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FRHS CRISIS CONFERENCE Model United Nations Preparation Guide:


FRHS MUN CRISIS COUNCI% is a di&&erent 'ind o& con&erence( The Securit) Council *ill
+eet in the traditional +anner o& all MUN con&erences( The) *ill de,ate and prepare
resolutions and ote on the+( -hat +a'es our con&erence uni.ue is the use o& the National
!ele/ations Executie Co++ittees 0*e *ill use the a,,reiate EC to assist *ith t)pin/ len/th(
This is hi/hl) unusual &or a traditional MUN con&erence ,ut should o&&er an excitin/ ne*
opportunit) &or dele/ates( O,iousl)1 &or this to *or' at the Crisis Con&erence dele/ates +ust
exercise /reat caution in ho* the) choose to i+ple+ent their polic)( The national dele/ates *ill
need to ,e responsi,le and understand their a,ilit) to dra+aticall) a&&ect the con&erence(
In short1 EC dele/ates hae the po*er to actuall) M34E PO%IC2 re/ardin/ the crisis and /uide
the Securit) Council dele/ates( Executie Co++ittee dele/ates hae the po*er to shape their
countries actual inole+ent in the crisis( The) can en/a/e in unilateral1 ,ilateral1 and
+ultilateral actions *ithout consultin/ *ith the Securit) Council and can oerride Securit)
Council dele/ates5 decisions( The t*o EC dele/ates can &or+ulate polic) and then actiel)
ne/otiate *ith other Executie Co++ittees instantl) in the Co++ittee roo+( EC +e+,ers
literall) 3RE the /oern+ent o& the inoled nation &or the purpose o& this +eet( 6asicall)1 *e
*ant the +ost experienced dele/ates in the EC dele/ations ,ecause o& the lar/e a+ount o& po*er
aaila,le to the+( T34E THIS SERIOUS%2( -ield )our authorit) realisticall) and rationall)(
CRISIS -I%% ON%2 INTER$ENE i& )our decisions are irrational or unrealistic(
The Executie Co++ittees can initiate an) 'ind o& ,eliea,le action 3S %ONG 3S THOSE
!ECISIONS 3RE RUN THROUGH THE CRISIS TE3M( Militar) actions1 use o& e+er/enc)
po*ers1 +a) all ,e done *ithout inolin/ the Securit) Council( The EC dele/ation can choose
to in&or+ their Securit) Council dele/ates or not as the need arises( O,iousl)1 the t*o
dele/ations should ,e in constant co++unication( -e encoura/e Unilateral1 Multilateral and
6ilateral ne/otiations to occur throu/hout the +eet in the EC Council roo+(
The EC !ele/ates should tr) to control the stor) line o& the crisis i& possi,le( The press corps
*ill ,e eer)*here in the con&erence inesti/atin/ the crisis and see'in/ ans*ers( Ho* the EC
dele/ates choose to handle the +edia7press corps is one o& the +ost i+portant parts o& the +eet(
The Press Corps *ill ,e operatin/ *ith or *ithout )our inole+ent1 ,ut usin/ all the tools
aaila,le to national /oern+ents inolin/ the press should ,e care&ull) considered( The press
*ill report the ne*s and learn the crisis 8ust as the dele/ates do( The *ill ,e 9politel)
a//ressie: to &ind out *hat is /oin/ on and *ill atte+pt to interie* all o& the dele/ates at an)
ti+e( EC dele/ates can +a'e press releases to the print or ,roadcast +ediu+s1 hold press
con&erences1 or een 8ust hold a ne*s con&erence or +a'e a state+ent(
In re/ard to the crisis itsel&1 the Executie Co++ittees dele/ates *ill also hae +ore intelli/ence
than the Securit) Council !ele/ates *ill( Since the Executie Co++ittee represents the national
/oern+ents1 all +a8or intelli/ence and crisis in&or+ation *ill ,e &lo*in/ throu/h the EC
dele/ations( Executie Co++ittee dele/ates are also encoura/ed to research the crisis
the+seles1 to call press con&erences or to +a'e press releases( 3/ain1 the opportunit) &or
in&or+al ,ilateral and +ultilateral con&erences a+on/ the EC dele/ations should ,e noted( Man)
nations *ill onl) hae part o& the stor) and cooperatie e&&orts on sharin/ intelli/ence can
happen at an) ti+e in the EC(
The National !ele/ation *ill operate under a speci&ic series o& +uch +ore open ended
/uidelines( These /uidelines *ill help the National Goern+ent dele/ates to +a'e executive
decisions and actuall) formulate policy as *ell as investigating the crisis.
