Annotated Bibliography

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Emma Weidenhamer

Paul Newman was an honored and respected humanitarian.

Weidenhamer 1

Emma Weidenhamer

Mrs. Botti

English 9 Academic

23 April 2009

Annotated Bibliography: Paul Newman

Bernstein, Adam. “Academy Award-Winning Actor Paul Newman Dies at 83. 26 Mar. 2009 <


This website talks about Newman’s estranged son, Scott, from his first marriage. Scott,
who was a budding actor himself, had a troubled relationship with his father. Scott had died from
a drug and alcohol overdose, so Newman decided to establish a foundation in his honor. The
foundation was made to educate people of all ages about safe drug usage, and the confluences of
over-drinking. Newman also created a camp in Connecticut in honor of Scott. This source was
very useful because a lot of the article talks about the Scott Newman Foundation. It was partial,
but completely unbiased. The source was valuable because of all the critical details it told about
Scott Newman’s relationship with his father, and how it might have influenced Newman’s
career; would he have become a philanthropist if Scott hadn’t died so suddenly? Or if his Scott
Newman Foundation hadn’t inspired Newman to be a humanitarian? The source was significant
because it listed important details about Newman’s salad dressing company Newman’s Own.
Choosing this source was a very good decision because it had accurate information. This website
would be very good for a research paper because of all the accurate facts it had.

Harmetz, Aljean. “Paul Newman, a Magnetic Titan of Hollywood, is Dead at 83.”

26 Mar. 2009 < r=1&page


This website is about Newman’s family. Details about not only his infamous 50-year
marriage to Joanne Woodward, but his marriage to his first wife, also. It was also about his son,
Scott. The website talked a lot about Newman’s own, Newman’s salad dressing company. The
source told of how Newman had started out the “company” by making a salad dressing for
friends at a party. The friends liked it, so Newman decided to try to market it. The company
became a large foundation, making not only salad dressing, but pasta sauce, popcorn, and
cookies. All of the proceeds from the foundation go to Newman’s Hole in the Wall Gang camp.
This source was valuable because all of the facts were accurate. It was not biased, but it was
partial. It was reliable because it had publishers, and editors, and the site was updated the same
year. The source was very important because it talked a lot about Newman’s salad dressing
company, more than any other source. This source would be great for a student writing a
research paper to use because of all the information it gives about Newman’s Own Foundation.
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Kehoe, John. “Paul Newman.” Biography 3.1(Mar. 1999): 124. MAS Ultra-School Edition.

EBSCOhost. Hampton High School. Allison Park, PA. 25 Mar. 2009

< px? direct=true&db-ulh&AN=2080048&site=ehost


The website talks about Newman’s different foundations. The main foundation it talks
about is Newman’s Own. This company started out with salad dressing as their main product.
But the company grew, and from more flavors of salad dressing, started to sell other products
such as popcorn and cookies. Newman doesn’t take any salary from the money earned from his
salad dressing company. This source was valuable because it told of Newman’s efforts to
society. It was completely objective, and it wasn’t biased. He takes no pay from his company,
instead choosing to give it all back to charity. The source was reliable because it came from a
school newspaper database, and it has all the facts. The source was significant because it told so
many facts and details about Newman’s whole life, and not just the charities he created. This
source would be great for a research paper, especially if a student were to do a paper on
Newman’s life.

Landry, J.C. Paul Newman. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1983.

This book talks about Newman’s life. It talked about all of the movies he was in, and his
marriages and children. But, more importantly, it talks about his humanitarianism, his charities
and foundations. Not only was his salad dressing company mentioned, but his Hole in the Wall
Gang camp was mentioned. Hole in the Wall gang is a camp for kids with all types of cancer.
This source was useful because it had many pictures, which helped to identify and explain what
the book was talking about. It was not biased. It was also easy to understand, and know what was
going on. The source was reliable because it had up-to-date facts, all of which were accurate.
The source was valuable because it gave information on many of his charities and foundations.
This source would be really great for a student to use for a research project because it is filled
with references and intricate details.

McDonough, Tom. “Biography for Paul Newman.” 26 Mar. 2009 <http://www.>.

