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Kiseki smiled softly leaning down to capture the boys lips in a soft kiss once more, how sweet

could his
boyfriend get after confessing so much love? Wrapping his arms tighter around the boys waist he gave a
sigh of exaggeration leaning his head back on the cold grass staring up at the brunette in silence, what
could ruin such a moment? Fondling with his hair the male couldnt resist in smiling as he slid his hand down
his back, purring quietly !"top saying such things #our making me blush$ he whispered folding his arms
over the others waist !#our my one and only, and any lover before me is an unlucky human stupid for
letting you go but then again % guess % should thank them because if they hadnt then % wouldnt have been
able to snatch you up$ he chuckled licking his bottom lip softly !% love you, short stuff or maybe my knight
in shining white armour %m still expecting to see a white horse$ he teased
&heir kiss had become heated and passionate, an image Kiseki had been replaying in his mind countless
time after time through his head throughout the day 'n image that would make any school girl blush with
the amount of boy on boy action Kisa resisted in sliding his hands into the school boys pants, he would
never want to ruin the moment with such a small action
"ighing he slid his hand to the boys cheek, gently caressing the side of the others face, his fingers slid to
the boys lips, gently prodding at his bottom lip in amusement !(ets eat un %m hungry cutie and theres
nothing better than )ains homemade food especially his home made rice balls$ *e chuckled sliding his
hands back and folding his hands behind his hands behind his head casually in relaxation
++,-, .y /nglish teacher put on 0Funky "quad which is a 12s crime show "o % had time to reply, #ou
distract me from my studies even when you dont reply to my messages -3 okay %ll talk to you later, (ove
ya 'ndrew4
Vain agreed that they were a great team. This left Vain grinning brightly, eyes shifting to get a blurry
glimpse of Kisekis profile. There was an affectionate glimmer in those lilac irises, pleased to have Kiseki
as his permanent companion. (Permanenttogether forever.!

This sealed their words, made them stronger, that they were a team and would remain so.
"Kisa!# was the brunets blithe reply as he languidly stepped closer. "Hey, hope I didnt keep you
waiting!# That effervescent curl of his lips and flash of gleaming enamel slowly shifted to a diffident smile
while he scratched the side of his face. "I didnt actually mean to take so long, I just got a little tied up.#
"KI SA?# $wlish lilac ga%e shifted to meet the ruby tints of the blondes swirling irises& familiarity
instantaneously washed over Vain, a gentle fluttering tingle soared up his stomach. "HEY! # he then greeted
in a kind flash of gleaming enamel. "I T S GOOD TO SEE YOU! #
FRIEND, TOO.# 'etting his lips, (ora lowered his eyes. "I WATCHED MY OWN WORLD GET
slow, resolute smile drew across his lips. "A LOT OF THINGSVE HAPPENED. I DONT
) sheepish laugh filled the air. "YEAH, SOMETI MES. "
Vain smiled privately. ",# he breathed. *efore them, the television flickered in harsh Technicolor
to further illuminate the +uiet home. #'ithout,# he murmured, adding. "'e can eat them straight
from the bo,.# )bsentmindedly, Vain laced his fingers around chopsticks and held it to his chest.
"'ould let me feed you like last time-# .ndigo hues fi,ed on crimson as he sat himself on the
floor in front of the table.
/01, including the legendaries
2iku hummed again softly, still combing his fingers through that tousled mess of brown spikes.
"3m,# he started +uietly, "right. Together4# 5is eyes lowered, watching as (ora hugged the
older boys leg to his chest. The action, as well as the words, resulted in butterfly wings sweeping
against 2ikus stomach, a very, very faint tint of red lightly coloring the apples of his cheeks.
$nly one thought, one word, ran through his mind as a+uatic eyes stared down at the boy against
"6ah,# he started, "'ell, even if . become old and prunny, . think .ll really look forward to this
in the future. 'ouldnt you-# .ndigo eyes +uickly fi,ated on the television set opposite of where
the two boys sat, a movie that theyd seen numerous times before playing on the screen. Vain
rela,ed on the couch, remote in one hand and the other la%ily draped around his beloveds waist.
'ithin his peripheral vision, Vain took notice of how Kiseki winced at the sterling loud
reverberations emitting from the surround sound (he could also feel him shifting within his lap!
though he still kept his eyes on the screen. .t was only until Kisa spoke once more did the
fifthteen7year7old blink once and direct his ga%e downward to meet those glimmering crimson
orbs. 5e hummed initially in response as he lifted his hand from the others waist and combed his
fingers through Kisekis soft hair. "8amn.. . love you, more than anything.#
9uriosity took hold the moment the words left his lips and so, inclining forward only slightly, he
pursed his lips and wondered aloud.
So: (core one for Goofy Smiley Kid. Victory was oh so sweet.
"WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT MY I MAGI NATI ON?# he taunted, one finger rubbing beneath his nose.

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