Ho* the National !ele/ates do this: One dele/ate is the president1 dictator1 +onarch or pri+e
+inister1 o& their assi/ned nation at the con&erence( The other dele/ate is the e.uialent the
hi/hest leel o& e+er/enc) serices in a nation li'e the Secretar) o& State or the chie& FEM3
director o& the United States( 3s the crisis deelops1 EC !ele/ates *ill receie updated
in&or+ation on the crisis as it deelops and *ill hae the opportunit) to ,e updated ,) lie T$
,roadcasts eer) hal& hour 0excludin/ lunch; &ro+ stories *ritten ,) the Crisis Con&erence5s
Press Corps(
The Role o& Presidin/ O&&icers 0POs;:
The P(O(s in the Executie Council &acilitate +eetin/s ,et*een the dele/ations in the council( 3
&or+al +ore traditional &or+ o& de,ate in the MUN st)le +a) ,e adopted ,) si+ple +a8orit)
ote( The EC should ,e +uch +ore &ocused on the in&or+al st)le o& the dele/ates cra&tin/
national polic) and then in&or+all) +eetin/ *ith the other dele/ates 3FTER the PO +a'es sure
that all inoled parties a/reed to the +eetin/( EC dele/ates +ust hae per+ission o& the PO to
+a'e sure an) +ultilateral or ,ilateral +eetin/ can occur( 3ll the dele/ates do is +utuall) a/ree
*ith each other to discuss a topic and see' the approal o& the PO in char/e o& the EC(
ECs *ill hae no &or+al rules o& de,ate( The) +a) operate internall) or atte+pt to
contact and ne/otiate or co++unicate a+on/ the+seles as lon/ as the POs approe the
atte+pted +eetin/s and all parties inoled a/ree to +eet( I& the EC dele/ates leae their
con&erence roo+1 the) are su,8ect to press interie*s(
POs are to &acilitate the ne/otiations( The ECs *ill decide ho* the) *ish to interact *ith
the other EC dele/ates( POs +ust ,e used to help this process1 +ainl) approin/ that
,oth dele/ations actuall) a/ree to +eet(
There *ill ,e t*o presidin/ o&&icers in the roo+( These POs are onl) there to approe
+ultilateral and ,ilateral ne/otiations( 3ll ECs +ust a/ree to +eet ,e&ore a +utual
+eetin/ can ,e approed ,) the POs( POs +a) also proide crisis in&or+ation to the
dele/ation( I& the EC dele/ates *ish to &or+ali<e the de,ate1 standard MUN practices
can ,e approed ,) si+ple +a8orit) ote( 6ilateral and Multilateral ne/otiations can
NE$ER ,e li+ited ,) usin/ this(
Guidelines &or the Executie Councils !e,ate and Operations:
ECs *ill hae no &or+al rules o& de,ate( The) +a) operate internall) or atte+pt to
contact and ne/otiate or co++unicate a+on/ the+seles as lon/ as the POs approe the
atte+pted +eetin/s and all parties inoled a/ree to +eet( I& the ECs leae their
con&erence roo+1 the) are su,8ect to press interie*s(
POs are to &acilitate the ne/otiations( The ECs *ill decide ho* the) *ish to interact *ith
the other EC dele/ates( POs +ust ,e used to help this process(
There *ill ,e t*o presidin/ o&&icers in the roo+( These POs are onl) there to approe
+ultilateral and ,ilateral ne/otiations( 3ll ECs +ust a/ree to +eet ,e&ore a +utual
+eetin/ can ,e approed ,) the POs( POs +a) also proide crisis in&or+ation to the
dele/ation( I& the EC dele/ates *ish to &or+ali<e the de,ate1 standard MUN practices
can ,e approed ,) si+ple +a8orit) ote( 6ilateral and Multilateral ne/otiations can
NE$ER ,e li+ited ,) usin/ this(
There *ill ,e a co+puter cart in the ECs con&erence area to &acilitate research and polic)
deelop+ent in response to the intelli/ence the EC dele/ates +a) receie(
IMPORT3NT NOTE: There is to be an active press corps( ECs and UN dele/ates
*ill hae to ,e a*are that an) ti+e an) dele/ates leae their con&erence roo+s= the) are
su,8ect to interie*s ,) the press corps( There *ill ,e short ne*s updates at the
,e/innin/ o& the con&erence and eer) hal&>hour therea&ter until the end o& the con&erence
0lunch ti+e excluded;( There +a) een ,e press lea's(
Rules involving interactions with the press: The Crisis Press Corps all hae access to
the con&erence in the co++on areas and in their ne*s studio durin/ press con&erences or
press releases( The) +a) atte+pt to interie* 3N2 dele/ate *hen the) leae a
con&erence roo+ or hold a press con&erence( 3T 3%% TIMES 3%% !E%EG3TES +ust
act *ith decorum *hen dealin/ *ith the press( These students are +edia1 8ournalis+1
and MUN students *ho hae olunteered to report the crisis as it deelops( The) *ill tell
)our stories throu/hout the da)(

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