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Part 4 - THE CHARAM-SLOKI: The Essence of Surrender (1!""#

$%s&anatha C! Tha'ura and (a)ade*a $%d+a,husana cons%der th%s *erse the
-%nnac)e of the (ha.a*ad-.%ta &here a)) the %nstruct%ons f%na))+ cu)/%nate!
Lord Krsna here .%*es H%s u)t%/ate %nstruct%on to Ar0una! In one sense1 %n th%s
*erse1 Lord Krsna %s &hat He has sa%d -re*%os)+ %n the a)) (ha.a*ad-
sarva-dharman parityajya / mam ekam saranam vraja
aham tvam sarva-papebhyo / moksayisyami ma sucah

sar*a-dhar/an--a)) *ar%et%es of re)%.%on2 -ar%t+a0+a--a,andon%n.2 /a/--unto
Me2 e'a/--on)+2 sarana/--for surrender2 *ra0a--.o2 aha/--I2 t*a/--+ou2
sar*a--a))2 -a-e,h+ah--fro/ s%nfu) react%ons2 /o'sa+%s+a/%--&%)) de)%*er2
/a--do not2 sucah--&orr+!

Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver
you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear.

Sr%)a Pra,hu-ada &r%tes %n h%s Pur-ort: 43o&1 %n su//ar%5%n. (ha.a*ad-.%ta1
the Lord sa+s that Ar0una shou)d .%*e u- a)) the -rocesses that ha*e ,een
e6-)a%ned to h%/2 he shou)d s%/-)+ surrender to Krsna!4
There are t&o -aths to Krsna consc%ousness .%*en %n the (ha.a*ad-.%ta: the
-ath of .radua) e)e*at%on ,+ 'no&)ed.e1 and the -ath of %//ed%ate1
uncond%t%ona) surrender! In 1!"" Sr% Krsna dec)ares that the -ath of uncon-
d%t%ona) surrender %s the ,est1 for %n th%s &a+ one atta%ns a)) -erfect%on &%thout
se-arate effort!
7uote fro/ Sr%)a Pra,u-ada: 48%rst of a))1 one ,eco/es 0nana*an2 then he
surrenders to $asude*a! Sar*a-dhar/an -ar%t+a0+a /a/ e'a/ sarana/
*ra0a! Th%s %s one -rocess! Another -rocess %s +ou ,eco/e a de*otee of
$asude*a1 then 0nana1 *a%ra.+a1 &%)) auto/at%ca))+ co/e!4
Sr%)a Pra,hu-ada here %s .%*%n. an e6a/-)e fro/ t&o *erses %n the (ha.a-
*ad-.%ta1 one %s th%s chara/-s)o'% and the other one %s on 9!1:!
S( "!1!1: "Although not having fully realized Krsna, persons ho have
even once surrendered completely unto !is lotus feet and ho have become
attracted to !is name, form, "ualities and pastimes are completely freed of
all sinful reactions, for they have thus accepted the true method of
atonement. #ven in dreams, such surrendered souls do not see $amaraja or
his order carriers, ho are e"uipped ith ropes to bind the sinful."
Th%s %s a *er+ c)ear state/ent! Krsna sa+s %n the chara/-s)o'% ;I &%)) -rotect
+ou fro/ a)) s%nfu) react%ons1 do not fear;! Here %t sa+s that one /a+ not e*en
,e a fu))+ rea)%5ed de*otee1 ,ut %f he %s s%ncere)+ surrendered to Krsna then he
&%)) not see the +a/adutas e*en %n drea/s!
To surrender to Krsna e*en ,efore ha*%n. rea)%5ed H%/ %s %tse)f the su-er%or
-ath of 'no&)ed.e1 ,ecause Krsna %s the .oa) of a)) cu)t%*at%on of 'no&-
)ed.e! One &ho s%/-)+ surrenders to Krsna ,e.%ns h%s s-%r%tua) )%fe at the
-o%nt of fu)) 'no&)ed.e!
7uote fro/ Sr%)a Pra,hu-ada: 4Therefore the &ho)e &or)d %s confused!
