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2014 IBM Corporation

GPFS performance session
Sven Oehme oehmes@s!i"m!com
2014 IBM Corporation
#1 cache reference 1 ns
L2 cache reference 5 ns
Acquire/release mutex 100 ns
Main Memory reference 100 ns
Send 2k byte over verbs 10000 ns
Send 2k bytes over 1 !b"s net#ork $0000 ns
%ead 1 M& sequentially from Memory 250000 ns
%ead 1 M& sequentially from net#ork 5000000 ns
'isk seek 10000000 ns
%ead 1 M& sequentially from disk 20000000 ns
Send net#ork "acket from S())A*+ ,%A'- *+ S())A 150000000 ns
Latency numbers you NEED to know * Latency numbers you NEED to know *
$%hese nm"ers are ron&e& an& &on't c(aim to "e 100) accrate
2014 IBM Corporation
Gi+a"it 100 M&/sec
10 !bit 1000 M&/sec
.0 !bit /'% 0& .000 M&/sec
5$ !bit ,'% 0& 5$00 M&/sec
!-1*2 2)0 Slot 3000 M&/sec
!-1*3 2)0 Slot $000 M&/sec
1L SAS drive 1004 Seq %ead/5rite 100 M&/sec
1L SAS drive 1004 2M& %andom %ead/5rite 65 M&/sec
SS' 1004 Seq %ead 300 M&/sec
SS' 1004 Seq 5rite 200 M&/sec
Bandwidth numbers you NEED to know * Bandwidth numbers you NEED to know *
$%hese nm"ers are ron&e& an& &on't c(aim to "e 100) accrate
2014 IBM Corporation
,# S-S &rive 100) 4. /an&om iops 100
10k SAS drive 1004 .k %andom io"s 200
SS' 1004 .k random reads 20000
SS' 1004 .k random #rites .000
IOPS numbers you NEED to know * IOPS numbers you NEED to know *
$%hese nm"ers are ron&e& an& &on't c(aim to "e 100) accrate
2014 IBM Corporation
How to collect a GPS trace !or "er!ormance analysis How to collect a GPS trace !or "er!ormance analysis
GPFS 3.5 TL3 provides a new low overhead Tracing facility in memory tracing
We had a in emory tracing !efore" !#t it had still large overhead and was now replaced !y a new techni$#e
To set %l#ster wide in emory tracing" r#n &
mmtracectl ''set ''trace(def ''tracedev'write'mode(overwrite ''tracedev'overwrite'!#ffer'si)e(*g
+o# can now t#rn on tracing &
mmtracectl ''start
Stop tracing" while leave the settings in place &
mmtracectl ''stop
,r t#rn tracing off and reset to non in'memory tracing &
mmtracectl ''off
2014 IBM Corporation
#naly$e traces % create re"orts #naly$e traces % create re"orts
-s an e.ampled my traces are stored in /var/log/gpfstraces/
-nd my GPFS clone directory is /.cat/oehmes/gpfs'clone
0ow r#n the following commands &
1 /.cat/oehmes/gpfs'clone/tools/trcio 'W 'T 'F 'L 'd /var/log/gpfstraces/ 'o trcio.o#tp#t
2eading directory /var/log/gpfstraces
Fo#nd * files matching 34trcrpt.546
Processing * of *& trcrpt.*378*9.*:.5:.37.sonas79n*.g)
!ad trace entry& ;sing invariant time cycle co#nter at <9==.==:777h) to calc#late timestamps
!ad trace entry& >etected %P; r#nning at <935.777777 ?) at *383@33=85.987757 A*73@*:7=@:9=73<<<B.
!ad trace entry& >etected %P; r#nning at <935.777777 ?) at *383@33=85.98775= A*73@*:7=@:9=<5*99B.
!ad trace entry& >etected %P; r#nning at <9==.777777 ?) at *383@35=@<.3:78<8 A*73@::<87@358<3:3B.
!ad trace entry& 0ote that this is a change in %P; speed. Aif prior T,> times are within a second of each
other this is a sp#rio#s errorB
!ad trace entry& >etected %P; r#nning at <9=@.777777 ?) at *383@35=@<.3:<399 A*73@::<87@8:*<9:7B.
!ad trace entry& >etected %P; r#nning at <9==.777777 ?) at *383@9*@7:.3**:87 A*797**@:=38:93858B.
!ad trace entry& >etected %P; r#nning at <3=:.777777 ?) at *383@9*@7:.3**:88 A*797**@:=38::7535B.
Writing trcio.o#tp#t
2014 IBM Corporation
#naly$e traces % look at the re"orts #naly$e traces % look at the re"orts
Processed * trace files&
347.7777774" 4*3@=3.*59<8=4" 4trcrpt.*378*9.*:.5:.37.sonas79n*.g)46
Total elapsedTime& *3@=3.*59 sec
Total Time %o#nt ,ps/sec ''Time'per'operation'Amilli'secB'' '%#m#l.'ed.
AsecondsB min avg =7C ma. AmsB pcnt
'''''''''' '''''' '''''''' ''''''' ''''''' ''''''' ''''''' ''''''''''''4
<9*5.:59 *9:7<3 *7.5 7.738 *:.593 <3.88* *57.953 *@.39: 3:C read 454
:7:.7<= 33@85 <.9 7.7** *8.@=7 *=.**9 *978.=57 <<.:<< 9C send 454
37.8:8 =@3 7.* 7.73= 3*.<== ==.39< <<8.@*: ==.397 *7C write 454
*:.85@ *73< 7.* 7.783 *:.<3@ 38.<*7 <55.89: 35.77= *5C nsd 454
7.<7: 85@ 7.* 7.77* 7.<8< 7.*3< *3.=5< =.77: *C dm#t. 454
7.*5: 55@5 7.9 7.773 7.7<@ 7.733 7.59* 7.7<8 37C recv 454
7.7*8 3:89: <.: 7.777 7.777 7.77* 7.7*3 7.77* <<C tsc 454
7.775 98: 7.7 7.773 7.7** 7.7<3 7.73@ 7.7*3 <3C vnop 454
7.77* 58@ 7.7 7.777 7.77* 7.77< 7.77: 7.77< 35C locD 454
Total Time %o#nt ,ps/sec ''Time'per'operation'Amilli'secB'' '%#m#l.'ed.
AsecondsB min avg =7C ma. AmsB pcnt
'''''''''' '''''' '''''''' ''''''' ''''''' ''''''' ''''''' ''''''''''''
*:95.@5= @@*88 :.3 7.8*< *@.::5 <9.<95 **5.:7@ *=.395 97C read 4vdisDE#f4
:@:.@*: 59@<9 3.= 7.738 *<.5<@ *=.*3= *57.953 *5.<=9 3<C read 4#nDnown4
393.8:9 <8@=@ <.7 7.7<< *<.3<< *=.9<@ =3.==: *5.9<= 3*C send 4nspdsg2eadWrite4
<:<.795 37@ 7.7 :@9.<=* @57.8=5 *3@9.@9* *978.=57 875.=5: 3=C send 4nspdsg>iscover4
@<.=:< <=8: 7.< *=.*@< <8.@88 33.*8< *77.9=8 <8.<@@ 93C read 4data4
<3.35@ <77 7.7 5=.@59 **:.8=7 *=9.5=: <<8.@*: **@.*7= 35C write 4data4
*:.85@ *73< 7.* 7.783 *:.<3@ 38.<*7 <55.89: 35.77= *5C nsd 4process2e$#est4
5.95* 37@ 7.7 **.78< *8.:=@ <7.3:< @3.@9< *8.*7@ 9*C write 4vdisDFGLog<4
7.89: 3:= 7.7 7.797 <.7<3 7.**3 58.:59 <:.7*: <C write 4vdisDFWLog4
7.87: 35 7.7 *8.*<* <7.*8: <7.5*@ <5.*=5 <7.<@* 9@C write 4vdisD2G>esc4
7.3@8 *< 7.7 <:.==8 3<.<:7 38.737 38.73: 3:.<39 57C write 4log>ata4
7.*:< <9 7.7 7.779 :.85< =.=55 *3.=5< =.588 <=C dm#t. 4GE#fFree#te. HGdisDScr#!WorDerThreadI4
2014 IBM Corporation
sdstat Plu&in !or GPS sdstat Plu&in !or GPS
With GPFS 3.5 PTF*< we will add a new sample code pl#gin for sdatst to the GPFS rpms on Lin#.
Jn the meanwhile who has access to the git repository can #se it " files are &
The e.tension of the file A7.: and 7.8B are for the < incompati!le pl#gin versions of dstat.
7.: will worD on all older Lin#. version prior to 2?FL :.* and version 7.8 will worD on all newer versions
7.: and 7.8 are the versions of dstat reported !y dstat version
The version of the pl#gin needs to !e copied into /#sr/share/dstat/ Aon 2?FL :.LB and renamed to liDe
cp ./ts/#til/ /#sr/share/dstat/
-fter that yo# can add the pl#gin to the dstat o#tp#t !y r#nning &
dstat 'c 'n 'd ' gpfsops ''nocolor
This will show cp# " networD" disD and GPFS defa#lt stats on a single line at * second gran#larity
Jn order to ena!le vfs statistics yo# need to r#n &
mmfsadm vfsstats ena!le
,n each node in the cl#ster Aor add to mmfs#p file in /vsr/mmfs/etc/B

