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Oracle DBA Concise Handbook

Oracle DBA Concise

Covers 9i to 11g
Saikat Basak
Published by Ensel Software
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Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
! Saikat Basak
"he author and #ublisher of this book ha$e used their best efforts in #re#arin%
this book. "hese efforts include the de$elo#ment& research and testin% of the
theories and #ro%rams to determine their effecti$eness. "he author and
#ublisher shall not be liable in any e$ent for the incidental or conse'uential
dama%es in connection with& or arisin% out of& the furnishin%& #erformance& or
use of these #ro%rams.
All ri%hts reser$ed. (o #art of this book may be re#roduced& in any form or by
any means& without the #ermission in writin% from the author.

Edition )**+
Edition )**, - u#dated for *% . %
/ast u#dated 0ul )**
- ) -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 6
1 ORAC! "!R#!R $ AN O#!R#I!% ........................................................ &
. /O12CA/ S"34C"43E ........................................................................................ 5
.) O3AC/E 6E6O37 S"34C"43E ............................................................................ 5
.8 BAC913O4(D P3OCESSES .................................................................................. ,
.+ 2(S"A//2(1 A(D 6A(A12(1 O3AC/E DA"ABASE ................................................. )
.: O3AC/E 6A(A1ED ;2/ES <O6;= .................................................................. )
.> C3EA"2(1 A (E? DA"ABASE ........................................................................... )
.5 S"A3"2(1 4P DA"ABASE 2(S"A(CE ................................................................... :
.@ SH4""2(1 DO?( DA"ABASE 2(S"A(CE .............................................................. :
., CO("3O/ ;2/E ............................................................................................... :
.* 3EDO /O1 ;2/ES ......................................................................................... 5
. "AB/E SPACES ........................................................................................... )*
.) SE16E(" A(D S"O3A1E S"34C"43ES ............................................................. )8
.8 "AB/ES .................................................................................................... )+
.+ 2(DEAES ................................................................................................... ):
.: CO(S"3A2("S ........................................................................................... )5
.> 4SE3S A(D SEC432"7 ................................................................................. ),
' BAC(U) AND R!CO#!R* ....................................................................... +'
). 2("3OD4C"2O( .............................................................................................. 8)
).) BAC94P A(D 3ECOBE37 2( (O A3CH2BE /O1 6ODE ............................................. 8)
).8 BAC94P 2( A3CH2BE /O1 6ODE ....................................................................... 8)
).+ 4SE3 6A(A1ED CO6P/E"E 3ECOBE37 .............................................................. 88
).: 4SE3 6A(A1ED 2(CO6P/E"E 3ECOBE37 ............................................................ 8+
).> /O12CA/ BAC94P - EAPO3"C26PO3" A(D DA"A P46P ........................................ 8+
).5 SD/ /OADE3 .............................................................................................. 8>
).@ (E"?O392(1 ;4(DA6E("A/S ......................................................................... 85
)., /O1 62(E3 .................................................................................................. 8,
).* 3EA/ APP/2CA"2O( C/4S"E3S <3AC= ......................................................... +)
). S"A(DB7 DA"ABASE <A/SO O3AC/E DA"A 14A3D= ........................................ ++
).) 3EP/2CA"2O( ............................................................................................. ++
+ )!R,OR-ANC! TUNIN. ......................................................................... /0
8. "4(2(1 DEBE/OP6E(" A(D P3OD4C"2O( S7S"E6S .............................................. +:
8.) SO43CES O; "4(2(1 2(;O36A"2O( ................................................................... +:
8.8 CO//EC"2(1 S"A"2S"2CS ................................................................................. +>
8.+ O3AC/E S4PP/2ED 142 "4(2(1 "OO/S ............................................................. +5
8.: SD/ APP/2CA"2O( "4(2(1 A(D DES21( ............................................................ +5
8.> OP"262EE3 ................................................................................................... +,
- 8 -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
8.5 "4(2(1 SHA3ED POO/ .................................................................................... :)
8.@ "4(2(1 DA"ABASE B4;;E3 CACHE .................................................................... :+
8., SHA3ED SE3BE3 ............................................................................................ :>
8.* /A31E POO/ A(D 0ABA POO/ ....................................................................... :5
8. "4(2(1 3EDO ............................................................................................ :5
8.) "4(2(1 A3CH2B2(1 OPE3A"2O(S ................................................................... :@
8.8 "4(2(1 D2S9 2CO ....................................................................................... :@
8.+ "4(2(1 SO3"S ........................................................................................... :@
8.: "4(2(1 3O//BAC9 SE16E("S ...................................................................... :,
8.> /OC9S ...................................................................................................... :,
8.5 "4(2(1 OPE3A"2(1 S7S"E6 ......................................................................... >*
8.@ A4"O6A"2C ?O39/OAD 3EPOS2"O37 <A?3= .............................................. >*
8., A4"O6A"2C DA"ABASE D2A1(OS"2C 6O(2"O3 <ADD6= A(D SD/ "4(2(1
ADB2SO3 ............................................................................................................ >*
/ "1 AND )2"1 ......................................................................................... 6'
+. CO6P2/2(1 PAC9A1ES .................................................................................... >)
+.) 3ECO3DS A(D "AB/ES .................................................................................. >)
+.8 C43SO3 ....................................................................................................... >)
+.+ 6E31E& 64/"2 - "AB/E 2(SE3" A(D P2BO" 2(SE3" ............................................. >8
+.: SD/ 0O2(S .................................................................................................. >+
+.> 4SE;4/ SD/ ;4(C"2O(S ............................................................................... >:
+.5 D7(A62C P/CSD/ ....................................................................................... >>
+.@ (ES"ED "AB/E .............................................................................................. >5
+., "7PES O; 0O2(S ............................................................................................. >@
+.* EA"E3(A/ "AB/ES ...................................................................................... 5*
0 DB-" )AC(A.!" ....................................................................................... &1
:. DB6SF0OB .............................................................................................. 5
:.) 4"/F;2/E ................................................................................................ 5
6 U"!,U "CRI)T" ,OR DBA" ................................................................... &+
>. "O SHO? P326A37C;O3E21( 9E7 3E/A"2O(SH2PS O; A// "AB/ES A(D B2E?S 2( A
12BE( SCHE6A .................................................................................................... 58
>.) "O SEE A// OB0EC"S 2( A "AB/E SPACE ;2/E ...................................................... 58
>.8 ?H2CH 4SE3 EAEC4"2(1 ?HA" "7PE O; CO66A(D ............................................. 5+
>.+ 1E" O4"P4" O; A D4E37 "O A "EA" ;2/E ;3O6 SD/ P/4S ................................. 5+
>.: "O SEE S2EE O; 7O43 "AB/ES A(D 2(DEAES ....................................................... 5+
>.> "O SEE ;3EE SPACES 2( "AB/E SPACES .............................................................. 5+
& N!% ,!ATUR!" O, 13211. ...................................................................... &6
5. ?HA" 2S 1 2( O3AC/EGS 132D CO6P4"2(1H ....................................................... 5,
5.) ?HA" A3E O3AC/E ;4S2O( 62DD/E?A3E <O;6= A(D SE3B2CE O32E("ED
A3CH2"EC"43E <SOA=H ...................................................................................... @*
- + -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
4 DBA INT!R#I!% 1U!"TION" ................................................................ 4+
@. OPE(-E(DED D4ES"2O(S ................................................................................. @8
@.) "ECH(2CA/ D4ES"2O(S ................................................................................... @8
@.8 D4ES"2O(S 7O4 SHO4/D AS9 .......................................................................... ,*
9 R!,!R!NC!" ............................................................................................... 91
13 ORAC! "!R#!R5" DIA.RA--ATIC O#!R#I!% ....................... 9'
- : -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
"here are se$eral books a$ailable in the market for Oracle DBAs. So what is
s#ecial about this bookH
?ell& the differences are se$eral. ;irst of all& this book is a$ailable in electronic
format. 7ou can carry this book where$er you want. 2t is written in sim#le
?ord format <PD; format is also a$ailable=. So& you can o#en it in almost
anywhere. "his book is based on the commands necessary for re%ular DBA
acti$ities. "his is a concise book. 2t attem#ts to be your first reference for DBA
Iob. 7ou will still re'uire lookin% at Oracle manuals and other hu%e references
for ad$anced commands and features. Please note that this book does not try to
teach you how to be a DBA. 2t is assumed that you know a bit of DBA
acti$ities. 2t only acts as a DBA handbook.
2 included a section on common DBA inter$iew 'uestions. ?here do you find
such information in other booksH Some a$id readers wanted the answers to be
%i$en alon% with. Howe$er& some 'uestions are too easy. Some difficult
answersChints ha$e been #ro$ided. But 2 donJt a##reciate #ro$idin% all answers
because unless you ha$e sound understandin% of the conce#t& you can be $ery
easy bo%%ed down by some twists in the 'uestions.
"his is really a CO(C2SE handbook. "hatJs why 2 couldnJt co$er e$ery nuts
and bolts of Oracle. Had 2 do so& this book would ha$e consisted of more than
*** #a%es and its charm would ha$e been lostK Only the most basic as#ects
ha$e been touched. So& #lease donJt yell that why such and such to#ics ha$e
been left. Howe$er& if readers stron%ly feel that some to#ics need to be added& 2
shall definitely honor that demand.
2 shall occasionally u#date the book. So& #lease $isit the website fre'uently to
download latest $ersion of the book.
Please note that ori%inally 2 wrote this book for Oracle ,i and then u#dated for
- > -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
1 Oracle Server an overview
1.1 Logical structure
Physical stora%e structures
Oracle database consists of 8 ty#es of #hysical files -
Data files - contains all database data
3edo lo% files - record all chan%es made to data. 4sed for reco$ery
Control files - maintains information about #hysical structure of database
1.2 Oracle memory structure
1.2.1 SGA
System 1lobal Area <S1A= is shared memory area. All users of database share
information maintained in this area. "he S1A and other back%round #rocesses
constitute an Oracle instance.
S1A siLe is limited by S1AF6AAFS2EE initialiLation #arameter.
;rom %& Oracle can mana%e S1A and P1A com#letely automatically.
- 5 -
s#ace )
Se%ment )
"ables#ace Se%ment
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
Shared memory
;rom %& there are two new com#onents in S1A $iL Streams #ool and 3esult
(on-shared memory
"he database buffer cache is the area of memory that caches database data&
holdin% blocks from data files that ha$e been read recently. Before a user can
look at a #iece of information in an Oracle database& it must first reside in the
database buffer cache. Data %ets into this cache based u#on the 6ost 3ecently
4sed al%orithm. Because the most recently and most fre'uently used data is
ke#t in memory& less disk 2CO is necessary& and o$erall database #erformance is
"here are 8 ty#es of buffers - dirty& free and #inned.
- @ -
Database buffer cache
9ee# 3ecycle Default
3edo lo% buffer cache
/ar%e #ool <o#tional=
0a$a #ool <o#tional=
Shared #ool
/ibrary cache
Shared SD/
. #acka%es
/ocks and
Stack s#ace Session info Sort area
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
Oracle uses an /34 mechanism to remo$e data from DB cache.
DBF3EC7C/EFCACHEFS2EE determines DB cache siLe.
DBFCACHEFADB2CE can be set to O(CO;;C3EAD7 and the result can be
3edo lo% buffer is a circular buffer in S1A that holds information about
chan%es made to data.
/O1FB4;;E3 determines its siLe.
1.2.2 Shared pool
/ibrary cache contains shared SD/ area& P/CSD/ #rocedures and #acka%es etc.
2t is used for maintainin% recently eMecuted SD/ commands and their eMecution
Data dictionary cache is a collection of database tables and $iews containin%
metadata about the database& its structures& its #ri$ile%e and its users. Oracle
accesses data dictionary fre'uently durin% #arsin% of SD/ statements. Data
dictionary cache holds most recently used data dictionary information.
SHA3EDFPOO/FS2EE determines siLe of shared #ool and can be dynamically
P1A contains data and information for sin%le ser$er #rocess.
P1AFA113E1A"EF"A31E" s#ecifies total amount of memory that can be
used by all ser$er #rocesses.
1.3 Background processes
1.3.1 Database Writer (DWn!
Oracle marks buffers in memory as dirty when the data they contain is chan%ed.
DB?n writes content of dirty buffer to data file when - a ser$er #rocess canJt
find a clean buffer after searchin% set threshold of buffers& a check#oint occurs&
chan%e table s#ace to read onlyCofflineCbacku# mode& dro#Ctruncate table etc.
- , -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
1.3.2 "o# Writer ("GW$!
2t is res#onsible to redo lo% buffer mana%ement. Almost all acti$ities a%ainst the
database are tracked in the online redo lo%s. As transaction are initiated and
e$entually committed or rolled back& a record of this acti$ity is written to these
lo% files.
/o% writer writes to redo lo%s se'uentially.
1.3.3 %hec&point (%'()!
Hel#s to reduce time re'uired for instance reco$ery. A check#oint is an e$ent
that flushes modified data from buffer cache to disk and u#dates control file and
data files. "he C9P" #rocess u#dates header of data files and control files and
DB?n writes actual blocks to file. Check#oint occurs automatically when an
online redo lo% file fills <lo% switch=.
1.3.* S+ste, -onitor (S-O.!
At startu#& S6O(Js Iob is to ensure that all the database files are consistent and
#erform reco$ery if re'uired. "here is also an assortment of other cleanu#
acti$ities that may need to be done& which are S6O(Js res#onsibility. "he
S6O( #rocess by itself checks e$ery so often to see whether there are any tasks
waitin% for its attention.
1.3./ (rocess -onitor ((-O.!
Cleans u# failed user #rocesses and frees all resources used by failed #rocess.
1.3.0 Archiver (A$%n!
2t automatically sa$es co#ies of redo lo%s in a DBA s#ecified stora%e location
when media reco$ery is enabled.
1.3.1 $ecover ($2%O!
2s used with distributed transaction to resol$e failure.
- * -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
1.3.3 "oc& ("%'n!
2t is used in 3AC.
1.3.4 Dispatcher (Dnnn! 5 Shared Server (Snnn!
"hese are discussed later.
1.3.16 -ana#eabilit+ ,onitor (--O.!
;rom *%& it makes sna#shots of the databaseJs health <statistics= and stores this
information in the automatic workload re#ository.
1.3.11 (rocessin# S7"
"he followin% ste#s show how Oracle #rocesses SD/
. Statement is #assed to Oracle for #rocessin%
). Before it is #laced in the library cache& a hash $alue is com#uted that
re#resent s a number of characteristics of the SD/.
8. Oracle com#ares the com#uted hash $alue a%ainst those $alues in a hash
table where it maintains for SD/ statements already in the cache.
+. 2f a match is found& the new SD/ statement is thrown away and the one
sittin% in the cache is eMecuted on its behalf.
:. 2n no match is found& further #rocessin% is done on the new SD/
statement& an entry is made in the library cache hash table for newly
arri$ed code& and it is #laced in the library cache.
>. "here are 8 sta%es of SD/ #rocessin% - #arse& eMecute and fetch
Durin% #arsin%& Oracle ser$er checks the syntaM and $alidates
table& column names a%ainst data dictionary
Determines whether user has #ri$ile%e to eMecute the statement
Determines o#timal eMecution #lans for statement
;inds a shared SD/ area for the statement
2n eMecution sta%e& for 4PDA"E and DE/E"E statement& Oracle
locks the affected rows& looks for data blocks in DB buffer cache&
if found& eMecutes becomes faster& if not then Oracle has to read
from #hysical data files to buffer cache. ;or SE/EC" and 2(SE3"
statements& lockin% is not necessary.
Durin% fetch o#eration& rows are fetched to user #rocess.
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Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
1.4 Installing and managing Oracle database
"o use o#eratin% system authentication& set
3E6O"EF/O12(FPASS?O3D;2/E #arameter to (O(E <default=.
OS authenticated users can connect as CO((EC" C AS S7SDBA <or
?hen usin% #assword file authentication& users connect to database by
s#ecifyin% username and #assword.
. 4sin% O3AP?D utility& create a #assword file with S7S #assword.
). Set 3E6O"EF/O12(FPASS?O3D;2/E #arameter.
8. 1rant a##ro#riate users S7SDBA or S7SOPE3 #ri$ile%e.
1.5 Oracle Managed Files OMF!
Set followin% #arameters in initialiLation file.
DBFC3EA"EF;2/EFDES" - default location of new datafiles
DBFC3EA"EFO(/2(EF/O1FDES"Fn - s#ecifies location for online lo% files
and control files <maM. : locations=
"o create database usin% O6;& use
1." #reating a ne$ database
4sually when you install Oracle& it automatically creates a database for you
<thou%h you need to s#ecify a database name for this=. Otherwise& you usually
use %ra#hical Database Confi%uration Assistant <DBCA= to createCmana%e
databases. So& you may not e$en re'uire creatin% a database from command
#rom#t. Howe$er& in case you need to& the ste#s are shown below.
