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Ecuador has a total area of 283,520 km

(109,468 sq mi), includin the !al"#aos
$slands% &f this, 283,520 km
(109,468 sq mi) is land and 6,'20 km
(2,595 sq mi) (ater%
Ecuador is )ier than *ruua+, ,urinam, !u+ana and -rench !u+ana in ,outh .merica%
the farthest #oint
from the centre of the
Ecuador lies
)et(een latitudes 223
and 52,, )ounded on
the (est )+ the 4acific &cean, and has 2,33' km (1,452 mi) of coastline% $t has 2,010 km
(1,250 mi) of land )oundaries, (ith /olom)ia in the north (590 km, or 3'0 mi, )order)
and 4eru in the east and south (1,420 km, or 882 mi, )order)%
5he countr+ has four main eora#hic reions6
La Costa, or 7the coast7, com#rises the lo(8l+in land in the (estern #art of the
countr+, includin the 4acific coastline%
La Sierra, or 7the hihlands7, is the hih8altitude )elt runnin north9south alon
the centre of the countr+, its mountainous terrain dominated )+ the .ndes mountain
La Amazona, also kno(n as El Oriente, or 7the east7, com#rises the .ma0on
rainforest areas in the eastern #art of the countr+, accountin for :ust under half of the
countr+;s total surface area, thouh #o#ulated )+ less than 5< of the #o#ulation%
La Regin Insularis the reion com#risin the !al"#aos $slands, some 1,000
kilometres (620 mi) (est of the mainland in the 4acific &cean%
Ecuador;s ca#ital is =uito, (hich is in the #ro1ince of 4ichincha in the ,ierra reion%
$ts larest cit+ is !ua+aquil, in the !ua+as 4ro1ince% /oto#a>i, (hich is :ust south of
=uito, features one of the (orld;s hihest acti1e 1olcanoes% 5he to# of ?ount
/him)ora0o (6,268 m, or 20,560 ft, a)o1e sea le1el) is considered to )e the most distant
#oint of the Earth;s surface from the center of the Earth, i1en the a##ro>imatel+ elli#soid
sha#e of the #lanet%
5here is reat 1ariet+ in the climate, larel+ determined )+ altitude% $t is mild +ear8
round in the mountain 1alle+s, (ith a humid su)tro#ical climate in coastal areas and
rainforest in lo(lands% 5he 4acific coastal area has a tro#ical climate (ith a se1ere rain+
season% 5he climate in the .ndean hihlands is tem#erate and relati1el+ dr+, and the
.ma0on )asin on the eastern side of the mountains shares the climate of other rainforest
Because of its location at the equator, Ecuador e>#eriences little 1ariation in da+liht
hours durin the course of a +ear% Both sunrise and sunset occur each da+ at the t(o si>
o;clock hours%
4asta0a Ci1er
5he .ndes is the watershed divisor )et(een the .ma0on (atershed, (hich runs to
the east, and the 4acific, includin the north9south ri1ers ?ata:e, ,antiao, Esmeraldas,
/hone, !ua+as, Du)ones, and 4u+ano85um)es%
.lmost all of the ri1ers in Ecuador form in the Ea ,ierra reion and flo( east to(ard
the .ma0on Ci1er or (est to(ard the 4acific &cean% 5he ri1ers rise from sno(melt at the
edes of the sno(ca##ed #eaks or from the a)undant #reci#itation that falls at hiher
ele1ations% $n the Ea ,ierra reion, the streams and ri1ers are narro( and flo( ra#idl+
o1er #reci#itous slo#es% Ci1ers ma+ slo( and (iden as the+ cross the ho+as +et )ecome
ra#id aain as the+ flo( from the heihts of the .ndes to the lo(er ele1ations of the other
reions% 5he hihland ri1ers )roaden as the+ enter the more le1el areas of the /osta and
the &riente%
$n the /osta, the e>ternal coast has mostl+ intermittent ri1ers that are fed )+ constant
rains from Fecem)er throuh ?a+ and )ecome em#t+ ri1er)eds durin the dr+ season%
5he fe( e>ce#tions are the loner, #erennial ri1ers that flo( throuhout the e>ternal coast
from the internal coast and Ea ,ierra on their (a+ to the 4acific &cean% 5he internal
/Gcoast, )+ contrast, is crossed )+ #erennial ri1ers that ma+ flood durin the rain+
season, sometimes formin s(am#s%
?a:or ri1ers in the &riente include the 4asta0a, 3a#o, and 4utuma+o% 5he 4asta0a is
formed )+ the confluence of the /ham)o and the 4atate ri1ers, )oth of (hich rise in the
