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Math 167 CRN 29231 APPLIED LINEAR ALGEBRA Spring Quarter 2014


Course: Math 167-001 Applied Linear Algebra CRN 48986)
Lecture: MWF 08:00 - 08:50 AM in 176 Chemistry
Instructor: Professor E. G. Puckett
Oce: 3107 Mathematical Sciences Building (MSB)
Oce Hours: MW 09:10 AM 10:00 AM
F 09:10 AM 10:00 AM (By Appointment)
TA: Keith Sollers
Oce: 3202 Mathematical Sciences Building (MSB)
Oce Hours: TBA
Your nal grade will be based on:
Homework 40% of your Homework Grade
Your Homework Grade will consist of the following two equally weighted parts.
1. 20% of your WeBWorK Grade (one to ve WeBWorK assignments)
2. 20% of your written problem sets grade (one to ve problem sets)
Midterm 20% of your Midterm Grade (In class, on Friday, May 09, 2014 at 08:00 AM)
Final Exam 20% of your Take-Home Final Exam (Due Monday, June 09, 2014 at 6:00 PM)
Final Project 20% of your Final Project Grade (Due Monday, June 09, 2014 at 6:00 PM)
One portion of the graded homework assignments will be WeBWorK problems.
Instructions for how to login and perform other routine WeBWorK tasks mare available at
UC Davis Department of Mathematics WeBWorK Help Wiki
c Professor E. G. Puckett 2014 1 Revision 3.00: Wed 2
Apr, 2014 at 07:53
Math 167 CRN 29231 APPLIED LINEAR ALGEBRA Spring Quarter 2014
There will be one Midterm, a Final Project, and a Take-Home Final Examination.
The midterm will be held during class in 176 Chemistry on Friday, May 09, 2014 at 10:00 AM.
At the beginning of the quarter the date of the midterm is tentative.
I will inform you when the date of the midterm is nalized, in plenty of time for you to prepare for it.
Our Final Exam is scheduled for:
- Monday, June 09, 2014 at 6:00 PM.
The Final Exam will consist of a Final Project and a Take-Home Final Exam, both of which will be
due on the date we are scheduled to take a nal exam.
NOTE: We will not have an in-class Final Exam
Policies Concerning Exams
You MUST bring your student ID to the midterm! The proctor will check all students IDs.
The midterm will be a closed book exam. You may not use the textbook, crib sheets, notes, or any
other outside material. Do not bring blue books or your own scratch paper. If you need scratch paper,
the proctors will provide it.
You will not be allowed to use calculators, laptop computers, cell phones or any other electrical device
in the midterm.
You must only work on your own exam. Any suspected instances of collaboration, copying,
or other violations of the U. C. Davis Code of Academic Conduct will be forwarded to the Oce of
Student Judicial Aairs.
There will be NO MAKE-UP FOR THE MIDTERM EXAM. If you miss the midterm due
to a catastrophic event, such as a serious illness or the death of an immediate family member, you
must provide me with valid, written proof. I shall then readjust the weighting of your nal grade
to 20% of your Homework Grade, 20% of your other Project Grade, and 50% of your Final Project
and, if we have one, Take Home Final Grade.
If you miss the nal exam due to a catastrophic event such as a serious illness or the death of an
immediate family member, you must provide me with written proof of a valid reason for
missing the nal exam. I will then give you an Incomplete grade, provided you meet the
Department of Mathematics standard for receiving an Incomplete. In particular, you must have
completed a signicant portion of the work for the class and your work must be of passing quality;
i.e., a grade of C or better. We will then make appropriate plans to change the incomplete to a
letter grade. Most likely, you will be required to take the nal exam for Math 167 the next time it
is taught.
c Professor E. G. Puckett 2014 2 Revision 3.00: Wed 2
Apr, 2014 at 07:53

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