2014 IBM Corporation
sdstat Plu&in !or GPS sdstat Plu&in !or GPS
>stat class to display selected gpfs performance co#nters ret#rned !y the
mmpmon MvfsKsM" MiocKsM" MvioKsM" Mvfl#shKsM" and MlrocKsM commands.
The set of co#nters displayed can !e c#stomi)ed via environment varia!les&
Selects which of the five mmpmon commands to display.
Jt is a comma separated list of any of the following&
MvfsM& show mmpmon MvfsKsM co#nters
MiocM& show mmpmon MiocKsM co#nters related to 0S> client J/,
MnsdM& show mmpmon MiocKsM co#nters related to 0S> server J/,
MvioM& show mmpmon MvioKsM co#nters
Mvfl#shM& show mmpmon Mvfl#shKsM co#nters
MlrocM& show mmpmon MlrocKsM co#nters
MallM& e$#ivalent to specifying all of the a!ove
>ST-TKGPFSKW?-T(vfs"lroc dstat ' gpfsops
will display co#nters for mmpmon MvfsKsM and MlrocM commands.
The defa#lt setting is Mvfs"iocM" i.e." !y defa#lt only MvfsKsM and 0S>
client related MiocKsM co#nters are displayed.
For more details on f#rther c#stomi)ation see the file
2014 IBM Corporation
sdstat Plu&in !or GPS sdstat Plu&in !or GPS
N#st show GFS level %o#nters &
1 >ST-TKGPFSKW?-T(vfs dstat 'c 'n 'd ' gpfsops ''nocolor
W-20J0G& ,ption ' is deprecated" please #se ''gpfsops instead
/#sr/!in/dstat&*:8<& >eprecationWarning& os.popen3 is deprecated. ;se the s#!process mod#le.
pipes3cmd6 ( os.popen3Acmd" 4t4" 7B
''''total'cp#'#sage'''' 'net/total' 'dsD/total' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''gpfs'vfs'ops''''''''''''''''''''''''''
#sr sys idl wai hi$ si$O recv sendO read writO cr del op/cl rd wr tr#nc fsync looD# gattr sattr other
7 7 =@ * 7 7O 7 7 O *3 95O 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
7 7 *77 7 7 7O ==7E 5939EO 7 7 O 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
7 7 *77 7 7 7O 897E 9==:EO 7 7 O 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
7 7 *77 7 7 7O :@9E 95=7EO 7 *:DO 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
7 7 *77 7 7 7O :<@E 57*<EO 7 7 O 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
7 7 *77 7 7 7O =*:E 539:EO 7 :7DO 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
N#st show the v>JSP co#nters &
1 >ST-TKGPFSKW?-T(vio dstat 'c 'n 'd ' gpfsops ''nocolor
W-20J0G& ,ption ' is deprecated" please #se ''gpfsops instead
/#sr/!in/dstat&*:8<& >eprecationWarning& os.popen3 is deprecated. ;se the s#!process mod#le.
pipes3cmd6 ( os.popen3Acmd" 4t4" 7B
''''total'cp#'#sage'''' 'net/total' 'dsD/total' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''gpfs'vio'''''''''''''''''''''''''
#sr sys idl wai hi$ si$O recv sendO read writO%l2ea %lShW %ldW %lPFT %lFTW Fl;pW FlPFT igrt Scr#! LgWr
7 7 =@ * 7 7O 7 7 O *3 95O 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
7 7 *77 7 7 7O*959E 5=@:EO 7 7 O 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
7 7 *77 7 7 7O 5:9E 5*87EO 7 7 O 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
7 7 *77 7 7 7O :@9E 9=77EO 7 7 O 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
7 7 *77 7 7 7O @:9E 9:59EO 7 7 O 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
7 7 *77 7 7 7O 897E 9=@7EO 7 :9DO 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
7 7 *77 7 7 7O :@7E 9589EO 7 7 O 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
2014 IBM Corporation
Per! to" % 'ool to !ind the hi&h (P) contender Per! to" % 'ool to !ind the hi&h (P) contender
If you start perf top withou parameters, it gives you a top CPU consuming processes of the system in real
time and show a relative % compared to others.
<3.7:C mmfsd 3.6 rs>*7T<K@K=KlowKvectorKcDs#mAvoid55" %P:9State5" intB