The+ do not 'no& &here to re-ose the )o*e! That the+ do not 'no&! There-
fore Krsna %s can*ass%n.: sar*a-dhar/an -ar%t+a0a /a/ e'a! ;Co/e here )o*e
Me %ncrease +our attach/ent for Me! E*er+th%n. &%)) ,e a))!; Other&%se %t
%s s%/-)+ *a.ue! Sra/a e*a h% 'e*a)a/! S%/-)+ &aste of t%/e! <har/a
s*anusth%tha -u/sa/ *%s*a'sena 'athasu +a1 not-ada+ed rat%/ +ad% sra/a
e*a h% 'e*a)a/! It %s s%/-)+ &aste of t%/e!4
Th%s %s *er+ dee- -o%nt! Sr%)a Pra,hu-ada %s s-ea'%n. a,out *a.ue re)%.%ous
s+ste/s &h%ch -ro/ote su,-re)%.%ous -r%nc%-)es such as /erc+1 '%ndness1
c)ean)%ness1 auster%t+1 char%t+ and so on!!! ! A)) o*er the &or)d there are
re)%.%ous s+ste/s &h%ch &%)) not a%/ one at =od1 the Su-re/e Persona)%t+ of
=odhead! The+ /a+ /ent%on =od ,ut &hat does that /ean> The &ord =od %s
re)ated &%th 4.ood41 the+ ha*e the sa/e et+/o)o.%ca) or%.%n! The+ /ean
=od as ;.ood;1 ;OK;! The &ord doesn;t sa+ /uch /ore than that! It %s not a
-ersona) address! It 0ust %nd%cates H%s status1 ;*er+ .ood;! There are na/es to
=od that 0ust %nd%cate so/e *a.ue ?ua)%t+ of H%/1 ;He %s Su-re/e; ;He %s
.reat;! There %s no s-ec%f%c for/ or ?ua)%t+ or act%*%t%es or -ersona)%t+ on
&h%ch other de*otees of =od shou)d /ed%tate u-on! Rather the+ are to)d that
there %s a =od1 ;He %s .reat; and an+one &ho fo))o&s the 1@ co/ande/ents
or other )a&s ,eco/es ?ua)%f%ed to understand =od %n the future!
Sr%)a Pra,hu-ada %s ?uot%n. th%s *erse fro/ Sr%/ad-(ha.a*ata/1 dhar/ah
s*anusth%tah -u/sa/A *%s*a'sena-'athasu +ah! Th%s *erse %s sa+%n.1 ;%f +ou
are fo))o&%n. dhar/a and +et!!! *%s*a'sena-'athasu +ahA not-ada+ed +ad%
rat%/1 +ou are not de*e))o-%n. a taste (rat%/#1 for hear%n. a,out the Su-re/e
Persona)%t+ of =odhead1 then1 sra/a e*a h% 'e*a)a/1 %t %s 0ust a &aste of t%/e!
In a *erse rec%ted ,+ Sar*a,hau/a (hattacar+a descr%,%n. the .)or%es of Sr%
Ca%tan+a Maha-ra,hu %t sa+s *a%ra.+a-*%d+a-n%0a-,ha't%-+o.aAs%'sartha/
e'ah -urusah -uranah1 Lord Ca%tan+a has co/e to de)%*er to the hu/an race
that &h%ch has ,een )ost for a )on. t%/e %n h%stor+! And %t /ent%ones three
th%n.s1 *a%ra.+a (rea) renunc%at%on#1 *%d+a (transcendenta) 'no&)ed.e#1 and
n%0a-,ha't%-+o.a! (ha't%-+o.a /eans de*ot%ona) ser*%ce and n%0a /eans
s-ec%f%c1 ,ha't%-+o.a not to so/e *a.ue =od &ho %s ,e+ond the c)ouds1 &ho
&e don;t 'no& &here He %s and He )oo's )%'e! 3%0a /eans s-ec%f%ca))+ to
Krsna! Th%s %s the ,ened%ct%on of Sr% Ca%tan+a Maha-ra,hu!
The other -rocesses of dhar/a e6-)a%ned %n the (ha.a*ad-.%ta are ,ased
u-on ,ho.a (en0o+%n. se-arate)+ fro/ Krsna# or t+a.a (renounc%n. se-arate)+
fro/ Krsna#!
Krsna %n the (ha.a*ad-.%ta :!B9 sa+s: +at 'aros% +ad asnas%A +a0 0uhos%
dadas% +atA +at ta-as+as% 'aunte+aA tat 'urus*a /ad-ar-ana/1 "%hatever you
do, hatever you eat, hatever you offer or give aay, and hatever
austerities you perform & do that, ' son of Kunti, as an offering to Me".
