10 Laws of Love: Principles That Will Transform Your Life!

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10 Laws of Love
Principles that will transform your life!
These are the dynamic tools I discovered many years ago that make life work.
As I started living these laws I instantly began attracting high level Love,
synchronistic events occurred daily, career opportunities fell into my lap, amazing
healing took place in my family, deep connections were formed with friends, my
purpose in life became clear and my prosperity income doubled. Yes, really!
When these principles are implemented daily they can enhance and transform life to
such a great degree...that you won"t even recognize your old self or even recall the
way life used to be.
Pain and struggle will be a thing of the past...
Moodiness and outbursts of frustration will be gone forever...
Insecurity and doubting if he loves you will be history...
Confusion over what your purpose in life is or what direction to go will fade away
and you will be set Free!
Free to be the happy, prosperous and radiant gift that you are...Free to be the
powerful creator of the life of your dreams...
Free to Love and be Loved...Free!!!
! !

Beauty is in the ideal of perfect harmony which is in th!
universal being; truth the perfect comprehension of th!
universal mind.

We individuals approach it through our own mistakes and
blunders, through our accumulated experience, through
our i#umined consciousness$how, otherwise, can we know

Beauty is truth%s smile when she beholds her own face in a
perfect mirror.

Here%s What%s Inside...
Guided Journeys
How to Use this Guideboo$
The 10 Laws of Love
Summary of each of the 10 Laws of Love
" Questions to ask your Self
Daily Exercise for each of the 10 Laws of Love
Examining the Aspects in each of the Laws of Love
#1 Be Bright
#2 Reveal Yourself To Others
#3 Be In Truth
#4 Recognize Others Divinity
#5 Be In Continuity
#6 Goodness Of Spirit
#7 Be In Gratitude
#8 Be In Self"Acceptance
#9 Create Freedom
#10 Be In The Flow of Life
Blessings on your Empowered Journey of discovering that you are Lov!
To all the Beautiful Women in the World...
That"s You!
I dedicate this Guidebook to all the amazing women who are taking
on the challenge of living as Love.
Let your heart be taken by the Universe and molded into a gracious
and compassionate resting place for Truth.
You can do this! You can be the embodiment of Love! You can
emanate Love/Light!
Love is your natural state... You remember this... You are Love....

