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National Prosecution Service


Sec. 1. Criinal Action 1
Sec. !. "o# an$ %&ere Coence$ 1
Sec. '. Co(laint 1
Sec. ). O**en$e$ Part+, De*ine$ 1
Sec. -. In*oration 1
Sec. .. Su**icienc+ o* co(laint or in*oration. !
Sec. /. Ot&er Essential Matters to 0e alle1e$ in
Co(laint or In*oration !
Sec. 2. A$$itional Contents o* a Co(laint !
Sec. 3. Nae o* Accuse$ !
Sec. 14. Desi1nation o* O**ense !
Sec.11. Cause o* Accusation '
Sec. 1!. Place o* t&e Coission o* O**ense '
Sec. 1'. Tie o* Coission o* O**ense '
Sec. 1). Title o* Co(laint or In*oration ..'
Sec. 1-. Contents o* Ca(tion o* an In*oration '
Sec. 1.. List o* Prosecution %itnesses ..'
Sec. 1/. Nu0er o* O**enses C&ar1e$ )
Sec. 12. Aen$ent o* In*oration or Co(laint . )
Sec. 13. Mista5e in For an$ Su0stance )
Sec. !4. "o# Perio$ o* Prescri(tion Co(ute$
an$ Interru(te$ )
Sec. 1. Conce(t
Sec. 2 Desi1nation o* In6uest O**icer
Sec. '. Coenceent an$ Terination o* In6uest
Sec. ). Docuents Re6uire$ in S(eci*ic Cases
Sec. -. Inco(lete Docuents
Sec .. Presence o* Detaine$ Person
Sec. /. C&ar1es an$ Counter7c&ar1es
Sec. 2. Initial Dut+ o* In6uest O**icer
Sec. 3. %&ere Arrest Not Pro(erl+ E**ecte$
Sec. 14.%&ere Arrest Pro(erl+ E**ecte$
Sec. 11. In6uest Pro(er
Sec. 1!. Meanin1 o* Pro0a0le Cause
Sec. 1'. Presence o* Pro0a0le Cause
Sec. 1). Contents o* In*oration .
Sec. 1-. A0sence o* Pro0a0le Cause
Sec. 1.. Presetice at Crie Scene
Sec. 1/. San$i1an0a+an Cases
Sec. 12. Recovere$ Articles 1)
Sec. 13. Release o* Recovere$ Articles 1)
Sec. 1. Concep o* Preliinar+ Investi1ation
Sec. !. Pur(ose o* Preliinar+ Investi1ation
Sec. '. Nature o* Preliinar+ Investi1ation
Sec. ). E**ect o* Aen$ent o* In*oration
Sec. -. %&ere Ri1&t o* Preliinar+ Investi1ation
a+ 0e Invo5e$
1/ Sec. .. O**icers Aut&ori8e$ to Con$uct Preliinar+
Sec. /. Coenceent o* Preliinar+ Investi1ation
Sec. 2. Co(laint
Sec. 3. Su((ortin1 A**i$avits 12
Sec. 14.Nu0er o* Co(ies o* A**i$avits 13
Sec. 11.9aran1a+ Certi*ication 13
Sec. 1!.Lac5 o* 9aran1a+ Certi*ication 13
Sec. 1'.Initial Action on t&e Co(laint 13
Sec. 1). Disissal :* Co(laint !4
Sec. 1-.Personal Service o* Docuents 0+ Investi1atin1 Prosecutor !4
Sec. 1. Service o* Su0(oena in Preliinar+ Investi1ation . !4
Sec. 1/. %&ere Res(on$ent Cannot 0e Su0(oenae$ !1
Sec. 12.Counter7A**i$avit !1
Sec. 13. Motion *or Disissal;9ill o* Particulars
Sec. !4. Consoli$ation
Sec. !1. E<tension o* Tie
Sec. !!. Sus(ension o* Procee$in1s
:ec. !'. Conce(t o* Pre=u$icial >uestion
:ec. !). Eleents o* Pre=u$icial >uestion
Sec. !-. Issuance o* Or$ers o* Sus(ension o* Procee$in1s !'
Sec. !.. Re(l+7A**i$avits an$ Re=oin$ers
Sec. !/. Clari*icator+ >uestions
Sec. !2. Su0ission o* Case *or Resolution
Sec. !3. Lac5 o* Pro0a0le Cause
Sec. '4. Fin$in1 o* Pro0a0le Cause !).
Sec. '1. Reo(enin1 o* Investi1ation !)
Sec. '!. Cases Transitte$ 0+ t&e Munici(al Trial Ju$1e . !-
Sec ''. Meoran$a !-
Sec. '). Perio$ *or Resolvin1 a Case !-
Sec. '-. For o* Resolution an$ Nu0er o* Co(ies !.
Sec. '.. Contents o* t&e Resolution !.
Sec. '/. Ca(tion o* Resolution !.
Sec. '2. Naes o* Parties !.
Sec. '3. Case Nu0er !.
Sec. )4. Desi1nation o* O**ense C&ar1e$ . !.
Sec. )1. Contents o* 9o$+ o* Resolution . !/
Sec. )!. Parts o* a Resolution !/
Sec. )'."o# Recoen$e$ 9ail is %ritten !2
Sec. )).Recoen$e$ 9ail !2
Sec. )-.Parties to 0e Furnis&e$ #it& a Co(+ o* t&e Resolution !2
Sec. )..Si1nature an$ Initials o* Investi1atin1 Prosecutor . !2
Sec. )/.Recor$s o* t&e Case !2
Sec. )2.Action o* t&e Provincial or Cit+ Prosecutor or C&ie* State
Prosecutor on Resolution !2
Sec. )3.Reversal 0+ t&e Provincial or Cit+ Prosecutor or C&ie* State
Prosecutor o* Resolution o* Investi1atin1 Prosecutor !2
Sec. -4.A((roval o* Plea$in1 0+ "ea$ o* Prosecution !2
Sec. -!. Con*i$entialit+ o* Resolutions !3
Sec. -'. In*oration;Co(laint !3
Sec. -). Docuents to 0e Attac&e$ to In*orationi
Co(laint '4
Sec. --. Proul1ation o* Resolution '4
Sec. -.. Motion *or Reconsi$eration '4
Sec. -/. In&i0ition '4
Sec. -2. Perio$ to Resolve Cases Un$er Preliinar+
Investi1ation '1
Sec. 1. Su0=ect o* Petition *or Revie# ')
Sec. !. Perio$ to File Petition ')
Sec '. For an$ Contents ')
Sec. ). Cases not Su0=ect to Revie#? E<ce(tions '-
Sec. -. Ans#er '-
Sec. .. %it&$ra#al o* Petition
Sec. /. Motion *or Reinvesti1ation '-
Sec. 2. Dis(osition o* Petition '-
Sec. 3. Motion *or Reconsi$eration '.
Sec. 14. E**ect o* Filin1 o* Petition '.
Sec. 1. 9ail De*ine$ '2
Sec. !. Nature o* Ri1&t to 9ail '2
Sec. '. Non79aila0le O**ense '2
Sec. ). Criteria in Recoen$in1 Aount o* 9ail '2
Sec. -. 9ur$en o* Proo* in 9ail A((lication '2
Sec. .. Reco1ni8ance '3
Sec. /. 9ail, %&en not Re6uire$? Re$uce$ 9ail or Reco1ni8ance '3
Sec. 2. Notice o* A((lication *or 9ail to Prosecutor '3
Sec. 3. Cancellation o* 9ail 9on$ '3
Sec. 14. Arrest o* Accuse$ Out on 9ail '3
Sec. 11.No 9ail A*ter Final Ju$1ent, E<ce(tion '3
Sec. 1!.Rules in Co(utin1 t&e 9ail to 0e Recoen$e$ )4
Sec. 1'.Petition *or 9ail in a Continuous Trial )1
Sec. 1. De*inition o* Pro0a0le Cause as a @roun$ *or an Arrest or Issuance
o* a %arrant o* Arrest )'
Sec. !. Ree$+ i* no %arrant o* Arrest is Issue$ 0+
t&e Investi1atin1 Ju$1e )'
Sec. '. Re6uest *or a Co(+ o* t&e Return )'
Sec. 1. Conce(t o* Arrai1nent )-
Sec. !. Duties o* Trial Prosecutor )-
Sec. '. E**ect o* Filin1 a Petition *or Revie# . )-
Sec. ). Conce(t o* Plea )-
Sec. 1. Conce(t o* Pre7trial ).
Sec. !. Duties o* Prosecutor 9e*ore an$ A*ter t&e
Pre7trial Con*erence ).
Sec. '. Su0=ect Matters o* Pre7trial ).
Sec. ). Plea o* @uilt+ to a Lesser O**ense )/
Sec. -. %&en Accuse$ Plea$s @uilt+ to a Ca(ital O**ense ... )2
Sec. 1. De*inition o* Trial
Sec. !. Conce(t o* Trial
Sec. '. E<(e$itious Prosecution o* Criinal Cases File$
#it& t&e Courts -4
Sec. ). Or$er o* Presentation o* %itnesses . . . -4
Sec. -. Pre(aration o* Foral O**er o* E<&i0its -4
Sec. .. De*ense Evi$ence -4
Sec. /. Disc&ar1e o* Accuse$ to 0e State %itness -1
Sec. 2. %itness Protection -!
Sec. 3. Ot&er Persons %&o Ma+ Avail o* t&e %itness
Protection Pro1ra -!
Sec. 14. Motions *or Post(oneent o* Accuse$ -'
Sec. 11. Discontinuance o* Procee$in1s -'
Sec. 1!. Presentation o* Evi$ence -'
Sec. 1'. Or$er o* Trial -'
Sec. 1). Presentation o* %itnesses -)
Sec. 1-. E<aination o* %itness *or t&e Prosecution -)
Sec. 1.. Cross7E<aination o* De*ense %itnesses -)
Sec. 1/. Re0uttal Evi$ence -)
Sec. 12. Re6uest *or Su0(oena --
Sec. 13. Custo$+ o* P&+sical an$ Real Evi$ence
Pen$in1 Trial --
Sec. 1. De*inition an$ Pur(ose o* Motion to >uas& -2
Sec. !. For o* Motion to >uas& -2
Sec. '. Tie to Move to >uas& -2
Sec. ). @roun$s o* Motion to >uas& -2
Sec. -. Aen$ent o* Co(laint or In*oration -3
Sec. .. Court Action Sustainin1 Motion to >uas& -3
Sec. /. Nature o* Court Or$er @rantin1 a Motion
to >uas& -3
Sec. 2. Denial o* Motion to >uas& -3
Sec. 3. Nature o* Or$er Den+in1 Motion to >uas& -3
Sec.14. Meanin1 o* AA((eal in Due Tie .4
Sec. 11. Or$er Sustainin1 t&e Motion to >uas& not
a 9ar to Anot&er Prosecution? E<ce(tion .4
Sec. 1. "ol$ De(arture Or$ers o* Accuse$ Persons .!
Sec. !. Cancellation o* Travel Docuents .!
Sec. '. "an$lin1 o* Co(laints File$ A1ainst Pu0lic
O**icers an$ E(lo+ees .!
Sec. ). Noti*ication o* Prosecutor o* t&e Filin1 o* an A((lication *or Pro0ation .'
Sec. -. Coent on A((lication *or Pro0ation .'
Sec. .. Release o* A((licant *or Pro0ation .'
Sec. /. O0=ection to @rant o* Pro0ation .'
Sec. 2. "earin1 *or Revocation o* Pro0ation .)
Sec. 3. Proce$ure in Cases Involvin1 C&il$ren .)
A((en$i< BA
,Control o* Case Recor$ /4

A((en$i< B9, NPS For 1, Or$er CTo su0it a$$itional evi$enciar+ $ocuentsD /1

A((en$i< A97iA, NPS For !, Release Or$er O* Detaine$ Person /!
A((en$i< A97!A, NPS For ', Re6uest *or Preliinar+ Investi1ation an$ %aiver o* Article 1!-,
Revise$ Penal Co$e
A((en$i< A97'A, NPS For ), Certi*ication CFor In*oration in In6uest CasesD /)
A((en$i< A97)A, NPS For -, Release Or$er O* Recovere$ Articles /-
A((en$i< A97SA, NPS For ., Re6uest *or Release O* Recovere$ Articles /.
T&ere is a nee$ t: ii:aintain t&e level o* co(etence o* our (rosecutors to ena0le t&e t:
cre$ita0l+ (er*or t&eir $elicate tas5s o* (rosecutin1 t&e 1uilt+ an$ (rotectin1 t&e innocent.
T&is Manual (artl+ ans#ers t&is nee$.
A co(ilation o* (ertinent p$o%&'&on' o* t&e Rules on Criinal Proce$ure, De(artent o* Justice
issuances an$ $ecisions o* t&e Su(ree Court, t&is #or5 #ill 0e a use*ul teac&in1 1ui$e *or
t&ose #&o ::ire to 0e (rosecutors an$ a &an$+ re*erence 0oo5 *or t&e (rosecutors in t&e *iel$.
%e e<(ect t&is Manual to 0e enric&e$ an$ i(rove$ t&rou1& use. CD:B'rcls t&is en$ an+
su11estions *or its i(roveent #ill DC &i1&l+ a((reciate$.
Dou0tless, t&is Manual #ill &el( elevate t&e 6ualit+ o* (rosecutorial : an$ ans#er t&e
claor :i? our (eo(le *or *ast an$ e**icient =ustice.
T&is anual #as (ut to1et&er 0+ a Coittee create$ 0+ Secretar+ o* Justice
Teo*isto T. @uin1ona, Jr. un$er De(artent o* Justice Or$er No.1-' $ate$ !2 Ma+
133.. T&e 9o$+ is &ea$e$ 0+ Assistant C&ie* State Prosecutor Francisco L. Santos
an$ t&e *ollo#in1 as e0ersE t&en Assistant C&ie* State Prosecutor an$ no# C&ie*
State Prosecutor Jovencito R. Funo, Assistant C&ie* State Prosecutors Ni0 C. Mariano
an$ A(olinario @. E<evea, Re1ional State Prosecutor Claro A. Arellano, >ue8on Cit+
Prosecutor Can$i$o F. Rivera, Pasi1 Cit+ Prosecutor Antonio L. Liorente,La1una
Provincial Prosecutor @eor1e C. Dee an$ Ri8al !n$ Assistant Provincial Fiscal
A(olinario D. 9rusel as, Jr.
T&e Coittee #as assiste$ in its #or5 0+ *orer Ri8al Provincial Prosecutor
Mauro M. Castro an$ De(ut+ O0u$san *or Lu8on Jesus F. @uerrero 0ot& o* #&o
contri0ute$ valua0le an$ re*ine$ insi1&ts into t&e #or5 o* a (rosecutor.
In t&is re1ar$, I #is& to ac5no#le$1e t&e rote o* Ri8al Provincial Prosecutor
@re1ono A. Ari8ala an$ &is tea in (uttin1 t&e Manual in its *inal *or an$ State
Prosecutor II Teresita R. Doin1o *or ta5in1 (ains in rea$in1 t&e anuscri(t.
C&airan, Coittee create$ un$er
De(artent Or$er No.1-', series o* 133.
SECTION 1. Criminal action. - A criinal action is one 0+ #&ic& t&e state (rosecutes
a (erson *or an act or oission (unis&a0le 0+ la#.
SEC. !. How and where commenced. - A criinal action is coence$ 0+ t&e *ilin1
o* a co(laint #it& t&e Cit+;Provincial Prosecution O**ice or #it& t&e Munici(al Trial Court
or Munici(al Circuit Trial Court. "o#ever, a criinal action *or an o**ense coitte$ #it&in
Metro Manila, a+ 0e coence$ onl+ 0+ t&e *ilin1 o* t&e co(laint #it& t&e ProsecutorBs
SEC. '. Complaint. 7 A co(laint is a s#orn #ritten stateent c&ar1in1 a (erson #it&
an o**ense an$ su0scri0e$ 0+ t&e o**en$e$ (art+, an+ (eace o**icer or (u0lic o**icer c&ar1e$
#it& t&e en*orceent o* t&e la# violate$.
Sec. ' C0D, Rule 1, 133/ Rules o* Civil Proce$ure.
Sec. ', Rule 114, Rules on Criinal Proce$ure? E<a(le o* (u0lic o**icer c&ar1e$ #it& t&e
en*orceent o* t&e la# violate$E 9ureau o*
Custos o**icials *or violation o* t&e custos la#? 9ureau o* Forest
Develo(ent o**icials *or violation o* *orestr+ la#s? c&ie* o* (olice o*
a unici(alit+ *or violation o* a unici(al or$inance #&ic& constitutes
a criinal o**ense.
T&e s#orn co(laint re*erre$ to usuall+ re*ers to a co(laint *ile$ in court an$ not in t&e
(rosecutorBs o**ice. It is not necessar+ to *ile a s#orn co(laint #it& t&e (rosecutor 0e*ore t&e
latter can con$uct a (reliinar+ investi1ation. A ere uns#orn letter su**ices to start an
investi1ation, e<ce(t i* t&e o**ense c&ar1e$ is one #&ic& cannot 0e (rosecute$ de oficio or is
(rivate in nature i.e., #&ere t&e la# re6uires t&at it 0e starte$ 0+ a co(laint s#orn to 0+ t&e
o**en$e$ (art+.
To $iscoura1e t&e *ilin1 o* &arassent c&ar1es, t&e (rosecutor s&all #arn t&e
co(lainant t&at an+ *alse stateent in t&e co(laint a+ 1ive rise to a *in$in1 o* a prima
facie case *or (er=ur+ 0e*ore t&e sae o**ice.
SEC. ). Offended party, defined. - T&e o**en$e$ (art+ is t&e (erson a1ainst #&o or
a1ainst #&ose (ro(ert+ t&e crie #as coitte$.
SEC. -. Information. 7 An in*oration is t&e accusation in #ritin1 c&ar1in1 a (erson
#it& an o**ense, su0scri0e$ 0+ t&e (rosecutor, an$ *ile$ #it& t&e court. T&e in*oration nee$
not 0e (lace$ un$er oat& 0+ t&e (rosecutor si1nin1 t&e sae. T&e (rosecutor ust, &o#ever,
certi*+ un$er oat& t&at 7
aD &e &as e<aine$ t&e co(lainant an$ &is #itnesses?
0D t&ere is reasona0le 1roun$ to 0elieve t&at a crie &as 0een
coitte$ an$ t&at t&e accuse$ is (ro0a0l+ 1uilt+ t&ereo*?
cD t&e accuse$ #as in*ore$ o* t&e co(laint an$ o* t&e
evi$ence su0itte$ a1ainst &i? an$
$D t&e accuse$ #as 1iven an o((ortunit+ to su0it
controvertin1 evi$ence.
SEC. .. Su**icienc+ o* co(laint or in*oration. 7 A co(laint or in*oration t
s&all 0e consi$ere$ su**icient i* it states 7
aD t&e nae o* t&e accuse$?
0D t&e $esi1nation o* t&e o**ense coitte$?
cD t&e act or oission co(laine$ o*?
$D t&e nae o* t&e o**en$e$ (art+?
eD t&e a((ro<iate tie o* t&e coission o* t&e o**ense? an$
*D t&e (lace #&ere t&e o**ense #as coitte$.
SEC. /. Other essential matters to be alleged in complaint or information. -T&e
*ollo#in1 s&all also 0e alle1e$ in a co(laint or in*orationE
aD ever+ essential eleent OJ t&e o**ense?
0D t&e criinal intent o* t&e accuse$ an$ its relation to t&e act or
oission co(laine$ o*?
