Divorce Separation Agreement

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COUNTY OF _________________
WHEREAS, ____________________________________ (full legal name), hereinafter
referred to as "Wife", and _________________________________ (full legal name),
hereinafter referred to as "Husband", are now married, having been married on the _____
day of ____________, _______, in ______________ County, _________________; and
WHEREAS, the parties were separated on or about the _______ day of
_______________, !___, whi"e residing in _______________ County,
_________________, and sin#e that date have been "iving separate and apart; and
WHEREAS, irre#on#i"ab"e differen#es have arisen in the marriage of the parties and there
is no #han#e of staying together$ %he parties ma&e this Agreement to sett"e on#e and for
a"" that the parties owe to ea#h other and what the parties #an e'pe#t to re#eive from ea#h
other; and
WHEREAS, the parties desire to ma&e a mutua""y a##eptab"e sett"ement of their rights,
"iabi"ities, ob"igations and property rights arising out of and during the #ourse of their
marita" re"ationship$ (o re#on#i"iation is #ontemp"ated; and
WHEREAS, the parties agree to e'e#ute and e'#hange any papers that might be needed
to #omp"ete this Agreement, in#"uding deeds, tit"e #ertifi#ates, bi""s of sa"e, et#$; and
WHEREAS, the parties intend that this Agreement sha"" be binding on them from and
after the date and time of e'e#ution, if permitted, and that this Agreement may be
in#orporated into a fina" )udgment of divor#e at some future time$
NOW THEREFORE, FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the mutua" benefits and
advantages a##ruing to ea#h party, the undersigned do hereby so"emn"y #ovenant, agree
and #ontra#t as set forth above and be"ow and being sworn, #ertify that the a"" statements
#ontained herein are true and #orre#t*
%he parties sha"" #ontinue to "ive separate and apart, free from interferen#e, authority and
#ontro" by the other, as if ea#h were so"e and unmarried, and ea#h may #ondu#t, #arry on
and engage in any emp"oyment, business or trade whi#h ea#h sha"" seem advisab"e for their
so"e and separate use and benefit, without, and free from any #ontro", restraint or
interferen#e by the other party in a"" respe#ts as if ea#h were unmarried$ (either of the
parties sha"" mo"est or annoy the other or see& to #ompe" the other to #ohabit or dwe""
with the other by any pro#eedings for restoration of #on)uga" rights or otherwise, or e'ert
or demand any right to reside in the home of the other, if any$
+y e'e#ution of this instrument, ea#h party warrants and represents to the other party
that he or she has fu""y dis#"osed their finan#ia" status, in#"uding their assets and "iabi"ities
of a"" types and agree that the terms of this Agreement are fair, )ust, and e,uitab"e after
#onsideration of the finan#ia" status of the parties$
A$ I# G$#$%&'$ Husband and Wife are in possession of a"" persona" property
be"onging to ea#h, and neither ma&es any #"aim to any persona" property in the
possession of the other e'#ept as otherwise stated in this Agreement$ %he parties
agree to divide their assets -everything they own and that is owed to parties. as
Husband /nitia"s*___________ Wife /nitia"s* ___________
provided be"ow$ Any persona" item-s. not "isted be"ow is the property of the party
#urrent"y in possession of the item-s.$ Ea#h party sha"" retain as his or her own a""
of their persona" #"othing, )ewe"ry and effe#ts$
+$ Wife sha"" re#eive as her own and Husband sha"" have no further rights or
responsibi"ities regarding these assets*
(T( &)(*+ ,(#-./*(# &0 & '&0$% +&0$, +$/,%*1$ $&,2 *0$3 &/ ,'$&%'4 &/ 5(//*1'$. Y(. +( #(0 #$$+ 0( '*/0 &,,(.#0
#.31$%/. W2$%$ &55'*,&1'$, *#,'.+$ 62$02$% 02$ #&3$ (# &#4 0*0'$7+$$+7&,,(.#0 +$/,%*1$+ 1$'(6 */ 6*-$8/,
2./1&#+8/, (% 1(02.)
C.%%$#0 F&*%
M&%9$0 V&'.$
Cash -on hand. 0
Cash -in ban&s1#redit unions.
(otes -money owed to you in writing.
2oney owed to you -not eviden#ed by a note.
Rea" estate* -Home.
+usiness interests
3ther vehi#"es
Retirement p"ans -4rofit Sharing, 4ension, /RA, 5!6-&.s, et#$. 0
7urniture 8 furnishings in home
7urniture 8 furnishings e"sewhere
Husband /nitia"s*___________ Wife /nitia"s* ___________
(T( &)(*+ ,(#-./*(# &0 & '&0$% +&0$, +$/,%*1$ $&,2 *0$3 &/ ,'$&%'4 &/ 5(//*1'$. Y(. +( #(0 #$$+ 0( '*/0 &,,(.#0
#.31$%/. W2$%$ &55'*,&1'$, *#,'.+$ 62$02$% 02$ #&3$ (# &#4 0*0'$7+$$+7&,,(.#0 +$/,%*1$+ 1$'(6 */ 6*-$8/,
2./1&#+8/, (% 1(02.)
C.%%$#0 F&*%
M&%9$0 V&'.$
:ife insuran#e -#ash surrender va"ue.
Sporting and entertainment -%$;$, stereo, et#$. e,uipment
3ther assets
T(0&' A//$0/ 0( W*-$ :
C$ Husband sha"" re#eive as his own and Wife sha"" have no further rights or
responsibi"ities regarding these assets*
(T( &)(*+ ,(#-./*(# &0 & '&0$% +&0$, +$/,%*1$ $&,2 *0$3 &/ ,'$&%'4 &/ 5(//*1'$. Y(. +( #(0 #$$+ 0( '*/0 &,,(.#0
#.31$%/. W2$%$ &55'*,&1'$, *#,'.+$ 62$02$% 02$ #&3$ (# &#4 0*0'$7+$$+7&,,(.#0 +$/,%*1$+ 1$'(6 */ 6*-$8/,
2./1&#+8/ (% 1(02.)
C.%%$#0 F&*%
M&%9$0 V&'.$
Cash -on hand. 0
Cash -in ban&s1#redit unions.
Sto#&s1+onds 0
(otes -money owed to you in writing.
2oney owed to you -not eviden#ed by a note.
Rea" estate* -Home.
