( type
D. fi)ed type
*. +he ,ater fro! dishar%e side of the entrifu%a" pu!p is supp"ied as sea"in% ,ater to the stuffin%
bo) for the pu!p shaft at-
A. Sealing ring
B. Shaft sleeve
C. Lantern ring
D. Neck bush
.. Whih of the fo""o,in% ,ou"d be the orret ,ay(s) of usin% a tor/ue ,renh#
A. Application of jerk pulls while tightening
B. Using an extension
C. ightening be!on" the characteristic clicking soun"
D. None of the above
0. 'hro!iu! is a nob"er !eta" ,hen o!pared to that of stee". In so!e !arine app"iations
'hro!iu! is e"etrop"ated to the stee" surfaes. Why#
A. 'hro!iu! is a !ore nob"e !eta" so it ,i"" not %et orroded and thus stee" surfaes ,i""
re!ain proteted
&. 'hro!iu! p"atin% pro1ides orrosion protetion as ,e"" as hi%h %"ossiness and hi%h
hardness for better ,ear resistane and redued frition to the stee" surfaes
C. Chro#iu# plating is re$uire" for provi"ing high glossiness an" high har"ness for better wear
resistance an" re"uce" friction to the steel surfaces an" not for corrosion protection
D. Chro#iu# reacts with steel to for# an allo! "uring electroplating which is corrosion resistant
2. 'orret !ethod of %reasin% a entrifu%a" pu!p bearin% is-
A. +o pu!p the %rease unti" you fee" hi%h ba3 pressure on the Grease pu!p
&. +o pu!p the %reasefor .40 pu!pin% stro3es of Grease pu!p for eah bearin%
'. +o pu!p the %rease ,hen the pu!p is stopped and drain any o"d %rease at the sa!e ti!e
by openin% the drain p"u%5 %i1in% on"y .40 pu!pin% stro3es on Grease pu!p for eah bearin%.
the drain p"u% shou"d then be rep"aed
D. +o pu!p the %rease ,hen the pu!p is runnin% and drain any o"d %rease at the sa!e ti!e
by openin% the drain p"u%5 unti" a"" the o"d %rease is re!o1ed and ne, %rease starts o!in%
out of the drain5 repeatin% sa!e for eah bearin%. the drain p"u% shou"d then be rep"aed
6. 'entrifu%a" pu!ps annot hand"e air and re/uire pri!in%. &ut you are a,are that entrifu%a"
,hih on the sa!e prinipa" an hand"e air 1ery ,e"". Whih t,o properties of air are
responsib"e beause of ,hih the entrifu%a" pu!ps annot hand"e air-4
A. 7"uidity on"y
&. Density on"y
'. &oth f"uidity and density
D. 'o!pressibi"ity
8. 9u!p dri1en "uth type attahed 1auu! pu!ps are o!!on"y used for pri!in% ba""ast pu!ps
and e!er%eny fire pu!ps. What is the fator ,hih "uthes the 1auu! pu!p "uth to
the pu!p "uth durin% start of the pu!p#
A. Lo, sution pressure atin% a%ainst the sprin% "oaded "uthin% piston
&. :i%h sution pressure atin% a%ainst the sprin% "oaded "uthin% piston
'. Lo, dishar%e pressure atin% a%ainst the sprin% "oaded "uthin% piston
D. :i%h dishar%e pressure atin% a%ainst the sprin% "oaded "uthin% piston
;. It is %i1en that en%ine roo! bi"%e pu!p has sution !anifo"d on ,hih . 1a"1es are "oated. One
1a"1e for the . en%ine roo! bi"%e ,e""s sution5 another one for &i"%e tan3 sution and the
third one is for sea ,ater sution. It is found that the &i"%e pu!p is unab"e to ta3e sution
fro! any of the bi"%e ,e""s5 but is ab"e to ta3e sution effiient"y fro! &i"%e tan3. What is
the !ost probab"e ause#
A. 9u!p sution fi"ter o1er %as3et "ea3in%
&. $ution fi"ter o1er %as3et of one of the &i"%e ,e""s is "ea3in%
'. &i"%e ,e"" sution pipe"ine "ea3in% bet,een indi1idua" bi"%e ,e"" 1a"1es and sution
!anifo"d 1a"1e
D. &i"%e pu!p sution pipe"ine "ea3in% bet,een the !anifo"d and the pu!p
<. Inreasin% the rotationa" speed of a ar%o pu!p the pu!p f"o, rate ,i""-
A. Inrease in diret proportion to the inrease in speed
&. Derease in diret proportion to the inrease in speed
'. 7"o, rate doesn=t###t depend upon speed
D. 7"o,
1>. It has been reported that En%ine roo! bi"%e pu!p ,as unab"e to ta3e sution fro! 7,d. (9) bi"%e
,e"" ,hi"e it ta3in% sution effiient"y fro! 7,d.($) ? aft bi"%e ,e""s. What ou"d be the
!ost probab"e ause#
A. +here is "ea3a%e in the bi"%e sution pipe"ine so!e,here bet,een the bi"%e ,e""s and bi"%e
&. +he 7,d. (9) bi"%e ,e"" sution 1a"1e !i%ht be "ea3in%
C. he %w". &'( bilge well suction filter cover gasket #ight be leaking
D. he pu#p nee"s to be overhaule"
11. Whih of the fo""o,in% is a orret point for sa!p"in% of syste! "ube oi" for on board or
shore ana"ysis#
A. Stan"pipes
B. 'urifier outlets
C. )nlet or outlet of L. *. coolers
D. ank "rains
1*. Whih type of 1a"1e is not rotatin% type....
a) %ate 1@1
b)butterf"y 1@1
)ba"" 1@1
d)p"u% 1@1
1.. E!er%eny steerin% testin%
+. ,eekl!
-. .onthl!
/. At least / #onths
0. Before arrival n "eparture
10. Rudder is "o3ed at an an%"e ? an be !o1ed by !anua" han%e44444444
1. 7o""o, up
*. Non fo""o, up
12. AE':ANI'AL $EAL$ ARE NO+ ($ED IN....
0. ALL O7 +:E A&OCE
16. When seurin% a entrifu%a" disti""ate pu!p5 ,hih of the "isted steps shou"d be arried out
1. $top the pu!p.
*. '"ose the pressure %a%e 1a"1es.
.. +rip the three4,ay so"enoid 1a"1e.
0. '"ose the sea"in% "ine 1a"1es to the pu!p.
18. Whih of the fo""o,in% 1a"1es annot pre1ent ba3f"o, of "i/uid in a pipe"ine#
A. Gate 1a"1e
&. G"obe 'he3 Ca"1e
'. $,in% 'he3 Ca"1e
D. An%"e he3 1a"1e
1;. After your o1erhau" a entrifu%a" pu!p is not rotatin% ,hat !ay be the possib"e ause-
a. (ne1en ti%htenin% of asin% bo"ts
b.Gas3et thi3ness 1ery thin
.Aore ,ear rin% "earane
d.On"y a
e. a and b
f. a and
1<. 9u!p dri1en "uth type attahed 1auu! pu!ps are o!!on"y used for pri!in% ba""ast pu!ps
and e!er%eny fire pu!p. What is the fator ,hih de4"uthes the 1auu! pu!p fro!
the pu!p "uth#
A. Lo, sution pressure atin% a%ainst the sprin% "oaded de"uthin% piston
&. :i%h sution pressure atin% a%ainst the sprin% "oaded de"uthin% piston
'. Lo, dishar%e pressure atin% a%ainst the sprin% "oaded de"uthin% piston
D. :i%h dishar%e pressure atin% a%ainst the sprin% "oaded de"uthin% piston
*>. +he !ain disad1anta%es of a reiproatin% pu!p o1er a Gear pu!p is that-
A. A %ear pu!p is se"f pri!in% ,hi"e a reiproatin% pu!p is not
B. Discharge of a gear pu#p is not affecte" b! the "irection of rotation while that of reciprocating
pu#p is reverse"
C. he "ischarge of reciprocating pu#p is pulsating an" "ischarge rate is lesser
D. 1eciprocating pu#ps are onl! available in high capacities an" for s#aller capacities onl! gear
pu#ps can be use"
**. After "eanin% the sea hest fi"ter you ha1e p"aed the fi"ter in the body and ti%htened the o1er.
Whih one of the fo""o,in% is the best a"ternati1e#
A. Dou an open the fi"ter in"et and out"et 1a"1es ? diret"y start usin% the fi"ter
B. )f !ou "o not want to use the sea chest in $uestion2 !ou nee" not worr! an" !ou can open the
valves when re$uire"
C. Sea ,ater inlet valve shoul" be crack opene"2 the filter bo"! shoul" be purge"2 an! leakages
an" thereafter filter can be kept isolate" or use" as re$uire"
D. 3ou will close the other si"e sea chest valves first an" then open this si"e sea chest filter inlet
an" outlet valves
*.. In ,hih of the fo""o,in% types of refratory fai"ure5 softenin% of the refratory bri3s ta3es p"ae
due to presene of sodiu!@1anadiu! in fue"#
A. $pa""in%
&. 'ra3in%
'. $hrin3a%e ra3in%
D. $"a%%in%
*0. entrifu%a" pu!p ,i"" typia""y %i1e you a "o, f"o, rate at a "o,er pressure5 ,here a piston pu!p
,i"" %i1e you !ore pressure and hi%her f"o, rate. Is the state!ent orret#
C. %irst Sentence is right. Secon" one is wrong
D. ) "on5t know
*2. Dou are pu!pin% out s"ud%e to a shore fai"ity usin% your s"ud%e pu!p. Dou find that the
dishar%e rate of pu!p is 1ery s"o, and sution fi"ter is %ettin% "o%%ed fre/uent"y. What is the best
a"ternati1e to ounterat the prob"e!#
A. 1e#ove the pu#p suction filter an" pu#p out the tank
B. )ncrease the tank te#perature2 keep an e!e on the pu#p suction pressure an" clean the filter as
soon as it "rops
C. As soon as the as the shore facilit! tells !ou that the! are not receiving an! slu"ge2 !ou stop the
pu#p an" clean the filter
D. %abricate a bigger #esh si6e suction filter an" use in place of nor#al filter so that fre$uenc! of
filter blockage is re"uce" an" !ou can get a better "ischarge rate
*6. 9u!p $tart but Aotor %et o1er"oaded or +rip on o1er"oad.
A. A"i%n!ent is ,ron%
&. G"and pa3in% too ti%ht
'. Worn out @ Da!a%ed ba"" bearin%
D. 'a1itations e)ists
E. A"" of the abo1e
*8. A ba"" 1a"1e is found "ea3in% in ser1ie and needs to be o1erhau"ed. What type of repairs an be
arried out#
a. +he ba"" and seat an be "apped to%ether
b. +he ba"" an be !ahined ,hi"e the seat an be rep"aed
. Nor!a""y both the non4!eta""i seats %et ,orn out and ha1e to be rep"aed
d. Nor!a""y ba"" %ets da!a%ed and has to be rep"aed
*;. +he differene bet,een the dishar%es of a entrifu%a" pu!p n reiproatin% pu!p
the dishar%e of entrifu%a" pu!p is 4444444444,hi"e that if reiproatin% is 444444444
A) +urbu"ent5 La!inar
&) Inter!ittent5 ontinuous
') 'ontinuous5 pu"satin%
D) 9u"satin%5 ontinuous
*<. 9urifier is not rotatin% ,ith desired rp!5 reason#
1. 7re/ueny "o,
*. &us bar 1o"ta%e "o,
.. 7rition pads ,orn out

.>. +he funtion of an au!u"ator on the dishar%e side of a reiproatin% bi"%e pu!p is
A. $upp"y "i/uid e1en ,hen the pu!p is not runnin%
&. Da!pen out the pressure pu"ses and s!oothen the f"o,
'. Inrease the dishar%e pressure by storin% "i/uid under pressure
D. No suh de1ie is re/uired to be fitted to !odern bi"%e pu!ps
.1. +he !ost i!portant ontro" !easure to pre1ent boi"er tube fai"ure is-
A. (se of proper refratory !ateria"
&. 9roper !aintenane of fue" burnin% e/uip!ent
'. 9roper !aintenane of boi"er ,ater ondition
D. A"" of the abo1e
.*. Refer oo"in% tubes at as se"f4oo"in% ? e)pansion by
a) $trai%ht tube
b) ( tube
) $prin% tube
... 7.O. transfer pu!p ,as ,or3in% effiient"y5 but it stopped ta3in% sution sudden"y. +here is a
soundin% of 6.> ! in the 7.O. deep tan3. +he sution pressure %au%e ,as rene,ed reent"y
and is
sho,in% a positi1e pressure ,hen pu!p is runnin%5 but 9u!p is not transferrin% any 7.O.
