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Maybe you dont have a choice. What if I decide to change you myself?

*the blonde moved to sit beside Kiseki, a

playful grin tugging at the ends of his lips.* Im currently laughing, sitting, watching t.v., and teasing you.

The blonde moved to stand before Kiseki, watching as the other boy sat. A smile, fond and truly pleased by the turn
of events, split his lips with a minute glimmer of enamel. The thought of having his boyfriend organize a date, and
such a wonderful gesture from the immortal beyond Vains knowledge at that, was enough to leave Vain radiating
warmth; a sun in his own right. Perhaps in the back of his mind, he felt at fault for not having enough time to spend
some time with his boyfriend, and even though he knew that he wasnt truly to blame, he let the weight fall upon
him regardless. If only he could be their more often, then maybe Kiseki wouldnt have had to suffer.

Those thoughts werent presently active; pushed aside in favor of the thrill that came along with building positive

Vain swayed just the slightest bit on his heels and beamed alongcamping under the stars with his boyfriend; Vain
couldnt ask for morebefore placing his hands behind his head leisurely. WhoaThis.. This is amazing, Kisa! I
mean, it was really nice of you to do all of this.

Well, I like both of those things! I mean, when Im with my friends, we do a lot of talking and we like to
compete! Like, well, he pursed his lips thoughtfully. We race and spar a lot, or lay on the beach and watch
the sunset. I guessI really like just being with them. I dont mind what we do as long as were together.
Heh. The same goes for you. Been keeping sharp?
You know it! Sora grinned, an air of playful cockiness surrounding him as he folded his arms over his chest.
You doubt me?
Oh, and so Sora laughed, reaching up to tug at one of his own spikes. The wild tawny mane was certainly thick,
creating density with an edge of coarse texture; he could see why Neku might think that. It flattens out, though!
With that raised hand, he patted his hair down, although upon release, the haphazard locks simply returned to the
same state theyd been in previously.
Yknow, I havent had it cut in a long time. Maybe I really wouldnt trust anyone with scissors anymore!
Chuckling, he flashed a whimsical grin. Might think theyre gonna attack me or something.
. Hi, I didntI mean, youre here. A soft chuckle superseded the initial confusion. Its good to see you, and
perhaps it was an odd thing to say but he hadnt forgotten what the Nobody had done; he hadnt forgotten that Axel
was Roxas best friend.

Maybe this is what it is like to feel whole The happiness inside the youthful Nobody almost poured of his aura
like water from a faucet. It seemed like the unusual feeling in his core was nothing but a memory now; and it was all
because of Sora. He definitely was the light in the darkness that everyone had always prided him for being. The
warmth that was spreading within the small blonds chestwas that the bond the two shared bubbling to the surface,
just waiting to burst free?
Whatever it was, it didnt matter. He was just happy to have such a glorious being for a Somebody. Even if he could,
it wouldnt change a thing.
Eh? Oh nothing reallywhat about you? Maybe we can do something together!

Roxas had a great smile but seemed to show it infrequently; their similarities were vast, Sora could already tell, but
Roxas was absolutely his own being. Something about the blond felt so sad, so desperate, and although Sora was
often not the best at uncovering deeper views, he was no stranger to the will of the heart. Emotions could ignite
empathy very quickly and Sorawell, Sora was certainly the sort to reach for others. His heart would stretch out,
offering a hand, a shoulder, safety and sanctuary, all because he wanted only the best for everyone.
His Nobody was no exception.
I wasnt doing anything! A grin cracked across his face again, thrilled to have the opportunity to further get to
know the blond. What dyou like to do for fun, Roxas? We can do whatever you want.
A small chuckle spilled from the blonds mouth as he moved to nudge the other in a friendly manner. Being with his
somebody was definitely easing the tension that had gathered in his stomach I wont tell a soul, Sora. Dont
worry! he replied, cyan hues gazing knowingly at the keybearer. He could tell that the male did have some form of
truth to those words, and he really couldnt blame him for not wanting others to know.
It would cause them more worryand if Sora was anything like himself, which he was, he didnt want some one to
feel bothered just because of his silly emotions.

Another laugh rose between them as Sora lightly bumped their shoulders together. He found himself relaxing, no
longer experiencing the precarious teetering between anxiety and sadness, and truly, he knew he could thank Roxas
for that. Perhaps this was why he felt a small twinge in his heart that willed him to keep the blond nearby. It had to
have been natural, right? To have this bond with his own Nobody?
Roxas felt like family.
So what were you up to? I didnt interrupt anything, right?

The kid with the spiky hair introduced himself with the same eager Zack had had when he first met his friends in
Shinra. The look in the eyes, the smile as bright as the sun itself yup, Zack could definitely see himself in this
boy. And so, he kept smiling. Sora, huh? It seems that youre carrying some sorta weapon with you, or whats
with that big key?

Beaming, Sora lifted the headphones with the intent of wearing them over his ears. Fallow spikes parted around the
pressure, poking out at even more severe angles than his usual haphazard style, yet with a small adjustment, the
padding surrounded his ears.
He distantly mused that he and Neku were a matching set.
A haircut? Well, that took him by surprise. An index finger rose to scratch his cheek habitually as he gave his
friend an odd look. Whats wrong with my hair? And despite the underlying hint of incredulity in his tone, there
was also a distinct lilt of playfulnessas if he would ever honestly take that personally.
Truthfully, hearing those words from Nekuthe boy who had denied his friendship initiallyleft Sora intensely
excited. While the keybearer did his best to contain his emotions, he never was the best at swallowing his elation.
Without meaning to, he burst, a balloon full of confetti, and slipped the unattached headphones around his neck only
to beam his effervescence.
Somedays, it was hard for Sora himself to remember that he wasnt actually as young as he acted.
Thanks, he sincerely repeated. Youre a real friend, too, Neku! Im glad to have you.
That pleased sapphire gaze took in the purple headphones that Neku wore, then descended to the package of his own
new set of gold. Another slow grin tugged at Soras lips, quite obviously thrilled, and as he rolled onto the balls of
his feet, he began to work on opening the plastic. I dont even know what to say, he started as he struggled on
the edge of the vacuum-sealed clamshell. After a brief moment, he managed to pop the container open, releasing the
headphones and holding them up curiously. A childish laugh escaped him then. Theyre so cool! Neku, really,
thank you!

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