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Hendrickson Debate 12-13 Locks 1AC

Eastview Local 1
1AC Inherency
Contention 1 is Inherency
Adoption o a !i" when ail# policy ens$res delays and collapse o inland waterways
Len %oselovic, award winner for business and investigative reporting, 3/18/2012, Pittsburgh Post (TH !"T#$!%& L$'(&
"!) )"*&, #!'L+)#!, 23 #! -,#$!, "- $! TH .-#!( $/ /"#L+-, "''$-)#!, T$ +0&0 "-*1 '$-P& $/
/a4ed with f5at funding, the 6 river where the7 are headed0
That 4o8p5ete57 ha5ts in5and river 4o88er4e
Ale"ander 12 (T#* "L9"!)-, #55inois 'orrespondent for /ar8:or5d, &T' 4a55s on 'ongress for re5iab5e waterwa7s funding,2
;/2</2012 http=//www0far8wor5don5ine04o8/news/!ews"rti45e0asp>newsid?1;<0<3hhs@ps
:"&H#!,T$!, )0'0 A Transportation, in45uding the nationBs 6 0 "nd that 8eans 5ost Cobs02
&ail$re o one lock spills over brin's all river co((erce to a standstill
)eira 12 ((ristin *eira, De4utive )ire4tor E Pa4ifi4 !orthwest :aterwa7s "sso4iation, Po5iti4a5 Trans4ript of a hearing of the
House 'o88ittee on Transportation and #nfrastru4ture, proFuest3
ar57 in the 5ast de4ade, 6 a bott5ene4G for the entire s7ste80
Hendrickson Debate 12-13 Locks 1AC
Eastview Local 2
1AC *lan
*lan+ ,he -nited .tates ederal 'overn(ent sho$ld (oderni/e its syste( o locks and da(s
on inland waterways0
Hendrickson Debate 12-13 Locks 1AC
Eastview Local 3
1AC A'ric$lt$re
Contention 2 is A'ric$lt$re
Lock collapse deci(ates a'ric$lt$re e"ports shippin' costs destroy co(petitiveness
1r$se et al02 )ire4tor at the 'enter for Ports and waterwa7s, 2311 ("8eri4aBs Lo4Gs H )a8s= " Ti4Ging Ti8e .o8b for
"gri4u5ture>2, www0unitedso7bean0org/wp@4ontent/up5oads/"8eri4asILo4GsI"ndI)a8s0pdf3
"gri4u5ture a44ounted for 22J of a55 6 K for so7beans, the per4entage was 8LM8NJ02
-oads and rai5s fai5 M spiGes transportation 4ost and 4o55apses eDports
-.%2 12 (+nited &o7bean .oard, 2/8/12, )i5apidated Lo4Gs on +0&0 -ivers Put /ar8ers, 'onsu8ers at -isG,2
The stud7 eDpresses grave 4on4ern 6 i8portant infrastru4ture for agri4u5tura5 shipping0
.hippin' cost is the bi''est internal link to ood price spikes
-4 Co((ittee on ,ransport 35 +nited !ations 4ono8i4 and &o4ia5 'oun4i5, '$!$*#' "!) &$'#"L
'$**#&&#$! /$- "&#" "!) TH P"'#/#',2 T-"!&P$-T "!) P$O-T1= /-$* /"-* T$ *"-(TA9T!)#!, TH
-"'H $/ L$,#&T#'&, http=//www0unes4ap0org/ttdw/4t2008/4trI2e0pdf
&+**"-1 -e4ent in4reases in the 6 the do8esti4 or internationa5 5eve5s0
,he brink is hi'h econo(ic recessions and recent ood crises have p$t response capacity
on the ed'e
%rown 11 (L&T- -0 .-$:!, The !ew ,eopo5iti4s of /ood,2 *a7/Pune 2011, foreign Po5i47, +nited &tates environ8enta5
ana57st, founder of the :or5dwat4h #nstitute, and founder and president of the arth Po5i47 #nstitute, a nonprofit resear4h organiQation based
