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1) Answer all the questions in the space provided.

Section A
Questions 1-12 (24 marks)
Fill in the missing letters with the correct spelling.

1. __hi__t . s__ __p !. s__ e__p ". __har__
#. __ __ ip $. __h__in %. __ hi&__i '. c__e__r(
). __ ho__s 1*. ch __ es__ 11. __hic__en 1. __ h__ir
Section B
Questions 1-6 (12 marks)
a!el the parts o" a tree.
&eaves +ruits +&owers roots ,ranches trun-

Section #
Questions 1-1$ (2$ marks)
%ea& the sentences !elow an& un&erline the correct answers.
1. . This / These ) are 0( ,rother1s shoes.
. . This / These ) is 0( penci&.
!. . That / Those ) ,oo-s ,e&on2 to the pupi&s o+ 3ear !.
". . That / Those ) 2ir& is 0( cousin.
#. 4e . do / does ) our ho0ewor- to2ether.
$. 5e . read / reads ) stor(,oo-s ever( ni2ht.
%. I . ,rush / ,rushes ) 0( teeth ever( ni2ht ,e+ore I 2o to s&eep.
'. 6( cat &i-e to eat +ish . and / or / ,ut ) 0eat.
). 4ou&d (ou &i-e a ha0ster . ,ut / or / and ) a parrot +or a pet7
1*. 6( do2 is ,i2 . or / and / ,ut ) 0( cat is s0a&&.
Section '
Questions 1-4 (12 marks)
%earrange the wor&s !elow with the correct punctuations.
1. __________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________
and 8indoo ,rother 2oin2 are +ishin
river to The( the are 2oin2
catch in ,i2 the The( +ish a river
4. __________________________________________________________________________
Section (
Questions 1-) (1$ marks)
%ea& the passage !elow. Answer the *uestions that "ollow.
1. 4hich o+ the +o&&owin2 is a coconut tree7
A 9 C
. Coconut trees can ,e +ound
A on hi&&s 9 ,( the seaside C ,( the roadside
!. The &eaves o+ the coconut tree can ,e used to
A ,ui&d roo+s and 0a-e into ,roo0s
9 ,ui&d houses and 0a-e in 0ops
C ,ui&d ,rid2es and 0a-e into ,as-ets
eat ta-e +ish and it the ho0e The(
I a0 a coconut tree. I can ,e +ound ,( the seaside or river.
3ou can see 0e in so0e vi&&a2es too.
I a0 ta&&. I have &on2 &eaves. 6( &eaves can ,e used to ,ui&d
roo+s and 0a-e into ,roo0s.
6( +ruits are ca&&ed coconuts. The( have hard she&&s. There
are tast( :uice and +&esh inside. The +&esh is used to 0a-e coo-ies.
There are +actories that produce oi& +ro0 the +&esh o+ 0( +ruits.
". The coconut has
A a hard she&& 9 sharp thorns C so+t hair
#. 4hich o+ the +o&&owin2 is not a product o+ the coconut7
A Coo-ie 9 Soap C Oi&
Section F
Questions 1-) (1$ marks)
%ea& the passage !elow. Answer the *uestions that "ollow.
1. Nina has ___________ at ho0e.
A a &a-e 9 a pond C an aquariu0
. 5ow 0an( ,i2 +ish does Nina have7
A Two 9 Three C ;our
!. 4here did Nina ,u( her +ish7
A At the <oo 9 At the 0ar-et C At the pet shop
". Nina __________ the +ish ever( da(.
A +eeds 9 wa&-s C c&eans
#. 4ho washes the aquariu07
Nina &i-es -eepin2 +ish as a pet. She has an aquariu0 at
ho0e. The aquariu0 has so0e +ish in it. There are two ,i2 +ish and
+our s0a&& +ish. The +ish are co&our+u&. Nina ,ou2ht the +ish at the
pet shop.
Nina +eeds the +ish ever( da(. She +eeds the0 +ish +ood.
Nina and her 0other c&ean the aquariu0 once a 0onth. Nina scoops
out the +ish and puts the0 in a ,uc-et. 5er 0other washes the
A Nina1s ,rother 9 Nina1s +ather C Nina1s 0other
Section +
Questions 1-6 (12 marks)
ook at the pictures an& complete the sentences.
Cheah &i-es _______________________________
=&&a &i-es _________________________________
A&e> &i-es ________________________________
?ohn &i-es ________________________________
Ra:u &i-es _________________________________
p&a(in2 co0puter 2a0es p&a(in2 +oot,a&& readin2 co&&ectin2 sta0ps coo-in2
Re,ecca &i-es ______________________________

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