In a case involvin1 a (rivate o**ense, t&e (&rase Aco(laint *ile$ 0+ t&e o**en$e$ (art+A as
use$ in Section -, Rule 114 s&oul$ 0e 1iven a li0eral or loose inter(retation, eanin1 a
Ac&ar1e, alle1ation, 1rievance or accusationA rat&er t&an a strict construction *or o*ten t&an
not t&e o**en$e$ (art+ #&o *iles it is unsc&oole$ in la# T&e (ur(ose o* t&e co(laint in
Section -, Rule 114, is erel+ to initiate or coence t&e (rosecution o* t&e accuse$. T&us,
t&e ASinu(aan1 Sala+sa+A o* t&e victi o* a (rivate o**ense is alrea$+ $eee$ a co(laintA
re6uire$ in t&e a*oresai$ Sec. -. CPeo(le vs. San1il, !42 SCRA .3. K133!LD.
Sec. 1!, (ar. 1, Rules on Criinal Proce$ure
Sec. ), Rule 11!, i0i$.
Sec. ., Rule 114, i0i$.
cD all 6uali*+in1 an$ 1eneric a11ravatin1 circustances #&ic&
are inte1ral (ans o* t&e o**ense?
$D all atters t&at are essential to t&e constitution o* t&e o**ense,
suc& as t&e o#ners&i( an$;or value o* t&e (ro(ert+ ro00e$ or
$estro+e$? t&e (articular 5no#le$1e to esta0lis& cul(a0le intent? or
t&e (articular intention t&at c&aracteri8es t&e o**ense?
eD a1e o* t&e inor accuse$, an$ #&enever a((lica0le, t&e *act
t&at &e acte$ #it& $iscernent? an$
*D a1e o* t&e inor co(lainant, #&en a1e is aterial.
SEC. 2. Additional contents of a complaint - In a$$ition to t&e atters liste$ a0ove, a
co(laint or in*oration s&all contain a certi*ication t&at t&e recitals t&erein are true an$
correct an$ not in t&e nature o* a counterc&ar1e to avoi$ con*lict in t&e a((reciation o* t&e
*acts an$ evi$ence.
'EC. 3. Name of accused. - T&e co(laint or in*oration s&all state t&e nae an$
surnae o* t&e accuse$, i* 5no#n, or an+ a((ellation or nic5nae 0+ #&ic& &e 7&as 0een or is
5no#n. I* &is nae is not 5no#n, t&e accuse$ s&all 0e entione$ un$er a *ictitious nae suc&
as AJo&n DoeB
or AJane Doe.A
SEC. 14. Designation of offense. - To (ro(erl+ in*or t&e accuse$ o* t&e nature an$
cause o* t&e accusation a1ainst &i, t&e co(laint or in*oration s&all state, #&enever
(ossi0le, 7
aD t&e $esi1nation 1iven to t&e o**ense 0+ t&e statute?
0D t&e stateent o* t&e act or oission constitutin1 t&e sae, an$ i* t&ere is no suc&
$esi1nation, re*erence s&all 0e a$e to t&e section or su0section o* t&e la#
(unis&in1 it.
SEC. 11. Cause of accusation. - T&e act or oission co(laine$ o* as constitutin1 t&e
o**ense s&all 0e state$ in an or$inar+ an$ concise lan1ua1e #it&out re(etition. T&e stateent
nee$ not use t&e ters o* t&e statute $e*inin1 t&e o**ense so lon1 as a (erson o* coon
un$erstan$in1 is a0le to 5no# #&at o**ense #as inten$e$ to 0e c&ar1e$ an$ to ena0le t&e
court to (ronounce (ro(er =u$1ent.
SEC. 1!. lace of the commission of offense. - T&e co(laint or in*oration is
su**icient i* it states t&at t&e crie c&ar1e$ #as coitte$ or soe o* t&e in1re$ients
t&ereo* occurre$ at soe (lace #it&in t&e =uris$iction o* t&e court, unless t&e
(articular (lace in #&ic& t&e crie #as coitte$ is an essential eleent o* t&e crie
e.1. in a (rosecution *or violation o* t&e (rovision o* t&e Election Co$e #&ic&
(unis&es t&e carr+in1 o* a $ea$l+ #ea(on in a
B(ollin1 (lace A, or i* it is necessar+ to
i$enti*+ t&e o**ense c&ar1e$ e.1., t&e $oicile in t&e o**ense o* Aviolation o*
SEC. 1'. !ime of commission of offense. - T&e (recise tie o* t&e coission o* t&e
Sec. 2, i0i$.
Sec. 3, i0i$.
Sec. 14, i0i$.
o**ense s&all 0e state$ in t&e co(laint or in*oration i* tie is a aterial in1re$ient o* t&e
o**ense e.1. ,treason, in*antici$e. Ot&er#ise, it is su**icient t&at it 0e alle1e$ t&at t&e o**ense
#as coitte$ at an+ tie as near to t&e actual $ate at #&ic& t&e o**ense #as coitte$.
SEC. 1). !itle of complaint or information. - T&e title o* t&e co(laint or in*oration
s&all 0e in t&e nae o* t&e APeo(le o* t&e P&ili((inesA as Plainti** a1ainst all (ersons #&o
a((ear to 0e res(onsi0le *or t&e o**ense involve$.
SEC. 1-. Contents of caption of an information. - T&e ca(tion o* an in*oration s&all,
in a$$ition to t&e nae o* t&e Plainti**, in$icate t&e *ollo#in1E
aD t&e co(lete naes i.e., 1iven nae, aternal nae, surnae, an$ a$$resses, o* all t&e
accuse$. In t&e case o* accuse$ inors, t&eir a1e s&all 0e in$icate$ in t&e ca(tion?
0D t&e case nu0er? an$
cD t&e o**ense c&ar1e$. T&e $enoination o* t&e o**ense an$ t&e s(eci*ic la# an$
(rovision violate$ s&all 0e s(eci*ie$.
SEC. 1.. "ist of prosecution witnesses. - T&e in*oration s&all contain t&e co(lete
naes an$ a$$resses o* all i$enti*ie$ #itnesses *or t&e (rosecution. In cases *or violation o*
9. P. 9l1. !! an$ esta*a cases, t&e list o* #itnesses s&all inclu$e t&e co(lainant, t&e 0an5
re(resentative #it& s(eci*ic re*erence to t&e c&ec5 an$ account nu0ers involve$ an$ in t&e
(ro(er cases, t&e co(an+ au$itor? an$ in (&+sical in=uries cases, t&e atten$in1 (&+sician #it&
s(eci*ic re*erence to t&e e$ical re(ort an$ $ate o* t&e inci$ent.
SEC. 1/. Number of offenses charged. - A co(laint or in*oration s&all c&ar1e onl+
one o**ense so as not to con*use t&e accuse$ in &is $e*ense, e<ce(t in t&ose cases in #&ic&
e<istin1 la#s (rescri0e a sin1le (unis&ent *or various o**enses, e.1., co(le< cries un$er
Article )2 o* t&e Revise$ Penal Co$e.
SEC. 12. Amendment of information or complaint. - An in*oration or co(laint a+
0e aen$e$ 0e*ore t&e accuse$ (lea$s, a*ter t&e accuse$ &as (lea$e$, an$ $urin1 t&e trial.
9e*ore (lea, aen$ent o* t&e in*oration or co(laint, in su0stance or *or, is a
atter o* ri1&t.
A*ter (lea an$ $urin1 trial, aen$ent a+ 0e a$e onl+ #it& leave o* court an$
onl+ as to atters o* *or #&erein t&e sae can 0e $one #it&out (re=u$ice to t&e ri1&ts o* t&e
At an+ tie 0e*ore =u$1ent, i* t&ere &as 0een a ista5e in c&ar1in1 t&e (ro(er
3.Sec. 11, i0i$. Sec. !, i0i$.
Sec. !, i0i$.
Sec. 1', i0i$? # enalty for comple$ crimes. - %&en a sin1le act constitutes t#o or
ore 1rave or less 1rave *elonies, or #&en an o**ense is a necessar+ eans *or
coittin1 t&e ot&er, t&e (enalt+ *or t&e ost serious crie s&all 0e i(ose$, t&e
sae to 0e a((lie$ in its a<iu (erio$A. CAn. )2, Revise$ Penal Co$eD.
o**ense, t&e court s&all $isiss t&e ori1inal co(laint or in*oration u(on t&e *ilin1 o* a ne#
one c&ar1in1 t&e (ro(er o**ense in accor$ance #it& Rule 113, Section 11,
(rovi$e$ t&e
accuse$ #oul$ not 0e (lace$ t&ere0+ in $ou0le =eo(ar$+. T&e court a+ also re6uire t&e
#itnesses to 1ive 0ail *or t&eir a((earance at t&e trial.
SEC. 13. %ista&e inform and substance. - A ista5e in *or re*ers to clerical errors,
atters #&ic& are not essential to t&e c&ar1e, an$ t&ose #&ic& #ill not islea$ or (re=u$ice
t&e accuse$ as #&en a $e*ense un$er t&e ori1inal in*oration can 0e use$ a*ter t&e
aen$ent is a$e an$ an+ evi$ence t&at t&e accuse$ a+ &ave #oul$ 0e e6uall+ a((lica0le
to t&e one *or as in t&e ot&er.
A ista5e in su0stance is an+ oission or isstateent #&ic& (revents an
in*oration *ro s&o#in1 on its *ace t&at an o**ense &as 0een coitte$, or *ro s&o#in1
#&at o**ense is inten$e$ to 0e c&ar1e$.
SEC. !4. How eriod of rescription Computed and Interrupted. - For an o**ense
(enali8e$ un$er t&e Revise$ Penal Co$e, t&e (erio$ o* (rescri(tion coences to run *ro
t&e $a+ on #&ic& t&e crie is $iscovere$ 0+ t&e o**en$e$ (art+, t&e aut&orities, or t&eir
a1ents, an$ s&all 0e interru(te$E
aD 0+ t&e *ilin1 o* t&e co(laint #it& t&e O**ice o* t&e Cit+;Provincial Prosecutor?
#it t&e O**ice o* t&e O0u$san?
0D 0+ t&e *ilin1 o* t&e co(laint or in*oration #it& t&e court even i* it is erel+ *or
(ur(oses o* (reliinar+ e<aination or investi1ation, or even i* t&e court #&ere t&e
co(laint or in*oration is *ile$ cannot tr+ t&e case on its erits.
"o#ever, *or an o**ense covere$ 0+ t&e Rules on Suar+ Proce$ure, t&e (erio$ o*
(rescri(tion is interru(te$ onl+ 0+ t&e *ilin1 o* t&e co(laint or in*oration in court.
#when mista&e has teen made in charging the proper offense. - %&en it 0ecoes ani*est at
an+ tie 0e*ore =u$1ent, t&at a ista5e &as 0een a$e in c&ar1in1 t&e (ro(er o**ense, an$
t&e accuse$ cannot 0e convicte$ o* t&e o**ense c&ar1e$, or o* an+ o**ense necessaril+ inclu$e$
t&erein, t&e accuse$ s&all not 0e $isc&ar1e$, i* t&ere a((ears to 0e 1oo$ cause to $etain &i.
In suc& case, t&e court s&all coit t&e accuse$ to ans#er *or t&e (ro(er o**ense an$ $isiss
t&e ori1inal case u(on t&e *ilin1 o* t&e (ro(er in*oration.A
Sec. 1), Rule 114, i0i$.
)! C.J.S.,Sec. !)4 at ((.1!)371!-4.
Sec. 1, (ar. !, Rule 114, Rules on Criinal Proce$ure.
Llenes vs. Dic$ican, !.4 SCRA !4/ C133.D.
T&e (rescri(tion o* an o**ense *ile$ 0e*ore t&e Prosecutor or O0u$san s&all
coence to run a1ain #&en suc& (rocee$in1s terinate? #&ile t&e (rescri(tion o* an o**ense
*ile$ in court starts to run a1ain #&en t&e (rocee$in1s terinate #it&out t&e accuse$ 0ein1
convicte$ or ac6uitte$ or are un=usti*ia0l+ sto((e$ *or an+ reason not i(uta0le to t&e
For violation o* a s(ecial la# or or$inance, t&e (erio$ o* (rescri(tion s&all coence to run
*ro t&e $a+ o* t&e coission o* t&e violation, an$ i* t&e sae is not 5no#n at t&e tie, *ro t&e
$iscover+ an$ t&e institution o* =u$icial (rocee$in1s *or its investi1ation an$ (unis&ent. T&e
(rescri(tion s&all 0e interru(te$ onl+ 0+ t&e *ilin1 o* t&e co(laint or in*oration in court an$ s&all
0e1in to run a1ain i* t&e (rocee$in1s are $isisse$ *or reasons not constitutin1 $ou0le =eo(ar$+.
For cases *allin1 #it&in t&e =uris$iction o* t&e Iatarun1an1 Pa0aran1a+, t&e (erio$
o* (rescri(tion is li5e#ise interru(te$ 0+ t&e *ilin1 o* t&e co(laint #it& t&e (unon1
0aran1a+? 0ut s&all resue to run a1ain u(on recei(t 0+ t&e co(lainant o* t&e certi*icate o*
re(u$iation or o* t&e certi*ication to *ile action issue$ 0+ t&e lu(on or (an15at secretar+?
Provi$e$, &o#ever, T&at suc& interru(tion s&all not e<cee$ si<t+ C.4D $a+s *ro t&e *ilin1 o*
t&e co(laint #it& t&e (unon1 0aran1a+.
Prescri(tion s&all not run #&en t&e o**en$er is a0sent *ro t&e countr+.
In cases #&ere t&e i(osa0le (enalt+ is i(risonent an$;or a *ine, t&e 1reater (enalt+ s&all
0e t&e 0asis *or t&e co(utation o* (rescri(tion.
SECTION 1. Concept. - In6uest is an in*oral an$ suar+ investi1ation con$ucte$
0+ a (u0lic (rosecutor in criinal cases involvin1 (ersons arreste$ an$ $etaine$ #it&out t&e
0ene*it o* a #arrant o* arrest issue$ 0+ t&e court *or t&e (ur(ose o* $eterinin1 #&et&er or not
sai$ (ersons s&oul$ reain un$er custo$+ an$ corres(on$in1l+ 0e c&ar1e$ in court.
SEC. !. Designation of In 'uest Officer. T&e Cit+ or Provincial Prosecutor s&all
$esi1nate t&e Prosecutors assi1ne$ to in6uest $uties an$ s&all *urnis& t&e P&ili((ine National
Police CPNPD a list o* t&eir naes an$ t&eir sc&e$ule o* assi1nents. If, &o#ever, t&ere is onl+
one Prosecutor in t&e area, all in6uest eases s&all 0e re*erre$ to &i *or a((ro(riate action.
Unless ot&er#ise $irecte$ 0+ t&e Cit+ or Provincial Prosecutor, t&ose assi1ne$ to
in6uest $uties s&all $isc&ar1e t&eir *unctions $urin1 t&e &ours o* t&eir $esi1nate$ assi1nents
an$ onl+ at t&e (olice stations;&ea$6uarters o* t&e PNP in or$er to e<(e$ite an$ *acilitate t&e
An. 31 Revise$ Penal Co$e.
Sec. !, Act No.''!., as aen$e$.
Sec. )4 (ar.,Local @ovt. Co$e.
Art. 31, (ar. !, Revise$ Penal Co$e.
De(artent o* Justice Circular No..1 $ate$ !1 Dece0er 133'.
$is(osition o* in6uest eases.
SEC. '. Commencement and termination of in'uest.- T&e in6uest (rocee$in1s s&all 0e
consi$ere$ coence$ u(on recei(t 0+ t&e In6uest O**icer *ro t&e la# en*orceent
aut&orities o* t&e co(laint;re*erral $ocuents #&ic& s&oul$ inclu$eE
aD t&e a**i$avit o* arrest?
0D t&e investi1ation re(ort?
cD t&e stateent o* t&e co(lainant an$ #itnesses? an$
$D ot&er su((ortin1 evi$ence 1at&ere$ 0+ t&e (olice in t&e course o* t&e
latterBs investi1ation o* t&e criinal inci$ent involvin1 t&e arreste$ or
$etaine$ (erson.
T&e In6uest O**icer s&all, as *ar as (ractica0le, cause t&e a**i$avit o* arrest an$
stateents;a**i$avits o* t&e co(lainant an$ t&e #itnesses to 0e su0scri0e$ an$ s#orn to
0e*ore &i 0+ t&e arrestin1 o**icer an$ t&e a**iants.
T&e in6uest (rocee$in1s ust 0e terinate$ #it&in t&e (erio$ (rescri0e$ un$er t&e
(rovisions o* Article 1!- o* t&e Revise$ Penal Co$e, as aen$e$.
SEC. ). Documents re'uired in specific cases. - T&e In6uest O**icer s&all, as *ar as
(ractica0le, re6uire t&e su0ission;(resentation o* t&e $ocuents liste$ 0elo#, to #itE
Mur$er, "oici$e an$ Parrici$e
aD certi*ie$ true;ac&ine co(+ o* t&e certi*icate o* $eat& o* t&e victi? an$
0D necro(s+ re(ort an$ t&e certi*icate o* (ost7orte e<aination, i*
rea$il+ availa0le.
Frustrate$ or Atte(te$ "oici$e, Mur$er, Parrici$e an$ P&+sical In=uries
aD e$ical certi*icate o* t&e co(lainin1 #itness s&o#in1 t&e nature or
e<tent o* t&e in=ur+?
0D certi*ication or stateent as to $uration o* t&e treatent or e$ical
atten$ance? an$
cD certi*icate or stateent as to $uration o* inca(acit+ *or #or5.
Giolation o* t&e Dan1erous Dru1s La# CR.A. No..)!-, as aen$e$D
aD c&eistr+ re(ort or certi*icate o* la0orator+ e<aination $ul+ si1ne$
0+ t&e *orensic c&eist or ot&er $ul+ aut&ori8e$ o**icer. I* t&e *ore1oin1
$ocuents are not availa0le, t&e In6uest O**icer a+ te(oraril+ rel+ on t&e
*iel$ test results on t&e sei8e$ $ru1, as atteste$ to 0+ a PNP Narcotics
Coan$ o(erative or ot&er co(etent (erson, in #&ic& event, t&e In6uest
O**icer s&all $irect t&e arrestin1 o**icer to ie$iatel+ *or#ar$ t&e sei8e$
1! "ours *or li1&t o**enses? 12 &ours *or less 1rave o**enses? an$ '. &ours *or 1rave
$ru1 to t&e crie la0orator+ *or e<(ert testin1 an$ to su0it to t&e
(rosecutorBs o**ice t&e *inal *orensic c&eistr+ re(ort #it&in *ive C-D $a+s
*ro t&e $ate o* t&e in6uest?
0D ac&ine co(+ or (&oto1ra(& o* t&e 0u+70ust one+? an$
cD a**i$avit o* t&e (oseur70u+er, i* an+.
T&e*t an$ Ro00er+, Giolation o* t&e Anti7Pirac+ an$ Anti7"i1&#a+ Ro00er+ La# CP.D.
No.-'!D an$ Giolation o* t&e Anti7Fencin1 La# CP.D. No.1.1!D
aD a list;inventor+ o* t&e articles an$ ites su0=ect o* t&e o**ense? an$ 0D
stateent o* t&eir res(ective values.
Ra(e, Se$uction an$ Forci0le A0$uction #it& Ra(e
aD t&e e$ico7le1al re(ort Clivin1 case re(ortD, i* t&e victi su0itte$
&ersel* *or e$ical or (&+sical e<aination.
Giolation o* t&e Anti7Carna((in1 La# CR.A. No..-'3D
aD ac&ine co(+ o* t&e certi*icate o* otor ve&icle re1istration?
0D ac&ine co(+ o* t&e current o**icial recei(t o* (a+ent o* t&ere1istration
*ees o* t&e su0=ect otor ve&icle? an$
cD ot&er evi$ence o* o#ners&i(.
Giolation o* t&e Anti7Cattle Rustlin1 La# CP.D. No.-''D
aD ac&ine co(+ o* t&e cattle certi*icate o* re1istration? an$
0D (&oto1ra(& o* t&e cattle, i* rea$il+ availa0le.