2n OS command #rom#t& use
- ) -
An Oracle instance consists of memory structures <S1A= and
back%round #rocesses <DB?n& /1?3& C9P"& S6O(& P6O(&
66O( and o#tionally A3Cn& Dnnn& Snnn etc.=
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
O3AD26 -(E? -S2D sidFname -2("P?D sysF#assword -6AA4SE3S *
2n ?indows& %o to Control Panel - Ser$ices
Check ser$ice named OracleSer$iceS2D started.
2n 6y Com#uter& En$ironment tab& define
Create folders where you want to kee# database files e%.
;QR67DBRDA"A;2/ES& 4D46P& BD46P& CD46P& /O1S& A3CH2BE etc.
Create a new initS2D.ora file with rele$ant #arameters
DBF(A6EP sidFname
2(S"A(CEF(A6EP sidFname
Start SD/ Plus
S"A3"4P (O6O4("
6AADA"A;2/ES 8*
6AA/O1;2/ES *
6AA/O16E6BE3S :
13O4P G;QR67DBR/O1R/O1*.DB;G S2EE *6&
13O4P ) G;QR67DBR/O1R/O1*).DB;G S2EE *6
DA"A;2/E G;QR67DBR4(DOR4(DO*.DB;G S2EE :*6
"E6P;2/E G;QR67DBR"E6PR"E6P*.DB;G S2EE *6
CHA3AC"E3 SE" ?E@6S?2():)
- 8 -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
C3EA"E SP;2/E ;3O6 P;2/EO
(oteQ Abo$e command was for Oracle ,i. ;rom *%& you need SysauM table
s#ace as well.
(ow run calalo%.s'l <creates data dictionary $iews= and cat#roc.s'l <creates P/C
SD/ #acka%es= from NO3AC/EFHO6ER3DB6SRAD62(
After installin% Oracle& se$eral ser$ices are re%istered in the ser$er com#uter. 2n
?indows& <for Oracle ,.)= followin% ser$ices must be started as a minimum to
run Oracle - OracleOraHome,)A%ent& OracleOraHome,)"(S/istener and
OracleSer$iceS2D <where S2D is the name of database you created=.
2n ?indows Bista runnin% Oracle %& 2 usually startCsto# my test database $ia
followin% batch file <say StartOracle.bat MYDB is name of my database=
net start OracleServiceMYDB
net start OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener
net start OracleVssWriterMYDB
net start OracleDBConsoleMYDB
"o sto# database ser$ices& you can create a similar batch file by re#lacin% start
with stop. 2n Bista& you need to run these batch files as administrator.
2f you do not start OracleDBConsoleSS2DT ser$ice& then you wonJt be able to
start web based Enter#rise 6ana%er - which you usually start from
htt#sQCClocalhostQ:@Cem <where localhost may be substituted for your
com#uter name=
7ou usually lo% on to Oracle ser$er from USQL PlusV as -
S7SCPASS?O3DWDA"ABASE(A6E AS S7SDBA. Sometimes you can
also lo% in as sim#ly UC AS S7SDBAV only when you are #hysically in the same
com#uter where Oracle ser$er is installed. Please note that Ser$er 6ana%er tool
is no lon%er a$ailable from Oracle ,i onwards. 7ou can do e$erythin% usin%
SD/ PlusK
;or $arious day-to-day database works& you may find SD/ Plus cumbersome to
work with. ;or this& se$eral 8
#arty 142 tools are a$ailable. "wo most #o#ular
tools are - P/CSD/ De$elo#ers and "OAD. ;rom %& ?indows SD/ Plus has
been re#laced by SD/ De$elo#er suite bundled with %. DOS $ersion of SD/
Plus is still a$ailable thou%hK
- + -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
1.% &tarting up database instance
SD/T S"A3"4P (O6O4("
"his state is used for creatin% new database or creatin% new control file. At this
state& Oracle allocates S1A and starts back%round #rocesses.
SD/T S"A3"4P 6O4("
"his state is used for #erformin% s#ecific maintenance o#erations like renamin%
data files& enablin%Cdisablin% archi$e lo% mode& addin%Cdro##in%Crenamin% redo
lo% files& reco$erin% database etc. Control file is read at this sta%e but the data
files are not o#en.
SD/T S"A3"4P OPE( or sim#ly SD/TS"A3"4P
Database is a$ailable for normal o#erations.
(BQ Oracle % re'uires at least 1B of 3A6 and : 1B disk s#ace to install.
;or an o#erational #roduction database& more 3A6 and disk s#ace are re'uired.
1.' &(utting do$n database instance
SD/T SH4"DO?( (O36A/ or sim#ly SD/T SH4"DO?(
?aits for all database users to disconnect then closes database.
SD/T SH4"DO?( 266ED2A"E
"erminates all user connections& rolls back uncommitted transactions& closes
SD/T SH4"DO?( "3A(SAC"2O(A/
?aits for all transactions to commit or roll back& then closes database.
2mmediately closes database lea$in% it in inconsistent state. S6O(
automatically #erforms instance reco$ery durin% neMt startu#.
1.) #ontrol *ile
Control file contains -
Database name
Database creation timestam#
Data files - name& location& onCoff line status
3edo lo% files - name& location
3edo lo% archi$e information
- : -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
"able s#ace names
Current lo% se'uence number
6ost recent check#oint information
Be%in and end of undo se%ments
36A( backu# information
Oracle backs u# control file after any structural chan%es in database. /1?3
u#dates control file with current lo% se'uence number. C9P" u#dates control
file with recent check#oint information. A3Cn u#dates with archi$in%
1.4.1 -ultiple8in# control 9iles
4sin% init.ora
CO("3O/F;2/ES P
<XCoraCoradataCmydbCcontrol.ctlJ& XCoraCoradataCmydbCcontrol.ctlJ=
4sin% s#file
. SD/T A/"E3 S7S"E6 SE" CO("3O/F;2/ES P <XCoraCoradataCmydbC
control.ctlJ& XCoraCoradataCmydbCcontrol.ctlJ= SCOPEPSP;2/E
). SD/TSH4"DO?( (O36A/
8. Co#y control file to new location
+. SD/TS"A3"4P
"o create O6; control files& donJt s#ecify CO("3O/F;2/ES #arameter in
initialiLation fileO rather s#ecify DBFC3EA"EFO(/2(EF/O1FDES"Fn
#arameter n times startin% with .
1.4.2 %reatin# new control 9ile
6ake sure you ha$e com#lete list of all data and lo% files.
2n SD/ Plus& write <the database should be in S"A3"4P (O6O4("=
6AADA"A;2/ES 8*
6AA/O1;2/ES *
- > -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
6AA/O16E6BE3S :
13O4P G;QR67DBR/O1R/O1*.DB;G S2EE *6&
13O4P ) G;QR67DBR/O1R/O1*).DB;G S2EE *6
"o back u# control file when database is runnin%& use
A/"E3 DA"ABASE BAC94P CO("3O/;2/E "O filename 3E4SE
A/"E3 DA"ABASE BAC94P CO("3O/;2/E "O "3ACE - it #laces a teMt
co#y of control file to 4SE3FD46PFDES" directory.
2f Oracle canJt u#date control file& instance crashes.
1.4.3 %ontrol 9ile related data dictionar+ views
1.1+ ,edo log *iles
3edo entries record data chan%es that can be used to reconstruct all chan%es
made to database. ?hene$er you do any chan%e to database <D6/ or DD/=& it
is recorded in redo lo%s.
"o o#erate successfully& an Oracle instance re'uires at least ) redo lo% %rou#s.
Each %rou# must ha$e at least redo lo% file.
4sually in #roduction databases& there are at least 8 redo lo% %rou#s and each
%rou# has at least ) redo lo% members. (ote that& all member files under same
%rou# are identical. 6embers are multi#le co#ies to #rotect a%ainst data loss in
case of disk failure.
- 5 -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
2f /1?3 can write to at least member of the %rou#& database functions
normally& but otherwise Oracle shuts down the instance.
1.16.1 %reatin# new #roups and ,e,bers
A/"E3 DA"ABASE ADD /O1;2/E 13O4P 8
<XCoracleCoradataClo%Credo8.lo%J& XCoracleCoradataClo%Credo8).lo%J= S2EE *6
XCoracleCoradataClo%Credo8.lo%J "O 13O4P 8
;or O6;
- @ -

3edo lo% files
8 %rou#s and
8 members
1rou# 1rou# ) 1rou# 8
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
1.16.2 $ena,in# lo# ,e,bers
;ollow these ste#s
Shutdown database
Co#yCrename redo lo% file member to new location
SD/T S"A3"4P 6O4("
A/"E3 DA"ABASE 3E(A6E ;2/E old redo lo% file "O new redo lo%
Backu# control file
1.16.3 Droppin# redo lo# 9ile
;irst& make the lo% file inacti$e& if necessary& issue A/"E3 S7S"E6 S?2"CH
A/"E3 DA"ABASE D3OP /O1;2/E 13O4P 8
A/"E3 DA"ABASE D3OP /O1;2/E 6E6BE3
1.16.* $unnin# database in archive lo# ,ode
S#ecify /O1FA3CH2BEFDES"Fn #arameters in initialiLation file.
E.%. /O1FA3CH2BEFDES"F P <</OCA"2O( P XCoradataCmydbCarchi$eJ=
6A(DA"O37 3EOPE( P >*=
2n %& to enable database archi$e lo% mode& define archi$e location like this
A/"E3 S7S"E6 SE" /O1FA3CH2BEFDES"FPG/OCA"2O(PCQROracle%RoradataR67DBRarchi$elo%G
SCOPEPSP;2/EO <in mount state=
Ys - lo% se'uence number
YS - lo% se'uence number& Lero filled
Yt - thread number
Y" - thread number& Lero filled
"o enableCdisable archi$e lo% mode& follow these ste#s
- , -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
Shutdown database <lo% in $ia conn C as sysdba=
Startu# and mount database
SD/T A/"E3 DA"ABASE A3CH2BE/O1 <use (OA3CH2BE/O1 to
"ill ,i& in the initialiLation file& set /O1FA3CH2BEFS"A3" P "34E <if it is
not set& once a redo lo% file is full& Oracle han%s until redo lo% file is archi$ed=.
;rom *%& this #arameter is de#recated.
"o manually initiate automatic archi$in%& issue A/"E3 S7S"E6 A3CH2BE
/O1 S"A3" and A/"E3 S7S"E6 S?2"CH /O1;2/E commands.
"o see whether database is in archi$e lo% mode& use
SD/T A3CH2BE /O1 /2S"
1.16./ $edo lo# related data dictionar+ views
BN/O1 - shows redo lo% status
BN/O1;2/E - shows redo lo% filesJ location
1.11 -able spaces
"he databaseJs data is stored lo%ically in table s#aces and #hysically in data
files corres#ondin% to the table s#aces. One table s#ace can ha$e multi#le data
file but one data file must belon% to only one table s#ace. A sin%le obIect <say a
table= may s#an multi#le data files but must reside within a sin%le table s#ace.
1.11.1 %reatin# table space
C3EA"E "AB/ESPACE su#ermarket DA"A;2/E
GeQRoracleRoradataRmdbRsu#ermarket.dbfG S2EE 8*6
EA"E(" 6A(A1E6E(" /OCA/ A4"OA//OCA"E SE16E(" SPACE
6A(A1E6E(" A4"O
- )* -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
C3EA"E "AB/ESPACE su#ermarket DA"A;2/E
GeQRoracleRoradataRmdbRsu#ermarket.dbfG S2EE 8*6
A4"OEA"E(D O( (EA" *6 6AAS2EE 4(/262"ED
1.11.2 Droppin# table space
D3OP "AB/ESPACE su#ermarket 2(C/4D2(1 CO("E("S A(D
1.11.3 $ena,in# table space
;rom Oracle *% onwards& you can rename a table s#ace <eMce#t System and
A/"E3 "AB/ESPACE oldFname 3E(A6E "O newFname
?hen you rename a table s#ace& all corres#ondin% data dictionary entries are
1.11.* Availabilit+ o9 table space
A/"E3 "AB/ESPACE su#ermarket O;;/2(E
(O36A/C"E6O3A37C266ED2A"EC;O3 3ECOBE3
7ou canJt #lace System table s#ace in offline mode.
"o make a table s#ace read only&
A/"E3 "AB/ESPACE su#ermarket 3EAD O(/7
"o chan%e it to read write mode&
A/"E3 "AB/ESPACE su#ermarket 3EAD ?32"E
1.11./ Addin# space to table space
A/"E3 "AB/ESPACE su#ermarketFDA"A ADD DA"A;2/E
GcQRoracleRoradataRmydbRsu#ermarketFdata).dbfG S2EE 8*6
GcQRoracleRoradataRmydbRsu#ermarketFdata).dbfG 3ES2EE 8**6
- ) -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
1.11.0 )able space related data dictionar+ views
DBAF"AB/ESPACES - all table s#ace information
DBAF4SE3S - shows default and tem#orary table s#ace for users
1.11.1 $ena,in# and relocatin# 9ile
;ollow these ste#s to rename data file <for sin%le table s#ace eMce#t System
table s#ace=
A/"E3 "AB/ESPACE su#ermarket O;;/2(E
Co#y or mo$e the file to new location with OS commands
A/"E3 DA"ABASE 3E(A6E ;2/E
GcQRoracleRoradataRmydbRsu#ermarketFdata).dbfG "O
A/"E3 "AB/ESPACE su#ermarket 3E(A6E DA"A;2/E
GcQRoracleRoradataRmydbRsu#ermarketFdata).dbfG "O
A/"E3 "AB/ESPACE su#ermarket O(/2(E
2n case of System table s#ace or table s#aces with multi#le data files
Shutdown database
Co#y or mo$e the file to new location with OS commands
Startu# database in mount state
A/"E3 DA"ABASE 3E(A6E ;2/E
GcQRoracleRoradataRmydbRsu#ermarketFdata).dbfG "O
O#en database
Please note in case of ?indows& the file may %et locked unless database is
- )) -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
1.11.3 Data 9ile related data dictionar+ views
1.12 &egment and storage structures
PC";3EE P s#ecifies what #ercenta%e of block should be allocated as free
s#ace for future u#dates <default *=
PC"4SED P s#ecifies when the block can be considered for addin% new rows
<default +*=
Blocks are smallest lo%ical unit of stora%e in Oracle database.
An eMtent is lo%ical stora%e unit made of conti%uous data blocks.
Se%ment is lo%ical stora%e unit made u# of one or more eMtents.
"y#es of se%ments are - table& table #artition& cluster& nested table& indeM& indeM
or%aniLed table& indeM #artition& tem#orary& /OB& undo& bootstra#.
1.12.1 :ndo se#,ent
?hen a user #erforms an u#date or deletes o#eration& the earlier data is sa$ed to
undo se%ments and then actual data is modified to new $alue. 2n case of insert
o#eration& rowid of new rows are stored in undo se%ments.
4ndo data is not deleted immediately after commit or rollback. How lon% it will
stay in undo se%ment de#ends on 4(DOF3E"E("2O( #arameter in
initialiLation file.
?hen a transaction is rolled back& Oracle restores the earlier data from undo
;rom Oracle ,i& undo mana%ement can be automatically controlled.
"o use automatic undo mana%ement& set followin% #arameters in initialiLation
- )8 -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
4(DOF"AB/ESPACEPtable s#ace name
1.12.2 %reatin# undo se#,ent
C3EA"E 4(DO "AB/ESPACE undo DA"A;2/E
XCoradataCmydbCundo*.dbfJ S2EE )*6
"o s#ecify different table s#ace as undo table s#ace dynamically - issue
A/"E3 S7S"E6 SE" 4(DOF"AB/ESPACEPundo*)
1.12.3 28tent or se#,ent related data dictionar+ views
1.13 -ables
1.13.1 %reatin# tables
Create table 6A(4;AC"43E3
6;D(O (46BE3 not null&
6;D(A6E BA3CHA3)<)**= not null&
ADD3ESS BA3CHA3)<)**=&
C2"7 BA3CHA3)<:*=&
S"A"E CHA3<)=&
CO4("37 BA3CHA3)<**=&
PHO(E BA3CHA3)<:*=&
E6A2/ BA3CHA3)<**=&
4SE3(A6E BA3CHA3)<)*= default 4SE3&
DA"ES"A6P DA"E default S7SDA"E
= tables#ace S4PE36A39E"FDA"A
- )+ -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
C3EA"E "AB/E 6A(4;AC"43E3
(O/O112(1 PA3A//E/
SE/EC" [ ;3O6 CO6PA(7
1.13.2 $eor#ani;in# tables
"o mo$e a table to a different table s#ace
A/"E3 "AB/E #roduct 6OBE "AB/ESPACE su#ermarket
1.13.3 Droppin# a table
D3OP "AB/E schema.tableFname <CASCADE CO(S"3A2("S=
"34(CA"E "AB/E tableFname
"runcate resets H?6 where delete does not.
"runcate is not lo%%ed but delete is lo%%ed.
1.13.* -odi9+in# colu,ns
A/"E3 "AB/E schema.tableFname D3OP CO/46( columnFname
A/"E3 "AB/E schema.tableFname SE" 4(4SED CO/46(
columnFname& column)Fname <CASCADE CO(S"3A2("S=
A/"E3 "AB/E #roduct ADD 6fd BA3CHA3)<8*= DE;A4/" XabcJ
1.13./ )able related data dictionar+ views
DBAF"ABFCO/46(S - all columns of all tables
Oracle has mainly ) ty#es of indeMes& BZ "ree and Bitma#.