Here1 Sr%)a Pra,hu-ada %nd%cates1 Krsna %s e6-)a%n%n. to the 'ar/%s ho& to
,eco/e a de*otee! And for the +o.%s there the )ast *erse of the "th Cha-ter of
(ha.a*ad-.%ta +o.%na/ a-% sar*esa/!!!8or the 0nan%s there the *erse of
(ha.a*ad-.%ta 9!1:1 ,ahuna/ 0an/ana/ ante!!! These *erses are %nd%cat%n. to
those &ho are 'ar/%s1 0nan%s or +o.%s ho& the+ can ,eco/e de*otees ,+
fo))o&%n. the%r -rocesses! If the+ do not surrender to Krsna then these
-rocesses are ,ased u-on ,ho.a1 en0o+%n. se-arate)+ fro/ Krsna or t+a.a1
renounc%n. se-arate)+ fro/ Krsna!
7uote fro/ Sr%)a Pra,hu-ada: 4Krsna sa+s: sar*a dhar/an -ar%!!! Cou ha*e to
.%*e u- th%s ,ho.a dhar/a and t+a.a dhar/a! Sar*a dhar/an -ar%t+a0a! Cou
are no& en.a.ed %n t&o '%nds of dhar/a! So/e,od+1 'ar/%s1 the+ are
,ho.a1 ,ho.a dhar/%! The+ &ant to en0o+! And t+a.%1 the+ &ant to renounce
th%s ,ho.a! So ,oth of these &%)) not he)- +ou! (ho.a-t+a.a! Then &hat>
Se*a! Cou ha*e to ta'e the dhar/a of se*a! That %s ,ha't%! Krsna-se*a! 8or
Krsna1 +ou can acce-t an+th%n.! That %s!!! %t /a+ a--ear ,ho.a! Dust )%'e
Prah)ada Mahara0a1 Prthu Mahara0a1 the+ &ere '%n.s1 *er+ o-u)ent '%n.s!
<hru*a Mahara0a! So st%)) the+ &ere .reat de*otees! 3ot on)+ ord%-nar+
de*otees1 /aha0anas! So th%s ,ho.a-t+a.a has no /ean%n.! It has no ,enef%t!
One has to ,eco/e de*otee! E%ther %n the ,ho.a f%e)d or %n the t+a.a f%e)d! It
doesn;t /atter! (ho.a-t+a.a %s not re?u%red! Re?u%red %s ser*%ce!4
One /a+ ser*e %n o-u)ent sett%n.s as a '%n.1 ut%)%5%n. /%))%ons and /%))%ons of
do)ars of &ea)th %n Krsna;s ser*%ce and that %s not 'ar/a1 not ,ho.a-dhar/a1 %t
%s -ure de*ot%ona) ser*%ce %f %t %s 1@@E ut%)%5ed %n Krsna;s ser*%ce!
Fncond%t%ona) surrender %s the -r%t%--ur*a'a1 the /ethod of )o*e1 &h%ch %s
*%dh%--ur*a'a (the /ethod# as o--osed to a*%dh%--ur*a'a (see (. :!BG#!
8or an e6a/-)e of the d%fference ,et&een the t&o1 one /a+ refer to the stor+
of the &%*es of the ,rah/anas %n Krsna (oo'!
7uote fro/ Sr%)a Pra,hu-ada: 4The+ ne.)ect th%s &ord1 a*%dh%--ur*a'a/! The+
s%/-)+ sa+ that to &orsh%- other de/%.ods %s a)so the sa/e! 3o! It %s not the!!!