,ierra% 5he 4asta0a includes the .o+an (aterfall, (hich at si>t+8one meters (200 feet) is
the hihest (aterfall in Ecuador% 5he 3a#o rises near ?ount /oto#a>i and is the ma:or
ri1er used for trans#ort in the eastern lo(lands% 5he 3a#o ranes in (idth from 500 to
1800 m (1,600 to 5,900 ft)% $n its u##er reaches, the 3a#o flo(s ra#idl+ until the
confluence (ith one of its ma:or tri)utaries, the /oca Ci1er, (here it slo(s and le1els off%
5he 4utuma+o forms #art of the )order (ith /olom)ia% .ll of these ri1ers flo( into the
.ma0on Ci1er% 5he !al"#aos $slands ha1e no sinificant ri1ers% ,e1eral of the larer
islands, ho(e1er, ha1e fresh(ater s#rins althouh the+ are surrounded )+ the 4acific
Ecuador is one of se1enteen meadi1erse countries in the (orld accordin to
/onser1ation $nternational and it has the most )iodi1ersit+ #er square kilometer of an+
nation% Ecuador has 1,600 )ird s#ecies (15< of the (orld;s kno(n )ird s#ecies) in the
continental area and 38 more endemic in the !al"#aos% $n addition to o1er 16,000
s#ecies of #lants, the countr+ has 106 endemic re#tiles, 138 endemic am#hi)ians, and
6,000 s#ecies of )utterfl+% 5he !al"#aos $slands are (ell kno(n as a reion of distinct
fauna, famous as the #lace of )irth of Far(in;s 5heor+ of E1olution and a *3E,/&
Horld Ieritae ,ite%
Ecuador has the first constitution to reconi0e the rihts of nature% 5he #rotection of
the nation;s )iodi1ersit+ is an e>#licit national #riorit+ as stated in the 3ational 4lan of
7Buen Ji1ir7, or ood li1in, &):ecti1e 4, 7!uarantee the rihts of nature7, 4olic+ 16
7,ustaina)l+ conser1e and manae the natural heritae, includin its land and marine
)iodi1ersit+, (hich is considered a strateic sector7% .s of the (ritin of the 4lan in 2008,
19< of Ecuador;s land area (as in a #rotected areaK ho(e1er, the 4lan also states that
32< of the land must )e #rotected in order to trul+ #reser1e the nation;s )iodi1ersit+%
/urrent #rotected areas include ele1en national #arks, ten (ildlife refues, nine
ecoloical reser1es, and other areas%. #roram )eun in 2008, ,ocio)osque, is #reser1in
another 2%3< of total land area (6,295 kmL, or 629,500 ha) )+ #a+in #ri1ate lando(ners
or communit+ lando(ners (such as indienous tri)es) incenti1es to maintain their land as
nati1e ecos+stems such as nati1e forests or rasslands% Elii)ilit+ and su)sid+ rates for
this #roram are determined )ased on the #o1ert+ in the reion, the num)er of hectares
that (ill )e #rotected, and the t+#e of ecos+stem of the land to )e #rotected, amon other
Fes#ite )ein on the *3E,/& list, the !al"#aos are endanered )+ a rane of
neati1e en1ironmental effects, threatenin the e>istence of this e>otic ecos+stem%
.dditionall+, oil e>#loitation of the .ma0on rainforest has led to the release of )illions of
allons of untreated (astes, as, and crude oil into the en1ironment, contaminatin
ecos+stems and causin detrimental health effects to indienous #eo#les%
Ecuador;s econom+ is the eihth larest in Eatin .merica and e>#erienced an a1erae
ro(th of 4%6< )et(een 2000 and 2006% -rom 200' to 2012 Ecuador;s !F4 re( at an
annual a1erae of 4%3 #ercent, a)o1e the a1erae for Eatin .merica and the /ari))ean,
(hich (as 3%5 #ercent, accordin to the *nited 3ations; Economic /ommission for Eatin
.merican and the /ari))ean (E/E./)% Ecuador (as a)le to maintain relati1el+ su#erior
ro(th durin the crisis% $n Danuar+ 2009 the /entral Bank of Ecuador (B/E) #ut the
2010 ro(th forecast at 6%88<% $n 2011 its !F4 re( at '%8 #ercent and ranked third
hihest in Eatin .merica, )ehind .rentina (2nd) and 4anama (1st)% Bet(een 1999 and
200', !F4 dou)led, reachin M65,490 million accordin to B/E%
$nflation rate u# to
Danuar+ 2008 (as located a)out 1%14<, the hihest recorded in the last +ear, accordin to
the o1ernment% 5he monthl+ unem#lo+ment rate remained at a)out 6 and 8 #ercent from
Fecem)er 200' until ,e#tem)er 2008K ho(e1er, it (ent u# to a)out 9 #ercent in &cto)er
