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TrafficSqueezer and Aquarium

Series: Solar-Flare
User's Guide
- Book Version: 1.00.9
Kiran Kankipati
Author/Founder: Traffi!"uee#er $ %inu& 'ased (pen-!oure )A* (pti+i#ation
Author/Founder: A"uariu+ $ %inu& 'ased (pen-!oure )e' GU,
Author/Founder: -.* !hoo/ $ on/ine -.* Tehno/o01 2ourna/
Founder/-3(/4.: .ou'/efish !o/utions
B1 do5n/oadin0 and / or usin0 these ite+s 1ou aept the ter+s of the 'asi %iense A0ree+ent as sho5n
on this dou+ent6 and an1 additiona/ ter+s in the indi7idua/ /iense a0ree+ent supp/ied 5ith the ite+.
8ou ha7e a/so aepted the 0enera/ .is/ai+er6 so +ake sure 1ou ha7e read 'oth 'efore do5n/oadin0 or
usin0 an1thin0 fro+ this setion of the dou+entation.
)arrant1 .is/ai+er.
The soft5are is pro7ided to 1ou 9as is9 5ithout 5arrant1 of an1 kind6 5hether e&press6 i+p/ied6
statutor16 or other5ise. K,:A* KA*K,;AT, A*. ,T! %,-3*!(:! B3A: *( %,AB,%,T8 F(: A*8 .A4AG3! :3!U%T,*G
F:(4 U!3 <(: ATT34;T3. U!3= (F T>,! ;:(.U-T/!(%UT,(*.
Author's *ote and ;ro?et >istor1
.ear A//6
This is Kiran.
Traffi!"uee#er is a pro?et 5hih 5as started as +ore of a ho''1/fun pro?et at ho+e so+eti+e durin0
@00A. !ine then 5ith onsistent :B.6 it has 'een 'ui/t fro+ srath in 7arious phases. ,nitia//1 a
'asi protot1pe of Traffi!"uee#er is a// 'ui/t in user-spae and de+onstrated. %ater the sa+e is +o7ed
into %inu& Kerne/ and a Kerne/ 'ased pratia/ usa'/e )A* (pti+i#ation en0ines of Traffi!"uee#er are
After fe5 1ears6 5hen , started +1 fir+ C.ou'/efish !o/utionsD6 Traffi!"uee#er is supported 7ia the
sa+e. Users are offered for the first ti+e6 paid support6 portin0 and usto+i#ation ser7ies. A/so
durin0 this period a +ore ro'ust Traffi!"uee#er .e7ie GU, <non-open-soure= is +ade6 5hih /ater
e7entua//1 transfor+ed into another stand-a/one (pen-!oure pro?et CA"uariu+D. A"uariu+ is a 0enera/
purpose 5e'-'ased GU, for %inu& 5hih a/so pro7ides the GU, for Traffi!"uee#er's Kerne/ ore en0ines.
>ene it is a//ed CA"uariu+D6 and it is a stand-a/one pro?et '1 itse/f. For 7arious 'usiness reasons
A"uariu+ part/1 +ade as open-soure and part/1 <i.e a fu// feature 7ersion= is +ade as proprietar1
offerin0 7ia +1 fir+.
.ue to 7arious reasons6 , did a /osure of +1 fir+ C.ou'/efish !o/utionsD6 and so no5 one a0ain
Traffi!"uee#er is so/e/1 +aintained '1 +e6 and sine 'ein0 the so/e Author/Founder of A"uariu+6 e7en
A"uariu+ is no5 'ein0 so/e/1 +aintained '1 +e.
>ere is a detai/ed historia/ road-+ap ti+e-/ine piture:
, 5ish to thank a// the supporters6 users6 and a// +1 usto+ers <durin0 the tenure of .ou'/efish
!o/utions=6 for their interest6 trust and support.
, 0ot a 0reat e&periene and fun in 'ui/din0/de7e/opin0 Traffi!"uee#er. !o+eti+es it is /ike 'ui/din0
a :oket in +1 'ak1ard. ,t is e&pensi7e6 ti+e-onsu+in06 e&tre+e/1 o+p/iated 'ut 1et at the sa+e it
is a 0reat /earnin0 e&periene6 to start so+ethin0 /ike this fro+ srath and de7e/op further.
Besides Traffi!"uee#er and A"uariu+6 here are +1 other areas of interest.
Open-Source: ati7ist6 pro+oter6 ontri'utor6 Founder/Author: Traffi!"uee#er 6 A"uariu+
Networking: speia/ist6 e&pert6 protoo/ ana/1sis6 net5ork hakin0 and researher
Linux!ernel: %inu& Kerne/ *et5ork f/o5 speia/ist6 Kerne/ de7e/oper6 and re7ie5er
"usiness: ana/1st6 +arket ana/1st and 'usiness strate0ist6 onsu/tant6 and stok +arket ana/1st
#o$$ies: paintin06 p/a1in0 +usi6 ho''1 ine+ato0raph1 and photo0raph16 5ritin0 arti/es
- ars and ?eeps.
- ;ersona/ '/o0 and updates - Kiran Kankipati: kirankankipati.'/o0spot.o+
- B/o0: 4aruti G1ps1 - 37er1thin0 A'out: +aruti01ps1.'/o0spot.o+
- B/o0: Kiran's %ens <37er1da1 ;hoto0raphs=: kirans-/ens.'/
- B/o0: Traffi!"uee#er - (ffiia/ B/o0: traffis"uee#er5anopti+i#ation.'/
Thank 1ou6 -heers6 Kiran
-ontat 3+ai/: kiran.kankipatiE0+ai/.o+
Traffi!"uee#er %iense:
T:AFF,- !FU33G3: pro7ides dua/ /ienses6 desi0ned to +eet the usa0e and distri'ution re"uire+ents of
different t1pes of users.
%&L'( License:
-op1ri0ht H <@00A-@01@= Kiran Kankipati6 A// :i0hts :eser7ed.
Traffi !"uee#er is free soft5areI 1ou an redistri'ute it and/or +odif1 it under the ter+s of the G*U
Genera/ ;u'/i %iense Version @6 and not an1 other 7ersion6 as pu'/ished '1 the Free !oft5are
Foundation. Traffi!"uee#er is distri'uted in the hope that it 5i// 'e usefu/6 'ut ),T>(UT A*8
)A::A*T8I 5ithout e7en the i+p/ied 5arrant1 of 43:->A*TAB,%,T8 or F,T*3!! F(: A ;A:T,-U%A: ;U:;(!3. !ee
the G*U Genera/ ;u'/i %iense for +ore detai/s. 8ou shou/d ha7e reei7ed a op1 of the G*U Genera/
;u'/i %iense a/on0 5ith Traffi!"uee#erI see the fi/e -(;8,*G. ,f not6 5rite to the Free !oft5are
Foundation6 ,n.6 J9 Te+p/e ;/ae - !uite KK06 Boston6 4A 0@111-1K0L6 U!A.
"S) License *(-clause license+:
-op1ri0ht H <@00A-@01@= Kiran Kankipati. A// ri0hts reser7ed.
:edistri'ution and use in soure and 'inar1 for+s6 5ith or 5ithout +odifiation6 are per+itted pro7ided
that the fo//o5in0 onditions are +et:
1. :edistri'utions of soure ode +ust retain the a'o7e op1ri0ht notie6 this /ist of onditions and
the fo//o5in0 dis/ai+er.