It %s a*%dh%--ur*a'a! And %f +ou!!! Su--ose +ou are %n trou,)e! Cou ha*e to
sat%sf+ the -o)%ce co//%ss%oner! (ut +ou are tr+%n. to sat%sf+ the -o-)%ce
co//%ss%oner ,+ ,r%,%n. the consta,)e! That %s a*%dh%--ur*a'a! If %t %s 'no&n1
then +ou;)) ,e -un%shed! So don;t tr+ to sat%sf+ Krsna--a*%dh%--ur*a'a/! $%dh%-
-ur*a'a/! That *%dh%--ur*a'a/ %s d%rect! Sar*a-dhar/an -ar%t+a0a /a/
e'a/ sarana/ *ra0a! That %s &anted! That %s *%dh%--ur*a'a/! Other&%se
a*%dh%--ur*a'a/! And ho&> The a*%dh%!!! The *%dh%--ur*a'a1 ho&> Dust as the &ater %s f)o&%n. auto/at%ca))+ to&ard the sea1 s%/%-)ar)+1 +our de*o-
t%ona) ser*%ce )%'e that1 auto/at%ca))+1 &%thout an+ chec'!!! Then +our )%fe %s
In the Se*enth Cha-ter %t &as sa%d that on)+ one &ho has ,eco/e free fro/
a)) s%nfu) react%ons can ta'e to the &orsh%- of Lord Krsna! Thus one /a+ th%n'
that un)ess he %s free fro/ a)) s%nfu) react%ons he cannot ta'e to the
surrender%n. -rocess! To such dou,ts %t %s here sa%d that e*en %f one %s not free
fro/ a)) s%nfu) react%ons1 s%/-)+ ,+ the -rocess of surrender%n. to Sr% Krsna he
%s auto/at%ca))+ freed! There %s no need of strenuous effort to free onese)f
fro/ s%nfu) react%ons!
Surrender%n. to Krsna destro+s s%n at %ts *er+ roots!
7uote fro/ Sr%)a Pra,hu-ada: 4Th%s1 these four '%nds of of s%nfu)
act%*%t%es1 %n stoc'1 a)/ost fruct%f%ed1 /an%fest1 a)) the of s%nfu)
act%*%t%es can ,e %//ed%ate)+ nu))%f%ed! (ecause %t %s assured ,+ Krsna: aha/
t*a/ sar*a--a-e,h+o /o'sa+s%a/%! It %s not %/a.%nat%on! If &e ,e)%e*e %n the
&ords of Krsna then there %s no ?uest%on of den+%n. th%s fact! Krsna
-ersona))+ sa+s1 aha/ t*a/ sar*a--a-e,h+o /o'a!!! Sar*a--a-e,h+o! The
'utastha1 -ha)on/u'ha1 -rara,dha1 e*er+th%n.! It ,eco/e %//ed%ate)+
nu))%f%ed! S%/-)+ ,+ th%s -rocess1 ,+ surrender%n.!4
These 'utastha1 -ha)on/u'ha and -rara,dha are three of the four of
s%n! The f%rst sta.e %s ,h%0a or seed! The seeds of s%n are %n our heart! Ta'e ,+
%nstance the se6ua) des%re! Se6ua) des%re %s a resu)t of s%nfu) des%res %n the for/
of seeds stored %n the heart! In a +oun. ch%)d there %s no such des%re1 ,ut the
seeds are there %n the heart! Hhen the ch%)d reaches -u,ert+ then1 'utastha1 %t
,e.%ns to de*e))o-! Hhen the seed s-routs and starts to .ro&! A +oun.
,o+ doesn;t 'no& &h+ ,ut sudden)+ f%nds ,eaut%fu) .%r)s to )oo' at! Then the
fru%t ,e.%ns to .ro&1 -ha)on/u'ha! The fru%ts of en0o+e/ent ,eco/es
/an%fested! And then1 -rara,dha1 or the resu)t of tast%n. that fru%t!
Those are the four of s%n! (+ surrender%n. to Krsna these four
are erad%cated!
A c)ear e6a/-)e of &hat th%s /eans &e f%nd %n the Maha,harata! In the ,att)e
of Kuru'setra1 Sr% Krsna ad*%sed the Panda*as to ta'e unfa%r /eans to
defeat the Kaura*as! In th%s &a+ the Panda*as ,ro'e the codes of dhar-/a
for a 'satr%+a! 8or e6a/-)e %t &as Krsna &ho ad*%sed (h%/a to ,ra'e the
t%.hs of <ur+odhana at the end!
Other /ethods of re)%.%on cannot de)%*er one fro/ the root of s%n ,ecause the+
are essent%a) /an-centered1 not =od-centered! The root of s%n %s our *er+ )ac'
of surrender to Krsna2 th%s unsurrendered att%tude /an%fests %n /an-centered
re)%.%ons as the -ortra+a) of =od as /an'%nd;s order-su--)%er!
7uotes fro/ Sr%)a Pra,hu-ada: 4Therefore Krsna sa+s1 ;8%rst of a)) surrender!