*:.9<C mmfsd 3.6 rs>*7T<K@K=KhighKvectorKcDs#mAvoid55" %P:9State5" intB

=.<<C li!ml.9'rdmav<.so 3.6 7.77777777777735=<

3.<8C 3mmfslin#.6 3D6 c.iGetPagePtrs

<.@<C 3Dernel6 3D6 KspinKlocDKir$save

*.3:C 3Dernel6 3D6 sched#le

*.<*C 3Dernel6 3D6 KspinK#nlocDKir$restore

*.7=C mmfsd 3.6 GTracD>esc&&cleanE#ffers-ndEitmapsAGJ,2e$#est5B

*.7<C 3Dernel6 3D6 KspinKlocD

7.==C 3Dernel6 3D6 fgetKlight

7.=3C 3mmfslin#.6 3D6 c.iStartJ,

7.@7C mmfsd 3.6 G>ataE#f&&vPre!#ildE#fferTrailerAintB

7.83C mmfsd 3.6 0otGlo!al#te.%lass&&ac$#ireAB

7.8<C mmfsd 3.6 %hecDs#m*:&&calc*:Avoid const5" intB

7.:3C 3Dernel6 3D6 fp#t
2014 IBM Corporation
Per! to" % 'ool to !ind the hi&h (P) contender Per! to" % 'ool to !ind the hi&h (P) contender
+o# can f#rther )oom into a process Ain this e.ample mmfsdB and see a !reaDdown of cp# chewing f#nctions &
Samples& <:=P of event 4cycles4" Fvent co#nt Aappro..B& *<:8373=*8*5" Thread& mmfsdA3999<<B" >S,& mmfsd

