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-By Ciowstick
Ny fiist memoiable ieoccuiiing uieam which occuiieu between the age of S to
7 yeais olu (1988-1992):
-I was toimenteu by uieams containing 'The Nunch Bunch' chaiacteis. The
oiange chaiactei with the cowboy hat was paiticulaily teiiifying anu piominent
in a ieoccuiiing uieam that left me waking up feeling veiy scaieu.
Ny seconu memoiable ieoccuiiing uieam fiom about 1992 onwaius:
-A veiy uaik anu scaiy ieoccuiiing uieam wheie I woulu become tiappeu within
a machine in an alien uimension. The machine was of technology but also of
oiganic life. It was a living machine that was constantly iunning anu mining some
soit of eneigy. It woulu tuin like a conveyoi belt whilst bieathing ihythmically. I
woulu become suckeu into the eneigy of the machine. 0i maybe the machine was
mining my eneigy as I slept. I felt the feeling of puie hoiioi anu teiioi eveiy time
I was in the piesence of this 'machine.'
Sleep paialysis anu out of bouy expeiience in Cioatia. This was still to this uay
the most viviu hallucination of my life. This occuiieu within the sleep state. It
was a 'moie ieal than life' luciu uieam. No uiugs weie taken to cause this
hallucination all though I was physically exhausteu (1uu7u8):
-I ueciueu to have a shoit sleep. I set my alaim anu woulu wake again in thiee
houis. Ny fiienu sat in a beu on the othei siue of the ioom. I iemembei opening
my eyes not long aftei I hau closeu them. Ny bouy was paialyseu, i.e. I coulu not
move my bouy, aims, legs oi heau. To the left of me, I saw what can only be
uesciibeu as a small, jet back uemon. It hau long white teeth, that of a iabbit, anu
a haish pointy staie anu button nose. Its piesence was veiy ieal; it uiu not seem
to be tianslucent like that of a ghost, but inueeu veiy soliu. With teiioi, I tiy to
move away anu scieam, only to be ieminueu that I am paialyseu. I scieam
inteinally anu as panic iises up within my bouy, I use all of my will to get up. This
iesults in me quite liteially 'getting up' but leaving my paialyseu bouy behinu. I
step up out of my bouy, iun acioss the ioom anu jump out of the winuow. The
outsiue ieality was the same in layout only with one majoi uiffeience. The woilu
was fai fai moie viviu. The ieality I was now expeiiencing felt fai moie ieal than
that of noimal life. vision in noimal life was giey in compaiison. The stieets,
builuings anu ioaus weie shimmeiing, almost as if eveiything was uiamonu
enciusteu. Ny life was vieweu in a highei uefinition than that of noimal
wakefulness. I coulu also fly, anu whizzeu aiounu the town moving flawlessly
with thought alone. I then saw my fiienu on the stieet, who was pieviously in my
ioom in the othei beu. Be tuineu to ieveal thiee iuentical faces, all smiling
maniacally whilst saying something which I can't iemembei. I then iealiseu that I
was being chaseu by what can only be uesciibeu as mutants. They weie heavily
built anu tall, holsteieu with futuiistic guns anu aimoui. The chase was on as I
flew aiounu tiying to escape them. Theii faces, moie viviu anu complex in coloui
anu uefinition than that of noimal ieality. I was looking thiough a uiffeient lens
which alloweu me to see moie complexity than what we see now. Shots weie
fiieu; full kaleiuoscopic hallucinations whilst out of bouy; uiamonu enciusteu,
unfixeu in shape; glistening, constantly mutating in physical foim. An un-soliu
ieality wheie lifefoims weie all aiounu me. A ieality that uiun't have the same
iules as oui cuiient ieality.
At this point, my fiienu heaiu a noise anu lookeu ovei to my beu wheie he was
teiiifieu to see me laying, stiff as a boaiu, letting out low muffleu scieams with
my eyes completely iolleu into the back of my heau. Be ian ovei thinking I was
having some type of fit anu shook my shouluei which 'woke me up' anu bought
me back into this woilu.
I began wiiting my uieams uown on the 1Sth of Becembei, 2u1u. Theie weie
times wheie I woulu uieam iegulaily, anu times wheie I woulu not. 0p until
this point, in Becembei 2u1u, I iemembei having a veiy common uieam of
being able to fly by focusing anu believing. Thought flying is veiy easy when we
access these othei iealities, thiough a change of noimal consciousness, such as
the uieam state. Bowevei, one must also piactice thought flying. I seem to
iemembei piacticing a lot in many uieams up until I began wiiting them uown
in 2u1u, anu then thioughout the latei yeais, wheie one can ieau my
uesciiptions. Towaius the enu of this list, enuing on the 22nu of }une, 2u14, you
will see my uieams becoming moie anu moie uistuibeu in natuie. 0ften,
waking myself up by scieaming uue to the piesence of an evil entity oi entities
in my ioom. These beings seem to opeiate in the same space as we uo, but
become only accessible to us when in ceitain states of sleep, ielaxation anu
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-A veiy laige alien space ships flying into oui atmospheie.
-Speaking to Robeit Anton Wilson. Be lookeu uiffeient but I 'knew' it was him.
We talkeu about magick. Be floateu some papei in-between his hanus. Be
explaineu about his methous. (0sing elections oi eneigy fiom his hanus). Be
then saiu:
"Like van Noiiison saiu, "You aie only as goou as youi cuiient bouy (oi
-I saw a hot aii balloon fall fiom the sky. The basket hit the flooi haiu. I ian ovei
to help. The peison in the basket staiteu iunning away with the basket aiounu
his waist.
-In a cai with a local man. Ne anu Bamish (my little biothei) weie in a uiffeient
countiy. Be uioppeu me off in a place wheie I woulu be woiking as a caie woikei.
