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Level 2
Course Content
Contenido del curso
Contenu du cours
Contenuto del corso
CCB-ENG-L2-1.0 - 36447
ISBN 978-1-58022-927-2
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1.1 Core Lesson ...................................................................... 1
1.2 Core Lesson ...................................................................... 3
1.3 Core Lesson ...................................................................... 5
1.4 Core Lesson ...................................................................... 7
1.5 Milestone .......................................................................... 9
Past and Future
2.1 Core Lesson ...................................................................... 9
2.2 Core Lesson .................................................................... 11
2.3 Core Lesson .................................................................... 13
2.4 Core Lesson .................................................................... 15
2.5 Milestone ........................................................................ 17
Friends and Social Life
3.1 Core Lesson .................................................................... 18
3.2 Core Lesson .................................................................... 20
3.3 Core Lesson .................................................................... 22
3.4 Core Lesson .................................................................... 24
3.5 Milestone ........................................................................ 26
4.1 Core Lesson .................................................................... 27
Dining and Vacation
4.2 Core Lesson .................................................................... 29
4.3 Core Lesson .................................................................... 31
4.4 Core Lesson .................................................................... 33
4.5 Core Lesson .................................................................... 35
Alphabet ...................................................................... 37
Index ........................................................................... 38
Core Lesson
01 a post ofce
a hotel
a bank
a museum
a cafe
a library
02 She works at the bank.
He works at the post ofce.
They work at the cafe.
03 Shes reading at the cafe.
Theyre reading at the library.
Hes reading at the museum.
04 They work at the bank.
She works at the hotel.
He works at the museum.
05 The woman is at home.
The men are at work.
The family is at home.
The children are at school.
06 The men are cooking at work.
The man is cooking at home.
The children are reading at school.
The child is reading at home.
07 Im at home.
Im at work.
Im at school.
08 The children are at home.
The children are going to school.
The children are at school.
The woman is at home.
The woman is going to the post ofce.
The woman is at the post ofce.
09 Shes going to work.
Shes going to school.
Shes going to the library.
Shes going to the cafe.
10 Im going to the hotel.
Hes going to the bank.
Were going to the park.
Theyre going to the museum.
11 a theater
a theater
a theater
a stadium
a stadium
a gas station
12 The people are standing in the stadium.
The woman is sitting in the theater.
The man is working at the gas station.
13 Hes reading a map.
Shes buying gas.
The women are reading a map.
The men need gas.
14 We need gas.
Hes buying gas with a credit card.
She needs a map.
Shes buying a map with cash.
15 She needs some gas.
She needs some money.
She needs a map.
She needs some coffee.
16 Where are you going?
Im going to the pharmacy.
Where are you going?
Were going to the library.
17 Where are you going?
Im going to the hospital.
Where are you going?
Were going to the stadium.
Where is he going?
Hes going to school.
Where are they going?
Theyre going to the cafe.
18 He needs medicine.
Im going to the pharmacy.
We need milk.
Im going to the grocery store.
The car needs gas.
Im going to the gas station.
19 Where are you going?
Were going to the theater.
Where are you going?
Im going to the hotel.
Where are you going?
Im going to the library.
20 Where are you going?
Im going to the stadium.
Where are you going?
Im going to the library.
21 Were going to the museum.
Were going to the post ofce.
Were going to the gas station.
Were going to the bank.
22 The man is behind the tree.
The boy is in front of the tree.
The girl is behind the sheet.
The woman is in front of the sheet.
23 The bicycle is in front of the house.
The bicycle is behind the house.
The horse is in front of the museum.
The woman is behind the man.
24 The man is beside his car.
The blue car is beside the red car.
The man is beside his wife.
The woman is beside her horse.
25 The man is behind the car.
The man is beside the car.
The man is in front of the car.
26 The woman is in the museum.
The man is on the chair.
The boy is under the table.
27 The animal is behind the car.
The animal is under the house.
The animal is on the car.
The animal is in the house.
The animal is in front of the house.
The animal is beside the car.
28 Where are you?
Im under the chair.
Where are you?
Im behind the chair.
Where are you?
Im under the car.
Where are you?
Im behind the car.
29 The owers are in his left hand.
The toy is beside his right foot.
This is her right hand.
This is her left foot.
30 The girl is on his left.
The dog is on her right.
The bicycle is on her left.
The map is on his right.
31 The cafe is on his left.
The cafe is on his right.
The theater is on his left.
The theater is on his right.
32 Where is the post ofce?
We need a map.
Do they sell maps at the bookstore?
Yes, they sell maps at the bookstore.
33 Hello. We need a map.
The maps are behind the newspapers.
I want to buy this map.
34 How much does it cost?
It costs ve dollars.
Do you want to pay with cash?
No, thank you. I want to pay with a credit
35 Where do you want to go?
We want to go to the post ofce.
The post ofce is beside the bookstore.
Core Lesson
01 The children are in line.
The men are in line.
The women are in line.
02 The rst person in line is tall.
The second person in line has blond hair.
The third person in line has black hair.
The fourth person in line is thirsty.
03 The rst child in line is wearing a red skirt.
The second child in line is wearing
The third child in line is wearing a blue T-
The fourth child in line is wearing a hat.
04 The rst number is three.
The second number is nine.
The third number is seven.
05 Where is the restroom?
Its the rst door on the right.
Where is the restroom?
Its the second door on the left.
06 Where is the restroom?
Its the rst door on the left.
Which is your coat?
My coat is red. Its the fourth coat on the
07 Hes at work.
Hes going home.
Hes at home.
08 Im at home.
Im going to work.
Im at work.
09 Theyre at home.
Theyre going to school.
Theyre at school.
10 Im going to work.
Hes going to work.
Theyre at work.
Shes at work.
11 Theyre going to the theater.
He works at the theater.
Shes sitting in the theater.
12 Where do you want to go?
I want to go to the hotel.
Where do you want to go?
We want to go to the theater.
Where do you want to go?
I want to go to the stadium.
13 a subway
a subway
a subway
a bus
a bus
a taxi
14 Hes taking the bus.
Shes taking the subway.
Theyre taking a taxi.
15 These people are taking the subway.
These people are taking the bus.
These people are taking a taxi.
16 Excuse me, where is my seat?
Your seat is on the right.
Thank you.
Youre welcome.
17 Excuse me.
Do you want this seat?
Yes, thank you.
Youre welcome.
18 Excuse me, where is my seat?
Youre sitting in the third seat.
Where is Sarah?
Shes sitting in seat number eight.
19 How do you get to work?
I take the subway to work.
How do you get to school?
I walk to school.
20 How do you get to work?
I drive.
How do you get to school?
I take the bus.
21 Hes taking the bus.
Shes getting off the bus.
Shes taking the subway.
Theyre getting off the subway.
22 Were standing at the bus stop.
Shes sitting at the bus stop.
Hes getting off the bus at the bus stop.
Theyre going to the subway station.
Im sitting at the subway station.
Hes getting off the subway at the subway
23 Shes getting on the bus.
Hes getting off the bus.
Hes getting on the bus.
Shes getting off the bus.
24 The bus stop is in front of the park.
The museum is beside the park.
The gas station is far from the city.
The post ofce is near the restaurant.
25 Where are you going?
Im going to the subway station.
26 Where are you going?
Im going to the subway station.
27 The taxi is turning left.
The taxi is going straight ahead.
The taxi is turning right.
28 The bus is turning left.
The car is turning right.
The taxi is going straight ahead.
29 Turn left.
Go straight ahead.
Turn right.
30 Excuse me, how do I get to the bus stop?
Go straight ahead.
Excuse me, how do I get to the hotel near the
Go to the third street, and turn left.
Excuse me, how do I get to the library?
Go to the museum, and turn right.
31 Excuse me, how do I get to a bank?
Go straight ahead to the park.
Turn left.
A bank is on the right.
32 Excuse me, how do I get to the museum?
Take the bus to the fourth bus stop.
Get off the bus, and walk to the second
The museum is on the left.
Thank you.
Youre welcome.
Core Lesson
01 an airplane
a train
a bus
an airport
a train station
a bus station
02 The man is eating on the airplane.
The woman is sleeping on the train.
The people are getting off the bus.
03 Im waiting for the airplane.
Theyre waiting for the train.
Shes waiting for the bus.
04 an airport in the afternoon
a train station in the morning
a bus station at night
05 The woman and her son are waiting at the
Im waiting at the bus station.
The men are waiting at the train station.
Shes waiting at the cafe.
06 The man is wearing a watch.
This clock is at a train station.
The woman is wearing a watch.
This clock is at an airport.
07 The watch is on the table.
The clock is on the table.
The watch is beside the sink.
The clock is beside the sink.
08 Its one oclock.
Its two oclock.
Its three oclock.
Its four oclock.
Its nine oclock.
Its twelve oclock.
09 Its ve oclock a.m.
Its six oclock a.m.
Its eight oclock a.m.
Its three oclock p.m.
Its seven oclock p.m.
Its eleven oclock p.m.
10 Its eight oclock a.m.
Its one oclock p.m.
Its eight oclock p.m.
Its one oclock a.m.
11 The airplane departs at four oclock p.m.
The airplane arrives at nine oclock p.m.
The train departs at six oclock a.m.
The train arrives at two oclock p.m.
12 The airplane arrives at two thirty a.m.
The bus departs at six thirty p.m.
The train arrives at eleven thirty a.m.
The train departs at ten thirty p.m.
13 Excuse me. What time is it?
Its ve oclock.
Thank you.
Excuse me. What time is it?
Its eight thirty.
Thank you.
14 What time is it?
Its ve fteen.
What time is it?
Its ve forty-ve.
What time is it?
Its one fteen.
What time is it?
Its one forty-ve.
15 Im buying a ticket.
We have tickets.
You need a ticket.
16 His suitcase is red.
Their suitcases are black.
Her suitcase is blue.
17 The passport is in the suitcase.
The passport is beside the phone.
The passport is on the map.
The passport is beside the ticket.
18 She has a suitcase.
She has a passport.
She has a ticket.
19 two hours
eighteen minutes
forty-seven seconds
three hours
nine minutes
fty-six seconds
20 I need to buy two tickets.
The tickets cost sixty euros.
What time does the train depart?
The train departs at one thirty.
The train departs in thirty minutes.
21 What time does your train depart?
My train departs at eight thirty-seven a.m.
What time does your bus arrive?
My bus arrives at seven fteen p.m.
What time does your ight depart?
My ight departs at twelve forty-ve p.m.
22 What time does the ight arrive?
Which ight?
The ight from Paris.
It arrives at three forty-two p.m.
What time is it?
Its two forty-two p.m.
The ight arrives in one hour.
23 Are you waiting for ight fty-two?
Yes. When does it arrive?
Flight fty-two arrives at ten oclock.
Are you waiting for train forty-four?
No. Im waiting for train thirty-three.
It arrives at one oclock.
24 Excuse me. Does the train arrive at seven
fteen p.m.?
No, the train is delayed one hour. It arrives at
eight fteen p.m.
Excuse me. Does the ight depart at eight
fty-ve a.m.?
No, the ight is delayed thirty minutes. It
departs at nine twenty-ve a.m.
25 What time is it?
Its eight twenty-ve p.m.
Is the train delayed?
No, its on time. It arrives at nine thirty.
26 Hello. Do you have your ticket?
Yes, I have my ticket.
Thank you. Do you have your passport?
Yes, I have my passport.
27 Do you have a suitcase?
Yes, I have a suitcase.
Is the ight on time?
Yes. The ight departs at four fteen p.m.
Thank you.
Youre welcome.
28 Its twenty miles to the airport.
Its ten miles to the hotel.
Its ve miles to the gas station.
Its one mile to the cafe.
29 The woman is in her room.
Our room number is thirty-one.
This is your room.
30 Her seat number is sixty-one.
His room number is sixty-two.
This costs sixty-three euros.
Hes sixty-four years old.
31 Your seat is number seventy-three.
Your room is number seventy-four.
This costs seventy-ve dollars.
Its seventy-six miles to New York.
32 Your seat is number eighty-ve.
Your room is number eighty-six.
This costs eighty-seven dollars.
Hes eighty-eight years old.
33 This camera costs ninety-nine dollars.
This phone costs ninety-three euros.
This coat costs ninety pounds.
These shoes cost ninety-six euros.
34 How much does this camera cost?
It costs seventy-ve euros.
How much do these sunglasses cost?
They cost eighty pounds.
How much does this radio cost?
It costs sixty-four dollars.
35 Is the ight on time?
No, the ight is delayed.
Is the ight on time?
Yes, the ight is on time.
36 What time does your ight arrive?
My ight arrives at seven twenty-three.
What time does your train arrive?
My train arrives at six fty-four.
Core Lesson
01 A dog can swim.
A dog cant drive.
A cat can run.
A cat cant read.
02 He can swim.
The baby cant swim.
A horse can walk.
A sh cant walk.
03 Can I take the bus to the museum?
Yes, you can. There is a bus stop in front of
the museum.
Can I walk to the restaurant?
No, you cant. Its ten miles to the restaurant.
04 He can drive sixty miles in one day.
He cant walk sixty miles in one day.
She can read this book in ten minutes.
She cant read this book in ten minutes.
05 Can I take the train to Paris?
No, you cant. The train does not go to Paris.
Can I take the train to Barcelona?
Yes, you can. The train departs at six forty-
ve p.m.
06 The girl is sleeping on the beach.
The man and the woman are running in the
The boys are swimming in the lake.
The man is walking in the mountains.
07 a beach
a lake
08 Theyre going to the mountains.
Theyre walking on the beach.
Theyre going to the lake.
Theyre walking in the woods.
09 Its raining in the woods.
Its snowing in the mountains.
Its raining at the lake.
Its snowing in the city.
10 Its sunny in the mountains today.
Its cloudy in the park today.
Its sunny at the beach today.
Its cloudy at the lake today.
11 Why is your suitcase wet?
My suitcase is wet because its raining.
Why are you wearing sunglasses?
Im wearing sunglasses because its sunny.
12 Is ight fty-ve on time?
No, its delayed.
Why is it delayed?
Its delayed because its snowing.
13 Is it raining?
Yes, its raining.
Is it sunny?
Yes, its sunny.
14 Its going to rain today.
Its raining.
Its going to snow today.
Its snowing.
15 Its cold in the mountains today.
Its cold at the beach today.
Its hot in the woods today.
Its hot in the city today.
16 Egypt is hot in the summer.
Russia is cold in the winter.
New York is cold in the winter.
Rome is hot in the summer.
17 Good morning. Its going to be hot today.
Tomorrow its going to be cold.
On Wednesday its going to be cloudy.
On Thursday its going to be sunny.
18 Can we eat dinner outside?
No. We cant eat dinner outside.
Why not?
Because its going to rain.
19 Today Im swimming.
Tomorrow Im going to study.
20 Today Im swimming.
Tomorrow Im going to study.
On Wednesday Im going to play soccer.
On Thursday Im going to watch television.
21 What are you doing?
Im buying a ticket.
Why are you buying a ticket?
Im buying a ticket because Im going to go to
a concert tomorrow.
22 Today Im driving in the woods. Tomorrow Im
going to wash my car.
Today Im buying an umbrella. Tomorrow its
going to rain.
Today Im working. Tomorrow Im going to
play golf.
Today its raining, but tomorrow its going to
be sunny.
Today its cloudy, but tomorrow its going to
be hot.
Today its snowing, but tomorrow its going to
23 What is the weather like?
Its raining.
What is the weather like?
Its sunny.
What is the weather like?
Its snowing.
24 What is the weather like?
The weather is cold. Its snowing.
What is the weather like?
The weather is hot. Its sunny.