Guided along your path towards Love
10 Laws of Love Guidebook is a tool to assist in developing practical skills for living life with
a greater degree of Love.
Using the exercises often and integrating them into your everyday routine will create
transformational change, enhancing the material, emotional and spiritual dimensions of
your life.
In this process of moving into greater awareness of choosing Love, we learn how to take the
constant di#culties we face in life and turn them into an endless fuel for the brilliant $re of
enlightened speech, body and mind.
Look into the mirror....What do you see? What do you say about yourself as you peer into
the eyes of the woman before you?
I need to get my hair done. I could use a facial. Look at those sun spots.
We constantly seek to $nd what"s wrong with a picture, it"s human nature.
Did you know we can change our inherent nature? Did you know that you actually are in
charge of your own thoughts?
Well you are, and in The 10 Laws of Love Guidebook I will share practices with you to begin
choosing and changing your thoughts so they match your deepest heart.
Ultimately we all want to be Happy and to be Happy we must maintain a degree of positive
thoughts and behavior.
Consistently maintaining these positive thoughts will lead to healthier emotions and
actions. We will then become a display of Happiness.
Our usual behavior is to be out of alignment with our words and actions due to our
past hurts.
How can we begin to align our words and actions? Our mind and heart?
In the 10 Laws of Love Guidebook, you will learn exercises to master congruency in your
life. By aligning your deeper heart with your actions, living a loving life can become your
reality. Being love is the key!
Welcome to the World of Living as your Higher Self...
So many people yearn to create a life of Joy, Love and Purpose.
I had one client say to me, %Christel, I keep forgetting that the issues I bring
into session are of a humanistic mindset, and you just simply come from another
It reminded me of the quote that says we cannot $nd solutions to life"s issues if
we keep coming from the same mind that caused them in the $rst place.
The secret is that each of us has the capacity to tap into our Higher Self and
live beyond our ego self.
To create a Magical and Ful$lling life, we must rise to a greater level of Being,
attracting experiences that resonate with a higher vibration.
To Create a life of Love, Passion, Clarity, Purpose and Peace we must Become
We must choose to live those values on a daily basis...
I Choose Love
I Choose Passion
I Choose Clarity
I Choose Purposeful Living
I Choose Peace
We must carry the vibration of those qualities as an Essence within our Being.
To be highly valued by others, we must embody and display the higher
quality values in our life.
Thus, Living as our Higher Self.
Now most of you may have never heard anyone talk like this before...
Vibration, Resonance, Beingness...
So let me explain:
In each moment we have an opportunity to choose.
We can take an action in alignment with our Highest intention or we can take
an action that is out of alignment with our Highest intention.
Our feelings and emotions can throw us o' our path, or they can assist us in
the embodiment of that which we are intending to create.
If we unconsciously react to a situation, then we are identi$ed with the same
vibrational quality of that moment.
If you interact with someone who is angry at a grocery store and you react with
anger then you are matching and mirroring an essence of anger...
The quality of your experience is anger, your resonating as anger, your vibrating
essence is anger and your beingness is anger in that moment.
Displaying anger may be out of alignment with what you value (compassion)
and yet in that moment you chose an angry unconscious reaction that covered
over your essence of Compassion.
With consistent practice, you can allow others to own their own emotions,
feelings and reactions...
While you respond congruent with your highest level values...
Resonating with them as a way of Being.
It is the same way with our devotion to creating a life of Love, Passion, Clarity,
Purpose and Peace...
We must consciously make choices in congruence with what we most want.
Moment by Moment, Day by Day.
If you want Love, Be Love and Create Love!
Guided Journeys
10 Laws of Love Audio Downloads
I have included a Guided Journey on audio for each of the 10 Laws of Love.
Using a technique called Therapeutic Imagery, you will be guided along a
journey that conveys a message to your subconscious mind for positive change.
Therapeutic Imagery is known to be an e'ective short term modality. This
technique attains maximum results, because it allows you to tap into the area
of the mind that is most often in control.
Using therapeutic imagery can change your beliefs so that they are in
alignment with your goals, dreams and wishes.
This contributes greatly to moving you forward on your path towards ful$lling
your purpose.
The 10 Laws of Love audio downloads were created to assist you in shifting
your perceptions of yourself to match the true essence inside, that of your
Higher Self.
By using therapeutic imagery, you will be able to make rapid shifts in the
subconscious mind which will ultimately lead to lasting results on the outside.
Hint for maximum results: Listen to a guided journey 30 minutes upon
awakening in the morning or 30 minutes before bedtime... That is when you
are most relaxed and open to change.
How To Use this Guideboo$
Daily, Weekly and Forever...
The Ten Laws of Love Guidebook is designed to assist you in cultivating the
mindset that allows you to live a fabulous and ful$lling life.
As I mentioned earlier, these 10 Spiritual Principles have allowed me to create
an amazing life of Love, Deep Passion and Clear Purpose.
I have created this guidebook to take you step by step into shifting your
consciousness from in*congruency to alignment with your Higher Self.
With each Principle there is a daily exercise that you can do which will allow
you to cultivate a new way of Being.
Be sure to listen to the guided journey on audio every morning and evening to
re*pattern your belief system for positive and consistent reinforcement.
Work one Principle for a whole week before moving on to the next one. In this
way, you solidify your new behavior deep into the subconscious mind.
! Questions to ask your Self:
Find a journal that inspires you to be the fullest expression of Love. For each
Principle of Love, make note of your answers in your journal. Reference your
notes throughout the week to allow for maximum growth and evolution of
your process.
Invite a friend to play along with you in the 10 Laws of Love, so that you create
a community of support that will keep you dedicated to this empowering
Identifying What Needs To Be Changed...
Recognizing Your Aspects of Behavior
From the higher vantage point of Witness/Observer you will begin seeing the
many aspects of your lower self.
When I refer to your lower self, I mean the one who has experienced the
trauma/drama of life.
We could also label this part of you the ego self, the one who is still primarily
run by the Subconscious and Primal Minds.
There is constantly a tug of war going on between your ego self and your
Higher Self.
Your Higher Self is the part of you that has never known hurt, pain or
Your Higher Self is your Soul Self which resonates with the Divine, knows who
you are and what your unique gift is to give to the world.
It is bene$cial to be in awareness of these two aspects of the self...
For then you can start identifying what life is like coming from the ego self vs.
the Higher Self
Being in connection with your Higher Self is like having an enlightened
resource on call to answer your life questions 24 hrs a day...
All you have to do is ask!
Consciously choosing which aspect of the self you want to make life choices
from, the ego or the Higher Self gives you a greater sense of control and
When you are disconnected from your Higher Self, you are not getting all the
guidance you need to make powerful choices in your life.
It is like having a bad cell phone connection, you can ask a question, but only
hear part of the answer.
When you are living as your Higher Self instead of your Ego self life becomes a
joyful adventure...
You are truly in your power and creating the life of your dreams.
Examining your Aspects of Behavior
In each chapter you will come to a section that will allow you to examine your
positive and negative aspects related to that Law.
Make note of the de$nitions below of Positive and Opposing Aspects so
that you will be aware when you are doing the exercise in that chapter.
Positive aspects: integrated and holistic qualities you display that are generative to your
future based on your inherent nature as Love, promoting a life guided by your Higher Self.
Opposing aspects: traits you hold in the Subconscious Mind that hinder or delay your
success. These personality traits are disconnected from your Higher Self and they are based
on patterns created from the accumulation of past reactions of survival.
I will also ask you to:
Keep in mind these questions:
What qualities do you #nd inherent in your personality?
What personality traits do you want to change?
What behavior feels in alignment with your Higher Self?
In this process, you will gain clarity and immediate choice in your behavior...
Set an intention, make a commitment and get started Now on your
Empowering Journey to Be Love, Create Love and Live Lov#
The 10 Laws of Lov!
Principles that Transfor&
#1 Be Brigh%
#2 Reveal Yourself To Others
#3 Be In Truth
#4 Recognize Others Divinity
#5 Be In Continuity
#6 Goodness Of Spiri%
#7 Be In Gratitud#
#8 Be In Self&Acceptanc#
#9 Create Freedo'
#10 Be In The Flow of Lif#
#1 Be Bright
When I speak about being Bright, I am talking about allowing Light into your body. When
someone is radiating Light, we may say they are glowing. This is appealing to men and