3=.5*C 3.6 rs>*7T<K@K=KlowKvectorKcDs#mAvoid55" %P:9State5" intB < GN chec!sum code
<@.38C 3.6 rs>*7T<K@K=KhighKvectorKcDs#mAvoid55" %P:9State5" intB
*.=<C 3.6 GTracD>esc&&cleanE#ffers-ndEitmapsAGJ,2e$#est5B
*.39C 3.6 G>ataE#f&&vPre!#ildE#fferTrailerAintB
*.<@C 3.6 0otGlo!al#te.%lass&&ac$#ireAB
*.<5C 3.6 %hecDs#m*:&&calc*:Avoid const5" intB
*.77C 3.6 GTracD>esc&&!#ildE#fferTrailersAE#fEitmap constQ" G>ataE#f55B
7.=*C 3.6 J,E#ndle&&$#e#eJ,E#fferAG>ataE#f5" int" int" intB
7.@:C 3.6 GJ,2e$#est&&performPromotedFTWriteAB
7.@5C 3.6 ver!s&&ver!sServerKiAint" 2pc%onte.t5" 0ode-ddr" int" #nsigned int" int" int" nsd2dma2mrKs5" int" iovec5" long long" long longB
7.@9C 3.6 G>ataE#f&&vGet>ata-ddr-t,ffsetAint" intB const
7.@<C 3.6 %h#nDTa!&&find%h#nDAchar5" #nsigned longB
7.@*C 3.6 G>ataE#f&&vE#ildE#fferTrailerAintB
7.88C 3.6 ver!s&&ver!s>toThreadKiAintB
7.89C 3.6 G>ataE#f&&v?oldAB
7.:=C 3.6 Jncremental%hecDs#mState&&icD-cc#m#lateAvoid const5" intB
7.::C 3.6 GTracD>esc&&prepareToE#ildTrailersAGJ,2e$#est5B
7.::C 3.6 GTracD>esc&&vt;pdateTrailerGersionsAGJ,2e$#est5B
7.::C 3.6 Th%ond&&waitAint" char const5B
7.:3C 3.6 GJ,2e$#est&&vio2eshapeFreeE#ffersAintB
7.:3C 3.6 Gem?andle&&mGetG-ddrAB const
7.:7C 3.6 GTracD>esc&&vtProcessWriteJ,E#ndleStat#sAJ,E#ndle5" GJ,2e$#est5" E#fEitmap5B
2014 IBM Corporation
Per!ormance data Per!ormance data
" word of caution # The achieved n#m!ers depends on the right %lient config#ration and
good Jnterconnect and can vary !etween environments. They sho#ld not !e #sed in 2FJ4s
as committed n#m!ers" rather to demonstrate the technical capa!ilities of the Prod#ct
in good conditions
Non of the following Performance numbers should be reused for
sales or contract purposes.
Some of the numbers produced are a result of very advanced
tuning and while achievable, not very easy to recreate at customer
systems without the same level of effort
2014 IBM Corporation
'est Setu" 'est Setu"
10 5*0006M* Server each 7ith
11 GB of Memor8 91 +" Pa+epoo(:
1 F;/ Port
1 5 1 core CP<
1 GSS24=21 &epen&in+ on the test!
2 F;/ Ports connecte& per Server
GPFS *!0!0!2 G- co&e (eve(
Me((ano5 *2 Port F;/ s7itch
45 105
2014 IBM Corporation
#""ly these numbers to "ractice #""ly these numbers to "ractice
%reating a single *7 G!yte File from one %lient #sing a GF0'< F>2 JE card
1 /#sr/local/!in/gpfsperf create se$ 'n *7G 'r @m /i!m/fs<'@m/test'*7g'write
/#sr/local/!in/gpfsperf create se$ /i!m/fs<'@m/test'*7g'write
recSi)e @ nEytes *7G fileSi)e *7G
nProcesses * nThreadsPerProcess *
file cache fl#shed !efore test
not #sing data shipping
not #sing direct J/,
offsets accessed will cycle thro#gh the same file segment
not #sing shared memory !#ffer
not releasing !yte'range toDen after open
no fsync at end of test
>ata rate was $%&'()).*+ ,-ytes.sec" iops was 3=@.=5" thread #tili)ation 7.=@9
2ecord si)e& @3@@:7@ !ytes" *78389*@<97 !ytes to transfer" *78389*@<97 !ytes transferred
%P; #tili)ation& #ser 3.:@C" sys 3.@8C" idle =<.95C" wait 7.77C
Why didn4t it r#n at 5.: GE/sec R GF0 <
2014 IBM Corporation
#""ly these numbers to "ractice #""ly these numbers to "ractice
2eading a single !locD random from this *7 G!yte File while it is not cached anymore
1 /#sr/local/!in/gpfsperf read rand 'n @m 'r @m /i!m/fs<'@m/test'*7g'write
/#sr/local/!in/gpfsperf read rand /i!m/fs<'@m/test'*7g'write
recSi)e @ nEytes @ fileSi)e *7G
nProcesses * nThreadsPerProcess *
file cache fl#shed !efore test
not #sing data shipping
not #sing direct J/,
offsets accessed will cycle thro#gh the same file segment
not #sing shared memory !#ffer
not releasing !yte'range toDen after open
>ata rate was %%/$%%.*% ,-ytes.sec" iops was <:.@=" thread #tili)ation 7.=@=
2ecord si)e& @3@@:7@ !ytes" @3@@:7@ !ytes to transfer" @3@@:7@ !ytes transferred
%P; #tili)ation& #ser 7.77C" sys 7.77C" idle *77.77C" wait 7.77C
3rootSclients.sonascl*: mpi61 mmdiag ''iohist
((( mmdiag& iohist (((
J/, history&
J/, start time 2W E#f type disD&sector0#m nSec time ms Type >evice/0S> J> 0S> server
''''''''''''''' '' ''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''' ''''' ''''''' '''' '''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''
*7&79&95.=8=798 2 data *7&975<8=<**5< *:3@9 33.:9: cli %7-8797<&5*F*E*<% *=<.*:8.9.<
2014 IBM Corporation
#""ly these numbers to "ractice #""ly these numbers to "ractice
2eading @ !locDs se$#entially from this *7 G!yte File while it is not cached anymore