Husband /nitia"s*___________ Wife /nitia"s* ___________
(T( &)(*+ ,(#-./*(# &0 & '&0$% +&0$, +$/,%*1$ $&,2 *0$3 &/ ,'$&%'4 &/ 5(//*1'$. Y(. +( #(0 #$$+ 0( '*/0 &,,(.#0
#.31$%/. W2$%$ &55'*,&1'$, *#,'.+$ 62$02$% 02$ #&3$ (# &#4 0*0'$7+$$+7&,,(.#0 +$/,%*1$+ 1$'(6 */ 6*-$8/,
2./1&#+8/ (% 1(02.)
C.%%$#0 F&*%
M&%9$0 V&'.$
+usiness interests
3ther vehi#"es
Retirement p"ans -4rofit Sharing, 4ension, /RA, 5!6-&.s, et#$.
7urniture 8 furnishings in home
7urniture 8 furnishings e"sewhere
:ife insuran#e -#ash surrender va"ue.
Sporting and entertainment -%$;$, stereo, et#$. e,uipment
3ther assets 0
T(0&' A//$0/ 0( H./1&#+ :
C$ Contingent Assets and :iabi"ities sha"" be divided as fo""ows*
Husband /nitia"s*___________ Wife /nitia"s* ___________
E$ A++*0*(#&' R$0*%$3$#0 A,,(.#0 P%()*/*(#/. %he parties represent that a""
retirement and pension types of a##ounts have been dis#"osed and agree to the
fo""owing division of same*
R$0*%$3$#0 A,,(.#0/
P$%/(# 0( R$,$*)$ C.%%$#0 F&*%
M&%9$0 V&'.$
Husband A##ounts* 0 0
Wife A##ounts*
0 0
7$ A++*0*(#&' L*-$ I#/.%&#,$ P%()*/*(#/. %he parties agree in referen#e to their
respe#tive "ife insuran#e po"i#ies the fo""owing -indi#ate po"i#ies, owner,
benefi#iary.* _______________________________________________________
Husband /nitia"s*___________ Wife /nitia"s* ___________
<$ A++*0*(#&' H(./$2('+ F.%#*/2*#; &#+ E--$,0/ P%()*/*(#/. (S$'$,0 &/
%he househo"d furnishings and effe#ts of the parties have been mutua""y
divided by the parties and neither ma&es #"aim to any su#h property in the
possession of the other e'#ept as provided above$
Wife agrees that the Husband sha"" retain a"" of the househo"d furnishings
and effe#ts present"y "o#ated on the premises at
________________________________________, e'#epting those items
a"ready removed by the Wife, or to be removed, with the Husband=s
permission, e'#ept as "isted and provided above$
Husband agrees that the Wife sha"" retain a"" of the househo"d furnishings
and effe#ts present"y "o#ated on the premises at
_________________________________________, e'#epting those items
a"ready removed by the Husband, or to be removed, with the Wife>s
permission, and e'#ept "isted and provided above$
H$ A++*0*(#&' M&%*0&' H(3$ P%()*/*(#/.
%he marita" home of the parties sha"" be*
i. 3##upied by Husband Wife$
ii. %it"ed in the name of Husband Wife$
%he e'penses of the marita" home are and sha"" be paid as fo""ows*
i. Wife Husband sha"" pay the mortgage payments$ %his
ob"igation terminates ___________________________________$
ii. Wife Husband sha"" pay the uti"ities and other e'penses in
#onne#tion with the up&eep and maintenan#e of the home$ %his
ob"igation terminates ____________________________________$
iii. Wife Husband sha"" pay a"" ta'es, insuran#e and assessments$
%his ob"igation terminates ___________________
/$ Additiona" 4rovisions or e'p"anations* _________________________________
Husband /nitia"s*___________ Wife /nitia"s* ___________
A$ E'#ept as otherwise provided herein ea#h party agrees to pay their respe#tive
individua" debts$
+$ D*)*/*(# (- L*&1*'*0*$/7D$10/. %he parties divide their "iabi"ities -everything they
owe. as fo""ows*
Wife sha"" pay as her own the fo""owing and wi"" not at any time as& Husband to pay these
(T( &)(*+ ,(#-./*(# &0 & '&0$% +&0$, +$/,%*1$ $&,2 *0$3 &/ ,'$&%'4 &/ 5(//*1'$. Y(. +( #(0 #$$+ 0( '*/0
&,,(.#0 #.31$%/. W2$%$ &55'*,&1'$, *#,'.+$ 62$02$% 02$ #&3$ (# &#4 3(%0;&;$, #(0$, (% &,,(.#0
+$/,%*1$+ 1$'(6 */ 6*-$8/, 2./1&#+8/, (% 1(02.)
A3(.#0 O6$+
2ortgages on rea" estate* -Home. 0 0
Charge1#redit #ard a##ounts
Auto "oan
Auto "oan
+an&1#redit union "oans
0 0
0 0
2oney you owe -not eviden#ed by a note.
Husband /nitia"s*___________ Wife /nitia"s* ___________
(T( &)(*+ ,(#-./*(# &0 & '&0$% +&0$, +$/,%*1$ $&,2 *0$3 &/ ,'$&%'4 &/ 5(//*1'$. Y(. +( #(0 #$$+ 0( '*/0
&,,(.#0 #.31$%/. W2$%$ &55'*,&1'$, *#,'.+$ 62$02$% 02$ #&3$ (# &#4 3(%0;&;$, #(0$, (% &,,(.#0
+$/,%*1$+ 1$'(6 */ 6*-$8/, 2./1&#+8/, (% 1(02.)
A3(.#0 O6$+
T(0&' D$10/ 0( B$ P&*+ 14 W*-$ : :
C$ Husband sha"" pay as his own the fo""owing and wi"" not at any time as& Wife to
pay these debts1bi""s*
(T( &)(*+ ,(#-./*(# &0 & '&0$% +&0$, +$/,%*1$ $&,2 *0$3 &/ ,'$&%'4 &/ 5(//*1'$. Y(. +( #(0 #$$+ 0( '*/0
&,,(.#0 #.31$%/. W2$%$ &55'*,&1'$, *#,'.+$ 62$02$% 02$ #&3$ (# &#4 3(%0;&;$, #(0$ (% &,,(.#0
+$/,%*1$+ 1$'(6 */ 6*-$8/, 2./1&#+8/, (% 1(02.)