and dro##ed aain in 3o1em)er 2008 to 8 #ercent% *nem#lo+ment mean annual rate for
2009 in Ecuador (as 8%5 #ercent )ecause the lo)al economic crisis continued to affect
the Eatin .merican economies% -rom this #oint unem#lo+ment rates started a do(n(ard
trend6 '%6 #ercent in 2010, 6%0 #ercent in 2011, and 4%8 #ercent in 2012%
5he e>treme #o1ert+ rate has declined sinificantl+ )et(een 1999 and 2010% $n 2001
it (as estimated at 40< of the #o#ulation, (hile )+ 2011 the fiure dro##ed to 1'%4< of
the total #o#ulation% 5his is e>#lained to an e>tent )+ emiration and the economic
sta)ilit+ achie1ed after ado#tin the *, dollar as official means of transaction% Io(e1er,
startin in 2008 (ith the )ad economic #erformance of the nations (here most
Ecuadorian emirants (ork, the reduction of #o1ert+ has )een reali0ed throuh social
s#endin mainl+ in education and health%
Cefineries in Esmeraldas
&il accounts for 40<
of e>#orts and contri)utes
to maintainin a #ositi1e
trade )alance% ,ince the late 1960s, the e>#loitation of oil increased #roduction, and
#ro1en reser1es are estimated at 6%51 )illion )arrels as of 2011%
5he o1erall trade )alance for .uust 2012 (as a sur#lus of almost M390 million for
the first si> months of 2012, a hue fiure com#ared (ith that of 200', (hich reached
onl+ M5%' millionK the sur#lus had risen )+ a)out M425 million com#ared to 2006% 5he oil
trade )alance #ositi1e had re1enues of M3%295 million in 2008, (hile non8oil (as
neati1e, amountin to M2%842 million% 5he trade )alance (ith the *nited ,tates, /hile,
the Euro#ean *nion, Boli1ia, 4eru, Bra0il, and ?e>ico is #ositi1e% 5he trade )alance (ith
.rentina, /olom)ia, and .sia is neati1e%
$n the aricultural sector, Ecuador is a ma:or e>#orter of )ananas (first #lace
(orld(ide in #roduction and e>#ort), flo(ers, and the se1enth larest #roducer of cocoa%
5he shrim#, suar cane, rice, cotton, corn, #alm, and coffee #roductions are also
sinificant% 5he countr+;s 1ast resources include lare amounts of tim)er across the
countr+, like eucal+#tus and manro1es% 4ines and cedars are #lanted in the reion of Ea
,ierra and (alnuts, rosemar+, and )alsa (ood in the !ua+as Ci1er Basin% 5he industr+ is
concentrated mainl+ in !ua+aquil, the larest industrial center, and in =uito, (here in
recent +ears the industr+ has ro(n considera)l+% 5his cit+ is also the larest )usiness
center of the countr+% $ndustrial #roduction is directed #rimaril+ to the domestic market%
Fes#ite this, there is limited e>#ort of #roducts #roduced or #rocessed industriall+% 5hese
include canned foods, liquor, :e(elr+, furniture, and more% . minor industrial acti1it+ is
also concentrated in /uenca%
Horld 5rade /enter headquarters in
Ecuador has neotiated )ilateral treaties (ith other countries, )esides )elonin to
the .ndean /ommunit+ of 3ations, and an associate mem)er of ?ercosur% $t also ser1es
on the Horld 5rade &rani0ation (H5&), in addition to the $nteramerican Fe1elo#ment
Bank ($FB), Horld Bank, $nternational ?onetar+ -und ($?-), /or#oraciNn .ndina de
-omento (/.-,) and other multilateral aencies% $n .#ril 200', Ecuador #aid off its de)t
to the $?-, thus endin an era of inter1entionism of the .enc+ in the countr+% 5he #u)lic
finance of Ecuador consists of the /entral Bank of Ecuador (B/E), the 3ational
Fe1elo#ment Bank (B3-), the ,tate Bank, the 3ational -inance /or#oration, the
Ecuadorian Iousin Bank (BEJ,) and the Ecuadorian Educational Eoans and !rants%
Bet(een 2006 and 2009, the o1ernment increased social s#endin on social (elfare
and education from 2%6< to 5%2< of its !F4% ,tartin in 200', (ith an econom+
sur#assed )+ the economic crisis, Ecuador (as su):ect to a num)er of economic #olic+
reforms )+ the o1ernment that ha1e hel#ed steer the Ecuadorian econom+ to a sustained,
su)stantial, and focused financial sta)ilit+ and social #olic+% ,uch #olicies (ere
e>#ansionar+ fiscal #olicies, of access to housin finance, stimulus #acks, and limitin