Being illuminated means that you are allowing awareness to occur within. You are informed
about the dark or restricted places within you. With this insight, of your pained self, you
begin the process of transmuting darkness into Light.
This is a constant practice of recognizing when you are holding onto beliefs as truth, making
them real. And then bringing more awareness or Light to those beliefs to reveal a greater
If we are determined to hold onto our thoughts as real, then we cannot grow and evolve...
We are stuck in the same mindset. Think back to some of the old beliefs you had growing
up that now seem obsolete.
It is bene$cial for us to stay in the present as much as possible, take the viewpoint as an
observer of our own behavior, stay unattached to our emotions, beliefs and opinions, so that
we can allow Light to reveal what is wanting to shift for our greatest alignment with our
Higher Self.
#1 Be Bright
Light and Love, that is what the feminine is: Love Light. When people fa# in Love they
become radiant, they shine when they are in Love because Love is what light feels like.
'David Deida
Being Bright is what happens when you open your body and allow life to move
you with light and love.
In Love we become radiant, there is a glow that is produced when we allow Light
to move through our system free of restrictions.
Intend to let go of past pain that is like heavy baggage weighing you down
Release the restrictions in your body, mind and spirit.
Welcome the natural ever flowing Love Light into your physical and energetic
systems, allowing it to reveal what is no longer necessary to hold onto.
By allowing trapped emotions, limiting beliefs and old patterns to surfacethen
clearing and cleaning them up out of your environment, body, mind and spirit, you
can be set free to be your natural radiant Self.
Be willing to do what it takes to open in the face of fear, pain, worry, anger, etc.
Put Love as #1 and live into the attitude that always choosing Love is your present
to the ever expanding moment.
Be Bright Guided Journey
Click Here to download and listen to your Be Bright Guided Journey


! Questions to ask your Self:
How can I be the fullest expression of
How can I create a loving atmosphere
in my home, at work and everywhere I
What qualities can I embody that will
light up any room with inspiration?

Lighthouse of Love Exercise

Sit in a quiet place with your feet planted on the +oor
and your hands resting in an open position on your lap
Imagine a beam of Light coming from up above
connecting to the top of your head
As this Light enters your body it moves down your head
and neck, over your shoulders and into your heart...the
doors of the heart open to welcome this Light energy in
Send this Light from your heart as beams of Love, Joy,
Peace and Happiness radiating outward
Let it +ow to all of your friends...to your family...to your
community...to your state...to the country in which you
live...to all the continents in the World...to the planet
Earth...to the Cosmos...
Feel as if you are a bright Lighthouse whose rays touch
the Universe with your radiance
Be Bright
Examine your Personality Aspects
Keep in mind these questions as you read through the personality aspects:
What qualities do you $nd inherent in your personality?
What personality traits do you want to change?
What behavior feels in alignment with your Higher Self?
In this review, you will gain clarity and immediate choice in your behavior...
Positive Aspects:

You Light up a room

People are naturally attracted to you and your radiance

Your face has a natural glow to it

Your stance is open

You display a refreshing smile

There is an outward expression characterized by the qualities of Love,

Acceptance and Joy, youre naturally an inspiration to others
Opposing Aspects:

You are restricted

You are wearing a face of indifference

Attitude of take it or leave it

Your stance is displayed by crossed arms

There is a cloud of grayness hovering over you

Your outward expression is characterized by negativity and it can be read all over
your face

#2 Reveal Yourself to
Start to identify with your True essence, that of being Love.
Can you $nd yourself among all of the pain and hurt that you"ve experienced in life?

Most of the time when we are looking out into the world, into another"s eyes, we are looking
through many shields of protection. This is an unnecessary reaction, based on fear. These
barriers have been placed there throughout the years for safety and security... out of our
primal concern for survival.

We can identify the reasons for placing the shields and begin to take them down as a
practice of moving toward a life of Love. To live as our Higher Self, the one steeped in Love,
the Wise one.

Our Higher Self is connected to the greater Source for protection instead of our egoic self,
which doesn"t have the means to protect us anyway. When we are connected with Spirit, we
intuitively know what to do as a means to aligning with the Truth revealing itself in each

When we are plugged in to the Divine wisdom of the present there is no need to $ght or
+ee any situation, because we are not afraid to see the Truth. What is this perfect moment
mirroring to me? What is my truth? What is their Truth? What is the Truth of the World?
Even though the Truth revealed may cause you to be vulnerable in the moment, this is the
real you. And people can trust Truth, people can love Truth, people can be devoted to Truth.
Show us the Truth of who you are... through all the layers it will be revealed... You are Love.
#2 Reveal Yourself to Others
You put yourself in a place of support, unconditional acceptance and Love for who you are,
the way you are and your uniqueness, and what you do is grow.

$Martin de Maa(
There is a desire to be understood, to be seen for who we truly are, to be
recognized for our gifts. In order for others to admire our uniqueness, we must be
willing to become transparent.

We must yield to the moment arising when the veil is thin and we are there, in front
of others, fully exposed and vulnerable. Rise to meet the occasion and release your
walls of protectionlet down your guard.
Think always of being inclusiveinstead of exclusivewelcome others in to see
your soulto feel your feelingsto know you deeper.
Give yourself permission to expand beyond your comfortable boundariesbeyond
what is known.

In living as the example of this free being, you will inadvertently assist others by
showing them how Free life can be.
Reveal Yourself to Others Guided Journey
Click Here to download and listen to your Revealing Guided Journey
! Questions to ask your Self:

How can I challenge myself to step out
of my comfort zone?
How can I practice letting others see
my True Self even when I want to close
What qualities can I embody that will
Light up any room with inspiration?