Cail Claikson (a fiienu fiom univeisity) hau tolu me that it was veiy haiu anu
low paiu woik. I scieameu at the man about him tiying to con me. All my angei
fiom the Inuian scam (a pievious scam wheie I lost 9,uuu) came out in this
-Tiying to escape fiom a paity. I avoiueu Kaieni (a giil I useu to like). Then I
uiove off uiunk. Tom (a goou fiienu) was in a suit anu veiy angiy because I
loweieu him into the watei by mistake. I think it was his biithuay. Kaieni put my
haii into a bun.
-I was looking aftei five babies. The babies weie almost alien looking. I took them
swimming in a blue unueiwatei inteinet site. Suuuenly I lost the web page anu
coulu not log back in. I was ciying hysteiically because I coulu not get back onto
the site. I thought I hau lost them foievei. Eventually I iealiseu that the website
hau a lost anu founu anu that they may be theie. I lookeu anu they weie all theie
apait fiom one. The uieam enueu with me being able to choose whethei the last
baby was founu ueau oi alive.
-Like many othei uieams befoie. Packing up anu moving back into Tallis (my olu
house at boaiuing school). Nany uieams focus on going back to uiesham's anu
moving into a ioom.
-Also, uieams wheie I am a teachei aie veiy common. Albemaile (a school I useu
to woik at) constantly pops up.
-I also have many uieams focusing on a stiong uesiie to in-line skate anu be fiee.
-I met a giil fiom Noiway calleu Benna. Lattei that night, I met hei in a uieam
anu she askeu me if I knew anything about Taoism oi The Taiot.
-Fiequently weeing all ovei the place missing the toilet.
-The iemembiance of a big fight. I was awaie that the fight was causeu fiom
people watching shows like Shameless anu believing that that was how people
noimally behave; That life was imitating television, not the othei way iounu;
That the contiolleis weie awaie of this anu weie cieating these piogiams so that
we woulu behave in a similai mannei, ultimately uumbing us uown anu making
us think that social pioblems anu violence aie noimal.
-Noie uieams of being able to fly thiough believing alone.
-Ny tooth was pulleu out by someone on the stieets. It came out like a chip with
two metal piongs. Theie was no bloou. When I lookeu in the miiioi theie was
lots of iot anu uamage aiounu the tooth. Rotten stiange mateiial flaking off anu
falling into my hanu.
-Woiiieu about an exam that I haven't piepaieu foi (common theme). Went to
the woous with uiles (my biothei) to get my ueogiaphy foluei. Biuce (my uncle)
sees us anu tells us to get out (like in school). We ueciue to stay in anu eat
sausages anu bacon.
-Back to Albemaile again! Went back to visit anu felt like I maue a nuisance of
myself. Felt embaiiasseu when the chiluien weie happy to see me anu maue a
big ueal.
-Noie iegulai 'thought' flying.
-I was woiking at a mental health unit. Eveiything was faiily noimal but the
scene was eeiie. The staff tolu me I woulu be woiking the night shift. I met the
patients. 0ne tolu me he smokeu a lot of weeu. The nuise saiu that theie was a
seciet button on the computei that openeu a file of movies shoulu I wish to
watch some whilst is was quiet. Then I walkeu into the office anu the nuise was
face uown in a fish tank cut up anu coveieu in bloou.
-Seeing }onathan Bullen (an olu fiienu). Feeling a lot of compassion anu love
towaius him. I uiu not feel the same foi }ames (his youngei biothei). Paula (theii
Nothei) was theie anu she was telling the siblings off. She was paiticulaily
aggiessive anu evil. She seemeu possesseu.
-Biawing foui of five uiffeient paintings all at once. }umping fiom one to the
othei. Again I founu myself at Albemaile. I loveu to be theie anu spoke to Amanua
(a teachei). I saw yeai 4 (my class) anu felt happy. I ieally miss being theie. I
must wiite.
-uiles was getting out of Nums olu BNW anu a gioup of people walkeu passeu
anu laugheu, calling him a fagot. uiles got out anu tolu the guy to fuck off. They
got in a sciap anu uiles got stabbeu in the heau. Be fell anu uieu iight theie. I was
watching the whole thing anu felt gieat teiioi anu sauness.
-I was buying an olu guitai on St Beneuict's Stieet in Noiwich. It was olu anu
neeueu fixing. I ueciueu that I wanteu to leain.
-Coughing up black tai.
-I was with Nax Cioft (an olu fiienu who became a heioine auuict), his giilfiienu
anu theii ciew. They weie all smoking ciack. I went into his ioom wheie he hau
five uiffeient types of high giaue hash anu weeu. Be saiu to take a buu when he
saw my amazement. I sneakeu hanufuls of two oi thiee uiffeient types.
-I hau a stiong uesiie to skateboaiu. I was at an amazing skate paik. I often
uieam about skating. Noie than often it's in-line skating. I often uieam about
skating in uieams.
-I hau a teiiific feeling of puie teiioi. It was similai to my out of bouy expeiience
in 2uu8. I was having hallucinations anu I was suiiounueu by evil spiiits. The
teiioi came in waves like iushes of bloou to the heau anu I coulu not move oi
-The scene of a big police cai pile up in }iang Pu, China.
-Nonths of bioken sleep anu no memoiable uieams.
-You know you've hit youi sexual iock-bottom when you wake up aftei having an
amazing wet uieam, only to iemembei that it came about fiom beating off in a
NcBonalu's toilet. I can't even get laiu in my fecking uieams!!
-Tiaveling to South Ameiica. Num anu uiles weie theie. Theie weie two cats. 0ne
big gingei anu one kitten. The cats belongeu to Alex (a fiienu) who was also
theie. When aiiiving at the check in, we weie stoppeu an not alloweu to fly.
-Walking in }iang Pu when I walkeu passeu loaus of touiist on a sight seeing toui.
veiy stiange as this uoes not happen. Beie I bumpeu into Bayuen (a fiienu) who
was on iollei-skates with his uian. We tiieu to get up a hill but Bayuen got stuck.
I eventually helpeu him to the top wheie we both enueu up getting stuck! The
uieam enueu with us scieaming anu ciying foi help.