25 Is it going to rain tomorrow?
No, its going to be sunny tomorrow.
Is it going to snow this week?
No, its not going to snow this week.
26 Hes going to run.
Shes going to read.
Theyre going to eat dinner.
27 Im going to play tennis.
Were going to swim.
Theyre going to kiss.
Shes going to go to the post ofce.
28 Can we go to the beach tomorrow?
No, we cant.
Why not?
Today its cloudy. Tomorrow its going to rain.
We can go on Saturday.
29 When are we going to eat lunch?
Were going to eat lunch after we swim.
When are we going to play soccer?
Were going to play soccer after we eat.
30 Were going to eat dinner.
Theyre going to play soccer.
Im going to eat lunch.
Im going to play soccer.
05 What time is it?
It is 3:42.
06 Which skirt do you like?
I like the black skirt.
08 Which shoes do you like?
I like the black shoes.
10 What time is it?
Its 4:15.
14 Hello.
Hello. I need a map, please.
15 Where are you going?
Im going to the museum.
20 Thank you.
Youre welcome.
24 Turn left or right?
Turn left.
26 Go straight or right?
Go straight.
29 Do we need gas?
No. We do not need gas.
31 Left or right?
36 What time is it?
Its 5 oclock.
39 Hello, Mr. Foster!
Core Lesson
01 Shes running.
He ran.
Shes eating.
He ate.
02 Shes buying a book.
She bought a book.
Hes playing soccer.
He played soccer.
03 Im selling newspapers.
I sold a newspaper.
Im reading a book.
I read four books.
04 Shes going to buy clothes.
Shes buying clothes.
She bought clothes.
05 Im going to eat chocolate.
Im eating chocolate.
I ate chocolate.
06 Hes going to swim.
Hes swimming.
He swam.
Im going to swim.
Im swimming.
I swam.
07 Shes going to swim.
Shes swimming.
She swam.
Im going to swim.
Im swimming.
I swam.
08 Did you swim?
No, I did not swim. I ran.
Did you buy a book?
No, I did not buy a book. I bought a
09 Are you going to read this book?
Yes. Im going to read it.
What are you doing?
Im reading a book.
Did you read this book?
Yes, I read it.
10 Today is Tuesday. Im at school.
Yesterday I swam at the lake.
Tomorrow Im going to visit my grandmother.
11 Yesterday I bought meat and vegetables.
Today Im cooking.
Yesterday I ran ten miles.
Today Im swimming.
12 She played tennis yesterday.
Were at the beach today.
Theyre going to visit their grandmother
13 I bought a newspaper yesterday.
Im reading the newspaper today.
I bought a book yesterday.
Im reading the book today.
14 He bought train tickets last Wednesday.
Today hes taking the train to Paris.
She bought new shoes last Monday.
Today shes running.
15 I bought a house last Thursday.
Today Im buying a table and chairs.
She sold her car last Monday.
Today shes taking the bus.
16 I bought a newspaper last Friday.
I swam a mile last Tuesday.
I read two books last week.
17 Hes going to the lake next week.
Were going to visit our friends next month.
Im going to be six years old next year.
18 When are you going to the mountains?
Im going to the mountains next week.
When are you going to Barcelona?
Were going to Barcelona next week.
19 Did you eat your carrots?
Yes. I ate my carrots.
Did you play soccer yesterday?
No. Im going to play soccer next week.
20 Did you eat at this restaurant last week?
No. Im going to eat at this restaurant next
Are you going to play tennis next week?
No. I played tennis last week.
21 I played golf last Tuesday.
Im going to visit my grandmother next
I sold my car last Monday.
Im going to buy a new car next Monday.
22 You read three books!
You bought a dog!
You ate six sandwiches!
23 You ran six miles!
You wrote a book!
You sold two cars today!
24 a dictionary
a dictionary
a dictionary
a notebook
a notebook
a desk
25 stamps
an envelope
an envelope
an e-mail
26 stamps
an envelope
an e-mail
a desk
a dictionary
a notebook
27 The notebook is on the desk.
The stamps are on the desk.
The envelope is under the desk.
28 Do you have a dictionary?
No, but the teacher has a dictionary.
Do you have a dictionary?
Yes. The dictionary is on my desk.
29 What are you doing?
Im writing a letter.
Do you need stamps?
No, I bought stamps yesterday.
Did you buy envelopes?
Yes, I bought envelopes last week.
30 The oldest girl is reading the book to the
younger girls.
Shes writing a letter to her parents.
Shes selling a notebook to the man.
Hes writing an e-mail to his friend.
31 Hes giving jewelry to his wife.
The girl is giving the notebook to her friend.
Hes giving letters to the woman.
Im giving an apple to my teacher.
32 Shes writing a letter to her grandfather.
She wrote a letter to her grandfather.
Hes giving a book to the student.
He gave a book to the student.
Im writing an e-mail to my mother.
I wrote an e-mail to my mother.
33 The teacher is giving a dictionary to the
The teacher gave the dictionary to the
Hes giving owers to his wife.
He gave owers to his wife.
34 Did you give the bicycle to your sister?
No. I gave the bicycle to my brother.
Did you give the apple to your teacher?
No. I ate the apple.
Did you read the newspaper this morning?
No. I gave the newspaper to my husband.
35 Im giving a ball to my brother.
I gave a pen to my sister.
Im giving a ball to my sister.
I gave a pen to my brother.
Core Lesson
01 science
02 Im teaching music.
Shes studying history.
Hes teaching math.
03 science
04 What did you study yesterday?
Yesterday we studied music.
What are you studying today?
Today were studying math.
What are you going to study tomorrow?
Tomorrow were going to study science.
05 What did you study yesterday?
Yesterday I studied history and art.
What did you study yesterday?
Yesterday we studied science and music.
06 Hes eating.
He ate.
Theyre eating.
They ate.
07 Shes running.
She ran.
Theyre running.
They ran.
08 When did you play tennis?
We played tennis this morning.
Did the children play soccer today?
No, they played soccer yesterday.
09 We ate dinner.
We ran to the park.
We played golf.
10 I ate breakfast.
She ate breakfast.
We ate breakfast.
They ate breakfast.
11 I ran.
You ran.
He ran.
She ran.
We ran.
They ran.
12 Where is Mom going?
Shes going to the grocery store.
Where did Mom go?
She went to the grocery store.
13 Im going to the beach.
I went to the beach.
Theyre going to Paris.
They went to Paris.
Were going to the library.
We went to the library.
14 They went to the pharmacy.
He went to the grocery store.
She went to the bookstore.
They went to the beach.
15 What time did you go to work?
I went to work at nine oclock.
What time did you go to school?
We went to school at eight oclock.
16 Where did you go today?
I went to the park.
Where did you go last week?
We went to the mountains.
17 On Thursday I went to the bank.
On Friday I went to the library.
On Saturday we went to the lake.
On Friday we went to the grocery store.
18 The teacher gave the boy a dictionary.
The teacher gave him a notebook.
The boy gave his teacher an apple.
The boy gave her a cake.
19 The doctor is giving him medicine.
The doctor gave me medicine.
Hes buying jewelry for her.
I bought this jewelry for you.
Shes buying coffee for them.
I bought coffee for you.
20 They wrote letters to me.
She bought chocolate for us.
Our grandfather gave us a cat.
21 Hes selling a hat to her.
I wrote an e-mail to him.
Hes reading a book to them.
She bought fruit for them.
22 This is teaching you English.
I gave the keys to you yesterday.
I bought owers for you today.
We wrote this for you.
My father is giving the keys to me.
Our parents wrote letters to us.
23 There is one word.
There are two words.
There are three words.
There are four words.
24 This sign doesnt have words on it.
This sign has one word on it.
This sign is green.
This sign is blue.
25 Excuse me, what does this word mean?
It means pharmacy.
Excuse me, what does this word mean?
It means library.
Excuse me, what does this sign mean?
It means restaurant.
26 Excuse me, Mrs. Jones.
What does this mean?
This is stadium.
What is a stadium?
This is a stadium.
27 I understand this word.
I dont understand these words.
He understands this.
She doesnt understand this.
She understands this book.
They dont understand this book.
28 I dont understand this sign. What does it
It means The airport is on the right.
I dont understand this sign. What does it
It means hotel.
I dont understand this sign. What does it
It means beach.
29 What does this mean?
It means gas station.
What does this mean?
It means restroom.
30 Excuse me, what time is it?
I did not understand you. Can you repeat
that, please?
What time is it?
Its three fteen.
I did not understand you. Can you repeat
that, please?
Its three fteen.
31 Excuse me.
What does this sign mean?
It means library.
I didnt understand you. Can you repeat that,
Yes. It means library.
Thank you.
Youre welcome.
32 Excuse me, where is the bank?
The bank is beside the library.
I didnt understand you. Can you repeat that,
Yes. The bank is beside the library.
Thank you.
Youre welcome.
33 Excuse me, what does this sign mean?
It means pharmacy.
I didnt understand you. Can you repeat that,
Yes. It means pharmacy.
Thank you.
Youre welcome.
Core Lesson
01 Shes in China.
She was in China.
Im in Egypt.
I was in Egypt.
02 I was a student.
Now I am a teacher.
He was a child.
Now he is a father.
03 Were in Paris.
We were in Paris.
Theyre at the beach.
They were at the beach.
04 We were young.
Now were old.
I was a child.
Now Im an adult.
05 You were a baby.
Now youre a boy.
You were young.
Now youre old.
06 They are dirty.
They were dirty.
They are green.
They were green.
07 The socks are white.
The socks were white.
Her hair is blond.
Her hair was blond.
08 We used to live in an apartment.
Now we live in a house.
I used to have a bicycle.
Now I have a car.
She used to write letters.
Now she writes e-mails.
09 Did you use to live with your friends?
Yes, but now I live with my wife.
Did you use to have a dog?
Yes, but now we have a cat.
10 She used to work in a bakery.
Now she works in a restaurant.
He used to have T-shirts.
Now he has suits.
They used to play soccer.
Now they play golf.
11 Did you use to go to the mountains?
Yes, but now we go to the park.
Did you use to play tennis?
Yes, but now I swim.
Did you use to teach art?
No, I didnt teach art. I taught music.
12 I lived in Rome.
I was a child when I lived in Rome.
You lived in Paris.
You had bicycles when you lived in Paris.
We waited for the bus.
It was raining when we waited for the bus.
13 When you were in China, did you teach
Yes, I taught English.
Did you play soccer when you were a child?
Yes, I played soccer.
Did your mother read this to you when you
were a child?
Yes. Now I read it to my daughter.
14 a college
a college
a college
a high school
a high school
an elementary school
15 When she was in elementary school, she
studied art.
When she was in high school, she studied
Now shes studying math in college.
16 We were students at the same elementary
Now were students at the same college.
They were students at the same high school.
Now theyre students at the same college.
17 Are your children elementary school students?
No, my daughter is a college student. My son
is a high school student.
What does your daughter study?
She studies art.
What does your son like to study?
He likes to study science.
18 This elementary school student likes science.
This high school student likes history.
This college student likes music.
19 an ofce
an ofce
an ofce
a factory
a factory
a store
20 Hes a manager in a store.
Shes an employee in a store.
Im a manager in an ofce.
Theyre employees in an ofce.
21 This manager works in this ofce.
This manager works in this factory.
This manager works in this store.
22 an ofce
a manager
a factory
an employee
a store
23 Im an employee in an ofce.
Im a student in an elementary school.
Im a manager in a factory.
Im a student at a college.
24 What do you do?
Im a manager in an ofce.
What do you do?
Im a manager of a restaurant.
What do you do?
Im a teacher.
25 Where do you work?
I used to work at a store. Now I work at an
elementary school.
What do you do?
I teach music.
26 Where do you work?
I used to work at an ofce. Now I work at a
high school.
What do you do?
I teach history.
27 You were high school students.
Now you are college students.
You were an employee.
Now you are a manager.
28 She used to be a teacher.
Now shes a manager.
He used to be a high school student.
Now hes a college student.
29 Are you a student?
Yes. Im a college student.
What are you studying?
Im studying science.
30 My father liked science. He was a doctor in
Are you from Italy?
No. Im from France, but my family used to
live in Italy.
31 What do you do?
I dont work now, but I used to be a teacher.
What did you teach?
When I was in Brazil, I taught English. When
I was in Egypt, I taught history.
Core Lesson
01 When I was in Russia, I bought this.
When I was in France, I ate this.
When I was in China, I watched this.
02 When we were at the beach, it was cloudy.
When we were at the beach, it was sunny.
When I was a girl, I played soccer.
When I was a boy, I played tennis.
03 When I was drinking coffee, I wrote this
When I was in the park, she kissed me.
When he was at the hardware store, he
bought a ladder.
When he was sleeping, the airplane departed.
04 When I was a boy, I played tennis.
When I was a boy, I played soccer.
When I was a girl, I played tennis.
When I was a girl, I played soccer.
05 When I was at the train station, I listened to
the radio.
When I was at the train station, I ate a
When I was at the airport, I read a newspaper.
When I was at the airport, I ate a sandwich.
06 I used to work at a hospital. Now I work at a
I used to have a bicycle. Now I have a car.
I used to have a dog. Now I have a cat.
07 I bought apples when I was at the grocery
I bought a dictionary when I was at the
She bought medicine when she was at the
08 We ate this when we were in Beijing.
They bought this when they were in Paris.
She wrote a letter when she was on the train.
09 I bought you these when you were a baby.
My daughter wrote these letters to me when
she was studying in the United States.
My mother read this book to me when I was
a child.
10 When did you buy the carrots?
I bought the carrots when I was at the grocery
When did you buy the apples?
I bought the apples when I was at the grocery
11 Did your husband give this to you?
No, I bought it.
When did you buy it?
I bought it when I was living in the United
12 Did you write this?
Yes, I wrote it.
When did you write it?
I wrote it when I was working in Russia.
13 Who is this?
This is my husband.
When did you go to China?
We went to China when we were college
14 My grandmother gave this to me when I was
ten years old.
Do you like it?
Yes, I like it.
Im going to give it to you.
Thank you.
Youre welcome.
15 Would you like some coffee?
Yes, I would like some coffee.
Would you like some water?
Yes, I would like some water.
16 Would you like a pen?
Yes, please.
Would you like to play tennis?
No, I would like to play golf.
17 Would you like coffee?
No, thank you.
Would you like some chocolate?
Yes, please.
Would you like some cake?
Yes, please.
18 Would you like some tea?
Yes, please.
Would you like some coffee?
Yes, please.
19 Left or right?
Apple or orange?
Black or red?
20 Would you like water or juice?
Would you like cake or chocolate?
Would you like the book or the newspaper?
Would you like coffee or tea?
21 Would you like to play tennis or golf?
I would like to play golf.
Would you like to go to the mountains or the
I would like to go to the beach.
22 Would you like chocolate or fruit?
I would like fruit.
Would you like tea or coffee?
I would like coffee.
23 Would you like milk or orange juice?
I didnt understand you. Can you repeat that,
Would you like milk or orange juice?
What is orange juice?
I would like orange juice, please.
24 Would you like to pay with cash or a credit
I didnt understand you. Can you repeat that,
Would you like to pay with cash or a credit
I would like to pay with a credit card.
25 What is your name?
I did not understand you. Can you repeat
that, please?
What is your name?
My name is Robert.
How much does this cost?
I did not understand you. Can you repeat
that, please?
How much does this cost?
It costs thirty dollars.
26 What is the weather like?
Whats the weather like?
What is your name?
Whats your name?
27 Did you study English?
Yes. I studied English.
What does this word mean?
That word means post ofce.
28 Did you study art in college?
Yes. I studied art at a college in the
United States.
Do you speak English?
Yes. I speak English.