Life of the Party Exercise

Sit in a quiet place with your feet planted on the +oor and your
hands resting in an open position on your lap
Imagine you are preparing to attend a party
Set a powerful intention to practice open*hearted, sheild*free
communication as your Higher Self while at the party
Now, imagine you have arrived at the party. Make your way around
the room walking up to each person there, and with a concerted
e'ort, openly communicate. Focus on yourself, and how you are
experiencing your energy with each person
Are you holding back? Are you judging yourself or the other person?
Do you feel like you %$t& in with the crowd? Are you labeling
Continue to drift from person to person, sharing who you are and
what intentions or goals you have set for your life, be uninhibited in
your conversation, feel the di'erence between restriction and
freedom by monitoring your heart
Notice when you are in closure there is tension or tightness in your
body and you feel disconnected. In closure, you may feel insecure or
out of place. Identify your body posture as you set yourself Free and
notice how good it feels to be unguarded and open
Now practice this in your life. Notice when you feel yourself
restricting or holding back in conversation and take the opportunity
to break through barriers and defenses
Give yourself permission to create heart*opening communication
with others as a way of life. Give your Spirit the opportunity to be
seen, heard, felt and known
Reveal Yourself To Others
Examine your Personality Aspects
Keep in mind these questions as you read through the personality aspects:
What qualities do you $nd inherent in your personality?
What personality traits do you want to change?
What behavior feels in alignment with your Higher Self?
In this review, you will gain clarity and immediate choice in your behavior...
Positive Aspects:

You are excited about life and what gifts you have to give

You recognize yourself as valuable and know you can contribute to others lives
just by being the expression of your Higher Self

You are displaying a free spirit

You are interested in getting to know others and are looking to be of service for
their evolution in life
Opposing Aspects:

You hold back information that may be helpful to others

You hide behind walls and only let people in after they have passed your safety

Know that you have a lot to offer the world but are held back by fear and

People must strategically make their way through your layers of stuff to tap into
the real you
#3 Be In Truth
When you are not in Truth... your body will ache, your mind will spin, confusion will take
over, and you will be frustrated.
Truth is your friend, and it will assist in keeping you on your path toward enlightenment
(being aware). Truth is valuable information that will let you know if you are moving toward
your purpose or veering o' into space.
Denial sometimes arises when people are avoiding growth... we may say we want to grow,
but to grow, there must be transition. Most of us simply want to stay comfortable. Even
when we are pained by stagnancy, somehow the thought of movement seems overwhelming.
If we can be con$dent that Truth is always revealing itself in the situation of the moment,
we can gather the hints from our Higher Self of what to do next. We are always being
guided so that we can take the fastest road to a ful$lling life.
Recognizing the value of these hints from our Higher Self, will have us zipping through our
lessons and rising to the next evolved level. Monitoring the moments for realizations will
allow us to make the necessary adjustments to living in alignment with Truth.
Our ultimate goal is to know the Truth of ourselves as Love.
#3 Be In Truth
A self$honest person is not prone to having their feelings hurt or )having a bone to pick*
+ith others. Honest insight has an immediate bene,t in the reduction of actual
as we# as potential emotional pain. A person is vulnerable to emotional pai-
in exact relationship to the degree of self$awareness and self$acceptance.
' David Hawkins
Truth has power, it is a vibration that resonates with everyone.
It can be perceived on subtle levels and pierce through the barriers of the heart.
Think of a time when someone said something that touched you so deeply that it
brought tears to your eyes...
This happens when the vibration of Truth hits the heart.
Rings true is an expression that collaborates the idea of resonating with Truth.
Here is an effective exercise that I teach about speaking Truth from the heart,
rather than from your power place, emotions or feelings.
Truth From the Heart exercise:
Next time you come into a disagreement with someone, notice how your
stomach (power center) tightens up.
Place your hand on your stomach during the disagreement and
consciously move it to your heart.
Imagine the energy that is in your stomach is now moving into the heart
and out your throat.
In this way you are moving the energy through the heart space so that
you are now coming from a place of Love instead of power.
We speak Truth more often when we come from the heart rather than
from our ego.
Let go of emotions... Let go of the need to be right... Let go of manipulation.
Make sure you are in the vibration of Peace, desiring the good for all involved
before you speak
Speak to your emotions, not from your emotions:
I feel sad rather than You make me sad
Notice the latter is not Truth speaking, it is blame speaking.
Pay attention to whether you are acting from a place of egoic rightness or
You are acting from a place of alignment ie. wanting the greatest good to be
In this way, if you intend to have Truth revealed, then every issue in life can be
used for evolving your relationships.
Always seeking for the Truth of the situation to be revealed, by uncovering hidden
patterns within, can be a great learning tool about each other and grow the
relationship into Love.
Use life as an opportunity to grow Love.
Be In Truth Guided Journey
Click HERE to download and listen to your Be In Truth Guided Journey

! Questions to ask your Self:

What actions in past relationships have
shown my resistance to wanting to
know the Truth of a situation?
How do others mirror to me my out of
integrity intentions?
How can I hold myself more
accountable to live in integrity and

Truth Scale Exercise

Create a Truth scale in your imagination ranging from 1 to 10...#1
is when you are coming from the ego self and #10 is when you
are coming from your Higher Self
Establish a personal range of context by using your body for the
Truth scale ratings. Sit quietly, close your eyes and go within
Remember a time when you held a secret from someone. Bring
the experience to mind. Feel into the energy of that moment and
ask yourself, what is my body feeling in this moment? Where do I
feel this rates on the Truth scale of 1 to 10?
Next, remember a time when you told a lie. Bring the experience
to mind. Feel into the energy of that moment and ask yourself,
where do I feel this rates on the Truth scale of 1 to 10?
Finally, remember a time when you were in absolute Truth with
someone. Bring the experience to mind. Feel into the energy of
that moment and ask again, where do I feel this communication
rates on a scale from 1 to 10?
Throughout your day today while in conversation with others
and when you are talking to yourself, notice where you are on
your Truth scale
Set a goal for yourself and your life, a standard for the range of
Truth speaking that you intend to practice. Consider a number
that matches how you would like to be treated and valued
Be In Truth
Examine your Personality Aspects
Keep in mind these questions as you read through the personality aspects:
What qualities do you $nd inherent in your personality?
What personality traits do you want to change?
What behavior feels in alignment with your Higher Self?
In this review, you will gain clarity and immediate choice in your behavior...
Positive Aspects:

You value Integrity and speak from your heart

Inner sense of self-honesty

You listen openly to others opinions and take a breath before responding to them

You are grounded and open to positive feedback

People trust you because you do what you say or else communicate the change
Opposing Aspects:

You speak from your head, not your heart

You stand in debate over right and wrong and you are convinced there is only one
way, your way

You actually believe that your perception is based on truth

You are inflexible and unwilling to listen to others

You cut people off mid-sentence

You have a tendency to withdrawal when you dont think others are getting you

You walk away without completing with others

You talk about the person behind their back and gather evidence that you are right

You let yourself get overwhelmed by emotions and speak from your emotions
instead of to your emotions
#4 Recognize Others
When looking at someone, what do you notice $rst? What do you see? Do you see the
clothes they are wearing? Do you notice their hairstyle? Are you looking into their eyes? Are
you seeing into their soul? Do you see them as separate or di'erent from you?
Love covers over all boundaries. In the fullness of Love, so much is revealed about the
other. If we can put on our glasses of Truth, and live as our Higher Self, then we can
recognize the Divinity of others.
Look with new eyes, compassionate eyes and see people as their Higher Self. Let your heart
expand to take in the wonder of this One before you. See their uniqueness, inquire into
their gifts and open to receive the o'erings of wisdom that their Higher Self is giving.
They are your re+ection, and you are their re+ection, give them your time and attention and
bene$t greatly. Peer into their heart, past the pain, past the shields and notice the
perfection that lay deep within their soul.
Isn"t this what you would want of them?
#4 Recognize Others Divinity
If you love someone, respect them, respect the Divinity in them.
You wi# see that the relationship is never strained; it continues, continues, continues.
This is the greatest secret about relationships.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
See others as their Higher Self.
Respect and honor where they are in there stage of development on their path of
Recognize others as your teacherlisten, look, and feel into the moment of
interaction to see what lesson is wanting to be revealed.
Allow others to be an offering to youto enrich your lifelet their talents
contribute to your lifesee their life as an artful expression of the Divine.
Communicate with a persons Higher Self if you have an issue, asking what it is
that they are mirroring to you.
So often if you connect at that higher level of intention, you can shift things in the
physical world without ever needing to say a thing.

Recognize Others Divinity Guided Journey
Click HERE to download and listen to your Recognizing Guided Journey

! Questions to ask your Self:

How in the past have my judgments
kept me from connecting with others?
In conversation, do I notice a person"s
faults $rst or do I notice a person"s gifts
What can I intend to do daily to create
harmony and unity with others" Higher

O$ering Exercise
Set your intention to be present to the needs of others
Bring to mind someone close to you and imagine that they are
sitting in front of you
Imagine that you can tune into and communicate with their
Higher Self
What do they need to Hear? Feel? Know... that you can assist them
Imagine you have something just for them that will help move
them to the next level in their life
What can you o'er them as a gift? As inspiration? A smile? A
website address? A compliment? Maybe you can provide the very
contact they need to make that deal or just let them know that you
support them in achieving their goals in life
Feel what it"s like to be in the out+ow of attention and recognizing
their Divinity
The next time you see this person or speak to this person, o'er
them the information that came to you from doing this exercise
Notice those in your environment...pay attention to others by
making eye contact and peering deep into their Soul...
Set the intention that if you have something for them that can
support their becoming their greatest Self that it will come out
during your meeting
Recognize Others Divinity
Examine your Personality Aspects
Keep in mind these questions as you read through the personality aspects:
What qualities do you $nd inherent in your personality?
What personality traits do you want to change?
What behavior feels in alignment with your Higher Self?
In this review, you will gain clarity and immediate choice in your behavior...
Positive Aspects:

You offer compliments,

Active listening is your way by displaying patience while communicating

You mentally hold others in a way that allows for growth and expansion letting
them live into being their higher self

You are aware that others gift you with information for your own growth

You celebrate others, praise them, acknowledge them for their attributes and
Opposing Aspects:

You are competitive and hold people down so you dont feel like theyre
outgrowing you because of your fear of being left behind

You cut people off in conversation to get your say in

Jealous and envious of others success, you silently resent their success

You judge them as not as sophisticated, educated or refined as you are

By seeing the faults in others and focusing on them, you cause a feeling of
disconnect, division and separation