A3(.#0 O6$+
2ortgages on rea" estate* -Home. 0 0
Charge1#redit #ard a##ounts
Auto "oan
Auto "oan
+an&1#redit union "oans
0 0
2oney you owe -not eviden#ed by a note. 0 0
Husband /nitia"s*___________ Wife /nitia"s* ___________
(T( &)(*+ ,(#-./*(# &0 & '&0$% +&0$, +$/,%*1$ $&,2 *0$3 &/ ,'$&%'4 &/ 5(//*1'$. Y(. +( #(0 #$$+ 0( '*/0
&,,(.#0 #.31$%/. W2$%$ &55'*,&1'$, *#,'.+$ 62$02$% 02$ #&3$ (# &#4 3(%0;&;$, #(0$ (% &,,(.#0
+$/,%*1$+ 1$'(6 */ 6*-$8/, 2./1&#+8/, (% 1(02.)
A3(.#0 O6$+
T(0&' D$10/ 0( B$ P&*+ 14 H./1&#+ : :
A"" in#ome, earnings, or other property re#eived or a#,uired by either party to this
Agreement on or after the date of e'e#ution of this Agreement sha"" be the so"e and
separate property of the re#eiving or a#,uiring party$ Ea#h party, as of the effe#tive date
of this Agreement, does hereby and forever waive, re"ease, and re"in,uish a"" right, tit"e,
and interest in a"" su#h in#ome, earnings and other property e'#ept as ne#essary to #o""e#t
any sums due hereunder in the event of defau"t$
? (#$ on"y@
6$ /n #onsideration of the provisions #ontained herein for the respe#tive benefits of
the parties and other good and va"uab"e #onsiderations, the parties hereto mutua""y
waive any and a"" #"aim or right to temporary or permanent a"imony, maintenan#e
or support, whether past, present or future$ T2./, $&,2 (- 02$ 5&%0*$/ -(%$)$%
;*)$ .5 &#4 %*;20 0( /5(./&' /.55(%0 (&'*3(#4) 02&0 02$4 3&4 2&)$ -%(3 02$
$ Husband Wife agrees to pay spousa" support -a"imony. in the amount of
0___________ every wee& other wee& month, beginning
_____________________ {date} and #ontinuing unti"
______________________________ {date or event}.
E'p"ain type of a"imony -temporary, permanent, rehabi"itative, and1or "ump sum. and any
other spe#ifi#s*

Husband /nitia"s*___________ Wife /nitia"s* ___________
? *- app"ies@
:ife insuran#e in the amount of 0 to se#ure the above support, wi"" be
provided by the ob"igor$
A$ %he fo""owing #hi"d-ren. have been born to the marriage of the parties*
N&3$ B*%02 +&0$
_________________________ _____________
_________________________ _____________
_________________________ _____________
_________________________ _____________
+$ P&%$#0&' R$/5(#/*1*'*04 @ C2*'+ C./0(+4
+oth Husband and Wife are proper persons to have the permanent "ega" and
physi#a" #ustody, parenta" responsibi"ity, #are and #ontro" of the minor #hi"dren of
the parties$ Husband and Wife sha"" share the de#isionAma&ing rights, the
responsibi"ities and the authority re"ating to the hea"th, edu#ation and we"fare of
the #hi"dren, and sha"", therefore, ma&e )oint de#isions #on#erning the #hi"dren=s
hea"th, edu#ation and we"fare$ +oth Husband and Wife sha"" e'#hange information
#on#erning the hea"th, edu#ation and we"fare of the minor #hi"dren, and sha""
#onfer with one another in the e'er#ise of de#isionAma&ing rights, responsibi"ities
and authority$ Husband and Wife sha"" have e,ua" a##ess to a"" medi#a", denta" and
s#hoo" re#ords #on#erning the minor #hi"dren$
However, the parties agree that the best interest of the #hi"d-ren. at this time is that
primary parenta" responsibi"ity and physi#a" #ustody of the minor #hi"d-ren. wi"" be
and agree as fo""ows*
Husband sha"" have primary parenta" responsibi"ity and #ustody of the
minor #hi"d-ren. of the parties sub)e#t to the visitation rights of Wife$
Wife sha"" have primary parenta" responsibi"ity and #ustody of the minor
#hi"d-ren. of the parties sub)e#t to the visitation rights of Husband$
Husband /nitia"s*___________ Wife /nitia"s* ___________
Husband and Wife sha"" have )oint primary parenta" responsibi"ity and
#ustody of the minor #hi"d-ren. of the parties, both "ega" and physi#a"$
C$ S$,(#+&%4 P&%$#0&' R$/5(#/*1*'*04, V*/*0&0*(#, (% T*3$ S2&%*#; @
G$#$%&' P%()*/*(#/$
;isitation sha"" be #ondu#ted pursuant the fo""owing genera" provisions*
i. ;isitation shou"d be p"easant for the #hi"dren and for the parent$
;isitation shou"d he"p the #hi"dren maintain a good re"ationship
with the nonA#ustodia" parent$
ii. ;isitation means the visiting parent wi"" have the #hi"dren visit in his
or her home overnight$ /t may in#"ude trips and outings e"sewhere$
iii. ;isitation s#hedu"es sha"" be fo""owed and the visiting parent sha""
inform the other parent when he or she #annot #omp"y with the
iv. Ad)ustment of the visitation s#hedu"e from time to time may be
ne#essary a##ording to the #hi"dren>s ages, hea"th and interests$
v. ;isitation shou"d provide meaningfu" persona" #onta#t for both the
visiting parent and the #hi"dren$
vi. ;isitation shou"d not be used to #he#& on the other parent and the
#hi"dren shou"d not be ,uestioned for information about the other
vii. +oth parents shou"d strive to agree on matters pertaining to the
#hi"dren, in#"uding dis#ip"ine, so that one parent is not undermining
the other parent>s efforts$
viii. /t is in the #hi"d>s best interest for ea#h parent to have a fre,uent,
meaningfu" and #ontinuing re"ationship with their #hi"dren$ 7or
#hi"dren to ma&e an ade,uate ad)ustment to the disso"ution of their
parents marriage, the #hi"dren must be a""owed to #ontinue their
re"ationship with both parents, e'perien#e minima" #hanges in their
"ifesty"e if at a"" possib"e, and not e'perien#e postAdivor#e #onf"i#t
between their parents$
B$ S$,(#+&%4 P&%$#0&' R$/5(#/*1*'*04, V*/*0&0*(#, (% T*3$ S2&%*#; -S,2$+.'$.