- ): -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
1.1*.1 %reatin# inde8
(ormal B tree indeM
C3EA"E 2(DEA indeMFname O( tableFname <columnFnames=
Bitma# indeM
C3EA"E B2"6AP 2(DEA em#F%enderFidM O( em#loyee <seM=
3e$erse key indeM
C3EA"E 2(DEA indeMFname O( tableFname <columnFnames=
;unction based indeM
C3EA"E 2(DEA indeMFname O( 4PPE3<#roduct <#rodname==
"o use function based indeM& set followin% #arameters in initialiLation file
Cost based o#timiLer must be used.
1.1*.2 Inde8 Ora#ani;ed )able (IO)!
Create the table normally& with O31A(2EA"2O( 2(DEA keyword. 2t is
suitable when data access is mostly thru #rimary key. 2n 2O"& rows are
#hysically stored in sorted order of the #rimary key.
Create table 6A(4;AC"43E3
6;D(O (46BE3 not null&
6;D(A6E BA3CHA3)<)**= not null&
ADD3ESS BA3CHA3)<)**=&
C2"7 BA3CHA3)<:*=&
S"A"E CHA3<)=&
CO4("37 BA3CHA3)<**=&
- )> -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
PHO(E BA3CHA3)<:*=&
E6A2/ BA3CHA3)<**=&
4SE3(A6E BA3CHA3)<)*= default 4SE3&
DA"ES"A6P DA"E default S7SDA"E
= tables#ace S4PE36A39E"FDA"A
O3A1A(2EA"2O( 2(DEA
OBE3;/O? "AB/ESPACE o$flFtbls#
2(C/4D2(1 address
6APP2(1 "AB/E
1.1*.3 $ebuildin# inde8
A/"E3 2(DEA #kFcustomer 3EB42/D O(/2(E
D3OP 2(DEA #kFcustomer
7ou can also mo$e indeM to a different table s#ace usin% ALTE !"DE#
inde$%name TABLESPA&E ne'%table%s(ace command.
1.1*.* -onitorin# inde8 usa#e
A/"E3 2(DEA indeM 6O(2"O32(1 4SA1E
"he BNOB0EC"F4SA1E $iew #o#ulated with indeM usa%e information.
A/"E3 2(DEA indeM (O6O(2"O32(1 4SA1E
1.1*./ Inde8 related data dictionar+ views
1.15 #onstraints
"y#es of constraints - not null& check& uni'ue& #rimary key& forei%n key
A/"E3 "AB/E table 6OD2;7 column (O" (4//
A/"E3 "AB/E table 6OD2;7 column (4//
A/"E3CC3EA"E "AB/E table <\.=
- )5 -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
CO(S"3A2(" ckFbonus check < bonus T * =
A/"E3 "AB/E table ADD CO(S"3A2(" ckFbonus check < bonus T * =
C3EA"E "AB/E #roduct <\.=
CO(S"3A2(" #kF#rodcode P326A37 9E7 <#rodcode=
A/"E3 "AB/E #roduct ADD CO(S"3A2(" #kF#rodcode P326A37 9E7
A/"E3 "AB/E #roduct ADD CO(S"3A2(" fkFmfd ;O3E21( 9E7
<mfdby= 3E;E3E(CES manufacturer<mfdno= O( DE/E"E CASCADE
Constraints created are enabled by default. 7ou can create it as disabled by
usin% D2SAB/ED keyword at end of command.
A/"E3 "AB/E table D3OP CO(S"3A2(" constraint
A/"E3 "AB/E table D3OP P326A37 9E7 CASCADE
1.1/.1 2nablin#<disablin# constraints
A/"E3 "AB/E table D2SAB/E CO(S"3A2(" constraint
A/"E3 "AB/E table E(AB/E CO(S"3A2(" constraint
A/"E3 "AB/E table 6OD2;7 CO(S"3A2(" constraint E(AB/E
A/"E3 "AB/E table 6OD2;7 CO(S"3A2(" constraint D2SAB/E
1.1/.2 =alidated constraints
Enable $alidate - default& eMistin% rows and future rows are checked
Enable no$alidate - eMistin% rows not checked but future rows are checked
Disable $alidate - eMistin% rows checked but future rows are not checked <no
D6/ is allowed on table=
Disable no$alidate - no check done on eMistin% or future rows
A/"E3 "AB/E table 6OD2;7 CO(S"3A2(" constraint E(AB/E
1.1/.3 De9errin# constraints
- )@ -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
2f constraint is created with DE;E3AB/E clause& you can define whether
constraint checkin% will be done immediately <2(2"2A//7 266ED2A"E&
default= or later <2(2"2A//7 DE;E3EED=.
A/"E3 "AB/E name 6OD2;7 CO(S"3A2(" consFname 2(2"A//7
DE;;E3ED <or 266ED2A"E=
1.1/.* Inde8 related data dictionar+ views
1.1" /sers and security
1.10.1 (ro9ile
Profiles are used to control database resource usa%e. DE;A4/" #rofile is
created at creation time of database. "o enforce resource limit&
3ESO43CEF/262"P"34E should be set in initialiLation file.
C3EA"E P3O;2/E O;;2CEF4SE3 /262"
CO((EC"F"26E ++*
2D/EF"26E )*
;A2/EDF/O12(FA""E6"S 8
PASS?O3DF/OC9F"26E 4(/262"ED
A/"E3 4SE3 clerk P3O;2/E officeFuser
1.10.2 :sers
C3EA"E 4SE3 696
2DE("2;2ED B7 696
D4O"A 4(/262"ED O( S4PE36A39E"FDA"A
P3O;2/E DE;A4/"
13A(" CO((EC"& 3ESO43CE& SE/EC"FCA"A/O1F3O/E&
- ), -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
1.10.3 (rivile#e
Pri$ile%es control what users can or canJt do in database.
ObIect #ri$ile%e - #ro$ides #ermission to access schema obIects. 1ranted for
s#ecific obIects.
13A(" SE/EC"& 4PDA"E O( #roduct& #rice "O clerk <?2"H 13A("
System #ri$ile%e - #ro$ide ri%ht to #erform structural chan%e in database le$el.
13A(" C3EA"E A(7 "AB/E "O Iohn <?2"H AD62( OP"2O(=
3EBO9E C3EA"E A(7 "AB/E ;3O6 Iohn
;or obIect #ri$ile%es& both %rantor and %rantee information is stored in data
dictionaryO where as for system #ri$ile%e& only %rantee information is stored.
1.10.* $oles
A role is named set of #ri$ile%es.
C3EA"E 3O/E C/E39
13A(" SE/EC"& 2(SE3"& 4PDA"E O( "3A(SAC"2O( "O C/E39
A/"E3 4SE3 Iohn DE;A4/" 3O/E C/E39 <(O(E=
1.10./ :ser related data dictionar+ views
DBAF"SFD4O"A - s#ace assi%ned to users
BNSESS2O( - users currently connected to database
- 8* -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
- 8 -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
2 ac&up and $ecover+
2.1 Introduction
?hen instances crashes for any reason <e.%. Power failure= Oracle automatically
reco$ers when database starts neMt time.
"he most im#ortant decision you need to take for backu# is to decide whether
the database will run in archi$e or no archi$e lo% mode. 4sually #roduction
databases al'ays run in archi$e lo% mode.
2deally& each member of archi$e lo% %rou#s should reside in different #hysical
disks so that if one disk %ets corru#t& identical co#ies can be retrie$ed from
another disk.
Backu# can be either user mana%ed <co#yin% files with OS commands= or ser$er
mana%ed <36A( - 3eco$ery 6ana%er based=. 2f you use 36A(& you can ha$e
incremental backu#s <i.e. backin% u# only chan%ed blocks since last backu#=.
36A( is not discussed in this book.
2.2 Backup and reco0ery in no arc(i0e log mode
?hen the database is runnin% in no archi$e lo% mode& only cold back u# can be
taken. "he ste#s are -
. Shutdown the database
). Co#y data files& control files& redo lo% files usin% OS commands to a
backu# location.
8. Startu# database
2f any of the files <dataCcontrolCredo= is corru#t in no archi$e lo% mode& you
need to restore all files from backu#. 2f relocation of files is necessary& you need
to o#en the database in mount sta%e and issue rename command to s#ecify new
location of the files. "hen you should o#en database for normal use. 2n no
archi$e lo% mode& you can only reco$er data& which was taken durin% back u#
#eriod. E$en if only one file is corru#t& you need to restore all files and reco$er
entire database.
2.3 Backup in arc(i0e log mode
2n archi$e lo% mode& backu# can be taken while database is runnin%.
- 8) -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
"o take backu# of data file& follow these ste#s -
. A/"E3 "AB/ESPACE name BE12( BAC94P
). 4se OS commands to co#y data file
8. A/"E3 "AB/ESPACE name E(D BAC94P
Data file headers donJt %et u#dated until backu# ends. 2deally& #erform hot
backu# when there is less D6/ is occurrin% in the database.
2.4 /ser managed complete reco0ery
2n all the followin% cases& it is assumed that database is runnin% in archi$e lo%
mode and backu# was already taken.
2.*.1 S+ste, table space lost<corrupt
. S"A3"4P 6O4("
). 3estore only system table s#ace file
8. 2f re'uired& relocate file - A/"E3 DA"ABASE 3E(A6E file "O new
+. 3ECOBE3 A4"O6A"2C DA"ABASE <or DA"A;2/E file name=
2.*.2 .on>s+ste, table space lost<corrupt
. S"A3"4P 6O4("
). 6ake data file offline - A/"E3 DA"ABASE file name O;;/2(E
+. 3estore data file from backu# to database location
:. 2f re'uired& relocate file - A/"E3 "AB/ESPACE table s#ace name
O;;/2(E 266ED2A"E for issuin% check #oint
>. 3ECOBE3 A4"O6A"2C "AB/ESPACE table s#ace name
5. A/"E3 "AB/ESPACE table s#ace name O(/2(E
2.*.3 .on>s+ste, table space lost<corrupt when no bac&up ta&en
. S"A3"4P 6O4("
). A/"E3 DA"ABASE C3EA"E DA"A;2/E filename with #ath AS new
filename <only if relocate=
- 88 -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
8. 3ECOBE3 DA"ABASE <DA"A;2/E filename=
2.*.* Instance 9ailed durin# bac&up
Entire database wonJt start. Data file header freeLes durin% backu#& so no
check#oint information is written.
. S"A3"4P 6O4("
2.5 /ser managed incomplete reco0ery
2./.1 )i,e<%ancel<%han#e (S%.! based
. S"A3"4P 6O4("
). 3estore all data files <includin% system& data& indeM& undo but not control
file or redo lo% files=
8. 3ECOBE3 DA"ABASE 4("2/ "26E Xdd-mon-yyyy hh)+QmiQssJ <or
CA(CE/ or CHA(1E number=
/o% se'uence number will be re-initialiLed.
"ake full backu# of database
2." Logical backup 1 e.port2import and 3ata 4ump
EM#ort may be either throu%h con$entional #ath or direct #ath. 2n direct #ath
eM#ort& the e$aluatin% buffer is by#assed and makes it faster.
6ost common eM#ort command is <from OS command #rom#t= -
EAP XsysC#asswordWmydb as sysdbaJ
6ost common #arameters are -
;2/E - out#ut file <default
D23EC" - direct #ath <(=
O?(E3 - list of ownersCusers
- 8+ -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
"AB/ES - list of table names
PA3;2/E - #arameter file name <in this file you can store all o#tions=
"AB/ESPACES - list of table s#aces to eM#ort
"3A(SPO3"F"AB/ESPACE - eM#ort trans#ortable table s#ace metadata <(=
Similarly& im#ort is run as -
26P XsysC#asswordWmydb as sysdbaJ
;2/E - in#ut file <
21(O3E - i%nore create obIect errors <(=
3O?S - im#ort data rows <7=
EMam#le of eM#ort&
eM# systemC(ass'ord fileP; ownerPmkm rowsPy
7ou can run eM#ortCim#ort in interacti$e mode i.e. it will ask you about
#arameters durin% runtime.
Data 6786
;rom *% onward& Oracle introduces new utilities EAPDP and 26PDP <as run
from OS command #rom#t= to fast data loadin% <eM#ortCim#ort=. As it uses AP2&
it is si%nificantly faster than eM#ortCim#ort utility. 7ou can e$en monitor data
#um# #ro%ress from data dictionary $iews.
Data #um# is run as - 26PDP userC#assword D23EC"O37PdataF#um#Fdir
D46P;2/ 0OBF(A6EPmyFim#ort
?here& D23EC"O37 is an eMternal directory name already created. EAPDP
has similar syntaM.
Oracle automatically creates dataF#um#Fdir in NO3AC/EFHO6EC adminC
databaseFnameC d#dum#. Howe$er if you want you can create a directory of
your own like this -
create irector! ata_p"mp_ir as
7ou can $iew location of directory by
select ' (rom ba_irectories )here D*+,CTO+Y_N-M, . #D-T-_/0M/_D*+#
e1pp s!stem2pass)or D*+,CTO+Y.ata_p"mp_ir
D0M/3*L,.s"permar4et5mp SC6,M-S.m4m
- 8: -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
Oracle now ad$ises use of data #um# o$er eM#ortCim#ort.
2.% &5L Loader
4sin% SD/ /oader& you can load data from teMt file to Oracle tables.
"he com#onents you need to run SD/ /oader are -
. Control file - s#ecifies how to load data in Oracle
). Data file - the data in teMt file which will be loaded
8. Discard file - data that is discarded by SD/ /oader because of not
matchin% load condition
+. Bad file - data that SD/ /oader could not load because of error
:. /o% file - syno#sis of loadin% o#eration
2f you s#ecify D23EC"P7 o#tion& SD/ /oader will by#ass buffer and sa$e data
directly into data blocks in the disk. 2t makes data loadin% $ery fast howe$er&
this o#tion does not enforce constraints& does not fire insert tri%%ers& does not
allow SD/ functions in control file and locks entire table durin% loadin%.
7ou can run SD/ /oader from OS command #rom#t as -
S7LLD+ "ser2pass)or8b CONT+OL.m!(ile5ctl
A sam#le control file is shown below <assumin% in#ut data file is ] delimited=.
*N3*L, #3$%D0M/%C0STOM,+5T9T#
B-D3*L, #3$%D0M/%C0STOM,+5B-D#
D*SC-+D3*L, #3$%D0M/%C0STOM,+5DSC#
3*,LDS T,+M*N-T,D BY :;:
C0STNO D,C*M-L ,9T,+N-L :s>_c"st_no5ne1tval:?
C0STN-M, C6-+?
S,9 C6-+?
-DD+,SS C6-+?
C*TY C6-+?
ST-T, C6-+?
CO0NT+Y C6-+?
/OSTCOD, C6-+?
/6ON, C6-+?
,M-*L C6-+?
NOT, C6-+?
- 8> -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
(ote for (46BE3 columns you s#ecify DEC26A/ EA"E3(A/ and for
BA3CHA3) columns you s#ecify CHA3 in SD/ /oader control file.
2.' 6et$orking *undamentals
Oracle (et is an internal layer which mana%es communication between client
and ser$er. 2t is confi%ured on ser$er& client& web ser$er etc.
2.3.1 %on9i#urin# Oracle .et on server
/istener is a ser$er-side networkin% com#onent& which listens for re'uests from
client on ser$er. "o communicate with Oracle ser$er& /istener ser$ice must be
started on ser$er. /istener is confi%ured in ser$er usin% listener.ora file.
;ollowin% is a sam#le listener.ora file.
E L*ST,N,+5O+- Net)or4 Con(ig"ration 3ile$
E <enerate b! Oracle con(ig"ration tools5
L*ST,N,+ .
=D,SC+*/T*ON_L*ST .
=D,SC+*/T*ON .
=-DD+,SS_L*ST .
=-DD+,SS . =/+OTOCOL . */CD=G,Y . ,9T/+OCHDD
=-DD+,SS_L*ST .
=-DD+,SS . =/+OTOCOL . TC/D=6OST . enselD=/O+T .
S*D_L*ST_L*ST,N,+ .
=S*D_L*ST .
=S*D_D,SC .
=O+-CL,_6OM, . ,$%oracle%oraFAD
=S*D_N-M, . MDBD
7ou can mana%e listener from OS command #rom#t usin% /S(3C"/ utility.
- 85 -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
Oracle (et 6ana%er is a tool usin% which you can mana%e most clientCser$er
confi%uration files.
2.3.2 %on9i#urin# Oracle .et on client
4sually you connect to Oracle ser$er from client as 4SE3CPASS?O3DWDB
<this is known as connect descri#tor=.
How the database name you s#ecified in connection is resol$ed to eMact
database in the ser$er is known as name resolution method.
6ost #o#ular name resolution methods are - host namin%& local namin% <most
common usin% tnsnames.ora= and Oracle 2nternet Directory namin%.