1 /#sr/local/!in/gpfsperf read se$ 'n :9m 'r @m /i!m/fs<'@m/test'*7g'write
/#sr/local/!in/gpfsperf read se$ /i!m/fs<'@m/test'*7g'write
recSi)e @ nEytes :9 fileSi)e *7G
nProcesses * nThreadsPerProcess *
file cache fl#shed !efore test
not #sing data shipping
not #sing direct J/,
offsets accessed will cycle thro#gh the same file segment
not #sing shared memory !#ffer
not releasing !yte'range toDen after open
>ata rate was *$$)$$.%+ ,-ytes.sec" iops was :5.*@" thread #tili)ation 7.=7*
2ecord si)e& @3@@:7@ !ytes" :8*7@@:9 !ytes to transfer" :8*7@@:9 !ytes transferred
%P; #tili)ation& #ser 7.:@C" sys 7.:@C" idle =@.:9C" wait 7.77C
3rootSclients.sonascl*: mpi61 mmdiag ''iohist
((( mmdiag& iohist (((
J/, history&
J/, start time 2W E#f type disD&sector0#m nSec time ms Type >evice/0S> J> 0S> server
''''''''''''''' '' ''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''' ''''' ''''''' '''' '''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''
*7&7:&<9.::9@8@ 2 data **&:=758:5@@@7 *:3@9 <8.@78 cli %7-8797<&5*F*E*<> *=<.*:8.9.<
*7&7:&<9.::9@8@ 2 data *7&@*9*:355@97 *:3@9 39.38< cli %7-8797<&5*F*E*<% *=<.*:8.9.<
*7&7:&<9.879*== 2 data 8&*53:@33*<:97 *:3@9 <:.@@9 cli %7-8797*&5*F*E**% *=<.*:8.9.*
*7&7:&<9.87*=:8 2 data *<&*55<333@:9=: *:3@9 3<.588 cli %7-8797<&5*F*E*<F *=<.*:8.9.<
*7&7:&<9.879<*7 2 data @&@:*573:5*@9 *:3@9 3<.*== cli %7-8797*&5*F*E**> *=<.*:8.9.*
*7&7:&<9.838<37 2 data =&*873*5*@:*8: *:3@9 37.5<8 cli %7-8797*&5*F*E**F *=<.*:8.9.*
*7&7:&<9.89*5@7 2 data @&8*3*==<@@3< *:3@9 37.59< cli %7-8797*&5*F*E**> *=<.*:8.9.*
*7&7:&<9.838<38 2 data *7&*99*3*57:*8: *:3@9 38.35@ cli %7-8797<&5*F*E*<% *=<.*:8.9.<
*7&7:&<9.83=<33 2 data *<&=888@783:7 *:3@9 3:.385 cli %7-8797<&5*F*E*<F *=<.*:8.9.<
*7&7:&<9.83=<73 2 data **&=*9<@==578< *:3@9 38.:78 cli %7-8797<&5*F*E*<> *=<.*:8.9.<
*7&7:&<9.89*5@@ 2 data 8&*8*****8779@ *:3@9 97.997 cli %7-8797*&5*F*E**% *=<.*:8.9.*
2014 IBM Corporation
#""ly these numbers to "ractice #""ly these numbers to "ractice
2eading @ !locDs se$#entially from this *7 G!yte File while it is 01I22 cached
1 /#sr/local/!in/gpfsperf read se$ 'n :9m 'r @m /i!m/fs<'@m/test'*7g'write
/#sr/local/!in/gpfsperf read se$ /i!m/fs<'@m/test'*7g'write
recSi)e @ nEytes :9 fileSi)e *7G
nProcesses * nThreadsPerProcess *
file cache fl#shed !efore test
not #sing data shipping
not #sing direct J/,
offsets accessed will cycle thro#gh the same file segment
not #sing shared memory !#ffer
not releasing !yte'range toDen after open
>ata rate was $%'&(&*.3& ,-ytes.sec" iops was 97*.*9" thread #tili)ation 7.=@7
2ecord si)e& @3@@:7@ !ytes" :8*7@@:9 !ytes to transfer" :8*7@@:9 !ytes transferred
%P; #tili)ation& #ser 7.77C" sys 9.7@C" idle =5.=<C" wait 7.77C
3rootSclients.sonascl*: mpi61 mmdiag ''iohist
((( mmdiag& iohist (((
J/, history&
J/, start time 2W E#f type disD&sector0#m nSec time ms Type >evice/0S> J> 0S> server
''''''''''''''' '' ''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''' ''''' ''''''' '''' '''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''
2014 IBM Corporation
#""ly these numbers to "ractice #""ly these numbers to "ractice
2eading the whole file se$#entially
1 /#sr/local/!in/gpfsperf read se$ 'n *7g 'r @m /i!m/fs<'@m/test'*7g'write
/#sr/local/!in/gpfsperf read se$ /i!m/fs<'@m/test'*7g'write
recSi)e @ nEytes *7G fileSi)e *7G
nProcesses * nThreadsPerProcess *
file cache fl#shed !efore test
not #sing data shipping
not #sing direct J/,
offsets accessed will cycle thro#gh the same file segment
not #sing shared memory !#ffer
not releasing !yte'range toDen after open
>ata rate was %$$/$3&.*& ,-ytes.sec" iops was <@9.98" thread #tili)ation *.777
2ecord si)e& @3@@:7@ !ytes" *78389*@<97 !ytes to transfer" *78389*@<97 !ytes transferred
%P; #tili)ation& #ser 3.7*C" sys 3.<9C" idle =3.85C" wait 7.77C
((( mmdiag& iohist (((
J/, history&
J/, start time 2W E#f type disD&sector0#m nSec time ms Type >evice/0S> J> 0S> server
''''''''''''''' '' ''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''' ''''' ''''''' '''' '''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''
*7&39&7<.395=<5 2 data @&*:8*3*<57:@@ *:3@9 39.::@ cli %7-8797*&5*F*E**> *=<.*:8.9.*
*7&39&7<.395=<5 2 data =&*78:@3@<3:*: *:3@9 38.939 cli %7-8797*&5*F*E**F *=<.*:8.9.*
*7&39&7<.3@8**< 2 data **&:=758:5@@@7 *:3@9 37.35: cli %7-8797<&5*F*E*<> *=<.*:8.9.<
*7&39&7<.3@9*7@ 2 data *7&@*9*:355@97 *:3@9 35.<:5 cli %7-8797<&5*F*E*<% *=<.*:8.9.<
