2006 MM T Questions

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Brisbane 2006
Look at the PowerPoint slides and read the questions carefully. We will also read
the questions for you.
Depending on the complexity of the question we will give you ! to "! seconds
for a question.
#his multimedia test has ! questions.
$very question is multiple choice.
%hoose &' (' % or D.
)nly one answer is correct.
*ark your choice with a circle around the letter that you want to select.
Do that +y making a circle around the selected letter:
If you make a mistake delete the selected letter:
and make a new choice:
,ood luck-
*ultimedia #est International ,eography )lympiad (ris+ane .!!/
0. 1ere are three photographs. #hey were all taken in the same country. Look carefully. In which
one of the following countries were they taken2 We will show you all the photographs two times.
& 3enegal
( $gypt
% Iran
D 4ordan
.. 1ere are three photographs. #hey were all taken in the same country. Look carefully. In which
one of the following countries were they taken2 We will show you all the photographs two times.
& Italy
( 5orway
% Portugal
D (elarus
. #his photograph was taken in a capital city located near 0! degrees $ast. #he next )lympiad
will +e in this city. Which two cities are located at the same longitude as the city in the
& 1am+urg and Li+reville
( 3t. Peters+urg and 6igali
% (aku and 3amara
D London and &ccra
7. #his photograph from Du+ai illustrates:
& ,lo+al warming
( #he greenhouse effect
% Increasing air traffic
D ,lo+ali8ation
9. #he map shows:
&. #he distri+ution of glo+al migration in the late 0""!s.
(. #he distri+ution of glo+al air cargo in the late 0""!s.
%. #he distri+ution of glo+al oil transport in the late 0""!s.
D. #he distri+ution of glo+al internet traffic in the late 0""!s.
*ultimedia #est International ,eography )lympiad (ris+ane .!!/
/. #he ta+le shows life expectancy at +irth in some countries in 3outheast &sia.
)ne name is missing. Which country is it2
&. Laos
(. *yanmar
%. :ietnam
D. *alaysia
;. #he figure shows characteristics of a country in the southern hemisphere.
Which country is this2
&. &rgentina
(. %u+a
%. 5igeria
D. <epu+lic of 3outh &frica
=. If you fit these two pieces of land together you will make the shape of:
&. %hile
(. 3omalia
%. 5orway
D. Peru
". What is the name of the country coloured dark green on the map2
&. %ameroon
(. &ngola
%. ,a+on
D. ,uinea
*ultimedia #est International ,eography )lympiad (ris+ane .!!/