2n tnsnames.ora file <usually in client machine it resides in NO3AC/EFHO6E C
networkCadmin folder=. A sam#le tnsnames.ora file is shown below.
E TNSN-M,S5O+- Net)or4 Con(ig"ration 3ile$
E <enerate b! Oracle con(ig"ration tools5
=D,SC+*/T*ON .
=-DD+,SS_L*ST .
=-DD+,SS . =/+OTOCOL . TC/D=6OST . enselD=/O+T . 1IA1DD
=S,+V,+ . D,D*C-T,DD
=S,+V*C,_N-M, . MDBD
M-+G,T .
=D,SC+*/T*ON .
=-DD+,SS_L*ST .
. 1IA1DD
=S,+V,+ . D,D*C-T,DD
=S,+V*C,_N-M, . M-+G,TD
6ost common connection #roblem is UO3A-):+ "(S could not resol$e
ser$ice nameV. ?hen this occurs& check the client is lookin% at correct
- 8@ -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
tnsnames.ora file <there may be multi#le $ersion in com#uter=. 7ou can $erify
this by checkin% "(SFAD62( en$ironment $ariable. Also check whether
client com#uter can talk to ser$er com#uter by runnin% U"(SP2(1 ser$er i#
addressV command. Or you can use P2(1 S2D command as well.
Check s'lnet.ora file and see whether it s#ecifies local namin% first. "his file
resides in both client and ser$er.
Sam#le of what an s'lnet.ora file will contain.
(A6ES.D23EC"O37FPA"HP <"(S(A6ES& O(A6ES& HOS"(A6E=
2.) Log Miner
4sin% lo% miner& you can eMamine redo lo% filesK
2.4.1 $unnin# lo# ,iner
S#ecify a directory by 0TL_3*L,_D*+.,$%O+-CL,%O+-D-T-%0NLO-D
#arameter and bounce database.
Create a dictionary file
=#ictionar!5ora#?#,$%O+-CL,%O+-D-T-%0NLO-D#? O/T*ONS .K
Add lo% files
e1ec bms_logmnr5a_log(ile =#,$%oracle%oraata%MDB%-rchive1%
-+CHHHAL5HH1#? bms_logmnr5ne)D&
e1ec bms_logmnr5a_log(ile =#,$%oracle%oraata%MDB%-rchive1%
-+CHHHAJ5HH1#? bms_logmnr5a(ileD&
e1ec bms_logmnr5a_log(ile =#,$%oracle%oraata%MDB%-rchive1%
-+CHHHAM5HH1#? bms_logmnr5a(ileD&
e1ec bms_logmnr5a_log(ile =#,$%oracle%oraata%MDB%-rchive1%
-+CHHHAF5HH1#? bms_logmnr5a(ileD&
Start lo% miner session
e1ec bms_logmnr5start_logmnr =ict(ilename.K
Once the redo lo%s were analyLed& all the DD/ <and some D6/= statements
a##lied in the source database will be found in the BN/O16(3FCO("E("S
- 8, -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
$iew. 2m#ortant columns of this $iew are - SD/F4(DO& SD/F3EDO&
4SE3(A6E& SC(& "26ES"A6P& CO662"F"26ES"A6P& "AB/ESPACE&
SE1F(A6E& SE1F"7PE& and OPE3A"2O(.
"he /o% 6iner session is closed by eMecutin% followin% command in the same
After the session is com#lete& all data in the $Nlo%mnrFcontents table are
deleted. Be sure to eMecute C3EA"E "AB/E myFlo%mnr AS SE/EC" ... to
co#y the data before analyLin% the contents.
2.4.2 ?ilterin# data that is returned
/o% 6iner can #otentially be dealin% with lar%e amounts of information. "here
are se$eral methods you can use to limit the information that is returned to the
BN/O16(3FCO("E("S $iew& as well as the s#eed at which it is returned.
"hese o#tions are s#ecified when you start /o%6iner.
Showin% Only Committed "ransactions
At the time of startin%
;ilterin% Data By "ime
,9,C0T, DBMS_LO<MN+5ST-+T_LO<MN+=D*CT3*L,N-M, .K
#2oracle2ictionar!5ora#? ST-+TT*M, .K TO_D-T,=#H1@Nan@AHHB
HM$OH$HH#? #DD@MON@YYYY 66$M*$SS#D? ,NDT*M, .K TO_D-T,=#H1@
;ilterin% Data By SC(
,9,C0T, DBMS_LO<MN+5ST-+T_LO<MN+=D*CT3*L,N-M, .K
#2oracle2ictionar!5ora#? ST-+TSCN .K 1HH? ,NDSCN .K 1IHD&
2.4.3 7uer+in# on lo# ,iner
Some eMam#les are shown below.
- +* -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
W6,+, 0S,+N-M, QK #SYS#&
W6,+, S,<_OWN,+ . #MGM# -ND S,<_N-M, . #/+OD0CT# -ND O/,+-T*ON
. #*NS,+T# -ND 0S,+N-M, . #MGM#&
2.4.* "o# ,iner related data dictionar+ views
BN/O16(3FCO("E("S - Shows chan%es made to user and table
BN/O16(3FD2C"2O(A37 - Shows information about the /o% 6iner
dictionary file& #ro$ided the dictionary was created usin% the
S"O3EF2(F;/A"F;2/E o#tion.
BN/O16(3F/O1S - Shows information about s#ecified redo lo%s. "here is
one row for each redo lo%.
BN/O16(3FPA3A6E"E3S - Shows information about o#tional /o% 6iner
#arameters& includin% startin% and endin% system chan%e numbers <SC(s= and
startin% and endin% times.
- + -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
2.1+ ,eal 7pplication #lusters ,7#!
An 3AC database is a clustered database. 2n 3AC en$ironment& multi#le Oracle
instances <which are connected $ia interconnect= o#erate on same database files
on disk. Different ser$ers must access set of shared disks and should
communicate throu%h hi%h-s#eed interconnection. Chan%ed database blocks and
lo% information on one instance can be mo$ed to another instance throu%h
memory interconnection without writin% on disk. "his is known as cac)e fusion
<see later=. "he main ad$anta%e of 3AC is scalability and hi%h a$ailability.
Se$eral ser$ers with Oracle instances can be added to system. 2f one of them
fails& others continue to work without affectin% o#erations. ;or this reason 3AC
is also known as Hi%h A$ailability. ?hen work load %rows& you can sim#ly add
another ser$er to the %rid <3AC is a ty#e of %rid com#utin% after all=.
"he data files are stored in se$eral disk dri$es which are connected by cluster
a'are stora*e. By addin% multi#le instances& we can add and remo$e and sin%le
Oracle instance without brin%in% the database down. So& database always
remains a$ailable. "hat is the essence of 3AC - hi%h a$ailability.
An 3AC database is mana%ed by Oracle &luster'are. 3AC o#erates in s)ared
e+eryt)in* architecture mode.
Any stora%e <e%. SA(& SCS2 etc.= can be used with 3AC. Howe$er& %ood 2CO
s#eed is re'uired for scalability of data $olume.
3AC su##orts u# to ** clusters which may be different at hardware le$el but
must run same o#eratin% system.
Oracle recommends usin% AS6 <Automatic Stora%e 6ana%ement= for ease of
dealin% with clustered stora%e.
An Oracle 3AC database re'uires three com#onents - cluster nodes <the ser$ers
or com#uters runnin% Oracle instances=& shared stora%e <disk dri$es= and Oracle
Clusterware <software a##lication=.
Installing RAC
"he first ste# of workin% with 3AC is to install ^Oracle Clusterware^ which is
installed $ia 4ni$ersal 2nstaller.
"hen you ha$e to confi%ure the clusterware.
- +) -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
"hen install AS6 <Automatic Stora%e 6ana%ement=.
(ow install Oracle % database.
"hen #erform #ost installation tasks. "his ensures that clusterware and database
are installed #ro#erly and they are aware of each other.
2t is #ossible to con$ert your normal sin%le instance Oracle database to an 3AC
database. 7ou can achie$e this $ia Enter#rise 6ana%er or rconfi* utility.
Administering Clusterware
Oracle Clusterware includes two im#ortant com#onentsQ the $otin% disk and the
OC3. "he $otin% disk is a file that mana%es information about node
membershi#& and the OC3 is a file that mana%es cluster and Oracle 3AC
database confi%uration information.
3AC can be administered $ia Oracle Enter#rise mana%er. On E6Gs web console
mode& click on A$ailability tab to see details of Clusterware. 7ou can click on
"o#olo%y tab to see a $isual re#resentation of your nodes. "he 2nterconnect tab
shows you info on interfaces. 7ou can also add new instance to clusterware $ia
E6 <under Ser$er tab=.
Oracle Clusterware #osts alert messa%es in alert lo% - which is under
NC3SFhome. 3AC data dictionary $iews are created by catclust.s'l.
Cache Fusion
Oracle 3AC uses &ac)e ,usion to synchroniLe the data stored in the buffer
cache of each database instance - i.e. to kee# track of which nodes are writin%
to which blocks and to ensure that two nodes do not u#date du#licate co#ies of
the same block. Since all com#utersCinstances in an 3AC access the same
database& the o$erall system must %uarantee the coordination of data chan%es on
different com#uters such that whene$er a com#uter 'ueries data it recei$es the
current $ersion - e$en if another com#uter recently modified that data. Oracle
3AC refers to this functionality as Cache ;usion. 2t in$ol$es the ability of 3AC
to fuse in-memory data cached #hysically se#arately on each com#uter into a
sin%le %lobal cache. "his sa$es a lot of resource time.
- +8 -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
2.11 &tandby database also Oracle 3ata 8uard!
Stand by database is used as a #rotection a%ainst failure of main #roduction
2.11.1 (h+sical stand b+
"his may be created from last back u# taken for the #roduction database and
there after a##lyin% archi$ed redo lo% files on it. "his is similar to reco$erin% a
database. Howe$er& for stand by database& this reco$ery is like a continuous
#rocess& because& archi$ed lo%s <from #roduction database= are continuously
bein% a##lied on it to make it sync with #roduction database. Howe$er& stand by
database wonJt be a$ailable for use until reco$ery is com#leted.
2.11.2 "o#ical stand b+
2nstead of a##lyin% archi$ed redo lo% files& SD/ statement is constructed from
lo% files are bein% a##lied to stand by database <similar to /o% 6iner method=.
"he database is a$ailable for use durin% a##lication of SD/s.
2.12 ,eplication
2t allows you to ha$e multi#le co#ies of same database at different locations. At
most basic le$el& re#lication is im#lemented usin% materialiLed $iews. 2n case of
synchronous re#lication& transactions are either successfully #ro#a%ated to all
sites or it is rolled back. 2t ensures no conflict will occur between sites. 2t
re'uires stable network en$ironment and mostly used for read only materialiLed
$iews. 2n asynchronous re#lication& chan%es to each site is stored locally and
forwarded to other sites. 2n this case& conflict resolution #rocesses are re'uired.
3e#lication %enerally im#ro$es #erformance across network. ;or eMam#le& if
you use a database for online transactions as well as re#ortin%& you can re#licate
the database and run transactions and re#ortin% on different $ersions.
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Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
3 (er9or,ance )unin#
3.1 -uning de0elopment and production systems
OracleJs to# down a##roach for de$elo#ment systems
. "une data desi%n
). "une a##lication desi%n
8. "une memory allocation
+. "une 2CO and #hysical structures
:. "une resource contention
>. "une for underlyin% #latform <OS=
OracleJs #roduction #erformance tunin% #rinci#les
. Define #roblem clearly and formulate a tunin% %oal
). EMamine host system and %ather statistics
8. Com#are common #roblems with OracleJs documentation
+. 1et a conce#tual #icture of what went wron% from %athers statistics
:. 2dentify chan%es to be done and im#lement those chan%es
>. Check whether tunin% obIecti$e has been met or not& re#eat ste#s until
tunin% is com#lete.
3.2 &ources o* tuning in*ormation
3.2.1 Alert lo# 9ile
"his file records information and error messa%es for $arious database acti$ities.
"his file is located at BAC913O4(DFD46PFDES" folder. "he name format
is alertFS2D.lo%.
3.2.2 )race 9iles
Back%round #rocess trace files contains session information for #rocess that
created them. "hese files are a$ailable in BAC913O4(DFD46PFDES"
folder. (ame format for the trace file is usually S2DFP3OCESSFnnnn.trc e.%.
4ser trace files are found in 4SE3FD46PFDES" folder. "hese are created
when error occurs in userJs ser$er #rocess. 4ser tracin% can be enabled usin%
- +: -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
A/"E3 SESS2O( SE" SD/F"3ACE P "34E command or by eMecutin%
#acka%e as
<sid& serial_& "34E=
3.2.3 =iews co,,onl+ used in tunin#
3.3 #ollecting statistics
3un 4"/BS"A" and 4"/ES"A" to collect all database acti$ities in the %i$en
time #eriod in a sin%le file.
3un from NO3AC/EFHO6ECrdbmsCadminCutlbstat.s'l and utlestat.s'l
"he resultin% file is named as 3EPO3"."A"
3.3.1 Statspac&
3un s#create.s'l scri#t from NO3AC/EFHO6ECrdbmsCadmin folder.
2t will create PE3;S"A" schema with all re'uired obIects.
"o collect statistics& use EAEC4"E S"A"SPAC9.S(AP #rocedure <as
PE3;S"A" user=. A sna#shot of statistics will be collected and stored in
PE3;S"A" schema tables.
- +> -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
4se NO3AC/EFHO6ECrdbmsCadminCs#auto.s'l to run automatic
statistics collection at s#ecific inter$als.
Once you %athered enou%h statistics& you can %enerate a re#ort usin%
NO3AC/EFHO6ECrdbmsCadminCs#re#ort.s'l scri#t.
3.4 Oracle supplied 8/I tuning tools
Ca#acity Planner
Performance 6ana%er - obser$e database #erformance.
"o# Sessions - see which users are consumin% most resource
"race Data Biewer
/ock 6onitor
"o# SD/ - most resource consumin% SD/s
Performance O$er$iew - see current #erformance of database
Oracle EM#ert - %athers statistics and %i$es recommendations for tunin%
2ndeM "unin% ?iLard - identify unused indeMes
3.5 &5L application tuning and design
3./.1 )'($O?
2t is used to format user trace files. 4sa%e eMam#le is <from OS command
#rom#t= - "9P3O; O3AF)8+."3C "3ACE."A"
Some of its #arameters are -
EAP/A2( - %enerates eM#lain #lan for each statement in trace file
S7S - out#ut file includes recursi$e SD/ statements <i.e. those in$ol$in% data
dictionary 'ueries=
3ECO3D - s#ecifies a file where SD/ statements of trace file are written
EMam#le usa%e
"9P3O; O3AF)8+."3C "3ACE."A" S7SP(O
EAP/A2(P696C696W6DB 3ECO3DPSD/."A"
"o identify SD/ statements& which may re'uire tunin%& look for statements -
Consumin% eMcess CP4 resource
"akin% lon% time to #arse& eMecute and fetch
3eadin% too many data blocks from disk and too few from S1A
Access many data blocks but return only few rows
3./.2 28plain plan
- +5 -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
Create #lan table usin% NO3AC/EFHO6ECrdbmsCadminCutlM#lan.s'l
Po#ulate P/A(F"AB/E usin% EAP/A2( P/A( ;O3\ command. ;or
,9/L-*N /L-N
S,T ST-T,M,NT_*D . #/+*C,#
S,L,CT /5/+ODCOD,? /5/+ODN-M,? N5S,LL/+*C,? M5M3DN-M,?
3+OM /+OD0CT /
NO*N /+*C, N ON =/5/+ODCOD, . N5/+ODCOD,D
L,3T NO*N M-N03-CT0+,+ M ON =/5M3DBY . M5M3DNOD
L,3T NO*N *NV,NTO+Y * ON =/5/+ODCOD, . *5/+ODCOD,D
W6,+, SYSD-T, B,TW,,N N5ST-+TD-T, -ND N5,NDD-T,
-ND /56-SS,+*-LNO.H
<+O0/ BY /5/+ODCOD,? /5/+ODN-M,? N5S,LL/+*C,? M5M3DN-M,
"o $iew the #lan& you may issue followin% statement
S,L,CT L/-D=# #?B'=L,V,L@ADD ;; O/,+-T*ON ;; # # ;;
O/T*ONS ;; # # ;;
OBN,CT_N-M, :,9,C0T*ON_/L-N:? *O_COST?
3+OM /L-N_T-BL,
ST-+T W*T6 *D . H CONN,CT BY /+*O+ *D . /-+,NT_*D
3emember that& if you run the abo$e 'uery& you will see the #lan in an
indented $iew. "he innermost o#erations are eMecuted first. 2f two
o#erations a##ear at same le$el <with same inner le$el=& the to# one is
eMecuted first.
3./.3 Auto trace
4nlike eM#lain #lan& auto trace eMecutes the actual SD/ statement before
%eneratin% the #lan.
7ou need to create P/4S"3ACE role by runnin% #lustrce.s'l as S7S user.
"hen you need to assi%n P/4S"3ACE role to users who will use auto trace.
"hey also need P/A(F"AB/E in their schemas.
"o use auto trace& issue followin% command from SD/ Plus.