What is
the !ost probab"e ause#
A. 9u!p is da!a%ed and needs o1erhau"
B. Suction filter cover gasket #ight leaking
C. 'u#p relief valve #ight be leaking
D. he pu#p suction pipeline is blocke"
.0. A ba"" 1a"1e ,as found "ea3in% in ser1ie. (pon inspetion it ,as found that the 9+7E seat had
,orn out and ,as rene,ed. +he 1a"1e stopped "ea3in% in "osed ondition. :o, do thin3 a
ba"" 1a"1e pro1ides perfet sea"in%#
A. +he seat fitted is s"i%ht"y s!a""er than the outer di!ensions of the ba""5 thus pro1idin%
interferene fit ,hen "osed
&. Either a f"oatin% seat is pressed onto trunnion supported ba"" by "i/uid pressure or f"oatin%
ba"" is pressed onto the seat
'. &a"" is not e)at"y spheria" and is shaped suh that durin% "osure the surfae o!in% into
ontat ,ith seat is of s"i%ht"y bi%%er dia!eter pro1idin% sea"in%
D. $eat is not e)at"y spheria"5 but s"i%ht"y tapered so that durin% "osure the ba"" sits ti%ht"y
on the seat
.2. 'opper tubin% is used in refri%erant syste! beause
A) It has "ess interna" resistane
&) It is heaper o!pared to other !ateria"s.
') It is easier to he3 "ea3s in opper based syste!
D)None of the abo1e
.6. ( R responsib"e for dai"y transfers of en%ine roo! bi"%es. ( fo""o, the se/uenes aft Ef,d (9)4
f,d(s) bi"%e ,e"" n u ha1e ne1er e)periened a prob"e! but 2@E started the transfer n first
transferred for,ard (s) bi"%e ,e"" n ,ithout any prob"e! n u Foin hi! "ater u find that
bi"%e pu!p is not ta3in% sution fr f(p) n aft bi"%e ,e"" n then u ha1e he3ed e1erythin% is
nor!a". What is the ause#
A) 2th en%ineer !ade a !ista3e by 1st transferrin% the f,d (s) bi"%e ,e""5 nor!a" se/uene of
operation for en%ine roo! !ahineries shou"d not b disturbed.
&) 7,d (s) &i"%e ,e"" sution 1a"1e is "ea3in%
') &i"%e pu!p sution fi"ter o1er %as3et is "ea3in%.
D) 7,d (s) &i"%e ,e"" sution fi"ter o1er %as3et is "ea3in%.
.8. +he %"and pa3in% of entrifu%a" pu!p shou"d ha1e
A) Not a""o, any brea3a%e under the sution pressure.
&) $hou"d on"y a""o, drop by drop ontinuous "ea3a%e under positi1e sution
') $hou"d a""o, onsiderab"e "ea3a%e
.;. Whih of the fo""o,in% 1a"1e is "iab"e to open or "ose under pressure of f"uid5 if not "o3ed in
1. Gate 1a"1e
*. G"obe 1a"1e
.. 9"u% 1a"1e
0. &utterf"y 1a"1e
.<. If de, point inreases ,hat happens to ,et bu"b te!p and dry bu"b te!p#
Wi"" be sa!e
0>. +he de, point is reahed ,hen the ,et bu"b te!perature is
E/ua" to the dry bu"b te!perature
01. As the a!ount of !oisture in the air inreases5 the differene bet,een the dry bu"b and ,et bu"b
te!peratures ,i""GGGG..
$etion *-
1. E$D III refratory
a. %ire
b. )nsulation
c. .e#brane webs
*. 'han%e in 1o"u!e in "osed oo"in% syste! is ahie1ed by
a. %resh water expansion tank
.. +urbohar%er !ost preferred
a. Cheap
b. Boost air pressure
c. )ncrease efficienc!
". 1e"uce nox
0. Airobia" de%radation
a. Corrosive
b. Stable e#ission
c. Caustic fire
". All the above
2. 7untion of a de4superheater is to.
A. 9rotet superheater fro! o1erheat
&. 'ontro" superheater stea! out"et te!perature
'. Inrease the effiieny of the boi"er
D. Redue stea! te!perature for au)i"iary uses after stea! superheater
6. Why shou"d o!bustion b"o,ers "eft runnin% for ,hi"e after firin% a boi"er#
a. o cool the furnace internal
b. o re#ove the gases
c. o cool tubes
". None
8. DeHinifiation of brass an be pre1ented by introdution of additi1es "i3e
a. Nickel
b. Cobalt
c. arsenic
". ungsten
;. 9rinip"e of fire fi%htin% onboard is
a. ,atering of fire
b. Starving of fire
c. Cooling
". S#othering of fire
<. Whih of the fo""o,in% used in boi"er treat!ent is an o)y%en sa1en%in%
a. 'ol!#er
b. Neutrali6ing a#ine
c. So"iu# sulphate
". %il#ing a#ine
1>. $a"inity of disti""ed ,ater produed depends upon I
a. A#ount of fee" set
b. A#ount of salt water
c. e#p of sea water inlet
11. :i%h pressure differentia" of a A@E LO fi"ter on"y an be redued by
a. Back flushing filter
b. Changing over to stan"b! filter
c. Change .74
1*. +he LO te!perature
a. Start increases i##e"iatel!
b. Start "ecreases i##e"iatel!
c. ,ill be #aintaine" at the set point
". Can5t #aintain at the set point an" "ecrease slowl!
1.. 7i)ed 1ane type e!er%eny fire pu!p pri!in% 1auu! pu!p. After one ,ee3 fire pu!p not
ta3in% sution. +he 1auu! pu!p is en%a%in%5 but not de1e"opin% 1auu! in the sution side.
What ,i"" be the ause#
a. Suction filter of the pu#p clogge"
b. Suction filter cover gasket leaks
c. 8acuu# pu#p not overhaule" properl!
". Sealing water tank is e#pt!
10. $in%"e sre, pu!p used as s"ud%e pu!p the orret tehnia" na!e.
a. Snake pu#p
b. Screw pu#p
c. 'rogressive cavit! pu#p
". 9ear pu#p
12. E)essi1e "ubriator in o!pressor "eads to
a. Deco#pression
b. Detonation
c. Sticking in valves an"
". Carr! over an" "eposit of all particles in pipe line an" reservoir
16. 'orrosion ours in oo"in% fresh ,ater syste! of !arine diese" en%ine
a. Stress corrosion
b. :ot corrosion
c. Bi#etallic corrosion
". Selective phase corrosion
18. 9urpose of e1aporator in do!esti refri%eration syste!
a. o trans#it latent heat of evaporation
b. o absorb latent heat of fussion
c. o absorb latent heat of evaporation
". o trans#it latent heat of fussion
1;. $udden "osin% and openin% of 1a"1e in sea ,ater pipe"ine "eads to
a. Cavitations
b. ,ater ha##ering
c. Stea# ha##ering
". here is no proble#
1<. 'entrifu%a" pu!p han%e o1er for pu!pin% "i/uid of hi%h speifi %ra1ity the dishar%e at the
rated apaity ,i"" be
a. )ncrease
b. Decrease
c. Sa#e
". Convert ;<=
*>. 'entrifu%a" pu!p han%e o1er for pu!pin% "i/uid of hi%h speifi %ra1ity ,hat ,i"" han%e#
a. Discharge pressure
b. Discharge hea"
c. 'ower consu#ption
". 'u#p spee"
*1. We"dabi"ity stee" depends on arbon e/ui1a"ent
a. C4>? <./;
b. C4 between *./@ AND <.0
c. C4 between o.0+ an" o.0;
". C4 between o.0@ an" o.;
**. $ea ,ater out"et te!perature of LO oo"er dereased ,hi"e !ain en%ine "oad and sea ,ater
in"et te!perature not han%ed this indiates
a. Cooler efficienc! has increase"
b. Cooler efficienc! has "ecrease"
c. Sea water outlet te#p nothing to "o with efficienc!
". he flow of sea water re"uce"
*.. &a""ast pu!p sution fi"ters durin% ba""ast in port purpose of %ettin% b"o3ed fre/uent"y you
a. 1e#ove the suction filter
b. Clean fre$uentl! as re$uire" an" also open an" check the sea chest filter
c. Stop using the pu#p an" keep fill in gravit!
". Stop the ballast operation
*0. When stee" o!ponents e"etrop"ated ,ith hro!iu! are used in orrosi1e en1iron!ent
a. Chro#e plating prevents corrosion
b. 'rotection to the steel will be preferentiall! corro"e"
c. Ainc plating is use" on top of chro#e plating for corrosion protection
". hickness of chro#e plating to increase
*2. $tee" is an a""oy of iron arbon and a""oyin% o!ponents ,hat is the arbon ontent#
a. Less than + =
b. Less than -=
c. 9reater than -=
". An! = of carbon
*6. +ube in air o!pressors 5 se"f o!pensatin% for e)pansion (if !u"ti hoie in"ude oi" tube
a. Straight line tube
b. U tube
c. Coil tube
". %loating tube
-B. IIIIIIIIIII boi"er feed pu!ps is used in !odern ships
a. 1eciprocating pu#p
b. :eleshaw pu#p
c. .ultistage centrifugal pu#p
". Single stage centrifugal pu#p
*;. +he atuator of ba""ast 1a"1e in dut 3ee" in port to arry deba""ast open best pratie
a. )nterchange fro# another valve.
b. .anuall! operate"
c. Leave the tank full an" ask for shore assistance.
". 'ortable pu#p through #anhole.