The biography was about Newman’s most famous movies. It has some fun facts, like how
much Newman made from different movies that he starred in. He became attracted to his costar
Joanne Woodward while he was currently married. The source also has a few paragraphs about
Newman’s Hole in the Wall Camp. The source also told a little bit about Newman’s salad
dressing company. This source was very useful because it told so much about every movie that
Newman was in. It was not biased, but it was partial. The source was valuable because of all the
compiled information and numerous facts it had. The biography was on a movie database, which
means that it is true facts. One thing that might make a person pause, is that the biography may
have been written by a user to the site. Other than that, this source would be great for a student
doing a research paper on Newman and his movies and charities.
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“Paul Newman.” Current Biography. Ed. Charles Moritz. New York: H.W. Wilson Company,


The reference book tells a lot about Newman’s life work. What he did as an actor, and the
movies he was in, and when they came out. The source also talks about Newman’s family life,
his marriages, and his children. It talks about Newman’s salad dressing company Newman’s
Own, and his Scott Newman Foundation. There are also several paragraphs about Newman’s
Hole in the Wall camps for kids of all ages. This reference book was valuable because it talked
about Newman’s humanitarianism. The source was reliable not only as a reference book but
because it had complete, accurate facts. It was not biased at all, as it did not give any personal
opinions. The goal of this source is to inform; it did not have any humor or persuading
paragraphs. This source would be a great reference for a student writing a paper on any aspect of
Newman’s life to use.

“Paul Newman Biography.” 26 Mar. 2009 < id=9422564&print>.

The website talks about Newman’s racing career. He won several awards for his great
driving skills, and all of his winnings were donated to charity. Newman was accepted into a good
college at 18, and married his first wife when he was in his 20s. During a movie, Newman
became attracted to co-star Joanne Woodward. They got married, thus beginning their 50-year
marriage. This source was valuable because it had information that none of the other sources
had: about Newman’s professional race car driving career. It was useful because it told about
Newman’s whole life. The source was reliable because it was not written based on others’ words.
The source was not biased, but it was partial. The goal of the source was to inform, with little
humor. This would be an excellent source for any student doing research on Paul Newman.

“Paul Newman’s Legacy of Hole in the Wall Camps.” 27 Mar. 2009


This website is completely about Newman’s Hole in the Wall camps. Newman’s camps
are for children of all ages, with any kind of cancer. You can volunteer to work there, and there
are marathons and activities that volunteers can do to sponsor a child going to the camp. There
are different camps located across the country. These camps are Newman’s legacy. This website
is reliable because it comes right from the Hole in the Wall Gang association, and it is not a
commercial site. It is completely objective and unbiased. It was very significant because it talked
about just one of Newman’s charities, and focused only on that one. The goal of the source it to
inform. It would be an excellent source for a student researching Newman’s camps.
Smith, Lynn. “Actor Paul Newman Dies at 83.” 26 Mar. 2009 <http://www.latimes.


This website is about Newman’s main achievements, and contributions to society. His
salad dressing company has been around for a while, and has made over $250 million. Newman
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gives all of this money to charity, taking nothing for himself. He dreamed of opening a camp for
children with cancer, and he lived his dream in full. His legacy will live on in everybody’s heart.
This website was very significant, as the author didn’t take up several pages talking only about
Newman’s movie career. The source was partial, but it was not biased. It was written so that
anyone would be able to read it. The goal of the source was to inform, with straightforward facts.
This would be a very good source for a student research project.

Stoynoff, Natasha. “Paul Newman, American Idol.” People. 13 Oct. 2008: 56-67.

This magazine article was about all about honoring Paul Newman. Pictures show him in
his most famous movie roles. There are also some family pictures, and photos of Newman when
he was younger. The source talks about his public life more than his private life, though. It is
basically a tribute to Newman’s acting success, but his charities are mentioned. The source was
valuable because it really covered Newman’s movie career, and his acting jobs, and his
humanitarianism. It also informed the reader about his relationship with Joanne Woodward. The
source had many pictures, so if someone couldn’t understand the words, they could just look at
the pictures. The article was not biased, and the goal was not only to inform, but to entertain with
pictures. This would be a great source to use in a research paper.
Weidenhamer 1

Works Cited

Bernstein, Adam. “Academy Award-Winning Actor Paul Newman Dies at 83.” 26 Mar. 2009 <


Harmetz, Aljean. “Paul Newman, a Magnetic Titan of Hollywood, is Dead at 83.”

26 Mar. 2009 <

r=1&pagewanted =print>.

Kehoe, John. “Paul Newman.” Biography 3.1(Mar. 1999):124. MAS Ultra – School Edition.

EBSCOhost. Hampton High School. Allison Park, PA. 25 Mar. 2009



Landry, J.C. Paul Newman. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1983.

McDonough, Tom. “Biography for Paul Newman.” 26 Mar. 2009 <


“Paul Newman.” Current Biography. Ed. Charles Moritz. New York: H.W. Wilson Company,


“Paul Newman Biography.” 26 Mar. 2009 < id=9422564&print>.

“Paul Newman’s Legacy of Hole in the Wall Camps.” 27 Mar. 2009


Smith, Lynn. “Actor Paul Newman Dies at 83.” 26 Mar. 2009 <http://www.latimes.


Stoynoff, Natasha. “Paul Newman, American Idol.” People. 13 Oct. 2008: 56-67.

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