SE" A4"O"3ACE O(
"hen issue any SD/ statement and you will always see statistics after result is
- +@ -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
3." Optimi9er
Earlier $ersions of Oracle used 3ule Base O#timiLer <3BO=. But latest $ersions
use Cost Based O#timiLer <CBO= by default.
Statistics must be %athered to benefit from CBO.
3.0.1 Gatherin# statistics
A/"E3 2(DEA indeMFname CO6P4"E S"A"2S"2CS
A/"E3 "AB/E tableFname CO6P4"E S"A"2S"2CS
A/"E3 "AB/E tableFname ES"26A"E S"A"2S"2CS ;O3
"AB/ESCCO/46(S col& col)CA// CO/46(SCA// 2(DEAES
Oracle now recommends that you use DB6SFS"A"S #acka%e instead of
EAEC DB6SFS"A"S.%atherFschemaFstats <ownname PT X696J& cascade
PTtrue& estimateF#ercent PT dbmsFstats.autoFsam#leFsiLe=
3.0.2 Opti,i;er ,odes
2n initialiLation file& you can set o#timiLer mode as shown below
OP"262EE3F6ODEPCHOOSE <this is default= or ;23S"F3O?S or
A//F3O?S or 34/E or ;23S"F3O?SFn where n P C*C**C***.
7ou can also chan%e o#timiLer mode at session le$el.
"o chan%e o#timiLer mode at statement le$el& you should use hints usin% C[Z \
SE/EC" C[Z 34/E [C \
Commonly used hints are - ;4//& 2(DEA& 3E?32"E& and PA3A//E/ etc.
2f statistics eMists for any one table or indeM in$ol$ed in SD/ statement& CBO is
used& otherwise 3BO is used.
- +, -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
"o reuse a sa$ed eMecution #lan& you can use U#lan stabilityV <in the form of
stored outline= feature or UmaterialiLed $iewV.
3.0.3 -ateriali;ed view
4nlike in normal $iew& materialiLed $iew actually stores the data in tables.
"o create materialiLed $iew& issue
C+,-T, M-T,+*-L*R,D V*,W schema5mvie)_name
B0*LD *MM,D*-T,
+,3+,S6 ON D,M-ND =or +,3+,S6 COM/L,T, ON COMM*TD
,N-BL, 70,+Y +,W+*T,
S,L,CT >"er!&
,9,C DBMS_MV*,W5+,3+,S6=#schema5mvie)_name#?#C#D&
,9,C DBMS_MV*,W5+,3+,S6_-LL_D,/,ND,NT=#table_name#D&
,9,C DBMS_MV*,W5+,3,+S6_-LL_MV*,WS&
3.0.* (artitioned tables
+.6./.1 Range 6artition
2t uses ran%e of column $alues to determine where the record will be inserted.
C3EA"E "AB/E student <\= PA3"2"2O( B7 3A(1E <%raduationFyear=
<PA3"2"2O( #F)*** BA/4ES /ESS "HA( )*** "AB/ESPACE studentF&
PA3"2"2O( #F)**) BA/4ES /ESS "HA( )**) "AB/ESPACE studentF)&
PA3"2"2O( #F)**+ BA/4ES /ESS "HA( )**+ "AB/ESPACE studentF8&
PA3"2"2O( #Ferror BA/4ES /ESS "HA( <6AABA/4E= "AB/ESPACE
+.6./.' ist 6artition
2t is based on set of s#ecified $alue instead of ran%e of $alues.
C3EA"E "AB/E student <\= PA3"2"2O( B7 /2S" <de%ree=
<PA3"2"2O( #Fen%% BA/4ES <XB"echJ&J6"echJ= "AB/ESPACE stuFen%%&
PA3"2"2O( #Fcomm BA/4ES <X6comJ&JBcomJ= "AB/ESPACE stuFcomm&
PA3"2"2O( #Farts BA/4ES <X6AJ&JBAJ= "AB/ESPACE stuFarts=O
- :* -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
+.6./.+ Has9 6artition
2t uses a hashin% al%orithm to assi%n records in #articular #artition. 2t usually
kee#s almost e'ual number of records in each #artition.
C3EA"E "AB/E student <\= PA3"2"2O( B7 HASH <rollFno=
PA3"2"2O(S 8 S"O3E 2( <stuF& stuF)& stuF8=O
+.6././ Co86osite 6artition
2t uses ran%e #artition and inside it uses hash sub-#artitions. Data is #hysically
stored in sub-#artition le$el.
C3EA"E "AB/E student <\=
PA3"2"2O( B7 3A(1E <%raduationFyear=
S4BPA3"2"2O( B7 HASH <rollFno= S4BPA3"2"2O(S 8
S"O3E 2( <stuF& stuF)& stuF8=
<PA3"2"2O( #F)*** BA/4ES /ESS "HA( )***&
PA3"2"2O( #F)**) BA/4ES /ESS "HA( )**)&
PA3"2"2O( #F)**+ BA/4ES /ESS "HA( )**+&
PA3"2"2O( #Ferror BA/4ES /ESS "HA( <6AABA/4E==O
(oteQ Any bitma# indeMes created on #artitioned table must be local <to the
+.6./.0 Cl7ster
A cluster is a %rou# of one or more tables whose data is stored at same #lace
<#hysically=. "his hel#s faster access of data columns& which are often 'ueried
as Ioins because Oracle ser$er needs to read less number of #hysical data
C3EA"E C/4S"E3 de#tFem#
<dno (46BE3= S2EE *** "AB/ESPACE clst
C3EA"E 2(DEA de#tFem#FidM
O( C/4S"E3 de#tFem# "AB/ESPACE idM
C3EA"E "AB/E de#t <dno (46BE3& dname BA3CHA3)<**==
C/4S"E3 de#tFem#<dno=O
C3EA"E "AB/E em# <eno (46BE3& ename BA3CHA3)<**=& dno
(46BE3= C/4S"E3 de#tFem#<dno=O
- : -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
Oracle % allows reference #artition and inter$al #artition.
"ake an eMam#le of "ransaction and "ransaction Detail tables. "hese two are
linked by forei%n key "rans2d. (ow& master table has transaction date but detail
table do not. ?e want both tables be #artitioned by transaction date. 2n %& we
can s#ecify details tables be #artitioned based on forei%n key reference "rans2d.
2nter$al #artition is useful when we do not know how many #artitions we need
beforehand. 2n abo$e eMam#le& we can s#ecify the table such a way whene$er
new month be%ins& a new #artition will be created automatically.
3.% -uning s(ared pool
Shared #ool consists of library cache and data dictionary cache. /ibrary cache
caches most recently used SD/ and P/CSD/ statements. Data dictionary cache
caches data dictionary information. Shared #ool is mana%ed by a /east 3ecently
4sed al%orithm.
;indin% a matchin% SD/ statement in shared #ool is known as cache hit. ;or
cache hit to occur& two SD/ statements must be eMactly same i.e. their ASC22
$alue e'ui$alent should be same. "he aim of tunin% shared #ool is to maMimiLe
cache hit ratio.
3.1.1 -easurin# shared pool per9or,ance
Hi%h cache hit ratio indicates that your a##lication users are %ettin% results of
SD/ and P/CSD/ mostly from memory rather than readin% from disk.
S,L,CT ' 3+OM VPL*B+-+YC-C6,
"he $alue in 1E"H2"3A"2O column for SD/ A3EA& "AB/ECP3OCED43E&
BOD7 and "3211E3 rows should be $ery close to i.e. **Y.
Similarly P2(H2"3A"2O should also be $ery close to .
1E" is referred to #arse lock& while P2( is referred to eMecution time locks.
A well-tuned O/"P system should ha$e 1E"H2"3A"2O and P2(H2"3A"2O
,*Y or hi%her for SD/ A3EA.
Data dictionary #erformance is measured by
- :) -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
S,L,CT 1@=S0M=<,TM*SS,SD2S0M=<,TSDD SData ictionar! hit
ratioC 3+OM VP+OWC-C6,
"his $alue should be o$er *.@: for O/"P systems.
3.1.2 I,provin# shared pool per9or,ance
+.&.'.1 Add 8ore 8e8or: to s9ared 6ool
"he siLe of shared #ool is determined by SHA3EDFPOO/FS2EE initialiLation
S,L,CT /OOL? S0M=BYT,SD :S*R,: 3+OM VPS<-ST-T W6,+, /OOL .
#share pool# <+O0/ BY /OOL
4se followin% command to chan%e shared #ool siLe
+.&.'.' -ake s6ace ;or large )2"1 state8ents
7ou can set aside a reser$ed area in S1A for lar%e P/CSD/ #acka%es. "his area
is controlled by SHA3EDFPOO/F3ESE3BEDFS2EE #arameter.
Determine which #acka%es are loaded into memory from followin% command
S,L,CT ' 3+OM VPDB_OBN,CT_C-C6, W6,+, TY/, *N =#/-CG-<,#?
#/-CG-<, BODY#D
+.&.'.+ (ee6 i86ortant )2"1 code in 8e8or:
7ou can U#inV most fre'uently used P/CSD/ code in memory. "o do this -
. Build DB6SFSHA3EDFPOO/ #acka%e by runnin%
NO3AC/EFHO6E CrdbmsCadminCdbms#ool.s'l scri#t.
). /oad a #acka%e usin% EAEC4"E
7ou can see which #acka%es are #inned by issuin%
S,L,CT OWN,+? N-M,? TY/, 3+OM VPDB_OBN,CT_C-C6, W6,+, G,/T .
- :8 -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
7ou must ha$e $ery %ood knowled%e of a##lication to determine which obIects
to #in ri%ht after instance startu#. 7ou can audit P/CSD/ #acka%es& tri%%ers&
se'uences etc. and find out which obIects are most fre'uently accessed.
+.&.'./ Code re7se
4se bind $ariables like SE/EC" [ ;3O6 C4S"O6E3 ?HE3E C4S"F2D
P QcustFid
2m#lement strict codin% standard <i.e. ca#italiLation& indentation etc.= so that
chances of findin% identical statement in memory will increase.
+.&.'.0 T7ne cac9e s6eci;ic initiali<ation 6ara8eters
OPE(FC43SO3S <default :*& increase if necessary=
C43SO3FSPACEF;O3F"26E <set to ;A/SE for ;orms based a##lications=
C43SO3FSHA32(1 <use ;O3CE& S262/A3 or default EAAC"=
3.' -uning database bu**er cac(e
2t caches most recently accessed data blocks into memory. 2f data is not found
from cache& it is fetched from disk. 2t is o#erated on /34 mechanism <eMce#t&
only for full table scan& it is #laced on 634 end.=
Buffer may be free& #inned& clean or dirty.
DB?n writes dirty <chan%ed= buffer to disk.
3.3.1 -easurin# bu99er cache hit ratio
S,L,CT 1@=ph!sical5V-L0, @ irect5V-L0, @ lobs5V-L0,D 2
=logical5V-L0,D :B"((er cache hit ratio:
3+OM vPs!sstat ph!sical? vPs!sstat irect? vPs!sstat lobs?
vPs!sstat logical
W6,+, ph!sical5N-M, . #ph!sical reas#
-ND irect5N-M, . #ph!sical reas irect#
-ND lobs5N-M, . #ph!sical reas irect =lobD#
-ND logical5N-M, . #session logical reas#
"he ratio should be more than *.,* for O/"P systems.
- :+ -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
3.3.2 I,provin# bu99er cache hit ratio
+.4.'.1 Add 8ore s6ace
Set DBFn9FCACHEFS2EE #arameters in initialiLation file to access multi-
block database.
"o %et an idea how much you should increase buffer cache siLe
Set DBFCACHEFADB2CE P O( initialiLation #arameter.
+.4.'.' Use 87lti6le b7;;er 6ools
4se kee#& recycle and default #ool by settin% DBF9EEPFCACHEFS2EE&
DBF3EC7C/EFCACHEFS2EE and DBFCACHEFS2EE <default= initialiLation
Determinin% which se%ments to cache in kee# and recycle #ools& you must ha$e
in de#th knowled%e of the a##lication.
S,L,CT "sername :o)ner:? N-M, :seg name:? 4in :seg t!pe:?
CO0NT=D*ST*NCT BLOCGED :No5 b"((ers:
3+OM vPcache v? ba_"sers
W6,+, v5o)nerE . 5"ser_i
<+O0/ BY N-M,? "sername? 4in
Oracle recommends you consider cachin% of se%ments in kee# #ool whose total
siLe is less than *Y of default #ool siLe.
"o assi%n se%ments to #ool& use
A/"E3 "AB/E schema.#acka%e S"O3A1E <B4;;E3FPOO/ 9EEP=O
A/"E3 "AB/E schema.#acka%e S"O3A1E <B4;;E3FPOO/ 3EC7C/E=O
6onitor buffer #ool statistics
S,L,CT N-M, :B"((er pool:?
1@=ph!sical_reas2=b_bloc4_getsVconsistent_getsDD :B"((er
pool hit ratio:
- :: -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
3+OM vPb"((er_pool_statistics
O+D,+ BY N-M,
+.4.'.+ Cac9e tables in 8e8or:
A/"E3 "AB/E name CACHE
+.4.'./ Use 6ro6er inde=es
Build indeMes on forei%n key columns of tables that reference a #rimary key
column in another table.
3.) &(ared ser0er
By default& Oracle runs on dedicated ser$er mode where for each user session
connection& a ser$er #rocess is created on ser$er and a user #rocess is created on
client machine. ?hen number of concurrent users becomes $ery hi%h& shared
ser$er <known as 6ulti "hreaded Ser$er in earlier $ersions= is used.
2n shared ser$er& se$eral <u# to := dis#atcher back%round #rocesses are run in
ser$er& which acce#t user re'uests. "hey then #ut the re'uest in a 'ueue.
"hereafter& shared ser$er #rocesses #ick the re'uest from 'ueue and #rocess the
SD/ <i.e. #arsin% the statement& readin% se%ments from disk and #lacin% them in
buffer cache etc.=. After #rocessin%& they #ut the result in res#onse 'ueue. "he
corres#ondin% dis#atcher sends back the result to user #rocess.
Shared ser$er is useful for these scenarios - many a##lication users& short
a##lication transactions <e.%. railway reser$ation system& order entry system=&
non-continuous transactions etc.
Shared ser$er is a scalability im#ro$ement feature not #erformance
im#ro$ement feature. 7ou will always ha$e same or better #erformance by
usin% dedicated ser$er feature.
3.4.1 %on9i#urin# shared servers
Set followin% #arameters in initialiLation file
D2SPA"CHE3S P n <* to :=
- :> -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
SHA3EDFSE3BE3S P n < to OS de#endent maM. $alue=
Other o#tional #arameters are - 6AAFD2SPA"CHE3S& C23C42"S&
3.4.2 -easurin# shared server per9or,ance
Duery on BNSHA3EDFSE3BE3F6O(2"O3 $iew.
"he followin% 'uery shows shared ser$er busy ratio
S,L,CT N-M,? ecoe=b"s!Vile?H?H?ro"n==b"s!2
=b"s!VileDD'1HH?BDD :b"s! rate: 3+OM vPshare_server W6,+,
stat"s W. #70*T#
"he neMt 'uery shows dis#atcher busy ratio
S,L,CT N-M, :ispatcher:? N,TWO+G? =ro"n=S0M=b"s!D2
=S0M=b"s!D2S0M=ileDD?BDD'1HH :b"s! rate:
3+OM vPispather <+O0/ BY N-M,? N,TWO+G
Additional dis#atcher is necessary is busy ratio found from abo$e 'uery is more
than :*Y.
Please note that DBA must connect throu%h dedicated ser$er to #erform $arious
DBA acti$ities <e.%. startu#Cshutdown database=.
3.1+ Large pool and :a0a pool
/ar%e #ool in S1A is used for 3eco$ery 6ana%er <36A(= o#erations and
#arallel 'uery.
2t is defined by /A31EFPOO/FS2EE <usual $alues from >**9 to )1B=
#arameter in initialiLation file and cannot be chan%ed dynamically.
0a$a #ool is used to kee# session s#ecific 0a$a a##lication code and $ariables.
2ts siLe is determined by 0ABAFPOO/FS2EE <default )*6= initialiLation
#arameter and cannot be chan%ed dynamically.
3.11-uning ,edo
- :5 -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
2ts #erformance is measured by the amount of time ser$er #rocess waits to
access redo lo% files. "he followin% 'ueries can be used to measure redo lo%
S,L,CT r5V-L0,2e5V-L0, :+eo log b"((er retr! ratio:
3+OM vPs!sstat r? vPs!sstat e
W6,+, r5N-M, . #reo b"((er allocation retries#
-ND e5N-M, . #reo entries#
2ts $alue should be less than Y.
S,L,CT N-M,?V-L0, 3+OM vPs!sstat W6,+, N-M, . #reo log space
Constantly increase $alue indicates too small redo lo% files.
3.11.1 I,provin# redo lo# per9or,ance
6ake it bi%%er. 3edo lo% s#ace is s#ecified by /O1FB4;;E3 initialiLation
3educe redo lo% %eneration by usin% 4(3ECOBE3AB/E and (O/O112(1
keywords in SD/ statements.