the amount of mone+ reser1es )anks could kee# a)road% 5he Ecuadorian !o1ernment has
made hue in1estments in education and infrastructure throuhout the nation, (hich ha1e
im#ro1ed the li1es of the #oor% $n 2000, Ecuador chaned its currenc+ from the sucre to
the *, dollar follo(in a )ankin crisis%
&n 12 Fecem)er 2008, #resident /orrea announced that Ecuador (ould not #a+
M30%6 million in interest to lenders of a M5108million loan, claimin that the+ (ere
monsters% $n addition, it claimed that M3%8 )illion in forein de)t neotiated )+ #re1ious
administrations (as illeitimate )ecause it (as authorised (ithout e>ecuti1e decree% .t
the time of the announcement, the countr+ had M5%65 )illion in cash reser1es%
5he countr+ has #otential for the industr+ in a 1ariet+ of sectors, includin domestic
#roduction of ra( materials and manufactured te>tiles, minin, chemical, #etrochemical,
and oil refinement% 4o(er eneration is also a #otential sector that is startin to )e
de1elo#ed due to Ecuador;s hih (ater #otential in 1arious sectors of the countr+K the
de1elo#ment of #roducts )ased on the meltin or lass materials, #roduction and aro8
#rocessed foods, and #harmaceutical #roduction, amon others% 5he most rele1ant #ro:ect
currentl+ under de1elo#ment is the 4acific refiner+, located in ?anta, (hich (ill )e one
of the larest in the reion%
/incuenta (50) centa1os,
4resident Elo+ .lfaro
5he *%,% dollar, current
currenc+ of the Ce#u)lic
of Ecuador%
$n its infanc+, Ecuador
(as #art of !ran /olom)ia
until 1830 as
Fe#artamento del ,ur%
!ran /olom)ia;s monetar+ reulations retained the old ,#anish colonial s+stem% Ecuador
officiall+ )ean its o(n monetar+ unit on Dune 28, 1835, (hen the inscri#tion (re1%) 7EE
E/*.F&C E3 /&E&?B$.7 (as chaned to 7CE4OBE$/. FEE E/*.F&C7% ?an+
reional coins from neih)orin 4eru, /olom)ia, Boli1ia, etc%, as (ell as international
units, (ere in circulation and acce#ted (hile =uito fouht counterfeitin and tried to
unif+ its currenc+% /ounterfeitin had reached alarmin #ro#ortions durin 1842% .t this
time, Ecuador (as on the 1ere of )ankru#tc+, and, since leitimate coins had such
im#erfections, it (as im#ossi)le to tell them from the )ad coins%
&n Fecem)er 29, 1845, 4resident Jicente CamNn Coca authori0ed a coin to com#ete
(ith the fuertes (full8)odied coin) of other countries% 5his (as the #eso fuerte% 5he
standard of 903 fineness for sil1er, ho(e1er, resulted in a hea1+ e>#ort of the coin% $t
disa##eared as soon as it entered circulation (!resham;s la(), ra))ed u# )+ the
merchants of !ua+aquil%
B+ the 1850s, the =uito mint (as not recei1in enouh #recious metals to :ustif+ its
o#eration% $t had to coin a minimum of 6,000 #esos a +ear :ust to meet o1erhead% 5he
mint (as shut do(n tem#oraril+ durin 1853 (hile the o1ernment considered the
o#tions of kee#in it o#en or shuttin it do(n #ermanentl+% 5he mint equi#ment (as
(orn and could not #roduce coins in sufficient quantit+ to com#ete (ith the forein coin
that entered Ecuador%
/onress #assed a ne( monetar+ la( on Fecem)er 5, 1856, ado#tin the -rench
decimal s+stem, a standard of 0%900 for sil1er, and the Ecuadorian -ranco% 5he #eso
remained a unit of account equal to 5 francos% 4a#er mone+ (as first issued in 1859 )+
the Banco de Circulacin y Descuento de Manuel Antonio de Luzarraga in !ua+aquil,
(ith )anknote denominations of 1, 4, 5, 10, and 20 #esos%
Ecuador;s monetar+ unit, the #eso, (as renamed sucre (decree of ?arch 22, 1884,
effecti1e .#ril 1)% 5he 1884 monetar+ la( #ermitted free circulation of the old coins of
-rance, $tal+, ,(it0erland, /olom)ia, etc% .s for sil1er, the la( #ermitted the im#ort of 58
franc #ieces of -rance, $tal+, Belium, and ,(it0erland etc% o##er (velln) (as made leal
tender to 5 dPcimos% Bank reser1es (ere in sil1er coins, and )anknotes (ere con1erti)le
solel+ into sil1er% Ecuador (as on a de facto sil1er standard and did not coin an+ old
)et(een 1884 and 1892% 4resident .ntonio -lores Di:Nn announced that from .uust 15,