05 Excuse me, what time is it?
Its 11 oclock.
06 Can you repeat that, please?
Its 11 oclock.
07 Thank you.
Youre welcome.
09 Is this your hat?
Yes. This is my hat.
10 Thank you.
Youre welcome.
11 Did you go to the beach?
Yes. We went to the beach.
13 Why are you going to the United States?
Im going to study.
15 What did you teach?
When I was in the United States, I taught
music. When I was in Australia, I taught
19 Would you like some chocolate?
Yes. I would like some chocolate.
23 Do you speak English?
Yes. I speak English.
26 Are you a college student?
Yes. Im a college student.
27 What are you going to study?
Im going to study science.
Core Lesson
01 The children are singing.
The adults are dancing.
The man is singing.
The girl is dancing.
02 The women are dancing.
The women are singing.
The boys are singing.
The boys are dancing.
03 Shes reading something.
Hes drinking something.
Shes cooking something.
Hes giving her something.
04 She wants something to eat.
The dog wants something to drink.
He wants something to read.
05 Is she hungry?
Yes, she is.
Is he reading?
Yes, he is.
Is the dog thirsty?
Yes, it is.
06 Are the plates clean?
Yes, they are.
Are you college students?
Yes, we are.
Are we going to eat lunch?
Yes, we are.
07 He cant turn left.
The dog cant take the train.
The students can play.
They can go left, right, or straight ahead.
08 They cant walk now.
They can walk now.
She can swim at this lake.
She cant swim at this lake.
09 Please sing.
Please turn left.
Please sit.
10 Drink this, please.
Please write your names.
Please read something.
11 Im putting a plate in the sink.
Theyre putting towels on the chair.
The student is putting her notebook on the
Were putting the blankets on the bed.
12 Where did you put the keys?
I put them on the table.
Where did you put the book?
I put it on the chair.
13 The dog is bringing the man a newspaper.
The girl is bringing her parents breakfast.
Shes bringing him towels.
Im bringing you coffee.
14 Im bringing sh home from the store.
Shes bringing a ball to the park.
Were bringing books home from the library.
Theyre bringing water to the park.
15 Please put your coat on the bed.
Please bring eight plates from the kitchen.
Please put the books on the desks.
Please bring a ladder.
16 Please give him a pen.
Shes giving him a pen.
Please give me an umbrella.
Hes giving her an umbrella.
17 The parents are giving their son a bicycle.
The woman is giving her friend owers.
The man is giving his wife jewelry.
He gives children toys.
18 He would like a toy. Please give him a toy.
Shes giving him a toy.
I would like a bicycle. Please give me a
Hes giving him a bicycle.
19 Please give her something to drink.
Hes giving her something to drink.
Please give him the watch.
Shes giving him the watch.
20 Children play games at parties.
People are dancing at this party.
People are singing at this party.
Shes bringing a cake to the party.
21 The party is ending.
Work is ending.
Spring is beginning.
The concert is beginning.
22 The game is beginning.
The game is ending.
The play is beginning.
The play is ending.
23 The movie is beginning.
The movie is ending.
The game is beginning.
The game is ending.
24 Theyre leaving the party.
Shes arriving at the game.
Hes leaving the ofce.
Theyre arriving at the concert.
25 Theyre arriving at the hospital.
Theyre leaving the hospital.
Hes arriving at the airport.
Hes leaving the airport.
26 Can Sue come to my party next Friday?
Yes, she can.
When does it begin?
It begins at eight p.m.
When does it end?
It ends at eleven thirty.
27 Hes going to the post ofce.
Theyre coming from the beach.
Shes going to the party.
Theyre coming from the bookstore.
28 Are you coming to work today?
No, Im not coming to work today.
Are you coming to my party this evening?
Yes, Im coming to your party this evening.
29 Shes going to the party.
Shes arriving at the party.
Shes at the party.
Shes leaving the party.
Shes coming from the party.
30 Can I have something to drink?
Yes, please have some tea.
Can I have something to eat?
Yes, please have some cake.
31 A week has seven days.
This month has thirty days.
A year has twelve months.
32 The year begins in January.
It rains in February in Brazil.
In Japan, spring begins in March.
April is the fourth month of the year.
33 In Beijing, its sunny in May.
Winter begins in June in Australia.
In the United States, families cook outside in
The eighth month of the year is August.
34 In France, school begins in September.
October is the tenth month of the year.
Russia is cold in November.
In Italy, December is a cold month.
35 January
36 July
37 January
38 When are you going to the beach?
Were going in February.
When are you going to the mountains?
Were going in August.
Core Lesson
01 The boy is helping the girl at the library.
The boys are helping the old man.
The girl is helping her father.
02 This teacher is helping the students.
This teacher is not helping the students.
This dog is helping the man.
This dog is not helping the man.
03 The man is meeting his friends at the beach.
The woman is meeting her father at the
The woman is meeting her husband at the
04 The woman is meeting her manager in his
Hes meeting the man at the factory.
The manager is meeting the employees at the
05 Shes calling the police.
Shes calling the doctor.
Hes calling his wife.
Shes calling her mother.
06 The woman is talking to the man in the car.
The manager is talking to the employee in the
The teacher is talking to the student.
The man is talking to the horse.
07 The woman is meeting her friend at the
Theyre helping their grandfather.
Shes talking to her sister.
The boy is calling his mother.
08 Theyre meeting their friends at the museum.
The police ofcer is helping the woman.
The man is calling his manager.
The manager is meeting her employee at the
The girl is talking to her friend.
The girl is meeting her friend at the park.
09 Who are you calling?
Im calling the doctor.
Who are you talking to?
Im talking to the doctor.
10 Who are you calling?
Im calling my wife.
Who are you talking to?
Im talking to my wife.
11 Hes early for the party.
Theyre on time for the party.
Shes late for the party.
12 The man is late.
His wife is late.
The children are late.
13 Hes early for the party.
Shes late for school.
Were early for dinner.
Hes late for his ight.
14 Shes early for work.
Hes late for the movie.
Im on time for the concert.
15 The concert tickets cost forty dollars.
The movie tickets cost ten dollars.
The book costs twenty-ve dollars.
16 This television costs one hundred twenty
This camera costs two hundred ve pounds.
These vegetables cost three hundred seven
These shoes cost four hundred twenty yen.
17 This soap costs ve hundred yen.
These socks cost six hundred yen.
This blanket costs seven hundred yen.
This meat costs eight hundred yen.
18 This bed costs seven thousand four hundred
This suit costs three thousand nine hundred
These glasses cost one thousand seven
hundred yen.
These jeans cost two thousand three hundred
19 This car costs six thousand seven hundred
This bicycle costs ve thousand yen.
This jewelry costs one thousand two hundred
This dress costs eight thousand nine hundred
20 The year is two thousand ve.
The number is two thousand ve.
The year is eighteen ninety.
The number is one thousand eight hundred
The year is nineteen thirty-one.
The number is one thousand nine hundred
21 an address
an address
an address
a phone number
a phone number
a date
22 an e-mail address
an e-mail address
an e-mail address
a date
a date
a phone number
23 This is an address.
This is a phone number.
This is an e-mail address.
This is a date.
24 Call the doctor.
Meet me at the cafe.
Please help me.
Put the bowl on the table.
25 Please dance.
Please wait.
Read your book.
Wash your hands.
26 Please sit.
Turn left.
Watch me.
Call me.
27 Turn right.
Listen to me.
Put your cup in the sink.
28 Please help me.
Wash your hands.
29 Please help your sister.
Please help me.
30 Where is Barcelona?
There is Barcelona.
Where is the museum?
I dont know.
Where is your sock?
I dont know.
31 He knows her phone number.
She doesnt know his phone number.
She knows his name.
32 I want to call the doctor. Do you know his
phone number?
No, I dont know his phone number.
I want to go to the museum. Do you know the
Yes, its thirty-four Main Street.
33 Are you coming to my party?
Yes, Im coming, but Im going to be late.
Do you know my address?
Yes, I know your address.
34 Its December twenty-fourth.
Its December twenty-fth.
Its December thirty-rst.
Its January rst.
35 The date is July fourteenth.
The date is May rst.
The date is Thursday, April twenty-second.
The date is Friday, May fth.
36 Is today June fth?
Yes, today is June fth.
Is today March twentieth?
Yes, today is March twentieth.
37 Whats the date today?
The date is June nineteenth, two thousand
Whats the date today?
The date is January twelfth, two thousand
38 My birthday is June seventh.
The rst day of school is September fth.
Were going to the mountains on February
People in the United States wear green on
March seventeenth.
Core Lesson
01 The children are playing games at the
birthday party.
Today is his birthday. Hes fty years old.
We have the same birthday.
This cake is for her fteenth birthday.
02 Theyre dancing at the beach party.
Theyre eating cake at a birthday party.
Theyre going to a costume party.
03 What type of party is it going to be?
Its going to be a birthday party.
What type of party is this?
This is a costume party.
What type of party was it?
It was a beach party.
04 Apples and oranges are types of fruits.
Dogs and cats are types of animals.
Bookstores and grocery stores are types of
05 a dessert
a dessert
a dessert
a salad
a salad
06 He ate his dessert, but he didnt eat his
Shes eating chocolate for dessert.
Shes eating soup and a sandwich for lunch.
07 This dinner ends with dessert.
Shes eating salad for lunch.
This dinner begins with soup.
08 a dessert
a salad
09 Hes making dessert.
Shes making a salad.
Hes making a sandwich.
Shes making soup.
10 Shes making dessert.
Shes eating dessert.
Hes making a salad.
Hes eating a salad.
Theyre making soup.
Theyre eating soup.
11 You have to pay with cash.
You have to wear a coat.
You have to eat your vegetables.
12 You have to have a passport to get on the
Dont run. You have to walk inside the school.
You have to eat your salad before you can eat
13 Youre here.
Your hotel is there.
Im here.
My cell phone is there.
The woman is here.
Her glasses are there.
14 Put the television here.
Put the table there.
The salad is here.
The desserts are there.
15 The desserts are here.
The salads are there.
The soup is here.
The coffee is there.
16 The dog cant walk here.
You cant drive here.
You cant wear shoes here.
17 You cant go straight here. You have to turn.
You cant eat here. You have to go outside.
You cant talk on the phone here. You have to
go outside.
You cant turn left here. You have to turn
18 This is the doctors ofce.
This is the police ofcers car.
This is the students desk.
19 This is John.
This is Johns car.
This is Laura.
This is Lauras house.
This is Mr. Smith.
This is Mr. Smiths living room.
20 Hello?
Hello. Is this Mr. Smith?
Yes, who is this?
This is John Wilson.
21 Hello?
Can I speak with Laura, please?
Yes, here she is.
22 Hello?
Can I speak with John, please?
Im sorry, hes not here.
23 What did you bring?
I brought dessert.
What did you bring?
I brought a salad.
24 Do you want this dessert or that dessert?
I want that dessert.
Do you want this dessert or that dessert?
I want this dessert.
25 I brought this.
She brought that.
I drove this.
She drove that.
26 I want this dress.
I want that shirt.
I want these jeans.
I want those shoes.
27 These are my shoes.
Those are her shoes.
This is my bicycle.
That is her bicycle.
28 These dresses are expensive.
Those dresses are inexpensive.
This watch is old.
That watch is new.
These cars are white.
Those cars are red.
29 The car is here. The ball is there.
The ball is here. The car is there.
This ball is red. That ball is yellow.
This ball is yellow. That ball is red.
30 I need a pen.
Here is a pen.
Where are my glasses?
Here are your glasses.
31 Here is your soup.
Here are your shoes.
Here is your coat.
32 Hello?
Hello. Can I speak with Laura?
This is Laura speaking.
Hi, Laura. This is Jen.
How are you?
Im ne.
33 Would you like to come to my birthday party
on Thursday?
Yes, thank you.
Can I bring something?
Please bring a salad.
34 Can you be here at eight oclock?
Yes, I can be there at eight oclock, thank
Youre welcome. Goodbye.
Core Lesson
01 a singer
a singer
a singer
a dancer
a dancer
a musician
02 The musicians are playing at the concert.
The musicians are playing at the cafe.
The musician is playing the piano.
03 The dancers are dancing in the street.
The singer is singing at the cafe.
The musician is playing the piano.
04 The dancers shoes are black.
The dancers shoes are red.
The musicians piano is black.
The musicians piano is white.
05 The music is good.
The music is bad.
This play is good.
This play is bad.
06 This book is good.
This book is bad.
This movie is good.
This movie is bad.
07 Last week the weather was bad at the beach.
Yesterday the weather was good at the beach.
Last night the concert was bad.
Last Friday the concert was good.
08 This restaurant is good.
This restaurant is better.
This restaurant is the best.
09 This hotel is good.
This hotel is better.
This hotel is the best.
10 This weather is bad.
This weather is worse.
This weather is the worst.
11 March was a bad month for the factory.
April was a worse month for the factory.
May was the worst month for the factory.
12 He swims well.
He swims badly.
She drives well.
She drives badly.
13 They dance well.
He dances badly.
He plays well.
She plays badly.
14 He cooks well.
She cooks badly.
She sings well.
He sings badly.
15 I sing well.
She sings better.
He sings the best.
16 They played badly on Monday.
They played worse on Tuesday.
They played the worst on Wednesday.
17 What does your sister do?
Shes a dancer.
Does she dance well?
Yes, she dances well.
18 Shes busy.
Im free.
Hes busy.
Shes free.
19 Are you free at two oclock this afternoon?
No, Im busy.
Are you free Wednesday evening?
Yes, Im free.
20 Can you come to the concert?
Yes, Im free.
Can you come to the ofce?
No, Im busy.
21 Can you help him?
No, I cant. Im busy.
Can you help her?
Yes, I can. Im free.
22 Would you like to come to the cafe?
I cant. Im busy.
Would you like to watch the game?
I cant. Im busy.
23 Im sorry.
Thats okay.
Im sorry.
Thats okay.
24 Im sorry. I wrote on the desk.
Im sorry. I drove your car.
Im sorry. I wrote in the book.
25 Who ate my chocolate?
Im sorry. I ate it.
Thats okay.
Who drank my juice?
Im sorry. I drank it.
Thats okay.
26 Can you come to my party this evening?
Sure, Im free.
Can you come to the game on Thursday?
Sure, Im free on Thursday.
Can you meet me at two oclock p.m.?
Yes, Im free at two oclock.
27 Can you go to the concert at eight oclock?
Im sorry. I cant. Im busy this evening.
Can you come to our house for dinner on Friday?
Im sorry. We cant. Were busy on Friday.
28 Would you like to play soccer this afternoon?
Im sorry. Im busy. I have to work.
Do you know what this means?
Im sorry. I dont know what that means.
29 Would you like to come to my birthday party
on Friday?
Im sorry. I would like to go to your birthday
party, but Im busy on Friday.
Are you free on Saturday?
Sure, Im free on Saturday.
Would you like to go to the park?
30 Hello?
Hello. Can I please speak to your father?
Im sorry. Hes not here.
Can I speak to your mother?
Yes, here she is.
31 Hello?
Hi, Jean.
Are you and your family free on Saturday?
Yes, were free.
Would you like to go to the game?
05 Hi.
06 Whats your name?
My name is Elena.
07 Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
09 Are you busy on Friday?
No, Im not busy on Friday.
10 Would you like to come to my party?
Yes, I would like to come to your party.
12 Who are you talking to?
Im talking to Elena.
13 Hi, Bernard!
Hi, Elena!
14 What time does the party start?
The party starts at 7 oclock.
17 Goodbye!
20 Thank you.
Youre welcome.
25 Hello?
26 Are you free on Friday?
Yes, Im free on Friday. Why?