Then tr+ to understand!; Sar*a-dhar/an -ar%t+a0+a /a/ e'a sarana/ *ra0a1
aha/ t*a/ sar*a--a-e,h+o /o'sa+s%+a/%! Hhen +ou surrender1 and ,+ that
surrender%n. -rocess1 &hen +ou are free fro/ the resu)tant act%on of s%nfu)
act%*%t%es1 then +ou can a--rec%ate =od1 not that =od %s /+ order-su--)%er!4

The /an-centered re)%.%on %s *er+ ch%)d%sh! The re)at%osh%- of ch%)dren &%th
father and /other %s 4.%*e /e1 .%*e /e1 .%*e /eI4! The+ are a)&a+s
de/and%n. the -arents to su--)+ then and &hen the+ the+ .o to the
-arents co/-)a%n a,out others and ha*e the%r su--ort! Ch%)dren the+ ne*er
rea))+ a--rec%ate that the -arents ha*e the%r o&n )%*es and act%*%t%es! Ch%)dren
on)+ th%n' that -arents are there 4for /eI4! S%/%)ar)+ these /an-centered
re)%.%ons the+ ha*e no %nterest %n the -ast%/es of the Lord! In fact that &ou)d
/a'e the/ *er+ affra%d: 4%f Krsna .oes out %n the forest &%th the .o-%s and %f I
&ant to sa+ a -ra+er at that t%/e He &ont )%sten to /e1 He &%)) ,e *er+ ,us+!
Th%s %s not a '%nd of =od that I &ant to &orsh%-! I &ant a =od &ho %s 0ust
s%tt%n. u- there and has noth%n. e)se to do e6ce-t )%sten to /e!4 The+ &ant a
'%nd of =od &ho %s the%r ser*ant! Th%s %s the o--os%te of th%s *erse 4+ou
surrender to Me and .%*e u- an+ other -)anI4
4Sar*a-dhar/an -ar%t+a0a /a/ e'a sarana/ *ra0a: ;Cou ha*e /anufactured
so /an+ rasca)do/ %n the na/e of re)%.%on! =%*e u- a)) th%s nonsense!
S%/-)+ surrender unto Me!; Th%s %s &anted! (ut Krsna 'no&s that ;If I sa+ to
the rasca)s1 4Surrender unto Me14 he;)) ta'e other&%se!; A ,%. scho)ar sa+s1 ;Oh1
th%s %s too /uch so-h%str+!; Krsna %s de/and%n.: ;S%/-)+ surrender unto /e!;
And the co//entor1 co//entator %s re/ar'%n.1 ;Oh1 th%s %s too /uch!;
As one re?u%res no -re)%/%nar+ 'no&)ed.e to surrender to Krsna1 s%/%)ar)+
one re?u%res no -re)%/%nar+ -ur%t+ or -%et+!
7uote fro/ Sr%)a Pra,hu-ada: 4So &%thout ,e%n. -a*%tra1 &%thout ,e%n.
-%ous1 &%thout ,e%n. free fro/ conta/%nat%on of /ater%a) act%*%t%es1 no,od+
can a--roach Krsna! That;s a fact! (ut Krsna %s so '%nd that He orders that
JE*en %f +ou ha*e .ot so/e 'a/ana1 so/e des%re1 /ater%a) des%re1 st%))1 +ou
can ta'e she)ter u-on Me!; Sar*a-dhar/an -ar%t+a0+a! JCou do not ta'e
she)ter of an+th%n. e)se! S%/-)+ de-end on Me!; Sar*a-dhar/an -ar%t+a0+a
/a/ e'a sarana/ *ra0a! JCou ha*en;t .ot to de-end on an+th%n. e)se! I &%))
.%*e +ou -rotect%on!; So &e ha*e to ta'e fa%th %n the &ords of Krsna and -%nch
(s%c# our co/-)ete fa%th and de*ot%on at the )otus feet of Krsna!4
(. :!GB "' son of (rtha, those ho ta)e shelter of Me, though they be of
loer birth&&omen, vaisyas *merchants+ and sudras *or)ers+&&can
attain the supreme destination."
S( 11!14!1 "My dear ,ddhava, if My devotee has not fully con"uered his
senses, he may be harrassed by material desires, but because of his
unflinching devotion for Me, he ill not be defeated by sense gratifica&
Sr%)a Pra,hu-ada cont%nues %n h%s Pur-ort to the (. 1!"": 4The -rocess of
surrender to Krsna %s descr%,ed %n the Har%,ha't% *%)asa (11!"9"#:
anu'u)+as+a san'a)-ah -rat%'u)+as+a *ar0ana/ ra's%s+at%t% *%s*aso .o-trt*e
*arana/ tatha at/a-n%'se-a-'ar-an+e sad-*%dha!