in :ashington, )0'03hhs@ps
+nti5 re4ent57, sudden pri4e surges 6 K the safet7 4ushion is gone0
Hendrickson Debate 12-13 Locks 1AC
Eastview Local ;
1AC A'ric$lt$re &a(ine
.cenario 1 is &a(ine
Developin' co$ntries are (ore and (ore dependent on -. ood i(ports
1wa 33 )eve5oping 4ountries are be4o8ing 8ore dependent on food i8ports,2 "i5een (wa, /$'+& $! T-") !o 8R, "P-#L 2003
)eve5oping 4ountries are be4o8ing 8ore 6 4ountries in4reasing57 dependent on i8ports
/ood pri4es wre4G pur4hasing power in deve5oping 4ountries M 4auses 8ass starvation
%rown 11 (L&T- -0 .-$:!, The !ew ,eopo5iti4s of /ood,2 *a7/Pune 2011, foreign Po5i47, +nited &tates environ8enta5
ana57st, founder of the :or5dwat4h #nstitute, and founder and president of the arth Po5i47 #nstitute, a nonprofit resear4h organiQation based
in :ashington, )0'03hhs@ps
#n the +nited &tates, when 6 has @@ to revo5utions and upheava5 0
,hat kills billions
*ower 1667 (Pau5 -0K Ta8pa Tribune &taff :riter, S,rain &hortage ,rowing Prob5e8S 1/20 Ta8pa Tribune 5/n3
There are 8ore peop5e in 6 on a do55ar a da7 or 5ess0S
&a(ine is a d-r$le
La&ollette 33 THugh, 'o5e 'hair in thi4s +niversit7 of &outh /5orida &t0 Petersburg, S:or5d HungerS .5a4Gwe55 'o8panion to "pp5ied
thi4s, ed0 -a7 /re7 and 'hristopher Heath :e558an, .5a4Gwe55 2003, http=//www0stpt0usf0edu/hh5/papers/:or5d0Hunger0ht8U
Those who 45ai8 the re5ative57 6 the eDpense of the starving0
Hendrickson Debate 12-13 Locks 1AC
Eastview Local <
1AC A'ric$lt$re China
.cenario 2 is China
Do(estic prod$ction shortalls (eans China is shitin' heavily to ood i(ports price
hikes tank ood sec$rity and ca$se do(estic instability
.hea 8926 (Pau5 &hea, an #rish 4ono8i4s, /inan4e and #nvest8ent writer0 His worG has been featured on the front page ,oog5e !ews
and ,oog5e /inan4e, The +& Has a Oer7 #8portant -esour4e whi4h 'hina )oesnBt= /ood,2 *a7 2N, 2012 3hhs@ps
"s 'hinaBs e4ono87 grows, so 6 we dea5 with our own0
+& i8ports are the on57 interna5 5inG to 4o55apse M other 4ountries 4anBt fi55 in i88ediate57 due to
opposite growing seasons and s8a55 8arGet share
:.; 12 +P)"T= .raQi5 &een -unning $ut of &o7beans for Dport,2 Pune R, 2012K hhs@ps
.e4ause the &outhern He8isphere%s p5anting 6 prett7 good shape,S *r0 Thin said0
,hat escalates to $ll political $pheaval in China
.(ith 65 (Pau5 P0 &8ith is a resear4h fe55ow with the "sia@Pa4ifi4 'enter for &e4urit7 &tudies in Hawaii0 He spe4ia5iQes in transnationa5
se4urit7 issues and has pub5ished nu8erous arti45es on these subCe4ts0U, /$$) &'+-#T1 "!) P$L#T#'"L &T".#L#T1 #! TH "&#"@
P"'#/#' -,#$!,2 "&#"@P"'#/#' '!T- /$- &'+-#T1 &T+)#&, &PT*.- 11,
1NN8http=//www0ap4ss0org/Pub5i4ations/-eportI/oodI&e4urit7IN80ht85 3hhs@ps