27 Would you like to come to my party?
Im sorry. I didnt understand you. Can you
repeat that, please?
28 Would you like to come to my party?
Would I like to come? I dont know.
33 Is it going to rain on Friday?
No, its not going to rain.
35 What are you going to make for the party?
Im going to make a salad.
36 What are you going to bring to the party?
Im going to bring a dessert to the party.
41 Are we early?
No, youre not early.
44 Would you like to dance?
Yes, I would like to dance.
Core Lesson
01 We used to live here.
We live here.
We will live here.
02 I will buy you a new toy tomorrow.
I will buy more milk tomorrow.
I will buy you new jeans tomorrow.
03 I used to play soccer here.
Now I play here.
I will play there.
04 We will go to the grocery store tomorrow.
I will call you in two hours.
I will meet you at the park in twenty minutes.
05 He will begin school next year.
She will teach math after college.
He will study English when he goes to the
United States.
She will drive a car in ten years.
06 Someday I will work in a bank.
Someday she will walk on the moon.
Someday they will work in a restaurant.
07 Someday I will be a manager.
Someday she will be a doctor.
Someday he will be a teacher.
08 Someday this tree will be big.
Someday you will be tall.
Someday he will be a police ofcer.
09 Im busy now. I will call you after work.
Im free now. I will go to work this evening.
Im busy now. I will play with you after
10 Will you dance with me?
Will you read to me?
Will you play with me?
11 Will you dance with me?
Yes, I will dance with you.
Will you play with me?
Yes, I will play with you.
12 This dog is very small.
This baby is very young.
These trees are very tall.
This man is very old.
This jewelry is very expensive.
This ball is very big.
13 This house is very small.
This animal is very slow.
This hat is very big.
This man is very fast.
14 This is a very small door.
This is a very big clock.
This is a very small ball.
This is a very big ball.
15 These trees are very tall.
Someday these trees will be very tall.
These animals are very big.
Someday these animals will be very big.
16 Do you have a question?
Yes, I have a question.
Do you have questions?
Yes, we have questions.
17 Excuse me, I have a question.
How can I help you?
Whats the soup of the day?
Excuse me, I have a question.
How can I help you?
How much does this piano cost?
18 The woman is asking the police ofcer a
The police ofcer is answering her question.
The man is asking the doctor a question.
The doctor is answering his question.
19 Hes a waiter at a restaurant.
Shes a waitress at a cafe.
Theyre waiters.
Were waitresses.
20 The man is asking the waitress a question.
The waitress is answering a question.
The waitress is bringing our breakfast.
The waiter is bringing their coffee.
21 The woman is asking the waitress a question.
The waitress is answering her question.
The student is asking a question.
The teacher is answering her question.
The musician is asking the singer a question.
The singer is answering his question.
22 Do you have any questions?
Yes, I have a question.
Do you have any questions?
Yes, I have a question.
23 beef
24 The woman is eating chicken for lunch.
The man is eating sh at home.
The girl is eating a potato at a cafe.
Theyre eating beef at a restaurant.
25 The girl is eating chicken.
The man is eating beef.
The woman is eating sh.
The boy is eating a potato.
26 The fork is to the left of the potato.
The spoon is to the right of the cup.
The knife is beside the bread.
The napkin is on the table.
27 The woman is writing on the napkin.
The boy has a knife in his right hand.
The girl is eating with a spoon.
The woman is eating with a fork.
28 beans
29 tea with sugar
bread with butter
potatoes with salt
salad with pepper
beef with salt
coffee with sugar
30 Do you have any salt?
Yes, here is the salt.
Do you have any pepper?
Yes, here is the pepper.
Do you have any butter?
Yes, here is the butter.
31 two lemons
a bowl of lemons
water and a lime
three limes
32 The lemon is sour.
The lime is sour.
The chicken is spicy.
The beans are spicy.
Sugar is sweet.
The cake is sweet.
33 Would you like the soup of the day?
Whats in the soup?
Potatoes, beans, salt, and pepper.
Yes, I would.
34 Would you like any dessert today?
Yes. What do you have?
Today we have lemon dessert.
Is it sour?
No. Its sweet.
Thank you.
35 This is very sour. Can I have some sugar?
Yes, here is some sugar.
This is very spicy. Can I have some water?
Yes, here is some water.
36 Excuse me, can I have a napkin?
Yes, here is a napkin.
Excuse me, can I have a knife?
Yes, here is a knife.
Core Lesson
01 a statue
a statue
a statue
a painting
a painting
a photo
02 This is a painting of a beach.
This is a painting of the sky.
This is a photo of Paris.
This is an old photo of my children.
This is a statue of a man.
This is a statue of a cat.
03 Whats this?
This is a photo of my grandfather.
Whats that?
Thats a painting of my grandmothers house.
04 Im sitting on a statue.
Theyre walking beside a fountain.
The man is reading on the stairs.
Were eating lunch on a hill.
05 The statue is beside the fountain.
The stairs are in a park.
The painting is of a fountain.
The statue is on the hill.
06 a statue
a photo
a painting
a fountain
a hill
07 This is a painting of a piano.
This is a photo of a guitar.
This is a painting of a man with a drum.
08 Pianos and guitars are types of instruments.
Paintings and photos are types of art.
A drum is a type of instrument.
A statue is a type of art.
09 The man is playing the guitar.
The boy is playing the piano with his
The men are playing the drums.
10 All of these people are playing the same type
of instrument.
All of these people are playing different types
of instruments.
Some of these people are playing the guitar.
11 The band is playing at the park.
Three people in this band play guitar.
The band is playing at the stadium.
12 a guitar
a drum
a piano
a band
13 Hes taking a photo of her.
Please take a photo of us.
Shes taking a photo of the statue.
Hes taking a photo of the band.
14 Hes taking a photo of the band.
Shes taking a photo of the fountain.
Hes taking a photo of the painting.
Shes taking a photo of the statue.
15 a movie theater
a movie theater
a movie theater
a zoo
a zoo
a museum
16 The cafe is downtown.
The cafe is not downtown.
They live downtown.
They dont live downtown.
17 This movie theater is downtown.
Theyre watching a movie at a movie theater.
This animal lives at the zoo.
The dog and the cat dont live at the zoo.
18 The band is playing downtown.
The band is not playing downtown.
The statue is downtown.
The statue is not downtown.
19 In May, I took a photo in the woods.
In October, he took a photo of his friends.
She took photos at the zoo and downtown.
You took a photo of your family in the park.
20 This building is in Moscow.
This building is in New York.
This building is in Barcelona.
This building is in Australia.
21 ancient stairs
an ancient statue
a modern painting
a modern building
22 an ancient stadium
a modern stadium
an ancient statue
a modern statue
23 This building is famous.
This bridge is famous.
This mountain is famous.
This building is not famous.
This bridge is not famous.
This mountain is not famous.
24 She will take a photo of a famous building.
Shes taking a photo of a famous building.
She took a photo of a famous building.
25 This famous statue is in Brazil.
This famous building is in China.
This famous fountain is in Rome.
26 This is famous.
These are famous.
Shes famous.
Theyre famous.
27 Theyre looking for their car.
They found their car.
Shes looking for her keys.
She found her keys.
Hes looking for his glasses.
He found his glasses.
28 Im looking for my coat.
I found my coat.
Hes looking for his shoe.
He found his shoe.
29 Hes looking for his ball.
He found his ball.
Shes looking for her sock.
She found her sock.
30 Theyre looking for the statue of a man and
his dog.
They found the statue.
Theyre looking for the museum.
They found the museum.
31 Im looking for my glasses.
I found your glasses.
Im looking for my dog.
I found your dog.
32 Are you looking for something?
Yes, Im looking for the movie theater.
Are you looking for something?
Yes, were looking for the stadium.
33 Someday I want to sing in a famous band.
I will play the guitar in a famous band.
We will play in the same band.
I will sing, and you will play the guitar.
We will be the most famous band in
New York!
Yes. We will play in the biggest stadiums!
Core Lesson
01 The children are laughing.
The man is smiling.
The girls mother is not smiling.
The boy is not laughing.
02 Shes smiling at her husband.
The girl is laughing.
The doctor is smiling at the girl.
The children at the birthday party are
The baby is crying.
The women are crying.
03 The woman is smiling at her husband.
The man is laughing.
The boy is smiling at his teacher.
The employees are laughing.
04 The fountain is in front of a mosque.
The man is reading in a synagogue.
The statues are in a temple.
The woman and man are smiling in front of
the church.
05 Theyre standing in front of a mosque.
Theyre singing in a church.
This man is sitting near the temples.
Were in a synagogue.
06 a mosque
a synagogue
a temple
a church
07 What do you see?
I see the statues on the hill.
What do you see?
I see a man on the stairs.
08 Can you see the church?
No, I cant see the church.
Can you see the church now?
Yes, I can see the church now.
09 Hes lost.
Shes not lost.
Were lost.
Im not lost.
10 Why are you crying?
Because Im lost.
We will nd your parents.
11 Shes happy because its her birthday.
Im happy because its sunny.
Theyre happy because theyre playing soccer.
Hes angry because he cant nd his keys.
Shes angry because her shirt is dirty.
Hes angry because his wife is late.
12 Hes angry.
Hes happy.
Hes sad.
13 Shes angry because the animal is eating
her shoe.
Theyre happy because theyre at the beach.
The child is sad because she cant nd
her dog.
14 How long will the band play?
The band will play for two hours.
How long did I run?
You ran for thirty minutes.
15 How long can we swim?
You can swim for three hours.
How long did he speak?
He spoke for forty-ve minutes.
16 How long will you be in this country?
I will be here for a week.
How long will you be in Italy?
I will be in Italy for three months.
17 How long will Bethany be in Moscow?
She will be in Moscow for two weeks.
How long will you be in Paris?
I will be in Paris for two weeks.
18 Were staying here for two days.
Shes staying at her grandmothers house
Theyre staying at the hospital.
19 She has a hotel reservation. She can stay
here tonight.
He doesnt have a hotel reservation. He has to
stay here tonight.
They have a reservation at the restaurant.
They can eat here.
We dont have a reservation at this restaurant.
We cant eat here.
20 Can I make a reservation?
Yes. What time are you coming?
Im coming at 8 oclock this evening.
I would like to make a reservation.
What day are you coming?
Im coming on Wednesday.
21 Hello. Hotel Faireld. Can I help you?
Hello. I would like to make a reservation.
When will you be coming?
Im coming on October twenty-second.
How long will you be staying?
I will be staying for three nights.
22 Hello.
I would like to make a reservation.
What time are you arriving?
Were coming at seven oclock.
How many people are arriving?
Four people.
23 Hes walking up the mountain.
Theyre running up the hill.
The boy is walking down the stairs.
Im running down the hill.
24 Shes walking down the stairs.
The man is running up the stairs.
Theyre walking down the hill.
The woman is running down the hill.
25 Hes walking up the stairs.
Theyre running down the mountain.
Theyre walking down the mountain.
Hes running up the stairs.
26 Theyre packing their suitcases.
Im packing my suitcase.
Shes unpacking her suitcase.
Hes unpacking his suitcase.
27 This woman packed yesterday.
This woman packed in the morning.
Shes packing now.
28 First, he packed his suitcase at home.
Then, he went to the hotel.
Now hes unpacking his suitcase in his room.
29 What did you do today?
First, I ran for thirty minutes.
Then, I went to the grocery store.
Finally, I cooked dinner.
30 First, she put her plate on the table.
Then, he put his plate on the table.
Finally, they put their plates on the table.
31 First, she cooked dinner.
Then, she ate dinner.
Finally, she washed the plates.
32 Would you like to go to the museum?
Yes. We can go in the afternoon.
Would you like to go to a restaurant in the
Yes. Then, we can go to the movie theater.
33 What would you like to see today?
I would like to see the temple.
Excuse me, were lost. Where is the temple?
First, go to the park. Then, turn left.
Thank you.
Core Lesson
01 The man is skiing.
The woman is sailing.
Were sailing.
The children are skiing.
02 Shes skiing in the city.
Hes skiing in the mountains.
Theyre sailing near the city.
Theyre sailing near the beach.
03 Theyre playing in the ocean.
Hes sailing in the ocean.
Shes swimming in the ocean.
They live in the ocean.
04 This country is an island.
This statue is on an island.
The church is on an island.
05 Im camping in the woods.
Shes camping near the ocean.
We will camp on that island.
Shes camping in the mountains.
06 four tents
three sailboats
two skis
six skiers
07 Theyre camping near the lake.
The family is beside the sailboats.
The skis are beside the tent.
The family is in the sailboat.
08 This sailboat is fast.
These skiers are fast.
This sailboat is slow.
These skiers are slow.
09 The church is near the ocean.
The mosque is near the park.
The synagogue is in the city.
The temple is on an island.
10 Hes looking for an island.
Hes looking for his ball.
Hes looking for the ocean.
11 Im riding a white horse.
The woman is riding a gray bicycle.
The man is riding a black horse.
Youre riding a bicycle!
12 Theyre riding horses in the park.
Theyre riding horses beside the ocean.
Hes riding a bicycle beside the ocean.
Hes riding a bicycle in the woods.
13 The children are playing in the snow.
He wrote in the snow.
Hes riding a bicycle in the rain.
Theyre walking in the rain.
14 What will you do after you ski?
I will drink coffee in the cafe.
What will they do after they swim?
They will ride their bicycles, and then they
will run.
What will you do after you sail?
We will eat dinner on an island.
15 There are some cats.
There are some islands.
There are some skis.
There are a lot of sh.
There are a lot of bicycles.
There are a lot of tents.
16 There is a lot of water.
There are a lot of trees.
There is a lot of grass.
There are a lot of owers.
17 There are some sailboats.
There are a lot of sailboats.
There is some snow.
There is a lot of snow.
18 Its windy at the park today.
It was very windy at the beach this morning.
Its not windy in the city this afternoon.
19 Its not windy today.
Its windy today.
Its very windy today.
20 Its going to snow tomorrow.
What will we do?
We will be able to ski.
21 Its not going to rain tomorrow.
What will we do?
We will be able to ride our bicycles.
22 You will be able to ski in November.
We will be able to play with this tomorrow. It
will be windy.
Your daughter will be able to ride her bicycle
next week.
23 Theyre playing soccer in the rain.
Theyre playing in the snow.
Hes driving in the snow.
Theyre running in the snow.
24 Im riding a horse in the snow.
Im camping in my new tent.
Im sailing on the ocean.
Im skiing in the mountains.
25 Dont eat this.
Eat this.
Dont sit there.
Sit here.
Dont play there.
Play here.
26 Dont ski here.
Ski here.
Swim here.
Dont swim here.
Dont drive here.
Drive here.
Camp here.
Dont camp here.
27 The people are wearing green swimsuits.
Her sandals have white owers on them.
The children are playing with towels on a
windy day.
The singer is wearing shorts.
28 a mans swimsuit
a womans swimsuit
mens sandals
womens sandals
a towel
29 Dont wear shorts today.
Why not?
Because it will be cold.
Dont wear sandals today.
Why not?
Because it will be cold.
30 It costs thirty dollars to rent skis for a day.
It costs four hundred dollars to buy skis.
It costs one hundred dollars to rent a car for
a day.
It costs twenty-ve thousand dollars to buy
a car.
31 Its Monday. Hes renting a car for two days.
Its Wednesday. Hes returning the car.
Its ten a.m. Shes renting skis for the day.
Its six p.m. Shes returning the skis.
32 He will return the bicycle.
Hes returning the bicycle.
He returned the bicycle.
33 How much does it cost to rent a bicycle for
a day?
It costs twenty pounds for a day.
I will return it tomorrow evening.
It will cost forty pounds.
34 Did you return the skis?
Yes, I returned them yesterday.