*7&39&7<.3@873* 2 data *<&*55<333@:9=: *:3@9 39.38: cli %7-8797<&5*F*E*<F *=<.*:8.9.<
*7&39&7<.9<<<@3 2 data @&@:*573:5*@9 *:3@9 3*.*<3 cli %7-8797*&5*F*E**> *=<.*:8.9.*
*7&39&7<.9<983* 2 data *7&*99*3*57:*8: *:3@9 <=.9=5 cli %7-8797<&5*F*E*<% *=<.*:8.9.<
*7&39&7<.9<<<5* 2 data 8&*53:@33*<:97 *:3@9 3<.935 cli %7-8797*&5*F*E**% *=<.*:8.9.*
*7&39&7<.9<983* 2 data =&*873*5*@:*8: *:3@9 39.79= cli %7-8797*&5*F*E**F *=<.*:8.9.*
2014 IBM Corporation
#""ly these numbers to "ractice #""ly these numbers to "ractice
See that the data was prefetched which is why the response time per re$#est is lower &
mmfsadm d#mp iohist
J/, history&
J/, start time 2W E#f type disD&sector0#m nSec time ms tag* tag< >isD ;J> typ
0S> server conte.t thread
''''''''''''''' '' ''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''' ''''' ''''''' ''''''''' ''''''''' '''''''''''''''''' '''
''''''''''''''' ''''''''' ''''''''''
*7&39&98.*9@5@< 2 data =&*78:@3@<3:*: *:3@9 37.:** <<=5@7@ * %7-8797*&5*F*E*37 cli
*=<.*:8.9.* Prefetch Prefetch4or!er1hread
*7&39&98.*9@5=7 2 data @&*:8*3*<57:@@ *:3@9 5*.*@7 <<=5@7@ 7 %7-8797*&5*F*E*<- cli
*=<.*:8.9.* E?andler FileElocD2eadFetch?andlerThread
*7&39&98.<79@@7 2 data **&:=758:5@@@7 *:3@9 <8.@@8 <<=5@7@ 3 %7-8797*&5*F*E*<> cli
*=<.*:8.9.< Prefetch PrefetchWorDerThread
*7&39&98.<7<59= 2 data *7&@*9*:355@97 *:3@9 3:.39@ <<=5@7@ < %7-8797*&5*F*E*<F cli
*=<.*:8.9.< Prefetch PrefetchWorDerThread
*7&39&98.<79@@@ 2 data *<&*55<333@:9=: *:3@9 39.7*8 <<=5@7@ 9 %7-8797*&5*F*E*<% cli
*=<.*:8.9.< Prefetch PrefetchWorDerThread
*7&39&98.<99735 2 data *7&*99*3*57:*8: *:3@9 3<.@:: <<=5@7@ @ %7-8797*&5*F*E*<F cli
*=<.*:8.9.< Prefetch PrefetchWorDerThread
*7&39&98.<9*@3= 2 data 8&*53:@33*<:97 *:3@9 35.83< <<=5@7@ 5 %7-8797*&5*F*E*<@ cli
*=<.*:8.9.* Prefetch PrefetchWorDerThread
*7&39&98.<9*@3= 2 data @&@:*573:5*@9 *:3@9 38.598 <<=5@7@ : %7-8797*&5*F*E*<- cli
*=<.*:8.9.* Prefetch PrefetchWorDerThread
*7&39&98.<9:5:8 2 data *<&=888@783:7 *:3@9 33.:39 <<=5@7@ *7 %7-8797*&5*F*E*<% cli
*=<.*:8.9.< Prefetch PrefetchWorDerThread
*7&39&98.<9:5:8 2 data **&=*9<@==578< *:3@9 3:.@8* <<=5@7@ = %7-8797*&5*F*E*<> cli
*=<.*:8.9.< Prefetch PrefetchWorDerThread
*7&39&98.<93=9: 2 data =&*873*5*@:*8: *:3@9 93.5=* <<=5@7@ 8 %7-8797*&5*F*E*37 cli
*=<.*:8.9.* Prefetch PrefetchWorDerThread
2014 IBM Corporation
Benchmark Benchmark e*ecution e*ecution and and results results
Operation 1m .m 1$m
!SS2$*#rite 7M&/sec8 3956:30 11302:19 1.960:.0
!SS2$*read 7M&/sec8 $9;6:5; 13915:3$ 15193:61
!SS2.*#rite 7M&/sec8 3023:23 6699:2$ 111.;:36
!SS2.*read 7M&/sec8 .9;6:02 9515:$$ 13;65:60
ior -i 2 -p -d 10 -w -r -e -t 16m -b 32G -o /ibm/fs2-16m/shared/ior//iorfile
-i N repetitions -- number of repetitions of test
-d N interTestDelay -- delay between reps in seconds
-w writeFile -- write file
-r readFile -- read existing file
-e fsync -- perform fsync upon POSIX write close
-t N transferSize -- size of transfer in bytes (e.g.: 8, 4k, 2m, 1g)
-b N blockSize -- contiguous bytes to write per task (e.g.: 8, 4k, 2m, 1g)
-o S testFile -- full name for test
" word of caution # The achieved n#m!ers depends on the right %lient
config#ration and good Jnterconnect and can vary !etween environments. They
sho#ld not !e #sed in 2FJ4s as committed n#m!ers" rather to demonstrate the
technical capa!ilities of the Prod#ct in good conditions
2014 IBM Corporation
+ead +ead Benchmark Benchmark
" word of caution # The achieved n#m!ers depends on the right %lient
config#ration and good Jnterconnect and can vary !etween environments. They
sho#ld not !e #sed in 2FJ4s as committed n#m!ers" rather to demonstrate the
technical capa!ilities of the Prod#ct in good conditions
2014 IBM Corporation
,rite Benchmark ,rite Benchmark
" word of caution # The achieved n#m!ers depends on the right %lient
config#ration and good Jnterconnect and can vary !etween environments. They
sho#ld not !e #sed in 2FJ4s as committed n#m!ers" rather to demonstrate the
technical capa!ilities of the Prod#ct in good conditions
2014 IBM Corporation
GPS Parameters e*"lained GPS Parameters e*"lained
General Parameter
odern Servers have m#ltiple emory regions that are attached to a given socDet. !y defa#lt Lin#.
allocates data for a given process from only * 0;- 2egion This Parameter tells GPFS to ro#nd ro!in
across all regions to not r#n into a o#t of memory condition when yo# reached the limit of one of