*<. +o redue su"phur orrosion of !ain en%ine o!ponents
a. 1un at nor#al loa"
b. Ato#i6ing pressure of fuel
c. 1otor in exhaust valve
". %uel fee" rate in purifier an" purifier in series
.>. 'rude oi" or rude oi"Jba""ast ,ater of sa!e speifi %ra1ity IIIIIIII urrent in pu!p ,ith
sa!e dishar%e pressure
a. .ore
b. Less
c. Sa#e
". Does not "epen"
.1. Refri%erant o!pressor ,i"" run ontinuous"y
a. oo heav! cooling loa"
b. Air in the s!ste#
c. )nsufficient refrigerant
". An! of the above
.*. 9rotetion of Hin proteti1e oatin% is %ood at
a. ;< "egree Celsius
b. @;
c. C<
". ++;
... Whih anode I''9
a. Ainc
b. Silicon
c. Lea" 2 silver
". 'latini6e" titaniu#
.0. Effeti1e sution b"o,in% of e)haust %as3et
a. .iniu# chance of suction fire
b. )ncrease efficientl!
c. .ini#u# heav! corrosion an" lea"ing tube failure
". All the above
.2. :i%h h"oride of boi"er ,ater is aused by
a. Leaking tube of exhaust stea# con"enser
b. 4xcessive stea# leak resulting high
c. 'oor $ualit! of boiler #ake up water
". All the above
.6. :ot ,or3 onboard
a. Switch alar#
b. Deep fire extinguisher
c. Stan"b! person
". All the above
.8. E)haust %as boi"er fire suitab"e !easures
a. %re$uent suit blowing
b. )ncrease engine spee" to blow suite
c. Stop cooling water circulation to avoi" leakages
". None of the above
.;. In R+ f"e) en%ine ,hih of the fo""o,in% o!!ent of !ain en%ine !ade redundant
a. %uel p7p
b. Starting air v7v
c. Starting air "istributor
". Auxiliar! blower
.<. $a"e 7or!ation in 7WG e1aporator side E
a. increase in shell te#p
b. heat transfer i#paire"
c. pro"uction affecte"
". all
0>. Refer oo"in% tubes at as se"f4oo"in% ? e)pansion by
a( Straight tube
b( U tube
c( Spring tube
01. Whih of the fo""o,in% is an i!portant re/uire!ent for proper funtionin% of sarifiia"
anode syste!#
A. 9oo" )nsulation between ano"es an" shipEEEs hull
B. 9oo" electrical continuit! between ano"es an" shipEEEs hull
C. 'rovi"ing protection of ano"es fro# being painte" over "uring hull painting
D. 'resence of an insulating #aterial between ano"e an" the catho"e
0*. 9urifier "ea3in% bo," opened5 "eaned n sea" rin% han%ed and put ba3 but sti"" "ea3in% ,hat
!i%ht b ,ron%#
A. high te#p
B. high "ensit!
C. "isc si6e not proper
D. rp# low
0.. Inreased fue" inFetion te!perature and !aintainin% reo!!ended 1isosity of a ne, bun3ers
fue" oi".
A. viscother# running fine
B. 'roble# in viscother#
C. best $ualit! bunkers
D. None
00. O1era"" "en%th of pairs of ra!s is redued in ,hih of the fo""o,in% ti""er desi%ns of a steerin%
%ear arran%e!ent#
A. %orke" tiller "esign
B. 1oun" ar# tiller "esign
C. Conventional tiller "esign
D. None of the above
02. In refri%eration iruit5 the data "o%%er ,i"" reord ,hat# (Au"ti hoie)
+. 1oo# te#perature
-. 1echarge te#perature
/. Li$ui" line te#perature
0. Solenoi" valve operation
06. En%a%in% the turnin% %ear and turnin% the en%ine unti" ,or3in% te!peratures are redued
A. Blank starting air to the affecte" c!lin"er
B. Shut c!lin"er oil to the affecte" c!lin"er
C. Shut all c!lin"er liner ports of affecte" c!lin"er
D. *pen relief valve of affecte" c!lin"er
08. Dou as a fourth en%ineer ha1e ta3en o1er ,ath fro! third en%ineer. :e said OW$ is runnin% in
> pp!. &ut after ta3in% o1er ,ath you obser1ed that fresh ,ater f"ushin% 1a"1e is ra3 open. After
"osin% it5 sudden"y the oi" ontent has e)eeded 12pp!. What ,i"" you do#
a. shut the *,S F infor# C4*.
b. shut the *,S but no nee" to infor# an!one.
c. DonGt touch the appratus F infor# C4*.
". Hust check that there is no visible colour7oil traces in sea water so "onGt have to infor# an!one.
0;. With ref to entrifu%a" p@p harateristis ur1es ,hat ,i"" be the effet ,hen p@p is started
A. with suction close"
B. with "ischarge shut
0<. Non destruti1e test is
A. i#pact test
B. Ultraviolet test
2>. 9urpose of obser1ation tan3
A. to check water level
B. check an! oil conta#inate
C. to check alkalinit!
21. +he oatin% on an e"etrode used for e"etri ar ,e"din%
A. creates a gas shiel" to prevent oxi"ation of the wel" #aterial
B. helps the wel" for#ation b! shaping the #etal transfer
C. provi"es an electrical insulation for the user
D. All of the above
2*. Whih 1esse" is !ost"y used for arryin% N:.@ L9G
A. Se#i pressuri6e"
B. %ull! pressuri6e"
C. %ull! refrigerate"
D. All the above
2.. 9u!p5 ,hen oup"ed to onstant speed !otor 5 the dishar%e /uantity ,i"" not han%e ,ith
fo""o,in% pu!ps
A. heleshaw
B. steering gear swash plate t!pe
C. 9ear pu#p
D. None
20. E"etria" fire e)tin%uished by
A. Co-
B. DC'
C. %*A.
22. o1er speed trip of %eneratorK
a. governor has to be check
b. fuel oil s!ste#
26. 9urpose of preferentia" trip to pre1ent
A. blackout
B. o avoi" overloa"
C. to start heav! #achiner!
D. all
28. 7"oodin% in E@R5
A. pu#p out through *,S to overboar"
B. pu#p out through 4.4194NC3 Bilge pu#p
C. pu#p out through 9eneral Service pu#p
D. all
2;. $e,a%e p"ant effiieny is %au%ed by
A. suspen"e" soli"
B. coli count
C. B*D
D. all
2<. In $tern tube5 aft of 7OREWARD $EAL is "ea3in% then
A. forwar" tank oil level increase
B. Drop in hea"er tank level
C. %orwar" tank oil level "ecrease
D. )ncrease in hea"er tank level
6>. IG $yste! nu!ber of no return 1a"1e
A. +
C. /
D. at least one if "eck seal is provi"e" otherwise two
61. E1aporator pressure testin% in (!u"tip"e hoie)
A. 'r. testing in shell
B. Leak test in vacuu# pu#p an" fittings
C. leak test in "istillate pu#p
D. 8acuu# testing in shell
6*. 9LA+E type heat e)han%er is preferred for fo""o,in% ad1anta%e
A. high heat transfer
B. eas! to clean
C. increase" ti#e between clean
D. all
6.. 7or arry out !aFor ,or3 in tan3 E
A. %irst ai" in entrance
B. refresh#ent
C. entr!7exit ti#e of personnel
D. all
62. Inreasin% the rotationa" speed of a ar%o pu!p the pu!p f"o, rate ,i""-
A. )ncrease in "irect proportion to the increase in spee"
B. Decrease in "irect proportion to the increase in spee"
C. %low rate "oesnEEEt "epen" upon spee"
D. %low
66. &oi"er ,ater "e1e" ontro"5 ontro""in% s,e"" and shrin3 of boi"er ,ith
A. fee" water level
B. stea# "ru#
C. water "ru#
D. none of the above
$etion .-
1. +he pressure produed ,ithin the oi" ,ed%e of a rotatin% Fourna" is IIII.
the sa#e as the pressure in the lubricating s!ste#
less than the pressure in the lubricating s!ste#
greater than the pressure in the lubricating s!ste#
highest at the oil groove location
*. Whih of the !ain shaft se%!ents "isted be"o,5 that are onneted ,ith the !ain en%ine5 are
oup"ed to the tai" shaft f"an%e#
hrust shaft
SternItube shaft
)nter#e"iate shaft
Crank shaft
.. 9ipin% ross4setions o1er .> ! in dia!eter are siHed by the IIIIIIIIII.
insi"e "ia#eter
wall thickness
outsi"e "ia#eter
threa"e" "ia#eter
0. +he a!bient heat in an en%ine roo! ,hih is identified by on"y a han%e in te!perature is
3no,n as
sensible heat
latent heat
total heat
resi"ual heat
2. +he usua" nu!ber of sin%"e4atin% pistons used in a 1ariab"e stro3e a)ia"4piston pu!p used for
steerin% %ears is IIIIIIIIIIIII.
/ or ;
; or B
B or C
C or ++
6. :ea1y soot au!u"ations in an au)i"iary boi"er ou"d be aused by IIIII
water in the fuel oil
excessive c!cling
high fuel oil pressure
i#proper burner #aintenance
8. An a)ia" piston pu!p differs fro! a radia" piston pu!p5 as the pistons of an a)ia" piston pu!p
are positioned IIIIIIIII.
ra"iall! fro# the shaft
parallel to each other an" to the shaft
parallel to each other but at a right angle to the shaft
at an angle to each other an" to the shaft
;. In referene to air onditionin%5 ,hen air attains the !a)i!u! a!ount of !oisture it an ho"d at
a speifi te!perature5 it is said to be IIIIIIIIIIIII.
<. 9ositi1e disp"ae!ent5 he"ia" %ear pu!ps are ,e"" suited for pu!pin% oi" beause
stuffing boxes eli#inate the leakage proble#s usuall! associate" with other gear pu#ps
it is not necessar! to closel! #aintain "esign clearances this pu#p
the! are essentiall! selfIpri#ing an" pro"uce a high suction lift
these pu#ps are "esigne" with extre#e tooth angles
1>. +he onia" stee" or o!position one insta""ed on a prope""er5 3no,n as a fair,ater one5
pro1ides ,hih of the fo""o,in% benefits#
1e"uce turbulence
:elp with lubrication
'rotect against electrol!tic corrosion
All of the above
11. It is desirab"e for an au)i"iary boi"er safety 1a"1e to pop open and reseat /ui3"y to
give warning that excessive boiler pressure has been reache"
prevent wire "rawing of the "isc an" seat
prevent valve poun"ing
provi"e sufficient blow "own
1>. +he purpose of the pro%ra!!ed pur%e y"e on an auto!atia""y fired au)i"iary boi"er is to
cool the furnace to prevent preIignition
re#ove explosive vapors fro# the furnace
evaporate accu#ulate" unburne" fuel oil
provi"e sufficient air in the furnace to allow ignition of the fuel
1*. $hort y"in% of a refri%eration o!pressor refers to IIIIIIIIIIIII.
%re$uentl! cutting out on over loa".
fre$uentl! starting an" stopping
running too fast
running too slow
1.. +he e!er%eny bi"%e sution 1a"1e is typia""y used IIIIIIIIIIIII.
to inject cleaning a""itives when the bilges are extre#el! "irt!
when the #ain con"enser beco#es foule"2 in or"er to provi"e a""itional cooling water
to connect the rose box to the in"epen"ent bilge suction
if the bilges beco#e floo"e" an" the! cannot be e#ptie" b! an! other #eans
+0. +he by4produts of o)idation5 as a resu"t of ,ater onta!ination of hydrau"i oi"5 are %enera""y
re#ove" b! cellulose t!pe filters
gu#s2 varnishes2 an" aci"s
alwa!s neutrali6e" b! oil a""itives
har#less an" have no effect on s!ste# co#ponents
+;. ,hich of the following "escribes the purpose of a striker or "oubler plateE
'rovi"es a surface for the application of force2 or the installation of #achiner!.
'rovi"es lan"ing surface for the soun"ing bob of a tank soun"ing tape.
Absorbs #achiner! vibration.
'revents valve ste# over travel.
+@. ,hich of the following state#ents represents the proper relative "irection of flow through a globe
Direction of flow through the valve is uni#portant.
Direction of flow through the valve "epen"s upon the t!pe of seat "esign use" in the valve.
Direction of flow shoul" be fro# below the seat.
Direction of flow shoul" be fro# above the seat.
18. A portion of the ar%o of an LNG arrier boi"s off durin% eah 1oya%e. :o, the ar%o boi"s off is
nor!a""y hand"ed#
Co#presse"2 con"ense"2 an" returne" to the cargo tanks.
8ente" to the at#osphere.
Burne" in the boilers.
