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S.No Category Topics

1 Verbal Ability
Spotting Errors
Selecting Words
Sentence Formation
Ordering of Words
Sentence Correction
Sentence Improvement
Completing Statements
Ordering of Sentences
Paragraph Formation
Closet est
One Word S!bstit!tes
Idioms and Phrases
Change of Voice
Change of Speech
Verbal Analogies
" Verbal #easoning
$ogical Se%!ence of Words
&lood #elation est
Series Completion
Ca!se and Effect
Venn 'iagrams
C!be and C!boid
Seating Arrangement
Character P!((les
'irection Sense est
'ata S!fficiency
Arithmetic #easoning
Verification of r!th
) *on Verbal #easoning Series
Analytical #easoning
+irror Images
Water Images
Embedded Images
Pattern Completion
Fig!re +atri,
Paper Folding
Paper C!tting
#!le 'etection
-ro!ping of Images
'ot Sit!ation
Shape Constr!ction
Image Analysis
C!bes and 'ice
. $ogical #easoning
*!mber Series
$etter and Symbol Series
Verbal Classification
Essential Part
Artificial $ang!age
+atching 'efinitions
+a/ing 0!dgments
Verbal #easoning
$ogical Problems
$ogical -ames
Analy(ing Arg!ments
Statement and Ass!mption
Co!rse of Action
Statement and Concl!sion
heme 'etection
Ca!se and Effect
Statement and Arg!ment
$ogical 'ed!ction
1 Aptit!de
Problems on rains
ime and 'istance
2eight and 'istance
ime and Wor/
Simple Interest
Compo!nd Interest
Profit and $oss
Problems on Ages
Vol!me and S!rface Area
Perm!tation and Combination
Problems on *!mbers
Problems on 23C3F and $3C3+
'ecimal Fraction
S%!are #oot and C!be #oot
S!rds and Indices
#atio and Proportion
Chain #!le
Pipes and Cistern
&oats and Streams
Alligation or +i,t!re
#aces and -ames
Stoc/s and Shares
r!e 'isco!nt
&an/er4s 'isco!nt
Odd +an O!t and Series
1 'ata Interpretation
able Charts
&ar Charts
Pie Charts
$ine Charts
5 echnical 6 +echanical 7
+an!fact!ring echnology
A!tomobile Engineering
CA'8CA+8CAE 6'esign8Analysis7
Engineering +echanics
Strength of +aterials
heory of +achines
Fl!id +echanics
2eat ransfer
9 &asic +echanical : -eneral Engineering
Energy : Steam;
!rbines steam;
-as : Water;
Internal comb!stion Engines;
#efrigeration and Air Conditioning;
$athe : 'rilling +achines;
+illing : -rinding +achines;
0oining Processes;
$!brication : &earing ;
Po<er ransmission and
Wor/shop technologies3
Fre%!ently as/ed intervie< %!estions=
17 ell me abo!t yo!rself3
"7 Why sho!ld I hire yo!>
)7 What are yo!r strengths and <ea/nesses>
.7 Why do yo! <ant to <or/ at o!r company>
17 What is the difference bet<een confidence and over confidence>
57 What is the difference bet<een hard <or/ and smart <or/>
97 2o< do yo! feel abo!t <or/ing nights and <ee/ends>
?7 Can yo! <or/ !nder press!re>
@7 Are yo! <illing to relocate or travel>
1A7 What are yo!r goals>
117 What motivates yo! to do good Bob>
1"7 What ma/es yo! angry>
1)7 -ive me an e,ample of yo!r creativity3 2o< long <o!ld yo! e,pect to <or/ for !s if hired>
1.7 Are not yo! over%!alified for this position>
117 'escribe yo!r ideal company; location and Bob3 What are yo!r career options right no<>
157 E,plain ho< <o!ld be an asset to this organi(ation>
197 What are yo!r o!tside interests> Wo!ld yo! lie for the company>
1?7 Who has inspired yo! in yo!r life and <hy>
1@7 What <as the to!ghest decision yo! ever had to ma/e>
"A7 2ave yo! considered starting yo!r o<n b!siness>
"17 2o< do yo! define s!ccess and ho< do yo! meas!re !p to yo!r o<n definition>
""7 If yo! <on C1A million lottery; <o!ld yo! still <or/>
")7 ell me something abo!t o!r company3 2o< m!ch salary do yo! e,pect>
".7 Where do yo! see yo!rself five years from no<>
"17 On a scale of one to ten; rate me as an intervie<er3
"57 'o yo! have any %!estions for me>

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