%he nonA#ustodia" parent is entit"ed to reasonab"e visitation with the minor
#hi"d-ren.$ Husband and Wife adopt the fo""owing visitation s#hedu"e for the nonA
#ustodia" parent*
+irth to 6 Cear of Age
Husband /nitia"s*___________ Wife /nitia"s* ___________
i. (onA#ustodia" parent sha"" have four -5. visits with the #hi"d per
wee&, with su#h #onta#t "asting four -5. hours in "ength$
ii. /f the #hi"d is ta&en from the home of the #ustodia" parent, the #hi"d
sha"" be returned at "east one -6. hour before evening bedtime$
iii. Ho"iday A##ess
Ho"iday a##ess ta&es pre#eden#e over the regu"ar"y s#hedu"ed
visitation p"an$
%he nonA#ustodia" parent sha"" be entit"ed to the fo""owing*
3n ea#h #hi"d>s birthday from D*!! p$m$ unti" E$!! p$m$;
2emoria" Bay 2onday from *!! p$m$ unti" F*!! p$m$;
:abor Bay 2onday from *!! p$m$ unti" F*!! p$m$;
%han&sgiving Bay from *!! p$m$ unti" F*!! p$m$;
Christmas Bay from *!! p$m$ unti" F*!! p$m$;
/ndependen#e Bay from *!! p$m$ unti" F*!! p$m$;
2other>s Bay with 2other from *!! p$m$ unti" 5*!! p$m$ and
7ather>s Bay with 7ather from *!! p$m$ unti" 5*!! p$m$
6 Cear of Age to D Cears of Age
i. %he nonA#ustodia" parent sha"" have a##ess on a"ternate wee&ends
from 7riday at F*!! p$m$ unti" Sunday at F*!! p$m$
ii. Additiona""y, the nonA#ustodia" parent sha"" be permitted one -6.
wee& night ea#h and every wee& with the #hi"d from D*G! p$m$ unti"
H*G! p$m$
iii. Ho"iday A##ess
Ho"iday a##ess ta&es pre#eden#e over the regu"ar"y s#hedu"ed
a##ess1visitation p"an$
%he nonA#ustodia" parent sha"" be entit"ed to the fo""owing*
/n years ending in an odd number*
%he night before ea#h #hi"d>s birthday from D*!! p$m$ unti" E*!!
2emoria" Bay 2onday from I*!! a$m$ unti" F*!! p$m$;
/ndependen#e Bay from I*!! a$m$ unti" F*!! p$m$;
%han&sgiving Bay from I*!! a$m$ unti" F*!! p$m$;
Christmas Eve from F*!! p$m$ unti" Christmas Bay at 6!*!! a$m$;
Husband /nitia"s*___________ Wife /nitia"s* ___________
/n years ending in an even number*
Ea#h #hi"d>s birthday from D*G! p$m$ unti" H*G! p$m$;
Easter from E*!! a$m$ unti" F*!! p$m$;
:abor Bay 2onday from I*!! a$m$ unti" F*!! p$m$;
Ha""oween evening from D*G! p$m$ unti" E*!! p$m$;
Christmas Bay from 6!*!! a$m$ unti" H*!! p$m$
iv. Summer ;isitation
%he nonA#ustodia" parent sha"" have one -6. wee& of va#ation with
the #hi"dren ea#h 9une, 9u"y and August of ea#h year$ %he nonA
#ustodia" parent sha"" notify the #ustodia" parent in writing no "ater
than 2ay 6st of ea#h year as to the spe#ifi# wee&s of su#h summer
D Cears of Age and +eyond
i. (onA#ustodia" parent sha"" have a##ess with the #hi"d on
a"ternate wee&ends from 7riday at F*!! p$m$ unti" Sunday at
F*!! p$m$ and on the Wednesday pre#eding the wee&end
a##ess from D*G! p$m$ to H*G! p$m$
ii. /n addition, the nonA#ustodia" parent sha"" have a##ess with
the #hi"d during the wee& immediate"y fo""owing the
wee&end visitation on %uesday and %hursday evening from
D*G! p$m$ unti" H*G! p$m$
iii. Ho"iday A##ess*
Ho"iday a##ess ta&es pre#eden#e over the regu"ar"y
s#hedu"ed a##ess1visitation p"an$
%he nonA#ustodia" parent sha"" be entit"ed to the fo""owing*
/n years ending in an odd number*
%he night before ea#h #hi"d>s birthday from D*!! p$m$ to
E*!! p$m$;
Spring +rea& from 7riday at F*!! p$m$ to the Sunday prior
to the start of s#hoo" at F*!! p$m$;
2emoria" Bay wee&end from F*!! p$m$ on 7riday unti" F*!!
p$m$ on 2onday;
/ndependen#e Bay from F*!! p$m$ on 9u"y G
unti" F*!! p$m$
on 9u"y Dth;
%han&sgiving ho"iday from F*!! p$m$ on Wednesday unti"
F*!! p$m$ on Sunday;
7rom F*!! p$m$ on Be#ember Fth unti"
Husband /nitia"s*___________ Wife /nitia"s* ___________
F*!! p$m$ on 9anuary 6st$
/n years ending in an even number*
Ea#h #hi"d>s birthday from D*G! p$m$ unti" H*G! p$m$;
Easter wee&end from F*!! p$m$ on <ood 7riday unti" F*!!
p$m$ on Easter Sunday;
:abor Bay wee&end from F*!! p$m$ on 7riday unti" F*!!
p$m$ on 2onday;
Ha""oween evening from D* G! p$m$ unti" I*!! p$m$
Christmas ho"iday from F*!! p$m$ on Be#ember !th unti"
F*!! p$m$ on Be#ember Fth$
iv. 2other>s Bay17ather>s Bay
%he mother sha"" have a##ess every 2other>s Bay wee&end
from 7riday at F*!! p$m$ unti" Sunday at F*!! p$m$; %he
father sha"" have a##ess every 7ather>s Bay wee&end from
7riday at F*!! p$m$ unti" Sunday at F*!! p$m$
v. Summer ;isitation*
%he nonA#ustodia" parent sha"" have five -D. wee&s of
summer visitation with the #hi"d to be ta&en in no more than
two -. wee& interva"s and with su#h wee&"y or two -.