.ixe" with nitrogen an" recirculate" through the pri#ar! barrier.
Burnt off in a controlle" #anner through a chi#ne! s#oke stack fro# within the funnel.
1;. In Cesse" onstrution5 bea! bra3ets are trian%u"ar p"ates Foinin% the de3 bea! to a
"eck longitu"inal
1<. +he y"inders and interoo"ers of !ost "o, pressure air o!pressors are oo"ed by I
*>. A one ton air onditionin% syste! has ,hih of the "isted operatin% harateristis#
)t forces approxi#atel! +<<<kgs of refrigerant through the evaporator per "a!.
)t forces approxi#atel! +<<<kgs of air per hour across the evaporator coils.
)ts cooling power e$uals that of #elting approxi#atel! +<<<kgs of ice per "a!.
)t contains approxi#atel! +<<<kgs of refrigerant.
*1. Whih of the !ateria"s "isted is used as the dyna!i sea" !ateria" on !ehania" sea"s insta""ed
on !ost entrifu%a" pu!ps used in ,ater ser1ie#
Copper an" carbon.
**. When usin% a handhe"d ha3sa,5 you shou"d app"y pressure on"y on the for,ard stro3e
onl! when cutting thin wall tubing
onl! when cutting carbon steel
onl! when cutting con"uit
at all ti#es
*.. An i!portant onsideration in se"etin% a "ubriatin% oi" for use in a refri%eration o!pressor is
for the oi" to IIIIIIIIIIII.
have a high viscosit! in"ex
#ix rea"il! with refrigerant
have a high free6ing point
have a low pour point
*0. If the interoo"er re"ief 1a"1e "ifts ,hi"e an air o!pressor is operatin% under "oad5 you shou"d
he3 for IIII
a "efective pressure switch or pilot valve
a leak in the intercooler piping
leakage through the low pressure unloa"er control "iaphrag#
leaking high pressure "ischarge valves
*2. Latent heat an be defined as the heat ,hih !ust be added to a substane in order to han%e it
fro! a
soli" to li$ui"
li$ui" to vapor
soli" to vapor
all of the above
*6. +he desi%nation Lshedu"e ;> e)tra stron% L refers to IIIIIIIIIIII.
weight of steel plate
tensile strength of bolts
piping wall thickness
tube bursting strength
*8. +appin% threads into a b"ind ho"e shou"d be finished by usin% a IIIIII
short tap
taper tap
plug tap
botto#ing tap
*;. Disti""ed ,ater fro! an e1aporator !ay be dishar%ed into a potab"e ,ater tan3
through a "etachable hose connection
after passing through an activate" charcoal filter
after che#ical anal!sis shows it is fit for consu#ption
through a solenoi" operate" threeIwa! valve
*<. +he fators that deter!ine the ser1ie "ife of pa3in% in a pu!p ,i"" in"ude ,hih of the
fo""o,in% onditions#
t!pe of pu#p
con"ition of the shaft
length of ti#e in use
all of the above
.>. 9ersonne" ,or3in% ,ith refri%eration syste!s and subFet to the e)posure of refri%erants shou"d
face shiel"
a respirator
rubber gloves
an all purpose gas #ask
.1. +he abi"ity of a !eta" to be ha!!ered5 or ro""ed out is a""ed its IIIIIIIIIII.
.*. One harateristi of a "ubriatin% oi" ad1erse"y affetin% the resu"ts of entrifu%in% is
high BN value
low oil floc point
low oil "e#ulsibilit!
low oil neutrali6ation nu#ber
... Whih of the de1ies "isted pre1ents ,ater fro! enterin% a shipMs hu"" 1ia the propu"sion shaft#
Stern tube packing or #echanical shaft seal
Deflector ring an" "rain
Spring bearings
*iler rings
.0. With referene to a 1esse"Ms strutura" inte%rity5 the !ost si%nifiant harateristi of a ryo%eni
"i/uid is its IIIIIIIIIIIIII.
capabilit! of causing brittle fractures
highl! corrosive action on #il" steel
vapor clou" which reacts violentl! with saltwater
toxicit! at at#ospheric pressure
.2. +he heat re/uired to han%e a substane fro! a so"id to a "i/uid ,hi"e at its freeHin%
te!perature5 is 3no,n as the "atent heat of IIIIIIIIIIIII.
.6. Whih of the fo""o,in% prob"e!s ourrin% in a hydrau"i syste! an be aused by the use of an
oi" ha1in% a 1isosity "o,er than speified#
Seal "eterioration
%ast response an" hunting
)ncrease" power consu#ption
*il fil# break"own
.8. +he on"y !eans of re!o1in% the "atent heat of ondensation fro! a refri%erant in the nor!a"
refri%eration y"e is by IIIIIIII.
passing it through the expansion valve
con"ensing refrigerant in the s!ste# con"enser
passing the gaseous refrigerant through the heat interchanger on the suction si"e of the
#aintaining a high pressure on the s!ste#Gs receiver
.;. Whih of the fo""o,in% state!ents represents the !ain differene bet,een a stuffin% bo) %"and
and a !ehania" sea" for sea"in% the shaft of a entrifu%a" pu!p#
'acke" stuffing box glan"s are subject to wear2 but #echanical seals are not.
'acke" stuffing box glan"s #ust be coole" b! the li$ui" being pu#pe"2 but #echanical seals "o
not re$uire cooling.
)f packing fails2 the pu#p can be kept running te#poraril! b! tightening the glan"2 but if a
#echanical seal fails it #ust be totall! renewe" to stop the leakage.
he sealing surface of a #echanical seal is parallel to the shaft2 but the sealing surface of a
packe" glan" is perpen"icular to the shaft.
.<. In a she""4and4tube type hydrau"i f"uid oo"er5 the a!ount of heat transferred fro! the
hydrau"i f"uid to the oo"in% ,ater depends upon IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.
the te#perature of the h!"raulic flui"
the flow rate of both the cooling water an" the h!"raulic flui"
the te#perature of the cooling water
all of the above
0>. +he presene of sa"e and dirt on the sa"t,ater side of "ube oi" oo"er is usua""y indiated by
clogge" lube oil strainers
seawater leaking into the lube oil s!ste#
"ecreasing lube oil pressure
gra"uall! increasing lube oil te#perature
01. +he har%in% of a refri%eratin% syste! shou"d be arried out by addin% IIIIIIIIIIIII.
refrigerant vapor to the receiver onl!
li$ui" refrigerant to the low si"e onl!
li$ui" refrigerant to the high si"e onl!
li$ui" refrigerant to the high or low si"e
0*. A "ea3in% sution 1a"1e in the seond sta%e of a t,o sta%e5 hi%h pressure5 air o!pressor an
ause e)essi1e"y hi%h IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.
secon" stage "ischarge pressure
first stage "ischarge pressure
pressure in the after cooler
co#pressor final "ischarge te#perature
0.. 7abri type pa3in%5 suh as f"a) or he!p5 is best suited for IIIIIIIIIIIII.
low te#perature use
high te#perature use
use where align#ent is critical
packing valves with ba"l! groove" ste#s
00. Whih of the "isted prob"e!s is ourrin% if a oi" type hi%h pressure e1aporator onstant"y
re/uires an inrease in the oi" stea! pressure in order to !aintain apaity#
he brine "ensit! is i#proper.
:eat transfer surfaces are being la!ere" with scale.
)#pure "istillate is being pro"uce".
Shell vapor pressure is constantl! "ecreasing.
02. +he ter!s rou%h5 oarse5 bastard5 seond ut5 s!ooth5 and dead s!ooth refer to the IIIIIIII.
shape of the file
coarseness of the file teeth
si6e of the file
cuts of the file
06. A pu!p is defined as La de1ie that IIIIIIIIIIIII.L
pro"uces pressure
i#parts energ! to a flui" to #ove it fro# level KAK to level KBK
creates a vacuu# to #ove a li$ui" in all installations
is to "evelop a pressure "ifferential
08. Restritions ourrin% in the s!a"" orifies of pneu!ati ontro" syste! o!ponents an be
aused by
#oisture in the co#presse" air suppl!
excessive "r!ness in the co#presse" air suppl!
pressure surging in the co#presse" air receiver
insufficient lubrication of the s!ste# co#ponents
0;. +he prinipa" purpose of sub oo"in% "i/uid refri%erant prior to its enterin% the e)pansion 1a"1e is
to I
increase the refrigerating effect b! "ecreasing the a#ount of flash gas
allow the refrigerant to enter the throttling "evice in a saturate" con"ition
increase the refrigerating effect b! increasing the a#ount of flash gas
#ini#i6e the te#perature "rop of the li$ui" as it passes through the solenoi" valve to the outlet
0<. If a bi"%e pu!p is ab"e to de1e"op 1auu!5 but is unab"e to suffiient"y pu!p out the bi"%es5 you
,ou"d he3 for IIIIIIII.
the circuit breaker
for leaks in the suction piping
relief valve is not properl! seate"
the suction strainer
2>. A first sta%e un"oader insta""ed in a "o, pressure air o!pressor is unab"e to o!p"ete"y retrat.
+his ,i"" resu"t in IIII
overheating of the "ischarge valve
loss of #oisture in the air charge in the receiver
fre$uent lifting of the intercooler relief valve
an abnor#all! low intercooler pressure
21. +he heat re!o1ed fro! the refri%erant in the ondenser of a refri%eration p"ant is the
latent heat of expansion
sensible heat of con"ensation
heat of co#pression
all of the above
2*. E)essi1e "ea3a%e and pre!ature fai"ure of 1a"1e pa3in% is a resu"t of IIIIIIIIIIII.
opening a valve too $uickl!
ja##ing a valve in the close" position
low pressure flui" flow through the pipeline
a score" valve ste#
2.. +he a!ount of fue" oi" ato!iHed by a return f"o, oi" burner is diret"y ontro""ed by the
hea"er suppl! valve
burner root valve
oil #icro#eter valve
fuel oil back pressure
20. 7uses are rated in I
interrupting capacit!
all the above
6. When there is e)essi1e in%ress of ,ater in the en%ine roo! onboard ausin% dan%erous "e1e"s of
bi"%e ,ater5
A. Start oil! water separator an" pu#p overboar"
B. Start 9eneral service pu#ps an" pu#p bilges overboar"
C. Use bilge injection valve an" pu#p bilges overboar"
D. None of the above
8. If a radia" piston hydrau"i pu!p fai"s to de"i1er rated f"uid 1o"u!e5 the ause an be
conta#inate" flui"
pitte" thrust rings
worn pintle bearings
obstructe" suctions passage
;. A f"utuatin% and unsteady 1auu! in an e1aporator !ay be aused by IIIIIIIIIIIII.
+. wet stea# entering the air ejector no66le
-. pinhole leaks in the evaporator tube nests
/. rapi" scaling on the evaporator tube nests
0. high water levels in the last effect
<. A %enerator has been e)posed to ,ater and is bein% he3ed for its safe operation. +herefore5 it
is neessary to IIIIIIIIIIIIIII.
check for shorte" coils with a explosi#eter.
take #oisture rea"ings with a h!"ro#eter
test insulation values with a #egger
groun" the co##utator2 or slip rings an" run it at half loa"
1>. If the pointer fai"s to return to Hero ,hen a !e%%er is disonneted5 theIIIIIIIIIIIII.
pointer is stuck
hair springs are burne" out
#egger is out of calibration
#egger is operating nor#all!