@. :edistri'utions in 'inar1 for+ +ust reprodue the a'o7e op1ri0ht notie6 this /ist of onditions
and the fo//o5in0 dis/ai+er in the dou+entation and/or other +ateria/s pro7ided 5ith the
T>,! !(FT)A:3 ,! ;:(V,.3. B8 K,:A* KA*K,;AT, MMA! ,!'' A*. A*8 3N;:3!! (: ,4;%,3. )A::A*T,3!6
,*-%U.,*G6 BUT *(T %,4,T3. T(6 T>3 ,4;%,3. )A::A*T,3! (F 43:->A*TAB,%,T8 A*. F,T*3!! F(: A ;A:T,-U%A:
;U:;(!3 A:3 .,!-%A,43.. ,* *( 3V3*T !>A%% K,:A* KA*K,;AT, (: -(*T:,BUT(:! B3 %,AB%3 F(: A*8 .,:3-T6
,*.,:3-T6 ,*-,.3*TA%6 !;3-,A%6 3N34;%A:86 (: -(*!3FU3*T,A% .A4AG3! <,*-%U.,*G6 BUT *(T %,4,T3. T(6
;:(-U:343*T (F !UB!T,TUT3 G((.! (: !3:V,-3!I %(!! (F U!36 .ATA6 (: ;:(F,T!I (: BU!,*3!! ,*T3::U;T,(*=
>()3V3: -AU!3. A*. (* A*8 T>3(:8 (F %,AB,%,T86 )>3T>3: ,* -(*T:A-T6 !T:,-T %,AB,%,T86 (: T(:T
<,*-%U.,*G *3G%,G3*-3 (: (T>3:),!3= A:,!,*G ,* A*8 )A8 (UT (F T>3 U!3 (F T>,! !(FT)A:36 3V3* ,F A.V,!3.
(F T>3 ;(!!,B,%,T8 (F !U-> .A4AG3.
The 7ie5s and on/usions ontained in the soft5are and dou+entation are those of the authors and
shou/d not 'e interpreted as representin0 offiia/ po/iies6 either e&pressed or i+p/ied6 of Kiran
O This /iense is app/ia'/e e&/usi7e to the Traffi !"uee#er o+ponents. Traffi!"uee#er +a1 'und/e
or in/ude other third-part1 open-soure o+ponents. Kind/1 refer these o+ponent :3A.43 and
-(;8:,G>T/%,-3*!3 dou+ents6 re/eased '1 its respeti7e authors and pro?et/+odu/e o5ners.
OO For +ore detai/s a'out Third-part1 o+ponents6 1ou an a/so kind/1 refer Traffi!"uee#er pro?et
5e'site A'out pa0e.
A"uariu+ %iense:
AFUA:,U4 pro7ides dua/ /ienses6 desi0ned to +eet the usa0e and distri'ution re"uire+ents of different
t1pes of users.
G;%7@ %iense:
-op1ri0ht <-= <@011-@01@= Kiran Kankipati 6 A// :i0hts :eser7ed.

A"uariu+ is free soft5areI 1ou an redistri'ute it and/or +odif1 it under the
ter+s of the G*U Genera/ ;u'/i %iense Version @6 and not an1 other 7ersion6 as pu'/ished '1 the Free
!oft5are Foundation. A"uariu+ is distri'uted in the hope that it 5i// 'e usefu/6 'ut ),T>(UT A*8
)A::A*T8I 5ithout e7en the i+p/ied 5arrant1 of 43:->A*TAB,%,T8 or F,T*3!! F(: A ;A:T,-U%A: ;U:;(!3. !ee
the G*U Genera/ ;u'/i %iense for +ore detai/s. 8ou shou/d ha7e reei7ed a op1 of the G*U Genera/
;u'/i %iense a/on0 5ith A"uariu+I see the fi/e -(;8,*G. ,f not6 5rite to the Free !oft5are
Foundation6 ,n.6 J9 Te+p/e ;/ae - !uite KK06 Boston6 4A 0@111-1K0L6 U!A.
B!. %iense <@-/ause /iense=:
-op1ri0ht <@011-@01@= Kiran Kankipati. A// ri0hts reser7ed.
:edistri'ution and use in soure and 'inar1 for+s6 5ith or 5ithout +odifiation6 are
per+itted pro7ided that the fo//o5in0 onditions are +et:
1. :edistri'utions of soure ode +ust retain the a'o7e op1ri0ht notie6 this /ist of
onditions and the fo//o5in0 dis/ai+er.
@. :edistri'utions in 'inar1 for+ +ust reprodue the a'o7e op1ri0ht notie6 this /ist
of onditions and the fo//o5in0 dis/ai+er in the dou+entation and/or other +ateria/s
pro7ided 5ith the distri'ution.
T>,! !(FT)A:3 ,! ;:(V,.3. B8 K,:A* KA*K,;AT, MMA! ,!'' A*. A*8 3N;:3!! (: ,4;%,3. )A::A*T,3!6
,*-%U.,*G6 BUT *(T %,4,T3. T(6 T>3 ,4;%,3. )A::A*T,3! (F 43:->A*TAB,%,T8 A*. F,T*3!! F(: A
;A:T,-U%A: ;U:;(!3 A:3 .,!-%A,43.. ,* *( 3V3*T !>A%% K,:A* KA*K,;AT, (: -(*T:,BUT(:! B3
%,AB%3 F(: A*8 .,:3-T6 ,*.,:3-T6 ,*-,.3*TA%6 !;3-,A%6 3N34;%A:86 (: -(*!3FU3*T,A% .A4AG3!
<,*-%U.,*G6 BUT *(T %,4,T3. T(6 ;:(-U:343*T (F !UB!T,TUT3 G((.! (: !3:V,-3!I %(!! (F U!36
.ATA6 (: ;:(F,T!I (: BU!,*3!! ,*T3::U;T,(*= >()3V3: -AU!3. A*. (* A*8 T>3(:8 (F %,AB,%,T86
)>3T>3: ,* -(*T:A-T6 !T:,-T %,AB,%,T86 (: T(:T <,*-%U.,*G *3G%,G3*-3 (: (T>3:),!3= A:,!,*G
,* A*8 )A8 (UT (F T>3 U!3 (F T>,! !(FT)A:36 3V3* ,F A.V,!3. (F T>3 ;(!!,B,%,T8 (F !U-> .A4AG3.
The 7ie5s and on/usions ontained in the soft5are and dou+entation are those of the
authors and shou/d not 'e interpreted as representin0 offiia/ po/iies6 either e&pressed
or i+p/ied6 of Kiran Kankipati.
Aquarium is a free (pen-!oure 5e'-GU, <Graphia/ User ,nterfae= for %inu& 'ased s1ste+s.
A"uariu+ is foused uni"ue/1 for dep/o1+ents suh as ,aa! <,nfrastruture as a !er7ie=6 !aa! <!oft5are
as a !er7ie=6 -/oud *et5orks6 .istri'uted -o+putin0 dep/o1+ents6 as a 0eneri purpose %inu& GU,6
0eneri purpose %inu& 'ased net5orkin0 de7ie GU,6 GU, for Traffi!"uee#er6 !"uid6 and so on.
Besides6 the +ain other ro/e of A"uariu+ is to a/so pro7ide a hi0h-/e7e/ Basi-%e7e/ and Ad7ane %e7e/
of GU, interfae and A'stration to the e&istin0 traditiona/ %inu& 'ased ser7ies.
A"uariu+ is not a rep/ae+ent for traditiona/ %inu& po5erfu/ -%, o+ponents. ,nstead A"uariu+ ai+s to
pro7ide GU, for %inu& o+ponents so that it 0ets platform-independent unified integrated web-GUI P
For +ore infor+ation a'out A"uariu+ .ependenies6 kind/1 refer the topi Aquarium Dependencies
A"uariu+ - Arhiteture
A"uariu+ is not a rep/ae+ent for traditiona/ %inu& interfaes na+e/1
re+ote !!> -%, she// aess <or=
/oa/ or re+ote <7ia V*-= G*(43/K.3 5indo5 +ana0er GU, aess
and so on Q
,nstead A"uariu+ is a uni"ue %inu& 5e'-GU, aess to an1 supported %inu& 'ased s1ste+s.
>ere is the piture 5hih i//ustrates the o+p/ete Arhiteture of a t1pia/ !aa! insta//ation 'ased
A"uariu+ end-to-end Arhiteture.
A"uariu+ - .ependenies
Loosel,-coupled Arc-itecture:
A"uariu+ .ae+on and other o+ponents are hi0h/1 'ased on %((!3%8--(U;%3. A:->,T3-TU:3. ,t is so6 sine
it is 7er1 i+portant that A"uariu+ +ain o+ponents don't 0et rashed and don't 0et un5anted unneessar1
/on0 se"uene of ode. >ene it is the fore+ost priorit1 that the ode is +aintained to 'e loosely-
coupled and crash tolerant as +uh as possi'/e.