3.12 -uning arc(i0ing operations
Common #roblems are -
Archi$e location %ettin% full - you can tem#orarily chan%e archi$e lo%
location by A/"E3 S7S"E6 A3CH2BE /O1 A// "O
A3Cn #rocess canJt kee# u# with redo lo% %enerations - create more
A3Cn #rocess.
3.13 -uning disk I2O
9ee# se#arate table s#aces for different functional se%ments.
6easure data file 2CO from followin% $iews - BN;2/ES"A"& BNDA"A;2/E&
3.14 -uning sorts
6inimiLe sortin% acti$ity. 2f re'uired& #erform in memory whene$er #ossible.
- :@ -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
Sort may be measured by followin% 'uery
S,L,CT m5V-L0,2=5V-L0,Vm5V-L0,D :*n memor! sort ratio:
3+OM vPs!sstat m? vPs!sstat
W6,+, m5N-M, . #sorts =memor!D# -ND 5N-M, . #sorts =is4D#
"his ratio should be more than *.,:
2ncrease $alue for SO3"FA3EAFS2EE initialiLation #arameter if necessary.
Disk sort is #erformed in tem#orary table s#ace file.
3.15 -uning rollback segments
;rom Oracle ,i& automatic undo mana%ement does away manual rollback
se%ment mana%ement. Howe$er& you can set a s#ecific rollback se%ment for
lar%e transaction by this command -
C3EA"E P32BA"E 3O//BAC9 SE16E(" rbs S"O3A1E <2(2"2A/
6 (EA" *6= "AB/ESPACE rbstb
A/"E3 3O//BAC9 SE16E(" rbs O(/2(E
SE" "3A(SAC"2O( 4SE 3O//BAC9 SE16E(" rbs
EAEC #rocedure
A/"E3 3O//BAC9 SE16E(" rbs O(/2(E
3.1" Locks
/ock contention occurs when multi#le users try to obtain lock on s#ecific obIect
at the same time. /ock is released only after CO662" or 3O//BAC9
See lock contention from followin% $iews.
"o resol$e lock contention& a$oid codin% lon% transactions and donJt use
restricti$e eM#licit locks. 2t is always better to let Oracle handle all locks.
7ou can kill any session usin% A/"E3 S7S"E6 92// SESS2O( Xsid& serial_J
- :, -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
3.1% -uning operating system
"ry to a$oid #a%in% and swa##in%.
2f ser$er has multi#le CP4s& use OracleJs #arallel 'uery& #arallel D6/& #arallel
A(A/7EE and #arallel indeM creation features. 2n multi#le CP4 machines&
Oracle will itself chan%e many #arameters.
7ou can allocate and mana%e ser$er resources usin% OracleJs 3esource
6ana%er feature <not discussed here=.
On 4niM& all ser$er #rocesses and back%round #rocesses are run as se#arate
eMecutables <you can see them usin% #s command=. Howe$er& on ?indows& all
those #rocesses run as threads inside O3AC/Eser+icename.EAE #rocess.
3.1' 7utomatic ;orkload ,epository 7;,!
;rom *%& A?3 continuously ca#tures database statistics and deri$es metrics
from it. "his is of immense hel# durin% database tunin%.
Amon% many others& A?3 collects followin% statistics
?ait e$ents used to identify #erformance #roblems.
Some system and session statistics from the BNS7SS"A" and
BNSESS"A" $iews.
ObIect usa%e statistics.
3esource intensi$e SD/ statements
A?3 information is used by ADD6 and SD/ "unin% Ad$isor <discussed
A?3 related #acka%e is DB6SF?O39/OADF3EPOS2"O37. "he
DBAFH2S"Y $iews contain historical data stored in the database.
3.1) 7utomatic 3atabase 3iagnostic Monitor 733M! and &5L -uning
;rom *%& ADD6 constantly monitors database and in case of any #roblem& it
will su%%est what you should do neMt. "he ADD6 findin%s can be 'ueried from
DBAFADB2SO3Y obIects on data dictionary. (ote that ADD6 analysis is
based on A?3 sna#shots& which ha$e a default fre'uency of once an hour and a
default retention #eriod of @ days.
- >* -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
An ADD6 analysis is #erformed after each A?3 sna#shot <e$ery hour by
default=& and the results are sa$ed in the database.
3emember& the %oal of database #erformance tunin% is to reduce the DB time of
the system for a %i$en workload.

- > -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
* S7" and ("<S7"
All source code of #acka%es& #rocedures and functions are written in
DBAFSO43CE& A//FSO43CE or 4SE3FSO43CE $iews.
4.1 #ompiling packages
A/"E3 P3OCED43E #rocedure CO6P2/E
A/"E3 PAC9A1E #acka%e CO6P2/E
A/"E3 PAC9A1E #acka%e CO6P2/E BOD7
4.2 ,ecords and -ables
P/CSD/ records are similar to C structures.
TY/, t,mp *S +,CO+D =
,NO N0MB,+? 3N-M, V-+C6-+A=IHD? LN-M, V-+C6-+A=IHDD&
v,mp t,mp&
S,L,CT i? (name? lname *NTO v,mp 3+OM emplo!ee&
7ou can use Y3O?"7PE to s#ecify a $ariable of table row ty#e. ;or eMam#le&
v,mp emplo!eeX+OWTY/,&
P/CSD/ "ables are similar to -dimensional array in C. 7ou can $isualiLe it as
a table with only ) columns - 9E7 and BA/4E.
TY/, t,mp *S T-BL, O3 V-+C6-+A=IHD *ND,9 BY B*N-+Y_*NT,<,+&
v,mp t,mp&
v,mp=1D . #Sai4at#&
Some table attributes are - tablename.CO4("& DE/E"E& DE/E"E<i=& ;23S"&
/AS"& (EA"<i=& P32O3<i=.
4.3 #ursor
Declarin% cursor
- >) -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
C43SO3 cursorFname 2S SE/EC" statementO
Processin% cursor
OPE( cursorFnameO
;E"CH cursorFname 2("O $ariable<s=O
C/OSE cursorFnameO
Cursor attributes
Y;O4(D& Y(O";O4(D& Y2SOPE(& Y3O?CO4("
Cursor ;O3 loo#
;O3 $ariable 2( cursorFname /OOP
4.4 Merge< multi 1 table insert and pi0ot insert
An eMam#le of mer%e command is shown below.
M,+<, *NTO M-N03-CT0+,+ M
0S*N< N,W_M-N03-CT0+,+ WM
W6,N M-TC6,D T6,N 0/D-T,
S,T M5M3DN-M, . WM5M3DN-M,? M5-DD+,SS . WM5-DD+,SS? M5C*TY . WM5C*TY?
*NS,+T =M5M3DNO? M5M3DN-M,? M5-DD+,SS? M5C*TY? M5ST-T,? M5CO0NT+YD
Similarly& an eMam#le of multi - table insert follows.
*NS,+T -LL
W6,N M,D*- . TBOOGU T6,N
*NTO BOOG V-L0,S =NO? T*TL,? /+*C,D
W6,N M,D*- . TCDU T6,N
*NTO SO3TW-+, V-L0,S =NO? T*TL,? /+*C,D
W6,N M,D*- . TVCDU T6,N
*NTO V*D,O V-L0,S =NO? T*TL,? /+*C,D
S,L,CT M,D*-? NO? T*TL,? M,D*- 3+OM /+OD0CT&
4sin% #i$ot insert& you can create multi#le rows of data from sin%le record. Say&
SA/ESFSO43CEFDA"A comes from a non-relational source and it contains
followin% columns - em#Fid& salesFmon& salesFtue& salesFwed& salesFthu and
salesFfri. ?e like to store this information in SA/ESF2(;O table which has
- >8 -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
followin% fields - em#Fid& week& sales. ?e can achie$e it by usin% the
statement shown below.
*NS,+T *NTO S-L,S_*N3O V-L0,S =emp_i? )ee4? sales_monD
*NS,+T *NTO S-L,S_*N3O V-L0,S =emp_i? )ee4? sales_t"eD
*NS,+T *NTO S-L,S_*N3O V-L0,S =emp_i? )ee4? sales_)eD
*NS,+T *NTO S-L,S_*N3O V-L0,S =emp_i? )ee4? sales_th"D
*NS,+T *NTO S-L,S_*N3O V-L0,S =emp_i? )ee4? sales_(riD
S,L,CT emp_i? sales_mon? sales_t"e? sales_)e? sales_th"? sales_(ri 3+OM
"hus for row in SA/ESFSO43CEFDA"A& we shall ha$e : rows in
SA/ESF2(;O table. "his feature is also known as normaliLation is some other
database a##lications.
4.5 &5L :oins
Oracle now follows A(S2C2SO Ioin syntaM <similar to SD/ Ser$er=. 7ou can
also use earlier $ersions Ioin syntaM. Howe$er& new A(S2C2SO standard syntaM
is more com#rehensi$e. Here are few eMam#les.
Say we ha$e ) tables - E6P <eno& ename& dno= and DEP" <dno& dname=. "o list
all em#loyee names and de#artment names we can now write followin% 'uery.
S,L,CT ,5,N-M,? D5DN-M, 3+OM ,M/ NO*N D,/T ON =,5DNO . D5DNOD
?e can use /E;"& 321H" or ;4// keywords for outer Ioin. ;or eMam#le& to
list all em#loyees e$en when some em#loyees may not belon% to any
de#artment& we can issue this 'uery.
S,L,CT ,5,N-M,? D5DN-M, 3+OM ,M/ L,3T NO*N D,/T ON =,5DNO .
"his is definitely more intuiti$e than earlier syntaM with UZV o#eratorK
EMam#le of u#datin% columns of table with data from another tableQ
C+,-T, T-BL, *N3O1 =COD, V-+C6-+A=OD /+*M-+Y G,Y?
CO0NT+Y V-+C6-+A=1HHD? C-/*T-L V-+C6-+A=1HHD? /6ON,COD, N0MB,+=BD?
C0++,NCYCOD, V-+C6-+A=ODD&
*NS,+T *NTO *N3O1 V-L0,S =#*ND#?#*nia#?#Ne) Delhi#?N0LL?N0LLD&
*NS,+T *NTO *N3O1 V-L0,S =#<B+#?#0nite Gingom#?#Lonon#?N0LL?N0LLD&
*NS,+T *NTO *N3O1 V-L0,S =#3+-#?#3rance#?#/aris#?N0LL?N0LLD&
*NS,+T *NTO *N3O1 V-L0,S =#0S-#?#0nite States#?#Washington DC#?N0LL?N0LLD&
*NS,+T *NTO *N3O1 V-L0,S =#*T-#?#*tal!#?#+ome#?N0LL?N0LLD&
*NS,+T *NTO *N3O1 V-L0,S =#SW,#?#S)een#?#Stoc4holm#?BL?#S,G#D&
C+,-T, T-BL, *N3OA =COD, V-+C6-+A=OD? /6ON,COD, N0MB,+=BD? C0++,NCYCOD,
- >+ -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
V-+C6-+A=OD D&
*NS,+T *NTO *N3OA V-L0,S =#*ND#?F1?#*N+#D&
*NS,+T *NTO *N3OA V-L0,S =#<B+#?BB?#<B/#D&
*NS,+T *NTO *N3OA V-L0,S =#3+-#?OO?#,0+#D&
*NS,+T *NTO *N3OA V-L0,S =#0S-#?1?#0SD#D&
*NS,+T *NTO *N3OA V-L0,S =#C-N#?1?#C-D#D&
2' case 1 Y )rong '2
0/D-T, *N3O1 i1 S,T =/6ON,COD,?C0++,NCYCOD,D . = S,L,CT /6ON,COD,?
C0++,NCYCOD, 3+OM *N3OA iA W6,+, i15COD, . iA5COD, D
@@ S)een#s ata becomes n"ll b! r"nning thisWW
2' case A Y correct '2
0/D-T, *N3O1 i1 S,T =/6ON,COD,?C0++,NCYCOD,D . = S,L,CT /6ON,COD,?
C0++,NCYCOD, 3+OM *N3OA iA W6,+, i15COD, . iA5COD, D
W6,+, ,9*STS = S,L,CT 1 3+OM *N3OA iAA W6,+, i15COD, . iAA5COD,D
@@ S)een#s e1isting ata remains correct
4." /se*ul &5L *unctions
Decode - some eMam#les ha$e been #ro$ided in cha#ter U4seful scri#ts for
Case - eMam#le
C-S, CONT*N,NT W6,N 1 T6,N T,0+O/,U
W6,N A T6,N T-S*-U
W6,N O T6,N T-3+*C-U
3+OM CO0NT+*,S
?ith clause eMam#le
1 -S
select #Tom# as 3irstName 3+OM "al "nion
select #Dic4# 3+OM "al "nion
select #Barne!# 3+OM "al "nion
select #Bett!# 3+OM "al
Z -S
select #3lintstone# as LastName 3+OM "al "nion
select #+"bble# 3+OM "al
S,L,CT ' 3+OM 1?Z
(B/ <M& y= returns y if M is null or M otherwise.
(B/S <M& y& L= returns L if M is null& y if M is not null.
- >: -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
2(S"3 <strin% where to search& strin% what to search& start #osition default &
what Un-thV occurrence default
= is used for searchin% for #attern inside a
strin%. 3eturns the number #osition where occurrence has been found or * if not
S4BS"3 <strin%& M& y= returns #ortion of strin% that is y characters lon% startin%
from #osition M.
3O4(D <:.):>@& )= #roduces :.)>.
Pi$ot and 4n-#i$ot eMam#les - can be used to trans#ose rowsCcolumns.
2' /*VOT '2
W*T6 (l!_table -S =
S,L,CT #Nohn# :C"stomer:?#-pple# :*tem:? I :7t!: 3+OM "al 0N*ON
S,L,CT #Nill#?#Orange#? A 3+OM "al 0N*ON -LL
S,L,CT #Sall!#?#Banana#? L 3+OM "al 0N*ON -LL
S,L,CT #Nohn#?#Orange#? A 3+OM "al 0N*ON -LL
S,L,CT #Sall!#?#-pple#? 1 3+OM "al 0N*ON -LL
S,L,CT #Nohn#?#Orange#? 1 3+OM "al 0N*ON -LL
S,L,CT #Sall!#?#-pple#? 1 3+OM "al
S,L,CT ' 3+OM =
S,L,CT :C"stomer:?:*tem:? S0M=:7t!:D :7t!: 3+OM (l!_table <+O0/ BY
:C"stomer:? :*tem:
D /*VOT = S0M=:7t!:D 3O+ :*tem: *N =#-pple#?#Banana#?#Orange#DD

2' 0N/*VOT '2
W*T6 (l!_table -S =
S,L,CT #*nia# :Co"ntr!:?#Ne) Delhi# :Capital: 3+OM "al 0N*ON
S,L,CT #0G#?#Lonon# 3+OM "al 0N*ON
S,L,CT #0S-#? #Washington DC# 3+OM "al 0N*ON
S,L,CT #<erman!#?#Berlin# 3+OM "al
S,L,CT COL? V-L0, 3+OM =
S,L,CT ' 3+OM (l!_table
0N/*VOT *NCL0D, N0LLS = V-L0, 3O+ COL *N =:Co"ntr!:?:Capital:DD
4.% 3ynamic 4L2&5L
A sam#le is %i$en below
C+,-T, T-BL, T,ST5,M/=NO N0MB,+? N-M, V-+C6-+A=1HHDD&
C+,-T, O+ +,/L-C, /+OC,D0+, D!nS>l
=pNo *N test5emp5noXTY/,?
pName *N test5emp5N-M,XTY/,D
- >> -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
c"r *NT,<,+&
p *NT,<,+&
stmt V-+C6-+A=1HHD&
c"r $. bms_s>l5open_c"rsor&
stmt $. #*NS,+T *NTO T,ST5,M/ V-L0,S=$no?$nameD#&
p $. bms_s>l5,9,C0T,=c"rD&
3un the #rocedure from SD/ Plus as ,9,C DYNS7L=1?#Sai4at#D&
2t is also #ossible to eMecute dynamic SD/ usin% EAEC4"E 266EDA"E as
shown below.
,9,C0T, *MM,D*-T,=T*NS,+T *NTO MY_T-BL, S,L,CT ' 3+OM
4.' 6ested table
create t!pe ob[-ress as ob[ect
=6o"seNo varcharA=AHD?
Street varcharA=AHHD?
Cit! varcharA=IHD?
State char=AD?
/ostCoe varcharA=1HDD
create t!pe o-ress as table o( ob[-ress
create table /eople
=No n"mber?
Name varcharA=1HHD?
-ress o-ressD
neste table -ress store as tb-ress&
insert into people val"es =1?#Sai4at Basa4#?
o-ress=ob[-ress=#1HH#?#,ast West
- >5 -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
4.) -ypes o* =oins
Su##ose we are Ioinin% two tables in Oracle.
S,L,CT T159? TA5Y 3+OM T1 NO*N TA ON T159 . TA59
Assume& " is dri$in% table <i.e. more rows than ")=
Nested oo6 >oin
"his is eMecuted like thisQ
;or each record in "
find matchin% record in ") where ".A P ").A
fetch that record into result set
(ow if there is no indeM on column A in ")& Oracle will #erform full table scan
for each record in ".