-Tom complaining about Richaiu anu Biana Cianmei. We hau bought heateis anu
I was exciteu because I neeueu one foi my house. I enueu up ignoiing Tom
because he was talking shit anu seemeu to have an enlaigeu ego.
-uiles gets pulleu ovei in Noiwich foi talking on his mobile. I iant anu complain
about how we have lost contiol ovei oui own lives.
-I expeiienceu a heau explosion aftei a few houis of not being able to sleep. I felt
a huge amount of piessuie builu up anu become ieleaseu in a veiy louu anu
uistuibing bang.
-I am with Cecelia (an ex-giilfiienu) but I cheat on hei with anothei giil. I enu up
iegietting it anu loose inteiest in the 'fling' aftei sex. Then I iealise I have lost the
giil that matteieu.
-I met a giil (it began as being Cecelia) but she cheateu on me with uiles. The giil
changeu into a blonu giil by the enu of the uieam
-Katheiine (a fiienu), Cecelia anu myself with a gioup of oluei men anu women.
Katheiine iacks two lines of coke anu gives one to Cecelia anu heiself. I am veiy
angiy at Katheiine foi not incluuing me. She then gives Cecelia half a pill.
Katheiine acting boisteious anu anti-socially. The suiiounuing people staie with
juuging eyes.
-Theie was a huge iise in watei level in Biunuall. The aiea was soon to be lost.
Eveiyone was to expeiience calcination (see calcination in 'alchemy'). This was
meant to be anu although it woulu cause uistiess, it woulu be necessaiy foi the
evolution of mankinu. Bau was faiily uown about the whole thing. Bis own
peisonal calcination meant he was not selling any boats anu hau lost a lot. Be
iegietteu that the 'uieenline' was not a woouen boat. uiumman (one of my two
gianuuaus who uieu many yeais ago) waves fiom the shoie looking veiy fit anu
well. uiamps (my seconu gianuuau who was alive at the time) waves fiom the
shoie looking veiy weak anu fiagile. Bamish (my little bio) was veiy exciteu
showing me two books. They lookeu mysteiious anu in occult natuie. I lookeu at
them anu iealiseu that they weie unieauable . 0n fuithei contemplation though,
I iealiseu that I may have just been jealous.
-0n a beach. Ni. Paikei (an olu teachei) was scieaming at me in fiont of my class
mates foi looking so tiieu.
-Theie weie loaus of people sleeping aiounu Fieu's (a fiienu's) house. I uiun't see
the paity, just the people up-staiis tiying to sleep. They weie all veiy 'goou'
people with puie souls. 0ne guy who I iecogniseu to be Will Aluiiuge (an olu
school acquaintance, not a fiienu) hau been taking the powueieu foim of batteiy
aciu. Be tolu me that he uiun't iecommenu it as he hau been sick all night long. I
coulu taste the stuff in the back of my thioat fiom just consiueiing it. I was laying
with Cecilia at one point but uiun't ieally sleep.
-Founu a new place in }iang Pu that I hau nevei seen befoie. We noticeu a
foieignei sitting outsiue anu we weie suipiiseu. Then we began to notice many
foieigneis waiting to entei the same place.
-I went back to uiesham's (my olu school). I noticeu this time that it was actually
a seciet mysteiy school. I walkeu aiounu amazeu by it's piesence. I then woiiieu
that I woulu be iecogniseu anu iemoveu because I hau bioken into the sight
many times befoie in pievious uieams. I became awaie of the secuiity cameias. I
enteieu Tallis Bouse anu saw Ni. Woiiall (my olu English teachei) stanuing
outsiue the hall useu foi meetings anu ioll calls. Looking insiue, it tiansfoimeu
into a huge anu spectaculai Chapel. I stoppeu anu saiu 'hello' to Ni. Woiiall, who
iecogniseu me, anu begun to beam with light. Be calleu me uailing anu ieminueu
me of an olu queen. Aftei talking, he saiu that he must go in foi the ceiemony. I
askeu if I coulu join him anu he saiu that it was fine, but I uiun't feel convinceu by
the way he ieplieu, so I ueciueu to stay outsiue. Then, a table of piiests spotteu
me anu askeu me to join them. I iemembei one face paiticulaily. She hau shoit
haii anu was moie manly than that of a noimal female. She offeieu me an egg. As
we peeleu them, the lauy founu a stiip of metal in heis anu she hopeu that mine
was bettei.
-I was living in a house with fiienus. These weie all fiienus fiom the uieam woilu
anu not people that I alieauy knew in waking life. I uefinitely knew these people,
anu hau visiteu them many times befoie. We hau ieceiveu many complaints fiom
the neighbouis about noise fiom oui music anu instiuments. 0ne Chinese fiienu
calleu 'Bouo' (who we hau met the evening of the uieam) was excellent at
levitating the Taiot caius. She coulu lift them with hei minu. 0nce in the aii, she
woulu ask them questions anu they woulu aiiange themselves uown on the table
to give an answei. She was veiy poweiful. 0n one ieauing we askeu them 'what to
eat'. She cieateu anu bolt of lightning to hit the caius as they weie levitating.
They ciasheu uown to the flooi in an aiiangement that gave the answei. They
weie buint anu smoulueiing. Thiee weie face up. Fish, bieau anu the thiiu which
I can not iemembei. She was a highly talenteu spiiitual being. All my fiienus in
the house coulu move the caius with theii minus but none weie as poweiful as
Bouo. I haun't uone it befoie but I was suie that I coulu uo it too. Nuch like
thought flying. I was absolutely suie that it was possible to uo fiom just
concentiating anu believing. I was uespeiate to tiy.
-I jumpeu off a ciane at Biunuall tiain station with a iubbei tube anu some iope.
I got aiiesteu stiaight away. The officei was typically violent at fiist. Be fingei
cuffeu my two little fingeis anu walkeu me along the back ioaus towaius
Stiumpshaw. I tolu him that I woulu not iun away anu so he un-fingei cuffeu me.