/ood se4urit7 and po5iti4a5 stabi5it7 6 an issue of regi8e surviva5 0
Chinese instability ca$ses e"tinction
<ee and .torey 2332 (Herbert 1ee, Professor of Po5iti4s and #nternationa5 -e5ations at the Hong (ong .aptist
+niversit7, and #an &tore7, Le4turer in )efen4e &tudies at )eaGin +niversit7, 2002 (The 'hina Threat= Per4eptions,
*7ths and -ea5it7, -out5edge'urQon, pg <
The fourth fa4tor 4ontributing to 6 its neighbours and the wor5d0
Hendrickson Debate 12-13 Locks 1AC
Eastview Local R
1AC Deorestation
Contention 3 is Deorestation
=isin' ood prices will orce arable land increases that will co(e at the cost o 'lobal
%las 35 (Pavier, London /inan4ia5 Ti8es "sia dition, Pan0 22
, 5/n a44essed 8/13
&4ar4it7 of water and arab5e 6 ;0L 2R+ www0ft04o8/foodpri4es
.peciically2 -. soybean co(petitiveness is key to prevent %ra/il ro( do(inatin' the soy
A) 11 (11/11/11, agri8one704o8, +& so7 eDports have %narrow window% for re4over7,2 http=//www0agri8one704o8/news/us@so7@
+& so7bean eDporters have on57 a S6 "8eri4an eDports are seasona557 s8a55S0
>rowth o %ra/ilian soybean e"ports tri''ers deorestation o the A(a/on rainorest that is
key or biodiversity
%rown2 6 President of the arth Po5i47 #nstitute (Lester -0 .rown, the re4ipient of 8an7 priQes and awards, in45uding 2< honorar7
degrees, a *a4"rthur /e55owship, the 1N8L +nited !ations% nviron8ent PriQe, #n 2012, he was indu4ted into the arth Ha55 of /a8e (7oto,
,rowing )e8and for &o7beans Threatens "8aQon -ainforest2, )e4e8ber 30, 200N, http=//www0earth@
The "8aQon rainforest sustains 6 wor5dwide as soon as possib5e0
A'ric$lt$re 'rowth is the bi''est internal link to rapid irreversible biodiversity loss
:alsh 11 (/orests Os0 /ood>2 .r7an :a5sh, &enior writer for T#* 8agaQine, 4overing energ7 and the environ8entAand a5so,
o44asiona557, s4ar7 diseases0 /eb0 L 2011, http=//s4ien4e0ti8e04o8/2011/02/0L/forests@vs@food/3hhs@ps
&ti55, a55 this progress 4ou5d 6 a 8aCor driver in forest 5oss02
"8aQon deforestation 4auses eDtin4tion
,akacs 67 (#nstru4tor in )epart8ent of arth &7ste8s &4ien4e and Po5i47 at 'a5ifornia &tate@*ontere7 .a7 T)avid, 1NNR Phi5osophies
of Paradise, pg0 http=//www0dhushara04o8/booG/diversit/restor/taGa4s0ht8U
&o biodiversit7 Geeps the wor5d 6 @ not with a bang but a whi8per01;
Hendrickson Debate 12-13 Locks 1AC
Eastview Local L
1AC Econo(y
Contention ? is the Econo(y
Lack o invest(ent in lock (oderni/ation is stilin' econo(ic recovery the plan is key to
prevent the collapse o ($ltiple econo(ic sectors
-.A ,oday, Pau5 )avidson staff writer, </20/12, http=//www0usatoda704o8/8one7/e4ono87/stor7/2012@0<@20/4reaGing@
infrastru4ture/<<0NR3NR/1, +&"%s 4reaGing infrastru4ture ho5ds ba4G e4ono872K ".