Did you return the car?
No, I will return it tomorrow.
35 I would like to rent skis.
We would like to rent skis.
I would like to rent a bicycle.
We would like to rent bicycles.
36 Hello, can I help you?
We want to go sailing.
What will the weather be like tomorrow?
Its going to rain. Dont go sailing tomorrow.
37 Friday will be sunny and windy.
Will we be able to rent a sailboat on Friday?
Yes, you will be able to rent a sailboat for
the day.
38 Where can we sail?
You can sail to this small island.
What do we need to bring?
Bring your swimsuits and towels.
04 Hi!
06 What did you do this morning?
I read the newspaper.
07 What did you do this morning?
I went to the museum downtown.
08 What did you buy?
I bought a photo of this ancient temple.
13 Would you like to sail today, or would you like
to go to the movie theater?
I would like to sail today.
16 Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
17 Can I help you? Would you like to sail today?
Yes, we would like to sail.
18 Is it too windy to sail?
No, its not too windy to sail.
22 What do you do?
Im a musician.
23 What do you play?
I play the piano.
24 Do you play an instrument?
Yes, I play an instrument.
25 What do you play?
I play the guitar.
27 What are you looking for?
Im looking for a towel.
30 Will you take a photo of us?
Yes, I will take a photo of you.
34 Do you want to eat dinner on the sailboat or
on the beach?
We want to eat dinner on the beach.
40 What are you cooking?
Im cooking sh with lime and potatoes.
44 Will you play something?
Yes, I will play something.
A a
B b
C c
D d
E e
F f
G g
H h
I i
J j
K k
L l
M m
N n
O o
P p
Q q
R r
S s
T t
U u
V v
W w
X x
Y y
Z z
In this index, each word is followed by the Unit and Lesson in which
it occurs. The number of times that the word appears in the lesson is
enclosed in parentheses.
En este ndice, a cada palabra le sigue la Unidad y la Leccin en que
aparece. Entre parntesis se encuentra el nmero de veces que aparece la
palabra en cada leccin.
Dans cet index, chaque mot est suivi de la Partie et de la Leon
correspondantes. Le nombre de fois o le mot apparat dans chaque leon
est indiqu entre parenthses.
In diesem Index steht nach jedem Wort der Teil mit der Lektion, in der das
Wort vorkommt. In Klammern wird angegeben, wie oft ein Wort in einer
Lektion auftritt.
In questo indice, ogni parola seguita dallUnit e dalla Lezione
corrispondente. Il numero di volte che la parola appare in ogni lezione
indicato in parentesi.
Neste ndice, cada palavra encontra-se seguida pela Unidade e o Captulo
em que aparece. O nmero de vezes em que a palavra aparece em cada
captulo encontra-se em parnteses.
, ,
, .
, .

a 1.1 (21), 1.2 (13), 1.3 (16), 1.4 (12),
2.1 (40), 2.2 (8), 2.3 (49), 2.4 (22),
3.1 (15), 3.2 (8), 3.3 (23), 3.4 (9),
3.5 (2), 4.1 (39), 4.2 (60), 4.3 (21),
4.4 (30), 4.5 (5)
a.m. 1.3 (11), 4.4 (1)
able 4.4 (7)
address 3.2 (11)
adult 2.3 (1)
adults 3.1 (1)
after 1.4 (2), 4.1 (3), 4.4 (3)
afternoon 1.3 (1), 3.4 (2), 4.3 (1), 4.4 (1),
4.5 (2)
ahead 1.2 (5), 3.1 (1)
airplane 1.3 (6), 2.4 (1), 3.3 (1)
airport 1.3 (5), 2.2 (1), 2.4 (2), 3.1 (2)
all 4.2 (2)
am 2.3 (1)
an 1.3 (4), 1.4 (1), 2.1 (9), 2.2 (2),
2.3 (17), 3.1 (2), 3.2 (8), 4.2 (4),
4.4 (6), 4.5 (2)
ancient 4.2 (4), 4.5 (1)
and 1.2 (3), 1.3 (1), 1.4 (1), 2.1 (2),
2.2 (2), 3.3 (4), 3.4 (1), 4.1 (2),
4.2 (6), 4.3 (1), 4.4 (3), 4.5 (1)
angry 4.3 (5)
animal 1.1 (6), 4.1 (1), 4.2 (1), 4.3 (1)
animals 3.3 (1), 4.1 (2)
answering 4.1 (6)
any 4.1 (6)
apartment 2.3 (1)
apple 2.1 (3), 2.2 (1), 2.4 (1)
apples 2.4 (3), 3.3 (1)
April 3.1 (3), 3.2 (1), 3.4 (1)
are 1.1 (25), 1.2 (8), 1.3 (6), 1.4 (7),
2.1 (7), 2.2 (5), 2.3 (9), 3.1 (19),
3.2 (7), 3.3 (18), 3.4 (9), 3.5 (6),
4.1 (4), 4.2 (10), 4.3 (11), 4.4 (17),
4.5 (2)
arrive 1.3 (6)
arrives 1.3 (13)
arriving 3.1 (5), 4.3 (2)
art 2.2 (4), 2.3 (4), 2.4 (2), 4.2 (2)
asking 4.1 (6)
at 1.1 (27), 1.2 (14), 1.3 (30), 1.4 (5),
2.1 (5), 2.2 (2), 2.3 (9), 2.4 (14),
3.1 (13), 3.2 (11), 3.3 (5), 3.4 (9),
3.5 (1), 4.1 (6), 4.2 (6), 4.3 (13),
4.4 (2)
ate 2.1 (5), 2.2 (7), 2.4 (4), 3.3 (1),
3.4 (2), 4.3 (1)
August 3.1 (4)
Australia 3.1 (1), 4.2 (1)
baby 1.4 (1), 2.3 (1), 2.4 (1), 4.1 (1),
4.3 (1)
bad 3.4 (8)
badly 3.4 (7)
bakery 2.3 (1)
ball 2.1 (2), 3.1 (1), 3.3 (4), 4.1 (3),
4.2 (2), 4.4 (1)
band 4.2 (12), 4.3 (2)
bank 1.1 (5), 1.2 (2), 2.2 (4), 4.1 (1)
Barcelona 1.4 (1), 2.1 (2), 3.2 (2), 4.2 (1)
be 1.4 (7), 2.1 (1), 2.3 (3), 3.2 (1),
3.3 (4), 4.1 (8), 4.2 (1), 4.3 (11),
4.4 (11)
beach 1.4 (6), 2.1 (1), 2.2 (4), 2.3 (2),
2.4 (4), 3.1 (2), 3.2 (1), 3.3 (2),
3.4 (2), 4.2 (1), 4.3 (1), 4.4 (2),
4.5 (2)
beans 4.1 (5)
because 1.4 (5), 4.3 (10), 4.4 (2)
bed 3.1 (2), 3.2 (1)
beef 4.1 (6)
before 3.3 (1)
begin 3.1 (1), 4.1 (1)
beginning 3.1 (6)
begins 3.1 (5), 3.3 (1)
behind 1.1 (9)
Beijing 2.4 (1), 3.1 (1)
Bernard 3.5 (1)
beside 1.1 (8), 1.2 (1), 1.3 (4), 2.2 (2),
4.1 (1), 4.2 (2), 4.4 (4)
best 3.4 (3)
Bethany 4.3 (1)
better 3.4 (3)
bicycle 1.1 (3), 2.1 (2), 2.3 (1), 2.4 (1),
3.1 (3), 3.2 (1), 3.3 (2), 4.4 (11)
bicycles 2.3 (1), 4.4 (4)
big 4.1 (7)
biggest 4.2 (1)
birthday 3.2 (1), 3.3 (7), 3.4 (2), 4.3 (2)
black 1.2 (1), 1.3 (1), 2.4 (1), 3.4 (2),
4.4 (1)
blanket 3.2 (1)
blankets 3.1 (1)
blond 1.2 (1), 2.3 (2)
blue 1.1 (1), 1.2 (1), 1.3 (1), 2.2 (1)
book 1.4 (2), 2.1 (14), 2.2 (3), 2.4 (2),
3.1 (1), 3.2 (2), 3.4 (3)
books 2.1 (3), 3.1 (2)
bookstore 1.1 (3), 2.2 (1), 2.4 (1), 3.1 (1)
bookstores 3.3 (1)
bought 2.1 (13), 2.2 (5), 2.4 (11), 4.5 (1)
bowl 3.2 (1), 4.1 (1)
boy 1.1 (2), 2.2 (3), 2.3 (1), 2.4 (3),
3.2 (2), 4.1 (2), 4.2 (1), 4.3 (3)
boys 1.4 (1), 3.1 (2), 3.2 (1)
Brazil 2.3 (1), 3.1 (1), 4.2 (1)
bread 4.1 (2)
breakfast 2.2 (4), 3.1 (1), 4.1 (1)
bridge 4.2 (2)
bring 3.1 (2), 3.3 (4), 3.5 (2), 4.4 (2)
bringing 3.1 (9), 4.1 (2)
brother 2.1 (3)
brought 3.3 (4)
building 4.2 (11)
bus 1.2 (19), 1.3 (9), 1.4 (2), 2.1 (1),
2.3 (2)
busy 3.4 (11), 3.5 (2), 4.1 (2)
but 1.4 (3), 2.1 (1), 2.3 (6), 3.2 (1),
3.3 (1), 3.4 (1)
butter 4.1 (5)
buy 1.1 (1), 1.3 (1), 2.1 (5), 2.4 (3),
4.1 (3), 4.4 (2), 4.5 (1)
buying 1.1 (3), 1.3 (1), 1.4 (4), 2.1 (3),
2.2 (2)
cafe 1.1 (7), 1.3 (2), 3.2 (1), 3.4 (3),
4.1 (2), 4.2 (2), 4.4 (1)
cake 2.2 (1), 2.4 (2), 3.1 (2), 3.3 (2),
4.1 (1)
call 3.2 (3), 4.1 (2)
calling 3.2 (10)
camera 1.3 (2), 3.2 (1)
camp 4.4 (3)
camping 4.4 (5)
can 1.4 (15), 2.2 (5), 2.4 (4), 3.1 (8),
3.3 (7), 3.4 (12), 3.5 (1), 4.1 (6),
4.3 (11), 4.4 (3), 4.5 (1)
cant 1.4 (10), 3.1 (4), 3.3 (7), 3.4 (5),
4.3 (4)
car 1.1 (11), 1.2 (1), 1.4 (1), 2.1 (3),
2.3 (1), 2.4 (1), 3.2 (2), 3.3 (4),
3.4 (1), 4.1 (1), 4.2 (2), 4.4 (5)
card 1.1 (2), 2.4 (3)
carrots 2.1 (2), 2.4 (2)
cars 2.1 (1), 3.3 (2)
cash 1.1 (2), 2.4 (2), 3.3 (1)
cat 1.4 (2), 2.2 (1), 2.3 (1), 2.4 (1),
4.2 (2)
cats 3.3 (1), 4.4 (1)
cell 3.3 (1)
chair 1.1 (3), 3.1 (2)
chairs 2.1 (1)
chicken 4.1 (5)
child 1.1 (1), 1.2 (4), 2.3 (5), 2.4 (1),
4.3 (1)
children 1.1 (5), 1.2 (1), 2.2 (1), 2.3 (1),
3.1 (3), 3.2 (1), 3.3 (1), 4.2 (1),
4.3 (2), 4.4 (3)
China 2.3 (3), 2.4 (3), 4.2 (1)
chocolate 2.1 (3), 2.2 (1), 2.4 (3), 3.3 (1),
3.4 (1)
church 4.3 (7), 4.4 (2)
city 1.2 (1), 1.4 (2), 4.4 (4)
clean 3.1 (1)
clock 1.3 (4), 4.1 (1)
clothes 2.1 (3)
cloudy 1.4 (5), 2.4 (1)
coat 1.2 (2), 1.3 (1), 3.1 (1), 3.3 (2),
4.2 (2)
coffee 1.1 (1), 2.2 (2), 2.4 (8), 3.1 (1),
3.3 (1), 4.1 (2), 4.4 (1)
cold 1.4 (6), 3.1 (2), 4.4 (2)
college 2.3 (12), 2.4 (4), 3.1 (1), 4.1 (1)
come 3.1 (1), 3.3 (1), 3.4 (7), 3.5 (5)
coming 3.1 (7), 3.2 (2), 4.3 (7)
concert 1.4 (1), 3.1 (2), 3.2 (2), 3.4 (5)
cook 3.1 (1)
cooked 4.3 (2)
cooking 1.1 (2), 2.1 (1), 3.1 (1), 4.5 (2)
cooks 3.4 (2)
cost 1.1 (1), 1.3 (6), 2.4 (2), 3.2 (7),
4.1 (1), 4.4 (2)
costs 1.1 (1), 1.3 (8), 2.4 (1), 3.2 (12),
4.4 (5)
costume 3.3 (2)
country 4.3 (1), 4.4 (1)
credit 1.1 (2), 2.4 (3)
crying 4.3 (3)
cup 3.2 (1), 4.1 (1)
dance 3.2 (1), 3.4 (2), 3.5 (2), 4.1 (3)
dancer 3.4 (3)
dancers 3.4 (2)
dancers 3.4 (1)
dances 3.4 (2)
dancing 3.1 (5), 3.3 (1), 3.4 (1)
date 3.2 (12)
daughter 2.3 (3), 2.4 (1), 4.4 (1)
day 1.4 (2), 3.2 (1), 4.1 (2), 4.3 (1),
4.4 (7)
days 3.1 (2), 4.3 (1), 4.4 (1)
December 3.1 (3), 3.2 (3)
delayed 1.3 (4), 1.4 (3)