The +ain A"uariu+ .ae+on is 5ritten in - %an0ua0e. ,t is so6 sine --%an0ua0e /on0-ti+e e&eution +ode
pro0ra+s are +uh +ore re/ia'/e. Versus a "uik ;>;/;3:% 'ased sripts are +ore suited for on-de+and
e&eution +ode pro0ra+s. The1 +a1 often hit issues /ike +e+or1 /eaks and other unpredita'/e issues6 if
the sa+e pro0ra+ <tehnia//1 sa+e proess i.e sa+e proess ,.= e&eutes for +ore than a 5eek in that
ser7er. A/thou0h ;>;-J and ;3:% interpreters 5e ha7e toda1 had so +uh addressed these issues and
/i+itations6 sti// it is unpredita'/e6 hene A"uariu+ +ain .ae+on is 5ritten in -.
;>; $ ;arts of A"uariu+ ode is 'een 5ritten in ;>;. This is a ritia/ ode6 if the1 0ets
rashed in an1 ase6 this 5i// not rash A"uariu+ .ae+on. The --'ased A"uariu+ ode 5i//
der1pt and /oad on-de+and.
0rep6 sed6 ut6 arp6 ipta'/es6 ron6 route6 t6 0p06 e0rep6 at6 ifonfi06 et - A"uariu+ a/so
uses these too/s and +a1 a// the+ 7ia e&e<= or s1ste+<= A;,s. A/so +a1 a// d1na+i 'ash
sripts ooked <reated= 7ia A"uariu+ --%an0ua0e .ae+on.
(ther third-part1 %i'raries $ A"uariu+ .ae+on does +u/ti-threadin06 hene it is dependent on the
run-ti+e pthread /i'rar16 and other 7er1 'asi defau/t %inu& o+ponents.
41!F% $ A"uariu+ stores a// A"uiriu+ GU, the+es6 and other o+ponent !tatistis and %o0s 7ia
41!F% .B ta'/es. >ene it is +andator1 that the s1ste+ ontains 41!F% pre-insta//ed and pre-
onfi0ured <this dou+entation ontains si+p/e steps ho5 1ou an reate the sa+e=.
Apahe $ A"uariu+ GU, 5i// 'e insta//ed in the 5e'-root of Apahe 5e'ser7er6 so that 1ou an 0et
the GU, aess 7ia /oa/ 5e'-ser7er on to a 'ro5ser. >ene it is +andator1 that the Apahe is
pre-insta//ed and pre-onfi0ured.
A"uariu+ $ A'stration Features
A"uariu+ tries to pro7ide A'stration <a 'asi or ad7ane GU, a/so if re"uired an a'strated GU,= for
+an1 %inu& o+ponents/+odu/es.
For e&a+p/e6 here is an a'strated GU, for onfi0urin0 %inu& stati routin0 ta'/es. As 1ou an see the
sreen-shot6 it is an a'stration of 5hat users an do 7ia a %inu& route o++and.
route -%, %inu& o++and 7s. A"uariu+ A'strated GU, R
A -%, route o++and is hi0h/1 7ersati/e and 7er1 po5erfu/ as 5e are 5e// a5are. !o A"uariu+ 5i//
pro7ide one or +an1 a'strated GU, for the sa+e.
But 5h1 +an1 A'strated GU, pa0es R
Atua//1 so+eti+es the sa+e -%, o++and6 1ou an onfi0ure one or +an1 different senarios. 8ou +a1
a/so use 7arious optiona/ para+eters 'ased on 1our re"uire+ent. This is 5hat e&at/1 /assified in
A"uariu+6 and 'ased on eah speifi senario6 it is 'een pro7ided as an a'strated GU, 7ia A"uariu+.
This is the reason A"uariu+ is not a -%, rep/ae+ent6 it is +eant to +ain/1 pro7ide a'stration for
e&istin0 -%, o++and struture.
!o the +ain fous of A"uariu+ is to pro7ide si+p/e unified inte0rated ,nterfae P
As 1ou an see a'o7e sreen-shot6 A"uariu+ 5i// not o+p/ete/1 hide/a'strat the user a5are -%, o++and
struture. ,nstead6 it pro7ides GU, p/us a/so hints the respeti7e atua/ de7ie settin0s 7ia onte&t
speifi -%, o++and output/du+ps.
A"uariu+ 5i// e&eute these o++ands <in the a'o7e ase as 1ou an see it had e&euted ifonfi0 and
parsed output6 and route o++and= then if re"uired it 5i// apture the output and sho5s the sa+e in the
orrespondin0 pa0e.
This a'strated A"uariu+ interfae is a/so an 'e e&p/ained as 'e/o5:
For e&a+p/e if A"uariu+ has a GU, <pa0es= for %inu& ipta'/es <fire5a//= feature6 then it +a1 a'strat
+an1 ti+es as sho5n 'e/o5:
As 1ou an see 'ased on eah a'stration6 the sa+e under/1in0 feature is or an 'e used an1 nu+'er of
ti+es in 7arious onte&ts.
>ene this is the reason A"uariu+ is foused to5ards 'asi and ad7ane users6 5here A"uariu+ rea//1
he/ps ad+inistrators to re+ote/1 and "uik/1 ad+inistrate their s1ste+s in the usua/ three 5ork +odes.
Usua//1 ad+inistrators an 5ork in K-5ork +odes:
System onitoring $ Ad+inistrators usua//1 5ork in this +ode e7er1da16 one the1 first
i++ediate/1 start their shifts. The1 5ou/d /ike to +onitor first e7er1thin0 is in the f/o5. A/so
so+eti+es +idd/e of the da1 the1 +a1 5ork in this +ode.
!risis and or "irefighting mode $ as the na+e e&p/ains this is another +ode 5hen there is a hu0e
risis or so+e 'usiness i+patin0 issue found6 then the1 5ork in this +ode. A"uariu+ an 'e used
initia//1 to de'u0 the s1ste+6 e7en 'efore e&p/iit/1 ad+inistrators do and ontro/ 7ia an1 !!>
aess. !o+eti+es !!> aess an 'e e/i+inated 7ia A"uariu+ A'strations P
Ad+inistrators an onnet to their de7ies 7ia A"uariu+ <if not present /oa//1=6 7ia an1 de7ies6
+o'i/e phones6 i;od6 or an1 de7ie and an i++ediate/1 take a s5ift ontro/ of the situation.
!asual #outine aintenance mode $ This is a0ain a uni"ue +ode6 as the na+e su00ests6 so+eti+es
if ad+inistrators 5ant to perfor+ a "uik s+a// task6 then the1 an i++ediate/1 do the sa+e 7ia
>ene these are 7arious fators onsidered durin0 in-ter+s of desi0n of A"uariu+ p/atfor+ and its road-
There is a/so a onsistent effort that under no iru+stanes A"uariu+ p/atfor+ 5i// not 0et into a re-
in7ent the sa+e 5hee/ senarios. ,f not a/5a1s6 'ut at/east as +uh as possi'/e it is pre7ented.
A"uariu+ $ -urrent -o+pati'i/it1 $ and other speifiations
A"uariu+ is 100S o+pati'/e 5ith 4o#i//a Firefo& Bro5ser. Besides it is a/so +ost/1 o+pati'/e 5ith
respet to other 4o#i//a-'ro5ser 'ased p/atfor+s and others na+e/1 (pera6 Goo0/e -hro+e6 App/e !afari6
4idori6 and so on. A"uariu+ is partia//1 o+pati'/e 5ith 4irosoft ,nternet 3&p/orer <,3=6 one of the
reasons it is partia//1 o+pati'/e is for the reason that ,3 does not support a// speifiations of
'ro5ser -!! st1/in0 standards and 5e'-kit standards.
A"uariu+ GU, o+ponents has /ess ?a7a-sript intensi7e sripts6 'ut done +ost/1 5ith hi0h/1 re/ia'/e
ser7er side /i0ht-5ei0ht ;>; sripts and st1/ed e&/usi7e/1 5ith -!! propert1 st1/in0.
Linux )istri$ution*s+:
-urrent/1 A"uariu+ ;rofessiona/ is 100S o+pati'/e 5ith distri'utions suh as:
Fedora -ore <prefera'/1 Fedora -ore 1L=
A"uariu+ $ -urrent !upported Features
/urrentl, Supported:
A"uariu+ urrent/1 supports these /isted features:
100S .ou'/efish !o/utions Traffi!"uee#er $ (pen-!oure )A* (pti+i#ation !o/ution GU,.