Giolation o* Ille1al @a0lin1 La# CP.D. No.1.4!D
aD 1a0lin1 (ara(&ernalia? an$
0D cas& one+, i* an+.
Ille1al Possession o* E<(losives CP.D. No.12..D
aD c&eistr+ re(ort $ul+ si1ne$ 0+ t&e *orensic c&eist? an$
0D (&oto1ra(& o* t&e e<(losives, i* rea$il+ availa0le.
Giolation o* t&e Fis&eries La# CP.3. No./4)D
aD (&oto1ra(& o* t&e con*iscate$ *is&, i* rea$il+ availa0le? an$
0D certi*ication o* t&e 9ureau o* Fis&eries an$ A6uatic Resources.
Giolation o* t&e Forestr+ La# CP.3. No./4-D
aD scale s&eets containin1 t&e volue an$ s(ecies o* t&e *orest (ro$ucts
con*iscate$, nu0er o* (ieces an$ ot&er i(ortant $etails suc& as estiate$
value o* t&e (ro$ucts con*iscate$?
0D certi*ication o* De(artent o* Environent an$ Natural
Resources;9ureau o* Forest Mana1eent? an$
cD sei8ure recei(t.
T&e su0ission o* t&e *ore1oin1 $ocuents s&all not 0e a0solutel+ re6uire$ i* t&ere
are ot&er *ors o* evi$ence su0itte$ #&ic& #ill su**icientl+ esta0lis& t&e *acts sou1&t to 0e
(rove$ 0+ t&e *ore1oin1 $ocuents.
SEC. -. Incomplete documents. - %&en t&e $ocuents (resente$ are not co(lete to
esta0lis& (ro0a0le cause, t&e In6uest O**icer s&all $irect t&e la# en*orceent a1enc+ to
su0it t&e re6uire$ evi$ence #it&in t&e (erio$ (rescri0e$ un$er t&e (rovisions o* Article 1!-
o* t&e Revise$ Penal Co$e, as aen$e$.
Ot&er#ise, t&e In6uest O**icer s&all or$er t&e
release o* t&e $etaine$ (erson
an$, #&ere t&e in6uest is con$ucte$ outsi$e o* o**ice &ours,
$irect t&e la# en*orceent a1enc+ concerne$ to *ile t&e case #it& t&e Cit+ or Provincial
Prosecutor *or a((ro(riate action.

SEC. (. resence of detained person. - T&e (resence o* t&e $etaine$ (erson #&o is
un$er custo$+ s&all 0e ensure$ $urin1 t&e (rocee$in1s.
"o#ever, t&e (ro$uction o* t&e $etaine$ (erson 0e*ore t&e In6uest O**icer a+ 0e
$is(ense$ #it& in t&e *ollo#in1 casesE
aD i* &e is con*ine$ in a &os(ital?
0D i* &e is $etaine$ in a (lace un$er a<iu securit+?
cD i* (ro$uction o* t&e $etaine$ (erson #ill involve securit+ ris5s? or
$D i* t&e (resence o* t&e $etaine$ (erson is not *easi0le 0+ reason o* a1e, &ealt&,
se< an$ ot&er siilar *actors.
T&e a0sence o* t&e $etaine$ (erson 0+ reason o* an+ o* t&e *ore1oin1 *actors s&all 0e
note$ 0+ t&e In6uest O**icer an$ re*lecte$ in t&e recor$ o* t&e case.
SEC. /. Charges and counter-charges.- All c&ar1es an$ counter7c&ar1es arisin1 *ro
t&e sae inci$ent s&all, as *ar as (ractica0le, 0e consoli$ate$ an$ in6ueste$ =ointl+ to avoi$
contra$ictor+ or inconsistent $is(ositions.
SEC. 2. Initial duty of In'uest Officer. - T&e In6uest O**icer s&all *irst $eterine i*
t&e arrest o* t&e $etaine$ (erson #as a$e in accor$ance #it& (ara1ra(&s
CaD an$ C0D o* Section -, Rule 11' o* t&e 132- Rules on Criinal Proce$ure, as
aen$e$, #&ic& (rovi$e t&at arrests #it&out a #arrant a+ 0e e**ecte$E
NPS For No.1.
NPS For No.!.
@o vs. Court o* A((eals, !4. SCRA 1'2 K133!L? Uil, vs. Raos, !4! SCRA !-1
K1331L an$ co(anion cases Peo(le vs. Malste$t, 132 SCRA )41 an$ Peo(le vs. Ainu$in,
1.' SCRA )4! K1322L.
aD #&en, in t&e (resence o* t&e arrestin1 o**icer, t&e (erson to 0e arreste$ &as
coitte$, is actuall+ coittin1, or is atte(tin1 to coit an o**ense? or
0D #&en an o**ense &as in *act =ust 0een coitte$, an$ t&e arrestin1 o**icer &as
(ersonal 5no#le$1e o* *acts in$icatin1 t&at t&e (erson to 0e arreste$ &as
coitte$ it.
For t&is (ur(ose, t&e In6uest O**icer a+ suaril+ e<aine t&e arrestin1 o**icers on
t&e circustances surroun$in1 t&e arrest or a((re&ension o* t&e $etaine$ (erson.
SEC. 3. where arrest not properly effected. - S&oul$ t&e In6uest O**icer *in$ t&at t&e
arrest #as not a$e in accor$ance #it& t&e Rules, &e s&all?
aD recoen$ t&e release o* t&e (erson arreste$ or $etaine$?
0D note $o#n t&e $is(osition on t&e re*erral $ocuent?
cD (re(are a 0rie* eoran$u in$icatin1 t&e reasons *or t&e action ta5en? an$
$D *or#ar$ t&e sae, to1et&er #it& t&e recor$ o* t&e case, to t&e Cit+ or Provincial
Prosecutor *or a((ro(riate action.
%&ere t&e recoen$ation *or t&e release o* t&e $etaine$ (erson is a((rove$ 0+ t&e
Cit+ or Provincial Prosecutor 0ut t&e evi$ence on &an$ #arrants t&e con$uct o* a re1ular
(reliinar+ investi1ation, t&e or$er o* release s&all 0e serve$ on t&e o**icer &avin1 custo$+ o*
sai$ $etainee an$ s&all $irect t&e sai$ o**icer to serve u(on t&e $etainee t&e su0(oena or
notice o* (reliinar+ investi1ation, to1et&er #it& t&e co(ies o* t&e c&ar1e s&eet or co(laint,
a**i$avits or s#orn stateents o* t&e co(lainant an$ &is #itnesses an$ ot&er su((ortin1
SEC. 14. where arrest properly effected. - S&oul$ t&e in6uest O**icer *in$ t&at t&e
arrest #as (ro(erl+ e**ecte$, t&e $etaine$ (erson s&all 0e as5e$ i* &e $esires to avail &isel*
o* a (reliinar+ investi1ation an$, i* &e $oes, &e s&all 0e a$e to e<ecute a #aiver o* t&e
(rovisions o* Article 1!- o* t&e Revise$ Penal Co$e, as aen$e$
, #it& t&e assistance o* a
la#+er an$, in case o* non7availa0ilit+ o* a la#+er, a res(onsi0le (erson o* &is c&oice.
(reliinar+ investi1ation a+ 0e con$ucte$ 0+ t&e In6uest O**icer &isel* or 0+ an+ ot&er
Assistant Prosecutor to #&o t&e case a+ 0e assi1ne$ 0+ t&e Cit+ or Provincial Prosecutor,
#&ic& investi1ation s&all 0e terinate$ #it&in *i*teen C1-D $a+s *ro its ince(tion.
SEC. 11. In'uest (reliinar+ investi1ation In6uest O**icer s&all stateents;a**i$avits
o* evi$ence su0itte$ to &i.
See NPS For No.!.
See NPS For No.'.
Suc& res(onsi0le (erson a+ 0e a (arent, el$er 0rot&er or sister, s(ouse, t&e unici(al a+or, t&e
unici(al =u$1e, $istrict sc&ool su(ervisor, or (riest;inister o* t&e 1os(el as c&osen 0+ &i CSec. ! C$D
RA /)'2, An Act De*inin1 Ri1&ts o* Person Arreste$, Detaine$ or un$er Custo$ial Investi1ationD
proper.- %&ere t&e $etaine$ (erson $oes not o(t *or a or ot&er#ise re*uses to e<ecute
t&e re6uire$ #aiver, t&e (rocee$ #it& t&e in6uest 0+ e<ainin1 t&e s#orn t&e co(lainant
an$ t&e #itnesses an$ ot&er su((ortin1
I* necessar+, t&e In6uest O**icer s&all re6uire t&e (resence o* t&e co(lainin1
#itnesses an$ su0=ect t&e to an in*oral an$ suar+ investi1ation or e<aination *or
(ur(oses o* $eterinin1 t&e e<istence o* (ro0a0le cause.
SEC. 1!. %eaning of probable cause.- Pro0a0le cause e<ists #&en t&e evi$ence
su0itte$ to t&e In6uest O**icer en1en$ers a #ell7*oun$e$ 0elie* t&at a crie &as 0een
coitte$ an$ t&at t&e arreste$ Or $etaine$ (erson is (ro0a0l+ 1uilt+ t&ereo*.
SEC. 1'. resence of probable cause.- I* t&e In6uest O**icer *in$s t&at (ro0a0le
cause e<ists, &e s&all *ort&#it& (re(are t&e corres(on$in1 co(laint;in*oration #it& t&e
recoen$ation t&at t&e sae 0e *ile$ in court. T&e co(laint;in*oration s&all in$icate t&e
o**ense coitte$ an$ t&e aount o* 0ail recoen$e$, i* 0aila0le.
T&erea*ter, t&e recor$ o* t&e case, to1et&er #it& t&e (re(are$
co(laint;in*oration, s&all 0e *or#ar$e$ to t&e Cit+ or Provincial Prosecutor *or a((ro(riate
T&e co(laint;in*oration a+ 0e *ile$ 0+ t&e In6uest O**icer &isel* or 0+ an+
ot&er Assistant Prosecutor to #&o t&e case a+ 0e assi1ne$ 0+ t&e Cit+ or Provincial
SEC. 1). Contents of Information.- T&e in*oration s&all, aon1 ot&ers,
aD a certi*ication 0+ t&e *ilin1 Prosecutor t&at &e is *ilin1 t&e sae in accor$ance
#it& t&e (rovisions o* Section /, Rule 11!, Rules on Criinal Proce$ure, in
cases co1ni8a0le 0+ t&e Re1ional Trial Court?
0D t&e *ull nae an$ aliases, i* an+, an$ a$$ress o* t&e accuse$?
cD t&e (lace #&ere t&e accuse$ is actuall+ $etaine$?
$D t&e *ull naes an$ a$$resses o* t&e co(lainant an$ #itnesses?
eD a $etaile$ $escri(tion o* t&e recovere$ ites, i* an+?
*D t&e *ull nae an$ a$$ress o* t&e evi$ence custo$ian?
1D t&e a1e an$ $ate o* 0irt& o* t&e co(lainant or t&e accuse$, i* ei1&teen C12D
+ears o* a1e or 0elo#? an$
&D t&e *ull naes an$ a$$resses o* t&e (arents, custo$ians or 1uar$ians o* t&e
inor co(lainant or accuse$, as t&e case a+ 0e.
SEC. )*. Absence of probable cause.- I* t&e In6uest O**icer *in$s no (ro0a0le cause, &e
aD recoen$ t&e release o* t&e arreste$ or $etaine$ (erson?
0D note $o#n &is $is(osition on t&e re*erral $ocuent?
NPS For No.!.
cD (re(are a 0rie* eoran$u in$icatin1 t&e reasons *or t&e action ta5en? an$
$D *ort&#it& *or#ar$ t&e recor$ o* t&e case to t&e Cit+ or Provincial Prosecutor
*or a((ro(riate action.
I* t&e recoen$ation o* t&e In6uest O**icer *or t&e release o* t&e arreste$ or
$etaine$ (erson is a((rove$, t&e or$er o* release s&all 0e serve$ on t&e o**icer &avin1 custo$+
o* t&e sai$ $etainee.
S&oul$ t&e Cit+ or Provincial Prosecutor $isa((rove t&e recoen$ation o* release,
t&e arreste$ or $etaine$ (erson s&all reain un$er custo$+, an$ t&e corres(on$in1
co(laint;in*oration s&all 0e *ile$ 0+ t&e Cit+ or Provincial Prosecutor or 0+ an+ Assistant
Prosecutor to #&o t&e case a+ 0e assi1ne$.
SEC. 1.. resence at crime scene. - %&enever a $ea$ 0o$+ is *oun$ an$ t&ere is reason
to 0elieve t&at t&e $eat& resulte$ *ro *oul (la+, or *ro t&e unla#*ul acts or oissions o*
ot&er (ersons an$ suc& *act &as 0een 0rou1&t to &is attention, t&e In6uest O**icer s&allE
aD *ort&#it& (rocee$ to t&e crie scene or (lace o* $iscover+ o* t&e $ea$ (erson?
0D cause an ie$iate auto(s+ to 0e con$ucte$ 0+ t&e a((ro(riate e$ico7le1al
o**icer in t&e localit+ or t&e PNP e$ico7le1al $ivision or t&e N9I e$ico7
le1al o**ice, as t&e case a+ 0e?
cD $irect t&e (olice investi1ator to cause t&e ta5in1 o* (&oto1ra(&s o* t&e crie
scene or (lace o* $iscover+ o* t&e $ea$ 0o$+?
$D su(ervise t&e investi1ation to 0e con$ucte$ 0+ t&e (olice aut&orities as #ell
as t&e recover+ o* all articles an$ (ieces o* evi$ence *oun$ t&ereat an$ see to
it t&at t&e sae are sa*e1uar$e$ an$ t&e c&ain o* t&e custo$+ t&ereo* (ro(erl+
recor$e$? an$
eD su0it a #ritten re(ort o* &is *in$in1 to t&e Cit+ or Provincial Prosecutor *or
a((ro(riate action.
SEC. 1/. +andiganbayan cases.- S&oul$ an+ co(laint co1ni8a0le 0+ t&e
San$i1an0a+an 0e re*erre$ to an In6uest O**icer *or investi1ation, t&e latter s&all, a*ter
con$uctin1 t&e corres(on$in1 in6uest (rocee$in1, *ort&#it& *or#ar$ t&e co(lete recor$ to
t&e Cit+ or Provincial Prosecutor *or a((ro(riate action.
SEC. 12. ,eco-ered articles.- T&e In6uest O**icer s&all see to it t&at all articles
recovere$ 0+ t&e (olice at t&e tie o* t&e arrest or a((re&ension o* t&e $etaine$ (erson are
(&+sicall+ inventorie$, c&ec5e$ an$ accounte$ *or #it& t&e issuance o* corres(on$in1 recei(ts
0+ t&e (olice o**icer;investi1ator concerne$.
T&e sai$ articles ust 0e (ro(erl+ $e(osite$ #it& t&e (olice evi$ence custo$ian an$
not #it& t&e (olice investi1ator.
T&e In6uest O**icer s&all ensure t&at t&e ites recovere$ are $ul+ sa*e1uar$e$ an$ t&e
c&ain o* custo$+ is (ro(erl+ recor$e$.
SEC. 13. ,elease of reco-ered articles.- T&e In6uest O**icer s&all, #it& t&e (rior
NPS For No.).
a((roval o* t&e Cit+ or Provincial Prosecutor or &is $ul+ aut&ori8e$ re(resentative, or$er t&e
o* recovere$ articles to t&eir la#*ul o#ner or (ossessor, su0=ect to t&e con$itions
aD t&ere is a #ritten re6uest *or t&eir release?
0D t&e (erson re6uestin1 t&e release o* sai$ articles is s&o#n to 0e t&e la#*ul
o#ner or (ossessor t&ereo*?
cD t&e re6uestin1 (art+ un$erta5es un$er oat& to (ro$uce sai$ articles 0e*ore t&e
court #&en so re6uire$?
$D t&e re6uestin1 (art+, i* &e is a aterial #itness to t&e case, a**irs or
rea**irs &is stateent concernin1 t&e case an$ un$erta5es un$er oat& to
a((ear an$ testi*+ 0e*ore t&e court #&en so re6uire$?
eD t&e sai$ articles are not t&e instruents, or tools in t&e coission o* t&e
o**ense c&ar1e$ nor t&e (rocee$s t&ereo*? an$
*D (&oto1ra(&s o* sai$ articles are *irst ta5en an$ $ul+ certi*ie$ to 0+ t&e
(olice evi$ence custo$ian as accuratel+ re(resentin1 t&e evi$ence in &is custo$+.
SECTION 1. Concept of preliminary in-estigation - A (reliinar+ investi1ation is
an in6uir+ or (rocee$in1 to $eterine #&et&er t&ere is su**icient 1roun$ to en1en$er a #ell
*oun$e$ 0elie* t&at a crie co1ni8a0le 0+ t&e Re1ional Trial Court &as 0een coitte$ an$
t&at t&e res(on$ent is (ro0a0l+ 1uilt+ t&ereo* an$ s&oul$ 0e &el$ *or trial.
A (reliinar+ investi1ation is essentiall+ a =u$icial in6uir+ since t&ere is t&e
o((ortunit+ to 0e &ear$, t&e (ro$uction an$ #ei1&in1 o* evi$ence, an$ a $ecision ren$ere$ on
t&e 0asis o* suc& evi$ence. In t&is sense, t&e investi1atin1 (rosecutor is a 6uasi7=u$icial
SEC. !. urpose of preliminary in-estigation. - A (reliinar+ investi1ation is
aD to secure t&e innocent a1ainst &ast+, alicious an$ o((ressive (rosecution
an$ to (rotect &i *ro an o(en an$ (u0lic accusation o* a crie an$ *ro
t&e trou0le, e<(ense an$ an<iet+ o* a (u0lic trial?
See NPS For No.-.
See NPS For No...
Section 1, Rule 11!, Rules on Criinal Proce$ure.
Jr. vs. Peo(le, !'' SCRA )'3 K133)L.
Peo(le vs. Poculan, 1./ SCRA 1/. K1322L? Ro$is, Sr. vs.
San$i1an0a+an, Secon$ Division, 1.. SCRA .12 K13221? Salon1a vs.
Pano, 1') SCRA )'2 K132-L? Trocio vs. Manta, 112 SCRA !)1
K132!L? Sausi vs. >ueru0in, .! SCRA 1-- K13/-L? an$ "as&i vs.
9oncan, /1 P&il. !1. K13)1L.
0D to (rotect t&e State *ro &avin1 to con$uct useless an$ e<(ensive trials.
SEC. '. Nature of preliminary in-estigation. - T&e con$uct o* a (reliinar+
investi1ation is a su0stantive ri1&t #&ic& t&e accuse$ a+ invo5e (rior to or at least at t&e
tie o* (lea, t&e $e(rivation o* #&ic& #oul$ 0e a $enial o* &is ri1&t to $ue (rocess.
SEC. ). .ffect of amendment of information. - In case an in*oration is aen$e$, a
ne# (reliinar+ investi1ation s&all 0e con$ucte$ i* t&e aen$e$ c&ar1e is not relate$ to t&e
crie ori1inall+ c&ar1e$? i* t&ere is a c&an1e in t&e nature o* t&e crie c&ar1e$? or i* t&e
in*oration on its *ace is null an$ voi$ *or lac5 o* aut&orit+ to *ile t&e sae.
SEC. *. where right of preliminary in-estigation may he in-o&ed. - T&e ri1&t to a
(reliinar+ investi1ation a+ 0e invo5e$ onl+ in cases co1ni8a0le 0+ t&e Re1ional Trial
Court. T&e ri1&t is not availa0le in cases tria0le 0+ in*erior courts.
SEC. .. Officers Authori/ed to Conduct reliminary In-estigation. - T&e *ollo#in1
a+ con$uct a (reliinar+ investi1ation?
aD Provincial or Cit+ Prosecutors an$ t&eir assistants?