#n5and waterwa7s Fuiet57 Geep the 6 are 5ess visib5e, he sa7s0
Even i there are no @ o the inland waterway syste(
%ray2 11 @@@ 'enter for Transportation -esear4h, +niversit7 of Tennessee, (noDvi55e (N/21/2011, Larr7 ,0, 'ongressiona5 )o4u8ents
and Pub5i4ations, House Transportation and #nfrastru4ture &ub4o88ittee on :ater -esour4es and nviron8ent Hearing @ SThe 4ono8i4
#8portan4e and /inan4ia5 'ha55enges of -e4apita5iQing the !ation%s #n5and :aterwa7s Transportation &7ste8,2 /a4tiva, P*P3
Has "ging #nfrastru4ture Left +& 6 restored wi55 top 8an7 5ists0
,hat $ncertainty over the $ndin' o inland waterways ens$res econo(ic disaster
>ibbs2 12 M *e8ber, -epresentative for $hioBs 18th 'ongressiona5 )istri4t (;/18/2012, .ob ,ibbs, H$: -L#".#L#T1 $/ TH
#!L"!) :"T-:"1 &1&T* #*P"'T& '$!$*#' '$*PT#T#O!&&2, http=//transportation0house0gov/news/P-"rti45e0aspD>
:ashington, )' M The :ater -esour4es 6 M in45uding e5e4tri4it7 M to our 4ountr702
Econo(ic collapse ca$ses 'lobal n$clear war0
)erlini2 .enior &ellow %rookin's2 11T'esare *er5ini, nonresident senior fe55ow at the 'enter on the +nited &tates
and urope and 4hair8an of the .oard of Trustees of the #ta5ian #nstitute for #nternationa5 "ffairs (#"#3 in -o8e0 He served as #"# president
fro8 1NLN to 20010 +nti5 200N, he a5so o44upied the position of eDe4utive vi4e 4hair8an of the 'oun4i5 for the +nited &tates and #ta57, whi4h
he 4o@founded in 1N830 His areas of eDpertise in45ude transat5anti4 re5ations, uropean integration and nu45ear non@pro5iferation, with
parti4u5ar fo4us on nu45ear s4ien4e and te4hno5og70 " Post@&e4u5ar :or5d> )$#= 1001080/003NR338020110<L101< "rti45e -eFuests= $rder
-eprints = -eFuest Per8issions Pub5ished in= Courna5 &urviva5, Oo5u8e <3, #ssue 2 "pri5 2011 , pages 11L @ 130 Pub5i4ation /reFuen47= R
issues per 7ear )own5oad P)/ )own5oad P)/ (V3<L (.3 Oiew -e5ated "rti45es To 4ite this "rti45e= *er5ini, 'esare %" Post@&e4u5ar
:or5d>%, &urviva5, <3=2, 11L M 130U
Two neat57 opposed s4enarios for 6 abso5utes su4h as unbrid5ed nationa5is80
Hendrickson Debate 12-13 Locks 1AC
Eastview Local 8
1AC .olvency
Contention 8 is .olvency
Ar(y Corp key e"pertise2 coordination with a'encies2 en'ineerin'2 e(pirics
)r0 :i55ia8 ,0 Howland ? is the .asin Progra8 *anager of LaGe 'ha8p5ain, ,rand #s5e, OT, +0&0 "-*1 '$-P& $/ !,#!-&
-$L #! TH !"T#$!%& :"T- -&$+-' !)& #! TH 21&T '!T+-1, 'apita5 Hi55 Testi8on7, *ar4h 31, 5eDis
$ur partnership invo5ves the states 6 forward to answering 7our Fuestions0
&$ndin' or waterway (oderni/ation is inevitable A$st a B$estion o eectiveness
*ittsb$r'h *ost->a/ette 3/2</2312 (Pittsburgh Post@,aQette, :ater torture= 'ongress needs to a4t on de4a7ing 5o4Gs and
da8s,2 *ar4h 2<, 2012, http=//o5d0post@gaQette04o8/pg/1208</121N0<2@1N20st8 3hhs@ps
'ongress bears the pri8e responsibi5it70 6 that begins, S:e to5d 7ou so0S
Inland waterway (oderni/ation accesses new (arkets post-*ana(a Canal e"pansion
Len %oselovic, award winner for business and investigative reporting, 3/18/20122 Pittsburgh Post (TH !"T#$!%& L$'(&
"!) )"*&, #!'L+)#!, 23 #! -,#$!, "- $! TH .-#!( $/ /"#L+-, "''$-)#!, T$ +0&0 "-*1 '$-P& $/
#ndustr7 offi4ia5s sa7 8ore re5iab5e 6 the Pana8a 'ana5,S he said0
-.&> key to waterways
Do, 2311( "pri5, "8eri4aBs *arine Highwa72,
)espite signifi4ant progress in short 6 Highwa7 servi4es in a signifi4ant 8anner0

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