)A* (pti+i#ation +odu/es $ settin0s6 +ana0e+ent6 statistis6 et.
.;, +odu/es
%L-fi/ter +odu/es
Traffi!"uee#er Bird's 31e 7ie5.
(ther Traffi!"uee#er features.
Traffi!"uee#er onfi0uration 5i#ard.
Basi-/e7e/ ipta'/es fire5a// GU,.
Gru' 'oot/oader GU,.
Basi-/e7e/ fi/e-+ana0er GU,.
Basi-/e7e/ i+a0e-7ie5er.
Basi-/e7e/ 41!F% a'strated GU,.
Basi-/e7e/ %inu& stati ip-routin0 ta'/es.
Basi-/e7e/ and inte0rated %inu& Fo! A'stration.
*et5orkin0 too/s $ pin06 traeroute6 netstat6 route6 arp6 di06 and +an1 +ore.
GU, for so+e i+portant /pro read-on/1 s1ste+ +onitorin0 fi/es.
GU, to +ana0e init-sripts <start-up run-/e7e/ e&eution +ode dae+ons=.
Basi-/e7e/ %inu& s1ste+ user +ana0e+ent.
(ther s1ste+ speifi features.
Basi-/e7e/ %inu& 'rid0in0 +ode setup <7ia Traffi!"uee#er GU,=.
A"uariu+ $ ,nsta//ation
Setup Aquarium )aemon0 Agent and %12 pages:
To insta// A"uariu+6 first 1ou need to o+pi/e the soures6 as sho5n 'e/o5:
First enter into the .../a"uariu+ fo/der6 then o+pi/e the sa+e to 0et re/ease 'ui/d.
TrootE'arauda a"uariu+UV php -f +akeWre/ease.php
*o5 1ou need to insta// this re/ease 5hih is no5 'ui/t and read1. !o fo//o5 these steps:
3nter/-han0e into the re/ease fo/der.
TrootE'arauda a"uariu+UV d re/ease/
Upon a suessfu/ 'ui/d </ast step=6 1ou an see a// the fi/es o7er here. !o no5 1ou an run setup
sript to insta//.
TrootEstarfish re/easeUV ./setup
)e/o+e to A"uariu+ - setup 5i#ard
Kind/1 se/et
TiUnsta///T,Unsta// 5ith no onfir+ation and TuUninsta///TUUninsta// 5ith no onfir+ation: Ti/,/u/UU: ,
,nsta//in0 A"uariu+ ...
error readin0 infor+ation on ser7ie rond: *o suh fi/e or diretor1
*ote: For5ardin0 re"uest to 's1ste+t/ ena'/e rond.ser7ie'.
:ediretin0 to /'in/s1ste+t/ restart rond.ser7ie
*ote: For5ardin0 re"uest to 's1ste+t/ ena'/e httpd.ser7ie'.
:ediretin0 to /'in/s1ste+t/ start httpd.ser7ie
*ote: For5ardin0 re"uest to 's1ste+t/ ena'/e +1s"/d.ser7ie'.
:ediretin0 to /'in/s1ste+t/ start +1s"/d.ser7ie
.one P
,nsta//in0 A"uariu+ A0ent in </7ar/555/ht+/= Apahe defau/t 5e'root fo/der ...
.one P
,nsta//in0 A"uariu+ GU, in </7ar/555/ht+/= Apahe defau/t 5e'root fo/der ...
.one P
!ettin0 Appropriate ;er+issions in </7ar/555/ht+/= Apahe defau/t 5e'root fo/der ...
.one P
Thank 1ou P
TrootEstarfish re/easeUV
*o5 1ou are done 5ith the A"uariu+ dae+on and a0ent setup.
3,S4L )ata$ase Setup for Aquarium:
A"uariu+ +aintains its /i+ited +eta-data6 the+es6 partia//1 so+e onfi0urations6 and historia/
statistis in 41!F% 'ased .ataBase ta'/es. ,t shou/d a/so store i+portant Traffi!"uee#er histori
statistis6 !"uid--ahe onfi0urations6 !"uid--ahe statistis and so on.
>ene it is +andator1 that users do 41!F% setup too.
23&O.TANT NOT5: A"uariu+ +a1 store ta'/es/.Bs in the na+e of Traffi !"uee#er or so+ethin0 e/se6 users
an i0nore this no+en/ature 5hih is used.
NOT5: >o5e7er in future6 A"uariu+ +a1 re+o7e this +anua/ +ode 41!F% setup6 and instead support the sa+e
7ia the inte0rated A"uariu+ setup uti/it1 itse/f.
>ere is a si+p/e step-'1-step proedure to set it up:
Turn on +1s"/d ser7ie/dae+on:
Vser7ie +1s"/d start
)e reate/onfi0ure 41!F% for ad+in user 'root' and pass5ord '5e/o+e'6 here are the si+p/e steps6
5hih 1ou an han0e the+ aordin0/1:
Test 41s"/ aess:
V+1s"/ -u root
-onfi0ure pass5ord for user root:
V+1s"/ad+in -u root pass5ord '5e/o+e'
Test 41s"/ aess 5ith pass5ord:
V+1s"/ -uroot -p5e/o+e
-reate a .ata'ase:
+1s"/X reate data'ase a"uariu+I
)ork 5ithin .ata'ase:
+1s"/X use a"uariu+I
-reate one 'asi pre-insta///setup Ta'/e:
+1s"/X -:3AT3 TAB%3 profi/e <
id int<10= unsi0ned *(T *U%% AUT(W,*-:343*T6
profi/e 7arhar<@00= *(T *U%% .3FAU%T '*U%%'6
userna+e 7arhar<K0= *(T *U%% .3FAU%T '*U%%'6
pass5ord 7arhar<K0= *(T *U%% .3FAU%T '*U%%'6
d' 7arhar<K0= *(T *U%% .3FAU%T '*U%%'6
;:,4A:8 K38 <id=
*o5 reate one sin0/e ro5 5ithin this ta'/e:
insert into profi/e <id6 userna+e6 pass5ord= 7a/ues <16 9root9695e/o+e9=I
23&O.TANT NOT5: This ta'/e <profi/e= is neessar1 so that 1ou an /o0in in the A"uariu+ for the first
23&O.TANT NOT5: .o not han0e the .ata'ase pass5ord/user detai/s. A"uariu+ is hard-oded to aess
/oa/ 41!F% data'ase 5ith this aess redentia/s. ,nstead 1ou an '/ok e&terna/ users fro+ aessin0
this data'ase a/to0ether 7ia 41!F% ad7ane onfi0uration.
Grant A// per+issions:
+1s"/X 0rant usa0e on O.O to rootE/oa/host identified '1 '5e/o+e'I
A"uariu+ $ 5e'-GU,
8ou an aess on-/ine A"uariu+ GU, 7ia 1our 'ro5ser:
"asic 2nterface La,out:
Un/ike a traditiona/ 5e'-site /ook and fee/6 A"uariu+ is de/i'erate/1 +ade to /ook /ike an1 nor+a/
;-/!er7ie GU, interfae.
8ou an na7i0ate +ost ite+s 7ia this 'e/o5 sho5n 'otto+ task'ar-X+enus-Xsu'+enus.
Na'igation 'ia Ta$let &/ and or 'ia i&ad:
,f users use Ta'/et ;- and or i;ad6 and re+ote/1 onnet the s1ste+ 5hih has A"uariu+ GU,6 then the1
an use diret/1 the /o0o of CA"uariu+D in the +idd/e to na7i0ate throu0h as sho5n in the 'e/o5
Upon /ikin0 this +idd/e A"uariu+ %o0o6 it opens the inter+ediate dash'oard. And so 1ou an na7i0ate
aross a// the portions of A"uariu+. >ene this is an a/ternate 5a1 to use A"uariu+ 5ithout usin0 its
'otto+ task'ar.
Besides 1ou shou/d a/so 0et these inter+ediate dash'oards 5ith 5hih 1ou an na7i0ate further 'e/o5
/isted ite+s.
A/on0 5ith these 1ou an a/so na7i0ate eah pa0e 7ia these top na7i0ation entities.