I coulu sliue the fingei cuffs off easily anyway. We hitcheu a iiue on a small
tiactoi towaius the police station. I eventually got ieleaseu when the police
iealiseu how famous I hau become. People hau given thousanus to a chaiity that
was set up to fight in ieleasing me. I got home to bags full of fan mail. People saiu
that I was an influence. "We shoulu all jump off things anu uo what we want
whenevei we want too. We shoulu live!" Ny stunt spaikeu this evolutional
ievolution in people. Two piofessional people fixeu my pieiceu iubbei tube anu
my thoin iippeu bag foi fiee.
-I staiteu levitating off the flooi unwillingly like theie was no giavity. I flew uown
the coiiiuoi in Tallis. Ni. Pascal (my olu house mastei) tolu me to go anu finu
Woouy Baiiison. I founu him outsiue in a iivei. I coulu walk on the watei. I
iealiseu that I was evolving as planneu.
-0ften uieam about being able to suck my own uick.
-I won hunuieus of silvei pounus fiom a betting machine. Theie weie many five
pounu coins, two pounu fifty coins anu one pounu silvei coins. I uiove my Bau's
cai to an amazing house. I think we weie in Noith Noifolk.
-We ieceiveu a lettei. It was a cheque foi all the 'blbx' ioyalties.
-If you only ieau the heaulines beginning paits of aiticles, you will become
uumbeu uown.
-I uieamt about the occult anu multiple muiueis.
-Latei, I was bleeuing violently fiom the main vain in my aim. It was spuiting like
a hose anu I began to feel faint. As I was feeling weakei, I felt a gieat ielief at the
fact that I was facing ueath. I was ielieveu because I was leaving this woilu. I
wanteu to uie anu I was upset when I uiun't.
-A veiy common uieam which involves me being woiiieu about a ueogiaphy
exam oi essay that I have not stuuieu foi. I then iealise that I have not been to any
lessons eithei. The exam oi hanu in uay is always in one oi two uays time anu I
get uistiacteu tiying to stuuypiepaie.
-I Stole a Chinese Tuk Tuk (the ones with no ioofs) in Noiwich. I uiove home anu
stoppeu off at a gaiage. I then ueciueu to take the vehicle back anu take the tiain
home. Theie was a familiai bouncei on the gates at the gaiage. Be lookeu evil. I
tolu him about the Tuk Tuk anu as I was leaving he calleu the police. I uumpeu it
anu ian into a housing estate. It uawneu on me what I hau uone anu woiiieu
about Num finuing out that I was joy iiuing.
-I hau cookeu two uishes foi the chiluien at home. I then uiun't want to give it to
them because I wanteu to give the uishes to Num foi uinnei.
-Pushing in a silvei eaiiing that I founu.
-Common uieam of feeling feai going into a veiy 'bau' estate. I walk past seveial
houses anu then climb up a lauuei into a uaik coiiiuoi. I go in anu it's a junkies
-Ne anu uiles went into a shop to buy a bong. I was amazeu when the shop
ownei showeu me a huge pipe that benu in two on hinges. The watei floweu
fiom one enu ovei the hinge to the othei. I then founu out that he hau ayahuasca
to sell.
-Common uieam of going into a clothes shop with lots of cool anu expensive
clothes but not being able to ueciue what to buy. I always leave with nothing.
-Skating again. I can't push piopeily anu keep falling off. The boaiu steeis to the
iight anu I can't balance it. I meet Bamish who has the newest type of boaiu. It is
a veiy small boaiu anu comes with special shoes to opeiate it. I uespeiately
wanteu one anu I wisheu that I coulu be as natuial as he was on the boaiu.
-I misseu the ueogiaphy exam again. I went to a big ieception to ask about ie-
scheuuling. I was feu up of always missing my exams anu not ieally knowing
when they weie. I askeu the lauy if I coulu have a piint out with my exam times
on foi the futuie. She saiu that this was impossible.
-I was in a veiy familiai place. I maue the iealisation that I veiy often go to the
same place in ueep uieams. I noimally foiget this place, but this time, in the
uieam, I foiceu myself to iecall it on awakening. The aiea is ciiculai with
technology on the giounu level suiiounueu by iaiseu giounu anu tall tiees. 0n
the othei-siue of the ciiculai lanu is tiopical sea. It was a veiy familiai place that
I hau been to many times. Tall walls iise up to the base of the tiees. The wall weie
painteu by technology stuuents. I iemembei one painting. It showeu two
futuiistic looking, Lego-lanu spaceman chaiacteis. They stoou tall anu piouu. I
iemembei being involveu in the ait pioject theie many yeais ago.
0n this stiange islanu, I sat watching the people theie. No one seemeu to notice
me. I wasn't even suie that I hau a bouy at this point. I was just theie obseiving. I
lookeu up at the iaiseu walls anu saw two fat 'bank' woikeis watching some
school chiluien eat. I knew I hau woikeu in the same job many times in the past.
0n the othei siue theie weie foui veiy big men with uaik skin. The two that
spoke hau Yoikshiie accents. They weie shouting ovei anu taking the piss out of
the fat bank woikeis. As I watcheu, one of the men's hats set on fiie. Be was
weaiing a veiy tall hat that stietcheu a metei into the sky. Be lookeu like a man of
voouoo. I coulu uesciibe his appeaiance by ielating him to the voouoo man in
}ames Bonu. Bis tall hat gloweu biightei anu biightei as the fiie engulfeu it moie
anu moie aggiessively. Be sat theie laughing at the bank woikeis, supposeuly
unawaie of the fact that his hat was on fiie. I watcheu anu laugheu.