0D Ju$1es o* Munici(al Trial Courts an$ Munici(al Circuit Trial Courts?
cD National an$ Re1ional State Prosecutors? an$
$D Ot&er o**icers as a+ 0e aut&ori8e$ 0+ la#.
T&eir aut&orit+ to con$uct (reliinar+ investi1ation s&all inclu$e all cries
co1ni8a0le 0+ t&e (ro(er court in t&eir res(ective territorial =uris$iction.
SEC. 0. Commencement of reliminary In-estigation.- A (reliinar+ investi1ation
(rocee$in1 is coence$E
aD 0+ t&e *ilin1 o* a co(laint 0+ t&e o**en$e$ (art+ or an+ co(etent (erson
$irectl+ #it& t&e O**ice o* t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor or Ju$1e?
0D 0+ re*erral *ro or u(on re6uest o* t&e la# en*orceent a1enc+ t&at
investi1ate$ a criinal inci$ent?
cD u(on re6uest o* a (erson arreste$ or $etaine$ (ursuant to a #arrantless arrest
#&o e<ecutes a #aiver o* t&e (rovisions o* Article 1!- o* t&e Revise$ Penal
Co$e, as aen$e$?
$D 0+ or$er or u(on $irective o* t&e court or ot&er co(etent aut&orit+? or
eD *or election o**enses, u(on t&e initiative o* t&e Coission on Elections, or
u(on #ritten co(laint 0+ an+ citi8en, can$i$ate, re1istere$ (olitical (art+,
Tan$oc vs. Resultan, 1/- SCRA '/ K1323L.
Par. 1, Sec. !, Rule 11!, su(ra.
T&e S(ecial Prosecution O**icers an$ @ra*t Investi1ation O**icers in
cases co1ni8a0le 0+ t&e O**ice o* t&e O0u$san an$ t&e COMELEC o**icials in cases
involvin1 violations o* t&e Election Co$e, PC@@ O**icers
Par. !, Section !, Rule 11!, su(ra.
E0arle vs. Sucal$ito, 1-. SCRA 24' K132/L.
coalition o* re1istere$ (arties or or1ani8ations un$er t&e (art+7list s+ste or
an+ accre$ite$ citi8en ar o* t&e Coission on Elections.
SEC. 2. Complaint. 7 For (ur(oses o* (reliinar+ investi1ation, t&e co(laint *ile$
#it& t&e (rosecutorBs o**ice s&all, as *ar as (ractica0le, 0e acco(anie$ or covere$ 0+ an
In*oration S&eet an$ s&all state, aon1 ot&ers 7
aD t&e *ull an$ co(lete naes an$ e<act &oe, o**ice or (ostal a$$resses o* t&e
co(lainant an$ &is #itnesses?
0D T&e *ull an$ co(lete nae an$ e<act &oe, o**ice or (ostal a$$ress o* t&e
cD T&e o**ense c&ar1e$ an$ t&e (lace an$ e<act $ate an$ tie o* its coission?
$D %&et&er or not t&ere e<ists a relate$ case an$, i* so, t&e $oc5et nu0er o*
sai$ case an$ t&e nae o* t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor t&ereo*.
SEC. 3. +upporting affida-its.- T&e co(laint s&all 0e acco(anie$ 0+ t&e a**i$avits o* t&e
co(lainant an$ &is #itnesses, as #ell as ot&er su((ortin1 (roo*s or $ocuents, i* an+. T&e a**i$avits
s&all 0e s#orn to 0e*ore a Provincial, Cit+ or State Prosecutor, or ot&er 1overnent o**icial aut&ori8e$
to a$inister oat&s or, in t&eir a0sence or unavaila0ilit+, a notar+ (u0lic, #&o ust certi*+ t&at &e
(ersonall+ e<aine$ t&e a**iants an$ t&at &e is satis*ie$ t&at t&e+ voluntaril+ e<ecute$ an$ un$erstoo$
t&eir a**i$avits.
%&en t&e (reliinar+ investi1ation is coence$ 0+ re*erral *ro or u(on re6uest o* t&e la#
en*orceent a1enc+ t&at investi1ate$ t&e inci$ent, t&e a**i$avits o* t&e co(lainant an$ &is #itnesses
to 0e su0itte$ 0+ t&e sai$ a1enc+ s&all consist o* t&e ori1inal or $u(licate ori1inal or certi*ie$
ac&ine co(ies t&ereo*.
SEC. 14. Number of copies of affida-its. - T&e co(laint an$ su((ortin1 a**i$avits s&all 0e in
suc& nu0er o* co(ies as t&ere are res(on$ents, (lus *our C)D co(ies *or t&e court;o**icial *ile.
%&ere a co(laint c&ar1es ulti(le o**enses #&ic& cannot 0e t&e su0=ect o* one in$ictent or
in*oration, t&e co(lainant a+ 0e re6uire$ to su0it suc& a$$itional co(ies o* t&e co(laint an$
su((ortin1 a**i$avits as t&ere are o**enses c&ar1e$ in t&e co(laint.
SEC. 11. 1arangay certification . - I* t&e o**ense c&ar1e$ is (unis&a0le 0+ i(risonent not
e<cee$in1 one C1D +ear or a *ine not e<cee$in1 Five T&ousan$ Pesos C-,444.44D an$ t&e (arties to t&e
case are all resi$ents o* t&e sae cit+ or unici(alit+, t&e co(laint s&all 0e acco(anie$ 0+ t&e
certi*ication re6uire$ un$er Section )1! CaD o* R.A. Act No./1.4, AT&e Local @overnent Co$e o*
Sections ' M -, Rule '), COMELEC Rules o* Proce$ure.
Sec. 'CaD, Rule 11!, Rules on Criinal Proce$ure.
See A((en$i< *+*, List o* O**enses co1ni8a0le 0+ t&e Lu(on1 Ta1a(aa+a(a
CCries Covere$ 0+ t&e Iatarun1an1 Pa0aran1a+D.
SEC. 1!. "ac& of harangay certification.- T&e a0sence o* a 0aran1a+ certi*ication s&all not 0e
a 1roun$ *or t&e $isissal o* t&e co(laint. T&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all, &o#ever, a5e t&e
corres(on$in1 re*erral o* t&e co(laint to t&e (ro(er "upong !agapamayapa *or a((ro(riate action
(ursuant to t&e (rovisions o* C&a(ter /, 9oo5 III o* R.A. No./1.4. In connection t&ere#it&, t&e
co(lainant a+ 0e suone$ *or t&e (ur(ose o* $eliverin1 t&e re*erral to t&e C&airan o* t&e
a((ro(riate 0aran1a+ an$ to secure t&e necessar+ certi*ication #it&in t&irt+ C'4D $a+s.
In an+ o* t&e *ollo#in1 cases. t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all (rocee$ to ta5e co1ni8ance o*
t&e co(laint *or (ur(oses o* (reliinar+ investi1ation
even i* t&ere is no 9aran1a+ Certi*icationE
aD #&ere t&e res(on$ent is un$er $etention? or
0D #&ere t&e res(on$ent &as 0een $e(rive$ o* (ersonal li0ert+ callin1 *or &a0eas cor(us
(rocee$in1s? or
cD #&ere t&e case a+ 0e 0arre$ 0+ t&e Statute o* Liitations.
SEC. 1'. Initial2 action on the Complaint.- %it&in ten C14D $a+s a*ter t&e *ilin1 o* t&e
co(laint, t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all eit&er $isiss t&e sae i* &e *in$s no 1roun$ to continue
#it& t&e in6uir+, or issue a su0(oena to t&e res(on$ent, attac&in1 t&ereto a co(+ o* t&e co(laint
to1et&er #it& t&e a**i$avits o* #itnesses an$ ot&er su((ortin1 $ocuents.
SEC. 1). Dismissal of complaint. - T&e *ollo#in1, aon1 ot&ers, s&all constitute
su**icient 0asis *or t&e outri1&t $isissal o* a co(laintE
aD t&at t&e o**ense c&ar1e$ in t&e co(laint #as coitte$ outsi$e t&e
territorial =uris$iction o* t&e O**ice o* t&e Investi1atin1 O**icer?
0D t&at, at t&e tie o* t&e *ilin1 o* t&e co(laint, t&e o**ense c&ar1e$ t&erein &a$
alrea$+ (rescri0e$?
cD t&at t&e co(lainant is not aut&ori8e$ un$er t&e (rovisions o* (ertinent la#s
to *ile t&e co(laint?
$D t&at t&e acts an$;or oissions alle1e$ in t&e co(laint an$;or t&e su((ortin1
a**i$avits $o not su**icientl+ s&o# t&at a criinal o**ense or violation o* a
(enal la# &as 0een coitte$? or
eD t&at t&e co(laint an$ t&e su((ortin1 a**i$avits are unsi1ne$ an$;or &ave not
0een $ul+ su0scri0e$ an$ s#orn to as (rescri0e$ un$er t&e Rules on Criinal
SEC. 1-. ersonal ser-ice of documents by in-estigating prosecutor. -%&enever
circustances #arrant an$ to (revent t&e loss o* $ocuents in t&e course o* t&e service o* a
su0(oena t&rou1& or$inar+ o$es, t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor a+ re6uire t&e res(on$ent or
ot&er (arties to a((ear 0e*ore &i on a $esi1nate$ $ate, tie an$ (lace an$ t&en an$ t&ere
(ersonall+ *urnis& t&e #it& co(ies o* t&e co(laint, su((ortin1 a**i$avits an$ ot&er
Sec. )1!C0D, R.A. No./1.4.
Section 'C0D, Rule 11!, Rules o* Criinal Proce$ure.
T&e resolution o* $isissal s&oul$ inclu$e a stateent t&at t&e entire recor$ o* t&e case is
0ein1 *or#ar$e$ to t&e o**ice &avin1 =uris$iction over t&e sae.
At t&e sai$ or an+ ot&er settin1, t&e res(on$ent s&all &ave t&e ri1&t to e<aine all ot&er
evi$ence su0itte$ 0+ t&e co(lainant.
Failure on t&e (art o* t&e res(on$ent or &is counsel;re(resentative to a((ear 0e*ore t&e
Investi1atin1 Prosecutor to o0tain co(ies o* t&e co(laint, su((ortin1 a**i$avits an$ ot&er
$ocuents $es(ite recei(t o* notice or su0(oena s&all 0e consi$ere$ a #aiver or *or*eiture o*
s ri1&t to 0e *urnis&e$ co(ies o* t&e co(laint, su((ortin1 a**i$avits an$ ot&er
$ocuents, as #ell as to e<aine all ot&er evi$ence su0itte$ 0+ t&e co(lainant.
For t&e (ur(oses s(eci*ie$ in t&e *irst (ara1ra(& &ereo*, t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor
s&all not re6uire t&e a((earance 0e*ore &i o* t&e res(on$ent or ot&er (arties #&o are resi$in1
in $istant (laces. In suc& cases, t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all issue an$ sen$ t&e
su0(oena, to1et&er #it& co(ies o* t&e co(laint, su((ortin1 a**i$avit an$ ot&er $ocuents, 0+
re1istere$ s(ecial $eliver+ ail #it& return car$.
SEC. 1.. +er-ice of subpoena in preliminary in-estigation. - To e<(e$ite t&e con$uct
o* a (reliinar+ investi1ation, t&e *ollo#in1 1ui$elines s&all 0e o0serve$ in t&e service o*
aD Service o* su0(oena an$ all (a(ers;$ocuents re6uire$ to 0e attac&e$ a
t&ereto s&all 0e 0B:7 (ersonal service 0+ re1ular (rocess servers. In t&eir
A0sence, t&e coo(eration o* t&e Provincial Cit+;Munici(al Station
Coan$ers o* t&e P&ili((ine National Police CPNPD a+ 0e re6ueste$ *or
t&e (ur(ose.
0D Un$er ot&er circustances, #&ere (ersonal service cannot 0e e**ecte$ 0ut t&e
res(on$ent cannot 0e consi$ere$ as inca(a0le o* 0ein1 su0(oenae$ as #&en
&e continues to resi$e at &is 5no#n a$$ress 0ut t&e return states t&at &e A&as
le*t &is resi$ence an$ &is return is uncertainA or #or$s o* siilar i(ort,
service o* su0(oena an$ its attac&ents s&all 0e e**ecte$ 0+ re1istere$ ail
#it& return car$ at res(on$entBs 5no#n &oe;o**ice a$$ress. On t&e *ace o*
t&e envelo(e s&all 0e in$icate$
I. t&e nae an$ return a$$ress o* t&e sen$er
an$ t&e
T+(e#ritten;(rinte$ (&rase AFirst Notice
Ma$e onNNNNNNNNNNNNNNA, t&us instructin1 t&e
e(lo+ee o* t&e necessit+ o* in*orin1 t&e sen$er o* t&e
$ate t&e *irst notice #as a$e on t&e a$$ressee? an$
ii.t&e t+(e#ritten;(rinte$ re6uestE AI* not claie$ #it&in
*ive C-D $a+s *ro *irst notice, (lease return to sen$er.A
cD U(on recei(t o* t&e unclaie$;returne$ envelo(e, t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor
a+ t&en (rocee$ to resolve t&e co(laint on t&e 0asis o* t&e evi$ence
(resente$ 0+ t&e co(lainant.
Sec 'C$D, Rule 11!, Rules on Criinal Proce$ure? De(artent o* Justice
Meoran$u Circular No.!- $ate$ ! Octo0er 1323.
SEC. 1/. where ,espondent cannot he subpoenaed - I* a res(on$ent cannot 0e
su0(oenae$, as, *or instance, &e trans*erre$ resi$ence #it&out leavin1 an+ *or#ar$in1 a$$ress,
t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all 0ase &is resolution on t&e evi$ence (resente$ 0+ t&e
SEC. 12. Counter-Affida-its.- In cases #&ere t&e res(on$ent is su0(oenae$, &e s&all
#it&in ten C14D $a+s *ro recei(t o* t&e co(laint an$ ot&er $ocuents, su0it &is counter7
a**i$avit an$ ot&er su((ortin1 $ocuents #&ic& s&all 0e s#orn to an$ certi*ie$ as (rescri0e$
in t&e secon$ sentence o* (ar. 1 o* Section 3 t&is Part, co(ies o* #&ic& s&all 0e *urnis&e$ 0+
t&e res(on$ent to t&e co(lainant.
Onl+ a counter7a**i$avit su0scri0e$ an$ s#orn to 0+ t&e res(on$ent 0e*ore t&e Pu0lic
Prosecutor can $is(ute or (ut at issue t&e alle1ations in t&e co(laint. A eoran$u, ani*estation
or otion to $isiss si1ne$ 0+ t&e counsel cannot ta5e t&e (lace o* a counter7a**i$avit. T&us, a
res(on$ent rel+in1 on t&e ani*estation, eoran$u or otion to $isiss o* &is counsel is $eee$ to
&ave not controverte$ co(lainantBs evi$ence.
"o#ever, i* suc& eoran$u, ani*estation or otion to $isiss is veri*ie$ 0+ t&e
res(on$ent &isel*, t&e sae a+ 0e consi$ere$ a counter7a**i$avit.
SEC. 13. %otion for dismissal of bill of particulars.-!he *ilin1 o* a otion *or t&e
$isissal o* t&e co(laint or *or t&e su0ission o* a 0ill o* (articulars s&all not sus(en$ or
interru(t t&e runnin1 o* t&e (erio$ *or t&e su0ission o* counter7a**i$avits an$ ot&er
su((ortin1 $ocuents.
All t&e 1roun$s *or t&e $isissal o* t&e co(laint, as #ell as o0=ections to t&e
su**icienc+ t&ereo*, s&all 0e alle1e$ or incor(orate$ in t&e counter7a**i$avit an$ s&all 0e
resolve$ 0+ t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor =ointl+ on t&e erits o* t&e case.
T&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor a+ 1rant a otion to $isiss *ile$ 0+ a res(on$ent #&o
is +et to *ile or &as not *ile$ &is counter7a**i$avit i* t&e sai$ otion is veri*ie$ an$
satis*actoril+ esta0lis&es, aon1 ot&ersE
aD t&e circustances s(eci*ie$ in su07(ara1ra(&s CaD, C0D
CcD an$ C$D
an$ CeD o* Section 1) o* t&is Part?
0D t&e *act t&at t&e co(laint, or one siilar t&ereto or i$entical
t&ere#it&, &as (reviousl+ 0een *ile$ #it& t&e O**ice an$ &as 0een *ull+
a$=u$icate$ u(on on t&e erits a*ter $ue (reliinar+ investi1ation
(rocee$in1s? or
cD t&e e<tinction o* res(on$ent
s criinal lia0ilit+ 0+ reason o* $eat&,
(ar$on, anest+, re(eal o* t&e la# un$er #&ic& (rosecution is sou1&t, or
ot&er le1al causes.
Secs. 'C0D M CcD, Rule 11!, su(ra.
DOJ Resolution No.143, Series o* 1334. CI. S. NO.237!)', A9ulacan @ar$en Cor(oration
vs. FiloenaA, OPP, 9ulacanD.
SEC. !4. Consolidation.- T&e *ollo#in1 cases s&all, as *ar as (ractica0le, 0e
consoli$ate$ *or (reliinar+ investi1ation (ur(oses an$ assi1ne$ to an$ =ointl+ &ear$ 0+ one
Investi1atin1 O**icerE
aD c&ar1es an$ counter7c&ar1es?
0D cases arisin1 *ro one an$ t&e sae inci$ent or transaction or series
o* inci$ent or transactions? an$
cD cases involvin1 coon (arties an$ *oun$e$ on *actual an$;or le1al
issues o* t&e sae or siilar c&aracter.
SEC. !1. .$tension of time. - No otion or re6uest *or e<tension o* tie to su0it
counter7a**i$avits s&all 0e allo#e$ or 1rante$ 0+ t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor e<ce(t #&en t&e
interest o* =ustice $ean$s t&at t&e res(on$ent 0e 1iven reasona0le tie or su**icient
o((ortunit+ toE
aD en1a1e t&e services o* counsel to assist &i in t&e (reliinar+
investi1ation (rocee$in1s?
0D e<aine or veri*+ t&e e<istence, aut&enticit+ or accurac+ o* voluinous
recor$s, *iles, accounts or ot&er (a(ers or $ocuents (resente$ or su0itte$
in su((ort o* t&e co(laint? or
cD un$erta5e stu$ies or researc& on novel, co(licate$ or tec&nical
6uestions or issues o* la# an$ o* *acts atten$ant to t&e case un$er
E<tensions o* tie to su0it a counter7a**i$avit *or an+ o* t&e reasons state$ a0ove
s&all not e<cee$ ten C14D $a+s. A$$itional e<tensions a+ 0e aut&ori8e$ 0+ t&e
Provincial;Cit+ Prosecutor concerne$.
SEC. !!. +uspension of proceedings.- U(on otion o* a (art+, or #&en raise$ in a
counter7a**i$avit, t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor a+ sus(en$ t&e (reliinar+ investi1ation
(rocee$in1s i* t&e e<istence o* a (re=u$icial 6uestion is satis*actoril+ esta0lis&e$.
T&e e<istence o* a (re=u$icial 6uestion s&all, &o#ever, not 0e a 1roun$ *or t&e
$isissal o* t&e co(laint.
SEC. !'. Concept of pre3udicial 'uestion.- A (re=u$icial 6uestion is one t&e resolution o*
#&ic& is a lo1ical antece$ent o* t&e issue involve$ in a case an$ t&e co1ni8ance o* #&ic& (ertains to
anot&er tri0unal.
It is 0ase$ on a *act $istinct an$ se(arate *ro t&e crie c&ar1e$ 0ut so intiatel+
connecte$ #it& it t&at it $eterines t&e 1uilt or innocence o* t&e accuse$. To sus(en$ t&e criinal
action, it ust not onl+ a((ear t&at sai$ case involves *acts intiatel+ relate$ to t&ose u(on #&ic& t&e
criinal (rosecution #oul$ 0e 0ase$ 0ut also t&at in t&e resolution o* t&e issue or issues raise$ in t&e
Sec.., Rule 111, i0i$.