wee& visits to be non#onse#utive$ %he nonA#ustodia" parent
sha"" notify the #ustodia" parent in writing no "ater than 2ay
6st of ea#h year as to the spe#ifi# wee&s of su#h summer
E$ S$,(#+&%4 P&%$#0&' R$/5(#/*1*'*04, V*/*0&0*(#, (% T*3$ S2&%*#; - A++*0*(#&'
/n e'er#ising visitation rights the fo""owing additiona" provisions app"y*
6$ C(#-'*,0/ B$06$$# R$;.'&% W$$9$#+, H('*+&4, &#+ EA0$#+$+ S.33$%
V*/*0&0*(#. Where there is a #onf"i#t between a ho"iday wee&end and the
regu"ar wee&end visitation, the ho"iday ta&es pre#eden#e$ %hus, if the nonA
#ustodia" parent misses a regu"ar wee&end be#ause it is the #ustodia"
parent>s ho"iday, the regu"ar a"ternating visitation s#hedu"e wi"" resume
fo""owing the ho"iday$ /f the nonA#ustodia" parent re#eived two #onse#utive
wee&ends be#ause of a ho"iday, the #hi"d wi"" spend the fo""owing wee&end
with the #ustodia" parent$ When there is a #onf"i#t between ho"iday
visitation and e'tended summer visitation, the ho"iday visitation ta&es
pre#eden#e$ When there is a #onf"i#t between regu"ar wee&end visitation
Husband /nitia"s*___________ Wife /nitia"s* ___________
and e'tended summer visitation, e'tended summer visitation ta&es
$ A55%(5%*&0$ C(#+.,0 B4 P&%$#0/$ 4arents sha"", at a"" times, avoid
spea&ing negative"y about ea#h other and shou"d firm"y dis#ourage su#h
#ondu#t by re"atives or friends$ Ea#h parent shou"d en#ourage the #hi"dren
to support the other parent$ %he basi# ru"es of #ondu#t and dis#ip"ine
estab"ished by the #ustodia" parent shou"d be the base"ine standard for both
parents, and #onsistent"y enfor#ed by both, so that the #hi"dren do not
re#eive mi'ed signa"s$
G$ P&%$#0&' C(33.#*,&0*(#. 4arents sha"" at a"" times &eep ea#h other
advised of their home and wor& addresses and te"ephone numbers$ So far
as possib"e, a"" #ommuni#ation #on#erning the #hi"dren sha"" be #ondu#ted
between the parents in person, or te"ephoni#a""y at their residen#es -and not
at their p"a#es of emp"oyment.$
5$ G%&+$ R$5(%0/ &#+ M$+*,&' I#-(%3&0*(#. %he #ustodia" parent sha""
provide the nonA#ustodia" parent with grade reports and noti#es from
s#hoo" as they are re#eived and sha"", #onsistent with ___________ "aw,
permit the nonA#ustodia" parent to #ommuni#ate #on#erning the #hi"dren
dire#t"y with the s#hoo" and with the #hi"dren>s do#tors and other
professiona"s, outside the presen#e of the #ustodia" parent$ Ea#h parent
sha"" immediate"y notify the other of any medi#a" emergen#ies or serious
i""nesses of the #hi"dren$ %he #ustodia" parent sha"" notify the nonA#ustodia"
parent of a"" s#hoo" or other events -"i&e Chur#h or S#outs. invo"ving
parenta" parti#ipation$ /f the #hi"dren are ta&ing medi#ations, the #ustodia"
parent sha"" provide a suffi#ient amount and appropriate instru#tions$
D$ V*/*0&0*(# C'(02*#;. %he #ustodia" parent sha"" send an appropriate
supp"y of the #hi"dren>s #"othing with them, whi#h sha"" be returned #"ean
-when reasonab"y possib"e., with the #hi"dren, by the nonA#ustodia" parent$
%he nonA#ustodia" parent sha"" advise, as far in advan#e as possib"e, of any
spe#ia" a#tivities so that the appropriate #"othing may be sent$
F$ V*/*0&0*(# (% S.55(%0 D*/5.0$/. (either visitation nor #hi"d support is to
be withhe"d be#ause of either parent>s fai"ure to #omp"y with a #ourt order$
%he #hi"dren have a right to both support and visitation, neither of whi#h is
dependent upon the other$ /n other words, fai"ure to pay support does not
mean no visitation and no visitation does not mean no support$ /f there is a
vio"ation of either a visitation or a support order, the e'#"usive remedy is to
app"y to the #ourt for appropriate san#tions$
H$ A+B./03$#0/ 0( T2*/ V*/*0&0*(# S,2$+.'$. A"though this is a rather
spe#ifi# s#hedu"e, the parties are e'pe#ted to fair"y modify visitation when
fami"y ne#essities, i""nesses or #ommitments reasonab"y so re,uire$ %he
re,uesting party sha"" give as mu#h noti#e as #ir#umstan#es permit$
Husband /nitia"s*___________ Wife /nitia"s* ___________
E$ P*,9.5 &#+ D%(5@(--. Jn"ess other arrangements are made, the
nonA#ustodia" parent sha"" pi#& up the #hi"dren at the times spe#ified and
return them at the times spe#ified$ %he #ustodia" parent sha"" have the
#hi"dren ready for visitation at the time they are to be pi#&ed up and sha""
be present at the home to re#eive the #hi"dren at the time they are returned$
Jn)ustified vio"ations of this provision may resu"t in the offender being
sub)e#t to #ontempt of #ourt$ -Commentary* Whi"e it is most desirab"e for
the parents to pi#& up and return the #hi"dren, this provision does not
prohibit grandparents, #urrent spouses or other appropriate adu"ts &nown
to the #hi"dren$.