1890, onl+ national coins (ere allo(ed to circulate in Ecuador, and Ecuador;s monetar+
s+stem (as unified% -ollo(in the financial )ankin crisis of 1999, the *, dollar )ecame
leal tender in Ecuador on ?arch 13, 2000, and sucre notes ceased )ein leal tender on
,e#tem)er 11% ,ucre notes remained e>chanea)le at Banco /entral until ?arch 30,
2001, at 25,000 sucres #er dollar% Ecuador no( onl+ issues its o(n centa1o coins%
Cail(a+s in Ecuador
(interacti1e ma#)
5he reha)ilitation and
reo#enin of the
Ecuadorian railroad and
use of it as a tourist
attraction is one of the
recent de1elo#ments in
trans#ortation matter%5he
roads of Ecuador in recent
+ears ha1e underone
im#ortant im#ro1ement% 5he ma:or routes are 4an .merican (under enhancement from
four to si> lanes from Cumichaca to .m)ato, the conclusion of 4 lanes on the entire
stretch of .m)ato and Cio)am)a and runnin 1ia Cio)am)a to Eo:a)% $n the a)sence of
the section )et(een Eo:a and the )order (ith 4eru, there are the Coute Es#ondilus andQor
Cuta del ,ol (oriented to tra1el alon the Ecuadorian coastline) and the .ma0on
)ack)one ((hich crosses from north to south alon the Ecuadorian .ma0on, linkin most
and more ma:or cities of it)%
.nother ma:or #ro:ect is de1elo#in the road ?anta 9 5ena, the hih(a+ !ua+aquil
9 ,alinas Iih(a+ .loa ,anto Fomino, Cio)am)a 9 ?acas ((hich crosses ,ana+
3ational 4ark)% &ther ne( de1elo#ments include the 3ational *nit+ )ride com#le> in
!ua+aquil, the )ride o1er the 3a#o ri1er in -rancisco de &rellana, the Esmeraldas Ci1er
Bride in the cit+ of the same name, and, #erha#s the most remarka)le of all, the Bahia 9
,an Jincente Bride, )ein the larest on the Eatin .merican 4acific coast%
5he international air#orts of =uito and !ua+aquil ha1e e>#erienced a hih increase
in demand and ha1e required moderni0ation% $n the case of !ua+aquil it in1ol1ed a ne(
air terminal, once considered the )est in ,outh .merica and the )est in Eatin .merica and
in =uito (here an entire ne( air#ort has )een )uilt in 5a)a)ela and (as inauurated in
-e)ruar+ 2013, (ith /anadian assistance% Io(e1er, the main road leadin from =uito
cit+ centre to the ne( air#ort (ill onl+ )e finished in late 2014, makin current tra1ellin
from the air#ort to do(nto(n =uito as lon as t(o hours durin rush hour% =uito;s old
cit+8centre air#ort is )ein turned into #arkland, (ith some liht industrial use%
Ecuador;s #o#ulation is ethnicall+ di1erse and the 2011 estimates #ut Ecuador;s
#o#ulation at 15,00',343% 5he larest ethnic rou# (as of 2010) is the Mestizos, (ho are
the descendants of ,#anish colonists that inter)red (ith indienous #eo#les, and
constitute a)out '1< of the #o#ulation% 5he Hhite Ecuadorians (Hhite Eatin .merican)
account for 6%1< of the #o#ulation of Ecuador and can )e found throuhout all of
Ecuador #rimaril+ around the ur)an areas% E1en thouh Ecuador;s (hite #o#ulation
durin its colonial era (ere mainl+ descendants from ,#ain, toda+ Ecuador;s (hite
#o#ulation is a result of a mi>ture of Euro#ean immirants, #redominantl+ from ,#ain
(ith #eo#le from $tal+, -rance, !erman+, and ,(it0erland (ho ha1e settled in the earl+
20th centur+% Ecuador also has #eo#le of middle eastern e>traction that ha1e also :oined
the ranks of the (hite minorit+% 5hese include economicall+ (ell off immirants of
Ee)anese and 4alestinian descent, (ho are either /hristian or ?uslim ($slam in Ecuador)%
$n addition, there is a small Euro#ean De(ish (Ecuadorian :e(s) #o#ulation, (hich is
)ased mainl+ in !ua+aquil and to a lesser e>tent in =uito% .merindians account for 13<
of the current #o#ulation% 5he mostl+ rural ?ontu)io #o#ulation of the coastal #ro1inces
of Ecuador, (ho miht )e classified as 4ardo account for '%4< of the #o#ulation% 5he
.fro8Ecuadorians is a minorit+ #o#ulation ('<) in Ecuador, that includes the ?ulattos
and zambos, and are larel+ )ased in the Esmeraldas #ro1ince and to a lesser deree in