Ras vs. Rasul, 144 SCRA 1!- K1324L? >uia0ao vs. Osono, @. R. No.)21-/, Marc& 1., 1322? an$
A((en$i< OPP
civil case, t&e 1uilt or innocence o* t&e accuse$ #oul$ necessaril+ 0e $eterine$.
SEC. !). .lements of pre3udicial 'uestion. - T&e essential eleents o* a (re=u$icial
6uestion areE
aD t&e civil action involves an issue siilar or intiatel+ relate$ to t&e issue
raise$ in t&e criinal action?
0D t&e resolution o* suc& issue $eterines #&et&er or not t&e criinal action
a+ (rocee$ ?
cD t&e co1ni8ance o* t&e sai$ issue (ertains to anot&er tri0unal.
SEC. !-. Issuance of orders of suspension of proceedings.- No resolution or or$er
sus(en$in1 t&e (reliinar+ investi1ation 0ase$ on t&e e<istence o* a (re=u$icial 6uestion s&all
0e issue$ 0+ t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor #it&out t&e #ritten a((roval o* t&e Provincial;Cit+
Prosecutor concerne$ or &is $ul+ $esi1nate$ assistant.
SEC. !.. ,eply-affida-its and re3oinders.- T&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all not re6uire or
allo# t&e *ilin1 or su0ission o* re(l+7a**i$avits an$;or re=oin$ers, e<ce(t #&ere ne# issues o* *act or
6uestions o* la# #&ic& are aterial an$ su0stantial in nature are raise$ or invo5e$ in t&e counter7
a**i$avit or su0se6uent (lea$in1s an$ t&ere e<ists a nee$ *or sai$ issues or 6uestions to 0e controverte$
or re0utte$, clari*ie$ or e<(laine$ to ena0le t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor to arrive at a *air an$ =u$icious
resolution o* t&e case. In suc& a case, t&e (erio$ *or t&e su0ission o* re(l+ a**i$avits or re=oin$ers
s&all in no case e<cee$ *ive C-D $a+s unless a lon1er (erio$ is aut&ori8e$ 0+ t&e Provincial;Cit+
Prosecutor concerne$.
SEC. !/. Clanficatory 'uestions. - T&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor a+ set a &earin1 to
(ro(oun$ clari*icator+ 6uestions to t&e (arties or t&eir #itnesses i* &e 0elieves t&at t&ere are
atters #&ic& nee$ to 0e in6uire$ into (ersonall+ 0+ &i. In sai$ &earin1, t&e (arties s&all 0e
a**or$e$ t&e o((ortunit+ to 0e (resent 0ut #it&out t&e ri1&t to e<aine or cross7e<aine. I*
t&e+ so $esire, t&e+ a+ su0it #ritten 6uestions to t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor #&o a+
(ro(oun$ suc& 6uestions to t&e (arties or #itnesses concerne$.
T&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all a5e a recor$ o* t&e 6uestions as5e$ an$ ans#ers
1iven $urin1 t&e clari*icator+ 6uestionin1 #&ic& s&all 0e si1ne$ 0+ t&e (arties concerne$
an$;or t&eir res(ective counsel. Sai$ notes s&all *or (art o* t&e o**icial recor$s o* t&e case.
Parties #&o $esire to *ile a (etition *or revie# o* t&e Investi1atin1 O**icerBs resolution a+, at
t&eir o(tion, cite s(eci*ic (ortions o* t&e oral testion+ 0+ re*erence to t&e transcri(t o*
steno1ra(&ic notes. Sai$ notes s&all onl+ 0e transcri0e$ in cases o* a((eal an$ s&all 0e
o0taine$ at t&e e<(ense o* t&e intereste$ (art+.
!2. +ubmission of case for resolution. - T&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all case
su0itte$ *or resolutionE
Donato vs. Luna, @.R. No.-'.)!, A(ril 1-, 1322? Pra$o vs. Peo(le, 1'' SCRA .4! K132)L? an$
Li0ro$o vs. Coscolluela, Jr., 11. SCRA '4' K132!L.
Sec. -, Rule 111, su(ra.
C*. Ras vs. Rasul, su(ra? >uia0ao vs. Osono, su(ra.
Sec. 'CeD, Rule 11!, su(ra.
aD #&en t&e res(on$ent cannot 0e su0(oenae$ or, i* su0(oenae$, $oes not
su0it &is counter7a**i$avit #it&in t&e re1leentar+ (erio$. In suc& a
case, t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all 0ase &is resolution on t&e
evi$ence (resente$ 0+ t&e co(lainant?
0D u(on su0ission 0+ t&e (arties o* t&eir res(ective a**i$avits an$
su((ortin1 (roo* or $ocuents, in #&ic& event, &e s&all, u(on t&e
evi$ence t&us a$$uce$, $eterine #&et&er or not t&ere is su**icient
1roun$ to &ol$ t&e res(on$ent *or trial
SEC. !3. "ac& of probable cause.- I* t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor $oes not *in$
su**icient 0asis *or t&e (rosecution o* t&e res(on$ent, &e s&all (re(are t&e resolution
recoen$in1 t&e $isissal o* t&e co(laint.
SEC. '4. 4inding of probable cause. - I* t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor *in$s t&at (ro0a0le cause
e<ists, &e s&all (re(are t&e resolution an$ t&e corres(on$in1 in*oration or co(laint in t&e
a((ro(riate cases.
%&ere t&e res(on$ent is a (u0lic o**icer or e(lo+ee or a e0er o* t&e P&ili((ine
National Police CPNPD, t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all also $eterine #&et&er or not t&e
o**ense #it& #&ic& &e is c&ar1e$ #as coitte$ in relation to &is o**ice an$, i* so coitte$,
suc& *act s&oul$ 0e alle1e$ in t&e in*oration to 0e *ile$ #it& t&e San$i1an0a+an t&rou1& t&e
SEC. '1. ,eopening of in-estigation.- A*ter a case un$er (reliinar+ investi1ation
&as 0een su0itte$ *or resolution un$er t&e (rovisions o* t&e (rece$in1 Section 0ut 0e*ore
(roul1ation o* t&e resolution, t&e (reliinar+ investi1ation a+ 0e reo(ene$ *or t&e (ur(ose
o* receivin1 ne# an$;or a$$itional evi$ence u(on t&e (rior aut&ori8ation 1iven 0+ t&e
Provincial;Cit+ Prosecutor concerne$ or u(on otion o* t&e intereste$ (art+, Provi$e$, T&at
in t&e latter case, it s&all 0e su0=ect to t&e *ollo#in1 con$itionsE
aD t&e otion is veri*ie$ an$ a co(+ t&ereo* *urnis&e$ t&e o((osin1
0D t&e otion is acco(anie$ #it& t&e ne# an$;or a$$itional evi$ence?
cD t&e otion su**icientl+ an$ satis*actoril+ s&o#s vali$ an$ =usti*ia0le
reason *or t&e *ailure o* t&e ovant to su0it t&e ne# an$;or a$$itional
evi$ence $urin1 t&e (reliinar+ investi1ation (rocee$in1s.
SEC. '!. Cases !ransmitted by the %unicipal !rial 5udge. - U(on recei(t o* t&e
recor$s o* t&e case *ro t&e Munici(al Trial Court or Munici(al Circuit Trial Court #&ic&
Secs. ' C$D M C*D, Rule 11!, i0i$.
Sections 'C$D M C*D, Rule 11!, i0i$.
Re(u0lic vs. Ma<iiano Asuncion, @.R. No. L7142!42, Marc& 133).
con$ucte$ t&e Preliinar+ Investi1ation, t&e Prosecution O**ice s&all revie# t&e case 0ase$
on t&e e<istin1 recor$s, #it&out re6uestin1 t&e (arties to su0it eoran$u o* aut&orities
an$ a+ a**ir, o$i*+ or reverse t&e *in$in1 o* t&e Munici(al Trial Court =u$1e. "o#ever,
i* t&e interest o* =ustice so re6uires, t&e (rosecutor a+ con$uct a *ull 0lo#n reinvesti1ation
1ivin1 t&e (arties t&e o((ortunit+ to su0it a$$itional evi$ence, an$ t&erea*ter, resolve t&e
case on t&e 0asis o* t&e totalit+ o* t&e evi$ence t&us a$$uce$.
SEC. ''. %emoranda. 7 T&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all not re6uire nor allo# t&e
*ilin1 or su0ission 0+ t&e (arties o* eoran$a unless t&e case involves $i**icult or
co(licate$ 6uestions o* la# or o* *act. In an+ event, t&e *ilin1 o* eoran$a 0+ t&e (arties
s&all 0e $one siultaneousl+ an$ t&e (erio$ t&ere*ore s&all not e<cee$ ten C14D $a+s, unless a
lon1er (erio$ is aut&ori8e$ 0+ t&e Provincial;Cit+ Prosecutor concerne$.
SEC. '). eriod for resol-ing a case. - T&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all resolve t&e
case #it&in ten C14D $a+s *ro t&e tie t&e case is $eee$ su0itte$ *or resolution,
ot&er#ise (rovi$e$ &erein or a lon1er (erio$ is aut&ori8e$ 0+ t&e Provincial;Cit+ Prosecutor
+.C. 6*. 4orm of resolution and number of copies.- T&e resolution s&all 0e #ritten in t&e
o**icial lan1ua1e, (ersonall+ an$ $irectl+ (re(are$ an$ si1ne$ 0+ t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor.
It s&all 0e (re(are$ in as an+ co(ies as t&ere are (arties, (lus t&ree C'D a$$itional co(ies.
SEC. '.. Contents of the resolution. - A resolution s&all contain a ca(tion an$ a 0o$+.
SEC. '/. Caption of resolution. - T&e ca(tion o* t&e resolution s&all in$icate t&eE
aD naes o* all t&e co(lainants an$ all o* t&e res(on$ents?
0D Case Nu0er, ot&er#ise 5no#n as t&e Investi1ation Sli( Nu0er or 1.2.
cD t&e o**ense c&ar1e$?
$D t&e $ate o* t&e *ilin1 o* t&e co(laint #it& t&e o**ice?
eD t&e $ate o* t&e assi1nent o* t&e case to or recei(t o* t&e case recor$ 0+
t&e Investi1atin1 O**icer? an$
*D t&e $ate t&e case #as su0itte$ *or resolution.
SEC. '2. Names of parties. - T&e co(lete naes o* all t&e co(lainants an$
res(on$ents in t&e case s&all 0e set out in t&e ca(tion o* t&e resolution. It is not (ro(er to use
t&e (&rase Aet. al.A to re*er to ot&er co(lainants an$ res(on$ents.
T&e nae o* t&e victi or in=ure$ (art+, not t&eir re(resentative, s&all a((ear in t&e
ca(tion. In cases re*erre$ to t&e (rosecution 0+ t&e (olice #&ere t&ere is no i$enti*ie$ victi,
De(artent o* Justice Meoran$u Circular No./, s.1322.
Sec. 'C*D, Rule 11!, su(ra.
as in (ro&i0ite$ $ru1s cases, t&e co(lainant s&all 0e t&e (olice station involve$, *ollo#e$ 0+
t&e nae an$ $esi1nation o* t&e (olice o**icer re(resentin1 t&e (olice station. In &oici$e or
ur$er cases, t&e nae o* t&e victi or o* t&e co(lainant s&all 0e in t&e ca(tion. T&e &eirs
or relatives o* t&e slain victi s&all 0e in$icate$ as ALe1al &eirs o* $ecease$ Cnae or (erson
5ille$DA, re(resente$ 0+ ACeit&er t&e survivin1 s(ouse, *at&er or ot&erDA.
In t&e case o* a cor(oration or =u$icial entit+, its cor(orate nae or i$entit+ s&all 0e
in$icate$ an$ #ritten as *ollo#s. A BQB Cor(oration, re(resente$ 0+ its C(osition titleD, Cnae o*
cor(orate o**icerDA.
SEC. '3. Case number. - T&e nu0er o* a case s&all in$icate t&e +ear an$ ont&? it
#as *ile$ an$ its entr+ nu0er in t&e lo1 0oo5 o* t&e o**ice, e.1. 3/ C+earDACont&D74!)Centr+
SEC. )4. Designation of offense charged. - For o**enses t&at are (unis&a0le un$er t&e
Revise$ Penal Co$e, t&e ca(tion s&all set *ort& t&e $enoination o* t&e o**ense an$ t&e
s(eci*ic article an$ (ara1ra(& o* t&e statute violate$.
%&ere t&ere is anot&er c&ar1e or counterc&ar1e in t&e sae case &avin1 one case nu0er or
in case o* a consoli$ate$ resolution involvin1 t#o or ore criinal cases #it& t#o or ore
$oc5et nu0ers, t&e ca(tion s&all also contain sai$ in*oration.
SEC. )1. Contents of body of resolution. - In 1eneral, t&e 0o$+ o* resolution s&oul$
aD a 0rie* suar+ o* t&e *acts o* t&e case?
0D a concise stateent o* t&e issues involve$? an$
cD t&e *in$in1s an$ recoen$ations o* t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor.
All aterial $etails t&at s&oul$ 0e *oun$ in t&e in*oration (re(are$ 0+ t&e
Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all 0e state$ in t&e resolution.
SEC. )!. arts of a resolution. - As a rule, t&e 0o$+ o* a resolution is a$e u( o* *our
(arts, nael+E
aD Part 1 s&all state t&e nature o* t&e case as $isclose$ in t&e evi$ence (resente$
0+ t&e co(lainant suc& as &is a**i$avit7co(laint, t&e a**i$avit o* #itnesses
an$ $ocuentar+ an$ (&+sical evi$ence. T&e a**i$avits s&all 0e nu0ere$ in
t&e or$er o* t&e (resentation o* t&e (rosecution #itnesses as $isclose$ in t&e
list o* #itnesses a((earin1 in t&e in*oration. As *or t&e $ocuentar+
evi$ence, t&e+ s&all 0e al(&a0eticall+ ar5e$ as t&e+ #oul$ 0e ar5e$
$urin1 t&e (re7trial an$ trial sta1es o* t&e case.
0D Part ! s&all contain t&e version o* co(lainant o* t&e inci$ent. T&e
(resentation o* t&e co(lainantBs case s&oul$ 0e concise an$ s&all not 0e
cluttere$ #it& $etails t&at are not necessar+ to s&o# t&e eleents o* t&e
cD Part ' s&all alle1e t&e res(on$ent
s version o* t&e inci$ent. T&is ust also 0e
$D Part ) s&all contain t&e $iscussion, anal+sis an$ evaluation 0+ t&e (rosecutor
o* t&e evi$ence (resente$ 0+ t&e co(lainant an$ t&e res(on$ent, #it&out
rel+in1 on t&e #ea5ness o* t&e $e*ense o* t&e res(on$ent. It s&all also contain
t&e conclusion o* t&e (rosecutor. T&e co(lainantBs an$ res(on$entBs versions
o* t&e inci$ent nee$ not 0e re(eate$ in t&is (art e<ce(t to (oint out e<cer(ts
relatin1 to t&e e<istence or a0sence o* t&e eleents o* t&e crie. Citations o*
(ertinent la#s an$ =uris(ru$ence s&oul$ su((ort t&e conclusions reac&e$.
%&ere nuerical values are i(ortant, t&e nu0er s&all 0e #ritten in #or$s
an$ *i1ures.
SEC. )'. How recommended hail is written. - T&e 0ail recoen$e$ in t&e resolution
s&all 0e #ritten in #or$s an$ *i1ures.
SEC. 77. ,ecommended bail. - T&e 0ail recoen$e$ in t&e resolution s&all 0e state$
in t&e in*oration, #ritten in #or$s an$ *i1ures, an$ initiale$ 0+ t&e investi1atin1 (rosecutor.
SEC. )-. arties to be furnished with a copy of the resolution. - T&e co(lete naes
an$ a$$resses o* t&e co(lainant an$ t&e res(on$ent s&all 0e set out at t&e en$ o* t&e
resolution a*ter t&e si1nature o* t&e investi1atin1 (rosecutor an$ t&e &ea$ o* t&e ProsecutorBs
O**ice concerne$ un$er t&e (&raseE ACo(+ *urnis&e$EA.
I* t&e (arties are re(resente$ 0+ counsel an$ t&e latterBs a((earance is entere$ *orall+
in t&e recor$,
t&e counsel, not t&e (art+, s&all 0e 1iven a co(+ o* t&e resolution.
SEC. 7(. +ignature and initials of in-estigating prosecutor. - T&e investi1atin1
(rosecutor s&all si1n t&e resolution an$ i* t&e resolution consists o* t#o or ore (a1es, t&e
(rosecutor s&all initial all o* sai$ (a1es, e<clu$in1 t&e si1nature (a1e.
SEC. )/. ,ecords of the case. - T&e investi1atin1 *iscal s&all *or#ar$ &is resolution,
to1et&er #it& t&e co(lete recor$s o* t&e case, to t&e Provincial or Cit+ Prosecutor or C&ie*
State Prosecutor concerne$ #it&in *ive C-D $a+s *ro t&e $ate o* &is resolution.
SEC. )2. Action of the ro-incial or City rosecutor or Chief +tate rosecutor on
resolution. 7 T&e Provincial or Cit+ Prosecutor or C&ie* State Prosecutor concerne$ s&all act
on all resolutions #it&in ten C14D $a+s *ro recei(t t&ereo* 0+ eit&er a((rovin1 or
$isa((rovin1 t&e resolution or returnin1 t&e sae to t&e investi1atin1 (rosecutor *or *urt&er
a((ro(riate action.B Bie$iatel+ a*ter a((rovin1 or $isa((rovin1 t&e resolution, t&e
Provincial or Cit+ Prosecutor or C&ie* State Prosecutor concerne$ s&all transit a co(+ o* t&e
resolution to t&e (arties.
SEC. )3. ,e-ersal by the ro-incial or City rosecutor or Chief +tate rosecutor of
resolution of in-estigating prosecutor. 7 I* t&e Provincial or Cit+ Prosecutor or C&ie* State
Prosecutor reverses t&e recoen$ation in t&e resolution o* t&e investi1atin1 (rosecutor, t&e
*orer a+, 0+ &isel*, *ile t&e corres(on$in1 in*oration or $irect an+ ot&er assistant
(rosecutor or state (rosecutor, as t&e case a+ 0e, to $o so #it&out nee$ o* con$uctin1
anot&er (reliinar+ investi1ation.
NoteE A s(ecial a((earance $oes not 6uali*+.
Sec. ), (ar.1,Rule 11!, su(ra.
SEC. -4. Appro-al of pleading by head of prosecution office. - A (lea$in1 (re(are$
0+ t&e trial (rosecutor, inclu$in1 e$parte otions, s&all not 0e *ile$ in court #it&out t&e (rior
#ritten a((roval 0+ t&e Provincial or Cit+ Prosecutor or C&ie* State Prosecutor, as t&e case
a+ 0e, o* sai$ (lea$in1.
SEC. -1. %otion for rein-estigation, where filed. - 9e*ore t&e arrai1nent o* t&e
accuse$, a otion *or reinvesti1ation o* t&e case a+ 0e *ile$ #it& t&e Cit+;Provincial
Prosecutor, Provi$e$, T&at #&en t&e case &as 0een a((eale$ to t&e Re1ional State Prosecutor
or t&e De(artent o* Justice, suc& otion a+ 0e *ile$, res(ectivel+, #it& t&e sai$ o**ices.
A*ter arrai1nent, sai$ otion a+ onl+ 0e *ile$ #it& t&e =u$1e &earin1 t&e case.