For +ore infor+ation and for a detai/ed piture a'out A"uariu+ GU, kind/1 refer these 8ouTu'e 7ideos
5here 1ou an see /i7e f/o5 of the sa+e rather than these sreenshots.
NOT5: 8our A"uariu+ 7ersion and the A"uariu+ in these 7ideos +i0ht differ6 'ut the 'asi /ook-and-fee/
and the onept shou/d re+ain the sa+e.
Aquarium "ird6s 5,e 'iews:
For eah +a?or app/iation and or open-soure pro?et A"uariu+ offers Bird's e1e 7ie5 for the sa+e.
This is /ike a 0eneri Csho5D -%, o++and of +ost de7ies in GU, for+at. Bird's e1e 7ie5 sho5s the
o7era// piture or senario of 1our entire s1ste+ settin0s of that feature/pro?et/+odu/e/app/iation.
!o A"uariu+ offers 'ird's e1e 7ie5 for Traffi!"uee#er and !"uid--ahe soft5are. The other +ain purpose
and use of 'ird's e1e 7ie5 is that users <Ad+inistrators= an take print-out of these pa0es and if
re"uired an fi/e the+ and e7en +ark the+ on these papers for re0u/ar use and for off/ine referene.
A/so if re"uired6 Ad+inistrators an e7en paste these printed sheets on 5a// or near the ser7er<s= for
"uik referene. And e7en in this ase the1 an +ark further an1 detai/s diret/1 on top of this
printed sheet/hart.
>ere is the sa+p/e sreenshoot of A"uariu+ 'ird's e1e 7ie5 of Traffi!"uee#er:
>ere is the sa+p/e sreenshoot of A"uariu+ 'ird's e1e 7ie5 of !"uid:
Videos of A"uariu+ .e+o:
)emonstration - Aquarium - 787(89
U:%: http://555.1outu'e.o+/5athR7Y'"G"*ZG59,
Videos of other speifi senarios 5ith A"uariu+:
)emonstration of Traffic Squeezer - Single s,stem simulation mode
U:%: http://555.1outu'e.o+/5athR7YdT9hN8&tseA
)emonstration of Traffic Squeezer - #TT& Access )&2 Logs - wit- Aquarium
U:%: http://555.1outu'e.o+/5athR7Y1tZf&3.n(uo
Traffic Squeezer - .eal-time "enc-marking
U:%: http://555.1outu'e.o+/5athR7Yk-n;"tL1WA3
)emonstration - L9 filter - )NS "lock feature 'ia Aquarium
U:%: http://555.1outu'e.o+/5athR7Yhu%Z#+rJ7kU
,n future 1ou shou/d 0et e7en +ore senario speifi A"uariu+ .e+onstration 7ideos6 5hih shou/d 'e
a/so added into this dou+ent to refer speifi setions or senarios.
Traffi!"uee#er ,ntrodution
To read a'out 0eneri introdution6 theor1 and detai/s a'out Traffi!"uee#er6 kind/1 refer the e&istin0
on/ine dou+entation setion fro+ the offiia/ Traffi!"uee#er 5e'site.
The +ain Traffi!"uee#er .ou+entation setion: http://555.traffis"uee#er.or0/do.php
NOT5: Traffi!"uee#er on/ine dou+entation shou/d ha7e +ini+a/ +u/ti-/an0ua0e support. A// the pa0es
are trans/ated 7ia Goo0/e Trans/ate too/. >ene users an partia//1 0et +u/ti-/an0ua0e dou+entation.
First t-ings First0 w-at is t-e exact definition of TrafficSqueezer:
;-at is TrafficSqueezer:
Aordin0 to +e there are K-[ definitions for Traffi!"uee#er6 and strit/1 it is not one so/ution6 as
+an1 users assu+e. ,f 1ou assu+e Traffi!"uee#er is for on/1 )A* (pti+i#ation6 then 1ou are e&tre+e/1
TrafficSqueezer is a ;AN Optimization <SOL1T2ON=8 - it has o+p/ete o//etion of
+odu/es/o+ponents B too/s to use it as an end-user )A* (pti+i#ation so/ution.
TrafficSqueezer is a ;AN Optimization <F.A35-;O.!=8 - it an 'e used as a fra+e-5ork and one an
<+ost/1 a fir+ or (34=6 an 'ui/d their )A* (pti+i#ation de7ie. ,n this ase Traffi!"uee#er is
a fra+e-5ork and ra5 +ateria/ for this ?o'/re"uire+ent.
TrafficSqueezer is a network &acket 5ngineering solution8 - for0et )A* (pti+i#ation6 if 1ou 5ant
to usto+ en0ineer net5ork pakets6 ontro/ the net5ork f/o56 o+'ine the traffi6 sp/it the
traffi6 /oad-sharin06 hak the pakets 1ou an do 7ia Traffi!"uee#er. >ene it is not a/5a1s a
)A* (pti+i#ation so/ution.
Traffi!"uee#er -onfi0uration and .ou+entation
A/on0 5ith the infor+ation in this dou+entation6 1ou an a/so refer the a'o7e 7ideo speifi to eah
Traffi!"uee#er onfi0uration senario. ,n future +ore ne5 7ideos to 'e up/oaded and the sa+e 5i// 'e
/inked here for referene.
Tool-tips: A"uariu+ Traffi !"uee#er onfi0uration and settin0s +odu/es ontains too/-tips for eah
speifi onfi0uration option. >ene 1ou an refer the sa+e on-de+and to kno5 +ore a'out the sa+e.
For e&a+p/e 'e/o5 is a sreen-shot of A"uariu+ Too/-tip:
;izard*s+: A"uariu+ Traffi!"uee#er 5i#ard ontains the i+portant Traffi !"uee#er user-friend/1
interati7e onfi0uration 5i#ard assistane. )ith this users an usua//1 onfi0ure and ahie7e up to
L0-100S Traffi !"uee#er de7ie onfi0uration o'?eti7es.
For e&a+p/e 'e/o5 is a sreen-shot of A"uariu+ Traffi!"uee#er 5i#ard first pa0e:
To kno5 a'out o+'ination of )i#ards and settin0s o+ponents6 1ou an refer the rea/-ti+e d1na+i
TrafficSqueezer feature specific )ocumentation:
!ine no5 1ou ha7e feature speifi too/-tips6 1ou an refer the too/-tips 'asia//1 to understand
Traffi!"uee#er feature speifi .ou+entation. A/so the 5i#ard ontains dou+entation in eah step to
further assist.
23&O.TANT NOT5 > .5A)-ONL? @aria$lesSettings:
Users need to understand that eah feature +a1 ontain one to +an1 settin0s/7aria'/es. *o5 in order to
inrease the Traffi!"uee#er run-ti+e perfor+ane and a/so to redue and refine the f/o5 of the ode
and run-ti+e /o0i6 so+e of the 7aria'/es are +ade as read-on/1. This 0reat/1 redues the ti+e 5hen
users 5ant to "uik/1 setup a 5orkin0 Traffi!"uee#er dep/o1+ent. .ue to the sa+e6 no5 instead of
fidd/in0 5ith u+'erso+e settin0s6 users 5i// ha7e a/read1 a partia//1 onfi0ured setup 5hih is hi0h/1
fine-tuned for 0reat opti+a/ perfor+ane.
Traffi!"uee#er :un-Ti+e perfor+ane6 ;aket .e/i7er1 and %aten1
,t is one of the ore fous that 5e 0et +a&i+u+ a+ount of possi'/e )A* (pti+i#ation 5ith +a&i+u+ a+ount
of paket de/i7er1 rate i.e effeti7e throu0hput 4'ps6 and G'ps perfor+ane out of Traffi!"uee#er. ,t
is o'ser7ed 5ith thousands of tria/s on 7arious s1ste+s that Traffi!"uee#er needs effeti7e/1 ra5 -;U
proessin0 po5er. , 'enh+ark an1 ;-/!er7er first 7ia the tota/ ti+e taken to o+pi/e the %inu& Kerne/
5ith fu// -;U /oad <i.e 100S=. ,n other 5ords a sheer 4,;! is the 'est 5a1 to 'enh+ark in an
app/iation /ike this. !ine 5e are not usin0 these s1ste+s as ho+e ;- or 0a+in0 ;-s or ser7ers or
5orkstations6 +ost of the -;U 'enh+arks done o++eria//1 is not +uh app/ia'/e for Traffi!"uee#er
kind of re"uire+ent.