the #redominantel+ ?esti0o #ro1inces of /oastal Ecuador 8 !ua+as and ?ana)i%
?ost Ecuadorians s#eak ,#anish, thouh man+ s#eak .merindian lanuae, such as
Rich(a (also kno(n as =uichua), (hich is one of the =uechuan lanuaes and is s#oken
)+ a##ro>imatel+ 2%5 million #eo#le in Ecuador, /olom)ia, and 4eru%
.merindian lanuaes s#oken in Ecuador include .(a#it (s#oken )+ the .("), .;inae
(s#oken )+ the /ofan), ,huar /hicham (s#oken )+ the ,huar), .chuar8,hi(iar (s#oken
)+ the .chuar and the ,hi(iar), /ha;#alaachi (s#oken )+ the /hachi), 5sa;fiki (s#oken )+
the 5s"chila), 4aicoca (s#oken )+ the ,iona and ,eco+a), and Hao 5ededeo (s#oken )+
the Haorani)% 5houh most features of Ecuadorian ,#anish are those uni1ersal to the
,#anish8s#eakin (orld, there are se1eral idios+ncrasies%
Dulio Daramillois an icon of music%
5he music of Ecuador has a lon
histor+% 4asillo is a enre of indienous Eatin music% $n Ecuador it is the 7national enre
of music7% 5hrouh the +ears, man+ cultures ha1e )rouht their influences toether to
create ne( t+#es of music% 5here are also different kinds of traditional music like al)a0o,
#asacalle, fo> incaico, tonada, ca#ishca, Bom)a (hihl+ esta)lished in afro8Ecuadorian
societies), and so on% 5ecnocum)ia and Cockola are clear e>am#les of the influence of
forein cultures% &ne of the most traditional forms of dancin in Ecuador is ,an:uanito%
$t;s oriinall+ from northern Ecuador (&ta1alo8$m)a)ura)% ,an:uanito is a dancea)le
music used in the festi1ities of the mesti0o and indienous cultures% .ccordin to the
Ecuadorian musicoloist ,eundo Euis ?oreno, ,an:uanito (as danced )+ indienous
#eo#le durin ,an Duan Bautista;s )irthda+% 5his im#ortant date (as esta)lished )+ the
,#aniards on Dune 24, coincidentall+ the same date (hen indienous #eo#le cele)rated
their rituals of $nti Ca+mi%
?ain article6 ,#ort in
Defferson 4Pre0,
&l+m#ic !old ?edalist
Estadio ?onumental
of !ua+aquil%
5he most #o#ular
s#ort in Ecuador, as
in most ,outh
.merican countries,
is foot)all (soccer)%
$ts )est kno(n #rofessional teams include Barcelona and Emelec from !ua+aquilK EF*
=uito, Fe#orti1o =uito, and El 3acional from =uitoK &lmedo from Cio)am)aK and
Fe#orti1o /uenca from /uenca% /urrentl+ the most successful soccer team in Ecuador is
EF* =uito, and it is the onl+ Ecuadorian team that has (on the Coa Libertadores, the
Coa !udamericana, and the "ecoa !udamericanaK the+ (ere also runners8u# in the
2008 -$-. /lu) Horld /u#% 5he matches of the Ecuadorian national team are the most8
(atched s#ortin e1ents in the countr+% Ecuador has qualified for the final rounds of the
2002, the 2006, S the 2014 -$-. Horld /u#s% 5he 2002 -$-. Horld /u# qualif+in
cam#ain (as considered a hue success for the countr+ and its inha)itants% Ecuador
finished in 2nd #lace on the qualifiers )ehind .rentina and a)o1e the team that (ould
)ecome Horld /ham#ion, Bra0il% $n the 2006 -$-. Horld /u#, Ecuador finished ahead
of 4oland and /osta Cica to come in second to !erman+ in !rou# . in the 2006 Horld
/u#% -utsal, often referred to as #ndor, is #articularl+ #o#ular for mass #artici#ation%
5here is considera)le interest in tennis in the middle and u##er classes of Ecuadorian
societ+, and se1eral Ecuadorian #rofessional #la+ers ha1e attained international fame%
Basket)all has a hih #rofile, (hile Ecuador;s s#ecialties include Ecua$volley, a three8
#erson 1ariation of 1olle+)all% Bullfihtin is #racticed at a #rofessional le1el in =uito,
durin the annual festi1ities that commemorate the ,#anish foundin of the cit+, and it
also features in festi1als in man+ smaller to(ns% Cu)+ union is found to some e>tent in
Ecuador, (ith teams in !ua+aquil, =uito, and /uenca%
Ecuador has (on onl+ t(o medals in the &l+m#ic !ames, )oth ained )+ 208km (12
mi) race(alker Defferson 4Pre0, (ho took old in the 1996 ames and sil1er 12 +ears
later% 4Pre0 also set a (orld )est in the 2003 Horld /ham#ionshi#s of 161'621 for the 208
km (12 mi) distance%
5he current structure of the