depart 1.3 (4)
departed 2.4 (1)
departs 1.3 (10), 1.4 (1)
desk 2.1 (6), 3.1 (1), 3.3 (1), 3.4 (1)
desks 3.1 (1)
dessert 3.3 (16), 3.5 (1), 4.1 (2)
desserts 3.3 (2)
dictionary 2.1 (10), 2.2 (1), 2.4 (1)
did 2.1 (12), 2.2 (12), 2.3 (9), 2.4 (11),
3.1 (2), 3.3 (2), 4.3 (3), 4.4 (2),
4.5 (3)
didnt 2.2 (3), 2.3 (1), 2.4 (2), 3.3 (1),
3.5 (1)
different 4.2 (1)
dinner 1.4 (4), 2.2 (1), 3.2 (1), 3.3 (2),
3.4 (1), 4.1 (1), 4.3 (3), 4.4 (1),
4.5 (2)
dirty 2.3 (2), 4.3 (1)
do 1.1 (3), 1.2 (13), 1.3 (4), 2.1 (3),
2.3 (8), 2.4 (2), 3.2 (3), 3.3 (2),
3.4 (2), 4.1 (8), 4.3 (3), 4.4 (6),
4.5 (7)
doctor 2.2 (2), 2.3 (1), 3.2 (5), 4.1 (3),
4.3 (1)
doctors 3.3 (1)
does 1.1 (1), 1.3 (12), 1.4 (1), 2.2 (11),
2.3 (2), 2.4 (3), 3.1 (2), 3.4 (2),
3.5 (1), 4.1 (1), 4.4 (1)
doesnt 2.2 (2), 3.2 (1), 4.3 (1)
dog 1.1 (1), 1.4 (2), 2.1 (1), 2.3 (1),
2.4 (1), 3.1 (4), 3.2 (2), 3.3 (1),
4.1 (1), 4.2 (4), 4.3 (1)
dogs 3.3 (1)
doing 1.4 (1), 2.1 (2)
dollars 1.1 (1), 1.3 (4), 2.4 (1), 3.2 (4),
4.4 (4)
dont 2.2 (5), 2.3 (1), 3.2 (3), 3.3 (1),
3.4 (1), 3.5 (1), 4.2 (2), 4.3 (1),
4.4 (10)
door 1.2 (3), 4.1 (1)
down 4.3 (7)
downtown 4.2 (10), 4.5 (1)
drank 3.4 (2)
dress 3.2 (1), 3.3 (1)
dresses 3.3 (2)
drink 3.1 (5), 4.4 (1)
drinking 2.4 (1), 3.1 (1)
drive 1.2 (1), 1.4 (2), 3.3 (1), 4.1 (1),
4.4 (2)
drives 3.4 (2)
driving 1.4 (1), 4.4 (1)
drove 3.3 (2), 3.4 (1)
drum 4.2 (3)
drums 4.2 (1)
e-mail 2.1 (5), 2.2 (1), 3.2 (4)
e-mails 2.3 (1)
early 3.2 (4), 3.5 (2)
eat 1.4 (8), 2.1 (4), 3.1 (3), 3.3 (4),
4.3 (2), 4.4 (3), 4.5 (2)
eating 1.3 (1), 2.1 (2), 2.2 (2), 3.3 (7),
4.1 (10), 4.2 (1), 4.3 (1)
Egypt 1.4 (1), 2.3 (3)
eight 1.2 (1), 1.3 (9), 2.2 (1), 3.1 (2),
3.2 (3), 3.3 (2), 3.4 (1)
eighteen 1.3 (1), 3.2 (1)
eighth 3.1 (1)
eighty 1.3 (5)
elementary 2.3 (7)
Elena 3.5 (3)
eleven 1.3 (2), 3.1 (1), 3.2 (1)
employee 2.3 (4), 3.2 (2)
employees 2.3 (1), 3.2 (1), 4.3 (1)
end 3.1 (1)
ending 3.1 (6)
ends 3.1 (1), 3.3 (1)
English 2.2 (2), 2.3 (3), 2.4 (4), 4.1 (1)
envelope 2.1 (4)
envelopes 2.1 (2)
euros 1.3 (5), 3.2 (2)
evening 3.1 (2), 3.4 (3), 4.1 (1), 4.3 (2),
4.4 (1)
excuse 1.2 (8), 1.3 (4), 2.2 (8), 4.1 (4),
4.3 (1)
expensive 3.3 (1), 4.1 (1)
factory 2.3 (5), 3.2 (1), 3.4 (3)
Faireld 4.3 (1)
families 3.1 (1)
family 1.1 (1), 2.3 (1), 3.4 (1), 4.2 (1),
4.4 (2)
famous 4.2 (19)
far 1.2 (1)
fast 4.1 (1), 4.4 (2)
father 2.2 (1), 2.3 (2), 3.2 (2), 3.4 (1)
February 3.1 (4), 3.2 (1)
fteen 1.3 (6), 2.2 (2)
fteenth 3.3 (1)
fth 3.2 (5)
fty 1.3 (5), 1.4 (1), 3.3 (1)
nally 4.3 (3)
nd 4.3 (3)
ne 3.3 (1)
rst 1.2 (5), 3.2 (4), 4.3 (5)
sh 1.4 (1), 3.1 (1), 4.1 (3), 4.4 (1),
4.5 (1)
ve 1.1 (1), 1.3 (13), 1.4 (2), 3.2 (7),
4.3 (1), 4.4 (1)
ight 1.3 (18), 1.4 (1), 3.2 (1)
owers 1.1 (1), 2.1 (2), 2.2 (1), 3.1 (1),
4.4 (2)
foot 1.1 (2)
for 1.3 (6), 2.2 (8), 2.3 (2), 3.2 (10),
3.3 (4), 3.4 (4), 3.5 (1), 4.1 (1),
4.2 (15), 4.3 (11), 4.4 (10), 4.5 (2)
fork 4.1 (2)
forty 1.3 (7), 1.4 (1), 3.2 (1), 4.3 (1),
4.4 (1)
found 4.2 (11)
fountain 4.2 (6), 4.3 (1)
four 1.3 (8), 2.1 (1), 2.2 (1), 3.2 (3),
4.3 (1), 4.4 (2)
fourteenth 3.2 (1)
fourth 1.2 (4), 3.1 (1), 3.2 (1)
France 2.3 (1), 2.4 (1), 3.1 (1)
free 3.4 (14), 3.5 (2), 4.1 (1)
Friday 2.1 (1), 2.2 (2), 3.1 (1), 3.2 (1),
3.4 (5), 3.5 (5), 4.4 (2)
friend 2.1 (2), 3.1 (1), 3.2 (3)
friends 2.1 (1), 2.3 (1), 3.2 (2), 4.2 (1)
from 1.2 (1), 1.3 (1), 2.3 (2), 3.1 (6)
front 1.1 (6), 1.2 (1), 1.4 (1), 4.3 (3)
fruit 2.2 (1), 2.4 (2)
fruits 3.3 (1)
game 3.1 (5), 3.4 (3)
games 3.1 (1), 3.3 (1)
gas 1.1 (10), 1.2 (1), 1.3 (1), 2.2 (1)
gave 2.1 (7), 2.2 (7), 2.4 (1)
get 1.2 (10), 3.3 (1)
getting 1.2 (8), 1.3 (1)
girl 1.1 (2), 1.4 (1), 2.1 (2), 2.4 (3),
3.1 (2), 3.2 (4), 4.1 (3), 4.3 (2)
girls 4.3 (1)
girls 2.1 (1)
give 2.1 (2), 2.4 (2), 3.1 (6)
gives 3.1 (1)
giving 2.1 (9), 2.2 (2), 3.1 (10)
glasses 3.2 (1), 3.3 (3), 4.2 (4)
go 1.1 (2), 1.2 (11), 1.4 (5), 2.2 (5),
2.3 (2), 2.4 (3), 3.1 (1), 3.2 (1),
3.3 (3), 3.4 (4), 4.1 (2), 4.3 (5),
4.4 (2), 4.5 (1)
goes 4.1 (1)
going 1.1 (39), 1.2 (13), 1.4 (40), 2.1 (22),
2.2 (7), 2.4 (1), 3.1 (8), 3.2 (2),
3.3 (3), 3.5 (6), 4.4 (3)
golf 1.4 (1), 2.1 (1), 2.2 (1), 2.3 (1),
2.4 (3)
good 1.4 (1), 3.4 (8), 4.5 (2)
goodbye 3.3 (2), 3.5 (2)
grandfather 2.1 (2), 2.2 (1), 3.2 (1), 4.2 (2)
grandmother 2.1 (3), 2.4 (1)
grandmothers 4.2 (1), 4.3 (1)
grass 4.4 (1)
gray 4.4 (1)
green 2.2 (1), 2.3 (2), 3.2 (1), 4.4 (1)
grocery 1.1 (1), 2.2 (4), 2.4 (3), 3.3 (1),
4.1 (1), 4.3 (1)
guitar 4.2 (7), 4.5 (1)
guitars 4.2 (1)
had 2.3 (1)
hair 1.2 (2), 2.3 (2)
hand 1.1 (2), 4.1 (1)
hands 3.2 (2)
happy 4.3 (5)
hardware 2.4 (1)
has 1.2 (2), 1.3 (3), 2.1 (1), 2.2 (1),
2.3 (1), 3.1 (3), 4.1 (1), 4.3 (2)
hat 1.2 (1), 2.2 (1), 4.1 (1)
have 1.3 (7), 2.1 (2), 2.2 (1), 2.3 (5),
2.4 (2), 3.1 (4), 3.3 (11), 3.4 (1),
4.1 (19), 4.3 (3), 4.4 (1)
he 1.1 (4), 1.2 (1), 1.4 (3), 2.1 (7),
2.2 (4), 2.3 (7), 2.4 (2), 3.1 (6),
3.2 (1), 3.3 (1), 3.4 (7), 4.1 (4),
4.2 (4), 4.3 (7), 4.4 (3)
hes 1.1 (5), 1.2 (10), 1.3 (2), 1.4 (1),
2.1 (10), 2.2 (5), 2.3 (2), 3.1 (9),
3.2 (6), 3.3 (6), 3.4 (2), 4.1 (1),
4.2 (7), 4.3 (11), 4.4 (12)
hello 1.1 (1), 1.3 (1), 3.3 (8), 3.4 (3),
3.5 (2), 4.3 (3), 4.4 (1)
help 3.2 (4), 3.4 (2), 4.1 (2), 4.3 (1),
4.4 (1), 4.5 (1)
helping 3.2 (9)
her 1.1 (5), 1.3 (4), 2.1 (5), 2.2 (3),
2.3 (2), 3.1 (7), 3.2 (11), 3.3 (4),
3.4 (1), 4.1 (3), 4.2 (5), 4.3 (9),
4.4 (2)
here 3.3 (24), 3.4 (2), 4.1 (12), 4.3 (6),
4.4 (10)
hi 3.3 (1), 3.4 (1), 3.5 (4), 4.5 (2)
high 2.3 (9)
hill 4.2 (3), 4.3 (5)
him 2.2 (3), 3.1 (8), 3.4 (1)
his 1.1 (10), 1.3 (2), 2.1 (4), 2.2 (1),
3.1 (1), 3.2 (11), 3.3 (2), 4.1 (3),
4.2 (9), 4.3 (7), 4.4 (1)
history 2.2 (3), 2.3 (3)
home 1.1 (7), 1.2 (4), 3.1 (2), 4.1 (1),
4.3 (1)
horse 1.1 (2), 1.4 (1), 3.2 (1), 4.4 (3)
horses 4.4 (2)
hospital 1.1 (1), 2.4 (1), 3.1 (2), 4.3 (1)
hot 1.4 (7)
hotel 1.1 (4), 1.2 (2), 1.3 (1), 2.2 (1),
3.3 (1), 3.4 (3), 4.3 (4)
hour 1.3 (2)
hours 1.3 (2), 4.1 (1), 4.3 (2)
house 1.1 (5), 2.1 (1), 2.3 (1), 3.3 (1),
3.4 (1), 4.1 (1), 4.2 (1), 4.3 (1)
how 1.1 (1), 1.2 (9), 1.3 (3), 2.4 (2),
3.3 (1), 4.1 (3), 4.3 (10), 4.4 (1)
hundred 3.2 (17), 4.4 (2)
hungry 3.1 (1)
husband 2.1 (1), 2.4 (2), 3.2 (1), 4.3 (2)
I 1.1 (2), 1.2 (11), 1.3 (4), 1.4 (4),
2.1 (29), 2.2 (23), 2.3 (20), 2.4 (46),
3.1 (5), 3.2 (6), 3.3 (16), 3.4 (16),
3.5 (4), 4.1 (27), 4.2 (7), 4.3 (18),
4.4 (7), 4.5 (10)
Im 1.1 (17), 1.2 (7), 1.3 (4), 1.4 (15),
2.1 (28), 2.2 (2), 2.3 (13), 2.4 (1),
3.1 (5), 3.2 (6), 3.3 (3), 3.4 (26),
3.5 (6), 4.1 (3), 4.2 (5), 4.3 (8),
4.4 (6), 4.5 (3)
in 1.1 (11), 1.2 (15), 1.3 (6), 1.4 (22),
2.3 (32), 2.4 (11), 3.1 (12), 3.2 (5),
3.4 (2), 4.1 (7), 4.2 (17), 4.3 (18),
4.4 (26)
inexpensive 3.3 (1)
inside 3.3 (1)
instrument 4.2 (2), 4.5 (2)
instruments 4.2 (3)
is 1.1 (47), 1.2 (30), 1.3 (41), 1.4 (22),
2.1 (7), 2.2 (16), 2.3 (3), 2.4 (8),
3.1 (30), 3.2 (50), 3.3 (37), 3.4 (23),
3.5 (2), 4.1 (56), 4.2 (41), 4.3 (20),
4.4 (20), 4.5 (1)
island 4.4 (8)
islands 4.4 (1)
it 1.1 (2), 1.3 (16), 1.4 (5), 2.1 (2),
2.2 (19), 2.3 (2), 2.4 (12), 3.1 (7),
3.3 (3), 3.4 (2), 3.5 (1), 4.1 (1),
4.4 (13), 4.5 (1)
its 1.2 (4), 1.3 (30), 1.4 (40), 2.2 (2),
3.1 (1), 3.2 (5), 3.3 (1), 3.5 (1),
4.1 (1), 4.3 (2), 4.4 (12), 4.5 (1)
Italy 2.3 (3), 3.1 (1), 4.3 (2)
January 3.1 (3), 3.2 (2)
Japan 3.1 (1)
Jean 3.4 (1)
jeans 3.2 (1), 3.3 (1), 4.1 (1)
Jen 3.3 (1)
jewelry 2.1 (1), 2.2 (2), 3.1 (1), 3.2 (1),
4.1 (1)
John 3.3 (3)
Johns 3.3 (1)
Jones 2.2 (1)
juice 2.4 (5), 3.4 (1)
July 3.1 (3), 3.2 (1)
June 3.1 (3), 3.2 (4)
keys 2.2 (2), 3.1 (1), 4.2 (2), 4.3 (1)
kiss 1.4 (1)
kissed 2.4 (1)
kitchen 3.1 (1)
knife 4.1 (4)
know 3.2 (8), 3.4 (2), 3.5 (1)
knows 3.2 (2)
ladder 2.4 (1), 3.1 (1)
lake 1.4 (5), 2.1 (2), 2.2 (1), 3.1 (2),
4.4 (1)
last 2.1 (12), 2.2 (1), 3.4 (3)
late 3.2 (8), 4.3 (1)
laughing 4.3 (6)
Laura 3.3 (5)
Lauras 3.3 (1)
leaving 3.1 (5)
left 1.1 (6), 1.2 (8), 2.4 (1), 3.1 (3),
3.2 (1), 3.3 (1), 4.1 (1), 4.3 (1)
lemon 4.1 (2)
lemons 4.1 (2)
letter 2.1 (4), 2.4 (2)
letters 2.1 (1), 2.2 (2), 2.3 (1), 2.4 (1)
library 1.1 (6), 1.2 (1), 2.2 (8), 3.1 (1),
3.2 (1)
like 1.4 (5), 2.3 (1), 2.4 (34), 3.1 (2),
3.3 (1), 3.4 (7), 3.5 (7), 4.1 (2),
4.3 (7), 4.4 (5), 4.5 (4)
liked 2.3 (1)
likes 2.3 (4)
lime 4.1 (2), 4.5 (1)
