Sanity Table

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Sanity Loss Table:

01 Migraine: You are afflicted with a sudden sharp headache; light and sound become painful.
02 Hearing Voices: Disembodied voices whisper to you at random times, occasionally telling you to do things.
03 Loss of Vocal Volume Control: You have difficulty controlling the volume of your voice.
04 Nervous Tic: You develop an uncontrollable facial tic.
05 Touch Sensitivity: Your sense of touch seems heightened, to the point that you find it difficult to touch certain textures because they are almost painful.
06 Extreme Phobia: You develop an extreme fear of a common object; the fear is completely overwhelming and difficult to control.
07 Violent Outbursts: When under stress, you find yourself losing control and succumbing to fits of rage.
08 Reading Others' Thoughts: You discover that you can hear the thoughts of others, though it is sometimes difficult to block these thoughts out.
09 Grinding and Clicking Teeth: You develop a nervous habit of grinding and clicking your teeth together. This can cause headaches and may eventually
damage your teeth.
10 Double Vision: You develop double vision, making it difficult to see without corrective lenses.
11 Screaming: You begin screaming uncontrollably, continuing until your throat is too dry and raw to continue. You are unable to speak for 1d4 days afterward.
12 Forgetfulness: You find it difficult to remember new information unless you focus on it extensively or write it down.
13 Rhyming Speech Pattern: Though you may not wish to make things rhyme, you find that you speak that way all of the time.
14 Dyslexia: Reading becomes difficult as your brain occasionally changes the placement of letters in the words that you read.
15 Refuses to Bathe: Convinced that you will drown in the bath or shower, you refuse to bathe.
16 Night Terrors: When you sleep, you are plagued by nightmares and experience sleep paralysis upon waking.
17 Afraid to Look in Mirrors: The sight of your own eyes terrifies you, so you avoid looking in mirrors whenever possible.
18 Muscle Spasms: The muscles of your arms and legs occasionally twitch and spasm uncontrollably. The spasms are painful and may cause you to trip or fall.
19 Salivating: You salivary glands produce much more saliva than they used to. You have to spit or swallow saliva frequently, and if you dont may
inadvertently drool or choke.
20 Amnesia: You cannot remember anything that happened for 1d12 days prior to your encounter.
21 Excess Energy: You find it difficult to rest or stay still, even when tired or sleepy.
22 Hallucinations: You experience occasional visual hallucinations. In some cases, they may be accompanied by auditory hallucinations as well.
23 Paranoia: You find yourself convinced that people you know are trying to hurt you. Your only advantage is that they dont know that youre onto them.
24 Suicidal Thoughts: Thoughts of ending your own life begin creeping into your brain, gradually becoming more frequent.
25 Cowardice: You shy away from confrontation, and the thought of having to stand up for yourself fills you with terror.
26 Temporary Blindness: You lose your vision for 1d20 hours. If you roll a 1, reroll and use days instead of hours. If you roll a 20, reroll and use weeks instead
of hours.
27 A Taste of Blood: Everything that you eat or drink tastes like blood.
28 Extreme Dj vu: You have a constant sense of dj vu, making you feel as though youre reliving entire days of your life.
29 Feeling Crawling Bugs: It feels as though there are small bugs crawling on your arms, legs, chest, and back. Brushing them away or scratching the area stops
the sensation for 1d4 minutes.
30 Hearing Footsteps: You occasionally hear footsteps behind you on sidewalks, in alleys, or at other times. Upon investigation, you can find no source for
31 Constant Thirst: Regardless of how much you drink, you still feel thirsty.
32 Odd Food Cravings: You find yourself craving foods that you dont like or have never had. The cravings get stronger if ignored, until they reach the point
that obtaining the food you crave is the only thought you can focus on.
33 Loss of Appetite: You no longer feel hunger, though this does not affect your physical need to eat. If you dont make a point of eating then you will forget
and skip meals. Even when starving, you will feel no hunger or specific desire to eat.
34 Restless Leg Syndrome: When resting or attempting to sleep, you have a nearly uncontrollable urge to move your legs or walk around. This will last for 4d20
minutes after laying down, becoming more uncomfortable as time goes on.
35 Hand Tremors: Your hands begin shaking when trying to focus on activities done with the hands. This causes a temporary loss in manual dexterity equal to
1d4 in the appropriate statistic; drinking alcohol negates this effect.
36 Self-Mutilation: You find yourself tempted to cut, burn, or otherwise injure yourself. This urge increases in periods of high stress.
37 Insomnia: When attempting to sleep, roll 1d8 with the following results: 1 = Unable to sleep for 20 minutes; 2 = unable to sleep for 30 minutes; 3 = unable to
sleep for 45 minutes; 4 = unable to sleep for 1 hour; 5 = unable to sleep for 90 minutes; 6 = unable to sleep for 3 hours; 7 = unable to sleep at all; 8 = reroll twice,
adding the two values.