Ecuadorian #u)lic health care s+stem
dates )ack to 196'%5he ?inistr+ of the 4u)lic Iealth (?inisterio de ,alud 4T)lica del
Ecuador) is the res#onsi)le entit+ of the reulation and creation of the #u)lic health
#olicies and health care #lans% 5he ?inister of 4u)lic Iealth is a##ointed directl+ )+ the
4resident of the Ce#u)lic% 5he current minister, or Ecuadorian eneral sureon, is /arina
5he #hiloso#h+ of the ?inistr+ of 4u)lic Iealth is the social su##ort and ser1ice to
the most 1ulnera)le #o#ulation, and its main #lan of action lies around communitarian
health and #re1enti1e medicine%
5he #u)lic healthcare s+stem allo(s #atients to )e treated (ithout an a##ointment in
#u)lic eneral hos#itals )+ eneral #ractitioners and s#ecialists in the out#atient clinic
(Consulta E%terna) at no cost% 5his is done in the four )asic s#ecialties of #ediatric,
+necolo+, clinic medicine, and surer+% 5here are also #u)lic hos#itals s#eciali0ed to
treat chronic diseases, taret a #articular rou# of the #o#ulation, or #ro1ide )etter
treatment in some medical s#ecialties% ,ome e>am#les in this rou# are the !+necoloic
Ios#itals, or ?aternities, /hildren Ios#itals, !eriatric Ios#itals, and &ncolo+
.lthouh (ell8equi##ed eneral hos#itals are found in the ma:or cities or ca#itals of
#ro1inces, there are )asic hos#itals in the smaller to(ns and canton cities for famil+ care
consultation and treatments in #ediatrics, +necolo+, clinical medicine, and surer+%
/ommunit+ health care centers (/entros de ,alud) are found inside metro#olitan
areas of cities and in rural areas% 5hese are da+ hos#itals that #ro1ide treatment to #atients
(hose hos#itali0ation is under 24 hours% 5he doctors assined to rural communities,
(here the #o#ulation of indienous #eo#le can )e su)stantial, ha1e small clinics under
their res#onsi)ilit+ for the treatment of #atients in the same fashion as the da+ hos#itals in
the ma:or cities% 5he treatment in this case res#ects the culture of the communit+%
5he #u)lic healthcare s+stem should not )e confused (ith the Ecuadorian ,ocial
,ecurit+ healthcare ser1ice, (hich is dedicated to indi1iduals (ith formal em#lo+ment
and (ho are affiliated o)liatoril+ throuh their em#lo+ers% /iti0ens (ith no formal
em#lo+ment ma+ still contri)ute to the social securit+ s+stem 1oluntaril+ and ha1e access
to the medical ser1ices rendered )+ the social securit+ s+stem% 5he Ecuadorian $nstitute
of ,ocial ,ecurit+ ($E,,) has se1eral ma:or hos#itals and medical su)8centers under its
administration across the nation%
Ecuador currentl+ ranks 20, in most efficient health care countries, com#ared to 111
)ack in the +ear 2000% Ecuadorians ha1e a life e>#ectanc+ of '5%6 +ears% 5he infant
mortalit+ rate is 13 #er 1,000 li1e )irths, a ma:or im#ro1ement from a##ro>imatel+ '6 in
the earl+ 1980s and 140 in 1950% 23< of children under fi1e are chronicall+
malnourished% 4o#ulation in some rural areas ha1e no access to #ota)le (ater, and its
su##l+ is #ro1ided )+ mean of (ater tankers% 5here are 686 malaria cases #er 100,000
#eo#le% Basic health care, includin doctor;s 1isits, )asic sureries, and )asic medications,
has )een #ro1ided free since 2008%Io(e1er, some #u)lic hos#itals are in #oor condition
and often lack necessar+ su##lies to attend the hih demand of #atients% 4ri1ate hos#itals
and clinics are (ell equi##ed )ut still e>#ensi1e for the ma:orit+ of the #o#ulation%
5he Ecuadorian /onstitution requires that all children attend school until the+
achie1e a 7)asic le1el of education7, (hich is estimated at nine school +ears% $n 1996, the
net #rimar+ enrollment rate (as 96%9<, and '1%8< of children sta+ed in school until the
fifth rade% 5he cost of #rimar+ and secondar+ education is )orne )+ the o1ernment, )ut
families often face sinificant additional e>#enses such as fees and trans#ortation costs%
4ro1ision of #u)lic schools falls far )elo( the le1els needed, and class si0es are often
