The Adventure Continues

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The jewel encrusted sky surrounded this world entirely, bathing it in the soft shadows of midnight.

arrived at the foot of the solitary tower with a jolt, the force reminiscent of an elevator coming to an abrupt
halt. As he opened his eyes to gaze up at the spindling architecture, he wondered just how long hed been
Time flows differently in every world
As it were, he hoped that he hadnt been long just as hed promised. !onald would harass if he had been,
undoubtedly so, but it would be "ikus disapproving stare that would seal his guilt.# $ith a sharp inhale to
calm his worry, he began along the dewy grass towards the threshold. Truly, there was only one way to
know for sure.
%ver since Sora left, "iku couldnt sit still&it was either sitting down for a few minutes, crossing and
uncrossing his legs' standing up and pacing around the room' heading down the tower staircase and back
outside to see if Sora had come back. (e and the others hadnt really been given much of a reason as to
why the brunet left. I just have stuff I need to take care ofI wont be gone long. Those had been Soras
words but man, had "iku wished he knew what Sora was really up to)
*ut hours had passed since then and even as time flew, there was nothing the +eyblade master could do
that would settle his nerves. (e had gone to get +airi out of ,aster -en Sides orders, but other than that,
there hadnt been much else for him to do. Sora was fine, "iku had that much faith in him. *ut still)he
was his protector. And he loved the brunet more than anything, so he couldnt help but worry. $ith a heavy
sigh, "iku once again got up from sitting and headed out the door of -en Sids study. !own the spiraling
staircase the silveret went before reaching the door that lead out of the tower. (e stood on the steps and
scanned the area, hoping to spot his fianc. though e/pected to be greeted with nothing but the same sight of
the grassy land and glowing skies. $hat he didnt e/pect, however, was to see what he was wishing for.
0)Sora12 $as it really him1 0Sora32
4ost in his own world, 5ain the Space 6adet hadnt immediately realized that the front doors had swung
open. 4ilac eyes were hazy, distant, yet it was the familiar voice that jarred his swirling thoughts.
0Kiseki?2 That gaze refocused then, shifting up, up, where "iku waited at the foot top of the stairs. There,
silhouetted in the entranceway, was the newly appointed +eyblade ,aster.
5ain momentarily froze. 7t was a skip of his heart, a second swallowed by time that could never be erased,
but he hoped to mask it with a bright grin and a salute of his hand. 8o one had to know that hed faltered'
the ticking of the clock would reliably carry on.
,issteps, missteps, missteps everywhere.
0Kisa!2 was the brunets blithe reply as he languidly stepped closer. 0Hey, hope I didnt keep you
waiting!2 That effervescent curl of his lips and flash of gleaming enamel slowly shifted to a diffident smile
while he scratched the side of his face. 0I didnt actually mean to take so long, I just got a little tied up.2
"iku wasnt imagining this, it was Sora. !amn, everything was probably starting to get to his head&he
had been inside a dream, after all. 9or all he knew, he could have still been in one, thus driving that fear
that maybe something had happened to Sora. *ut no. This was real. Sora was here and it wasnt a dream.
Sora was safe and sound.
(opping off the steps, "iku jogged to catch up with the brunet, a wave of relief washing over his entire
being. 0-ou were gone for :uite awhile,2 he said, :uirking a bit of a smile but it was faint. 07 was starting
to worry.2 Though this had been said in a rather lighthearted tone, he was nothing more than serious. Thats
all he did here at the tower. $orry, worry, worry)
0$hat were you doing that kept us waiting for so long12 he :uestioned, still in that considerably airy tone.
07ts been several hours)-ou didnt fall asleep again, did you12 The tease was partially a way to ease his
prior worriment, though oddly enough, it slightly counteracted. *ut he pushed those thoughts aside and
continued to focus on the positivity before him. Sora was back, safe and sound, and this was real. 8othing
else mattered. 8othing else.
Several hours1 Soras gaze followed "iku as they drew nearer, Soras smile waning. 0Whoops,2 he
murmured with an awkward chuckle. 0Guess I really did lose track o time!2 (is eyes swung up to lock
with a:uamarine as the younger tentatively reached a hand out to search for "ikus fingers. Their palms
met then, digits interwoven, and stepping forward to close the short distance, Sora tipped his weight
forward to lean against the welcoming warmth of his silent protector.
0I went to "ra#erse "own,2 he answered as he closed his eyes, free paw curled beside his cheek atop
"ikus chest. 0I wanted to thank the $ream %aters since I didnt get the chance &eore.2 7t was the
truth, honestly it was, but there was such a massive omission' it was veiled beneath waveless serenity that
came from being reunited once more.
(is chest ached. (ow hed missed "iku, although theyd never been fully separated. $ith a deep inhale
that e/panded his lungs and swallowed the intimate scent of spice, Sora nuzzled. $armth spread, comfort
in the gesture, and he knew he was safe. The darkness wouldnt place him in slumber. (ere, he was
0I didnt get to thank you, either.2