11. When rep"ain% ba"" bearin%s on an e"etri !otor shaft5 you shou"d IIIIIIIIIIIII.
&a( tap the outer race with a #allet
&b( appl! even pressure to the outer race
&c( appl! even force to the inner race
&"( appl! pressure evenl! to both the inner an" outer races
6*. +he Hipper of an i!!ersion suit shou"d be "ubriated ,ith IIIIIIIIIIIII.
vegetable oil
6.. An insu"ation resistane test is perfor!ed on a partiu"ar piee of e"etri e/uip!ent. In addition
to the resistane readin%5 ,hat infor!ation "isted be"o, shou"d be entered in the e"etria" "o%#
&a( he #axi#u# allowable operating te#perature of the #achine.
&b( he te#perature of the #achine at the ti#e the resistance rea"ing was taken.
&c( he nor#al te#perature rise of the #achine.
&"( he co#plete na#e plate "ata fro# the resistance test instru#ent use" to obtain the rea"ing.
60. When re!o1in% the ap fro! a soundin% tube on a AOD(5 the sound of air esapin% indiates.
a. the tank is full
b. the tank #a! be partiall! floo"e"
c. the tank level has "roppe"
". the tank is co#pletel! floo"e"
62. A so"id strea! of ,ater !i%ht be usefu" in fi%htin% a burnin% oi" fire on de3 ,hen it is used
a. to wash burning oil over the si"e
b. to provi"e cooling for the fire fighters
c. in conjunction with che#ical foa#
". to cool the #ain "eck
66. +he burner asse!b"y on an auto!atia""y fired au)i"iary boi"er fitted ,ith 1ariab"e apaity5
pressure ato!iHin% burners5 !aintains stea! pressure by
&a( c!cling on an" off
&b( changing fuel oil return pressure
&c( changing the spee" of a rotar! cup
&"( 8ar!ing air pressure supplie" to the no66le
68. Ga"1ani ation ,hih of the fo""o,in% is fa"se.
A. onl! one #etal "oes not initiate corrosion
B. wo #etal with electrol!te will not initiate corrosion
6;. In $tern tube5 aft of 7OREWARD $EAL is "ea3in% then
A. forwar" tank oil level increase
B. "rop in hea"er tank level
6<. Whi"e startin% a hydrau"i anhor ,ind"ass5 you obser1e that hydrau"i pressure does not
de1e"op in spite of the proper operation of the e"etri dri1e !otor. Whih of the fo""o,in% ations
shou"d you ta3e 7IR$+ to restore pressure#
.ake certain that the h!"raulic reservoir is fille" to the proper level.
)nspect the "isc brake on the electric #otor for proper operation.
Check the electric #otor for an open overloa" rela! contact.
Check for full voltage suppl! to the electric #otor.
8>. A pri!ary e"e!ent used ,ith f"o, !easure!ent de1ies hi%h"y suitab"e for "i/uids ontainin%
so"ids in suspension5 is a IIIIIIIIIIII.
a. concentric orifice
b. convergent no66le
c. venturi tube
". pilot tube
8*. 9rior to !aFor o1erhau" of !ain en%ine onboard5 the en%ine roo! rane is tested by
A. *perating the crane through the nor#al range
B. esting of the crane with two sa#ple EEEabnor#alEEE con"itions
C. )nspection of the crane hook an" other safet! arrange#ents
D. Stress testing of crane wire with peak loa"s
8.. Water arryo1er fro! boi"er onboard throu%h the stea! auses
A. 4rosion of the stea# plant #achiner!
B. Low water level insi"e the boiler
C. Buil"Iup of "eposits on the stea# plant #achiner!
D. None of the above
80. A diffuser is pro1ided at the end of a !ehania" ato!iHer in boi"er onboard
A. o prevent blow back of the fla#e
B. o #ix the air an" fuel properl!
C. o prevent blow out of the fla#e
D. o eject the excess fu#es fro# the ato#i6er
82. $hort y"in% of a frid%e o!pressor an our in ,hih of the fo""o,in% ases#
A. Air ingress into the s!ste#
B. A leaking solenoi" valve
C. :igh cooling water te#perature going to the con"enser
D. 4xcessive refrigerant charge
86. $tea! stop 1a"1e is eased of its seat durin% boi"er start up fro! o"d
A. o allow ther#al expansion of parts
B. o allow stea# flow "uring start up
C. o prevent water ha##er
D. All of the above
88. Duty of standby person at the entrane of the en"osed o!part!ent durin% en"osed spae entry
A. o alert others in case of untowar" e#ergenc!
B. o provi"e first ai" to injure" person
C. o assist for the work carrie" out in the enclose" co#part#ent
D. All of the above.
8;. Whih of the fo""o,in% state!ents about the desi%n of D4 type boi"ers5 is fa"se#
A. he heavier water in top "ru# flows back to the botto# "ru# through the "ownI co#ers outsi"e
the furnace
B. )nsi"e the furnace the water is heate" up in the risers
C. he upper "ru# is the stea#7water "ru# an" the lower one is the water "ru#.
D. he fee" water is pu#pe" into the lower "ru#
8<. If the ,ath 3eepin% en%ineer enounters a Aain En%ine $"o, do,n a"ar! he shou"dII
A. )##e"iatel! cancel the slow"own in the control panel
B. )f navigation circu#stances per#it2 after consulting chief engineer he shoul" tell bri"ge to stop
engine 2investigate the fault 2rectif! it in consultation with senior engineers an" then prepare for
restarting the engine
C. :e shoul" raise engineerGs alar# an" wait for all engineers to reach the engine roo#
D. :e nee" not take an! action an" wait for the alar# to resolve on its own an" then cancel the
slow "own
;>. Whih of the fo""o,in% types of oatin%s used in tan3s of a he!ia" arrier pro1ides a
o!prehensi1e protetion a%ainst !ost so"1ents#
A. 4pox! coatings
B. 'ol!urethane coatings
C. Ainc silicate
D. 'henolic resins
;1. 9resene of ata"yti fines in fue" oi" is si%nifiant to en%ineers on board beauseI
A. Catal!tic fines ten" to i#pair proper operation of purifiers
B. Catal!tic fines lea" to abrasive wear in liners 2 piston rings an" fuel injection e$uip#ent
C. Catal!tic fines necessitate increase in injection te#perature
D. Catal!tic fines necessitate increase in storage te#perature
;*. A partia" openin% of ,hih of the fo""o,in% 3inds of 1a"1es an "ead to ,ire 4dra,in% of its seat#
A. 9lobe 8alve
B. Butterfl! valve
C. 9ate 8alve
D. %ull bore angle valve
;.. Whih of the fo""o,in% types of stea! traps uses the pressure ener%y of the stea! to "ose the
out"et #
A. her#ostatic trap
B. her#o"!na#ic trap
C. .echanical trap
D. 8acuu# trap
;0. $e/uentia" startin% of !ahineries after b"a3 out in en%ine roo! is neessary
A. o prevent overloa" of 9enerators
B. o $uickl! restore the faile" power suppl! in or"er
C. o prevent "a#age to #achiner! which has been switche" off
D. All of the above
;2. $a"inity of disti""ed ,ater produed fro! fresh ,ater %enerator onboard depends on
A. A#ount of fee" set in fresh water pro"uction
B. A#ount of salt water leaking fro# con"enser if an!
C. e#perature of the sea water use"
D. 4fficienc! of brine ejector fro# the evaporator shell
;6. Whih of the fo""o,in% is the !ateria" used for !anufaturin% tube p"ates of a she"" and tube type
heat e)han%er#
A. CuproInickel
B. Alu#inu# Brass
C. A"#iralt! Brass
D. 9un#etal
;8. :o, is the ,ater iru"ated bet,een ,ater and stea! dru!s in a ,ater tube D4 type boi"er#
A. B! the boiler fee" water pu#p
B. B! a circulating pu#p outsi"e the boiler
C. Due to "ifference in "ensities of water an" stea#
D. None of the above
;;. +he seatin% !ateria" for perfet"y sea"in% type &a"" 1a"1es is usua""y !ade up of
A. 1ubber
B. '%4 or N!lon
C. 1ubber reinforce" with steel wire
D. Stainless steel
;<. Air is re!o1ed fro! refri%eration syste! by (1) IIIIIIII at reei1er after (*) IIIIIIII (.) III
Gas in reei1er.
+. 'U19)N9 -.C*LL4C)N9. /. C*ND4NSA)N9
<>. Water "ea3in% fro! a pu!p pa3in% %"and is 3ept a,ay fro! the bearin% housin% by the use of
shaft sleeves
lantern rings
water "efectors
water seals
$E'+ION 0
+. ,hich of the following con"itions shoul" be use" to support the nee" to change the
lube oil when there has been an increase in the neutrali6ation nu#berE
A "ecrease in the viscosit! of the oil
An increase in the viscosit! of the oil
A change in the clou" point
A change in the floc point
-. he purpose of bilge keels as an exa#ple is to re"uce the a#plitu"e of roll. ,hat arrange#ents nee" to
be #a"e on a ship to achieve the followingL
lower the center of gravit! of the ship
re"uce pitching
re"uce !awing
/. A casing "rain is provi"e" for axial piston an" bent axis variable stroke pu#ps to JJJJJJJJJJJ.
vent off an! accu#ulate" air fro# the s!ste#
"rain off an! accu#ulate" water fro# the pu#p casing prior to its being starte"
assist the co#plete re#oval of h!"raulic oil fro# the s!ste# prior to opening for #ajor or
#inor repairs
prevent "a#age "ue to agitation an" overheating of oil accu#ulate" in the casing as a result of
#inor internal leakage
0. )ncreasing the spee" of a rotar! pu#p above its rate" spee" will result in #ost of the following
con"itions to occurE
)ncrease" suction
)ncrease" clearances
;. After packing is a""e" to the stern tube stuffing box2 which of the following proce"ures shoul" be
observe" to insure even tightening of the glan"E
Listen for a s#ooth2 regular soun".
.easure the "istance between the glan" an" the stuffing box with a rule.
Hu"ge b! feeling the glan" for an increase in heat as it is being tightene" up.
*pen the "rain connection to allow seawater to flow in an" #ake the "istance even.
@. he te#perature at which water vapor in the at#osphere begins to con"ense is calle" the
"ew point te#perature
con"ensation te#perature
ps!cho#etric te#perature
absolute hu#i"it! te#perature
B. *ne function of the air receiver in a co#presse" air s!ste# is to JJJJJJJJJJJJJ.
"r! the air "ischarge" fro# the intercooler
#ini#i6e the s!ste#Gs line pulsations
receive exhaust air fro# pneu#atic accessories
re#ove all traces of oil fro# the air
M. ,hich of the following state#ents "escribes the purpose of the split inflatable seal installe" aft of the
pri#ar! seal asse#bl! for the propeller shaftE
o serve as a seal when a""ing packing to the stuffing box.
o allow repair or replace#ent of the pri#ar! seal ele#ents when the ship is waterborne.
o eli#inate leakage via the propeller shaft when the shaft is not rotating.
o provi"e a rea"! #eans for the entr! of cooling water.
C. ,h! shoul" a person perfor#ing #aintenance on an air co#pressor wire an" tag the s!ste# valves
o prevent the unexpecte".
o protect the e$uip#ent.
o protect the operator perfor#ing the #aintenance.
4ach of the above is correct.
+<. *ne of the #ain "ifferences between the various t!pes of screw pu#ps is in the JJJJJJJJJJ.
stuffing box "ia#eter
"irection of rotation of the screws
pitch of the screws
t!pe of "riving gears
++. he %)1S thing to "o to ensure that a refrigeration unit will not start while un"ergoing repairs2 is to
secure an" tag the electrical circuit
place a crow bar in the fl!wheel of the unit
infor# all persons in the area not to start the unit
#ake a log book entr!