1er+ lare, and families of limited means often find it necessar+ to #a+ for education% $n
rural areas, onl+ 10< of the children o on to hih school% 5he ?inistr+ of Education
states that the mean num)er of +ears com#leted is 6%'%
Ecuador has 61 uni1ersities, man+ of (hich still confer terminal derees accordin to
the traditional ,#anish education s+stem, honorin a lon tradition of ha1in some of the
oldest uni1ersities in the .mericas6 *ni1ersit+ of ,an -ulencio, founded in 1586 )+ the
.uustinesK ,an !reorio ?ano *ni1ersit+, founded in 1651 )+ the DesuitsK and
*ni1ersit+ of ,anto 5om"s of .quino, founded in 1681 )+ the Fominican order%
.mon the traditional conferred terminal derees can )e noted the doctorate for
medicine and la( schools or enineerin, #h+sics, chemistr+, or mathematics for
#ol+technic or technolo+ institutes% 5hese terminal derees, as in the case of the 4hF in
other countries, (ere the main requirement for an indi1idual to )e acce#ted in academia
as a #rofessor or researcher% $n the #rofessional realm, a terminal deree ranted )+ an
accredited institution automaticall+ #ro1ides a #rofessional license to the indi1idual%
Io(e1er, in 2004, the 3ational /ouncil of Iiher Education (/&3E,*4), started
the reorani0ation of all the deree8rantin schemes of the accredited uni1ersities in
order to #air them (ith forein counter#arts% 5he ne( structure of some careers caused
the dro##in of su):ects, credits, or e1en the name of the #re1iousl+ conferred di#lomas%
5he terminal deree in la(, #re1iousl+ kno(n as DF Duris Foctor (Foctor en
Duris#rudencia) (as re#laced )+ the one of abogado (attorne+) (ith the e>ce#tion of the
modification of the num)er of credits to equate it to an underraduate deree% $n the same
fashion for medical school, the required time of education (as considera)l+ reduced from
nine +ears (the minimum needed to o)tain the title of ?F in ?edicine and ,urer+) to
almost fi1e, (ith the #ro1ision that the di#loma is not terminal an+more, and it is i1en
(ith the title of m&dico (medic)% 5herefore, an ?F or 4hF in medicine is onl+ to )e
o)tained o1erseas until the uni1ersities ad:ust themsel1es to rantin schemes and
curriculum as in forein counter#arts% 3onetheless, a 7mPdico7 can start a career as
famil+ #ractitioner or eneral medicine #h+sician%
5his ne( reorani0ation, althouh 1er+ am)itious, lacked the #ro#er #ath to the
homoloation of di#lomas for hihl+ educated #rofessionals raduated in the countr+ or
e1en for the ones raduated in forein institutions% &ne of the #oints of conflict (as the
im#osition of o)tainin forein derees to current academicians% .s toda+, a ?aster;s
deree is a requirement to kee# an academic #osition and at least a forein 4hF to attain
or retain the status of rector (#resident of a uni1ersit+) or d&cano (dean)% -or Ecuadorian
researchers and man+ academicians trained in the countr+, these reulations sounded
illoical, disa##ointin, and unla(ful since it a##eared a question of a title name conflict
rather than s#eciali0ation or science ad1ancement%
. de)ate to modif+ this and other reforms, s#eciall+ the one (hich ranted control of
the Iiher Education ,+stem )+ the o1ernment, (as #racticall+ #assed (ith consensus
)+ the multi8#artisan 3ational .ssem)l+ on .uust 4, 2010, )ut 1etoed )+ 4resident
Cafael /orrea, (ho (anted to kee# the la( strictl+ as it (as oriinall+ redacted )+ his
#olitical #art+ and ,E34E.FE, (3ational ,ecretar+ of 4lannin and Fe1elo#ment)% Fue
to this chane, there are man+ hihl+ educated #rofessionals and academicians under the
old structure )ut estimated that onl+ 8'< of the facult+ in #u)lic uni1ersities ha1e
alread+ o)tained a ?aster;s deree, and fe(er than 5< ha1e a 4hF (althouh man+ of
them alread+ ha1e Ecuadorian8ranted doctorate derees)%
.)out 300 institutes of hiher education offer t(o to three +ears of #ost8secondar+
1ocational or technical trainin%

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