38 Gnawing on Objects: You develop a compulsion to chew on hard objects such as plastics, metals, and woods.
39 Precognition: You periodically see visions of the future. You are unable to determine exactly how far in the future the images you see are, however. The
visions are accompanied by severe headaches that fade soon after the vision stops.
40 Personality Shift: Your personality changes significantly. If you were quiet or meek before, you would become loud or aggressive (and vice versa.)
41 Fearlessness: You find yourself incapable of feeling fear. While this does not completely negate your self-preservation instinct, it does make risks seem much
less dangerous than they actually are.
42 Improved Sense of Smell: You can smell things that you previously were unable to. Mysterious odors, pheromones, animal scents, and more assail you at all
43 Narcolepsy: You are prone to randomly falling asleep. Every 1d10 actions, make a percentage check; if you roll 10 or under, you fall asleep regardless of
what you are doing. Large doses of caffeine, medication, or drugs that act as stimulants negate this.
44 Muttering: You find yourself uncontrollably muttering to yourself, even when trying to stay quiet.
45 Pyromania: You experience an all but overwhelming desire to set things on fire. You are unable to look away when you see an open flame.
46 Incontinence: You have difficulty controlling your bladder and are prone to wetting yourself.
47 Intense Focus: You are able to focus intently on whatever you are doing. In doing so, you pick up on details that others might have missed and are less prone
to mistakes. This is at the expense of being able to pay attention to what is going on around you.
48 Age Regression: You have difficulty acting your age; your personality has reverted to that of your eight-year-old self.
49 Speak New Language: You suddenly find yourself able to speak a new language. You are not aware that you can speak the language until you hear it spoken,
at which point you understand it perfectly.
50 Kleptomania: You develop a habit of stealing from your surroundings, even if you have no intention to do so. Checks of manual dexterity or stealth may be
randomly required to determine whether you are successful in stealing small items or if you are caught.
51 Spontaneous Nosebleed: You develop nosebleeds at random times. This may attract monsters or other creatures that can smell blood if they are in close
52 Seeing Dead People: Not all of the people who you see are real some of them are dead. You can not only see them but can communicate with them as well.
53 Shifted Center of Gravity: You have difficulty performing complex movements or acrobatic tasks because your center of gravity has shifted. It will take you
1d4 days to adjust to your new center of gravity.
54 Makes Animal Sounds: You lose your ability to talk, and instead can only make animal sounds. This will continue for 1d8 days.
55 Seeing Bleeding Statues: When you see humanoid statues, you see blood start to leak from the eyes, ears, or mouth of the statue.
56 Loss of Voice: You lose your voice for 1d4 days. The most that you can produce is a hoarse whisper, and it is painful to do so.
57 Depression/ Mania: Roll 1d6; on a 1, 3, or 5 you develop severe depression, and on a 2, 4, or 6 you develop extreme mania. The initial effect only lasts for
2d6 days, but the condition is permanent.
58 Hair Falling Out: Your hair begins falling out, slowly at first and then in larger clumps in the coming weeks. It will eventually regrow.
59 Difficulty Walking: Your knees are noticeably stiffer, making it difficult to walk without pain.
60 Fatigue: You feel exhausted. Even after a full nights sleep you do not feel rested.
61 Humming: You find yourself humming tunes uncontrollably. Even if you are attempting to be quiet, you cant help but hum songs that youve never heard
62 Vocal Stutter: You develop a significant stutter, making it difficult to talk to others.
63 Loss of Internal Filter: You are unable to filter your thoughts before speaking, resulting in you saying the first thing that comes to mind in all situations.
64 Dizzy Spells: At random intervals, you suffer spells of severe dizziness. If you are in a situation where this could lead to injury or falling you will have to
perform an appropriate check to see if you avoid the danger.
65 Handedness Change: Your dominant hand changes. If you were ambidextrous, your handedness changes to either one hand or the other.
66 Nausea: You suffer from intense feelings of nausea at random intervals. There is no common cause for them (such as a smell or action.)
67 Files Teeth into Fangs: You feel an irresistible compulsion to file your teeth into fangs with a metal file.
68 Chronic Pain: Roll 1d6 to determine the part of your body where you feel the pain, with the following results: 1 = knees and elbows; 2 = shoulders and arms;
3 = torso/gut; 4 = hips and legs; 5 = neck and back; 6 = full body pain.
69 Picking at Skin: You obsessively pick at your skin, to the point of causing scratches and sores to appear. These may become infected.
70 Pulling Hair: You obsessively pull your hair, typically for only a few seconds at a time. This may result in hair eventually being pulled out in clumps.
71 Indecisiveness: You have extreme difficulty making even basic decisions. When rolling dice, you must roll twice and take the second number regardless of
whether it is higher or lower.
72 Easily Startled: You become startled easily, often shrieking or making other loud sounds when this occurs. You can become startled even if you are expecting
something to happen.
