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Learning English

Vo Xuan Vinh
Volume 1A
November 5, 2013

Seasons & Weather


Autumn to winter,
winter into spring,
Spring into summer,
summer into fall.
rolls the changing year,
and so we change;
Motion so swift,
we know not
that we move.
Dinah Craik, Immutable.

This is a list of vocabulary items related to the seasons of the year and the weather.

it's hot.

it's sunny.

people go to the

people usually go on
it's often windy.

it's cloudy.

it's a bit cold.
it's very cold.

it rains.

it's rainy.

it snows.

it's snowy.
it's warm.

it's nice.

people go on a picnic.
Its rainy
c m!a
c my
c gi
c tuy"t
c n#ng



Listen and ll in the blanks

Autumn is such ______________________ of the year. Of course it is cool because the
temperatures ______________________ summer. But it is also cool because its such a great
time of the year. I love the changing ______________________ . The di#erent autumn colors
are one of natures most ______________________ . Sometimes I cant stop looking at the
mountains near my house. They are like an ______________________ of golds, reds, yellows,
browns and other autumnal colors. In America they call autumn fall because that is when
______________________ from the trees. I like ______________________ of autumn. Summer
is over ______________________ still wear a T-shirt just about. You can also spend hours
outdoors ______________________ . Autumn is the best time of the year to go hiking
______________________ long walks.

Vocabulary Fact

Temperature is how hot or cold a thing is. Our bodies can feel the di#erence between
something which is hot and something which is cold.
Water freezes at a temperature of 0 C, 32 F, or 273.15 K.
The temperature inside the human body is close to 37 C or 98 F.
Water boils at 100 C, 212 F, or 373.15 K.
The coldest possible temperature is absolute zero. Absolute zero is 0 K,-459 F, or -273.15
C. At absolute zero molecules and atoms come to rest and so have no heat energy.



Listen and ll in the blanks

Rain, rain go away. __________________ day. This is a nursery rhyme we
__________________ England when we were small. We wanted it to stop raining so we could
play. There was nothing __________________ than looking at the rain outside the window
when we really wanted to go to the park. People around the world have di#erent
__________________. I went to Dubai once and it rained. People were dancing in the streets.
They said that rain __________________. They think its a special occasion when it rains so
__________________ it on their skin. That makes sense. __________________ it snows.
People in Alaska might think thats strange. I __________________ warming will a#ect rain.
More in some countries, less in others.

Vocabulary Fact

Rhyme means words that sound the same or similar in their endings. Poems and popular
song lyrics often use rhyme. A simple poem can also be called a rhyme.
Many examples of rhyme are in folk songs, children's songs, and of course in nursery
rhymes. Rhymes at the ends of the lines in a song or poem are normal:
Roses are red, violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet, and so are you.
Mary had a little lamb, its eece was white as snow,
And everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go.$