Dust as the four %te/s of (. 1!"K ta'e %nto account the n%ne -rocesses of
de*ot%ona) ser*%ce .%*en %n the sastra1 so the /ethod of surrender ad*%sed %n
1!"" ta'es %nto account the sad-*%dha (s%6fo)d /ethod of
surrender# .%*en %n the sastra!
7uote fro/ CC Madh+a-)%)a BB!1@@: "'ne ho is fully surrendered is "ua&
lified ith the si- folloing characteristics. ./0 1he devotee has to accept
everything that is favorable for the rendering of transcendental loving
service to the 2ord. .30 !e must reject everything unfavorable to the
2ord4s service. 1his is also called renunciation. .50 A devotee must be firmly
convinced that Krsna ill give him protection. 6o one else can actually
give one protection, and being firmly convinced of this is called faith. 1his
)ind of faith is different from the faith of an impersonalist ho ants to
merge into the 7rahman effulgence in order to benefit by cessation of
repeated birth and death. A devotee ants to remain alays in the 2ord4s
service. In this ay, Krsna is merciful to !is devotee and gives him all
protection from the dangers found on the path of devotional service. .80 1he
devotee should accept Krsna as his supreme maintainer and master. !e
should not thin) that he is being protected by a demigod. !e should depend
only on Krsna, considering !im the only protector. 1he devotee must be
firmly convinced that ithin the three orlds he has no protector or
maintainer other than Krsna. .90 :elf&surrender means remembering that
one4s activities and desires are not independent. 1he devotee is completely
dependent on Krsna, and he acts and thin)s as Krsna desires. .;0 1he
devotee is mee) and humble."

(+ surrender%n. to Krsna as Krsna;s de*otee1 th%s doesn;t necessar))+ /ean
that one &%)) )ea*e th%s /ater%a) &or)d at )east a&a+! Krsna /a+ ha*e
so/e dut+ for h%/ %n th%s /ater%a) &or)d! Protect%on of the Lord does not
/ean1 )%'e the %/-ersona)%sts sa+1 that +ou .o u- to the c)ouds of (rah/an1
the door %s )oc'ed and +ou are safe there! Protect%on /eans that &e /a+ ha*e
to act %n th%s &or)d1 face so/et%/es stron. o--os%t%on1 ,ut Krsna &%)) a)&a+s
-rotect us!
Sr%)a Pra,hu-ada &r%tes on h%s Pur-ort: 4One shou)d ,e attracted ,+ the
,eaut%fu) *%s%on of Krsna! H%s na/e %s Krsna ,ecause He %s a))-attract%*e! One
&ho ,eco/es attracted ,+ the ,eaut%fu)1 a))--o&erfu)1 o/n%-otent *%s%on of
Krsna %s fortunate! There are d%fferent '%nds of transcendenta)%sts--so/e of
the/ are attached to the %/-ersona) (rah/an *%s%on1 so/e of the/ are
attracted ,+ the Su-ersou) feature1 etc!1 ,ut one &ho %s attracted to the
-ersona) feature of the Su-re/e Persona)%t+ of =odhead1 and1 a,o*e a))1 one
&ho %s attracted ,+ the Su-re/e Persona)%t+ of =odhead as Krsna H%/se)f1
%s the /ost -erfect transcendenta)%st! In other &ords1 de*ot%ona) ser*%ce to
Krsna1 %n fu)) consc%ousness1 %s the /ost conf%dent%a) -art of 'no&)ed.e1 and
th%s %s the essence of the &ho)e (ha.a*ad-.%ta!
Fnreser*ed surrender to Krsna %s the /ethod of de*ot%on of the .o-%s1 &ho
are the /ost -erfect transcendenta)%sts!
S( 11!1B!1G-1K "All those hundreds of thousands of gopis, understanding
Me to be their most charming lover and ardently desiring Me in that ay,
ere unaare of My actual position. $et by intimately associating ith Me,
the gopis attained Me, the :upreme Absolute 1ruth. 1herefore, My dear
,ddhava, abandon the <edic mantras as ell as the procedures of
supplementary <edic literatures and their positive and negative injunctions.