73 New Identity: You assume a new identity, though you do not make a conscious decision to do so. This is essentially a different personality, though it does not
alternate with your main personality. Once per week, you have a 25% chance of returning to normal.
74 Body Mod Addiction: You become addicted to body modifications. It starts with simple piercings or tattoos, building eventually to more extreme mods.
75 Eating Disorder: You develop an eating disorder, binging on food and then forcing yourself to throw up afterward. This continues even if you start to suffer
from malnutrition or starvation.
76 Loss of Fine Motor Skills: You lose the ability to perform precise movements with your fingers or hands. Physical therapy or training is required to redevelop
your fine motor skills.
77 Ringing in the Ears: A constant ringing in your ears develops. It may change in pitch and apparent volume at times, but it never fully goes away.
78 Obsessive-Compulsive Tendencies: You develop an obsession; roll 1d6, with the following results: 1 = you must count to 20 before taking any action; 2 = all
actions must be taken in sets of threes, such as locking-unlocking-locking a door; 3 = you must go out of your way to touch posts or other vertical objects; 4 = you
count items compulsively, and cannot stop until you know the exact number; 5 = you are obsessed with cleanliness, and cannot touch dirty or potentially
contaminated surfaces; 6 = you are obsessed with order, and must adjust or reorder things that are not arranged in an orderly or sequential fashion.
79 Loss of Mental Focus: You have difficulty focusing on any task. Stimulants or certain drugs may help, though only for as long as you are under their effects.
80 Feeling of Something beneath the Skin: You feel something crawling under the skin of your arms, legs, and torso. Scratching the area doesnt deaden this
sensation. You periodically consider cutting it out with a knife.
81 Erratic Heartbeat: Your heartbeat changes, establishing an erratic pattern. When your heart beats faster due to physical exertion or stress you find it hard to
breathe and may begin to feel like youre having a heart attack. A pacemaker can correct this.
82 Uncontrollable Crying: You randomly break down crying, sobbing loudly. You cannot stop this, even if you are trying to be quiet.
83 Repeating Phrases: You randomly get stuck on certain phrases, repeating them multiple times without being able to stop. There is no common theme to the
phrases, they are simply groups of words that you originally say in normal conversation.
84 Cannibalistic Cravings: You find yourself craving human flesh. This craving slowly grows stronger the more you work to suppress it.
85 Phantom Scents: You have hallucinations that produce strong scents that only you can smell.
86 Addiction: You develop a strong addiction. Roll 1d6, with the following results: 1 = nicotine; 2 = alcohol; 3 = cocaine; 4 = heroin; 5 = opium; 6 =
87 Nail Biting: You bite your nails obsessively, chewing on them until they are in the quick. Once a nail reaches that point, you begin chewing on a different
88 Murderous Thoughts: You randomly have strong compulsions to kill random people that you are around. These people dont have to be in conflict with you
or aggravating you in any way; they may be people that you are having casual conversation with or are passing on the street.
89 Hyperventilation: You periodically begin hyperventilating with no apparent cause. Each time this happens, you have a 25% chance of passing out; if you
have passed out before, the chance increases by 5% for each time that it has occurred.
90 Loss of Language Skills: You find yourself unable to speak because you no longer know the spoken language. You must retrain yourself to speak in the
language from scratch.
91 Heavy Sweating: You sweat profusely, even when not performing physically demanding activities. This can lead to wet clothing and body odor.
92 Attracts Monsters: You unknowingly emit a psychic beacon that attracts monsters to your general location. You cannot control monsters attracted in this way,
and have no way of knowing that it is you that is drawing them there.
93 Itching: You develop random itches all over your body. The itching is intense, and applying anti-itch cream or taking anti-itch medication will not calm it.
The only way to stop the itching is to scratch it.
94 Grunting: You grunt randomly, despite your best efforts not to. The grunting is loud, as though you were doing it purposefully and wanted it to be heard.
95 Weakened Heart: Your heart is damaged. Extreme stress or exertion can cause you to have a heart attack. Surgery may be able to correct this.
96 Colorblindness: You become color blind. Roll 1d6; on 1 or 4 you are red/green color blind, on 2 or
5 you are blue/yellow color blind, and on 3 or 6 you are totally color blind (i.e., can only see in black and white.)
97 Illiteracy: You completely lose the ability to read. You must begin learning from scratch to correct this.
98 Sees Auras: You see auras around people. The lightness or darkness of the auras correspond with the good or evil in the persons heart, though you are not
aware of the meaning when the ability first develops.
99 Sees People as Monsters: People no longer appear human to you. Your mind twists the appearance of their faces and bodies until they look like monsters in
your eyes.
100 Aneurism: Amid a sharp headache, you develop an aneurism in your brain. If it is not detected and treated surgically, it will eventually rupture and cause a
potentially fatal stroke. You have no way of knowing how long it will take it to rupture.

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