>ene to ahie7e the sa+e here are so+e of the steps undertaken:
,ntrodution of :ead-(n/1 Varia'/es.
:edues the o+p/iations6 /ess ode6 /ess /aten1 per-paket.
%ess run-ti+e user settin0s. *o u+'erso+e settin0s.
Traffi!"uee#er <usto+ %inu& Kerne/= ,nsta//ation
The do5n/oad 1ou 0et is a pak of Traffi!"uee#er Kerne/ ore a pre-pathed %inu& Kerne/ and paked
5ith A"uariu+ GU,.
,n other 5ords it is ?ust a 7ir0in 7ani//a %inu& Kerne/ <do5n/oaded fro+ 555.kerne/.or0= pathed 5ith
(pen-!oure Traffi!"uee#er Kerne/ ore soure.
To o+pi/e the Kerne/6 1ou an fo//o5 the steps as a/read1 hi0h/1 detai/ed and pu'/ished in the
Traffi!"uee#er on/ine dou+entation. >ere are the U:%s for referene:
;a0e1: http://555.traffis"uee#er.or0/dWkerne/Wo+pi/ation.php
;a0e@: http://555.traffis"uee#er.or0/dWkerne/Wo+pi/ation@.php
;a0eK: http://555.traffis"uee#er.or0/dWkerne/Wo+pi/ationK.php
;a0e[: http://555.traffis"uee#er.or0/dWkerne/Wo+pi/ation[.php
,f 1ou ha7e issues 5ith respet to hard5are o+pati'i/it16 de7ie dri7er issues6 1ou +a1 need to path
it6 and so 'ui/d 1our usto+ kerne/ further.
>ere are so+e fre"uent issues 1ou fae 5hi/e usin0 a usto+ kerne/ <in/udes e7en kerne/ do5n/oaded
fro+ kerne/.or0=:
Kerne/ rash $ due to +issin0 proper de7ie dri7ers6 -;U ino+pati'i/ities and other Kerne/
+odu/e settin0s.
Kerne/ rash $ due to hard5are ino+pati'i/ities.
Fai/in0 to 'oot $ due to non-ena'/in0 of speifi partition and or fi/e-s1ste+ kerne/ +odu/es.
Fai/in0 to 'oot $ due to 'oot /oader issues.
Fai/in0 to detet *,- -ards and other hard5are $ ena'/e the speifi Kerne/ dri7er +odu/es
'efore o+pi/ation of the sa+e.
Kerne/ rash/inonsistenies $ perhaps so+e 'u0 in so+e parts of the kerne/ ode of that
re/ease6 +a1 not 'e o+p/ete/1 re/ated to Traffi!"uee#er. ;/ease re+e+'er not a// the kerne/s
are sta'/e kerne/s. Kind/1 7isit for +ore detai/s a'out sta'/e6 7s. e&peri+enta/ and
inter+ediate kerne/ re/eases.
Virtua/i#ation p/atfor+s <in/udin0 V4)are=: !o+eti+es these p/atfor+s +a1 fai/ to +ore reent
7ersions of kerne/. That ertain/1 in/udes Traffi!"uee#er pre-pathed kerne/ 1ou 0et. >ene ,
strit/1 reo++end either 1ou first pre-usto+i#e aordin0 to the speifiations of these
Virtua/i#ed p/atfor+s. 8ou +a1 notie 'ootin0 issues6 as 5e// as rashes if it is not o+p/ete/1
o+pati'/e. This is not a fu//-f/ed kerne/ 5hih is prepaked 5ith U'untu/Fedora/-ent(!
distri'utions. ,t is a 'asi kerne/.or0 kerne/ 5ith Traffi!"uee#er ode in it.
>ene the a'o7e points +a1 0i7e 1ou so+e idea a'out 5hat 1ou need to do and or understand 5hen there is
a issue. This kerne/ 5hih 1ou are usin0 is a 0enera/ purpose kerne/ un/ike a kerne/ pre-paked in
U'untu/Fedora/-ent(!6et distri'utions. The kerne/ in an1 %inu& distri'ution is a hi0h/1 tested6 and
pre-pathed kerne/.
>ene do to the e&tent of the kno5/ed0e re"uired and the o+p/e&it16 , su00est if users find it hard to
0et a 5orkin0 usto+ kerne/6 it is su00ested to 0et so+e e&pert option and support.
Note: Traffi!"uee#er do not support 1et &ZA-A[ 'it 'ased p/atfor+s. !o use on/1 K@-'it 0eneri &ZA
p/atfor+ as 1our test or dep/o1+ent (! p/atfor+.
Traffi!"uee#er .ep/o1+ent !a+p/es
Traffi !"uee#er $ !er7er/.e7ie (pti+i#ation
Traffi !"uee#er an 'e insta//ed in an1 ser7er or de7ie/+ahine6 and an 'e +ade to send opti+i#ed
pakets to se/et re+ote ,; su'nets. This e/i+inates o+p/ete/1 the use of one dediated Traffi
!"uee#er router/'rid0e onfi0ured as a 0ate5a1. Traffi !"uee#er features an 'e se/eti7e/1 ena'/ed on
an1 dediated s1ste+s ;-s or e7en ser7ers </ike .B ser7er6 )e' ser7ers6 Fi/e ser7ers6 3+ai/ ser7ers and
so on=. )hen this +ode of opti+i#ation is ena'/ed6 the s1ste+ '1 itse/f too 0ets apa'/e of sendin0 and
aeptin0 Traffi !"uee#er opti+i#ed pakets6 'esides 5hih it +a1 a/so 5ork as a traditiona/ routin0
Load S-aring > )i'ide and /onquer
Assu+e there is a /ar0e enterprise setup6 in order to share the paket proessin0 /oad as 5e// to
ahie7e Di$ide and !onquer strate0ies6 T! an 'e dep/o1ed as sho5n 'e/o5. !ine there are +u/tip/e
inexpensive Traffi !"uee#er de7ies6 the sin0/e point of fai/ure senario is o+p/ete/1 a7oided and
1et at the sa+e ti+e ahie7e /oad sharin0 ad7anta0es P
Load S-aring > &ipeline 3ode
8ou an use +u/tip/e Traffi !"uee#er +ahines in this onfi0uration as sho5n 'e/o5 and ena'/e 7arious
opti+i#ation features se/eti7e/1 in eah Traffi !"uee#er de7ie so that the proessin0 /oad an 'e
shared aross the +ahines. This strate01 +i0ht he/p in a hi0h-speed /ink. !a1 for e&a+p/e if one
+ahine does o+pression6 and so on6 the other +ahine an perfor+ paket te+p/atin06 oa/esin0 a/one.
This 5a1 in-e&pensi7e +u/tip/e Traffi !"uee#er +ahines an 'e dep/o1ed. For e7en +ore ritia/ /inks
e7en +ore than t5o +ahines an 'e used or 5ith a o+'ination of other /oad sharin0 strate0ies 5ith
Usua//1 e&pensi7e net5ork app/iane de7ies o7ers a// these features into a hi0h/1 e&pensi7e dediated
hard5are. But the o'7ious dis-ad7anta0e is that so+eti+es its tou0h to up0rade6 as 5e// so+eti+es it
+i0ht introdue so+e /i+itations ti+e to ti+e 5ith the upo+in0 infrastruture needs/re"uire+ents. This
is the +ain reason 5here Traffi !"uee#er a/thou0h 'ein0 a o+p/ete soft5are so/ution an 'e used 5hih
a/5a1s 5orks in a 0eneri o+putationa/ p/atfor+. ,t is eas1 to up0rade the Traffi !"uee#er soft5are6
as 5e// eas1 to up0rade the hard5are ?ust in ase.
And not ?ust that6 e7en 1ou an onfi0ure these s1ste+s one in :outin0 +ode and other in Brid0in0 +ode.