limes 4.1 (1)
line 1.2 (11)
listen 3.2 (1)
listened 2.4 (1)
live 2.3 (5), 4.1 (3), 4.2 (3), 4.4 (1)
lived 2.3 (4)
lives 4.2 (1)
living 2.4 (1), 3.3 (1)
long 4.3 (9)
looking 4.2 (15), 4.4 (3), 4.5 (2)
lost 4.3 (6)
lot 4.4 (9)
lunch 1.4 (3), 3.1 (1), 3.3 (2), 4.1 (1),
4.2 (1)
Main 3.2 (1)
make 3.5 (2), 4.3 (4)
making 3.3 (7)
man 1.1 (10), 1.3 (2), 1.4 (2), 2.1 (1),
3.1 (3), 3.2 (9), 4.1 (6), 4.2 (5),
4.3 (7), 4.4 (2)
mans 4.4 (1)
manager 2.3 (11), 3.2 (5), 4.1 (1)
many 4.3 (1)
map 1.1 (9), 1.3 (1)
maps 1.1 (3)
March 3.1 (3), 3.2 (3), 3.4 (1)
math 2.2 (4), 2.3 (1), 4.1 (1)
May 3.1 (3), 3.2 (2), 3.4 (1), 4.2 (1)
me 1.2 (8), 1.3 (4), 2.2 (11), 2.4 (4),
3.1 (2), 3.2 (7), 3.4 (1), 4.1 (9),
4.3 (1)
mean 2.2 (11), 2.4 (1)
means 2.2 (12), 2.4 (1), 3.4 (2)
meat 2.1 (1), 3.2 (1)
medicine 1.1 (1), 2.2 (2), 2.4 (1)
meet 3.2 (1), 3.4 (1), 3.5 (2), 4.1 (1)
meeting 3.2 (10)
men 1.1 (3), 1.2 (1), 1.3 (1), 4.2 (1)
mens 4.4 (1)
mile 1.3 (1), 2.1 (1)
miles 1.3 (4), 1.4 (3), 2.1 (2)
milk 1.1 (1), 2.4 (2), 4.1 (1)
minutes 1.3 (4), 1.4 (2), 4.1 (1), 4.3 (3)
modern 4.2 (4)
Mom 2.2 (2)
Monday 2.1 (4), 3.4 (1), 4.4 (1)
money 1.1 (1)
month 2.1 (1), 3.1 (5), 3.4 (3)
months 3.1 (1), 4.3 (1)
moon 4.1 (1)
more 4.1 (1)
morning 1.3 (1), 1.4 (1), 2.1 (1), 2.2 (1),
4.3 (1), 4.4 (1), 4.5 (2)
Moscow 4.2 (1), 4.3 (2)
mosque 4.3 (3), 4.4 (1)
most 4.2 (1)
mother 2.1 (2), 2.3 (1), 2.4 (1), 3.2 (2),
3.4 (1), 4.3 (1)
mountain 4.2 (2), 4.3 (3)
mountains 1.4 (6), 2.1 (2), 2.2 (1), 2.3 (1),
2.4 (1), 3.1 (1), 3.2 (1), 4.4 (3)
movie 3.1 (2), 3.2 (2), 3.4 (2), 4.2 (6),
4.3 (1), 4.5 (1)
Mr 3.3 (3)
Mrs 2.2 (1)
much 1.1 (1), 1.3 (3), 2.4 (2), 4.1 (1),
4.4 (1)
museum 1.1 (7), 1.2 (5), 1.4 (2), 3.2 (3),
4.2 (3), 4.3 (1), 4.5 (1)
music 2.2 (4), 2.3 (3), 3.4 (2), 4.2 (1)
musician 3.4 (3), 4.1 (1), 4.5 (1)
musicians 3.4 (2)
musicians 3.4 (2)
my 1.2 (3), 1.3 (7), 1.4 (2), 2.1 (14),
2.2 (1), 2.3 (5), 2.4 (5), 3.1 (2),
3.2 (5), 3.3 (5), 3.4 (4), 3.5 (4),
4.2 (7), 4.3 (1), 4.4 (1)
name 2.4 (5), 3.2 (1), 3.5 (2)
names 3.1 (1)
napkin 4.1 (4)
near 1.2 (2), 4.3 (1), 4.4 (6)
need 1.1 (5), 1.3 (2), 2.1 (1), 3.3 (1),
4.4 (1)
needs 1.1 (7)
new 2.1 (2), 3.3 (1), 4.1 (2), 4.4 (1)
New York 1.3 (1), 1.4 (1), 4.2 (2)
newspaper 2.1 (7), 2.4 (2), 3.1 (1), 4.5 (1)
newspapers 1.1 (1), 2.1 (1)
next 2.1 (10), 3.1 (1), 4.1 (1), 4.4 (1)
nice 3.5 (2)
night 1.3 (1), 3.4 (1)
nights 4.3 (1)
nine 1.2 (1), 1.3 (6), 2.2 (1), 3.2 (3)
nineteen 3.2 (1)
nineteenth 3.2 (1)
ninety 1.3 (4), 3.2 (2)
no 1.1 (1), 1.3 (5), 1.4 (7), 2.1 (10),
2.2 (1), 2.3 (3), 2.4 (3), 3.1 (1),
3.2 (1), 3.4 (3), 3.5 (3), 4.1 (1),
4.3 (1), 4.4 (1), 4.5 (1)
not 1.4 (4), 2.1 (2), 2.2 (2), 2.4 (2),
3.1 (1), 3.2 (2), 3.3 (1), 3.4 (1),
3.5 (3), 4.2 (6), 4.3 (4), 4.4 (5),
4.5 (1)
notebook 2.1 (6), 2.2 (1), 3.1 (1)
November 3.1 (3), 4.4 (1)
now 2.3 (27), 2.4 (3), 3.1 (2), 4.1 (4),
4.3 (4)
number 1.2 (4), 1.3 (7), 3.2 (11)
oclock 1.3 (23), 2.2 (2), 3.3 (2), 3.4 (4),
3.5 (1), 4.3 (2)
ocean 4.4 (10)
October 3.1 (3), 4.2 (1), 4.3 (1)
of 1.1 (6), 1.2 (1), 1.4 (1), 2.3 (1),
3.1 (3), 3.2 (1), 3.3 (6), 4.1 (5),
4.2 (33), 4.3 (3), 4.4 (9), 4.5 (3)
off 1.2 (7), 1.3 (1)
ofce 1.1 (8), 1.2 (1), 1.4 (1), 2.3 (10),
2.4 (1), 3.1 (2), 3.2 (3), 3.3 (1),
3.4 (1)
okay 3.4 (4)
old 1.3 (2), 2.1 (1), 2.3 (2), 2.4 (1),
3.2 (1), 3.3 (2), 4.1 (1), 4.2 (1)
oldest 2.1 (1)
on 1.1 (10), 1.2 (9), 1.3 (10), 1.4 (8),
2.1 (3), 2.2 (7), 2.4 (1), 3.1 (7),
3.2 (5), 3.3 (3), 3.4 (13), 3.5 (5),
4.1 (3), 4.2 (4), 4.3 (7), 4.4 (9),
4.5 (2)
one 1.3 (12), 1.4 (2), 2.2 (2), 3.2 (6),
4.4 (1)
or 2.4 (15), 3.1 (1), 3.3 (2), 4.5 (2)
orange 2.4 (5)
oranges 3.3 (1)
our 1.3 (1), 2.1 (1), 2.2 (2), 3.4 (1),
4.1 (1), 4.4 (1)
outside 1.4 (2), 3.1 (1), 3.3 (2)
p.m. 1.3 (18), 1.4 (1), 3.1 (1), 3.4 (1),
4.4 (1)
packed 4.3 (3)
packing 4.3 (3)
painting 4.2 (11)
paintings 4.2 (1)
parents 2.1 (1), 2.2 (1), 3.1 (2), 4.3 (1)
Paris 1.3 (1), 1.4 (2), 2.1 (1), 2.2 (2),
2.3 (4), 2.4 (1), 4.2 (1), 4.3 (2)
park 1.1 (1), 1.2 (3), 1.4 (1), 2.2 (2),
2.3 (1), 2.4 (1), 3.1 (2), 3.2 (2),
3.4 (1), 4.1 (1), 4.2 (3), 4.3 (1),
4.4 (3)
parties 3.1 (1)
party 3.1 (14), 3.2 (5), 3.3 (11), 3.4 (3),
3.5 (9), 4.3 (1)
passport 1.3 (7), 3.3 (1)
pay 1.1 (2), 2.4 (3), 3.3 (1)
pen 2.1 (2), 2.4 (1), 3.1 (2), 3.3 (2)
people 1.1 (1), 1.2 (3), 1.3 (1), 3.1 (2),
3.2 (1), 4.2 (4), 4.3 (2), 4.4 (1)
pepper 4.1 (5)
person 1.2 (4)
pharmacy 1.1 (2), 2.2 (4), 2.4 (1)
phone 1.3 (2), 3.2 (8), 3.3 (2)
photo 4.2 (20), 4.5 (3)
photos 4.2 (2)
piano 3.4 (4), 4.1 (1), 4.2 (3), 4.5 (1)
pianos 4.2 (1)
plate 3.1 (1), 4.3 (2)
plates 3.1 (2), 4.3 (2)
play 1.4 (7), 2.1 (3), 2.2 (2), 2.3 (4),
2.4 (4), 3.1 (4), 3.4 (3), 4.1 (7),
4.2 (5), 4.3 (2), 4.4 (3), 4.5 (8)
played 2.1 (4), 2.2 (3), 2.3 (1), 2.4 (6),
3.4 (3)
playing 2.1 (1), 3.3 (1), 3.4 (4), 4.2 (10),
4.3 (1), 4.4 (5)
plays 3.4 (2)
please 2.2 (5), 2.4 (10), 3.1 (18), 3.2 (7),
3.3 (3), 3.4 (1), 3.5 (1), 4.2 (1)
police 3.2 (1)
police ofcer 3.2 (1), 4.1 (3)
police ofcers 3.3 (1)
post 1.1 (8), 1.2 (1), 1.4 (1), 2.4 (1),
3.1 (1)
potato 4.1 (3)
potatoes 4.1 (2), 4.5 (1)
pounds 1.3 (2), 3.2 (1), 4.4 (2)
put 3.1 (6), 3.2 (2), 3.3 (2), 4.3 (3)
putting 3.1 (4)
question 4.1 (18)
questions 4.1 (4)
radio 1.3 (1), 2.4 (1)
rain 1.4 (6), 3.5 (2), 4.4 (5)
raining 1.4 (8), 2.3 (1)
rains 3.1 (1)
ran 2.1 (4), 2.2 (9), 4.3 (2)
read 1.4 (4), 2.1 (8), 2.3 (2), 2.4 (2),
3.1 (2), 3.2 (1), 4.1 (1), 4.5 (1)
reading 1.1 (7), 2.1 (5), 2.2 (1), 3.1 (2),
4.2 (1), 4.3 (1)
red 1.1 (1), 1.2 (2), 1.3 (1), 2.4 (1),
3.3 (3), 3.4 (1)
rent 4.4 (9)
renting 4.4 (2)
repeat 2.2 (5), 2.4 (4), 3.5 (1)
reservation 4.3 (8)
restaurant 1.2 (1), 1.4 (2), 2.1 (2), 2.2 (1),
2.3 (2), 3.2 (3), 3.4 (3), 4.1 (3),
4.3 (3)
restroom 1.2 (3), 2.2 (1)
return 4.4 (5)
returned 4.4 (2)
returning 4.4 (3)
ride 4.4 (3)
riding 4.4 (10)
right 1.1 (6), 1.2 (8), 2.2 (1), 2.4 (1),
3.1 (1), 3.2 (1), 3.3 (1), 4.1 (2)
Robert 2.4 (1)
Rome 1.4 (1), 2.3 (2), 4.2 (1)
room 1.3 (6), 3.3 (1), 4.3 (1)
run 1.4 (2), 3.3 (1), 4.3 (1), 4.4 (1)
running 1.4 (1), 2.1 (2), 2.2 (2), 4.3 (6),
4.4 (1)
Russia 1.4 (1), 2.4 (2), 3.1 (1)
sad 4.3 (2)
sail 4.4 (3), 4.5 (6)
sailboat 4.4 (5), 4.5 (1)
sailboats 4.4 (4)
sailing 4.4 (8)
salad 3.3 (12), 3.5 (1), 4.1 (1)
salads 3.3 (1)
salt 4.1 (5)
same 2.3 (4), 3.3 (1), 4.2 (2)
sandals 4.4 (4)
sandwich 2.4 (2), 3.3 (2)
sandwiches 2.1 (1)
Sarah 1.2 (1)
Saturday 1.4 (1), 2.2 (1), 3.4 (3)
school 1.1 (7), 1.2 (5), 2.1 (1), 2.2 (2),
2.3 (16), 3.1 (1), 3.2 (2), 3.3 (1),
4.1 (1)
science 2.2 (6), 2.3 (5)
seat 1.2 (6), 1.3 (3)
second 1.2 (5), 3.2 (1), 4.3 (1)
seconds 1.3 (2)
see 4.3 (10)
sell 1.1 (2)
selling 2.1 (2), 2.2 (1)
September 3.1 (3), 3.2 (1)
seven 1.2 (1), 1.3 (7), 3.1 (1), 3.2 (5),
4.3 (1)
seventeenth 3.2 (1)
seventh 3.2 (1)
seventy 1.3 (5)
she 1.1 (7), 1.3 (3), 1.4 (2), 2.1 (7),
2.2 (9), 2.3 (9), 2.4 (4), 3.1 (6),
3.2 (2), 3.3 (3), 3.4 (9), 4.1 (4),
4.2 (5), 4.3 (7)
shes 1.1 (7), 1.2 (9), 1.3 (2), 1.4 (2),
2.1 (12), 2.2 (4), 2.3 (4), 3.1 (15),
3.2 (7), 3.3 (7), 3.4 (3), 4.1 (1),
4.2 (7), 4.3 (9), 4.4 (4)
Shes 4.4 (2)
sheet 1.1 (2)
shirt 3.3 (1), 4.3 (1)
shoe 4.2 (2), 4.3 (1)
shoes 1.3 (1), 2.1 (1), 3.2 (1), 3.3 (5),
3.4 (2)
shorts 4.4 (3)
sign 2.2 (10)
sing 3.1 (1), 3.4 (1), 4.2 (2)
singer 3.4 (4), 4.1 (2), 4.4 (1)
singing 3.1 (5), 3.4 (1), 4.3 (1)
sings 3.4 (4)
sink 1.3 (2), 3.1 (1), 3.2 (1)
sister 2.1 (3), 3.2 (2), 3.4 (1)
sit 3.1 (1), 3.2 (1), 4.4 (2)
sitting 1.1 (1), 1.2 (5), 4.2 (1), 4.3 (1)
six 1.3 (8), 1.4 (1), 2.1 (3), 3.2 (2),
4.4 (2)
sixty 1.3 (6), 1.4 (2)
ski 4.4 (5)
skiers 4.4 (3)
skiing 4.4 (5)
skirt 1.2 (1)
skis 4.4 (10)
sky 4.2 (1)
sleeping 1.3 (1), 1.4 (1), 2.4 (1)
slow 4.1 (1), 4.4 (2)
small 4.1 (4), 4.4 (1)
smiling 4.3 (7)
smith 3.3 (2)
smiths 3.3 (1)
snow 1.4 (3), 4.4 (9)
snowing 1.4 (7)
soap 3.2 (1)
soccer 1.4 (5), 2.1 (4), 2.2 (2), 2.3 (3),
2.4 (3), 3.4 (1), 4.1 (1), 4.3 (1),
4.4 (1)
sock 3.2 (1), 4.2 (2)
socks 2.3 (2), 3.2 (1)
sold 2.1 (4)
some 1.1 (3), 2.4 (8), 3.1 (2), 4.1 (4),
4.2 (1), 4.4 (5)
someday 4.1 (11), 4.2 (1)
something 3.1 (12), 3.3 (1), 4.2 (2), 4.5 (2)
son 1.3 (1), 2.3 (2), 3.1 (1)
sorry 3.3 (1), 3.4 (13), 3.5 (1)
soup 3.3 (9), 4.1 (3)
sour 4.1 (4)
