Bac Genral Review

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I- Put the verbs in brackets in the right tense :

1- Julia _______________ TV every day. (watch)

2- We __________________ for a picnic next week. (go)
3- Dad ____________________ work. (already finish)
4- Dont worry! I am used to ______________ with the fire. (play)
5- Mum _____________ (sleep) when my sister ___________ the vase. (break)
6- My father _____________ in this school for 10 years before he __________. (work retire)
7- My friends __________________ football at the moment. (play)
8- Its very important _________________ languages. (learn)
9- Lets _____________ a cake! Ali is visiting us this evening. (make)

Mike __________ breakfast before he __________ to school this morning. (eat go)


My sister ________________ her homework yet. (not do)


This tagine is worth ____________. Its delicious. (eat)


Fiona ______________ by her window while Sam ____________ the tree. (stand climb)

II- Rewrite the following sentences using the expressions given :

1- Mike works hard but he gets bad marks. (despite)

2- She takes a bus to work. She wants to save money. (in order to)
3- The bus arrived late. It was broken. (due to)
4- Julia was very sick but she came to the party. (although)

5- They moved to Rabat. They wanted to study medicine. (so that)

6- We didnt eat the pizza. It was cold. (so)

Rewrite the sentences as given:

1- The student passed the exam. You sat next to the student.
The student __________________________________________________
2- Jamal bought a house.
3- The house ____________________________________________________
4- Said has sent a letter to Sara.
The letter ____________________________________________________
5- The man was a teacher. He is a prime minister now.
The man _____________________________________________________
6- We are making a snowman.
The snowman _________________________________________________
7- Youd better find a job soon.
Youd prefer __________________________________________________
8- The woman is a doctor. Her husband is a politician.
The woman___________________________________________________
9- Ali will have rented a house by next month.
A house______________________________________________________
10- We mustnt take drugs.
Its __________________________________________________________
11- The laptop is mine. Its on the table.
The laptop____________________________________________________

IV- Fill in the gaps with right modal verbs : (some modal verbs can be used twice)
NEED - MUST SHOULD MAY CANT MUSTNT COULD CAN 1- My friend Said _____________ revise lessons. He is having a test next week.
2- Sara __________________ shout at her parents. Its impolite.
3- Salim is taking some medicine. He ___________ be sick.
4- We __________________ not find a taxi in this place. I am not sure.
5- We ______________ speak German. Its difficult.
6- Students ______________ respect their teachers.
7- Mike ____________ be a good student. He grades are always low.
8- Paul _______________ run 10 km in 1 hour last week. He is a good athlete.

V-Match the sentences with their modality:

1- People mustnt smoke in public places.


2- Mike should see a dentist.


3- I may get a bad mark. I didnt revise well.


4- May I use your laptop for a second?


5- Mum cant be at work now. Its already 06:00.


6- Its forbidden to pick flowers in the parks.


7- You have to behave yourself.


8- Mum! Could I stay late with my friends?

9- My dog cant run fast. Its very fat.

Dad! Can I help you move this box?


Ali must be at home now. His bike is next to his house door.



Positive deduction

e- Prohibition



f- Ability (positive)




Negative deduction

g- Offer

i- Obligation
j- Ability (negative)

k- Advice

h- Possibility

VI- Fill in the gaps with the right Phrasal verb :


1- She _____________ some flowers when she was in the park.

2- I asked dad to allow me to go to school trip but he ________________.
3- Fred has lost his keys at school. He is still ____________________ them.
4- Mum _______ my sister ______ that she was lazy because she never makes
her bed.
5- The police caught the criminal due to __________________ houses and stealing peoples properties.
6- Dad always ____________ his work at 07:00.
7- Last week, I went shopping but when I got to the mall, I _______________
that I had forgotten the money home.
8- My little brother was very noisy last night. Dad was tired and he couldnt ___ ______________ that and went
out to sleep in his friend house.
9- Dad _______________ smoking when I was 10. Now he doesnt smoke.
10- Ali is a new student and he quickly ____________________ us. Hes become our best friend.


Fill in the gaps with the right adjective :

Magnanimous Stingy Honest Obstinate Gregarious Determined Greedy Famous

1- Said hates spending money. He is _______________
2- People who want to have more than what they need are ______________

3- Jack is _______________ He has a lot of friends.

4- James always says that he knows everything. He is _______________
5- Julia shares everything she has with her friends and especially poor ones. She is _______________
6- I dont lie or cheat. I am _______________
7- George is _______________ to achieve his goal despite the difficulties.
8- Mary Carey is a very _____________ singer.
9- Kim doesnt change his mind. He is _______________


Fill in the gaps with the suitable form of the following words:

1- The exam was ___________. But I ____________ to answer some questions. (difficulty difficult) /
(management manage manager)
2- Hajar likes _____________ people. She doesnt allow bad _______________.
(respect respectful) /

(behave misbehave - behaviour)

3- Our company needs financial ____________ because of the _____________ crisis. (help helpful helpless)

(economy economical economic)

4- ____________ is a good ____________ that everyone should have.

(Honesty honest)

(qualify quality qualification)

5- I think that ____________ is very ___________ to improve _____________ (Performance Perform)

(importance important importantly) (produce productive production)
6- The __________________ of _____________ people is a big___________.
(immigration immigrate)

(youth young) /

(lose lost loss)

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