+-. At which of the following locations woul" a "uplex pressure gage #ost likel! be locate"E
%uel oil service pu#p "ischarge flange
%uel oil strainer
%uel oil heater
%uel oil flow #eter
+/. )n an! air s!ste# a safet! "evice shoul" be place" between an! two points where air can be trappe"
between an! two valves.
&a( ,hich can be close" #anuall!.
&b( Between a non Nreturn valve an" a screw "own valve.
&c( Between a nonIreturn valve an" a UIben" of a pipe.
&"( Between an! valve an" a no66le.
+0. So#e of the following are preferre" refrigerants of the future
&a( Carbon "ioxi"e
&b( 1efrigerant ++
&a( 1efrigerant ;<-
&b( A##onia
&c( Bro#ine
&"( Argon
+;. )n the air con"itioning of a ship a OCo#fort AoneP constitutes
&a( Low hu#i"it!2 low roo# te#perature
&b( Low hu#i"it!2 #o"erate te#perature
&c( :igh hu#i"it!2 #o"erate te#perature
&"( 8er! low te#perature2 #o"erate hu#i"it!
+@. he passenger spaces of a passenger ship is protecte" against #ajor fires b! a
&a( :igh expansion foa# s!ste#
&b( :igh "ensit! C*
&c( B! a #ixture of fire "etection2 fire retar"ant2 QAI+ class bulkhea"2 fire "oors2 fire insulation an"
elabrate sprinkler s!ste#.
&"( :igh pressure stea# s!ste#.
+B. San" i#pregnate" with che#icals is kept in #etal containers with a shovel2 in the engine roo#2 for the
following purposes
&a( to cover s#all oil spills
&b( to use along with ce#ent for "oing repair jobs.
&c( for #aking the floor antiIski" b! giving #ore friction.
&"( for use as grin"ing paste in case of e#ergenc!.
+M. ,hich of the processes liste"2 consu#es the greatest a#ount of power while pro"ucing the greatest
a#ount of heatE
*verco#ing sli"ing friction
*verco#ing rolling friction
*verco#ing flui" friction
*verco#ing oil we"ge friction
+C. ,hich of the following gui"elines is consi"ere" to reflect goo" "esign practices of shipboar" stea#
heating s!ste#sE
'rovi"e constant stea# service for e$uip#ent operating throughout the !ear.
'rovi"e either a co##on or in"ivi"ual re"ucing station for each group of units re$uiring the
sa#e operating pressure.
1un all piping so it #a! be "raine" b! gravit!.
All of the above.
-<. A "istinguishing feature of an e"uctor2 when co#pare" to other pu#ps2 is the JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.
"ischarge en" being s#aller than the suction en"
s#all si6e of i#peller
lack of #oving parts
ease at which the wearing rings #a! be change"
-+. ,hen securing a flashIt!pe evaporator for an exten"e" perio" of ti#e2 !ou shoul" JJJJJJJJJJJJJ.
fill the unit with saltwater
fill the unit with "escaling co#poun"
co#pletel! "rain the unit
tightl! seal the unit to exclu"e air
--. he portion of a h!"raulic hose that "eter#ines its overall strength2 is the JJJJJJJJJJJJJ.
inner tube
brai"e" inner la!er&s(
outer cover
outer ar#or
-/. ,hich features of a centrifugal pu#p re"uce the nee" for renewing worn i#pellers an" pu#p casingsE
Close ra"ial clearance between i#peller hub an" casing
Low rotational spee" of i#peller
1e#ovable en" plate
1eplaceable i#peller an" casing wearing rings
-0. An acceptable #etho" of "ealing with accu#ulate" oil foun" in the pu#p roo# bilges is to
transfer the oil to the sea chest
pu#p the oil into the slop tanks
"ischarge the oil over the si"e on an outgoing ti"e
pu#p the oil into a clean ballast tank
-;. A ship is re$uire" to carr! an *il 1ecor" Book2 an" #ust #aintain the book as per rules on boar" for
+. one !ear
-. two !ears
/. three !ears
0. four !ears
-@. ,hich of the following actions2 pertaining to saltwater lubricate" stern tube stuffing boxes2 is usuall!
observe" when the ship is expecte" to be in port for an exten"e" perio"E
he stuffing box is continuall! flushe".
he "rain connection is left opene".
he stuffing box glan" is tightene".
he packing is a"juste" for greater cooling or replace".
$E'+ION 2
1. A hi%h pressure differentia" in a !ain en%ine fue" oi" fi"ter onboard an be best redued by

A. Back flushing the filter #anuall!
B. Stopping the #ain engine to change the filter ele#ent
C. Changing over to stan" b! filter if provi"e"
D. None of the Above
*. Inert Gas $yste! shou"d be apab"e of de"i1erin% Inert Gas at the rate of at
A. ++<= of the #axi#u# rate of cargo "ischarge capacit! of the ship
B. +//.//= of the #axi#u# rate of cargo "ischarge capacit! of the ship
C. +-;= of the #axi#u# rate of cargo "ischarge capacit! of the ship
D. C<= of the #axi#u# rate of cargo "ischarge capacit! of the ship
.. +he stati positi1e sution head of a pu!p is the
A. "istance of the suction li$ui" level above the center line of the pu#p
B. "istance the suction li$ui" level is below the center line of the pu#ps
C. force necessar! to overco#e frictional losses in the pu#p an" piping
D. a#ount in inches of #ercur! the total suction hea" is below at#ospheric pressure
0. When o1erhau"in% en%ines in bad ,eather onboard
A. Use a""itional lifting e$uip#ents
B. Use heaving line to prevent #oving of ite#
C. Use chain block if re$uire" to restrain #oving of parts
D. None of the Above
2. +,o o!pressors shou"d not be run in para""e" beause
A. )t is not efficient to run two co#pressors
B. )t will give over capacit! in the s!ste#
C. here is possibilit! of losing oil fro# the co#pressors
D. A an" B
6. +he ter! referrin% to the nu!ber of teeth per inh on a ha3sa, b"ade is 3no,n as the
A. Set
B. rake
C. pitch
D. threa" gauge
8. +he ash ontent of a fue" oi" is si%nifiant to the operatin% en%ineer beause it
A. is an in"ication of the a#ount of nonco#bustible #aterial present in the oil
B. in"icates the $uantit! of energ! release" b! burning a unit a#ount of the fuel
C. is useful for "eter#ining proper ato#i6ation te#peratures
D. reflects the overall ther#al efficienc! of the fuel oil service s!ste#
;. Air onditionin% syste! air hand"in% units !ust ha1e their air fi"ters "eaned at re%u"ar inter1a"s
in order to pre1entIIIIII
A. 9rowth of #icroorganis#s an" bacteria har#ful to hu#an beings
B. 1estriction to air flow an" hence re"uce" efficienc! of the plant
C. 9rowth of #ites an" other allergens
D. All of the above
<. A!ount of disti""ed ,ater produed in fresh ,ater %enerator onboard dereases ,ith
A. )ncrease in vacuu# in the fresh water generator shell
B. Decrease in sea water te#perature
C. Decrease in efficienc! of heat exchanger
D. )ncrease in sea water te#perature
1>. &efore any ,or3 is to be arried out on a burner in an auto!atia""y fired au)i"iary boi"er5 you
shou"d a",ays
A. block all control s!ste# rela!s close"
B. allow the boiler to cool co#pletel!
C. close all #anuall! operate" fuel valves
D. lock all safet! interlock switches close"
11. $oot b"o,in% of boi"ers onboard an be arried durin%
A. 'ort operations
B. Sailing
C. During in"ications of a uptake fire
D. )nerting operations in oil tankers
1*. Whih of the fo""o,in% o!ponents in an Inert Gas syste! ensures that 1apours are 1ented ,e""
"ear of the ,or3in% de3# i) :i%h 1e"oity 1ents ii) Aast risers
A. *nl! i(
B. *nl! ii(
C. Both i( an" ii(
D. Neither )( nor ii(
1.. Whih of the fo""o,in% is !ost suited to at as a de3 air o!pressor#
A. Lobe t!pe
B. 1eciprocating t!pe
C. Screw t!pe
D. None of the above
10. $afety of Gas y"inders used for uttin% and ,e"din% is ensured
A. B! fitting of flash back arrestor
B. B! using color co"es for gas pipe connections
C. B! using trolle!EEEs when transferring c!lin"ers
D. All of the above.
12. 9u!ps i!part ener%y to a f"uid but the ener%y re/uired to brin% the f"uid to the pu!p !ay be
A. 9ravitational :ea"
B. At#ospheric pressure
C. Another pu#p
D. An! one or a co#bination of above
16. InFetin% ,ater into the o!bustion ha!ber of !arine en%ines is a pri!ary !ethod of redution
of ,hih of the fo""o,in% air po""utants#
A. S*x
B. 'articulate #atters
C. Unburnt :!"rocarbons
D. N*x
18. In ase of fai"ure of ontro" air supp"y 5so!e 1a"1es ontinue "o3ed in the position they ,ere at
the ti!e of fai"ure . +hey are said to be4
A. %ailIsafe
B. %ail Iproof
C. %ailIset
D. %ail Iblocke"
1;. O"d !ahinery spae "o% boo3 are 3ept in safe ustody
A. o refer an" clarif! in case of an! $uer!
B. %or purpose of internal an" external au"its
C. o safeguar" the chief engineerEEEs co#petence
D. None of the Above
1<. If the superheat 1a"ue of a ther!ostati e)pansion 1a"1e is set too "o,IIIIIIII
A. he suction line of the co#pressor will be too hot
B. he suction line of the co#pressor will be too col"
C. he "ischarge line of the co#pressor will be too hot
D. he "ischarge line of the co#pressor will be too col"
*>. Whih of the fo""o,in% he!ia" o!pounds pre1ents a3in% of po,der in dry he!ia" po,der
fire e)tin%uisher#
A. So"iu# Stearate
B. So"iu# Bicarbonate
C. .agnesiu# Stearate
D. .agnesiu# Bicarbonate
*1. +he pri!ary ad1anta%e of a entra" oo"in% syste! isIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
A. A #ore si#plifie" cooling circuit.
B. .ost part of the cooling s!ste# being fresh water base"2corrosion is #ini#i6e"
C. )t allows better control of te#peratures b! using fewer controllers
D. All of the above
**. Refratory da!a%e in boi"er furnae onboard is aused due to
A. 'resence of #oisture in the boiler before startup
B. 1api"l! fluctuating te#peratures insi"e boiler furnace
C. *verheating of boiler tubes "ue to lack of heat transfer fro# tubes "ue to scale
D. Boiler panting an" vibrations
*.. Whih of the "isted onditions an "ead to a1itation in a entrifu%a" pu!p#
A. 8apor pockets for#e" in the suction flow strea#
B. 1ough casing volute surfaces
C. ,orn wearing rings
D. :eav! flui" in the flow strea#
*0. A !aFor ontro""in% fator in the "oation of the ondensate return pipin% fro! a heatin% syste!