You try to change or mold people into who you want them to be
#5 Be In Continuity
Continuity: (noun)
1 the unbroken and consistent existence or operation of something over a period of time
a state of stability and the absence of disruption
Creating a stable and grounded environment will support our living as our Higher Self. This
is vital to discovering our invaluable nature as Love.
People sometimes have a tendency to create disruption or drama in their lives
subconsciously to distract themselves from their purpose, from doing their deeper work
within, and from attaining success as their Higher Self.
We may have a tendency to seek out ways of creating drama to get attention from our
partners or others if we perceive that we are not getting enough. The Truth is, that we are
not giving enough attention to ourselves.
Unless we take the time to do our inner work, to pierce deep into our soul, then we will
never really know ourselves in a greater capacity. You are capable of Being so ful$lled in
your life by knowing the Truth of your Higher Self. Be Ok in the stillness of the moment,
let this silence whisper to you your greater purpose, and discover your wellspring of wisdom
and Love.
#5 Be In Continuity
In order that a )self * may exist there must be some continuity of mental experiences
and, particularly, continuity bridging gaps of unconsciousness.
$John Carew Eccles
Instead of the stop/go way of lifefoot on the brakefoot on the gas, pace
Release your addictions to creating trauma/drama and choose to create a balanced
Set up daily rituals and maintain a structure that is emergency proof, so you arent
thrown off your path, even in the midst of what appears to be a major challenge or
No swinging from one side of the pendulum to the other, constantly counter-
balancing to make up for extreme behavioral reactions. Moderation is key.
Maintain your centered state by grounding your energy daily. Being grounded will
allow you to listen to and learn how to interpret the messages life is sending you.
Avoid the tendency to put unnecessary pressures on yourself.
Set up your schedule so that you spend a minimum of one hour a day doing
something for your Self.
Be In Continuity Guided Journey
Click HERE to download and listen to your Continuity Guided Journey

! Questions to ask your Self:

How do you scatter your attention so as
not to have to deal with life"s issues?
What old ideas of needing to be perfect
keep you from attaining balance in your
What daily rituals can you create to
release pressure and sustain continuity?


Foundation For a Positive Life Exercise

Sit in a quiet place with your feet planted on the +oor and your hands resting
in an open position on your lap. Close your eyes and go within...
Intend to mentally build a new, solid foundation from which to create your
best life
Ask yourself: What does the foundation for my life look like right now? It
may be a broken down wooden structure, or a bunch of bricks piled up, or a
cracked marble structure. Whatever it is just notice it and the condition it is
Is this current structure working for me? Is it practical and functional? What
can I do to improve on this foundation?
Release your emotional attachment to the old foundation...tear it down or
blow it up...whatever makes you happy...just let go of the old and so you can
start fresh
Build a new heavy duty structure for which to be your greatest Self.
Remember, this will be your mental construct representing the platform that
will assist you to stand strong, to gift the world with your Divine presence, to
share your unique knowledge of life and to re+ect your inner qualities of
beauty and power. Make it a representation of your unique style and
Now think of a supportive force that you want your platform to
embody...such as Love, Compassion, Power, Peace, or Strength or create an
empowering combination of feelings...whatever feels right for you
Imagine the force of energy that you have chosen is seeping into your
foundation so that it is embedded in the structure. You can use this force for
added support in Life
Feel the di'erence in having this new and solid foundation as you picture
yourself standing on it and speaking as your Higher Self
Be In Continuity
Examine your Personality Aspects
Keep in mind these questions as you read through the personality aspects:
What qualities do you $nd inherent in your personality?
What personality traits do you want to change?
What behavior feels in alignment with your Higher Self?
In this review, you will gain clarity and immediate choice in your behavior...
Positive Aspects:
You have a structure to your life and you live freely within this structure
You create a solid foundation and you are grounded and stable
You pace yourself so as not to be overwhelmed
You steer clear of the shoulds of life
You discern challenges as gifts so as to experience your life lessons
You live in the present moment, listen to your highest guidance and accept where
you are in the moment, trusting in divine timing
You create systems for all areas of life so that your life flows easily
You balance and manage your energy
Opposing Aspects:

As life brings you challenges for growth it knocks you off your path, feeling life
as pressure

You are overwhelmed and scattered and never have enough time for self...for
creatively expressing

You feel like your running from one task to the next and still not achieving

You are on the verge of tears if one more thing comes at you

Mood swings are common, no balance

You are easily distracted by drama and you experience life as an emotional
#6 Goodness Of Spirit
Spirit: (noun)
1 the attitude or intentions with which someone undertakes or regards something
the real meaning or the intention behind something as opposed to its strict verbal
Backing all is an energy that drives one to do, say and act a certain way. We"ll call this Spirit.
Before all the conditioning placed upon you growing up, you were simply in alignment with
your Higher Self. Then all of life began happening and you soaked up the %muck& of it.
When things happen in our life, we create a story around it. We make it mean something
about those who played a part in it and about our own role. There is though, an ever
present Spirit of Goodness +owing through the Universe and at the core level of each of us.
Our True Spirit is what we are always trying to have people see, hear and value. Sometimes
we do a great job at revealing this True nature to others and sometimes our mucked up self
has a di'erent intention (usually to get its own way).
When we are disallowing the Goodness of Spirit to +ow outward, we are constricted. In
constriction, there is a tightness, a holding, not a +owing. Just as you can imagine your hand
in a $st position, not allowing you to be open to receiving a gift, it is the same way in life.
When restricting and not giving, we are not allowing to receive.
To receive the Goodness in life, we must be an o'ering of it. Be Love to Find Love.
#6 Goodness of Spiri(
There is nothing but God, nothing but the Goddess, nothing but Spirit in a# directions,
and not a grain of sand, not a speck of dust, is more or less Spirit than any other.
$Ken Wilber
Set an intention to align and Live In Spirit(Inspiration).
Be connected with your Higher Self in every moment and be open to let love in.
Notice and take advantage of opportunities that arise throughout your day to share
Goodness with others.
Open yourself to be in the receiving and giving mode of this Goodness.
Forgiveness and letting go of past pain are ways to free up trapped energy and
allow for more Goodness to enter your life.
Embrace the idea that we are all One...
The daily choices of your words and actions effect not only those in your
immediate environment, but everyone in the world.
Goodness Of Spirit Guided Journey
Click HERE to download and listen to your Goodness Guided Journey