I$ EA0%&,.%%*,.'&% A,0*)*0*$/. Chi"dren are often invo"ved in sports, "essons,
and other e'tra#urri#u"ar a#tivities, whi#h are genera""y to their benefit and
en)oyment$ Ea#h parent sha"" re#ogniKe that a reasonab"e amount of
e'tra#urri#u"ar a#tivities are genera""y assumed to be in the #hi"dren>s best
interests$ Ea#h parent shou"d attempt to be f"e'ib"e in order to
a##ommodate the #hi"dren>s e'tra#urri#u"ar a#tivity s#hedu"es as must as
reasonab"y possib"e, a"though e'tra#urri#u"ar a#tivities shou"d not
supersede summer visitation with nonA#ustodia" parents, nor shou"d they be
used as a method by whi#h to deny a##ess to the nonA#ustodia" parent$ /n
re#ognition of the s#hedu"ing diffi#u"ties that #an be #aused by #hi"dren> s
e'tra#urri#u"ar a#tivities, #ustodia" parents shou"d a#t in good faith in
attempting to s#hedu"e su#h e'tra#urri#u"ar a#tivities as not to
unreasonab"y infringe upon the nonA#ustodia" parent>s a##ess to the
#hi"dren$ :i&ewise, the nonA#ustodia" parent shou"d a#t in good faith in
attempting to assist in transportation needs and in a##ommodating the
#hi"dren>s e'tra#urri#u"ar s#hedu"es as mu#h as reasonab"y possib"e$ <ood
faith #ommuni#ation by the parents is essentia" with regard to the diffi#u"t
issue of the s#hedu"ing of #hi"dren>s e'tra#urri#u"ar a#tivities$
6!$ N(0*,$ (- C&#,$'$+ V*/*0&0*(#. Whenever possib"e, the nonA#ustodia"
parent sha"" give a minimum of three -G. days noti#e of intent not to
e'er#ise a"" or part of the s#hedu"ed visitation$ When su#h noti#e is not
reasonab"y possib"e, the ma'imum noti#e permitted by the #ir#umstan#es,
and the reason therefore, sha"" be given$ %he #ustodia" parent sha"" give the
same type of noti#e when good #ause e'ists ma&ing the #an#e""ation or
modifi#ation of s#hedu"ed visitation ne#essary$
66$ M*//$+ V*/*0&0*(#. /n the event the nonA#ustodia" parent misses visitation
as the resu"t of i""ness of the #hi"d or parent, an emergen#y, or other su#h
reasonab"e e'#use, the parties sha"" ma&e a good faith effort to ma&e up a
portion of that visitation within a reasonab"e period of time, understanding
the importan#e of the nonA#ustodia" parent>s #ontinuing and fre,uent
#onta#t with the #hi"dren$ -Commentary* /t is important to remember that
i""ness shou"d not ne#essari"y deprive the nonA#ustodia" parent of visitation
with the #hi"dren$ C"ear"y, a nonA#ustodia" parent #an ta&e #are of a si#&
#hi"d as we"" as the #ustodia" parent in many #ir#umstan#es$.
Husband /nitia"s*___________ Wife /nitia"s* ___________
6$ C./0(+*&' P&%$#0C/ V&,&0*(#. Jn"ess otherwise spe#ified, the #ustodia"
parent sha"" be entit"ed to a period of va#ation with the #hi"dren no "ess
than that a##orded the nonA#ustodia" parent, whose visitation sha"" abate
during the first fourteen days thereof, and thereafter on"y so "ong as
distan#e ma&es visitation impra#ti#ab"e$
6G$ C&%$0&9$% P%()*/*(#. As a genera" ru"e, ea#h parent sha"" have the right of
first refusa" for #hi"d#are or baby sitting needs of the other parent for
durations of four hours or more$ Whenever either parent has a need for
#hi"d #are or baby sitting for a duration of four hours or more, that parent
shou"d a"ways ma&e a good faith attempt first to in,uire of the other
parent, with as mu#h advan#e noti#e as reasonab"y possib"e, whether the
other parent desires to provide #hi"d #are or baby sitting$ %he other parent
is under no ob"igation to provide the #hi"d#are or baby sitting$ /f the other
parent e"e#ts to provide su#h #hi"d#are or baby sitting, it sha"" be done at no
#ost$ %his provision is intended to provide ea#h parent additiona" a##ess to
the #hi"dren whenever reasonab"y possib"e$
65$ T$'$52(#$ &#+ M&*' P%*)*'$;$/. Ea#h parent sha"" a""ow "ibera" and
reasonab"e te"ephone and mai" privi"eges with the #hi"dren$
6D$ M$+*,&' R$5(%0/ &#+ B*''/. %he Custodia" parent sha"" provide #opies of
a"" medi#a" information, and do#umentation, in#"uding bi""s, within seven
-H. days of their re#eipt and sha"" immediate"y notify the other parent in the
event of a medi#a" emergen#y$ Every effort sha"" be made for the #ustodia"
parent to provide the nonA#ustodia" parent with the ne#essary information
of a medi#a" e'pense in order to get the bi"" satisfied$ %he parent with the
medi#a" insuran#e sha"" provide the other parent with a #opy of the
e'p"anation of benefits within seven -H. days from the date of re#eipt of
same so that the uninsured portion of the bi"" #an be ,ui#&"y #a"#u"ated and
paid within a reasonab"e period of time$
6F$ A1&0$3$#0 (- S.55(%0 D.%*#; EA0$#+$+ V*/*0&0*(#. /f the nonA
#ustodia" parent>s support ob"igation is #urrent, support sha"" abate by D!
per#ent during any visitation of seven -H. #onse#utive days or more$ /f
support is not #urrent, the D! per#ent that wou"d have been abated sha"" be
paid and sha"" app"y to the e'isting arrearage$ -Commentary* /f the
#ustodia" parent a#tua""y re#eives the fu"" amount of #hi"d support during
this period and if support is #urrent, it is the #ustodia" parent>s ob"igation to
refund the money immediate"y to the nonA#ustodia" parent$ %his a""eviates
many of the prob"ems that arise when wageAwithho"ding orders have been
6H$ M(+*-*,&0*(#. /f the parties mutua""y agree permanent"y to #hange the
provisions of their de#ree of divor#e, they must petition the Court to
approve and order that #hange$ /n the event that the parties do not obtain a
#ourt order, the Court wi"" not be bound by any a""eged Agreement of the
Husband /nitia"s*___________ Wife /nitia"s* ___________
7$ O02$% P%()*/*(#/.
{explain any other agreed-upon arrangements}
(either parent sha"" ta&e the #hi"d-ren. from the #ustody of the other parent or any
#hi"d #are provider or other person entrusted by the other parent with the #are of
the #hi"d-ren. without the Agreement of the other party during the other party=s
time of parenta" responsibi"ity or visitation$
A$ A3(.#0 &#+ P$%/(# 0( P&4. Husband Wife wi"" pay #hi"d support to
Wife Husband for the benefit of the minor #hi"dren of the parties in the amount
of 0______ , per #hi"d, every wee& other wee& month, beginning
______________________ {date} and #ontinuing unti" modified by #ourt order,
or the minor #hi"d-ren. be#omes an adu"t, eman#ipated, marries, dies, otherwise
be#omes se"fAsupporting$ -(ote* Chi"d support is stated in terms of amount per
+$ C2*'+ S.55(%0 A%%$&%&;$. %here #urrent"y is a #hi"d support arrearage of
0 _________________ for retroa#tive #hi"d support and1or 0 for
previous"y ordered unpaid #hi"d support$ %he tota" of 0 in #hi"d
support arrearage sha"" be repaid at the rate of 0 ___ every wee& other
wee& month, beginning _______________________, unti" paid in fu"" in#"uding
statutory interest$
C$ H$&'02 I#/.%&#,$.