Has9 >oin
Oracle will load create an in-memory indeM <known as hash table= for ") <i.e.
smaller table=
2t will still #erform similar o#eration
for each record in "
find matchin% record in ") where ".A P ").A
fetch that record into result set
But e$en if there is no indeM on ").A& Oracle will use the hash table which
works similar to indeMK
Clearly this is suitable only when ") is small otherwise `a hash table may not
fit in memory `)a creation of hash table may in$ol$e a lon% time <then we could
ha$e created the indeM on ") in first #laceK=
"orted -erge >oin
- >@ -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
2f both tables are $ery bi%& hash Ioin is not suitable due to memoryCtime
re'uirement and nested loo# will be slow or will result in full table scan.
"he alternati$e way to s#eed u# #erformance is to use sorted mer%e Ioin.
2n this case& both tables are sorted by Oracle <usin% tem#orary table s#ace= by
Ioinin% key <A in this case=.
"he ad$anta%e is& when Ioinin% two tables& Oracle Iust needs to scan only a
small #art of the table <e.%. as they are sorted& to find a record in ") when ".A
P : will re'uire Oracle search Iust from AP* to AP)* in ") as it cannot be
beyond this ran%e and so on=.
"he trade off is& it will take some resource <s#aceCtimeCmemory= to sort the
4sually Oracle chooses best method of Ioin based on statistics a$ailable.
Howe$er& user may force usin% a different ty#e of Ioin usin% hints like
use%)as)-T./T01 etc.
- >, -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
4.1+ >.ternal tables
By creatin% eMternal tables& you can run SD/ statements on sim#le delimited
teMt filesK Howe$er& eMternal tables are read only i.e. you canJt u#date their data
usin% SD/ <you need to modify them in teMt editor=.
"o create an eMternal table& first you need to create a folder in your hard disk
where you will #lace the teMt files.
C+,-T, O+ +,/L-C, D*+,CTO+Y ,9T_T-BL,S -S
"he user& who will access eMternal table& should ha$e C3EA"E A(7
D23EC"O37 system #ri$ile%e.
(ow create the eMternal table in SD/ Plus as -
C+,-T, T-BL, -*+/O+T_COD,
COD, V-+C6-+A=OD?
C*TY V-+C6-+A=1HHD?
O+<-N*R-T*ON ,9T,+N-L
TY/, O+-CL,_LO-D,+
D,3-0LT D*+,CTO+Y ,9T_T-BL,S
-CC,SS /-+-M,T,+S
3*,LDS T,+M*N-T,D BY #;#
M*SS*N< 3*,LD V-L0,S -+, N0LL
LOC-T*ON =#-*+/O+T5T9T#D
+,N,CT L*M*T 0NL*M*T,D
7ou can now run SD/ on the table.
- 5* -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
/ D-S (ac&a#es
5.1 3BM&?:OB
Check 0OBFD4E4EFP3OCESSES #arameter has non-Lero $alue in
initialiLation file.
W6-T .K #B,<*N 0/D-T,_-LL_T+-NS_/+*C,& ,ND&#?
5.2 /-L?FIL>
A sam#le #rocedure to unload a table data to a teMt file usin% 4"/F;2/E
#acka%e is shown below.
Set 4"/F;2/EFD23 P XEQRO3AC/ERO3ADA"AR4(/OADJ <or #ath where
from you need to readCwrite= in initialiLation file.
C+,-T, O+ +,/L-C, /+OC,D0+, 0NLO-D_T-BL, =piTable *N V-+C6-+AD
C0+SO+ cTable *S
S,L,CT ' 3+OM categor!&
( "tl_(ile5(ile_t!pe&
b"( V-+C6-+A=AHHD&
3O+ i *N cTable LOO/
b"($.i5Categor!No ;; #;# ;; i5Description ;; #;# ;;
DBMS_O0T/0T5/0T_L*N,=#T-BL, 0NLO-D,D#D&
W6,N OT6,+S T6,N
- 5 -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
Similarly& 1E"F/2(E is used to read data from file.
- 5) -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
0 :se9ul scripts 9or DAs
".1 -o s(o$ primary2*oreign key relations(ips o* all tables and 0ie$s in
a gi0en sc(ema
D5T-BL,_N-M, :Table name:?
D5CONST+-*NT_N-M, :Constraint name:?
#/#?#/rimar! Ge!#?
#+#?#3oreign Ge!#?
#C#?#Chec42Not N"ll#?
#V#?#Vie) Cons#D :T!pe:?
D5S,-+C6_COND*T*ON :Chec4 Conition:?
/5T-BL,_N-M, :+e( Table name:?
/5CONST+-*NT_N-M, :+e( b!:?
M5COL0MN_N-M, :+e( col:?
M5/OS*T*ON :/osition:?
/5OWN,+ :+e( o)ner:
ON =D5+_OWN,+./5OWN,+ -ND
*N =
S,L,CT T-BL,_N-M, 3+OM DB-_T-BL,S W6,+,
S,L,CT V*,W_N-M, 3+OM DB-_V*,WS W6,+, OWN,+.0//,+=#m4m#D
O+D,+ BY 1?A?O
".2 -o see all ob=ects in a table space *ile
Dba_Segments D
- 58 -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
NO*N VPD-T-3*L, V ON =D56,-D,+_3*L,.V53*L,ED
D5OWN,+ *N =#MGM#D
".3 ;(ic( user e.ecuting $(at type o* command
?AL?#Loc4 Table#
?BJ?#/L2S7L ,1ec"te#
?#Other#D comman
".4 8et output o* a @uery to a te.t *ile *rom &5L 4lus
set pagesiZe IHHH
set linesiZe IHHH
spool 3$%T,M/%O0T/0T5T9T
set colsep :;:
select ' (rom MGM5/+OD0CT&
set colsep : :
spool o((
set pagesiZe IH
set linesiZe AHH
".5 -o see si9e o* your tables and
select S,<M,NT_N-M,? S,<M,NT_TY/,? BYT,S (rom 0S,+_S,<M,NTS
)here segment_t!pe *N =#T-BL,#?#*ND,9#D
"." -o see *ree spaces in table spaces
S,L,CT b5tablespace_name? b5:Total MB:? +O0ND=b5:Total MB: @
a5:3ree MB:?AD :0se MB:?
a5:3ree MB:? +O0ND===b5:Total MB:@ a5:3ree
MB:D2b5:Total MB:D'1HH?AD :X "se:
- 5+ -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
3+OM =
=S,L,CT (5tablespace_name? +O0ND=S0M=(5b!tes2=1HAB'1HABDD?AD
:3ree MB: 3+OM ba_(ree_space (
<+O0/ BY (5tablespace_nameD a
+*<6T NO*N
=S,L,CT 5tablespace_name? +O0ND=S0M=5b!tes2=1HAB'1HABDD?AD
:Total MB: 3+OM ba_ata_(iles
<+O0/ BY 5tablespace_nameD b
ON a5tablespace_name . b5tablespace_name
O+D,+ BY 1
- 5: -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
1 .ew 9eatures o9 16<11#
2)ic) are not co+ered in t)is boo3 so far. Any feature ')ic) is introduced in
.4*/ is also a+ailable in ..* 'it) usually more o(tions.
,las9back ?7er: @it9 c9anging data
7ou already ha$e flashback 'uery o#tion in Oracle ,i where you can 'uery
sna#shot of old data from undo table s#ace. But in *%& you can eMamine how
$alues chan%ed between two time #oints.
7ou can 'uery yesterdayJs $ersion of table data asQ
S,L,CT ' 3+OM /+OD0CT -S O3 T*M,ST-M/ SYSD-T,@1
Rollback 8onitoring
2n ,i& you canJt tell easily how much time it is %oin% to take to rollback a lar%e
transaction <until it is com#lete& the locks ac'uired by the transaction wonJt be
released=. 2n *% you can sim#ly %et this $ital information from
I86roved table s6ace 8anage8ent
*% automatically creates a S7SA4A table s#ace durin% database creation. 2t is
used to hold data for se$eral of OracleJs su##ort schemas like DBS(6P& OD6
,las9back table
2n ,i& to restore a dro##ed table you need to use im#ort from back u# or do
incom#lete reco$ery. 2n *%& when a table is dro##ed& it %oes to OracleJs
3ecycle Bin and you can easily restore it from thereK 7ou can run followin%
command from SD/ Plus.
S,L,CT ' 3+OM DB-_+,CYCL,B*N
"o restore the table use - 3L-S6B-CG T-BL, schema.table_name TO
B,3O+, D+O/
Hey thatJs easyK
- 5> -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
"1 )l7s i86rove8ents
Se$eral enhancement has been made to SD/ Plus like #rom#tin%& im#ro$ed file
mani#ulations& fast D4A/ o#timiLation #lan etc.
A7to8atic "torage -anage8ent AA"-B
2n ,i& disk stora%e consideration <like 3A2D& stri##in%& lo%ical %rou#in% etc.=
was done manually. ;rom *% it can be done automatically with the hel# of
R-AN i86rove8ent
Se$eral enhancements ha$e been made for incremental backu# methods.
A7diting i86rove8ents
(ow auditin% can be #erformed at $ery detail le$el <;1A - fine %rained audit=.
2n *%& auditin% will show you what user made eMactly what chan%es to data.
%ait inter;ace
Data dictionary $iews now show more information re%ardin% on user wait
e$ents& which will hel# to dia%nose wait #roblems better.
-ateriali<ed vie@ i86rove8ent
Oracle introduces materialiLed $iew ad$isor feature& which hel#s tunin%
materialiLed $iews. (ow Oracle ser$er can decide whether to rewrite the
materialiLed $iew or not dynamically.
-odel cla7se
4sin% 6ODE/ clause in SD/& you can treat multidimensional data as an array
in memory where you can a##ly s#readsheet like calculationsK
!nter6rise -anager A!-B c9anges
2ts architecture has been chan%ed in *%. 2tJs now installed as an H""P ser$er
<instead of as a client tool in ,i=. So& you will use it inside browserK 6oreo$er
lots of new features ha$e been added. See section .> for more information.
#irt7al )rivate Database i86rove8ents
- 55 -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
BPD was also in @i and ,i. But in *%& it has im#ro$ed to su##ort a $ariety of
re'uirements& such as maskin% columns selecti$ely based on the #olicy and
a##lyin% the #olicy only when certain columns are accessed. BPD has not been
discussed so far in this book. 2t is a method to im#lement security at finer %rain.
;or eMam#le& if you want to im#lement that lo%%ed on user will only see his
own records in database <e.%. seein% only his salary information from salary
table=& BPD can be set u# in such a way that Uwhere username P 4SE3V will be
automatically added to SD/s.
"eg8ent 8anage8ent
Se%ment s#aces can be mana%ed more efficiently. ?asta%e of s#ace in se%ments
is minimiLed. DBAs will ha$e more control o$er s#ace allocation.
Trans6ortable table s6ace
2n ,i& trans#ortable table s#aces can be #lu%%ed in to other databases only if
they run on same #latform. 2n *%& they can be #lu%%ed to database e$en
runnin% on different #latforms. "his is $ery hel#ful for data mo$ement across
different systems. Another im#ro$ement is that& data can be unloaded from
tables in $ery fast manner <in non-teMt format& thou%h= but the unloaded file&
a%ain& can be used across #latforms.
A7to8atic s9ared 8e8or: 8anage8ent
"he s#ace allocation for DB buffer cache& shared #ool& lar%e #ool and 0a$a #ool
can be set to mana%e automatically and dynamically as and when re'uired <i.e.
de#endin% on the database workload=K
4sually dbmsFIob can be used only to run P/CSD/ #ro%rams. Howe$er& the
newly introduced dbmsFscheduler can e$en run OS commands at s#ecified
Database re6la:
Startin% from %& you now ha$e o#tion of ca#turin% work load from a
#roduction database and re#lay that on test database to simulate li$e conditions.
- 5@ -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
%.1 ;(at is g in OracleAs grid computingB
Oracle defines %rid com#utin% like thisQ with %rid com#utin%& %rou#s of
inde#endent& modular hardware and software com#onents can be connected and
reIoined on demand to meet the chan%in% needs of businesses.
?hat does it eMactly meanH
?e already know what is #arallel com#utin%. A com#leM task is di$ided into
smaller #arts and each #art is #rocessed inde#endently by a com#uter. "hen the
out#uts are combined to %et final result.
How does %rid com#utin% differ from this #arallel com#utin%H
1rid com#utin% is an abstract <or $irtualiLation& as Oracle says= conce#t. A %rid
can be an infrastructure %rid& an a##lication %rid& an information %rid and so on.
?hat - %ettin% more confusedH Ok& #lease read on.
2n early days <b,@*s= of database& the relational database mana%ement was
startin% to %ain #o#ularity. 2n 3DB6S terms& a customer buys #roducts and a
transaction is %enerated. All these info like customer& #roduct& transaction etc.
are stored in 3DB6S. "hey are linked to%ether <by forei%n keys& in 8
form=. So from a hi%h le$el $iew& customer& #roduct& transaction are all #art of
(ow come to the #resent days. ?e are %atherin% data like ne$er beforeK Besides
3DB6S& we now ha$e lots of different stuffs like O/AP <Business 2ntelli%enceC
Data ?arehouse etc.=& O/"P <transactional data=& BPE/ <Business Process
EMecution /an%ua%e=& ?eb ser$ices <usin% A6/=& O?B <Oracle ?arehouse
Builder= etc.
"he %rid is collection of all these - i.e. different a##lications and data which
s#eak with one another.
Oracle has #roduct of almost e$erythin% nowadays - which is wra##ed around a
fuLLy name called ;usion 6iddleware. "hese com#onents are desi%ned so that
one com#onent <say O?B= can interact with another <say core Oracle database=.
"his constitutes an architectural %rid.
"he relational data on your 3DB6S can be termed as information %rid.
"hereGs another as#ect of %rid. /et us take Oracle 3eal A##lication Cluster or
3AC. Here multi#le instances of database are inter-connected to safe%uard
- 5, -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
sin%le #oint of failure. "his is an eMam#le of infrastructure %rid. E$erythin% is
#art of %rid. 2t is a conce#t. 2t could ha$e been told as 6atriM com#utin% too.
<Did you enIoy 6atriM series of mo$iesH=
(ow you know what the buLLword 1rid com#utin% meanK
%.2 ;(at are Oracle Fusion Middle$are OFM! and &er0ice Oriented
7rc(itecture &O7!B
2f you are not sure about what are these thin%s and try to ha$e a look at OracleGs
website& there is a %ood chance that you mi%ht find yourself confused.
"hatGs 'uite eM#ected. OracleGs website is for marketin% their #roduct. 2tGs not
their interest to describe their #roducts in a way that #eo#le think it is there is no
ma%ic about itK
So& here 2 try to eM#lain the thin%s in non-%eeky terms.
"he ;usion 6iddleware consists of OracleGs non core-database #roducts - some
of which are not actually middlewareK
"his includes OracleGs De$elo#er suite <;orms . 3e#orts=& 0a$a related tools&
web lo%ic ser$er& content mana%ement etc. O;6 de#ends on o#en standards
such as BPE/& SOAP& A6/ and 06S.
Oracle SOA is a #art of O;6.
What is SOA?
"he main essence of SOA is that a##lications will talk with each other in a
lan%ua%e <i.e. data format& #rocess ste#s= which is understood by all others
a##lications communicatin% with.
SOA is about reuse.
SOA hel#s business to mo$e& chan%e& #artner and re-in$ent itself with ease and
SOA eMtends idea of reuse not only to web ser$ices but also with business
SOA com#onents are loosely cou#led.
- @* -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
SOA can contain web ser$ice& BPE/ etc.
Web service
EMam#le& you throw a #ostcode to 7ahoo 1eo-coder and it %i$es you back
latitude& lon%itude of that #ost code.
7ou ask for #rice of #articular item to a website& it su##lies you the #rice.
4sually& web ser$ice results are returned in A6/ format to ensure uni$ersal
2n SOA se%ment& you will often hear the term Orc)estration. ?hat does it
2f you seen an orchestra& you know that conductor Iust draws some in$isible
drawin%s in mid air by mo$in% his ma%ic wand from one side to another.
Howe$er& musicians can deci#her his rhythm and #lays their instruments so that
e$ery one #lays same tune at same #ace.
Orchestration in SOA has similar meanin%. 2t ensures that all a##lications under
SOA& know how to be in sync with other a##lications in the %rou#.
But how orchestration is im#lementedH
2t is done $ia BPE/ or Business Process EMecution /an%ua%e.
BPE/ is a tool& usin% which you can draw how data mo$es from one a##lication
to another. ;or those who ha$e not used it& it is like a Bisio flow chart dia%ram
editor. But& when you draw obIects in BPE/& you tell them what to do. 7ou
instruct them where to read data from& how to #rocess it and where to send
out#ut after #rocessin% finished. So& basically it is a %ra#hical tool to define
business #rocess. ?ithout BPE/& the whole #rocess will look like thousands of
lines of P/CSD/ <or 0a$a or CZZ or whate$er= codesK
Behind the scene BPE/ still writes codes - but it Iust make sim#ler <K= for any
business user to understand and define the #rocess. (ow whether that is %ood or
bad is debatable - 2 am Iust outlinin% the conce#t here.