SEC. -!. Confidentiality of resolutions. - All resolutions (re(are$ 0+ an Investi1atin1
Prosecutor a*ter (reliinar+ investi1ation, #&et&er &is recoen$ation 0e *or t&e *ilin1 or
$isissal o* t&e case, s&all 0e &el$ in strict con*i$ence an$ s&all not 0e a$e 5no#n to t&e
(arties, t&eir counsel an$;or to an+ unaut&ori8e$ (erson until t&e sae s&all &ave 0een *inall+
acte$ u(on 0+ t&e Provincial;Cit+ Prosecutor or &is $ul+ aut&ori8e$ assistant an$ a((rove$ *or
(roul1ation an$ release to t&e (arties.
Giolation o* t&e *ore1oin1 s&all su0=ect t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor or t&e e(lo+ee
o* t&e o**ice concerne$ to severe $isci(linar+ action.
SEC. -'. Information2Complaint.- T&e in*oration;co(laint s&all 0e (ersonall+ an$
$irectl+ (re(are$ 0+ t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor or suc& ot&er (rosecutor $esi1nate$ *or t&e
(ur(ose an$ si1ne$ 0+ &i or t&e co(lainant, as t&e case a+ 0e. It s&all state an$ contain,
in a$$ition to t&e re6uireents o* t&e Rules o* Court on t&e su**icienc+ o* t&e alle1ations in an
in*oration or co(laint, t&e *ollo#in1E
aD t&e *ull nae an$ aliases, i* an+, an$ a$$ress o* t&e accuse$?
0D t&e a1e an$ $ate o* 0irt& o* t&e co(lainant or t&e accuse$, i* ei1&teen C12D
+ears o* a1e or 0elo#?
cD t&e *ull naes an$ a$$resses o* t&e (arents, custo$ian or 1uar$ian o* t&e
inor co(lainant or accuse$, as t&e case a+ 0e?
$D t&e (lace #&ere t&e accuse$ is actuall+ $etaine$?
eD t&e *ull naes an$ a$$resses o* t&e co(lainant an$ #itnesses?
*D a $etaile$ $escri(tion o* t&e recovere$ ites, i* an+?
1D t&e *ull nae an$ a$$ress o* t&e evi$ence custo$ian? an$
&D t&e 0ail recoen$e$, i* t&e c&ar1e is 0aila0le.
T&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor s&all certi*+ un$er oat& t&at &e or, as s&o#n 0+ t&e
recor$, an aut&ori8e$ o**icer, &a$ (ersonall+ e<aine$ t&e co(lainant an$ &is #itnesses?
t&at t&ere is reasona0le 1roun$ to 0elieve t&at a crie &as 0een coitte$ an$ t&at t&e
accuse$ is (ro0a0l+ 1uilt+ t&ereo*? t&at t&e accuse$ #as in*ore$ o* t&e co(laint an$ o* t&e
evi$ence su0itte$ a1ainst &i an$ t&at &e #as 1iven an o((ortunit+ to su0it controvertin1
evi$ence? an$ t&at &e is *ilin1 t&e co(laint or in*oration #it& t&e (rior aut&orit+ an$
a((roval o* t&e Provincial;Cit+ Prosecutor concerne$.
Section ) C!D Rule 11!, su(ra.
SEC. *7. Documents to be attached to information2complaint. - An
in*oration;co(laint t&at is *ile$ in court s&all, as *ar as (ractica0le, 0e acco(anie$ 0+ a
co(+ o* t&e resolution o* t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor, t&e co(lainantBs a**i$avit, t&e s#orn
stateents o* t&e (rosecutionBs #itnesses, t&e res(on$entBs counter7a**i$avit an$ t&e s#orn
stateents o* &is #itnesses an$ suc& ot&er evi$ence as a+ &ave 0een ta5en into account in
arrivin1 at a $eterination o* t&e e<istence o* (ro0a0le cause.
SEC. --. romulgation of resolution.- T&e result o* t&e (reliinar+ investi1ation
s&all 0e (roul1ate$ 0+ *urnis&in1 t&e (arties or t&eir counsel a co(+ o* t&e resolution 0+E
aD (ersonal service?
0D re1istere$ ail #it& return car$ to t&e co(lainant, an$ 0+ or$inar+ ail to
t&e res(on$ent, i* t&e resolution is *or t&e $isissal o* t&e co(laint? or
cD re1istere$ ail #it& return car$ to t&e res(on$ent, an$ 0+ or$inar+ ail to t&e
co(lainant, i* t&e resolution is *or t&e in$ictent o* t&e res(on$ent.
SEC. -.. %otion for reconsideration. - A otion *or reconsi$eration a+ 0e *ile$
#it&in ten C14D $a+s *ro recei(t o* t&e resolution. T&e otion s&all 0e veri*ie$, a$$resse$ to
t&e Provincial;Cit+ Prosecutor or t&e C&ie* State Prosecutor, an$ acco(anie$ 0+ (roo* o*
service o* a co(+ t&ereo* on t&e o((osin1 (art+ an$ ust state clearl+ an$ $istinctl+ t&e
1roun$s relie$ u(on in su((ort o* t&e otion.
A otion *or reconsi$eration is still (art o* $ue (rocess in t&e (reliinar+
investi1ation. T&e $enial t&ereo* is a reversi0le error as it constitutes a $e(rivation o* t&e
res(on$entBs ri1&t to a *ull (reliinar+ investi1ation (re(arator+ to t&e *ilin1 o* t&e
in*oration a1ainst &i.
T&e court t&ere*ore a+ not (rocee$ #it& t&e arrai1nent an$ trial
(en$in1 resolution o* t&e otion *or reconsi$eration.
SEC. -/. Inhibition. - A Prosecutor s&all in&i0it &isel* *ro con$uctin1 a
(reliinar+ investi1ation in a case #&erein 7
aD &e or &is #i*e or c&il$ is intereste$ as &eir, le1atee, cre$itor or ot&er#ise? or
0D &e is relate$ to eit&er a**init+ or to counsel
cD &e &as 0een nae$ counsel. (art+ #it&in t&e .t& $e1ree o* consan1uinit+ or #it&in
t&e )t& $e1ree? or e<ecutor, a$inistrator, 1uar$ian, trustee or
A otion to $is6uali*+ or in&i0it t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor a+ 0e *ile$ #it& t&e
Cit+;Provincial or C&ie* State Prosecutor concerne$ *or =ust or vali$ reasons
ot&er t&an t&ose entione$ a0ove.
SEC. -2. eriod to resol-e cases under preliminary in-estigation. - T&e *ollo#in1
(erio$s s&all 0e o0serve$ in t&e resolution o* cases un$er (reliinar+ investi1ationE
aD T&e (reliinar+ investi1ation o* co(laints c&ar1in1 a ca(ital o**ense s&all
Li G. Feli<, @. R. No.3)4-)7-/, an$ Fernan$e8 G. Feli<, @.R. No.3)!..7-/, 13) SCRA !3!
K1331L? See also Alla$o G. Dio5no, !'! SCRA 13! K133)L.
Torral0a vs. San$i1an0a+an, !'4 SCRA '' K133)L.
0e terinate$ an$ resolve$ #it&in ninet+ C34D $a+s *ro t&e $ate o*
assi1nent to t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor.
0D T&e (reliinar+ investi1ation o* all ot&er co(laints involvin1 cries
co1ni8a0le 0+ t&e Re1ional Trial Courts s&all 0e terinate$ an$ resolve$
#it&in si<t+ C.4D $a+s *ro t&e $ate o* assi1nent.
cD In cases o* co(laints involvin1 cries co1ni8a0le 0+ t&e Metro(olitan Trial Courts,
Munici(al Trial Courts an$ Munici(al Circuit Trial Courts, t&e (reliinar+
investi1ation 7 s&oul$ t&e sae 0e #arrante$ 0+ t&e circustances 7 s&all 0e
terinate$ an$ resolve$ #it&in si<t+C.4D $a+s *ro t&e $ate o* assi1nent to
t&e Investi1atin1 Prosecutor.
In all instances, t&e total (erio$ C*ro t&e $ate o* assi1nent to t&e tie o* actual
resolutionD t&at a+ 0e consue$ in t&e con$uct o* t&e *oral (reliinar+ investi1ation s&all
not e<cee$ t&e (erio$s (rescri0e$ &erein.
SECTION 1. +ub3ect of petition for re-iew.- Onl+ resolutions o* t&e C&ie* State
Prosecutor;Re1ional State Prosecutor;Provincial or Cit+ Prosecutor $isissin1 a criinal
co(laint a+ 0e t&e su0=ect o* a Petition *or Revie# to t&e Secretar+ o* Justice e<ce(t as
ot&er#ise (rovi$e$ in Section ) &ereo*.
A (etition *ro t&e resolution o* a Provincial;Cit+ Prosecutor #&ere t&e (enalt+
(rescri0e$ *or t&e o**ense c&ar1e$ $oes not e<cee$ prision correccional, re1ar$less o* t&e
i(osa0le *ine, s&all 0e a$e to t&e Re1ional State Prosecutor #&o s&all resolve t&e (etitions
#it& *inalit+. Suc& (etitions s&all also 0e 1overne$ 0+ t&ese rules.
T&e (rovision o* t&e (rece$in1 (ara1ra(& on t&e *inalit+ o* t&e resolution o* t&e
Re1ional State Prosecutor not#it&stan$in1, t&e Secretar+ o* Justice a+, in t&e interest o*
=ustice an$ (ursuant to &is resi$ual aut&orit+ o* su(ervision an$ control over t&e (rosecutors
o* t&e De(artent o* Justice, or$er t&e autoatic revie# 0+ &is o**ice o* t&e resolution o* t&e
Re1ional State Prosecutors in t&e cases a((eale$ to t&e latter.
SEC. !. eriod to file petition.- T&e (etition ust 0e *ile$ #it&in a (erio$ o* *i*teen
C1-D $a+s *ro recei(t o* t&e 6uestione$ resolution 0+ t&e (art+ or &is counsel. T&e (erio$
s&all 0e interru(te$ onl+ 0+ t&e *ilin1 o* a otion *or reconsi$eration #it&in ten C14D $a+s
*ro recei(t o* t&e resolution an$ s&all continue to run *ro t&e tie t&e resolution $en+in1
t&e otion s&all &ave 0een receive$ 0+ t&e ovant or &is counsel.
SEC. '. 4orm and contents. - T&e (etition s&all 0e veri*ie$ 0+ t&e (etitioner an$ s&all
contain t&e *ollo#in1E
aD $ate o* recei(t o* t&e 6uestione$ resolution? $ate o* *ilin1 o* t&e ot Dn *or
De(artent o* Justice Circular No.!) $ate$ !) Marc& 133-.
De(artent Or$er No.!!' $ate$ June '4,133' as aen$e$ 0+ DO No.'-3 $ate$ Octo0er
1/, 133-.
reconsi$eration? i* an+? an$ $ate o* recei(t o* t&e resolution on t&e otion *or
0D naes an$ a$$resses o* t&e (arties?
cD t&e Investi1ation Sli( Nu0er or I.S. No. an$;or criinal case nu0er an$
t&e title o* t&e case?
$D t&e venue o* t&e (reliinar+ investi1ation?
eD a clear an$ concise stateent o* t&e *acts, t&e assi1nent o* errors, an$ t&e
le1al 0asis o* t&e (etition?
*D in case o* a *in$in1 o* (ro0a0le cause, t&at (etitioner &as *ile$ in court a
otion to $e*er *urt&er (rocee$in1s? an$
1D (roo* o* service o* a co(+ o* t&e (etition to t&e a$verse (art+ or &is counsel an$ t&e
(rosecutor eit&er 0+ (ersonal $eliver+ or re1istere$ ail evi$ence$ 0+ t&e re1istr+
recei(ts an$ a**i$avit o* ailin1.
T&e (etitioner s&all a((en$ to &is (etition co(ies o* t&e aterial an$ (ertinent
a**i$avits;s#orn stateents Cinclu$in1 t&eir translations, i* an+, $ul+ certi*ie$ 0+ t&e
cit+;(rovincial (rosecutorD an$ evi$ence su0itte$ in t&e (reliinar+ investi1ation 0+ 0ot&
(arties an$ t&e 6uestione$ resolution.
T&e (rosecutor concerne$ s&all ie$iatel+ in*or t&e De(artent or
t&e Re1ional State Prosecutor o* t&e action o* t&e court on t&e otion to $e*er
*urt&er (rocee$in1s. I* t&e accuse$ is arrai1ne$ $urin1 t&e (en$enc+ o* t&e
(etition, t&e (rosecutor concerne$ s&all li5e#ise ie$iatel+ in*or t&e
De(artent or t&e Re1ional StatM Prosecutor o* suc& arrai1nent.
SEC. 7. Cases not sub3ect to re-iew8 e$ceptions.- No (etition a+ 0e
allo#e$ *ro a resolution o* t&e C&ie* State Prosecutor;Re1ional State
Prosecutor;Provincial or Cit+ Prosecutor *in$in1 (ro0a0le cause e<ce(t u(on
s&o#in1 o* ani*est error or 1rave a0use o* $iscretion. Eit&er
co(lainant;o**en$e$ (art+ or res(on$ent;accuse$ a+ *ile a (etition.
Not#it&stan$in1 t&e s&o#in1 o* ani*est error or 1rave a0use o* $iscretion no
(etition s&all 0e entertaine$ #&ere t&e accuse$ &a$ alrea$+ 0een arrai1ne$.
Once arrai1ne$, t&e (etition s&all 0e $isisse$ otu (ro(rio 0+ t&e Secretar+
o* Justice.
SEC. -. Answer.- %it&in a non7e<ten$i0le (erio$ o* *i*teen C1-D $a+s
*ro recei(t o* a co(+ o* t&e (etition, t&e res(on$ent a+ *ile a veri*ie$ ans#er
in$icatin1 t&erein t&e $ate t&at t&e co(+ o* t&e (etition #as receive$ #it& (roo*
o* service o* t&e ans#er to t&e (etitioner. I* no ans#er is *ile$, t&e case s&all 0e
resolve$ on t&e 0asis o* t&e (etition.
SEC. .. 9ithdrawal of petition.- T&e (etition a+ 0e #it&$ra#n at an+
tie 0e*ore it is *inall+ resolve$, in #&ic& case t&e 6uestione$ resolution s&all
SEC. /. %otion for rein-estigation.- At an+ tie a*ter t&e *ilin1 o* t&e
(etition an$ 0e*ore its resolution, t&e (etitioner a+, #it& leave o* court, *ile a
otion *or reinvesti1ation on t&e 1roun$ t&at ne# an$ aterial evi$ence &as
0een $iscovere$ #&ic& (etitioner coul$ not, #it& reasona0le $ili1ence, &ave
$iscovere$ $urin1 t&e (reliinar+ investi1ation an$ #&ic& i* (ro$uce$ an$
a$itte$ #oul$ (ro0a0l+ c&an1e t&e resolution. T&e De(artent or t&e
Re1ional State Prosecutor, as t&e case a+ 0e, s&all t&en issue a resolution
$irectin1 t&e reinvesti1ation o* t&e case, i* still le1all+ *easi0le. %&en
reinvesti1ation is 1rante$, it s&all ta5e (lace in t&e O**ice o* t&e Prosecutor
*ro #&ic& t&e (etition #as ta5en.
SEC. 2. Disposition of petition.- T&e Secretar+ o* Justice or t&e Re1ional State Prosecutor a+
reverse, a**ir or o$i*+ t&e 6uestione$ resolution. T&e+ a+, otu (ro(rio or on otion o* t&e
(etitioner, $isiss outri1&t t&e (etition on an+ o* t&e *ollo#in1 1roun$sE
aD t&at t&e o**ense &as (rescri0e$?
0D t&at t&ere is no s&o#in1 o* an+ reversi0le error?
cD t&at t&e (roce$ure or re6uireents &erein (rescri0e$ &ave not 0een co(lie$
$D t&at t&e 6uestione$ resolution is interlocutor+ in nature, e<ce(t #&en it
sus(en$s t&e (rocee$in1s 0ase$ on t&e alle1e$ e<istence o* a (re=u$icial
6uestion? or
eD t&at ot&er le1al or *actual 1roun$s e<ist to #arrant a $isissal.
SEC. :. %otion for ,econsideration.- T&e a11rieve$ (art+ a+ *ile a otion *or
reconsi$eration #it&in a non7e<ten$i0le (erio$ o* ten C14D $a+s *ro recei(t o* t&e resolution
on t&e (etition, *urnis&in1 t&e a$verse (art+ or &is counsel an$ t&e (rosecutor #it& co(ies
t&ereo*. No secon$ otion *or reconsi$eration s&all 0e entertaine$.
SEC. 14. .ffect of filing of petition. - A (etition *or revie#, otion *or
reconsi$eration;reinvesti1ation *ro a resolution *in$in1 (ro0a0le cause s&all not &ol$ t&e
*ilin1 o* t&e in*oration in court.
Pen$in1 resolution o* t&e Petition *or revie#, t&e accuse$ is entitle$ to a sus(ension
o* t&e (rocee$in1s, to t&e &ol$in1 in a0e+ance o* t&e issuance o* #arrant o* arrest, an$
$e*erent o* t&e arrai1nent.
SECTION 1. 1ail defined. - 9ail is t&e securit+ 1iven *or t&e release o* a (erson in
custo$+ o* t&e la#, *urnis&e$ 0+ &i or a 0on$san, con$itione$ u(on &is a((earance 0e*ore
Li5e a otion *or reconsi$eration o* t&e resolution o* t&e Cit+;Provincial Prosecutor, t&e
ri1&t to a (etition *or revie# is a (art o* $ue (rocess. Not#it&stan$in1 t&e rulin1 in Cres(o vs.
Mo1ul C1-1 SCRA ).' K132/LD, t&e Court a+ not (rocee$ #it& t&e criinal (rocee$in1s
until a*ter t&e resolution o* t&e Re1ional Prosecutor or o* t&e Secretar+ o* Justice s&all &ave
0ecoe *inal, an$ t&e corres(on$in1 otion &as 0een *ile$ in Court 0+ t&e trial (rosecutor to
#it&$ra# or $isiss t&e in*oration or to (rocee$ #it& t&e trial as t&e case a+ 0e, (er
*in$in1s in t&e (etition *or revie#. CSee Ro0erts? Jr. et al. vs. C.A. et al., ;*7 SCRA '4/
Rule 11), Rules on Criinal Proce$ure, as aen$e$ 0+ Su(ree Court A$inistrative
Circular No.1!73) $ate$ Au1ust 1., 133).
an+ court as re6uire$ un$er t&e con$itions &ereina*ter s(eci*ie$. 9ail a+ 0e 1iven in t&e
*or o* cor(orate suret+, (ro(ert+ 0on$, cas& $e(osit, or reco1ni8ance.
SEC. !. Nature of right to bad.- T&e ri1&t to 0ail is 1uarantee$ 0+ t&e Constitution. It
is t&e $ut+ o* t&e (rosecutor to recoen$ suc& aount o* 0ail to t&e courts o* =ustice as, in
&is o(inion, #oul$ ensure t&e a((earance o* an accuse$ (erson #&en so re6uire$ 0+ t&e
SEC. '. Non-bailable offense. - No (erson c&ar1e$ #it& a ca(ital o**ense, or an
o**ense (unis&a0le 0+ reclusion perpetua or li*e i(risonent, #&en evi$ence o* 1uilt is
stron1, s&all 0e a$itte$ to 0ail re1ar$less o* t&e sta1e o* t&e criinal (rosecution.
SEC. ) Criteria in recommending amount of bail. - In recoen$in1 t&e aount o*
0ail to 0e 1rante$ 0+ t&e court, t&e (rosecutor s&all ta5e into consi$eration t&e *ollo#in1
stan$ar$s an$ criteriaE
aD *inancial a0ilit+ o* t&e res(on$ent;accuse$ to (ost 0ail?
0D nature an$ circustances o* t&e o**ense?
cD (enalt+ *or t&e o**ense c&ar1e$?