! Questions to ask your Self:

When in the past have you struggled
because you didn"t ask for help?
What old fearful ideas of %lack& (there
isn"t enough to go around) or doubt
(maybe it can happen for others but not
for me) are you still carrying?
Who do you need to forgive so that you
can allow more Love to +ow into your

Spirit of Generosity Exercise

Access a state of generosity by remembering a time when
someone blessed you with an act of generosity when you
needed it
While you are doing any daily practice of washing the dishes,
brushing your teeth, taking out the trash or walking the dog,
imagine that the energy you are producing from these tasks is
creating a usable resource for sustaining high level vibrations
in the world such as Joy, Compassion, Peace, Love or Bliss
Use your Will to direct these vibrant qualities to $ll up the air
waves as a palpable mist
Imagine the wind gently blowing this imbued mist around the
globe... touching everyone all over the world with a tender
embrace of the Divine
Goodness Of Spirit
Examine your Personality Aspects
Keep in mind these questions as you read through the personality aspects:
What qualities do you $nd inherent in your personality?
What personality traits do you want to change?
What behavior feels in alignment with your Higher Self?
In this review, you will gain clarity and immediate choice in your behavior...
Positive Aspects:

You are of service to the World

You hold a spirit of generosity and know that there is an abundance in the World

You enliven yourself with Goodness of Spirit and share smiles with others

You connect with your Divine intuition for making powerful choices

You choose to share information and knowledge with others that enriches their

Inspiring others throughout your day and gifting the world with positive thoughts
is your intention

You are a vessel for Spirit to move into the world bringing high level qualities
into your environment
Opposing Aspects:

You rely solely on yourself for making life work

You come from lack consciousness in your relating to the World, thinking that
there isnt enough to go around

You tend to only think of yourself and what would make you happy

You want it your way, and hold an heir of selfishness

#7 Be In Gratitude
Magic happens in our heart when we are in gratitude.
Thank you is the password that allows the heart to open and expand so that we can see,
hear, feel and know who we are as our Higher Self.
In discovering this key and opening our hearts, we are able to experience life with a greater
sense of devotion. Devotion to those people, places, moments and experiences as the
teachers for our evolution and growth.
Honoring ourselves and others with a humble attitude and devotion graces the world with
high values of Compassion and Love.
Imagine our World if everyone held the quality of Gratitude in their hearts, re+ecting Love
and Compassion to all.
Shine your brilliance with the attitude of Gratitude and feel your contribution to bettering
our World.

#7 Be In Gratitud!
If some sadness arises, )Oh, I feel a little sad*, go deep into the sadness, and you wi# see that very
sadness is nothing but longing. And that very longing, the tears of longing, is nothing but Love.
And Love is nothing but gratefulness. And gratefulness is nothing but your very Being.
A healthy way of looking at life is that everything is a giftno matter what life
offers you, you can choose to say thank you.
This progressive perspective entails the knowledge that whatever arises in life is
for your highest good for growth and evolution.
Every occurrence happens for a reason... That reason is for you to know yourself
more deeply and to bring to the forefront that which needs tending to, clearing or
Embrace the attitude that life is happening in the perfect way to assist in your
greatest expansion and evolution of your Soul.
There is an abundance of good waiting for you to claim it... Open to gratitude
and accept it into your life.
Be In Gratitude Guided Journey
Click HERE to download and listen to your Be In Gratitude Guided Journey

! Questions to ask your Self:

Who has touched your life in a
meaningful way that you haven"t
personally thanked?
Who and what situation has caused you
pain in the past that has supported your
growth or evolution to insight and
What past expectations in relationship
did you have that you can now take full
responsibility for?