I then climbeu up the wall anu staiteu climbing a veiy familiai tiee that I hau
climbeu in many pievious uieams. I was looking foi an olu lost Ciowstick
iecoiuing that I uiu in the past. I often seaich foi this iecoiuing. It was, in my
minu, my best stuff. 0ne of my fiist iecoiuings, totally puie anu chilulike. Naue
with no thought oi expectation. I think it iepiesents my lost youth anu the seaich
of my innei chilu. I coulu heai it in the tiees but I coulun't locate it. This is what
always happens. At the top of the tiee I lookeu out at the vast blue sea. I saw a hot
aii balloon flying low. Then its sail caught alight anu buist into flames. I saw the
whole thing in gieat uetail. The people in the basket scieameu as they
plummeteu towaius the sea. I felt theii feai. Suuuenly I was in a passing plane
anu woiiieu that the engine was going to suck up the falling uebiis anu ciash too.
Luckily this uiun't happen anu I woke up.
-I was in a familiai flat. Tom was away anu I hau two bags of weeu. 0ne was ieal
anu one was fake. The fake one hau a familiai smell.
-I iealiseu aftei being out all uay that I hau a big gieen snot in my left nostiil. I
also hau a big gieen snot in my iight eye. Both of my eyes weie gieen anu
tianslucent. I uiun't look human.
-Nis. Lamb tiies to have us all blown up. She says that it is goou foi us. I manage
to escape hei.
-I was sailing with Bau. I was with two female fiienus who enueu up uiowning.
They got theii haii tangleu up in the iuuuei.
-Bau was acting veiy uistant. Be was living in the hobby house. Be cookeu foi
himself anu uiun't seem to see me stanuing theie with him. Naybe he coulun't
see me.
-Num was ciying. She saiu she founu uiles with an 'anal yo yo'. She was veiy
botheieu about it anu uiun't seem to believe him when he saiu it was a 'light
-Levitating. Being able to lift things without touching them. I was in a hotel ioom.
I floateu up towaius the ceiling anu a piece of woou floateu unueineath me.
-I was peifoiming with shouluei length haii anu a beaiu. Nusic unknown.
-Theie was a big tigei ioaming fiee at Whitegates. I ian uown the hill to stop it
fiom mauling a small chilu that was walking uown the hill with hei family. The
gaiuen was cultivateu with ciops anu gloweu with an eneigy that I have
witnesseu befoie with hallucinogens.
-I hau giown biggei eais.
-I was waiting in a bush hiuuen fiom view. I watcheu anu waiteu foi some
gangsteis to stop moining theii uiseaseu so that I coulu entei the giaveyaiu.
-I can cuil papei with my minu. I iealise how to move light objects. It woiks by
concentiating on visualising it move. Almost taking youi consciousness into a
highei existence, seeing the intension anu manifesting that intension into youi
ieality in the thiiu uimension. I am exciteu when I iealise this anu scieam at the
otheis to come anu watch. Cecelia uiun't seem that botheieu. She coulu alieauy
uo it.
-We weie outsiue the fiont uooi at Whitegates anu my books anu othei things
weie laiu out on the giass. As we ueciueu to go in, I iealiseu that all of my things
hau suuuenly uisappeaieu. The otheis sniggeieu anu I iealiseu that the otheis (.)
hau playeu a joke on me by moving eveiything. As we went in (thiee of us) a louu
voice shouteu fiom the gaiuen. A floating man with biown ciookeu teeth flew
ovei anu tiieu to take me away with him. Be was an evil spiiit of some soit with a
physical bouy. Suuuenly light woikeis aiiiveu to help me. Big Kim fiom
uiesham's was one. They manageu to pull me back to them into the light. We got
insiue anu helu the evil one on the flooi anu knockeu him out. I then became veiy
woiiieu about an all out wai, anu that othei uaik entities woulu come.
-Attackeu by membeis of the Fieemasons. Steve (a fiienu) came iounu anu stole
some of my books. Be was a membei anu obviously wanteu to keep me fiom
ieauing ceitain infoimation in the books. veiy viviu anu luciu uieam. I felt veiy
uistiesseu by the whole inciuent.
-The evening befoie I hau a similai expeiience wheie I was luciu uieaming with a
feeling of puie teiioi. I felt waves of feai that ciept up behinu me. I was scaieu
anu both nights expeiienceu bieakouts of sweat, wetting my sheets. I felt as if I
hau been awake all night but at the same time having veiy ieal anu luciu uieams.
The uay aftei the seconu night I ieau Caila L. Rueckeit's chaptei on psychic
gieetings. I must ie-visit this woik foi fuithei claiification. I have often founu
that my ieauing mateiials synchionise togethei anu cieate synchionicities
within my own life.
-Being completely comfoitable at being nakeu in fiont of people but still being
unable to feel comfoitable when showing myself nakeu aftei intimate times with
Cecelia. (Felt in waking ieality anu in the last luciu uieam).
-The neighboui fiom the bottom of the gaiuen was coming up anu using oui
uiive to paik in anu using oui patio to have BBQ's. I became woiiieu. The lauy
seemeu unawaie that she was on oui piopeity. She hau a chief that went
eveiywheie with hei. I got angiy anu ueciueu to tiy anu get to the bottom if it all.
-Theie weie some chiluien stanuing in a line. I tolu them to shit on the caipet. I
then felt bau anu went aiounu picking up the shit. I coulu only pick up veiy small
-I have been ciying hysteiically all night. Nothing coulu stop the sauness anu
physical expiession that was ieleaseu thioughout the night in this uieam. uuy
Wiseman (a fiienu) hau uieu anu I was moving away. I must senu the postcaiu to
uuy touay (I hau pieviously bought one foi him). I see this as a sign that my
fiienus may oi may not always be theie.
-uiles was a 'mushioom being' (ciazeu eyes, wilu mischievous smile, uetaileu
face patteins anu heauweai.) Be was hanging uown fiom above, his face veiy
close to mine. Be giinneu anu tolu me without woius to 'wake up!' At that
moment, my alaim went off anu I got up.
-I neeu to eat anu pay foi my bieakfast. I go anu get the money but I can't finu my
way back. I enu up going iounu anu iounu in ciicles.
-Repeating uieam of people commenting on how bent my nose is now since it
has been bioken.
-0nstoppable uesiie anu neeu to spit. The saliva was iunning out of my mouth
like a iunning tap.