$D a1e, state o* &ealt&, c&aracter an$ re(utation o* t&e res(on$ent;accuse$ un$er
eD #ei1&t o* t&e evi$ence a1ainst t&e res(on$ent;accuse$ un$er $etention?
*D *or*eiture o* ot&er 0on$s an$ (en$enc+ o* ot&er cases #&erein t&e
res(on$ent;accuse$ un$er $etention is un$er 0on$?
1D t&e *act t&at res(on$ent;accuse$ un$er $etention #as a *u1itive *ro =ustice
#&en a((re&en$e$? an$
&D ot&er *actors a**ectin1 t&e (ro0a0ilit+ o* t&e accuse$ a((earin1 at t&e trial.
SEC. -. 1urden of proof in bail application. - At t&e &earin1 o* an a((lication *or
a$ission to 0ail *ile$ 0+ an+ (erson #&o is in custo$+ *or t&e coission o* an o**ense
(unis&a0le 0+ $eat&, reclusion perpetual or li*e i(risonent, t&e (rosecution &as t&e 0ur$en
o* s&o#in1 t&at evi$ence o* 1uilt is stron1. T&e evi$ence (resente$ $urin1 t&e 0ail &earin1s
s&all 0e consi$ere$ autoaticall+ re(ro$uce$ at t&e trial, 0ut u(on otion o* eit&er (art+, t&e
court a+ recall an+ #itness *or a$$itional e<aination unless t&e #itness is $ea$, outsi$e o*
t&e P&ili((ines or ot&er#ise una0le to testi*+.
SEC. (. ,ecogni/ance. - %&enever allo#e$ (ursuant to la# or t&ese Rules, t&e court
a+ release a (erson in custo$+ on &is o#n reco1ni8ance or t&at o* a res(onsi0le (erson.
SEC. /. 1ail, when not re'uired8 reduced bail or recogni/ance. - No 0ail s&all 0e
re6uire$ #&en t&e la# or t&e Rules issue$ 0+ t&e Su(ree Court so (rovi$e
De(artent o* Justice Circular No.'., Se(t. 1, 1321.
Sec. ., Rule 11), su(ra? De(artent o* Justice Circular No.), series o* 133., e**ective 1
Fe0ruar+ 133..
See RA .4'. an$ Rules on Suar+ Proce$ure? Art. !3, Revise$
Penal Co$e? 9P 9I1 2- K1324L? Sec. 1', Rule 11), i0i$.
%&en a (erson &as 0een in custo$+ *or a (erio$ e6ual to or ore t&an t&e (ossi0le
a<iu i(risonent o* t&e o**ense c&ar1e$ to #&ic& &e a+ 0e sentence$, &e s&all 0e
release$ ie$iatel+ #it&out (re=u$ice to t&e continuation o* t&e trial t&ereo* or t&e
(rocee$in1s on a((eal. In case t&e a<iu (enalt+ to #&ic& t&e accuse$ a+ 0e sentence$
is destierro, &e s&all 0e release$ a*ter t&irt+ C'4D $a+s o* (reventive i(risonent.
A (erson in custo$+ *or a (erio$ e6ual to or ore t&an t&e iniu o* t&e (rinci(al
(enalt+ (rescri0e$ *or t&e o**ense c&ar1e$ #it&out a((lication o* t&e In$eterinate Sentence
La# or an+ o$i*+in1 circustance, s&all 0e release$ on a re$uce$ 0ail or on &is o#n
reco1ni8ance, at t&e $iscretion o* t&e court.
SEC. 2. Notice of application for hail to prosecutor. - In an a((lication *or 0ail, t&e
court s&all 1ive reasona0le notice o* t&e &earin1 to t&e (rosecutor or re6uire &i to su0it &is
SEC. 3. Cancellation of hail bond. - U(on a((lication *ile$ #it& t&e court an$ a*ter
$ue notice to t&e (rosecutor, t&e 0ail 0on$ a+ 0e cancele$ u(on surren$er o* t&e accuse$ or
(roo* o* &is $eat&.
T&e 0ail 0on$ s&all 0e $eee$ autoaticall+ cancele$ u(on ac6uittal o* t&e accuse$
or $isissal o* t&e case or e<ecution o* t&e *inal =u$1ent o* conviction.
In all instances, t&e cancellation s&all 0e #it&out (re=u$ice to an+ lia0ilit+ on t&e
SEC. 14. Arrest of accused out on hail. - For t&e (ur(ose o* surren$erin1 t&e accuse$,
t&e 0on$sen a+ arrest &i, or on #ritten aut&orit+ en$orse$ on a certi*ie$ co(+ o* t&e
un$erta5in1 a+ cause &i to 0e arreste$ 0+ an+ (olice o**icer or an+ ot&er (erson o* suita0le
a1e an$ $iscretion.
An accuse$ release$ on 0ail a+ 0e re7arreste$ #it&out t&e necessit+ o* a #arrant i*
&e atte(ts to $e(art *ro t&e P&ili((ines #it&out (rior (erission o* t&e court #&ere t&e
case is (en$in1.
SEC. 11. No had after final 3udgment, e$ception. - An accuse$ s&all not 0e allo#e$
0ail a*ter t&e =u$1ent &as 0ecoe *inal, unless &e &as a((lie$ *or (ro0ation
0e*ore coencin1 to serve sentence, t&e (enalt+ an$ t&e o**ense 0ein1
#it&in t&e (urvie# o* t&e Pro0ation La#. In case t&e accuse$ &as a((lie$
*or (ro0ation, &e a+ 0e allo#e$ te(orar+ li0ert+ un$er &is 0ail 0on$,
0ut i* no 0ail #as *ile$ or t&e accuse$ is inca(a0le o* *ilin1 one, t&e court
a+ allo# &is release on reco1ni8ance un$er t&e custo$+ o* a res(onsi0le
e0er o* t&e counit+. In no case s&all 0ail 0e allo#e$ a*ter t&e
accuse$ &as coence$ to serve sentence.
SEC. 1!. ,ules in computing the bail to be recommended. - To ac&ieve uni*orit+ in
t&e aount o* 0ail to 0e recoen$e$, t&e *ollo#in1 rules s&all 0e o0serve$E
aD %&ere t&e (enalt+ is reclusion perpetua, li*e i(risonent,
reclusion perpetua to $eat& or $eat&, 0ail is not a atter o* ri1&t?
&ence, it s&all not 0e recoen$e$.
0D %&ere 0ail is a atter o* ri1&t an$ t&e i(osa0le (enalt+ is
i(risonent an$;or *ine, t&e 0ail s&all 0e co(ute$ on t&e 0asis o*
t&e (enalt+ o* i(risonent a((l+in1 t&e *ollo#in1 rulesE
1. #&ere t&e (enalt+ is reclusion temporal Cre1ar$less o*
(erio$D to reclusion perpetua, 0ail s&all 0e co(ute$ 0ase$
on t&e a<iu o* reclusion temporal.
ii. #&ere t&e i(osa0le (enalt+ is correccional or a**lictive, 0ait
s&all 0e 0ase$ on t&e a<iu o* t&e (enalt+, ulti(lie$ 0+
P!,444.44. A *raction o* a +ear s&all 0e roun$e$7o** to one
iii. *or cries covere$ 0+ t&e Rules on Suar+ Proce$ure an$
Re(u0lic Act No. .4'., 0ail is not re6uire$ e<ce(t #&en
res(on$ent;accuse$ is un$er arrest, in #&ic& case, 0ail s&all
0e co(ute$ in accor$ance #it& t&is 1ui$eline.
iv *or cries o* rec5less i(ru$ence resultin1 in &oici$e
arisin1 *ro violation o* t&e Lan$ Trans(ortation an$ Tra**ic
Co$e, 0ail s&all 0e P'4,444.44 (er $ecease$ (erson.
v. *or violation o* 9atas Pa0ansa 9l1. !!, 0ail s&all 0e -4R o*
t&e aount o* c&ec5 0ut s&oul$ not 0e less t&an
P!,444.O4nor ore t&an P'4,444.44.
%&ere t&e i(osa0le (enalt+ is onl+ a *ine, 0ail s&all 0e co(ute$ as
1. *ine not e<cee$in1 P!,444.44,0ail is not re6uire$.
ii. *ine o* ore t&an P!,444.44,0ail s&all 0e -4R o* t&e *ine 0ut
s&oul$ not e<cee$ P'4,444.44.
iii. in case o* rec5less i(ru$ence resultin1 to $aa1e to (ro(ert+,
0ail s&all 0e t&ree7ei1&t&s C';2D o* t&e value o* t&e $aa1e 0ut not
e<cee$in1 P'4,OOO.OO e<ce(t #&en covere$ 0+ t&e Rules on
Suar+ Proce$ure.
$D 9ail 0ase$ on t&e a<iu (enalt+, ulti(lie$ 0+ P1O,OOO.OO,s&all 0e
a((lie$ to t&e *ollo#in1 o**enses un$er t&e *ollo#in1 la#sE
I. Re(u0lic Act No..)!- CDan1erous Dru1s ActD, as aen$e$
0+ RA /.-3?
ii. Re(u0lic Act No..-'3 CAnti7Carna((in1 ActD, as aen$e$
0+ RA /.-3?
iii. Re(u0lic Act No./.-3 C*or ot&er cries covere$ 0+ itD?
iv. Presi$ential Decree No. 12. CIlle1al Possession o* Firears,
Aunition or E<(losivesD, as aen$e$ 0+ RA 2!3)?
v. Re(u0lic Act No. 13'/ CTari** an$ Custos Co$eD, as
aen$e$? or
vi. Re0ellion, insurrection or Cou( $Betat as aen$e$ 0+
Re(u0lic Act No..3.2.
SEC. 1'. etition for bail in a continuous trial. - In case a (etition *or 0ail is *ile$ 0+
t&e accuse$ an$ t&e court or$ers a continuous trial o* t&e case, t&e (u0lic (rosecutor s&all 0e
(re(are$ #it& &is (rinci(al #itnesses. %&ere t&ere are several accuse$ an$ one or t#o *ile$ a
(etition to 0ail, t&e trial (rosecutor s&all, 0e*ore t&e (resentation o* &is *irst #itness, ani*est
in o(en court t&at t&e evi$ence to 0e (resente$ in t&e &earin1 o* t&e (etition *or 0ail s&all 0e
a$o(te$ as its evi$ence7inc&ie*.
SECTION 1. Definition of probable cause as a ground for an arrest or issuance of a
warrant of arrest. 7 Pro0a0le cause is suc& *acts an$ circustances #&ic& #oul$ lea$ a
reasona0l+ $iscreet an$ (ru$ent an to 0elieve t&at an o**ense &as 0een coitte$ 0+ t&e
(erson sou1&t to 0e arreste$.
SEC. !. ,emedy if no warrant of arrest is issued by the in-estigating 3udge. -I* t&e
investi1atin1 =u$1e is satis*ie$ t&at t&ere is (ro0a0le cause 0ut $i$ not issue t&e #arrant o*
arrest contrar+ to t&e (rosecutorBs 0elie* t&at t&ere is a nee$ to (lace t&e accuse$ un$er
custo$+, t&e s(ee$+ an$ a$e6uate ree$+ o* t&e (rosecutor is to ie$iatel+ *ile t&e
in*oration so t&at t&e Re1ional Trial Court =u$1e a+ issue t&e #arrant *or t&e arrest o* t&e
SEC. '. ,e'uest for a copy of the return. - I* a #arrant o* arrest &as 0een issue$, t&e
(rosecutor a+ re6uest t&e #arrant o**icer t&at &e 0e *urnis&e$ #it& t&e o**icerBs return
relative t&ereto. T&e (rosecutor s&all, as *ar as (ractica0le, coor$inate #it& t&e #itnesses *ro
tie to tie to ascertain t&e #&erea0outs o* t&e accuse$ (en$in1 t&e latterBs arrest.
SECTION 1. Concept of arraignment. - Arrai1nent is a an$ator+ re6uireent t&at
see5s to 1ive t&e accuse$ t&e o((ortunit+, at t&e *irst instance, to 5no# #&+ t&e (rosecutin1
ar o* 1overnent &as 0een o0ili8e$ a1ainst &i an$ to (lea$. At t&e arrai1nent, t&e
accuse$ a+ enter a (lea o* 1uilt+ or not 1uilt+.
SEC. !. Duties of trial prosecutor. -
aD 9e*ore t&e arrai1nent o* t&e accuse$, t&e trial (rosecutor s&all e<aine t&e
in*oration vis7a7vis t&e resolution o* t&e investi1atin1 (rosecutor in or$er to
a5e t&e necessar+ corrections or revisions an$ to ensure t&at t&e in*oration
is su**icient in *or an$ su0stance.
9eas, T&e Constitution o* t&e Re(u0lic o* t&e P&ili((ines, a
Coentar+, Gol. I, First E$., 132/, ((.2.72/ cite$ in De(artent
Circular No.!), $ate$ Marc& !) 133-.
Saul$e vs. Salvani,Jr., 1.- SCRA /!) K1322L.
0D A*ter arrai1nent, t&e trial (rosecutor s&all (re(are &is #itnesses *or trial.
@overnent #itnesses, e.1. e$ico7le1al o**icer, c&eist, *orensic e<(erts,
e<ainers etc. s&oul$, as uc& as (ractica0le, 0e (resente$ in accor$ance
#it& t&e lo1ical a:$ c&ronolo1ical se6uence o* t&e tec&nical as(ects to 0e
SEC. '. .ffect of filing a petition for re-iew. - %&en an a11rieve$ (art+ani*ests in court t&at
&e &as a (en$in1 (etition *or revie# #it& t&e De(artent o* Justice an$ oves *or a $e*erent o* t&e
arrai1nent (en$in1 resolution o* &is (etition, t&e Trial Prosecutor a+ con*or t&ereto once (roo* o*
sai$ (etition &as 0een (resente$ 0+ t&e (etitioner to &is satis*action.
SEC. ). Concept of plea. - T&e (lea is t&e re(l+ o* t&e accuse$ to t&e c&ar1e. It raises t&e issue
to 0e trie$ an$ on #&ic& t&e =u$1ent;sentence o* t&e court can 0e (ro(erl+ 0ase$.
SECTION 1. Coflc<pt ofpre-trial. - A (re7trial is a (rocess #&ere0+ t&e accuse$ an$
t&e (rosecutors in a criinal case #or5 out, usuall+ at t&e arrai1nent sta1e, a naturall+
satis*actor+ $is(osition o* a case su0=ect to court a((roval in or$er to e<(e$ite t&e trial o* t&e
T&e (rosecutor s&all enter into a (re7trial onl+ #&en t&e accuse$ an$ counsel a1ree
an$ u(on or$er o* t&e court.
SEC. !. Duties of prosecutor before and after the pre-trial conference. -9e*ore t&e
(re7trial con*erence, t&e (rosecutor s&oul$ 5no# ever+ *act an$ $etail o* t&e case. T&is can 0e
acco(lis&e$ 0+ intervie#in1 t&e co(lainant an$ ot&er #itnesses an$ a*ter a t&orou1&
e<aination o* t&e availa0le $ocuentar+ an$ ot&er (&+sical evi$ence. T&e (rosecutor s&oul$
(lace i(ortance B??n t&e testion+ o* t&e e<(ert #itness. T&e 5no#le$1e t&at t&e (rosecutor
#ill 1ain *ro sai$ #itness #ill &el( &i $eterine t&e (roce$ures un$erta5en in t&e
e<aination o* a su0=ect or t&in1? t&e scienti*ic or tec&nical ters a((lie$, an$ t&e reason;s in
arrivin1 at a certain conclusion.
Durin1 t&e (re7trial (rocess, t&e (rosecutor s&all 0ear in in$ t&at &e &as to (rove &is
case 0e+on$ a reasona0le $ou0t an$ t&at ever+ act or inci$ent s&oul$ 0e (rove$ 0+ t&e
testion+ o* 6uali*ie$ an$ co(etent #itnesses.
A*ter t&e (re7trial con*erence, t&e (rosecutor s&all ensure t&at an+ a1reeent or
a$ission a$e or entere$ t&erein is in #ritin1 an$ si1ne$ 0+ t&e accuse$ an$ &is counsel.
SEC. '. +ub3ect matters - T&e (re7trial con*erence s&all consi$er t&e
aD Plea 0ar1ainin1 7 T&is is a (rocess #&ere t&e $e*en$ants usuall+ (lea$ 1uilt+
Rule 112, Rules on Criinal Proce$ure.
9lac5Bs La# Dictionar+, -t& E$. 13/3, (.14'/.
to a lesser o**ense or to onl+ one or soe o* t&e counts o* a ulti7count
in$ictent in return *or a li1&ter sentence t&an t&at *or t&e 1raver c&ar1e
0D Sti(ulation o* *acts7 T&is is t&e a1reeent o* t&e (arties on soe *acts a$itte$,
soe *acts covere$ 0+ =u$icial notice CSec. 1, Rule 1!3D, =u$icial a$issions CSec. !
Rule 1!3D, or on atters not ot&er#ise $is(ute$ 0+ t&e. In cases re6uirin1 t&e
(resentation o* 1overnent #itnesses or evi$ence, t&e Trial Prosecutor s&oul$ e<ert
ever+ e**ort to secure a #aiver 0+ t&e accuse$ o* o0=ections to t&e a$issi0ilit+ o*
certain $ocuentar+ evi$ence, e.1., e$ical or $eat& ceni*icare, necro(s+ re(ort,
*orensic c&eistr+ re(ort, 0allistics re(ort, P&ili((ineOverseas an$ E(lo+ent
A$inistration CPOEAD Certi*ication, an$ t&e li5e, i* suc& evi$ence &as no relevance
#&atsoever to t&e t&eor+ o* t&e $e*ense, in or$er to $:s(ense #it& t&e (resentation
an$ testion+ in court o* 1overnent #itnesses. %&enever a((ro(riate or necessar+,
t&e counter7a**i$avit o* t&e accuse$ su0itte$ lurin1 t&e (reliinar+ investi1ation
a+ 0e resorte$ to or availe$ o* to $enions:rate or esta0lis& t&e $e*ense t&eor+?
cD Mar5in1 o* $ocuentar+ evi$ence in a$vance *or i$enti*ication?
$D %aiver in a$vance o* o0=ections to a$issi0ilit+ o* evi$ence?
eD List o* #itnesses to 0e (resente$ #&ic& s&oul$ 0e 6uali*ie$ 0+ t&e
*ollo#in1 stateentE At&at ot&er #itnesses a+ 0e (resente$ in t&e
course o* t&e trialA? an$
*D Suc& ot&er atters as #ill (roote a *air an$ e<(e$itious trial.
SEC. ). lea of guilty to a lesser offense. - T&e *ollo#in1 rules s&all a((l+ to cases
#&ere t&e accuse$ (lea$s 1uilt+ to a lesser o**enseE
aD T&e Trial Prosecutor s&all ie$iatel+ ove *or t&e sus(ension o*
t&e (rocee$in1s #&enever t&e accuse$ ani*ests &is intention in court
to (lea$ 1uilt+ to a lesser o**ense. T&is #ill ena0le t&e Trial
Prosecutor to evaluate t&e i(lications o* t&e o**er.