This 5a1 'oth these +ahine an 'e as sho5n 'e/o5:
Routing Mode Routing Mode
Routing Mode Bridging Mode
Bridging Mode Bridging Mode
Bridging Mode Routing Mode
These reati7e onfi0urations are pure/1 situationa/ as one an understand6 Brid0in0 +ode usua//1
redues si0nifiant /aten1 and paket proessin06 as 5e// +akes the presene of Traffi !"uee#er e7en
+ore transparent 5ith respet to the dep/o1ed infrastruture.
3ulti-'endor /onnecti'it,
,n ase if the or0ani#ation 0ets data onneti7it1 7ia +u/tip/e 7endors6 <for the o'7ious reasons /ike
/oad sharin0 and a 'akup seondar1 /ink and so on=6 T! an 'e dep/o1ed in these senarios as sho5n
!i+i/ar dep/o1+ent 7ia an inter+ediate router.
3ulti-site /onnecti'it,
,n ase if the or0ani#ation ha7e +u/tip/e sites <or +u/tip/e 0eo0raphia/ 'ranhes=6 then in that ase
Traffi !"uee#er an 'e dep/o1ed as sho5n 'e/o5.
/onnecti'it, 'ia t-ird-part, @&N )e'ice
,n ase if there is a dediated third-part1 V;* .e7ie is a/read1 dep/o1ed6 then in that ase a Traffi
!"uee#er dep/o1+ent an 'e done as sho5n 'e/o5.
;arning: *e7er dep/o1 Traffi!"uee#er after a V;* de7ie6 it is o'7ious the traffi +i0ht 0et a/read1
enr1pted in the V;* +ahine6 this /ea7es not +uh roo+ for Traffi!"uee#er to perfor+ an1 paket-5ise
!i+u/ation of Traffi!"uee#er 5ith 1 stand-a/one +ahine
!i+u/ation of Traffi!"uee#er in ser7er/de7ie </oa/-de7ie= +ode. This 5a1 an1 stand-a/one +ahine
onneted to ,nternet or an1 net5ork an 'e si+u/ated as if it does Traffi !"uee#er onfi0ured
opti+i#ation tehni"ues. This si+u/ates one diretion of Traffi '1 opti+i#in0 it6 and 'ak un-
opti+i#in0 <re7erse opti+i#ation= it. Before the pakets /ea7es the Traffi!"uee#er de7ie6 0ets
o+pressed and opti+i#ed6 and a0ain 0ets un-o+pressed and un-opti+i#ed and sent out6 5hi/e doin0 so6
the statistis are aptured6 5hih 0i7es an idea of the perfor+ane6 and perenta0e of data
,t is "uite 7er1 eas1 to setup a sin0/e s1ste+ si+u/ation +ode. Kind/1 refer this 7ideo 5hih is a
/i7e-de+onstration of the sa+e.
)emonstration of Traffic Squeezer - Single s,stem simulation mode
U:%: http://555.1outu'e.o+/5athR7YdT9hN8&tseA
#ow and w-, Simulation mode is useful :
!a7es 1our ti+e.
,t is e&tre+e/1 eas1 to setup and test the Traffi !"uee#er stak <e&ept -oa/esin0 feature6
-oa/esin0 feature 5i// not 5ork in si+u/ation +ode.
Vpin0 1@L.0.0.1 <i.e 1ou are testin0 o+p/ete/1 1our T-;/,; net5ork stak ri0htR= sa+e 5a1
Traffi !"uee#er si+u/ation +ode6 1ou are testin0 L0-90S of Traffi !"uee#er stak a/read1.
Besides6 si+u/ation +ode he/ps 1ou +ain/1 to %3A:* and U*.3:!TA*. Traffi !"uee#er too.
Traffi !"uee#er (pti+i#ation +ode in si+u/ation is e&tre+e/1 po5erfu/. This does rea/ rea/ Traffi
!"uee#er traffi opti+i#ation and a0ain does traffi un-opti+i#ation. This +akes it o+pati'/e 5ith the
entire e&istin0 non-Traffi !"uee#er infrastruture. The si+u/ation is a/so tests 90S of the Traffi
!"uee#er Kerne/ *et5ork stak apa'i/ities and the resu/ts and 'enh+arkin0 deri7ed out of it is
aurate up to 99S of that of the Traffi !"uee#er de7ie onfi0ured 5ithout si+u/ation in a data rea/
opti+i#ation setup.
#ere is t-e reason w-, and -ow it works:
.urin0 si+u/ation6 Traffi!"uee#er on7erts ra5 ino+in0 and out0oin0 pakets into Traffi!"uee#er
opti+i#ed pakets6 5hih a0ain on7erted/rereated into ra5 pakets. This 5a1 Traffi!"uee#er si+u/ates
e&at/1 Traffi!"uee#er opti+i#ation in a non Traffi !"uee#er net5ork/infrastruture.
Traffi!"uee#er 4ise//aneous features
TrafficSqueezer > 3akes-ift .outer
A "uik +ake shift router an 'e "uik/1 onfi0ured 7ia Traffi!"uee#er. Assu+e 1ou ha7e a o/d out-
dated %aptop/;-6 1ou an onfi0ure as a "uik +akeshift router6 or as a 'akup router6 or a stand-'1
router in ase on an e7ent of pri+ar1 /ink ser7ie outa0e and so on. A +akeshift router not on/1 he/ps
a ho+e user6 'ut an he/p e7en +iro and +ini 'usiness esta'/ish+ents.
Assu+e 1ou ha7e an out-dated /aptop insta//ed 5ith %inu& distri'ution. *o5 assu+e 1ou ha7e so+e for+ of
internet -.4A/KG .ata ard6 the sa+e an 'e "uik/1 used as a s+a// offie or a ho+e router as sho5n
!harin0 the /ink 5ith one or oup/e of +ore s1ste+s 7ia an outdated /aptop:
!harin0 the /ink 5ith a s+a// >o+e or (ffie <or !(>(= %A*:
)A:*,*G: ;/ease note that durin0 a onfi0uration /ike this6 .( *(T ena'/e Traffi!"uee#er data
opti+i#ation features 5hih an a/ter the paket ontents na+e/1 o+pression6 oa/esin06 http-
opti+i#ation6 traffi te+p/atin0 and so on.
>o5e7er6 on a 'ri0hter side6 users an use Traffi!"uee#er other opti+i#ation tehni"ues suh as Fo!
ser7ie6 Fire5a// ser7ie6 http-ahin06 and so on6 this 5a1 users an ontro/ the internet sharin0 and
offer s+ooth data onneti7it1 7ia /ink sharin0 /ike an1 other ad7ane +ana0ed router or net5ork
app/iane de7ie P
Traffi!"uee#er !tatistis - ,nterpretation
,n this setion , a+ 0oin0 to disuss the 5a1 1ou need to understand and interpret the Traffi!"uee#er
run-ti+e statistis disp/a1ed in the A"uariu+ GU,.
#ere is t-e screens-ot of TrafficSqueezer Statistics:
First 1ou need to understand is that there are 7arious ate0ories of statistis. !o+e of the+ are
re/ated to Traffi!"uee#er statistis6 and so+e are atua//1 a 'reak-up of 0eneri statistis. ,.e:
(7era// !tatistis
-o+pression !tatistis
>TT; (pti+i#ation !tatistis
Te+p/atin0 !tatistis
-oa/esin0 !tatistis
Fi/ter .*! !tatistis
;aket !i#es !tatistis
,; ;rotoo/ !tatistis
,n0ress denotes the f/o5 of traffi fro+ %A* to )A*. >ene it is atua//1 a f/o5 fro+ ,n0ress to
30ress6 5hih in short represented as C,*G:3!!D. >ene 1ou shou/d a/5a1s interpret as ,n0ress-X30ress
traffi f/o5.
30ress denotes the f/o5 of traffi fro+ )A* to %A*. >ene it is atua//1 a f/o5 fro+ 30ress to ,n0ress6
5hih in short represented as C3G:3!!D. >ene 1ou shou/d a/5a1s interpret as 30ress-X,n0ress traffi
.iret Traffi!"uee#er opti+i#ation statistis <opti+i#ation +eans , refer here as so+e data
opti+i#ation 7ia Traffi!"uee#er=6 are represented 7ia C(7era// (pti+i#ation !tatistisD and 7ia
C-oa/esin0 !tatistisD. )here-as indiret opti+i#ation statistis are represented 7ia C;aket !i#es
!tatistisD and C,; ;rotoo/ !tatistisD. ,f Traffi!"uee#er is disa'/ed <i.e no opti+i#ation is
ena'/ed=6 then ;aket !i#es !tatistis and ,; ;rotoo/ !tatistis 5i// 'e "uite representati7e6 and
5i// /ear/1 sho5 5hate7er reei7ed in ,n0ress port6 is for5arded 5ithout an1 han0e/opti+i#ation to
30ress port. And si+i/ar/1 5hate7er reei7ed in 30ress port6 is for5arded to the ,n0ress port.
