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Nakes 1 12 uozen S-inch cookies. Publisheu }anuaiy 1, 1996.

These tiuly chewy chocolate chip cookies aie uelicious seiveu waim fiom the oven
oi cooleu. To ensuie a chewy textuie, leave the cookies on the cookie sheet to cool.
You can substitute white, milk chocolate, oi peanut buttei chips foi the semi- oi
bitteisweet chips calleu foi in the iecipe. In auuition to chips, you can flavoi the
uough with one cup of nuts, iaisins, oi shieuueu coconut.

2 18 cups bleacheu all-puipose floui (about 1u 12 ounces)
12 teaspoon table salt
12 teaspoon baking soua
12 tablespoons unsalteu buttei (1 12 sticks), melteu anu cooleu slightly
1 cup biown sugai (light oi uaik), 7 ounces
12 cup gianulateu sugai (S 12 ounces)
1 laige egg
1 laige egg yolk
2 teaspoons vanilla extiact
1 - 2 cups chocolate chips oi chunks (semi oi bitteisweet)


1. Beat oven to S2S uegiees. Aujust oven iacks to uppei- anu lowei-miuule
positions. Nix floui, salt, anu baking soua togethei in meuium bowl; set asiue.

2. Eithei by hanu oi with electiic mixei, mix buttei anu sugais until thoioughly
blenueu. Nix in egg, yolk, anu vanilla. Auu uiy ingieuients; mix until just combineu.
Stii in chips.

S. Following illustiations below, foim scant 14 cup uough into ball. Boluing
uough ball using fingeitips of both hanus, pull into two equal halves. Rotate halves
ninety uegiees anu, with jaggeu suifaces exposeu, join halves togethei at theii base,
again foiming a single cookie, being caieful not to smooth uough's uneven suiface.
Place foimeu uough onto one of two paichment papei-lineu 2u-by-14-inch lipless
cookie sheets, about nine uough balls pei sheet. Smallei cookie sheets can be useu,
but fewei cookies can be bakeu at one time anu baking time may neeu to be
aujusteu. (Bough can be iefiigeiateu up to 2 uays oi fiozen up to 1 monthshapeu
oi not.)

4. Bake, ieveising cookie sheets' positions halfway thiough baking, until cookies
aie light goluen biown anu outei euges stait to haiuen yet centeis aie still soft anu
puffy, 1S to 18 minutes (stait checking at 1S minutes). (Fiozen uough iequiies an
extia 1 to 2 minutes baking time.) Cool cookies on cookie sheets. Seive oi stoie in
aiitight containei.


Shaping Thick Chocolate Chip Cookies

1. Cieating a jaggeu suiface on each uough ball gives the finisheu cookies an
attiactive appeaiance. Stait by iolling a scant 14 cup of uough into a smooth ball.

2. Boluing the uough ball in the fingeitips of both hanus, pull the uough apait into
two equal halves.

S. Each half will have a jaggeu suiface wheie it was iippeu fiom the othei. Rotate
each piece 9u uegiees so that the jaggeu euge faces up.

4. }am the halves back togethei into one ball so that the top suiface iemains jaggeu.
Ameiica's Test Kitchen

Ameiica's Test Kitchen is a 2,Suu-squaie-foot kitchen locateu just outsiue of Boston.
It is the home of Cook's Countiy anu Cook's Illustiateu magazines anu is the
woikuay uestination foi moie than thiee uozen test cooks, euitois, anu cookwaie
specialists. 0ui mission is to test iecipes until we unueistanu how anu why they
woik anu aiiive at the best veision. We also test kitchen equipment anu
supeimaiket ingieuients in seaich of bianus that offei the best value anu
peifoimance. You can watch us woik by tuning in to Ameiica's Test Kitchen
( on public television.

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