0D I* t&e lesser o**ense to #&ic& t&e accuse$ #ill (lea$ 1uilt+ is not a
ca(ital o**ense, t&e Trial Prosecutor a+ $is(ense #it& t&e
(resentation o* evi$ence unless t&e court $irects ot&er#ise.
cD T&e Trial Prosecutor, #it& t&e consent o* t&e o**en$e$ (art+, a+
motu propno a1ree to t&e o**er o* t&e accuse$ to (lea$ 1uilt+ to a
lesser o**ense i* t&e (enalt+ i(osa0le t&ere*or is prision correcional
Ca<iu o* si< K.1 +earsD or less or a *ine not e<cee$in1
$D %&en t&e (enalt+ i(osa0le *or t&e o**ense c&ar1e$ is prision mayor
Cat least si< K.L +ears an$ one K11 $a+ or &i1&erD or a *ine e<cee$in1
:1!,OOO.OO, t&e Trial Prosecutor s&all *irst su0it &is
coent;recoen$ation to t&e Cit+ or Provincial Prosecutor or to
t&e C&ie* State Prosecutor, as t&e case a+ 0e, *or a((roval. I* t&e
recoen$ation is a((rove$ in #ritin1, t&e Trial Prosecutor, a+,
#it& t&e consent o* t&e o**en$e$ (art+, a1ree to a (lea o* 1uilt+ to a
lesser o**ense. For t&is (ur(ose, t&e C&ie* State Prosecutor or t&e
Provincial or Cit+ Prosecutor concerne$ s&all act on t&e
recoen$ation o* t&e Trial Prosecutor #it&in *ort+7ei1&t C)2D &ours
i0i$, (.14'/.
*ro recei(t t&ereo*. In no case s&all t&e su0=ect (lea to a lesser
o**ense 0e allo#e$ #it&out t&e #ritten a((roval o* t&e a0ove
res(ective &ea$s o* o**ice.
eD In all cases, t&e (enalt+ *or t&e lesser o**ense to #&ic& t&e accuse$
a+ 0e allo#e$ to (lea$ 1uilt+ s&all not 0e ore t&an t#o C!D
$e1rees lo#er t&an t&e i(osa0le (enalt+ *or t&e crie c&ar1e$,
not#it&stan$in1 t&e (resence o* iti1atin1 circustances. T&e lesser
o**ense s&all also 0e one t&at is necessaril+ relate$ to t&e o**ense
c&ar1e$ or t&e o**ense ust 0elon1 to t&e sae classi*ication or title
un$er t&e Revise$ Penal Co$e or t&erelevant s(ecial la#s.
"o#ever, t&e (lea o* 1uilt+ to a lesser o**ense a+ not 0e allo#e$ #&ere it so
contravenes lo: n$ coon sense as to 0e unconsciona0le, t&ere0+ resultin1 in
us, #&ere t&e o**ense c&ar1e$ is &oici$e, a (lea o* 1uilt+ to a lesser o**ense o* *rustrate$ or
atte(te$ &oici$e, a+ not 0e allo#e$, since t&e *act o* $eat& cannot 0e reconcile$ #it& t&e
(lea o* 1uilt+ to *rustrate$ or atte(te$ &oici$e. "oici$e necessaril+ (ro$uces $eat&,
#&ile *rustrate$ or atte(te$ &oici$e $oes not.
SEC. -. when accused pleads guilty to a capital offense. - I* t&e accuse$ (lea$s 1uilt+
to a ca(ital o**ense, t&e Trial Prosecutor ust (resent evi$ence to (rove t&e 1uilt o* t&e
accuse$ an$ t&e (recise $e1ree o* &is cul(a0ilit+. T&is is an$ator+.
SECTION 1. Definition of trial. - A trial is a =u$icial e<aination o* t&e clais at
issue in a case #&ic& are (resente$ 0+ t&e (rosecution an$ $e*ense to ena0le t&e court to
arrive at a =u$1ent (ronouncin1 eit&er t&e 1uilt or innocence o* t&e accuse$.
SEC. !. Concept of trial. - T&e o0=ect o* a trial is to ete out =ustice, an$ to convict
t&e 1uilt+ an$ (rotect t&e innocent. T&us, t&e trial s&oul$ 0e a searc& *or t&e trut& an$ not a
contest over tec&nicalities an$ ust 0e con$ucte$ un$er suc& rules as #ill (rotect t&e
SEC. '. .$peditious prosecution of criminal cases filed with the courts. 7T&e Trial
Prosecutor s&all al#a+s 0e (re(are$ to con$uct t&e (rosecution #it& &is #itnesses #&o s&all
0e su0(oenae$ #ell in a$vance o* t&e sc&e$ule$ trial $ates.
No (ost(oneent o* t&e trial or
ot&er (rocee$in1s o* a criinal case s&all 0e initiate$ or cause$ 0+ t&e Trial Prosecutor e<ce(t
in instances #&ere t&e (ost(oneent is occasione$ 0+ t&e a0sence o* aterial #itnesses or *or
ot&er causes 0e+on$ &is control or not attri0uta0le to &i.
SEC. ). Order of presentation of witnesses. -
aD T&e or$er in t&e (resentation o* #itnesses #ill 0e le*t to t&e
$iscretion o* t&e Trial Prosecutor. "o#ever, t&e (rosecutor s&oul$ ta5e into
De(artent o* Justice Circular No.--, $ate$ '1 Jul+ 1334.
Aatan vs. Au=ero !)2 SCRA -11C133-D.
consi$eration t&e or$er o* events as esta0lis&e$ 0+ t&e evi$ence o* t&e
0D %itnesses #&o #ill testi*+ *or t&e *irst tie s&all 0e a**or$e$ t&e
o((ortunit+ to 0e a$vise$ to o0serve criinal (rocee$in1s in court to &el(
t&e overcoe t&eir an<iet+, e<citeent an$ tension.
SEC. -. reparation of formal offer of e$hibits. - T&e Trial Prosecutor s&all sa*el+
5ee( &is $ocuentar+ an$ ot&er (&+sical evi$ence an$ (re(are a list t&ereo* in t&e or$er t&e+
&ave 0een ar5e$ as e<&i0its, i$enti*+in1 eac& 0+ letter or nu0er, $escri0in1 it 0rie*l+, an$
statin1 its s(eci*ic (ur(ose or (ur(oses.
SEC. .. Defense e-idence. -
aD 9e*ore rece(tion o* evi$ence *or t&e $e*ense starts, t&e Trial Prosecutor s&all
as5 *ro t&e a$verse counsel t&e nu0er o* #itnesses &e inten$s to (resent.
0D I* t&e naes o* $e*ense #itnesses are $isclose$ t&e Trial Prosecutor s&all elicit *ro
relia0le sources t&e #&erea0outs o* t&ese #itnesses, t&eir oral c&aracter,,
0ac51roun$, reasons *or testi*+in1 an$
relations&i( #it& t&e accuse$, aon1 ot&er t&in1s, to ena0le &i to &ave a clear vie#
o* t&e $e*ense o* t&e accuse$.
SEC. 0. Discharge of accused to he state witness. - %&en t#o or ore (ersons are =ointl+
c&ar1e$ #it& t&e coission o* an+ o**ense, u(on otion o* t&e (rosecution 0e*ore restin1 its case, t&e
court a+ $irect one or ore o* t&e accuse$ to 0e $isc&ar1e$ #it& t&eir consent so t&at t&e+ a+ 0e
#itnesses *or t&e state (rovi$e$ t&e court, a*ter &earin1, is satis*ie$ t&atE
aD T&ere is a0solute necessit+ *or t&e testion+ o* t&e accuse$ #&ose $isc&ar1e
is re6ueste$.
0D T&ere is no ot&er $irect evi$ence availa0le *or t&e (ro(er (rosecution o* t&e
o**ense coitte$, e<ce(t t&e testion+ o* sai$ accuse$,
as #&en &e alone &as
5no#le$1e o* t&e crie, an$ not #&en &is testion+ #oul$ si(l+ corro0orate or
ot&er#ise stren1t&en t&e evi$ence in t&e &an$s o* t&e (rosecution?
cD T&e testion+ o* sai$ accuse$ can 0e su0stantiall+ corro0orate$ in its aterial (oints.
T&is is an in$is(ensa0le re6uireent 0ecause it is a notorious *act in &uan nature
t&at a cul(rit, con*essin1 to a crie, is li5el+ to (ut t&e 0lae on ot&ers rat&er t&an
&isel*. T&us, even t&ou1& a court a+ 1et t&e stateent o* a $isc&ar1e$ accuse$
t&at ot&er (articular (ersons #ere en1a1e$ in t&e crie, it is unsa*e to acce(t #it&out
corro0oratin1 evi$ence, &is stateents concernin1 t&e relative 0lae to 0e attac&e$ to
$i**erent e0ers o* &is 1an1?:
$D Sai$ accuse$ $oes not a((ear to 0e t&e ost 1uilt+.3 T&e ere *act t&at t&e #itness
sou1&t to 0e $isc&ar1e$ &a$ (lea$e$ 1uilt+ In t&e crie c&ar1e$ $oes not violate t&e
rule t&at t&e $isc&ar1e$ $e*en$ant ust not Aa((ear to 0e t&e ost 1uilt+P. An$ even i*
t&e #itness s&oul$ lac5 soe o* t&e 6uali*ications enuerate$ 0+ Sec. 3, Rule 113,
&is testion+ #ill not, *or t&at reason alone, 0e $iscar$e$ or $isre1ar$e$.14 T&e
1roun$ un$erl+in1 t&e rule is not to let a crie t&at &as 0een coitte$ 1o
un(unis&e$? so an accuse$ #&o is not t&e ost 1uilt+ is allo#e$ to testi*+ a1ainst
t&e ost 1uilt+, in or$er to ac&ieve t&e 1reater (ur(ose o* securin1 t&e conviction
o* t&e ore or ost 1uilt+ an$ t&e 1reatest nu0er aon1 t&e accuse$ (eritte$ to
0e convicte$ *or t&e o**ense t&e+ coitte$.BB "o#ever, alt&ou1& an accuse$ $i$ not
coit anv o* t&e sta00in1, it is a ista5e to $isc&ar1e &i as a state S#itness #&ere
&e is 0oun$ in a cons(irac+. All t&e (er(etrators o* t&e o**ense 0oun$ in cons(irac+
are e6uall+ 1uilt+.
eD Sai$ accuse$ &as not at anv tie 0een convicte$ o* an+ o**ense involvin1 oral
Evi$ence a$$uce$ in su((ort o* t&e $isc&ar1e s&a11 autoaticall+ *or (art o* t&e trial. I*
t&e court $enies t&e otion *or $isc&ar1e o* t&e accuse$ as state #itness, &is s#orn stateent
s&all 0e ina$issi0le in evi$ence.
SEC. 2. 9itness protection. - An accuse$ #&o is $isc&ar1e$ *ro an in*oration or
criinal co(laint in or$er t&at &e a+ 0e a state #itness as (rovi$e$ in t&e (rece$in1
section a+, u(on &is (etition, 0e a$itte$ to t&e %itness Protection Pro1ra un$er R.A.
No..321, AT&e %itness Protection, Securit+ an$ 9ene*it ActA i* &e co(lies #it& t&e ot&er
re6uireents o* sai$ Act.
SEC. 3. Other persons who may a-ail of the 9itness rotection rogram. -T&e *ollo#in1
a+ also avail o* t&e %itness Protection Pro1ra un$er R.A. No.
aD An+ (erson #&o &as #itnesse$ or &as 5no#le$1e o* or in*oration
on t&e coission o* a crie an$ &as testi*ie$ or is testi*+in1 or is a0out to
testi*+ 0e*ore an+ =u$icial or 6uasi=u$icial 0o$+, or 0e*ore an+ investi1atin1
aut&orit+, Provi$e$, t&atE
1. t&e o**ense in #&ic& &is testion+ #ill 0e use$ is a 1rave *elon+ as
$e*ine$ un$er t&e Revise$ Penal Co$e or its e6uivalent un$er s(ecial
ii. &is testion+ can 0e su0stantiall+ corro0orate$ on its aterial (oints?
iii. &e or an+ e0er o* &is *ail+ #it&in t&e secon$ civil $e1ree o*
consan1uinit+ or a**init+ is su0=ecte$ to t&reats to &is li*e or 0o$il+
in=ur+ or t&ere is a li5eli&oo$ t&at &e #ill 0e 5ille$, *orce$,
intii$ate$, &arasse$ or corru(te$ to (revent &i *ro testi*+in1, or
to testi*+ *alsel+ or evasivel+, 0ecause or on account o* &is testion+?
iv. &e is not a la# en*orceent o**icer, even i* &e #oul$ 0e testi*+in1
a1ainst ot&er la# en*orceent o**icers. In suc& a case, onl+ t&e
ie$iate e0ers o* &is *ail+ a+ avail t&eselves o* t&e
(rotection (rovi$e$ *or un$er t&e Act.
0D An+ (erson #&o &as (artici(ate$ in t&e coission o* a crie an$
$esires to 0e a #itness *or t&e State, #&enever t&e *ollo#in1 circustances
are (resentE
&. . t&e o**ense in #&ic& testion+ #ill 0e use$ is a 1rave *elon+ as
$e*ine$ un$er t&e Revise$ Penal Co$e or its e6uivalent un$er
s(ecial la#s?
ii. t&ere is a0solute necessit+ *or &is testion+?
iii. t&ere is no ot&er $irect evi$ence availa0le *or t&e (ro(er (rosecution
o* t&e o**ense coitte$?
iv &is testion+ can 0e su0stantiall+ corro0orate$ on its aterial
G. &e $oes not a((ear to 0e t&e ost 1uilt+? an$
vi &e &as not at an+ tie 0een convicte$ o* an+ crie involvin1
oral tur(itu$e.
SEC. 14. %otions for postponement of accused. - Motions *or (ost(oneent t&at are
initiate$ 0+ t&e accuse$ s&oul$ 0e vi1orousl+ o((ose$ 0+ t&e Trial Prosecutor an$ &e s&oul$
a5e o* recor$ &is o0=ections t&ereto, leavin1 to t&e courtBs $iscretion t&e $is(osition o* t&e
su0=ect otions.B
SEC. 11. Discontinuance of proceedings. - Durin1 t&e (resentation o* t&e (rosecutionBs
evi$ence, t&e Trial Prosecutor s&all not cause or allo# t&e $iscontinuance o* t&e (rocee$in1s
e<ce(t *or ot&er siilarl+ co(ellin1 reasons not attri0uta0le to &i.
SEC. 1!. resentation of e-idence. - Eac& (art+ is 0oun$ to co(lete t&e (resentation o*
&is evi$ence #it&in t&e trial $ates assi1ne$ to &i. A*ter t&e la(se o* sai$ $ates, t&e (art+ is
$eee$ to &ave co(lete$ &is evi$ence (resentation. "o#ever, u(on veri*ie$ otion 0ase$
on serious reasons, t&e =u$1e a+ allo# t&e (art+ a$$itional trial $ates in t&e a*ternoon?
(rovi$e$ t&at sai$ e<tension #ill not 1o 0e+on$ t&e t&ree7ont& liit co(ute$ *ro t&e *irst
trial $ate. B-
%&ere a Trial Prosecutor, #it&out 1oo$ cause, secures (ost(oneents o* t&e trial over
t&e o0=ections o* a $e*en$ant 0e+on$ a reasona0le (erio$ o* tie, t&e accuse$ is entitle$ to
relie* 0+ a (rocee$in1 in mandamus to co(el a $isissal o* t&e in*oration, or i* &e 0e
restraine$ o* &is li0ert+, 0+ &a0eas cor(us to o0tain &is *ree$o
SEC. 1'. Order of trial.- U(on recei(t o* t&e notice o* trial, t&e (rosecutor s&all revie#
t&e recor$ o* t&e case *or trial an$ co(lete &is (re(aration t&ere*ore 0earin1 in in$ t&at
trial, once coence$, a+ continue *ro $a+ to $a+ until terinate$, an$ t&at trial s&all
(rocee$ in t&e *ollo#in1 or$er (ursuant to Sec. ', Rule 113 o* t&e Rules o* Criinal
aD T&e (rosecution s&all (resent evi$ence to (rove t&e c&ar1e an$, in t&e
(ro(er case, t&e civil lia0ilit+.
0D T&e accuse$ a+ (resent evi$ence to (rove &is $e*ense, an$ $aa1es, i*
an+, arisin1 *ro t&e issuance o* an+ (rovisional ree$+ in t&e case.
cD T&e (arties a+ t&en res(ectivel+ (resent re0uttin1 evi$ence onl+, unless
t&e court, in *urt&erance o* =ustice, (erits t&e to (resent a$$itional
evi$ence 0earin1 u(on t&e ain issue.
$D U(on a$ission o* t&e evi$ence, t&e case s&all 0e $eee$ su0itte$ *or $ecision
unless t&e court $irects t&e (arties to ar1ue orall+ or to su0it eoran$a.
eD "o#ever, #&en t&e accuse$ a$its t&e act or oission c&ar1e$ in t&e co(laint
or in*oration 0ut inter(oses a la#*ul $e*ense, t&e or$er o* trial a+ 0e o$i*ie$
SEC. )7. resentation of witnesses.- T&e or$er in t&e (resentation o* #itnesses s&all, as *ar as
(ractica0le, con*or to &e lo1ical se6uence o* events o0tainin1 in t&e case on trial in or$er to (resent a
clear, or1ani8e$ an$ co&erent (icture to t&e court o* t&e (rosecutionBs evi$ence.
For e<a(le, in t&e case o* (rosecution un$er t&e Dan1erous Dru1s La#, t&e Trial Prosecutor
s&oul$ (resent t&e *orensic c&eist #&o e<aine$ t&e $an1erous $ru1 a&ea$ o* t&e ot&er
#itnesses in or$er t&at t&e court a+ at once &ave a vie# o* t&e real evi$ence Ceit&er t&e
(ro&i0ite$ or re1ulate$ $ru1 su0=ect o* t&e caseD an$ so t&at suc& evi$ence a+ ie$iatel+
i$enti*ie$ 0+ t&e ot&er #itnesses t&us avoi$in1 t&e recall o* #itnesses later on.
T&e rule o* lo1ical se6uencin1 not#it&stan$in1, a #itness #&ose testion+ is vital to t&e case
an$ #&ose li*e is in $an1er or #&o a+ 0e sic5;in=ure$ ari$ a+ (ossi0l+ $ie, s&oul$ 0e a$e to testi*+
as earl+ as (ractica0le.
SEC. 1-. Examination of witnesses for the prosecution.-9here it s&all satis*actoril+ a((ear
t&at t&e #itness *or t&e (rosecution is too sic5 or in*ir to a((ear at t&e trial as $irecte$ 0+ or$er o* t&e
court, or &as to leave t&e P&ili((ines #it& no $e*inite $ate o* returnin1 t&ereto, &e a+ *ort&#it& 0e
con$itionall+ e<aine$ 0e*ore t&e =u$1e or t&e court #&ere t&e case is (en$in1. Suc& e<aination in
t&e (resence o* t&e accuse$, or a*ter reasona0le notice to atten$ t&e e<aination &as 0een serve$ on
&i, #ill 0e con$ucte$ in t&e sae anner as an e<aination at t&e trial. Failure or re*usal on t&e (art
o* t&e accuse$ to atten$ t&e e<aination a*ter notice &erein 0e*ore (rovi$e$, s&all 0e consi$ere$ a
#aiver. T&e stateent t&us ta5en a+ 0e a$itte$ on 0e&al* o* or a1ainst t&e accuse$.
SEC. 1.. Cross-.$amination of defense witnesses. T&e (rosecutor s&all en$eavor to secure
#ell in a$vance all availa0le in*oration a0out a $e*ense #itness in or$er to (re(are *or an e**ective
cross7e<aination. %&ere t&e testion+ o* a $e*ense #itness 0ears no e**ect on t&e evi$ence o* t&e
(rosecution, a cross7e<aination nee$ not 0e con$ucte$.
SEC. )0. ,ebuttal e-idence.- T&e (resentation an$ nature o* re0uttal evi$ence #ill $e(en$ on
t&e e**ect #&ic& t&e $e*ense evi$ence a+ &ave cause$ on t&e (rosecutionBs evi$ence7in7c&ie*. T&e
recall o* a #itness #&o alrea$+ testi*ie$ $urin1 t&e evi$ence7in7c&ie* (resentation erel+ to re*ute #&at
a $e*ense #itness a+ &ave state$ $urin1 &is $e*ense testion+ is not 1enerall+ a re0uttal evi$ence.
S%&ere t&ere is not&in1 to re*ute, re0uttal evi$ence is unnecessar+.

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