Asking about the weather
What's the weather like today?
Th)i ti"t hm nay th" no ?
How's the weather?
Is it cold outside? / Is it cold out?
Bn ngoi c l'nh khng ?
Is it hot outside? / Is it hot out?
Bn ngoi c nng khng ?
It's not too cold. It's not too hot.
Tr)i khng qu l'nh. Tr)i Khng qu nng.
It's getting colder. It's getting warmer.
Tr)i tr* l'nh h+n. Tr)i tr* (m h+n.
Nice weather
Beautiful weather, isn't it?
Th)i ti"t $%p, ph,i khng ?
It's a beautiful day, isn't it?
Th-t l m.t ngy $%p tr)i, ph,i khng ?
Nice morning today, isn't it?
Sng hm nay th-t $%p, ph,i khng ?
Yes, it is. / It sure is.
/ng v-y.
How nice the weather is today!
Th)i ti"t hm nay th-t l $%p!
The weather is ne.
Th)i ti"t t&t.
The weather is good today. The sky is clear,
the sun is shining, and birds are singing.
Hm nay th)i ti"t t&t. B0u tr)i th trong, n#ng
sng v nh1ng con chim $ang ht.
Bad weather
Terrible weather, isn't it?
Th)i ti"t t2, ph,i khng ?
What a terrible day!
Th-t l m.t ngy (th)i t"t) t2!
Yes. / It sure is.
/ng v-y.
It is cold, isn't it? / Cold, isn't it?
Tr)i l'nh, ph,i khng ?
It is hot, isn't it? / Hot, isn't it?
Tr)i nng, ph,i khng ?
The weather is bad today. The wind is blowing,
and it is getting colder.
Hm nay th)i ti"t x(u. C gi th3i v tr* l'nh
It's terrible outside. The snow is melting, and
the roads are slippery.
Ngoi tr*i (th)i ti"t) t2. Tuy"t $ang tan, v nh1ng
con $!)ng th tr+n tr4t.
It's windy. It's very windy.
Tr)i c gi. Tr)i nhi5u gi.
It's terribly cold. It's freezing cold. It's bitter
Tr)i l'nh kinh kh6ng. Tr)i l'nh bu&t. Tr)i l'nh
Rain and snow
It looks like rain. It looks as if it is going to rain.
Hnh nh! tr)i m!a. Hnh nh! tr)i s#p m!a.
It looks like snow. It looks as though it is going
to snow.
Hnh nh! tr)i $3 tuy"t. Tr)i nh! th7 $ang $3
It looks like it's going to be sunny.
Hnh nh! tr)i s#p c n#ng.
It's raining. It is raining hard. It is raining
Tr)i m!a. Tr)i m!a to. Tr)i $ang m!a l8n.
It's snowing. It is snowing heavily.
Tr)i $ang $3 tuy"t. Tr)i $ang $3 tuy"t n9ng.
It started raining in the morning.
Tr)i $ b#t $0u m!a t: sng.
When will it stop raining? When will the rain
Khi no t'nh m!a ?
I wish it would stop raining.
Ti !8c tr)i t'nh m!a.
I got caught in the rain yesterday.
Hm qua ti b; m#c m!a.
I was wet to the skin. I got wet to the skin.
Ti b; !8t s6ng.
I was soaking wet. I got soaking wet.
Don't go out now. Wait till the rain lets up a
/:ng ra ngoi by gi). Hy $4i $"n khi t m!a.
Weather forecast
Do you know the weather forecast?
B'n bi"t d< bo th)i ti"t khng ?
The weather report says cloudy, hot and
humid, but no rain.
Bo co th)i ti"t ni tr)i c my, nng v =m,
nh!ng khng m!a.
They said it might get windy at night.
H> ni c th7 c gi v5 $m.
There is an 80% chance of heavy rain. (eighty
80% kh, n?ng c m!a l8n.
It's supposed to get quite warm later in the
C th7 tr)i s@ (m hon ton sau $ vo bu3i
What's the temperature?
Nhi2t $. bao nhiu?
It's pretty warm, 20 degrees Celsius.
R(t (m, 20 $. C.
How much is that in degrees Fahrenheit?
Nh! v-y l bAng bao nhiu $. F ?
It's 68 degrees Fahrenheit.
68 $. F.
It's not so cold, about 35 degrees Fahrenheit.
Tr)i khng qu l'nh, kho,ng 35 $. F.
How much is that in degrees Celsius?
Nh! v-y l bAng bao nhiu $. C ?
About two degrees above zero.
Kho,ng 2 $. trn zero.
I like warm weather.
Ti thch th)i ti"t (m.
I hate hot weather.
Ti ght th)i ti"t nng.
I can't stand cold weather.
Ti khng th7 ch;u th)i ti"t l'nh.
I hate it when it's cold like this.
Ti ght tr)i l'nh nh! th" ny.
I hope it would get warmer soon.
Ti hi v>ng tr)i s@ (m h+n.
I love it when it's warm like this!
Ti yu th)i ti"t (m th" ny.
This heat is killing me!
Ci nng ny $ang gi"t ti.
I hope it would get cooler soon.
Ti hi v>ng tr)i s@ mt h+n.
Are you afraid of thunder and lightning?
B'n s4 s(m ch8p khng ?
What is your favorite season?
Ma yu thch nh(t c6a b'n l g ?
I like autumn. I like summer most of all.
Ti thch ma thu. Ti thch ma h nh(t.

Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head

(Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head-Dionne Warwick.mp3)

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
And just like the guy whose feet are too big for
his bed
Nothin' seems to t
Those raindrops are fallin' on my head, they
keep fallin'

So I just did me some talkin' to the sun
And I said I didn't like the way he got things
Sleepin' on the job
Those raindrops are fallin' on my head, they
keep fallin'

But there's one thing I know
The blues they send to meet me won't defeat
It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be
turnin' red
Cryin's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by
Because I'm free
Nothin's worryin' me

It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be
turnin' red
Cryin's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by
Because I'm free
Nothin's worryin' me

Listening Transcript


Autumn is such a cool time of the year. Of course it is cool because the temperatures drop
after summer. But it is also cool because its such a great time of the year. I love the
changing of the leaves. The di#erent autumn colours are one of natures most beautiful
scenes. Sometimes I cant stop looking at the mountains near my house. They are like an
artists palette of golds, reds, yellows, browns and other autumnal colours. In America they
call autumn fall because that is when the leaves fall from the trees. I like the coolness of
autumn. Summer is over but you can still wear a T-shirt just about. You can also spend
hours outdoors without sweating. Autumn is the best time of the year to go hiking and go
for long walks.


Rain, rain go away. Come back another day. This is a nursery rhyme we used to sing in
England when we were small. We wanted it to stop raining so we could play. There was
nothing more depressing than looking at the rain outside the window when we really
wanted to go to the park. People around the world have di#erent opinions on rain. I went to
Dubai once and it rained. People were dancing in the streets. They said that rain was so
precious. They think its a special occasion when it rains so they like to feel it on their skin.
That makes sense. I do the same when it snows. People in Alaska might think thats
strange. I wonder how global warming will a#ect rain. More in some countries, less in

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