Disregard that hich has been heard and that hich is to be heard. :imply
ta)e shelter of Me alone, for I am the :upreme (ersonality of =odhead,
situated ithin the heart of all conditioned souls. 1a)e shelter of Me
holeheartedly, and by My grace be free from fear in all circumstances."
Krsna;s %n*%tat%on to the )%*%n. ent%t%es to surrender to H%/ under H%s fu))
-rotect%on %s the e6-ress%on of H%s o&n unreser*ed )o*e for H%s eterna) -arts
and -arce)s!
7uote fro/ Sr%)a Pra,hu-ada: 4Krsna )o*es us /ore than &e )o*e H%/! He do
not )o*e H%/! (ut Krsna )o*es! Krsna )o*es e*er+ )%*%n. ,e%n.! He sa+s1
sar*a-+on%su 'aunte+a sa/,ha*ant% /urta+o +ah: ;E*er+ )%*%n. ,e%n.1
&hate*er for/ he %s1 that doesn;t /atter1 I a/ the ,%0a--radah -%tah1 I a/ the
seed-.%*%n. father!; So the father %s a)&a+s affect%onate to the sons! The sons
/a+ the father1 ,ut the father cannot! So Krsna co/es here out
of H%s )o*e for us to de)%*er us1 to .%*e us the -ath! Sar*a-dhar/an
-ar%t+a0+a: ;M+ dear sons1 &h+ +ou are rott%n. %n th%s /%sera,)e &or)d> Cou
co/e to Me! I;)) .%*e +ou a)) -rotect%on! Cou are the son of the Su-re/e! So
+ou can en0o+ )%fe *er+ su-re/e)+1 *er+ /a.n%f%cent)+1 &%thout an+ death!
Hh+ +ou are rott%n.>; That %s Krsna;s /erc+!4

In (. 1!"" Sr% Krsna %s %n*%t%n. the )%*%n. ent%t%es to enter %nto an %nt%/ate
)o*%n. re)at%onsh%- &%th H%/!
7uote fro/ Sr%)a Pra,hu-ada: 4E*er+one has -re/a1 )o*e! Th%s -ro-ens%t+ to
)o*e others! That %s!!! There %s1 e*er+&here! (ut that -re/a1 that )o*e1 %s
or%.%na))+ for Krsna! 3%t+a-s%ddha 'rsna-,ha't%! That %s the or%.%na) -re/a! (ut
,ecause &e are %))us%oned1 that -re/a %s ,e%n. a--)%ed or used for so /an+
L/+M! Pre/a I ha*e .ot! I ha*e .ot /+ )o*e! That %s a fact! (ut I do not 'no&
&here to re-ose that )o*e! That %s /+ /%sfortune! Therefore Krsna sa+s that
sar*a dhar/an -ar%t+a0a /a/ e'a sarana/ *ra0a! ;Cou ha*e .ot -re/a! Cou
a--)+ %t to Me! Then +ou;)) ,e ,enef%ted!; Pre/a %s a)read+ there! Cou are
s%/-)+ /%sus%n. %t! Therefore +ou are not ha--+! Th%s %s the -rocess! Pre/a1
+ou ha*e .ot! (ut +ou are /%sus%n. %t! (ut %f +ou ta'e Krsna;s &ord1 that
4=%*e +our -re/a unto Me!!!4
He can su//ar%5e th%s Chara/-s)o'% and the =%ta-rahas+a ,+ c%t%n. th%s
*erse: S( 11!11!GG 4My devotees may or may not )no e-actly hat I am,
ho I am and ho I e-ist, but if they orship Me ith unalloyed love, then I
consider them to be the best of devotees."
Here 'no&)ed.e %s not ta'%n. to ,e *er+ %/-ortant ,+ Krsna! Hhat %s %/-ortant
%s unreser*ed surrender and )o*e and de*ot%on! And then Krsna su--)%es a))
'no&)ed.e to the de*otee! (ut %t /ust a)so ,e -o%nted out that Krsna %s not
as'%n. us to surrender to H%/ %n so/e %.norant and sent%/enta) &a+! The
-rocess of surrender to Krsna as &e a)read+ heard %n the Catur-s)o'% %t
,e.%ns ,+ assoc%at%n. &%th Krsna;s de*otees1 hear%n. fro/ the/ a,out Krsna!