0!. )n this photo you see an impressive view of the .!!. $tna eruption from the International
3pace 3tation' possi+ly one of the most spectacular existing photos of this eruption.
(esides the ongoing activity' the photo very neatly shows:
& #he effect of the wind on the direction of the eruption.
( #he distance +etween the $tna and other Italian volcanoes like the 3trom+oli.
% #he catastrophe caused +y this eruption for the people living in 3icily.
D Lava flows of various ages on the flanks of the volcano: darkest are most recent
00. %ompare the ,oogle $arth map with the photo.
In which direction was the photo taken2
&. 5orthwest
(. 5ortheast
%. 3outheast
D. 3outhwest
0.. #he photo shows a huge dam generating hydro>electricity.
#hree countries where you find this kind of huge dam are:
&. India' 4apan and (angladesh
(. Denmark' 3pain and %hile
%. (ra8il' <ussia and %hina
D. $stonia' $gypt and the ?nited 3tates
*ultimedia #est International ,eography )lympiad (ris+ane .!!/
0. #he photo shows a +order +etween two countries.
#he most heavily fortified +order in the world exists +etween:
&. @inland and <ussia
(. India and Pakistan
%. 5orth 6orea and 3outh 6orea
D. 3yria and Le+anon
07. Which city would +e L$&3# likely to +e threatened +y a tsunami2
&. 1onolulu' ?nited 3tates
(. *anila' Philippines
%. #okyo' 4apan'
D. (ogotA' %olom+ia
09. 1ere are three photographs.
We will show you all the photographs two times.
&ll the photos were taken in or near the same city.
#he city is located north of the $quator.
What is the name of the city2
&. ,lasgow
(. 3ydney
%. :alparaiso
D. (ern
0/. Look at photo &. Bou see a country that has approximately 0.9 million inha+itants.
If you go from the capital of this country "!!! kilometres east you are near the city that
you see at photo (.
#his city has a low population density compared to other large cities.
What is the city of photo (2
&. 5ew Bork
(. *exico %ity
%. Los &ngeles
D. :ancouver
*ultimedia #est International ,eography )lympiad (ris+ane .!!/
0;. #he photo is taken in the capital of a country.
#he country has . million inha+itants and a king.
#he capital is situated on the same latitude as Los &ngeles and )saka.
What is the name of the city2
& #eheran
( %airo
% <a+at
D &lexandria
0=. Look at the satellite photo of &ntarctica.
What are the names of the countries that claim the largest amount of land mass on
&. 5orway and &ustralia
(. <ussia and the ?nited 3tates
%. &rgentina and %hile
D. ?nited 6ingdom and @rance
0". Where can you find the biggest amount (90%) of fresh water on our planet?
&. in the %aspian 3ea
(. on ,reenland
%. in the Great Lakes in the !"
#$ on "ntarctica
.0$ " %& year old boy drew a map of his country$ Where does this boy li'e?
&. in *orocco
(. in $gypt
%. in (ndia
#$ in !omalia
.0. 1ere are two photographs. We will show you the photographs two times. Which statement
is correct2
& Photo 0 is a steppe landscape in %ongo and photo . is a savanna landscape in %ameroon
( Photo 0 is an old plantation in *alaysia and photo . is a savanna landscape in *ongolia
% Photo 0 is a steppe landscape in *alaysia and photo . is a savanna landscape in 3udan
D Photo 0 is a savanna landscape in %ameroon and photo . is a steppe landscape in
*ultimedia #est International ,eography )lympiad (ris+ane .!!/
... Look at the satellite image. Which statement is correct2
@or the inha+itants of &ustralia it is C
&. 3ummer morning
(. &utumn afternoon
%. Winter morning
D. 3pring afternoon
.. #he society created +y glo+alisation today is referred to as the 5etwork 3ociety.
What network society is shown2
&. &n international diplomatic services network
(. & ?nited 5ations &gencies network
%. & 5on>,overnmental )rganisations network
D. & textile industry network
.7. Look at this map.
#he coast line of %ape %od D?3E F indicated with a dotted line F is the result of ocean
currents and coastal drift.
#he prevailing water movement along the coast line of %ape %od is coming from the
&. 3outh
(. 5orth
%. $ast
D. 5orthwest
.9. #his cartoon shows:
&. Literacy
(. ?nequal power of countries in international trade
%. ?nequal climate change in the world
D. ?nequal si8e of countries
./. What is the name of the phenomenon this city is su+Gect to2
&. Insolation
(. <adiation
%. 3mog
D. @Hhn
*ultimedia #est International ,eography )lympiad (ris+ane .!!/
.;. #he forces that form mountains are mainly caused +y:
&. Isostasy
(. *etamorphosis
%. Plate tectonics
D. Weathering
.=. #he climate changes as you travel in the direction of the arrow.
Which sequence of climate graphs +est represents this change2
)n the graphs' the lines show the temperature and the +ars show the precipitation.
&. 0 F . F
(. F . F 0
%. . F F 0
D . F 0 >
@igure 0
*ultimedia #est International ,eography )lympiad (ris+ane .!!/
@igure .
*ultimedia #est International ,eography )lympiad (ris+ane .!!/
.". Look at this satellite image and the key for the temperature +elow the map.
When was this image made2
&. 3eptem+er 9th
(. Decem+er 9th
%. *arch 9th
D. 4une 9th
!. Bou are a+out to watch a .! second movie.
Look carefully.
Bou will see the movie twice.
@irst read the text +elow.
What is the most appropriate title for the movie2
&. Pantanal' a famous wetland area in 3outh &merica
(. %limate change in (ra8il
%. Illegal hunting of wild animals in 3outh &merica
D. *angrove forest near the rivers Parana and Paraguay
#1$ $5D
*ultimedia #est International ,eography )lympiad (ris+ane .!!/

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