the regions while the remaining still have plenty of memory left.
mmchconfig numa5emoryInterleave6yes
page pool defines the amo#nt of physical memory that sho#ld !e pinned !y GPFS at start#p. it is
#sed in vario#s places of the code" !#t from a Performance perspective its re$#ired to cache data
and metadata o!Tects Aindirect !locDs" directory !locDsB.
mmchconfig pagepool6$'g
>efines the n#m!er of E#fferdescriptors. for data !locD Af#ll !locD or fragmentBor
directory !locD yo# want to hold in the cache yo# need to have e.actly *
mmchconfig ma78uffer9escs6%m
Percentage of page pool #sed for file prefetching needs to !e less than the defa#lt of <7C since
most of the page pool was given to G02.
mmchconfig prefetchPct6*
-llow largest possi!le GPFS !locD si)e and G02 vdisD tracD si)e
mmchconfig ma7-loc!si:e6(&m
0#m!er of recent J,s whose target address and response times are recorded. >efa#lt 5*<.
mmchconfig io;istory0i:e6&+!
defines no of #lticlass / 0on'critical worDer threads to !e started
mmchconfig ma7General1hreads6(%'/
ma.EpS affects the depth of prefetching for se$#ential file access. Jt sho#ld !e set at least as
large as the e.pected hardware !andwidth.
mmchconfig ma758p06(&///
2014 IBM Corporation
GPS Parameters e*"lained GPS Parameters e*"lained
;ouse!eeping . cache related settings
syncJntervalStrict defines if we sho#ld only follow the syncJnterval Adefa#lt 37B val#e rather than
the main interval of the ,S triggered sync " which happens on lin#. every 5 seconds. this has a
very !ig positive impact on worDloads with !#ffered writes.
mmchconfig syncInterval0trict6yes
These are all a!o#t cleaning MfilesM so ,penFile o!Tects can !e stolen and re'#sed. To steal an
,penFile o!Tect the whole file Adata Q metadataB m#st !e fl#shed.
fl#shed>ataTarget& no of ,penFile o!Tects where data have !een fl#shed already
fl#shedJnodeTarget& no of ,penFile o!Tects where data Q metadata have !een fl#shed
ma.File%leaners& no threads fl#shing data and/or metada
mmchconfig flushed9ata1arget6(/%+
mmchconfig flushedInode1arget6(/%+
mmchconfig ma7<ileCleaners6(/%+
These are cleaning data !#ffers" so sync doesn4t have to fl#sh data !locDs
mmchconfig ma78ufferCleaners6(/%+
0#m!er of GPFS log !#ffers. ?aving lots of these allows the log to a!sor! !#rsts of log appends.
For systems with large page pools A* G or moreB" log !#ffers are the si)e of the metadata !locD
si)e" and there is a separate set of s#ch !#ffers for each file system. >efa#lt 3.
mmchconfig log8ufferCount6%/
GPFS log fl#sh controls. When the log !ecomes logWrapThresholdPct" the log fl#sh code is activated
to fl#sh dirty o!Tects so the log records that descri!e their #pdates can !e discarded. This
percentage defa#lts to 57C" and altho#gh there is some code to allow changing it" modifying this
val#e is not s#pported !y mmchconfig. Log wrap will start logWrapThreads fl#sh threads Adefa#lt
@B" which will fl#sh eno#gh dirty o!Tects so the recovery start position can !e moved forward !y
logWrap-mo#ntPct percent Adefa#lt *7CB.
mmchconfig log4rap"mountPct6%
mmchconfig log4rap1hreads6(%'
2014 IBM Corporation
GPS Parameters e*"lained GPS Parameters e*"lained
0#m!er of active allocation regions for disD allocation. Larger n#m!ers can improve allocation
performance" !#t high n#m!ers sho#ld not !e #sed for large cl#sters. >efa#lt is 9.
mmchconfig ma7"llocegionsPerNode6$%
Si)e of the pool of threads that completes file deletions in the !acDgro#nd. >efa#lt is 9.
mmchconfig ma78ac!ground9eletion1hreads6(& n#m!er of threads that prefetch inode toDens of deleted files to speed #p file creates.
>efa#lt is @.
mmchconfig ma7Inode9eallocPrefetch6(%' n#m!er of sim#ltaneo#s local GPFS re$#ests. >efa#lt 9@.
mmchconfig wor!er(1hreads6(/%+
ma.FilesTo%ache sho#ld !e set fairly large to assist with local worDload. Jt can !e set very
large in small client cl#sters" !#t sho#ld remain small on clients in large cl#sters to avoid
e.cessive memory #se on the toDen servers. The stat cache is not effective on Lin#." so it
sho#ld always !e small.
mmchconfig ma7<iles1oCache6(%'!
mmchconfig ma70tatCache6*(% n#m!er of threads that prefetch inode toDens of deleted files to speed #p file creates.
>efa#lt is @.
mmchconfig ma7Inode9eallocPrefetch6(%'
Pre'steal some page pool space to red#ce the latency of ac$#iring a free !#ffer.preSteal%o#nt is
the option to specify a hard n#m!er vs Pct. the way it worDs is if set to *7777 " 5777 go to