So& BPE/ works to inte%rate se$eral a##lications. BPE/ usually follows A6/
standard as interface to se$eral com#onents.
- @ -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
/et us take a bi%%er eMam#le. 7our su##lier sends you a file which contains all
the #roducts& 'uantities and unit #rice you ordered for. 7ou need to u#date your
in$entory accordin%ly. (ow assume that your su##lier 'uoted the #rice in c but
you need to #ut that in d in your database. 4sin% absolute minimum technolo%y&
you need to write a small #ro%ram to con$ert c to d while loadin% that data to
your system. But if you are usin% BPE/& you can $isually draw the #ro%ramK
- @) -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
3 DA interview @uestions
Answers are not #ro$ided. Some 'uestions are basic and strai%htforward. Some
'uestions are o#en ended. 2f you co$er OCP curriculum& you will be able to
answer most 'uestions. "hese 'uestions are for DBAs with 8 - @ years of
Please note that in most DBA inter$iews& besides core DBA 'uestions&
candidates are usually asked some 'uestions about the o#eratin% system <say
4niM= as well.
Concentrate on 'uestions de#endin% on the role actually re'uired in the
'.1 OpenCended @uestions
. ?hat DBA acti$ities did you to do e$erydayH
). ?hat is your ty#ical day likeH
8. ?hat other #arts of your or%aniLation do you interact with and howH
+. Do you consider yourself a de$elo#ment DBA or a #roduction DBA and
:. ?hat database and o$erall architecture would you su%%est for testin% new
middleware without im#actin% #roductionH
>. How do you assess my databaseJs healthH
5. How would you a##roach a #erformance #roblem with a three-tier
@. How do you test your backu#Creco$ery #roceduresH
,. How would you su##ort the u#%rade #rocess for multi#le a##lications&
with different a##lication rollout cycles& in the same instanceH
*.?hat E3 tool <. $ersion= you usedH
.?hat should consist of D? "eamH
'.2 -ec(nical @uestions
3.2.1 Set 1
. EM#lain the difference between a hot backu# and a cold backu# and the
benefits associated with each.
). 7ou ha$e Iust had to restore from backu# and do not ha$e any control
files. How would you %o about brin%in% u# this databaseH
- @8 -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
8. How do you switch from an init.ora file to a s#fileH
+. EM#lain the difference between a data block& an eMtent and a se%ment.
:. 1i$e two eMam#les of how you mi%ht determine the structure of the table
>. ?here would you look for errors from the database en%ineH
5. Com#are and contrast "34(CA"E and DE/E"E for a table.
@. 1i$e the reasonin% behind usin% an indeM.
,. 1i$e the two ty#es of tables in$ol$ed in #roducin% a star schema and the
ty#e of data they hold.
*.?hat ty#e of indeM should you use on a fact tableH
.1i$e two eMam#les of referential inte%rity constraints.
).A table is classified as a #arent table and you want to dro# and re-create
it. How would you do this without affectin% the children tablesH
8.EM#lain the difference between A3CH2BE/O1 mode and
(OA3CH2BE/O1 mode and the benefits and disad$anta%es to each.
+.?hat command would you use to create a backu# control fileH
:.1i$e the sta%es of instance startu# to a usable state where normal users
may access it.
>.?hat column differentiates the BN $iews to the 1BN $iews and howH
5.How would you %o about %eneratin% an EAP/A2( #lanH
@.How would you %o about increasin% the buffer cache hit ratioH
,.EM#lain an O3A-*::: <Sna#shot too old=
)*.EM#lain the difference between NO3AC/EFHO6E and
).How would you determine the time Lone under which a database was
)).EM#lain the use of settin% 1/OBA/F(A6ES e'ual to "34E.
)8.?hat command would you use to encry#t a P/CSD/ a##licationH
)+.EM#lain the difference between a ;4(C"2O(& P3OCED43E and
):.EM#lain the use of table functions.
)>.(ame three ad$isory statistics you can collect.
)5.?here in the Oracle directory tree structure are audit traces #lacedH
)@.EM#lain materialiLed $iews and how they are used.
),.?hen a user #rocess fails& what back%round #rocess cleans u# after itH
8*.?hat back%round #rocess refreshes materialiLed $iewsH
8.How would you determine what sessions are connected and what
resources they are waitin% forH
8).Describe what redo lo%s are.
88.How would you force a lo% switchH
8+.1i$e two methods you could use to determine what DD/ chan%es ha$e
been made.
8:.?hat does coalescin% a table s#ace doH
- @+ -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
8>.?hat is the difference between a "E6PO3A37 table s#ace and a
PE36A(E(" table s#aceH
85.(ame a table s#ace automatically created when you create a database.
8@.?hen creatin% a user& what #ermissions must you %rant to allow them to
connect to the databaseH
8,.How do you add a data file to a table s#aceH
+*.?hat $iew would you use to look at the siLe of a data fileH
+.?hat $iew would you use to determine free s#ace in a table s#aceH
+).How can you rebuild an indeMH
+8.7ou ha$e Iust com#iled a P/CSD/ #acka%e but %ot errors& how would
you $iew the errorsH
++.How can you %ather statistics on a tableH
+:.How can you enable a trace for a sessionH
+>.?hat is the difference between the SD/[/oader and 26PO3" utilitiesH
+5.(ame two files used for network connection to a database.
3.2.2 Set 2
. A user has connect and resource #ri$ile%es allocated by the DBA. He is
been allocated 'uota on three table s#aces by the DBA& - Default "able
s#ace Duota :** 6& "able s#ace Duota ** 6& "able s#ace ) Duota
)** 6. (ow the user tries to make a table& which uses 8** 6 in table
s#ace ). ?ill he be successfulH
). After a table is defined& can columns be remo$edH
8. Can we add columns to a table& which is already definedH
+. Can you eM#lain reco$ery of in a 3DB6SH
:. Describe the #rocedure for mo$in% a data file from one disk to another.
Show actual SD/ used for this #rocedure.
>. Difference . when to use ;23S"F3O?S . A//F3O?S #arameter&
while usin% an o#timiLer
5. EM#lain B-"ree indeMH
@. EM#lain com#osite indeMH
,. EM#lain different kind of lockin% in 3DB6SH
*.EM#lain the definition of a ^star schema.^
.EM#lain the difference between a ^hot^ and a ^cold^ backu#. ?hat is
in$ol$ed with eMecutin% a ^hot^ backu#H
).EM#lain the differences between lo%ical and #hysical database backu#s.
?hat are the benefits and #enalties of eachH
8.EM#lain the #rocessin% of a #ro%ram usin% cursorH
+.EM#lain third normaliLed formH
:.EM#lain two #hase commitH
- @: -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
>.EM#lain what a bitma##ed indeM is& what its a##lications would be& and
why itGs useful.
5.EM#lain what an Oracle sna#shot is.
@.Ha$e you heard about "uMedo& Encina& C2CSH
,.How can one im#licitly disconnect a user from the database& who is idle
for a lon% timeH <4sin% Profiles=
)*.2s it #ossible that there could be #erformance de%radation due to so many
indeMesH ?hen and howH
).Duestions were asked about #arameters in eM#ort& likeQ consistent P y&
<what is the #ur#ose of it=H
))."here are ** data files& numbered from to **. ;ile number * is
deleted and it has :** 6B of data. "he database is workin% in (o-
Archi$e lo% mode. How can the database be reco$eredH
)8."here are about a *&*** records in a table. 4ser runs a 'uery& which is
doin% a full-table scan. ?hile doin% the full table scan& user ) chan%es
some $alue M to y usin% a D6/ statement in record. ?hat does the
user see <M or y=H 2f M& then where is the $alue storedH <3ollback
)+.?hat 3DB6S obIects are re'uired before you can create a tableH
):.?hat are the contents of a Control ;ileH
)>.?hat are the different data structures used for indeMesH
)5.?hat are the ty#es of reco$ery one can #erformH
)@.?hat can you do with an alias that you cannot do with a synonymH
),.?hat is (ormaliLationH
8*.?hat is a correlation name and eM#lain the usa%eH
8.?hat is a cursorH
8).?hat is a forei%n keyH
88.?hat is a IoinH EM#lain outer Ioin with an eMam#leH
8+.?hat is a #a%e in 3DB6SH
8:.?hat is a #artitioned tableH
8>.?hat is a stored #rocedureH ?hy there are re'uiredH
85.?hat is a sub 'ueryH
8@.?hat is a synonymH
8,.?hat is a $iewH
+*.?hat is commit and rollbackH
+.?hat is distributed transaction #rocessin%H
+).?hat is lo%%in% in a 3DB6SH
+8.?hat is #rimary keyH
++.?hat is 'uery eMecution #lanH
+:.?hat is 'uery o#timiLerH
+>.?hat is referential inte%rityH
+5.?hat is the SD/ statement necessary to delete a user named ^0oe^ and
e$erythin% that he owns in a databaseH
- @> -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
+@.?hat is the difference between a searched u#date and a #ositioned
+,.?hat is the difference between static SD/ and dynamic SD/H
:*.?hat is the im#ortance of redo lo% filesH
:.?hat is the sa$e #oint in a transactionH
:).?hat is the use of /29EH
:8.?hat is the use of the #arameter ^6AA"3A(SV. 2s it used at block le$el&
eMtent le$el or se%ment le$elH
:+.?hat is transition monitorH
::.?hat is transactionH EM#lain atomic #ro#erty of a transactionH
:>.?hat $ariables in the ^2(2".O3A^ file affect the amount of 3A6 needed
for the S1AH
:5.?hatGs the default #assword for the Oracle user ^Scott^H
:@.?here and when can we use the HAB2(1 clauseH
:,.?hich SD/ error will you %et when you try to fetch data from a cursor
after it has run out of dataH
>*.?hich #arameter can be used to enable check #ointin% at re%ular inter$als
>.?hich #arameter do you use to read multi#le blocks in one %o
>).?hy a stored #rocedure su##oses to %i$e better #erformanceH
>8.?hy indeMes are so im#ortantH
>+.?hy is the difference between Direct Path EM#ort and Con$entional Path
>:.?hy it is bad to use the SE/EC" [ in static SD/H
>>.?hy row le$el lockin% is desiredH
>5.?hy would you use 4(2O( instead of a 0O2(H
3.2.3 Set 3
. ?hat data warehouse features are there in Oracle ,iH
). ?hat is the difference between B-"ree . Bitma# indeMH EM#lain.
8. ?hat is dimension tableH
+. ?hat is surro%ate keyH
:. ?hat is 8rd normaliLationH
>. ?hat is ref cursorH
5. ?hat is materialiLed $iewH
@. ?hat is 'uery rewriteH
,. ?hat is inline $iewH
*.?hat is conformed dimensionH
.?hat is slowly chan%in% dimensionH
- @5 -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
).How E3 dia%ram differs from D? dimensionH <Answer - O/"P schema
$s. Star schema=
8.?hat is ty#e& ty#e)& ty#e8 related to dimensionH
+.?hat is the difference between to# down and bottom u# a##roachH
:.?hen is full-table scan beneficialH
>.?hat #erformance tunin%s you ha$e doneH
5.4#date Em# set salaryP:*** where idP** - eM#lain all ste#s that
ha##ens internally.
@.State differences between @i and ,iH
,.State differences between ,i and *%H
)*.?hat #arameters of database you canGt chan%e without recreatin% oneH
<Answer - block& buffer& and character set etc.=
).?hat is asynchronous P/CSD/ blockH
)).?hat Oracle books you readH
)8.?hat is autonomous transactionH
)+.?hat are $arious ty#es of transactionsH
):.?hat eMtra Oracle features you like to seeH
)>.EM#lain B "ree . Bitma# indeM.
)5.EM#lain clearly what will ha##en if 2 indeM a %ender column usin% B tree
instead of Bitma#.
)@.?hat is basically stored in indeMH
),.2f a table has no rows& does it take any s#aceH
8*.?hat lar%est database you ha$e handledH How many tables were thereH
8.?hat is two #hase commitH
8).?hat is distributed databaseH
88.?hat is 3AC . what is its ad$anta%eH
8+.How do you handle eMce#tion in P/CSD/ #rocedureH
8:.?hat is the ad$anta%e or #acka%e o$er #rocedureH
8>.?hat is #ra%ma-restricted functionH
85.?hat are CoydGs %olden rules <not about normaliLation=H
8@.How do you su%%est backu# strate%y of #roduction databaseH
8,.?hat database challen%es you faced in your last #roIectH
+*.?hat is )nd normaliLationH
+.?hen do you de-normaliLe dataH
+).?hat database tunin% you ha$e doneH
+8.?hat is the len%th of rowid dataH
++.?hat Oracle analytic functions you ha$e usedH
+:.Can you s#ecify se'uence in SD/ loaderH
+>.EM#lain directCindirect loadH
+5.?hat are different com#onents of S1AH ?hat are different back%round
#rocessesH ?hat are functions of each of themH
+@.?hat is 3eco #rocessH
+,.How do you see all columns of all tablesH
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Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
:*.EM#lain im#licit . eM#licit cursor.
:.How do you declare record ty#e $ariableH
:).?hat is P/CSD/ tableH Define itGs syntaM.
:8.How do you select du#licate rows from a tableH
:+.How do you a$oid fra%mentationH
::.EM#lain deadlock with an eMam#le.
:>.?hy #eo#le sometimes donGt run database in archi$e lo% modeH
:5.?hat does DB?3 . /1?3 doH
:@.?ho write data in database buffer cache . redo lo% bufferH
:,.Can you %et back se'uence $alues already %eneratedH
>*.EM#lain shared ser$er conce#t.
>.?hen a new session starts& how do you see eMtra #rocesses created from
data dictionary tablesH
>).?here do you find all database obIectsH
>8.?here the source of functionC#rocedures is storedH
>+.?hat do you know about Standby database . 3e#licationH
>:.?hat are different ty#es of backu#sH
>>.EM#lain all ste#s of com#lete . incom#lete reco$ery.
>5.?hat are $arious ty#es of reco$eriesH EM#lain.
>@.?hat database tunin% you ha$e doneH
>,.?hat tunin% tools you ha$e usedH
5*.?hat database desi%n you ha$e #erformedH
5.?hat backu# method you su%%est for a )+M5 #roduction databaseH
5).EM#lain some tunin% methods.
58.EM#lain $arious com#onents of S1A.
5+.?here does init.ora resideH
5:.Did you install Oracle ser$erH
5>.?hen do you %o for im#ortCeM#ort instead of backu#H
3.2.* Set * (S7"!
. ?hat is wron% with followin% 'ueryQ SE/EC" column& column)&
AB1<column8=& column+ ;3O6 table 13O4P B7 column& column)
). ?hat is wron% with this 'ueryQ SE/EC" AB1<CO4("<em#loyeeFid=
;3O6 em#loyee 13O4P B7 de#t
8. How do you delete du#licate rows from a table usin% SD/H `Ans - delete
from du#Ftest d where rowid not in <select maM<rowid= from du#Ftest d)
where d.num P d).num=a
+. How do you identify du#licate rows in a tableH
:. A table has followin% columns - de#tartment& em#loyeeFname and
salary. How do you list a$era%e salary of all de#artmentsH
>. How do you find databaseJs time LoneH `select dbtimeLone from duala
- @, -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
'.3 5uestions you s(ould ask
?hat #rocesses do you follow while im#lementin% chan%es in #roductionH
Beside the DBAs and system administrators& who has access to the ^Oracle^
o#eratin% system accountH
How often is the oracle o#eratin% system account #assword chan%edH
Are the DBAs co-located with the teams they su##ortH
How is ca#acity #lannin% #erformedH
2s there ade'uate ca#acity already in #lace to su##ort the eM#ected %rowth o$er
the neMt yearH
2s there a formal Iob definition for the DBA roleH
2s there a defined technical career #athH
How is 2" ali%ned with the business areasH
How many em#loyees re#ort to more than one mana%erH
How do you determine if a DBA has been successfulH
How are the a##lication DBAs and #roduction control DBAs or%aniLedH
- ,* -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
4 $e9erences
Oracle classroom course #resentations
OCACOCP Oracle books <DBA 2& DBA 22& Performance "unin%& SD/=
from BPB #ublications.
Oracle manuals
Oracle Press DBA and P/CSD/ books
Classroom course at SD/ Star 2nternational& Calcutta.,F*Crac.Cb)@):).#df
- , -
Oracle DBA Concise Handbook
16 Oracle serverAs dia#ra,,atic overview
- ,) -
Database buffer cache
3edo lo% buffer cache
/ar%e #ool <o#tional=
0a$a #ool <o#tional=
Shared #ool
/ibrary cache
Shared SD/
. #acka%es
/ocks and
3edo lo% files
Ser$er #rocess created
for userJs connection
Data files - System .
SysauM table s#ace&
4ndo table s#ace&
A##lication data table
s#aces etc.
Parameter file
<3ead when
database starts=
Control file -
synchroniLation information
for all Oracle files

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