TrafficSqueezer - O'erall Optimization Statistics:
This is a +easure 5hih dea/s 5ith C.ATA or ;A-K3T !,G3 :3.U-T,(*D. >ene it is /assified as suh.
This is the +easure of o7era// o+'ined opti+i#ation i.e 7ia -o+pression6 Te+p/atin06 and >TT;
(pti+i#ation. >ene , a// it as (7era// (pti+i#ation !tatistis. ;/ease note -oa/esin0 is a paket
-(U*T redution tehni"ue6 <and not paket-si#e redution tehni"ue=6 hene it is not o+'ined 5ith
this +easure.
TrafficSqueezer - /oalescing Statistics:
This is a +easure 5hih dea/s 5ith C;A-K3T -(U*T :3.U-T,(*D. !ine it has nothin0 to do 5ith ;aket-
si#e redution6 , do not /assif1 it 5ith opti+i#ation statistis. ,nstead strit/1 -oa/esin0 is an
independent tehni"ue6 and hene its !tatistis is an independent +easure.
TrafficSqueezer > &acket Sizes Statistics:
This is the +ost 5onderfu/ statistis than a//. The reason is6 one Traffi!"uee#er is ena'/ed6 5e an
see CT:A*!,T,(*D of /ar0e pakets 0ettin0 on7erted into s+a//er pakets in ,*G:3!! f/o5. )hereas s+a//
pakets are 0ettin0 C:3-:3AT3.D into /ar0e pakets in 3G:3!! f/o5. >ene it is a diret proof of
Traffi!"uee#er (pti+i#ation <.ata :edution= strate01. (n the other hand6 if there are an1 pakets
5hih are C4,!!,*GD to 0et for5arded6 then it is a diret proof of operation of Traffi!"uee#er
-oa/esin0 !trate01. >ene paket !i#es !tatistis is a 7er1 i+portant 7isi'/e too/ to "uantif1 its
TrafficSqueezer > 2& &rotocol Statistics:
As the na+e su00ests it is a si+p/e ,; ;rotoo/-5ise !tatistis. There is no fun in this statistis in
re0u/ar onte&t. But ho5e7er6 +an1 users do not kno5 that CTraffi!"uee#er is a paket en0ineerin0 too/
'esides a )A* (pti+i#ation so/utionD6 in this onte&t if re"uired pakets an 'e hi?aked/haked6 and
an 'e on7erted into T-;-XU.;6 and U.;-XT-; for+ats. ,t +a1 'e 7er1 usefu/ in 7arious onte&ts in a
rea/ 5or/d senario6 to '1pass inter+ediate so-a//ed inte//i0ent net5orkin0 de7ies6 ,.!6 ,;! s1ste+s.
,f so it is done6 then ,; ;rotoo/ !tatistis is the on/1 5indo56 5e an see this transition in rea/-
Bui/din0 1our o5n -usto+ )A* (pti+i#ation ;rodut $ 5ith %inu&6 Traffi!"uee#er6
and other (pen-!oure Tehno/o0ies
This setion is +ain/1 for 7arious fir+s6 produt 7endors 5ho 5ant to 'ui/d their o5n )A* (pti+i#ation
T-is de'ice can $e a:
dediated )A* (pti+i#ation .e7ie
V!AT e"uip+ent <ena'/in0 )A* (pti+i#ation apa'i/ities 5ithin the sa+e=.
An1 other usto+ net5orkin0 de7ie <addin0 )A* (pti+i#ation apa'i/ities=
Some $asic constraints and product design c-allenges:
net5ork paket proessin0 hard5are off/oad
data p/ane and ontro/ p/ane 'arrier
perfor+ane 7s. -ost of prodution 7s. -ost of produt 1ou se//.
-hoosin0 ri0ht hard5are <-;U6 4e+or16 ae/erator ards6 et= aordin0 to the )A* !peeds it
needs to de/i7er.
Traffi!"uee#er is a state/ess net5ork stak. At/east for no5 Traffi!"uee#er is a state/ess stak6 i.e
un/ike T-;/,; stak6 it )O5S NOT +aintain an1 speifi state. This is done so6 so that it has e&e//ent
paket proessin0 perfor+ane. A/so it 5orks +uh /ike a net5ork s5ith 'ut 5ith )A* (pti+i#ation
Traffi!"uee#er insta//ation in a ;- 7s. Bui/din0 a >ard5are .e7ie 'ased Traffi!"uee#er )A*
(pti+i#ation app/iane:
TrafficSqueezer: %eneric &/ 2nstallation TrafficSqueezer: /ustom $uilt #ardware )e'iceAppliance
.ole: Traffi!"uee#er 5orks as a o+p/ete )A*
(pti+i#ation !o/ution $ i.e 'oth data-p/ane
and ontro/ p/ane o+ponents.
.ole: Traffi!"uee#er an 5ork as 'oth data-p/ane and
ontro/ p/ae so/ution. (r e/se6 Traffi!"uee#er an 'e
+ade as /i0ht-5ei0ht ontro/-p/ane fra+e-5ork and
off/oad the rea/-ti+e hi0h-speed paket-proessin0 to
an1 third-part1 hard5are hips.
%oss/ess o+pression on hip
3nription on hip
*et5ork ;roessor apa'i/ities off/oad
%12/L2: Generi users an use the A"uariu+
GU, p/atfor+ to ontro/ a// the operations of
A/thou0h it appears so+e features are
disa'/ed6 the rea/ reason 'ehind it is to
pre7ent an1 a'use. These an 'e han0ed
diret/1 in the kerne/ ode ho5e7er. The1 are
disa'/ed in A"uariu+ Traffi!"uee#er setion6
so that users 5i// not fae run-ti+e rashes.
%12/L2: ('7ious/1 users need to rep/ae A"uariu+6 and
need to support their o5n GU, 5ith their usto+ /ook
5hih an ontro/ entire de7ie <their o5n other s1ste+
o+ponents as 5e// Traffi!"uee#er=.
,f the1 ha7e e&istin0 -%, fra+e5ork the1 an e&tend6
and an support Traffi!"uee#er 5ithin it too.
/onfiguration: Traffi!"uee#er re/eased open-
soure so/ution is a hi0h/1 0eneri so/ution.
Based on the +ode of usa0e6 eah and
e7er1thin0 needs onfi0uration. This is
u+'erso+e6 'ut annot 'e a7oided 'eause its
a 0eneri fu// featured re/ease.
,n fe5 ases on/1 defau/ts an 'e set6 'ut
these annot 'e e7er hard-oded. This +akes
users to 5aste /ots of ti+e han0in0 the
settin0s6 '1 tria/ and error 'efore the1 0et
proper fine-tuned speifi to their needs.
/onfiguration: Traffi!"uee#er 5hih is 'ein0 used in a
de7ie an 'e easi/1 tri++ed off. The hi0h/1 o'7ious
defau/t settin0s an 'e diret/1 hard-oded.
37entua//1 '1 doin0 the a'o7e 1ou an 0et a
hi0h/1 pre-tuned s1ste+.
3&posin0 /ess onfi0uration options to the end-
A7oid onfusion and /utter to the end-user.
Faster insta//ation
%ess Trainin0 and Kno5/ed0e transfer.
User-friend/1 e&periene.
-redits and -on/usion
, sinere/1 thank a// the 7o/unteers6 friends6 pro?et sponsors and 5e// 5ishers 5ho he/ped +e6 and
supported the drea+ and idea a'out Traffi!"uee#er. ,f 1ou 0ot an1 su00estions6 "uestions6 and ideas
fee/ free to share 5ith +e.
Thank 1ou6 -heers B :e0ards6 Kiran
3+ai/: kiran.kankipatiE0+ai/.o+

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