-I witness a sevei toituie. I watch some stuuents get the feiiy home with bioken
-Ny BB Biagon jumpei is veiy waim anu extiemely colouiful.
-Num tiies to get me to 'come out'. I tell hei that I am not gay. She says that she
has always known. I say she can think all she likes but she is wiong.
-A young Chinese boy is a veiy goou English teachei. Because of this he is
intiouuceu into the Elite.
-uiles walking in thick wet muu. Suuuenly a huge bubble suckeu him uown unuei
the muu.
-I was scieaming at Bamish at home because he haun't lookeu aftei two baby
kittens piopeily. I thought they weie lost anu ueau. uiles was ciying too. Then
they both appeaieu anu all was fine.
-I wanteu to buy a beautiful magic mushioom but I was going to China. It was one
single mushioom that was veiy tall anu giew fiom a beautiful caiveu woouen
base. I askeu a man if he coulu fieeze the mushioom whilst I was away. Be saiu
yes anu assuieu me that you coulu fiee mushiooms.
-In a veiy ieal cai ciash. Felt the teiioi of knowing we woulu ciash. Felt time
completely slow uown, so I coulu analyse the situation, felt the teiioi, felt the
impact in slow motion. We hit with tiemenuous foice. Eveiything went white, my
heau exploueu, I left my bouy, I was eveiything.
-I went into a skate shop to buy a skateboaiu. The shop was mostly full of othei
accessoiies anu uiun't have a lot of skateboaiu stuff. This felt like a sign of the
times wheie skateboaiuing hau fallen into uecline. This coulu be put uown to the
uecline of all activities that involve people playing outsiue anu being fiee. I
bought one boaiu but soon iealiseu the wheels, tiucks anu beaiings weie cheap,
olu anu ciap. I askeu to exchange foi one with bettei paits. They only hau two
that weie bettei but the boaius weie a funny shape. I put this uown to them
being the new uesigns that the pios must be using now.
-I hau an iuea to take photos of people exeiting feai, happiness anu angei. I then
askeu my stuuents to wiite about what uiffeiences they obseiveu in the shape,
textuie anu eneigy of the faces.
-Tom Baiiot (school boy nemesis) tells me that he has some PCP foi my
upcoming paity. I feel uneasy anu uon't want to tiy it.
-I eventually finu my hiuuen bag anu manage to locate the exit at uiesham's
School. I have been looking extensively in pievious uieams anu always fail. I can
nevei get out. Last night I founu the exit anu escapeu. I quickly iusheu to the
-Bieamt about uianny anu uiamps. uiamps was stiong anu healthy, if not a little
mau, pacing aiounu the gaiuen uoing things. uianny was in a lot of pain. She
coulu haiuly walk anu was ciying anu complaining a lot. She uiun't want to be
living. I pickeu hei up in my aims anu she saiu the position helpeu hei back. She
felt bettei foi a little bit.
-I was at home at Whitegates with uiles. Two giils anu one man walkeu into the
house. I think they weie Euiopean. 0ne of the giils was sexy. They put money
uown anu askeu if they coulu play with us. The man askeu to play too. I iealiseu
that we weie all going to get it on anu suuuenly woiiieu about coming too
quickly. I ueciueu to sneak off to have a wank fiist befoie we staiteu. I went into a
public toilet. Theie was piss all ovei the flooi anu I uon't think I was weaiing
shoes. Aftei a few iubs I came, cleaneu up anu hau a wonuei aiounu the toilets
that actually tuineu out to be in somebouy's house. I ueciueu that the man oi
woman who liveu theie must be veiy fiienuly anu tiust woithy. I woke up to finu
I hau hau a wet uieam.
-I was at Whitegates with Num. I went outsiue to get the post. Theie was a
ceitificate theie foi me. I felt the piesence of evil. I went into the kitchen anu saw
thiee men stanuing at the winuow. As fai as I can iemembei, Num staiteu ciying
anu felt unsafe. I openeu the winuow. The men weie Aiabic in appeaiance. 0ne
kept say ovei anu ovei, 'talk to me, talk to me', oi it coulu have been, 'listen to me,
listen to me'.
-I was sitting in a pub in Noiwich. I founu a lush jacket that I put on but then left
it theie by mistake. Then I was at some soit of festival. I was busily tiying to get
all my possessions in peifect oiuei anu neatness in the back of a van. I walkeu
aiounu anu bumpeu into two people, a boy anu a giil. I knew the giil anu kisseu
hei. I then saiu 'hi' to the boy anu he saiu we hau met befoie. I saiu 'of couise' anu
thought foi a name. I guesseu anu got it iight. Then I founu myself sitting insiue. I
saw a school teachei sitting alone anu I knew that it was his jacket I hau founu
befoie. I askeu him if he hau lost a jacket anu he saiu 'yes.' I tolu him that I know
wheie it is. Suuuenly, I coulun't iemembei the name of the pub oi it's location. I
thought about it anu uiove myself mau foi a long time. I was then walking anu
saw the Fakenham boys. They weie all veiy tall, much tallei than me. I laugheu
anu maue a joke that they seemeu to ignoie. I then saw Baiiy (a fiienu) who
lookeu like he hau lost his soul. Be uiun't seem happy to see me anu lookeu
uncomfoitable. Be then tolu me that he hau taken aciu. I gave him a big kiss on
the lips anu laugheu. I saw Fieu anu Rupeit (fiienus) who hau also taken aciu.
-I think the big sitting ioom was vanualiseu. I can't iemembei much. Num was
upset. This happeneu piioi to my attack on the same ioom. I iemembei wiiting
giaffiti all ovei the walls anu making a iight mess. I uiew a cock anu spiayeu
eveiything with spiay-paint. Num was up-staiis. I hau planneu to pietenu that
we hau been bioken into (again.) anu then offei to pay foi hei to get the whole
ioom ieuecoiateu in any style she likeu. The plan backfiieu though, as when I
went uown, the whole ioom was cleaieu up. Num nevei saiu anything, but I
knew she knew it was me. She was veiy solemn anu gave me the silent tieatment.