speak 2.4 (2), 3.3 (3), 3.4 (2), 4.3 (1)
speaking 3.3 (1)
spicy 4.1 (3)
spoke 4.3 (1)
spoon 4.1 (2)
spring 3.1 (2)
stadium 1.1 (5), 1.2 (1), 2.2 (3), 4.2 (4)
stadiums 4.2 (1)
stairs 4.2 (4), 4.3 (6)
stamps 2.1 (7)
standing 1.1 (1), 1.2 (1), 4.3 (1)
start 3.5 (1)
starts 3.5 (1)
station 1.1 (4), 1.2 (6), 1.3 (8), 2.2 (1),
2.4 (2)
statue 4.2 (20), 4.4 (1)
statues 4.3 (2)
stay 4.3 (2)
staying 4.3 (5)
stop 1.2 (6), 1.4 (1)
store 1.1 (1), 2.2 (4), 2.3 (6), 2.4 (4),
3.1 (1), 4.1 (1), 4.3 (1)
stores 3.3 (1)
straight 1.2 (5), 3.1 (1), 3.3 (1)
street 1.2 (2), 3.4 (1)
Street 3.2 (1)
student 2.1 (4), 2.3 (11), 3.1 (1), 3.2 (1),
4.1 (1)
students 3.3 (1)
students 2.3 (7), 2.4 (1), 3.1 (2), 3.2 (2)
studied 2.2 (3), 2.3 (2), 2.4 (2)
studies 2.3 (1)
study 1.4 (2), 2.2 (5), 2.3 (3), 2.4 (2),
4.1 (1)
studying 2.2 (3), 2.3 (3), 2.4 (1)
subway 1.2 (13)
Sue 3.1 (1)
sugar 4.1 (5)
suit 3.2 (1)
suitcase 1.3 (6), 1.4 (2), 4.3 (5)
suitcases 1.3 (1), 4.3 (1)
suits 2.3 (1)
summer 1.4 (2)
sunglasses 1.2 (1), 1.3 (1), 1.4 (2)
sunny 1.4 (10), 2.4 (1), 3.1 (1), 4.3 (1),
4.4 (1)
sure 3.4 (5)
swam 2.1 (6)
sweet 4.1 (3)
swim 1.4 (5), 2.1 (6), 2.3 (1), 3.1 (2),
3.2 (1), 4.3 (2), 4.4 (3)
swimming 1.4 (3), 2.1 (5), 4.4 (1)
swims 3.4 (2)
swimsuit 4.4 (2)
swimsuits 4.4 (2)
synagogue 4.3 (3), 4.4 (1)
T-shirt 1.2 (1)
T-shirts 2.3 (1)
table 1.1 (1), 1.3 (2), 2.1 (1), 3.1 (1),
3.2 (1), 3.3 (1), 4.1 (1), 4.3 (3)
take 1.2 (3), 1.4 (3), 3.1 (1), 4.2 (2),
4.5 (2)
taking 1.2 (8), 2.1 (2), 4.2 (8)
talk 3.3 (1)
talking 3.2 (10), 3.5 (2)
tall 1.2 (1), 4.1 (4)
taught 2.3 (3)
taxi 1.2 (7)
tea 2.4 (3), 3.1 (1), 4.1 (1)
teach 2.3 (6), 4.1 (1)
teacher 2.1 (5), 2.2 (3), 2.3 (4), 3.2 (3),
4.1 (2), 4.3 (1)
teaching 2.2 (3)
television 1.4 (1), 3.2 (1), 3.3 (1)
temple 4.3 (4), 4.4 (1), 4.5 (1)
temples 4.3 (1)
ten 1.3 (3), 1.4 (3), 2.1 (1), 2.4 (1),
3.2 (1), 4.1 (1), 4.4 (1)
tennis 1.4 (1), 2.1 (3), 2.2 (2), 2.3 (1),
2.4 (5)
tent 4.4 (2)
tenth 3.1 (1)
tents 4.4 (2)
thank 1.1 (1), 1.2 (3), 1.3 (4), 2.2 (3),
2.4 (2), 3.3 (2), 3.5 (1), 4.1 (1),
4.3 (1)
that 2.2 (5), 2.4 (5), 3.3 (10), 3.4 (1),
3.5 (1), 4.2 (1), 4.4 (1)
thats 3.4 (4), 4.2 (1)
the 1.1 (96), 1.2 (72), 1.3 (53), 1.4 (43),
2.1 (28), 2.2 (30), 2.3 (12), 2.4 (25),
3.1 (70), 3.2 (64), 3.3 (21), 3.4 (34),
3.5 (5), 4.1 (44), 4.2 (41), 4.3 (57),
4.4 (58), 4.5 (7)
theater 1.1 (7), 1.2 (4), 4.2 (6), 4.3 (1),
4.5 (1)
their 1.3 (1), 2.1 (1), 3.1 (1), 3.2 (2),
4.1 (1), 4.2 (2), 4.3 (2), 4.4 (1)
them 2.2 (3), 3.1 (1), 4.4 (2)
then 4.3 (6), 4.4 (1)
there 1.4 (1), 2.2 (4), 3.2 (1), 3.3 (10),
4.1 (1), 4.4 (16)
these 1.2 (3), 1.3 (2), 2.2 (1), 2.4 (2),
3.2 (5), 3.3 (4), 4.1 (5), 4.2 (4),
4.4 (2)
they 1.1 (5), 1.3 (1), 2.2 (10), 2.3 (8),
2.4 (1), 3.1 (4), 3.4 (4), 4.1 (1),
4.2 (5), 4.3 (2), 4.4 (3)
theyre 1.1 (3), 1.2 (8), 1.3 (1), 1.4 (7),
2.1 (1), 2.2 (3), 2.3 (3), 3.1 (8),
3.2 (3), 3.3 (5), 4.1 (2), 4.2 (6),
4.3 (10), 4.4 (10)
third 1.2 (5)
thirsty 1.2 (1), 3.1 (1)
thirteenth 3.2 (1)
thirty 1.3 (12), 2.4 (1), 3.1 (2), 3.2 (4),
4.3 (2), 4.4 (1)
this 1.1 (3), 1.2 (1), 1.3 (11), 1.4 (4),
2.1 (5), 2.2 (26), 2.3 (7), 2.4 (15),
3.1 (8), 3.2 (19), 3.3 (29), 3.4 (20),
4.1 (18), 4.2 (28), 4.3 (6), 4.4 (10),
4.5 (3)
those 3.3 (4)
thousand 3.2 (14), 4.4 (1)
three 1.2 (1), 1.3 (9), 2.1 (1), 2.2 (3),
3.2 (3), 4.1 (1), 4.2 (1), 4.3 (3),
4.4 (1)
Thursday 1.4 (2), 2.1 (1), 2.2 (1), 3.2 (1),
3.3 (1), 3.4 (2)
ticket 1.3 (6), 1.4 (3)
tickets 1.3 (3), 2.1 (1), 3.2 (2)
time 1.3 (20), 1.4 (1), 2.2 (4), 3.2 (2),
3.5 (1), 4.3 (2)
to 1.1 (33), 1.2 (30), 1.3 (6), 1.4 (47),
2.1 (49), 2.2 (32), 2.3 (22), 2.4 (20),
3.1 (21), 3.2 (16), 3.3 (14), 3.4 (16),
3.5 (17), 4.1 (8), 4.2 (1), 4.3 (12),
4.4 (22), 4.5 (9)
today 1.4 (20), 2.1 (11), 2.2 (5), 3.1 (2),
3.2 (6), 3.3 (1), 4.1 (2), 4.3 (2),
4.4 (6), 4.5 (3)
tomorrow 1.4 (14), 2.1 (2), 2.2 (2), 4.1 (4),
4.4 (7)
tonight 4.3 (3)
too 4.5 (2)
took 4.2 (5)
towel 4.4 (1), 4.5 (1)
towels 3.1 (2), 4.4 (2)
toy 1.1 (1), 3.1 (2), 4.1 (1)
toys 3.1 (1)
train 1.3 (23), 1.4 (4), 2.1 (2), 2.4 (3),
3.1 (1)
tree 1.1 (2), 4.1 (1)
trees 4.1 (3), 4.4 (1)
Tuesday 2.1 (4), 3.4 (1)
turn 1.2 (5), 3.1 (2), 3.2 (2), 3.3 (2),
4.3 (1)
turning 1.2 (4)
twelfth 3.2 (1)
twelve 1.3 (2), 3.1 (1)
twentieth 3.2 (2)
twenty 1.3 (4), 3.2 (6), 4.1 (1), 4.3 (1),
4.4 (2)
two 1.3 (10), 2.1 (2), 2.2 (1), 3.2 (7),
3.4 (3), 4.1 (2), 4.3 (4), 4.4 (2)
type 3.3 (3), 4.2 (3)
types 3.3 (3), 4.2 (3)
umbrella 1.4 (1), 3.1 (2)
under 1.1 (4), 2.1 (1)
understand 2.2 (12), 2.4 (4), 3.5 (1)
understands 2.2 (2)
United States 2.4 (3), 3.1 (1), 3.2 (1), 4.1 (1)
unpacking 4.3 (3)
up 4.3 (5)
us 2.2 (3), 4.2 (1), 4.5 (1)
use 2.3 (5)
used 2.3 (12), 2.4 (3), 4.1 (2)
vegetables 2.1 (1), 3.2 (1), 3.3 (1)
very 4.1 (20), 4.4 (2)
visit 2.1 (4)
wait 3.2 (1)
waited 2.3 (2)
waiter 4.1 (2)
waiters 4.1 (1)
waiting 1.3 (10)
waitress 4.1 (6)
waitresses 4.1 (1)
walk 1.2 (2), 1.4 (4), 3.1 (2), 3.2 (1),
3.3 (2), 4.1 (1)
walking 1.4 (3), 4.2 (1), 4.3 (6), 4.4 (1)
want 1.1 (5), 1.2 (7), 3.2 (2), 3.3 (8),
4.2 (1), 4.4 (1), 4.5 (2)
wants 3.1 (3)
was 2.3 (12), 2.4 (30), 3.3 (2), 3.4 (7),
4.4 (1)
wash 1.4 (1), 3.2 (2)
washed 4.3 (1)
watch 1.3 (4), 1.4 (1), 3.1 (2), 3.2 (1),
3.3 (2), 3.4 (1)
watched 2.4 (1)
watching 4.2 (1)
water 2.4 (3), 3.1 (1), 4.1 (3), 4.4 (1)
we 1.1 (5), 1.2 (1), 1.3 (1), 1.4 (9),
2.2 (14), 2.3 (9), 2.4 (4), 3.1 (3),
3.3 (1), 3.4 (1), 3.5 (1), 4.1 (6),
4.2 (3), 4.3 (5), 4.4 (13), 4.5 (2)
were 1.1 (8), 1.2 (1), 1.4 (4), 2.1 (3),
2.2 (3), 2.3 (3), 3.1 (4), 3.2 (2),
3.4 (2), 4.1 (1), 4.2 (2), 4.3 (5),
4.4 (1)
wear 3.2 (1), 3.3 (2), 4.4 (2)
wearing 1.2 (4), 1.3 (2), 1.4 (2), 4.4 (2)
weather 1.4 (7), 2.4 (2), 3.4 (5), 4.4 (1)
Wednesday 1.4 (2), 2.1 (1), 3.4 (2), 4.3 (1),
4.4 (1)
week 1.4 (2), 2.1 (10), 2.2 (1), 3.1 (1),
3.4 (1), 4.3 (1), 4.4 (1)
weeks 4.3 (2)
welcome 1.2 (3), 1.3 (1), 2.2 (3), 2.4 (1),
3.3 (1), 3.5 (1)
well 3.4 (9)
went 2.2 (16), 2.4 (1), 4.3 (2), 4.5 (1)
were 2.3 (15), 2.4 (6)
wet 1.4 (2)
what 1.3 (15), 1.4 (6), 2.1 (2), 2.2 (21),
2.3 (10), 2.4 (6), 3.3 (5), 3.4 (3),
3.5 (3), 4.1 (1), 4.3 (7), 4.4 (7),
4.5 (8)
whats 2.4 (2), 3.2 (2), 3.5 (1), 4.1 (2),
4.2 (2)
when 1.3 (1), 1.4 (2), 2.1 (2), 2.2 (1),
2.3 (9), 2.4 (39), 3.1 (4), 4.1 (1),
4.3 (1)
where 1.1 (17), 1.2 (11), 2.2 (5), 2.3 (2),
3.1 (2), 3.2 (3), 3.3 (1), 4.3 (1),
4.4 (1)
which 1.2 (1), 1.3 (1)
white 2.3 (2), 3.3 (1), 3.4 (1), 4.4 (2)
who 2.4 (1), 3.2 (4), 3.3 (1), 3.4 (2),
3.5 (1)
why 1.4 (6), 3.5 (1), 4.3 (1), 4.4 (2)
wife 1.1 (1), 2.1 (3), 2.3 (1), 3.1 (1),
3.2 (4), 4.3 (1)
will 4.1 (33), 4.2 (6), 4.3 (14), 4.4 (24),
4.5 (4)
Wilson 3.3 (1)
windy 4.4 (9), 4.5 (2)
winter 1.4 (2), 3.1 (1)
with 1.1 (4), 2.3 (2), 2.4 (3), 3.3 (6),
4.1 (15), 4.2 (2), 4.4 (2), 4.5 (1)
woman 1.1 (9), 1.3 (4), 1.4 (1), 2.1 (1),
3.1 (1), 3.2 (6), 3.3 (1), 4.1 (6),
4.3 (5), 4.4 (2)
womans 4.4 (1)
women 1.1 (1), 1.2 (1), 3.1 (2), 4.3 (1)
womens 4.4 (1)
woods 1.4 (6), 4.2 (1), 4.4 (2)
word 2.2 (5), 2.4 (2)
words 2.2 (5)
work 1.1 (6), 1.2 (10), 2.2 (2), 2.3 (6),
2.4 (1), 3.1 (3), 3.2 (1), 3.4 (1),
4.1 (4)
working 1.1 (1), 1.4 (1), 2.4 (1)
works 1.1 (4), 1.2 (1), 2.3 (4)
worse 3.4 (3)
worst 3.4 (3)
would 2.4 (30), 3.1 (2), 3.3 (1), 3.4 (7),
3.5 (7), 4.1 (3), 4.3 (7), 4.4 (4),
4.5 (4)
write 2.3 (1), 2.4 (2), 3.1 (1)
writes 2.3 (1)
writing 2.1 (5), 4.1 (1)
wrote 2.1 (3), 2.2 (4), 2.4 (5), 3.4 (2),
4.4 (1)
year 2.1 (1), 3.1 (5), 3.2 (3), 4.1 (1)
years 1.3 (2), 2.1 (1), 2.4 (1), 3.3 (1),
4.1 (1)
yellow 3.3 (2)
yen 3.2 (12)
yes 1.1 (1), 1.2 (1), 1.3 (6), 1.4 (4),
2.1 (5), 2.2 (4), 2.3 (8), 2.4 (12),
3.1 (10), 3.2 (5), 3.3 (4), 3.4 (7),
3.5 (3), 4.1 (15), 4.2 (3), 4.3 (4),
4.4 (2), 4.5 (4)
yesterday 2.1 (8), 2.2 (8), 3.4 (1), 4.3 (1),
4.4 (1)
you 1.1 (16), 1.2 (13), 1.3 (9), 1.4 (7),
2.1 (25), 2.2 (25), 2.3 (28), 2.4 (40),
3.1 (8), 3.2 (8), 3.3 (21), 3.4 (20),
3.5 (13), 4.1 (27), 4.2 (4), 4.3 (21),
4.4 (8), 4.5 (15)
youre 1.2 (4), 1.3 (1), 2.2 (3), 2.3 (2),
2.4 (1), 3.3 (2), 3.5 (2), 4.4 (1)
young 2.3 (2), 4.1 (1)
younger 2.1 (1)
your 1.2 (2), 1.3 (12), 1.4 (1), 2.1 (3),
2.3 (5), 2.4 (5), 3.1 (3), 3.2 (7),
3.3 (7), 3.4 (6), 3.5 (2), 4.2 (3),
4.3 (1), 4.4 (2)
zoo 4.2 (5)

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