Th%s %s ho& one can )earn ho& to surrender to Krsna! It %s on)+ -oss%,)e
throu.h Krsna;s de*otees! (+ hear%n. fro/ Krsna;s de*otees one .ets
'no&)ed.e ho& to -ro-er)+ surrender to H%/! Th%s %s an %/-ortant -o%nt
,ecause there %s /an+ u-starts1 the a-a-sa/-rada+as1 the ,*a%sna*as1
&ho c)a%/ that the+ ha*e )o*e of Krsna1 the+ ha*e surrendered to H%/ fu))+ so
the+ don;t care for ru)es and re.u)at%ons1 the+ don;t care for soc%a) o-%n%on!
The+ are 0ust act%n. %n -ure )o*e! And th%s -ure )o*e /eans to the/ s%/-)+
%))%c%t se6!
The dou,t /a+ ,e e6-ressed thus)+: Hh+1 %f (. 1!"" %s an essent%a) *erse of
the (ha.a*ad-.%ta1 d%d Lord Ca%tan+a sa+ 4Th%s %s on)+ e6terna)4 &hen th%s
*erse &as ?uoted ,+ Sr%)a Ra/ananda Ra+a dur%n. Ra/ananda;s e6-)anat%on
of the u)t%/ate .oa) of )%fe>
4So as I to)d +ou1 Ra/ananda Ra+a1 the d%scuss%on ,et&een Ra/ananda Ra+a
and Ca%tan+a Maha-ra,hu1 Ra/ananda Ra+a -ro-osed d%fferent ste-s of
s-%r%tua) ad*ance/ent1 and Ca%tan+a Maha-ra,hu sa%d1 ;Ces1 th%s %s .ood1 ,ut
th%s %s e6terna)! It %s not *er+ effect%*e!; E*en sar*a-dhar/an -ar%t+a0+a /a/
e'a sarana/ *ra0a1 that a)so Ca%tan+a Maha-ra,hu sa%d1 ;It %s a)so not
effect%*e!; It %s not effect%*e for these .o-'haras! Other&%se %t %s effect%*e! (ut %n
the ,e.%nn%n.1 the+ cannot! Other&%se %n the (ha.a*ad-.%ta %t %s -)a%n)+
sa%d1 sar*a-dhar/an -ar%t+a0+a /a/ e'a! Hho %s ta'%n. %t> 3o,od+ %s ta'%n.
%t! Therefore %t %s not effect%*e for the .o-'haras! It %s effect%*e for one &ho %s
actua))+ hu/an ,e%n.1 ,ut the+ are not hu/an ,e%n.! The+ are a)) ras-ca)s1
.o-'haras! Therefore %t %s not effect%*e! If +ou %nstruct a do.1 ;M+ dear do.1
-)ease surrender to Krsna1; &%)) he do that> So s%/%)ar)+1 hu/an ,e%n. &ho
does not surrender1 he %s no ,etter than the do.! Hhat %s the d%fference
,et&een do. and th%s hu/an ,e%n.1 .o-'haras> The cats1 the do.s1 the+
cannot do %t! And %f +ou hu/an ,e%n.s1 the+ cannot do a)so1 then &hat %s the
d%fference> Ahara-n%dra-,ha+a-/a%thuna/ ca sa/an+a/ etad -asu,h%r
narana/! S%/-)+ eat%n.1 s)ee-%n.1 se6 )%fe and defend%n.! These are co//on
th%n.s of the cats and do.s and the hu/an ,e%n.s! The hu/an ,e%n. %s
s-ec%a))+ ,enef%ted &hen he surrenders to Krsna! Other&%se he %s cat and do.!
So Ca%tan+a Maha-ra,hu 'ne& that these cats and do.s1 the+ are so
de.raded1 the+ cannot understand &hat %s the /ean%n. of surrender%n. to
Krsna! The+ cannot understand! Therefore He sa%d1 eho ,ah+a1 a.e 'aha ara:
;Th%s %s e6terna)! P)ease s-ea' /ore1 so/eth%n. effect%*e!;4
That &h%ch Lord Ca%tan+a acce-ted as effect%*e &as Ra/ananda Ra+a;s
state/ents fro/ the Sr%/ad-(ha.a*ata/: 4one shou)d s%/-)+ hear fro/ the
de*otees of the Lord!4 Th%s %s &here true surrender ,e.%ns! One has to )earn
the sc%ence of Krsna consc%ousness fro/ the de*otees and under the%r d%rec-
t%on1 surrender!

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