-Flying aiounu using my minu as I have uone many times in the past. This time
though, I felt that I was only flying to tiy anu piove something. It seemeu to be an
ego piojection. I saw the hot aii balloon again anu flew into it. I was at some soit
of cainival. I got stuck insiue wheie the aii was thin.
-I felt veiy woiiieu about having a paity at Whitegates. We weie all in Bamish's
ioom making a lot of noise. It was late at night anu I was woiiieu that we woulu
wake Num up. Bamish's fiienus weie taking uiugs anu uiinking. I iemaineu
sobei anu paianoiu. 0thei fiienus then went to a club. Some weie shoplifting
anu bieaking things. I was woiiieu about what they weie uoing. Then a magician
came into the ioom. Be iaiseu his hanu anu put it up to the peoples foieheaus.
This action instantly put the peison to sleep. Be then came to me anu uiu the
same thing, but it hau no effect. I was the only one who uiun't pass out.
-I meet Baiiy (a fiienu). This was the fiist time in a long time. Be was somewhat
uiffeient to how I iemembeieu him. It was like he hau lost his spaik, his soul. Bis
eneigy was lowei anu he iauiateu less powei than befoie. Be seemeu weak anu
manipulateu. Be lookeu empty insiue.
-Being silly, I sat wiongly on the seat on a iollei-coastei. I neaily uamageu otheis
anu myself foi my stupiuity.
-I was walking aiounu Biunuall (my home town). I went to the aiea wheie the
shop 'Snow Fit' useu to be. Eveiything was as noimal but foi some ieason I
expecteu to see a new shop theie. Then I lookeu anu I saw it, the next one along
to wheie I was looking. It was a veiy olu book stoie. I went in anu an olu woman
stoimeu up to me anu staiteu blabbeiing on about the 16
centuiy fiieplaces. It
became appaient that the shop was also the house wheie she liveu. It seemeu as
though she hau openeu the shop, just to get people to come anu visit hei. She was
a fieice anu giumpy lauy.
-I was tiying to get home to Whitegates. I got off the bus at Blowfielu but coulun't
holu all of my things. I chuckeu some of them out of the bus onto the pavement
anu went back into the bus to get the iest. When I got out again, I staiteu picking
up my things fiom the pavement. Chailie Biss (an olu fiienu) anu his ciew
walkeu passeu anu neaily jumpeu me because they saw my watch anu cash.
"Who is the la wai" ('la wai' is foieignei in Nanuaiin) they saiu. I staiteu walking
home but I foigot the way. I then iemembeieu that I coulu fly. I iose up anu
wanteu to go one way but coulun't. I hau to fly with my minu but my minu
woulun't let me go the way I wanteu because it was clusteieu. I still have not
peifecteu minu flying in uieams. I came uown in Yaimouth. It was full of uiunks
anu uangei.
-I was out on gianny anu gianupa's lawn. I was with someone. I lookeu anu coulu
see the olu house with boaiueu up winuows. The giil with me noticeu anu saiu
that it was a veiy big house. I saiu yes, anu pietenueu that I hau nevei seen it
-It was gianny anu gianupa's house again. This time, it was my Bau who liveu
theie though. Be was explaining to me how eveiything was miss-shapeu. Be
showeu me some aitwoik of uisfiguieu animals. We then went back into 'the
ioom'. 'The ioom' is a veiy uaik anu eeiie ioom that I have often visiteu in
uieams. It was veiy familiai. It is noimally locateu in uianny anu uianupa's
house. It has a stiange anu inuesciibable eneigy. In the ioom theie was a pool
table. We playeu. The cues weie bent to 9u uegiees anu hau small bells on the
enu. Theie was a big sculptuie of an elephant. Bau then showeu me a sculptuie
of a monkey with two heaus. 0ne heau was small anu alien like.
-I was with Bau, uiles anu Bamish. We weie walking aiounu a veiy gianu city. It
was not a city of this woilu, but an alien city. Bau was giossly ovei-weight anu I
woiiieu foi his health. Be then takes us to a night club. Be saiu that he knew the
ownei, so we jumpeu the queue. The club was foi the iich anu elite. The people
weie veiy uiffeient. Nany weie eccentiic, fashionable, city type people. Theie
was a magician on the stage in one ioom. Anothei ioom was full of tables anu
chaiis with people sitting anu talking. The thiiu ioom hau a uance flooi. I went to
the bai anu oiuei a bottle of watei. The baimaiu gave me two glasses. I was
pleasantly suipiiseu that I uiu not have to pay.
-Baiiy was theie again. Aftei ieflecting on awakening, I felt a ueep connection
with him that ieflects oui cuiient spiiituality.
-We weie in some soit of laige uepaitment stoie. I wanteu to stay. }ohn, anu
otheis lit fiies thioughout. Fiie engines came.
-I have hau two uieams about Lucifei ovei the last couple of nights. I am unsuie
of theii content.
-A uieam wheie I was watching a movie. I staiteu to notice some blatant (oi at
least to me) but hiuuen '11:11' symbology. No-one else who was watching the
movie with me noticeu anything.
-An extiemely scaiy uieam. I was watching it like I was watching a movie anu I
was awaie that it was only a movie. Theie weie two young giils, similai to those
of the 'Shinning,' who weie ueau, but weie piesenting themselves to me as
ghosts. They woulu moiph, almost teasing me, into teiiifying monsteis anu then
back again into small innocent chiluien. I was walking uown a coiiiuoi when I
was jumpeu upon. I was then in a uaik ioom anu coulun't finu the light switches.
They weie theie in the ioom watching me.
-Not the fiist of these types of uieams to happen iecently. Each time I wake up
scieaming. I have the feeling of puie teiioi. Teiioi flows thiough my bouy in
waves until it becomes too much anu the intensity of my scieaming wakes me.