A. the re$uire#ent for a gravit! return
B. the re$uire#ent for short laterals run
C. the re$uire#ent to #ini#i6e conflict with hea"roo# an" other services
D. all of the above
*2. +o !a)i!iHe the effeti1eness of soot b"o,in% onboard
A. 4nsure Boiler is firing at high loa"
B. 4nsure Boiler is firing at low loa"
C. 4nsure co#bustion para#eters #aintaine" nor#al
D. None of the above
*6. Iso"ation of fi"ters onboard prior to "eanin% is done by
A. Closing of inlet an" out let valves
B. Switching of the relevant pu#p an" s!ste# valves
C. *pening of "rains an" vent valves
D. All of the above
*8. Whih of the fo""o,in% type of pu!ps is !ost suited to at as Waste Oi" $"ud%e 9u!p#
A. Centrifugal pu#p
B. Screw pu#p
C. 9ear 'u#p
D. 'rogressive cavit! pu#p
*;. In the A"ap prinip"e of entrifu%a" separationIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
A. ,ater is onl! "ischarge" when "eslu"geing is activate" b! the control unit
B. he valve at the water outlet is opene" perio"icall! base" on ti#er action
C. he valve at the water outlet is opene" on the basis of signal of water content to the control unit
fro# the water trans"ucer at the clean oil outlet
D. he centrifuge works as a clarifier with no water outlet
*<. :i%h pressure ut out of a refri%erant syste! an ati1ate due to ,hih of the fo""o,in% fau"ts#
A. )#proper cooling "ue to a "irt! con"enser
B. *vercharge
C. Air in the s!ste#
D. All of the above
.>. +o pre1ent e"etri sho3 durin% e"etri ar ,e"din%
A. ,ear "r! clothes
B. ,ear insulate" shoes
C. Deep first ai" e$uip#ent rea"!
D. None of the above
.1. A reord of the types and stren%ths of stee"s used on a AOD( !ust be in"uded in the
A. 9eneral plans
B. Buil"erGs "ocu#entation
C. Certificate of )nspection
D. Construction portfolio
.*. Water ha!!er in a stea! heatin% syste! an be aused by
A. filling the auxiliar! boiler with col" water
B. stea# a"#itte" to a col" pipe
C. filling the auxiliar! boiler with hot water
D. "raining a soot blower line before cracking the stea# suppl! valve
... What is a funtion of the ,earin% rin%s used in !ost entrifu%a" pu!ps#
A. Absorb erosion of high velocit! "ischarge strea#
B. Seal pu#p shaft against entr! of air
C. )solate the "ischarge si"e fro# the suction si"e
D. Da#pen the turbulent "ischarge flow
.0. Whih o!bination of the !ain shaft se%!ents "isted be"o,5 that are "oated furthest fro! the
!ain en%ine5 are onneted by the inboard stern tube shaft oup"in%#
A. Line shaft an" thrust shaft
B. Line shaft an" sternItube shaft
C. hrust shaft an" sternItube shaft
D. SternItube shaft an" tail shaft
.2. An au)i"iary en%ine turbo4har%er !a3es stran%e noises ,hen the "oad han%es. +he en%ine
para!eters ho,e1er are abso"ute"y fine. An e)terna" e)a!ination of turbohar%er para!eters as
stated in the !anua" a"so re1ea"s nothin%. Wou"d you
&a( Continue to run the engine an" wait for so#e ti#e
&b( Stop the engine for a while an" #ake so#e checks
&c( 1e"uce the loa" of the engine
&"( 1un it on stea"! loa" to #ake so#e checks.
.6. Whih of the fo""o,in% an be done to redue the o"d orrosion of Aain En%ine y"inder "iners
usin% hi%h su"phur fue" oi" -4
A. )ncreasing c!lin"er oil fee" rate
B. Using high BN c!lin"er oil
C. )ncreasing scavenge air te#perature
D. Decreasing c!lin"er oil fee" rate
.8. Whih of the fo""o,in% an "ead to pre!ature fai"ure of ro""er bearin%s#
A. .isalign#ent
B. Conta#ination
C. Shrinkage
D. *ver greasing
.;. W:I': 9RO'E$$ I$ NO+ DONE ON AILD $+EEL#
A. :ot plating
B. 4lectrol!sis
C. 4xplosion bon"ing
D. .etal spra!ing
.<. &oi"er not startin% in * 4. ti!es5 ,hat ,e do5
A. check fuel ignition s!ste#2
B. check fuel burning s!ste#
C. check furnace
D. all of the above
0>. $e,a%e 9"ant Effiieny is %au%ed by
a( Suspen"e" Soli"
b(Coli count
c(Biological *x!gen De#an"&B*D(
01. When oi" arried o1er in stea! dru!
A. overheating of tubes2
B. corrosion of tubes
C. "ensit! of water is re"uce"
D. all of the above
0*. $tea! dru! is used for
A. collecting of stea#
B. collecting of water
C. e$ualising water in the tubes
D. collecting of precipitate" salts of water
0.. $tea! drains shou"d be
A. "raine" b! gravit!
B. short lateral length
C. shoul" cover less hea" space
D. all of the above
00. Whih of the %roup of !ethod are used for pri!in% of entrifu%a" pu!ps onboard ships#
A. 9ravit! tank2 attache" vacuu# pu#p
B. Attache" 8acuu# pu#p2 filling pu#p casing using a fresh water hose
C. Central pri#ing s!ste#2 attache" vacuu# pu#p2 sea water pri#ing
D. None of the above
02. +he ran3 ,eb def"etion readin%s of a diese" en%ine ,ou"d be erroneous in ,hih of the
fo""o,in% onditions#
A. ,hen the "raught of the vessel has change" while rea"ings were being taken
B. ,hen cargo loa"ing an" "ischarging has been too rapi"
C. ,hen the crankcase te#perature has change" substantiall! "uring the process of taking the
D. None of the above
06. Whih of the fo""o,in% ,i"" be re/uired to be done in order to redue su"phur orrosion of Aain
En%ine 'o!ponents#
A. )ncreasing the ato#i6ation pressure of fuel injectors
B. %itting exhaust valves with valve rotators
C. 1unning engine at or near nor#al sea loa"
D. Decreasing the %.*. purifier fee" rate2 running two purifier in series one acting as purifier an"
other as clarifier
08. Cauu! pri!in% pu!ps ,hih ,or3 on the prinip"e of fi)ed 1ane pu!ps re/uire IIIIIIII
forIIIIIIIIIII "earane bet,een 1ane tips and asin%.
A. Lube oil2 lubricating
B. Lube oil2 sealing
C. ,ater2 sealing
D. 9lan" packing2 sealing
0;. +he o!!on ter! used for fai"ure of !eta" and a""oys in a orrosi1e en1iron!ent 5 ,hen subFet
to hi%h stresses is 3no,n as -
A. %atigue failure
B. Corrosion fatigue
C. Stress corrosion cracking
D. %retting Corrosion
0<. about e!er%eny fire pu!p...#
A(out of engine roo#
b(self pri#ing
c(power shoul" be outsi"e e7r
"(all the above
2>. Doub"e entry i!pe""ers ha1e a distint ad1anta%e o1er sin%"e entry i!pe""er. What is it#
A. he! balance out the axial thrust
B. )t gives a higher pu#ping efficienc!
C. )t is cheaper an" easier to #anufacture
D. he nee" of installing line bearing onto the pu#p shaft is eli#inate"
21. A refri%erant o!pressor ,i"" run ontinuous"y ,hen there is
A. oo heav! cooling loa" on the s!ste#
B. Air in the s!ste#
C. )nsufficient refrigerant in the s!ste#
D. An! of the above
2*. 'ause ,hy asade tan3 ,ater te!perature is hi%h# OR What ou"d be the reason ,hy the feed
pu!p an hard"y pu!p in ,ater to the au)i"iary boi"er ausin% the asade tan3 ,ater "e1e" to rise ?
te!perature too hi%h#
A. :igh a#bient te#perature
B. Clogge" con"enser water tubes
C. %ilter "irt!
D. Low casca"e water level
2.. Where is the "oation of the ba3fire 1a"1e#
A. Boiler furnace
B. Scavenging area
C. 9as c!lin"er
20. Durin% departure fro! a * ,ee3s anhora%e5 the reason ,hy the ,ind"ass annot "ift the anhor
up is
A. Low lube oil tank level
B. ,in"lass "efective b! pass valve
C. Anchor "rag sunken object
D. oo col" h!"raulic oil
22. A ba""ast pu!p is bein% used to deba""ast a fore pea3 tan3 ,hih is fu"". It is seen that sution
pressure is positi1e and dishar%e pressure is 1ery "o, o!pared to rated dishar%e head. It
indiates that-
A. 'u#p is not operating satisfactoril! an" pu#ping capacit! is too low
B. 'u#p is not operating satisfactoril! an" pu#ping capacit! is higher than rate"2 throttling of
"ischarge valve is re$uire"
C. 'u#ping capacit! is not affecte" b! suction an" "ischarge pressures
D. 'u#p is operating nor#all!
26. What attah!ent an you find in air reser1oir#
) N Safet!71elief valve
)) N %usible plug
))) N Bursting "isc
28. 'a1itation erosion ours due to
A. Che#ical action
B. 'h!sical action
C. Che#ical *1 ph!sical action
D. Co#bination of che#ical or ph!sical action
2;. +he "o,est te!perature at ,hih a "i/uid as "isted on the A$D$5 %i1es off enou%h 1apor to i%nite
in the presene of an i%nition soure is a""ed its IIIIIII.
A. %lash point
B. %ire point
C. )gnition point
D. None
2<. &oi"er seondary dru! pressure ............than pri!ary dru! pressure
A. Less
B. .ore than
C. 4$ual
6>. :ydrophore fre/uent ut in and out. Why#
A. Air less
B. Air #ore
C. Setting "iff close
61. When !ain en%ine is runnin% in e!er%eny ondition ,hih of the a"ar! an=t be bypassed.
A. L* low pressure
B. HC, high te#p
C. 'iston cooling water high te#p
D. All
22. Why ,e do not prefer to run air t,o o!pressor to%ether beause
A. All below points
B. oo #uch #aintenance
C. oo #uch power consu#ption
D. Loss of lube oil
$E'+ION 6
NAN(ARD *>1.
1. +he !aster or person in har%e of a AOD( is re/uired to "o%
A. the "ate an" hour of each fire "rill
B. the na#es of all persons on boar"
C. onl! casualties which occur while un"erwa!
D. ever! event occurring on boar"
*. A si!u"taneous rise in stern tube for,ard sea" tan3 and drop in "e1e" of header tan3 indiatesI
A. Aft seal ring of forwar" seal asse#bl! "a#age" or sealing "isturbe" b! foreign object
B. %orwar" seal ring of forwar" seal asse#bl! "a#age" or sealing "isturbe" b! foreign object.
C. 4ither of the above
D. None of the above
.. &earin% da!a%e in a diese" en%ine onboard is indiated by
A. ,hite #etal in the crankcase
B. ,hite #etal in the lube oil filter
C. Dnocking soun" fro# the engine crankcase
D. An! of the above
0. In a D4 type ,ater tube boi"er ,ith a seondary stea! dru! and super4 heater5 the stea! is heated
abo1e the boi"in% point of ,ater in the IIIIIII
A. 'ri#ar! stea# "ru#
B. 1isers
C. SuperI heater
D. Secon"ar! stea# "ru#
2. Whih of the fo""o,in% state!ents is fa"se about orrosion due to %a"1ani ation#
A. .etals close to the ano"ic en" of galvanic series corro"e in preference to the ones close to the
catho"ic en".