3<D" <577 to *:D" *<57 to @D " ....
mmchconfig pre0tealCount6(///
mmchconfig pre0tealPct6(
2014 IBM Corporation
GPS Parameters e*"lained GPS Parameters e*"lained
syncEacDgro#ndThreads define how many threads in parallel are allowed to r#n to fl#sh data
d#ring reg#lar sync intervals. >efa#lt *:.
syncWorDerThreads no of threads in parallele to fl#sh data d#ring e.plicit sync Async command"
or crsnapshot" or #nmo#nt" ...B
mmchconfig sync8ac!ground1hreads6&+
mmchconfig sync4or!er1hreads6%*&
These Settings infl#ence the inode Prefetch !ehavio#r for Mls 'lM
JnodePrefectFirst>ir!locD set to MyesM to have inode prefetch read the first !locD of each
s#!dir as well. >efa#lts to no.
JnodePrefetchThreshold defines how many stat4s we wait for !efore start prefetching inodes"
defa#lt is 5" maDe it smaller to start inode prefetch sooner.
JnodePrefetchWindow define how close together in time the stat4s have to !e to trigger inode
prefetch" defa#lt is 7.5 seconds which means the 5 stat4s all have to within half a second of
each other" otherwise we4ll ignore them. yo# need to maDe it larger to trigger inode prefetch
even if stat4s are coming in more slowly #nits are in milli seconds.
e.g." setting it to <577 will maDe the window !e <.5 seconds
mmchconfig InodePrefect<irst9ir-loc!6yes
mmchconfig InodePrefetch1hreshold6*
mmchconfig InodePrefetch4indow6*//
General n#m!er of inode prefetch threads to #se. >efa#lt @.
mmchconfig wor!er$1hreads6$%
pitWorDerThreadsPer0ode specify how m#ch threads do restripe" data movement" etc ...
>efa#lt is threadsPer0ode ( J0A*:" An#m!er,f>isDs 5 9B/n#m!er,f0odes U *BB so *:" or less if
there are fewer than a!o#t fo#r L;0s
mmchconfig pit4or!er1hreadsPerNode6(&
2014 IBM Corporation
GPS Parameters e*"lained GPS Parameters e*"lained
Prefetch-ggressiveness defines how aggressive to prefetch data
7 means never prefetch
* means prefetch on <nd access if se$#ential
< means prefetch on *st access at offset 7 or <nd se$#ential access anywhere else
3 means prefetch on *st access anywhere
Jn 3.3" the defa#lt was 3 Aprefetch,nFirst-ccessB" which means it wo#ld always prefetch
immediately" even if the first access is in the middle of the file.
Jn GPFS 3.9" the defa#lt is < Aprefetch0ormalB" which means if yo# start reading at the
!eginning of the file" it will start prefetching immediately" !#t if yo# start reading
somewhere in the middle of the file" it waits #ntil the second read to confirm that the access
is se$#ential !efore it starts prefetching. With the setting of * Aprefetch,nSecond-ccessB" it
will wait for a second read" even if the first read was at the !eginning of the file.
since 3.5 yo# can specify read and write aggressiveness independent.
mmchconfig prefetch"ggressiveness6%
mmchconfig prefetch"ggressivenessead6=(
mmchconfig prefetch"ggressiveness4rite6=(
ignorePrefetchL;0%o#nt tells the 0S> client to not limit the n#m!ers of re$#ests !ased on the
n#m!er of visi!le L;04s Aas they can have a large n#m!er of physical disDs !ehind themB and
rather limit !y the ma. to n#m!er of !#ffers and prefetch threads.>efa#lts to no
mmchconfig ignorePrefetch2UNCount6yes
2014 IBM Corporation
GPS Parameters e*"lained GPS Parameters e*"lained
Communication elated Parameter
tscWorDerPool defines no of threads per class of receive worDers
mmchconfig tsc4or!erPool6&+
nsdJnlineWritea. defines the allowed single io si)e to #se Jnline writes.>efa#lts to *D
mmchconfig nsdInline4rite5a76$%!
This needs to !e set larger than the defa#lt for server nodes that may have connections to many
clients" since it indirectly controls the n#m!er of T%P connections managed !y each receiver
mmchconfig ma7eceiver1hreads6$%
2>- Port config#ration
mmchconfig ver-sPorts6>ml7+?/.( ml7+?/.% ml7+?(.( ml7+?(.%>
ena!le 2>- in general" if this is set to disa!le all 2>- comm#nication is sh#t off
mmchconfig ver-sdma6ena-le
defines minim#m si)e of a PacDet to #se 2>- " also see nsdJnlineWritea.
mmchconfig ver-sdma5in8ytes6(&!
T#rns ver!sSend on" a low level JE inline transfer method
mmchconfig ver-sdma0end6yes
a. n#m!er of o#tstanding transfers at a time per connection
mmchconfig ver-sdmasPerConnection6%*&
a. n#m!er of o#tstanding transfers at a time for the entire node
mmchconfig ver-sdmasPerNode6(/%+
?ow m#ch dedicated P-gepool for ver!s comm#nication
mmchconfig ver-s0end8uffer5emory586(/%+

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