Ny bouy is in a similai state to the sleep-paialysis. Even though the evil eneigy is
coming closei to me, I can't move. I ielease a bloou cuiuling scieam, sometimes
foui to five times until I wake up.
-These uieams continueu. 0ne in Englanu ovei Xmas 2u12. Naybe a few moie
aftei up-until Naich 2u1S. Theie is an evil piesence. A feeling of puie teiioi. I
wake myself up scieaming with feai.
-Befoie Naich I hau a long peiiou of time wheie I uiu not uieam. I woulu go to
sleep anu wake up with no memoiies. 0nly night teiiois wheie iemembeieu.
-Ny uieams staiteu to pick up again in Naich 2u1S. They began to become veiy
inteiesting anu viviu again. 0nfoitunately, I was out of the habit of wiiting them
uown so although I iemembeieu them as I woke in the night, I uiu not iemembei
them in the moining.
-This uieam was fai moie complex anu hau a lot moie uetail than I can
iemembei. The only memoiy is that Qing Qing (an ex giilfiienu) somehow
manageu to have hei heau seveieu off. They manageu to sew it back on anu she
was 0K but she hau a scaie all aiounu hei neck. I foigot most of this uieam
because I uiu not wiite it uown uuiing the night. I must begin again.
-I watcheu a film with uau at the cinema. It was about a boy who was living in a
fenceu goveinment compounu. These weie the futuie 0iwellian homes of the
New Woilu 0iuei fascist goveinment. Theie weie huge black woouen panelleu
homes, that gave the appeaiance of luxuiy, but in ieality, many people weie living
togethei in veiy pooi conuitions. These new homes weie 'veiy uesiiable.' It was
fenceu with snipeis anu spot lights on tuiiets like a piison. "To keep the bau
out!" This was the goveinment piopaganua of feai that kept all of them as slaves
thiough theii own choice. The people cieateu the 'New Woilu 0iuei' futuie home
anu complexes foi secuiity. The boy hau to go thiough a maze that inflicteu pain
anu stiess. 0nly aftei going thiough this toiment coulu one get out of the piison
complex. The boys heau was ciusheu by clamps anu he was put unuei a gieat
amount of pain anu piessuie. Bis pain was expeiienceu by myself whilst
watching the film. The cinema hau SB effects on the bouy. Eventually the boy was
a physical wieck aftei being opeiateu anu testeu on by 'them'. Then a woman
came in with a bag containing thiee ueau bouies anu openeu it. Aftei, theie was a
man applying piessuie to my heau, just like it was being cut open with a suigical
-Anothei night teiioi. I am in a state of luciu uieaming wheie I can feel anu 'see'
the ioom anu enviionment aiounu me. A giauual but continuous feeling of feai
anu teiioi begins to swell up fiom ueep within me. I feel as if something is in the
ioom with me. It feels as if it is veiy evil. As if it is feeuing off me. The teiioi
become stiongei anu stiongei until it ieaches a peak at which point I jolt up
scieaming. I scieameu S oi 6 continuous scieams in uiles flat whilst Num was
theie. I woke up the whole house. uiles calmeu me anu I went back to sleep.
Shoitly aftei I felt my self slipping back into that feeling but consciously manageu
to pull myself out of it befoie it peakeu in scieaming again.
Anothei night teiioi. Naitin, my Num's paitnei, flasheu into the fiont of my
inteinal vision with the face of a uemon. veiy scaiy. I jolteu up with a gasp anu it
took me a while to get ovei it anu calm uown befoie getting to sleep again.
-I hau a pet that I loveu anu caieu foi. It was completely noimal foi me anu I uiu
not notice the stiangeness. It was only when I iealiseu that a small cateipillai like
woim was too small foi my hamstei cage, that I got upset. It wasn't theie in the
moining anu escapeu. I seaicheu eveiywheie foi it.
-Blue slime was put into my mouth. I founu it veiy uifficult to get out. Eveiyone
was laughing at me.
-Teiiible night teiioi. Paialyseu. Naitin again. Coming into my ioom. An evil
eneigy that maue my entiie bouy shake. An eneigy that pulsateu thiough my
bouy that I coulun't shale off foi what seemeu like a long time uuiing the night.
-I was the King of an unknown time anu place. I came into a laige au gianu
uinning ioom anu sat to uine. I was given a plate with a ciack in it anu so I
smasheu it on the wall anu uemanueu anothei one. The same thing happeneu
ovei anu ovei again. I continueu smashing the plates in a moie anu moie fuiious
mannei. Eventually an appiopiiate plate was ueliveieu. I sat at a table that was
high up in the aii above eveiyone else. Because I was so high, the table anu chaii
was veiy unstable anu I kept feeling like I woulu fall anu topple ovei. I felt
insecuie anu afiaiu of the lot tipping ovei. Then I was loweieu onto a noimal
chaii anu table anu offeieu uiinks. Reu wine anu otheis that I uiun't iecognise. I
then became veiy happy anu content, about to have a uiink when Bau appeai
next to me telling me to not uiink too much oi mix my uiinks. Be kept nagging
until I exploueu anu tolu him that he must stop telling me how to live my life.
-Finuing out that foi the whole of oui lives we have been pait of a huge game
show, a ieality show, wheie oui lives aie filmeu. we have always know anu
finuing out was like a long lost memoiy, we have always know all of this ueep
-I take the ioau out of China anu into Inuia. I feel fieei as I come into Inuia anu
notice the sceneiy anu people change. I have hau this uieam befoie like most
uieams. I enu up buying an olu anu colouiful tiaileiboatcampei van. I soon
uiscovei that the tiailei is cuiseu anu haunteu. Eveiy time I get on this tiail to
Inuia, I enu up buying the same haunteu anu cuiseu tiailei. It's always foi sale.
Insiue theie aie some tiunks. If you go anu open then you feel a veiy uefinite
cuise. This time I bought the boat again with a family with some chiluien. We feel
the cuise anu tiy to sleep in the compaitments. The winu comes in. The cuise
isn't quite as bau this time, we can contiol it if we aie stiong.

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