B. ,hen an! single #etal exists in a s!ste#2 it cannot corro"e "ue to galvanic action.
C. Ainc is ano"ic to steel an" is often use" as a protective coating
D. Corrosion rate is affecte" b! te#perature
6. Whih of the fo""o,in% state!ents is 7AL$E re%ardin% %as arriers#
A. Shipboar" generation of inert gas for cargo tanks is a re$uire#ent .
B. Shipboar" generation of inert gas for inter tank barriers an" hol"s is a re$uire#ent .
C. 9as carriers "o not use shipGs #ain boilers for generation of inert gas.
D. 9aseous nitrogen is pro"uce" on boar" in #an! gas carriers
8. Whih of the fo""o,in% fators ,i"" ha1e the %reatest effet on the heatin% "oad ,ithin a
onditioned spae#
A. Solar gain
B. )nfiltration an" ventilation air
C. *ccupants insi"e the space
D. 4ntertain#ent e$uip#ent within the space
;. Durin% !aFor repair ,or3 in en"osed spae onboard
A. Deep log of entr! an" exit ti#e of personnel
B. Deep a"e$uate first ai" e$uip#ent at the entrance
C. 'rovi"e refresh#ents
D. None of the Above
<. &efore the "on%itudina" arria%e feed of a "athe is en%a%ed5 you !ust be ertain the
A. spin"le clutch is "isengage"
B. carriage cla#p screw is loosene"
C. carriage stop cla#p is tightene"
D. threa" "ial in"icator is 6eroe"
1*. In a o!pression type %rease up5 the "ubriant is fored into the bearin% by
A. gravit! flow
B. spring force
C. a pressure gun
D. a 6erk fitting
1.. +ype of the tan3 is fitted se!i and fu""y pressuriHed %as arrier
A. !pe a
B. !pe b
C. !pe a an" b
D. None
10. $ur%in% indiates
A. Scavenge fire
B. exhaust #anifol" fire
C. %ault in fuel s!ste#
D. All
+;. 4ngine c!lin"er relief valve lift in"icates abnor#al of what.
A. %uel suppl!
B. %uel injection
C. 4xhaust te#p
D. 4xhaust pressure
16. :ydride for!ation in %as arrier an "ead to a
A. Conta#ination of cargo
B. Sei6e of pu#p
C. 4xother#ic reason
D. None
18. Deep ,e"" ar%o pu!p used in
A. Che#ical carrier
B. 'ro"uct carrier
C. LN9
D. All
$E'+ION NEW 4 1
1. Whih of the fo""o,in% state!ent is true if the oi" te!perature is a""o,ed to beo!e e)essi1e"y
hi%h in the heaters#
A. 4xcessive te#perature will increase oil viscosit! that results to poor co#bustion
B. 4xcessive te#perature will cause the oil to cr!stalli6e resulting in pulsating fires
C. he fuel will carboni6e an" its heating abilit! will be re"uce"
D. he fuel will ignite even it has not reache" point of ignition
*. A drop in o!pression pressure in one y"inder of a diese" en%ine an be aused by IIIIIIIIIII.
a. onl! fuel injection
b. burne" valves
c. too late fuel injection
". low fuel penetration
So#e "iesel engines are fitte" with a ther#o#eter in the cooling water outlet fro# each c!lin"er. )f the
cooling te#perature fro# an in"ivi"ual c!lin"er begins to rise2 what shoul" !ou suspectE
a. hat there is an overloa"ing of c!lin"er
b. hat there is an overloa"ing of the a"jacent
c. hat there is an increase blowIb! of the c!lin"ers
". hat there is an inco#plete co#bustion in that c!lin"er
Whih of the "isted ations shou"d be arried out if a ship is to be "aid up for an indefinite period of
ti!e IIIIII.
) N Boilers to be lai" up wet shoul" be co#pletel! fille"
)) N All fuel tanks shoul" be cleane" F gas free"
))) N All potable water tanks shoul" be cleane" F "isinfecte"
A. ) onl!
B. )) onl!
C. ) F ))
D. )2 )) F )))
Addin% trisodiu! phosphate in boi"er ,ater ,i"" IIIIIII.
) N Decrease salinit!
)) N )ncrease salinit!
))) N Decrease alkalinit!
A. ) onl!
B. )) onl!
C. ) F ))
D. )2 )) F )))
A shorta%e of refri%erant in the refri%eration syste! is indiated by IIIIIIIIIII.
a. the co#pressor short c!cling
b. high hea" pressure
c. high suction pressure
". bubbles in the sight glass
Diretiona" ontro" 1@1 used in hydrau"i p@p is ontr""ed
"( all
1. E"etri and e"etro4hydrau"i steerin% %ear !otors are re/uired by 'oast Guard Re%u"ations (06
'7R) to be IIIIIIIII.
A. protecte" b! a circuit breaker set at +-;= an" a ther#al overloa" "evice
B. provi"e" with a running #otor overcurrent protection "evice
C. serve" b! a single two con"uctor cable
D. serve" b! two fee"er circuits
DeHinifiation of brasses !ay be pre1ented by introduin% ,hih of the fo""o,in% additi1es durin%
!anufaturin% brass#
A. <.<0= Nickel
B. <.<0= Cobalt
C. <.<0=Arsenic
D. <.<0=ungsten
One ause of "ea3y 1a"1es in a "o, pressure air o!pressor !ay be attributed to
A. running with an air filter ele#ent "ifferent fro# that re$uire" b! the original #anufacturerGs
B. excessive operating hours without carr!ing out preventive #aintenance
C. the co#pressor running too fast
D. excessive "ischarge pressure
+he stati sution "ift of a pu!p is the differene in e"e1ation bet,een the
A. centerline of the pu#p an" the level of the li$ui" in the suction well when the source of li$ui" is below
the pu#p
B. centerline of the pu#p an" the suction li$ui" level when
the source of li$ui" is above the pu#p
C. centerline of the pu#p an" the level of the "ischarge li$ui"
D. li$ui" levels of the suction an" "ischarge
9"ate type heat e)han%ers are preferred o1er she"" and tube type ones beauseIIIIIIIIIIII
A. he! can be cleane" #ore thoroughl! .
B. heir capacit! can be altere" b! a""ing or re#oving plates.
C. urbulent flow an" #ore #argin for increase" flui" velocit! ensures less "eposits an" hence longer ti#e
interval between cleanings.
D. All of the above
Inert Gas $yste! shou"d be apab"e of de"i1erin% Inert Gas at the rate of at eastIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
A. ++<= of the #axi#u# rate of cargo "ischarge capacit! of the ship
B. +//.//= of the #axi#u# rate of cargo "ischarge capacit! of the ship
C. +-;= of the #axi#u# rate of cargo "ischarge capacit! of the ship
D. C<= of the #axi#u# rate of cargo "ischarge capacit! of the ship
9referentia" trippin% of e"etria" !ahineries pre1ents
A. *verloa"ing of generators
B. Black out in engine roo#
C. Allows starting of large #achineries
D. None of the above
Whih is the on"y %as produt 5a""o,ed by %as odes5 to be burnt in shipMs boi"ers#
A. L'9
B. 4th!lene
C. Butane
D. LN9
7re/uent uttin%4 in ? uttin% 4out of a fresh ,ater pu!p on a hydrophone syste! indiates ,hih
of the fo""o,in%#
A. Nothing abnor#al
B. 4xcessive air charge
C. )nsufficient air charge
D. he "ifferential setting between cutIin an" cut out is too low
Eono!isers are bui"t up ,ith
A. Copper tubes
B. 'lain steel tubes
C. Stainless steel tubes
D. Steel tubes fitte" with shrunk on C.). grills
.2.Dou !ust ha1e ,or3ed ,ith !oorin% ,inh and ,ind"ass hydrau"i syste!s. +he oo"in% of
hydrau"i oi" for the abo1e syste! on "ar%e !erhant ships is pro1ided by-
A. here is no cooling arrange#ent as the s!ste# "oesnEEEt re$uire cooling
B. Air coole" h!"raulic reservoir
C. ,ater coole" plate or shell t!pe heat exchangers
D. 1a"iator an" fan arrange#ent
1.In ase of fai"ure of the ontro" syste! of a entrifu%e5the orret se/uene for !anua""y des"ud%in%
a purifier ,ou"d be4
A.Stop fee"Igive sealing waterIclose sealing water Ishut operating waterIopen an" close "eslu"ging water
B.Stop fee"I shut operating waterIopen an" close "eslu"ging water $uickl!
C.Shut operating waterIstop fee"I open sealing water for a short ti#e then closeIopen an" close "eslu"ging
water $uickl!
D.Shut operating waterI stop fee"I open an" close "eslu"ging water $uickl!
..Li/uid rin% pri!er used for pri!in% !ain and e!er%eny fire pu!ps onboard
A.)s to be fille" with water in the water tank to #aintain water level
B.)s to be capable of auto#atic engage#ent an" "isengage#ent with "rive shaft
C.)s to have sufficient capacit! to exhaust air out fro# pu#p in all sea con"itions
D.All of the above.
2.+o pre1ent e"etri sho3 durin% e"etri ar ,e"din%
A.,ear "r! clothes
B.,ear insulate" shoes
C.Deep first ai" e$uip#ent rea"!
D.None of the above
6.&a3 pressure 1a"1e in a refri%eration syste! ,ith !u"tip"e ha!bers is fittedIIIIIIIIIIIII
A. At the refrigerant exit en" of evaporator of each cha#ber
B. At the refrigerant exit en" of evaporators of cha#bers with higher te#perature settings
C .At the refrigerant exit en" of evaporators of cha#bers with lower te#perature settings
D .None of the above
8.Inert Gas $yste! on board tan3ers is used durin% ,hih of the fo""o,in% operations4
A. )nerting of e#pt! tanks
B. )nerting "uring cru"e oil washing
C. 'urging before gas freeing
D.All of the above
**.+o pre1ent !ain en%ine stoppa%e durin% periods of bad ,eather
A .4nsure lube oil level is toppe" up
B. 4nsure over spee" trip overri"e switch set up to rough sea setting
C .4nsure re"uce" spee" setting to prevent overloa"
D. All of the above
*..$ubse/uent to a oi" spi"" in En%ine Roo! and in%ress of oi" in the bi"%e ,e""s 5the best ourse of
A .Use oil spill "ispersant che#ical in the bilge wells
B. ransfer the oil! #ixture an" let it settle in the bilge hol"ing tank7bilge separator tank
C .ransfer the oil! #ixture using a portable pneu#atic pu#p to a waste oil tank an" then ph!sicall!
"e#ark an" clean the bilge wells using environ#ent frien"l! cleaner
D.Dilute the bilge wells b! floo"ing with water an" then use the general service pu#p to pu#p out the
*0.A!ount of disti""ed ,ater produed in fresh ,ater %enerator onboard dereases ,ith
A.)ncrease in vacuu# in the fresh water generator shell
B.Decrease in sea water te#perature
C.Decrease in efficienc! of heat exchanger
D.)ncrease in sea water te#perature
1.In ase of an e)haust %as boi"er fire 5,hih of the fo""o,in% is a suitab"e ontro" !easure#
A. Start fre$uent soot blowing
B. )ncrease #ain engine spee" to blow awa! the soot particles on fire
C. Stop cooling water circulation to avoi" leakage
D. None of the above
..Refratory da!a%e in boi"er furnae onboard is aused due to
A. 'resence of #oisture in the boiler before startup
B. 1api"l! fluctuating te#peratures insi"e boiler furnace
C. *verheating of boiler tubes "ue to lack of heat transfer fro# tubes "ue to scale
D. Boiler panting an" vibrations
0.An eono!iHer upta3e fire in the en%ine roo! is e)tin%uished by
A. Boun"ar! cooling of the uptake
B. )njecting fixe" fire fighting s!ste# if provi"e"
C. )njecting water fro# the uptake
D. None of the above
a. 8A'1 '1
b. 'A1)AL 8'1 '1
N(NE *>10 NEW B(E$+ION$
1.Wind bo) fire is e)tin%uished by
a. by fi)ed e)tin%uishin% pro1ided by !anufaturer
b. by "osin% fue" and air 1a"1es
.by stoppin% boi"er 7D fan
d.A"" of the abo1e
*.if a !otor onsu!es 16 3, for ;>> rp! speed 5 is redued to 6>> rp!..5 the ne, po,er
onsu!ption is
a. .* 3,
b. *1.. 3,
. 1* 3,
d. 6 3,
..Ga%%in% of safety 1a"1e of boi"er refers to

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