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Number of students:
School nr. , Baia are
T!"e of lesson: mixed lesson
Te#tboo$: Snapshot intermediate
%nit of learnin&: The! emi&rated to the %SA
Lesson: The Story of The Clearances
'ecent (or$: )ocabular!: * make polite requests
Structures: *
- to engage and activate students in using the English language
- to encourage students to use !monolingual"dictionaries
- -to develop intensive reading skills!reading for gist# reading for
detailed comprehension"
- to develop communicative and receptive competences
Teachin& aids:
Teacher & 'hole class
Teacher & Student
Student - Teacher
Student - Student
.lass mana&ement:
(air )ork
*roup )ork
Antici"ated "roblems:
there )ill $e explanations in %omanian !if needed"
A.T-)-T/ - 0 1armer 0 Got it2 31hole class4
Aim: - to )arm Ss up
Time: , min-
Procedure: The Ss are put into groups of four or five# all sitting round a
ta$le- The teacher gives each group a collection of ./ )ords )ritten on
individual cards or pieces of paper- !ex- 'ords associated )ith cooking such
as: slice# chop# cut# frying pan# saucepan# dish"the students have to place the
cards face up on the ta$le in front of them so that all of them can $e seen-
The teacher reads out the )ords one $y one- The task of each group is to try
to snatch the card )ith the )ord on it- 'hen they do this !$efore another
mem$er of the group"# they have to hold the card and shout GOT IT! Each
student keeps the cards they have managed to snatch# and so at the end of
the game there is a )inner in each group-and an overall )inner )ho has
collected the greatest num$er of cards-
-nteraction: Ss-Ss Ss- T
A.T-)-T/ -- * 'einforcin& and chec$in& the "re,ious $no(led&e 3Pair
Aim: * to practice making polite requests # agreeing or refusing them
Time: 0/ min-
Procedure: T- asks the students to form pairs and think that one of them is a
passer$y asking another one different things-!carry this $ag# move your $ike#
turn the music do)n# etc"
Ex- S0: Excuse me# can you move your $ike# please1
S.: 2es# of course- 3r
S.: Sorry# 4 cant# 4 am )aiting for someone-
-nteraction: Ss & Ss Ss - T
A.T-)-T/ --- 0 Pre*readin& 3(hole class4
Aims: *to create interest and introduce Ss into the topic
Time: 0/ min-
Procedure: The teacher asks the students to look at the picture in the
text$ook- She asks the students to look at the picture )hile she )rites on the
5$ the follo)ing questions:
T: 'hat country is this1
4s this a modern picture1
4f not# )hen do you think this happened1
'ho are the people1
6re they rich or poor1
'hat do you think has happened to them1
Ss discuss Ts questions in groups# then report $ack to the )hole class-
-nteraction: Ss & Ss# Ss-T
A.T-)-T/ -) 0 1hile*readin& 3Pair*(or$4
Aims: * to practice reading for specific information
Time: 0,min-
Procedure: A4 T- asks the students to look upon the sentences in exercise 7
and then she asks them to read the text )ith their partners and choose the
correct ans)ers- T goes through the ans)ers )ith the )hole class-
-nteraction: Ss & Ss Ss - T
A.T-)-T/ ) 0 Post*readin& 3&rou"*(or$4
Aim: - to use the information acquired in creating sentences of their o)n
Time: 0,min-
Procedure: T asks the students to scan the text# find , ne) )ords# look up
in the dictionaries# then )rite the , ne) )ords do)n on a piece of paper and
hand them to the other group- The groups exchange the papers )ith the ne)
)ords on them and each group have to make up , sentences )ith the ne)
)ords# )ithout looking in the dictionary for their meaning- Simultaneously#
the . groups )rite the sentences on the 5$ and the group )ho have managed
to make the most sentences correctly# they )in- T checks sentences and
corrects them )ith the )hole class-
-nteraction: Ss & Ss Ss - T
A.T-)-T/ )- * E,aluation and home(or$ assi&nment
Aim: * to evaluate the Ss- )ork
- to assign Ss- their home)ork
Time: , min
Procedure: The teacher grades some Ss- T asks the students to ans)er the
questions at exercise 7 c- in their note$ooks- !3% T asks the students to
choose a small fragment from the text and change all the ad8ectives from
negative meaning to positive" in order to change the story into a happy
-nteraction: T & Ss

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