Husband Wife wi"" maintain hea"th insuran#e #overage for the
parties= minor #hi"d-ren.$ %he party providing #overage wi"" provide insuran#e
#ards to the other party showing #overage$
Hea"th insuran#e is not reasonab"y avai"ab"e at this time$ Any uninsured1
Husband /nitia"s*___________ Wife /nitia"s* ___________
unreimbursed medi#a" #osts for the minor #hi"d-ren. sha"" be assessed as fo""ows*
a$ Shared e,ua""y by both parents$
b$ 4rorated a##ording to the #hi"d support guide"ine per#entages$
#$ 3ther {explain}*_____________________________________
As to these uninsured1unreimbursed medi#a" e'penses, the party who in#urs the
e'pense sha"" submit a re,uest for reimbursement to the other party within G! days,
and the other party, within G! days of re#eipt, sha"" submit the app"i#ab"e
reimbursement for that e'pense, a##ording to the s#hedu"e of reimbursement set
out in this paragraph$
B$ D$#0&' I#/.%&#,$.
Husband Wife wi"" maintain denta" insuran#e #overage for the parties=
minor #hi"d-ren.$ %he party providing #overage wi"" provide insuran#e #ards to the
other party showing #overage$
denta" insuran#e is not reasonab"y avai"ab"e at this time$ Any uninsured1
unreimbursed denta" #osts for the minor #hi"d-ren. sha"" be assessed as fo""ows*
a$ Shared e,ua""y by both parents$
b$ 4rorated a##ording to the #hi"d support guide"ine per#entages$
#$ 3ther {explain}*____________________________________
As to these uninsured1unreimbursed denta" e'penses, the party who in#urs the
e'pense sha"" submit a re,uest for reimbursement to the other party within G! days,
and the other party, within G! days of re#eipt, sha"" submit the app"i#ab"e
reimbursement for that e'pense, a##ording to the s#hedu"e of reimbursement set
out in this paragraph$
E$ L*-$ I#/.%&#,$. Husband Wife sha"" be re,uired to maintain "ife insuran#e
#overage for the benefit of the parties= minor #hi"d-ren. in the amount of 0
unti" the youngest #hi"d be#omes an adu"t, be#omes eman#ipated, marries,
dies, or otherwise be#omes se"fAsupporting$
7$ IRS I#,(3$ T&A D$+.,0*(#(/). %he parent granted primary residentia"
responsibi"ity or so"e parenta" responsibi"ity of the parties= minor #hi"d-ren. sha""
have the benefit of any ta' dedu#tions for the #hi"d-ren. or as fo""ows {explain}*
Husband /nitia"s*___________ Wife /nitia"s* ___________
%he other parent wi"" #onvey any app"i#ab"e /RS form regarding the in#ome ta'
<$ 3ther provisions re"ating to #hi"d support -e$g$, uninsured medi#a"1denta" e'penses,
insuran#e #overage, "ife insuran#e to se#ure #hi"d support, orthodonti# payments,
#o""ege fund, et#$.*
%he parties agree in regard to the payment of debts and other "iabi"ities as stated in this
Agreement that ea#h sha"" indemnify and ho"d harm"ess the other for the payment of same$
With respe#t to any ear"ier year in whi#h the parties fi"ed )oint 7edera" and State /n#ome
%a' Returns, ea#h party agrees to indemnify the other for any in#ome ta' "iabi"ity, pena"ty
or defi#ien#y asso#iated with his or her in#ome and sha"" ho"d the other party harm"ess
%he parties sha"" fi"e separate"y for the year _______ and ea#h year thereafter$
%he parties a#&now"edge that they have been advised that there may be #ertain ta'
#onse,uen#es pertaining to this Agreement and have been dire#ted and advised to obtain
independent ta' advi#e from ,ua"ified ta' a##ountants or ta' #ounse" prior to signing this
Agreement, and that ea#h party has had an opportunity to do so$
Husband /nitia"s*___________ Wife /nitia"s* ___________
Ea#h party agrees that he or she wi"" sign and e'e#ute any further or additiona" do#uments
as may be ne#essary to put into effe#t the intended purposes hereof$ Ea#h party sha""
e'e#ute, a#&now"edge and de"iver to the other party any and a"" instruments and
assuran#es that the other party may reasonab"y re,uire or find #onvenient, e'pedient, or
business"i&e for the purpose of giving fu"" for#e and effe#t to the provisions of this
Agreement, spe#ifi#a""y in#"uding any deeds, affidavits, ta' forms or other instruments
re,uired of one party to the other in order to pass good or mer#hantab"e tit"e to any
property owned by either party during the marita" re"ationship$
/t is agreed and understood that this Agreement fina""y sett"es a"" rights of the parties and
the property )oint"y or individua""y owned by the parties, and that this Agreement, and the
enfor#eabi"ity thereof, is not #ontingent upon either party or both parties being granted a
divor#e on any grounds$ However, if either or both parties are granted a divor#e on any
grounds, the parties agree that this Agreement sha"" be made a part thereof and that su#h
de#ree or )udgment sha"" not #onf"i#t with the terms hereof e'#ept to the e'tent
disapproved by the Court$ /n the event that the "aw governing this Agreement prohibits
this Agreement from being effe#tive unti" a divor#e a#tion has been fi"ed, or a 9udgment of
Bivor#e entered, then the parties agree that su#h event sha"" be the effe#tive date of this
Agreement$ /n the event a divor#e a#tion or )udgment is re,uired prior to this Agreement
be#oming effe#tive, or in the event that a divor#e a#tion is desire by one or more of the
parties, both parties agree and sign and e'e#ute a"" p"eading and papers re,uired to obtain
a divor#e and )oint"y re,uest and #onsent to the immediate submission of this Agreement
to the app"i#ab"e Court and to an entry of a )udgment by in#orporation of this Agreement
into the fina" de#ree or )udgment of divor#e$ %he parties agree that ea#h mutua""y submits
to the persona" )urisdi#tion of the Chan#ery Court of __________ County, State of
2ississippi, so that said Court has the power to de#ide any and a"" matters and ,uestions
#on#erning the disso"ution of the parties= marriage, and the division of the parties=
property and debts$
Husband /nitia"s*___________ Wife /nitia"s* ___________
%his Agreement sha"" stop and pre#"ude either party from ma&ing other or further demands
and #"aims upon the other, not in#"uded herein, e'#ept that su#h "ega" a#tion may be ta&en