"iku paused in his tracks once he was close enough to Sora, sun;kissed fingers reaching out to lace with
alabaster ones. That partial smile on the silverets lips grew a little more prominent and he hummed a soft
chuckle as the hero of light came closer, leaning against the elders chest. (umming :uietly, "iku lightly
s:ueezed at his fianc.s hand and brought his free arm up to curl around Soras waist.
The newly appointed +eyblade master listened as Sora spoke of his absence. So he had gone back to
Traverse Town to thank the !ream %aters1 "iku chuckled softly. ow typical. Smiling rather privately to
himself, he tipped his head down and nosed into the brunets hair, inhaling that calming yet stimulating
scent of cinnamon. There was a brief moment of silence that surrounded them before Sora spoke again,
causing "iku to blink slowly in confusion.
Thank me! 0Thank me for what12 he asked as he leaned back a bit, staring down at the small boy.
$ith "ikus arm around his midsection and their fingers woven, Sora nestled against that thick chest. (e
felt more than heard his fianc.s chuckle rattle and vibrate, but the deep rhythm lulled Soras nerves,
leaving him in such peace that hed forgotten just why hed felt such suffocating distress only moments
prior. 7f just for now, nothing else would matter but the two of them finally having a chance to enjoy one
anothers presence.
"ikus curious in:uiry drew focus back and shifting, Sora tilted his head just a bit to peer at those pointed
features and meet a consuming tur:uoise gaze. 0'or,2 Sora started on a fumble. A beat passed, a break in
which a smile curved across his lips and an inner glow&fond' sincerely grateful&gleamed while he drank
in the reality. 8ot a dream anymore.# 0'or sa#ing me, (iku. I heard you and I knew you were there.
)ou came or me. When I woke up and you were still sleeping, I was really worried!&ut they told
me youd gone &ack in to pull me out and I wasnt allowed to chase you. I had to wait.2
The interlaced hand in his own was s:ueezed. "iku, always his protector even if only from the shadows,
had done so much for him' he deserved to be called a master. (e deserved more. 0*o, thank you, (iku.
"hanks or turning &ack around, e#en though you didnt ha#e to. I wouldnt &e here without you.2
A:uatic eyes continued to gaze down at the brunet, silently waiting for an answer. $hat had Sora meant1
"hat did I do to deserves thanks! "iku thought for a moment, steering through his mind and trying to
figure out why he was being thanked. Sora looked up and the two of them gazed into each others eyes and
right as his fianc. spoke, "iku realized&oh. "ight. For saving me.
9unny how hed momentarily forgotten about that when hed only been worrying about the brunets safety
moments prior.
"iku listened as Sora spoke, watching as a smile appeared on the younger boys face and feeling that
delightful warmth spread throughout his body. ,an, he was glad to be back in the real world. A gentle
smile of his own twisted at "ikus lips, a soft hum of acknowledgement rising in his throat. 0Theres no
need to thank me,2 he murmured, tipping down a bit to softly brush his lips against his lovers forehead. 07
did what 7 had to do. And besides, you know 7d do anything to keep you safe.2
07ll always protect you, Sora.2 And he would. A !ream %ater, Ansem had called him, Soras !ream %ater
to get rid of the 8ightmares. "iku had watched over Sora, he always had. 9orever and always, he would
stay as this boys protector.
"ikus lips feathered over Soras forehead, leaving the brunets cheeks dusting a gentle pink and a swell of
love in his chest throbbing. 07ll always protect you, Sora,2 hed promised so sincerely, so kindly that Sora
lost his breath. 7n another situation at another time, he would tell "iku that he could take care of himself,
yet presently he needed the comfort that was being offered. "ight now, he needed his guardian.
0"hank you,2 he said, his voice soft with affection. 0Ill protect you, too.2 The smile he bore grew
alongside his shattering serenity, his swelling e/citement to be here with this boy hed sorely missed. 0I
was really hoping that this time, we could do this together, yknow? "ra#el the worlds like we used to
want to.2 (e glanced away with a small laugh, righting himself by pulling away from "iku enough to see
his face without strain. 0+nd or a while, I was pretty disappointed that we couldnt!&ut I started to
reali,e that you really were there with me, e#en i I couldnt see you. It elt a lot like &eore e-cept
this time, you werent hiding rom me.2 Sapphire eyes searched "iku, the happiness illuminated within
his own features waning into a faint glimmer of regret. 0I didnt mean to make you ollow me so ar.
Good thing you did, though.2
Since they were young, "iku had always been Soras guardian. 4ike a mentor, hed held Soras hand
through difficult situations and kept him afloat when life threatened to devour his light. All of this time,
"iku had done it out of love and not duty&Sora mattered and so "iku protected. 7n return, Sora hoped that
he could offer the same or, at the very least, something of e:ual value.
$ithin the still air of this slice of world, Sora s:ueezed "ikus hand and rocked onto the balls of his feet to
kiss his saviors cheek. 0)ou cant stop me rom thanking you.2 A :uirk of smile crossed Soras lips.
0)ou deser#e it!2

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