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MIS are sad to be saying goodbye to Ozaki-san

one of our cleaners. Unfortunately he is leaving
MIS due to personal reasons and news on a
replacement will be passed on at the right time.
Ozaki-san has been with MIS for three years
now and always taken great pride in his work.
We wish him well in the future!
Calligraphy happening this week.
Grades 3-6 worked on calligraphy during Kokugo/
Japanese Studies lessons this week.
The Kanji characters they wrote are as below.
It is the first time for the Grade 3 to have a calligraphy lesson
at MIS. Children concentrated and wrote as neatly as they
could! Please have a look at them on the office building corri-

Ito-san teaching Grade 1 children about replanting salad greens.
Double Dutch Skipping
On Tuesday K3 organised for Chiba Double Dutch Asso-
ciation to come and show the children their skipping
techniques. They taught the children (who love skipping
already) how to do Double Dutch and we will put a
video onto Face Book very soon of the experience. This
Association perform free every 2nd Saturday of the
month at Chuo Park in front of Chiba Station.
Edition 93June 27th 2014
Welcome to the Ninety Third Edition


Return of Mrs Lockley
We are happy to announce that Mrs. Lockley is re-
turning to MIS from July 1st. I am sure the children
will look forward to seeing her once more and she
will start teaching lessons from 3rd July.
Grade 5 Trip to Tokyo Sea Life Park
Grade 5 children had an exciting and interesting visit to
the Tokyo Sea Life Park last Thursday. They were able to
see tuna swimming endlessly, rare species of fish and ex-
perience the touch pools with rays, catsharks and dog-
sharks! The turtles added to the experience moving among
the camouflaged karei. They learned much about aquar-
ium life!

Reminder that next Thursday on July 3rd there is a
Grade 5 Transfer Meeting where MIS staff will talk
about options for children when they graduate from
Makuhari International School.
School Survey Letter
This will be distributed to parents on July 11th.
Thank you.
MIS are pleased to announce that Miss Amatt will be
officially taking over as Kindergarten Co-ordinator
from July 1st. Miss Amatt went through a rigorous in-
terviewing process and has spent the last month (as
well as currently) working with Mr. Rogers to ensure
there is a smooth transfer. I am sure this will be the
case. We wish her well and are confident that she has
the right blend of skills to help continue to improve
what we already do in Kindergarten. In regards to an
extra K2 teacherI would like to inform parents that I
have interviewed several excellent candidates and will
give more news about this to parents at the appropriate
Next Weeks Dates
June 30th. Grade 3 visiting Chiba Port Tower Park.
July 1st. K3 Pianica Assembly.
July 3rd. Grade 5 visiting Tokyo Modern Art Mu-
Governor of Hiroshima visiting MIS!!

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