by either party as is ne#essary to enfor#e or modify the terms and provisions hereof,
e'#ept that the 4roperty Sett"ement provision sha"" not be sub)e#t to modifi#ation$
%he parties agree and state that ea#h has free"y and vo"untari"y entered into this
Agreement$ %his Agreement was e'e#uted free of any duress, #oer#ion, #o""usion, or
undue inf"uen#e$ /n some instan#es, the Agreement represents a #ompromise of
disputed issues; however, both parties be"ieve that its terms and #onditions are fair and
E'#ept as otherwise provided for in this Agreement, ea#h party sha"" be divested of and
ea#h party waives, renoun#es and gives up a"" right, tit"e and interest in and to the
property awarded to the other$ A"" property and money re#eived and retained by the
parties sha"" be the separate property of the respe#tive party, e'#ept as is spe#ifi#a""y
stated herein$
E'#ept for those rights and ob"igations #ontained in this Agreement, or arising therefrom
by operation of "aw, both parties do hereby re"ease and forever dis#harge the other party
from a"" a#tions, #auses of a#tions, #"aims and demands whatsoever, &nown and
un&nown, suspe#ted and unsuspe#ted, apparent now or hereafter$ /t is the spe#ifi#
Agreement and purpose of this paragraph to re"ease and dis#harge any and a"" #"aims and
#auses of a#tions of any &ind or nature whatsoever whether spe#ifi#a""y mentioned or not,
whi#h may e'ist or might be #"aimed to e'ist at or prior to the date of this Agreement;
and, both parties spe#ifi#a""y waive any #"aim or right to assert that any #ause of a#tion or
a""eged #ause of a#tion or #"aim or demand has been, through oversight or error or
intentiona""y or unintentiona""y omitted from this re"ease and Agreement$
Husband /nitia"s*___________ Wife /nitia"s* ___________
%he parties sha"" refrain from, re"ease and re"in,uish any and a"" #"aim that he or she may
have had, may now have, or may hereafter a#,uire to share in any #apa#ity or to any
e'tent whatsoever, in the estate of the other, whether by way of statutory a""owan#e,
heirship, homestead rights, or e"e#tion to ta&e against or under the other party=s :ast Wi""
and %estament$ /t is the intent of the parties that neither sha"" be a benefi#iary or re#ipient
of property of the other by Wi"" or intestate su##ession from and after the date of this
Agreement and e'press"y waive and re"i,uinsh any su#h right regard"ess of whether the
Wi"" of the other has been #hanged to de"ete the gift to her or him and regard"ess of
whether one party sha"" die prior to the entry of a fina" )udgment of divor#e$
%his Agreement may be enfor#ed by a#tions and pro#eedings for Contempt of Court, or
atta#hment and garnishment, for spe#ifi# performan#e, or any other remedy "ega""y
avai"ab"e to either Husband or Wife, for the enfor#ement of the provisions and #ovenants
of this Agreement$
%o the e'tent of any ob"igation #ontained herein is dis#harged in ban&rupt#y and the nonA
ban&rupt party is he"d "iab"e for said debt, the nonAban&rupt party sha"" have the right to
petition a #ourt of #ompetent )urisdi#tion for spousa" support in an amount suffi#ient to
#over any amounts so dis#harged$
%his Agreement #onstitutes the entire Agreement between the parties and ea#h party
a#&now"edges that there are no further Agreements not e'press"y in#"uded herein and that
this Agreement may be modified, a"tered, or amended on"y in writing, du"y signed and
notariKed by ea#h in the form of this origina"$
Husband /nitia"s*___________ Wife /nitia"s* ___________
Ea#h party represents and a#&now"edges that he or she has fu""y read this Agreement,
#onsu"ted with ea#h other, #arefu""y #onsidered same, and have signed and e'e#uted same
after su#h #onsu"tation, that the signing of this Agreement is free and vo"untary without
for#e or #o""usion by either party or any third party, and that ea#h party signed same with
the fu"" &now"edge of said party>s rights, ob"igations, and responsibi"ities$ Ea#h party
agrees that they have had a reasonab"e opportunity to #onsu"t with an attorney of their
#hoi#e in the negotiation and preparation of this do#ument, and regarding any divor#e
/f any portion of the Agreement sha"" be he"d to be void, voidab"e or unenfor#eab"e for
any reason, then a"" the remaining parts or portions sha"" be #onstrued, imp"emented and
administered as if su#h void, voidab"e or unenfor#eab"e portion did not appear herein$
%his Agreement sha"" be governed, enfor#ed and interpreted a##ording to the "aws of the
State of 2ississippi$
%his Agreement sha"" be binding upon their "ega" representatives, su##essor, heirs and
ELECJ%EB A(B A<REEB 3( %HE BA%ES SE% 73R%H +E:3W$ / #ertify that /
have been open and honest in entering into this sett"ement Agreement$ / am satisfied with
this Agreement and intend to be bound by it$
Signature of Wife
4rinted (ame* _____________________________
City, State, Mip*
Husband /nitia"s*___________ Wife /nitia"s* ___________
%e"ephone (umber*
7a' (umber*
Signature of Husband
4rinted (ame*
City, State, Mip*
%e"ephone (umber*
7a' (umber*
Husband /nitia"s*___________ Wife /nitia"s* ___________
S%A%E 37 2/SS/SS/44/
C3J(%C 37 _________________
4ersona""y appeared before me, the undersigned authority in and for said #ounty and state,
on this __________ day of ___________________________, _________, within my )urisdi#tion,
the within named ______________________________, who a#&now"edged that -he1she1they.
e'e#uted the above and foregoing instrument$
(otary 4ub"i#
4rinted (ame* _________________
2y Commission E'pires*

S%A%E 37 2/SS/SS/44/
C3J(%C 37 _________________
4ersona""y appeared before me, the undersigned authority in and for said #ounty and state,
on this __________ day of ___________________________, _________, within my )urisdi#tion,
the within named ______________________________, who a#&now"edged that -he1she1they.
e'e#uted the above and foregoing instrument$
(otary 4ub"i#
4rinted (ame* _________________
2y Commission E'pires*
Husband /nitia"s*___________ Wife /nitia"s* ___________

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