Gratitude Exercises
This exercise came from one of my friends and I thought it was a
wonderful way to anchor gratitude into our daily practice of being Love.
On your voicemail ask those leaving a message to tell you one thing they
are grateful for that day. This spreads the attitude of gratitude and
reminds you as you listen to your message
Create a personalized morning ritual that is centered around heartfelt
Take a walk in nature and thank the earth, trees, +owers and birds for
giving their beauty as a gift
Start a gratitude journal and write in it every night before bed... placing
your consciousness in a state of grace before dream time
In the notes section of your checks write a simple message of thanks. I
usually extend a blessing to those that receive my checks and now my
hairstylist and esthetician look forward to this simple expression of
Love. If I forget to write it they are quick to say, %Hey, what about my
Pick a day of the week that is your day of gratitude and Light a seven day
candle (those inexpensive colored candles in the grocery store that are
set in glass). Set an intention of the energy of gratitude as you Light the
candle. Let it burn continuously until it burns out. If you leave your
house, simply place it in your bath tub so it will be safe. Every time you
pass by this candle it will be a reminder for you to be in a state of
Be In Gratitude
Examine your Personality Aspects
Keep in mind these questions as you read through the personality aspects:
What qualities do you $nd inherent in your personality?
What personality traits do you want to change?
What behavior feels in alignment with your Higher Self?
In this review, you will gain clarity and immediate choice in your behavior...
Positive Aspects:
You magnify and amplify your energy by living in a state of gratitude
Ever opening to a gracious attitude
You recognize the many gifts that arrive in your life daily
You are quick to thank people who do nice things for you
You embody a humble nature
You recognize that the choice of expressing with an open heart can raise the
spirits of those around you
You easily manifest what your heart desires
Opposing Aspects:
You don"t take the time to give thanks to those who are in service to you
You have the tendency to take life for granted
You are of the belief that people owe you their time and attention
You expect things from life and have a deserving attitude, without actually
doing anything
#8 Be in Self*Acceptance
Sit for a moment and let yourself relax deeply into the space between your breath. Find a way
to Be that allows you to get into the rhythm of your heart beat. Good. Just Be for a moment.
Time always seems to rush us past these valuable moments of being with ourselves.
You were created for a reason. That reason is what I call your Divine Imprint. This imprint
is like a Universal $ngerprint that identi$es you as you. All that you have been through and
all that you are going through and all that you will go through empowers you to recognize
your uniqueness. How are you looking at life and what it is gifting you? Do you feel sorry for
yourself? Are you hopeless? Are you a victim?
It is powerful to accept who you are now from what you have gone through in the past. But
there is a trick to not holding onto the emotion, memories and feelings from those events.
The key is all in how you perceive.
A healthy perception of events is to ask for the lesson to be revealed. What valuable lesson or
blessing is this issue gifting you? How can you become more empowered by this experience?
When you get your lesson, then let go of the pain. As a self*perceived victim, it is di#cult to
accept any moment as a gift. If you are still carrying pain from the traumatic events in life,
then it is hard to accept yourself as Love.
Do your work to release the past, to perceive yourself as a student of life, make adjustments in
your self image based on your lessons, not on your past pain. If you stay teachable throughout
your life you will grow in the knowledge of the Truth of yourself and accept yourself as Love.
Life is molding you as Love.
#8 Be In Self$Acceptance
The bene,ts of accepting ones defects instead of denying them is an increase in an inner sense of
self$honesty, security and self$esteem, accompanied by greatly diminished defensiveness and
neurotic )sensitivity* to perceived )slights*
'David Hawkins
In this moment, everything is Ok. Here in this place of the present moment,
nothing is wrong.
Release the tendency to compare... yourself with others or the past with the now or
the now with what you want in the future, it only causes frustration.
Get rid of all self-judgments. Make a pact with yourself... no more shoulds.
If you find yourself distracted by any of those thoughts mentioned above,
immediately ground yourselfbecause those thoughts are useless and will drain
your energy, causing you to be in shut down mode instead of continuity and flow.
Release the need to fix yourself, your circumstances, or others, this is just a
reaction to your old mind telling you that something is wrong. Everything is just
the way it is supposed to be, so release resistance and start accepting.
From the mental attitude of acceptance, you can begin shifting your inner image of
self and your outer perspective of others for a healthier view of life.
Be In Self$Acceptance Guided Journey
Click HERE to download and listen to your Self-Acceptance Guided Journey

! Questions to ask your Self:

What disturbing events occurred in the
past out of you not following your
How do you block others from seeing
the real you? What protection
mechanisms are in place to create
diversions from others connecting
deeply with you?
What daily rituals can you create to
accept yourself, Love yourself and
inspire yourself?

The Magic Script Exercise

Sit in a quiet place with your feet planted on the +oor and your hands
resting in an open position on your lap. Close your eyes and go
Think back to an event. Recall a time in the past... the younger the
better... that had you feeling your lowest self, such as, insecure,
unworthy, or disconnected
Imagine a string leading to that event into the past, and follow the
string back to that time
Play the event out in your mind like a movie and be the observer of it
as your Higher Self, the one who knows that you are Love at your
As your Higher Self, be the creator and director of your own reality
and rewrite the script of the event
Think of how you want the scene to play out...what is the best
outcome for all involved? What needs to take place that is for the
greatest good of all? Do you need to forgive yourself or others
Think of the lower self shifting into becoming the person that can
play out the necessary role to capture the essence of the new scene
Now replace the old scenario with the new one. Run the new scene in
your mind, this time see it play out the way you want it, with feelings
of con$dence, connection and security
Run the scene three more times anchoring it in your mind
Come back to the Now and $ll yourself with the quality of Love and
Be In Self"Acceptance
Examine your Personality Aspects
Keep in mind these questions as you read through the personality aspects:
What qualities do you $nd inherent in your personality?
What personality traits do you want to change?
What behavior feels in alignment with your Higher Self?
In this review, you will gain clarity and immediate choice in your behavior...
Positive Aspects:
You trust your inner voice and you feel strong in your feminine power to
make choices in your life
You like who you are and you are con$dent
Embracing your character defects and limiting attitudes gives you freedom to
change your behavior
You are diligent in your self*development work and are consistently shifting
and changing old limiting habits and patterns
You accept your past and have forgiven yourself for past mistakes because
you recognize the value in overcoming obstacles
You like your body no matter what shape or size
Opposing Aspects:
Defensiveness is a common response for you
You exhibit low self*worth, self*esteem and self*con$dence... constantly
putting yourself down
You don"t trust your decisions so you $nd yourself relying on others opinions,
questioning your own intuition
You are in fear that others may not like you... you are afraid to let people in to
see the real you and fear loss of friendship if they do
You project onto others and life doesn"t seem fair
You put up walls of protection hoping others don"t $nd out your an imposter
#9 Create Freedom
Your Higher Self has a plan for you...
This is to attain Freedom.
Freedom from your limiting thoughts, freedom from your negative self*talk, freedom from
your emotional constrictions and freedom from your fears.
With your dedication toward uncovering these restrictions, identifying their origin, and
releasing the energy around them, you will create space for Truth to be revealed. Your Soul
thrives on the in$nite possibilities available as full creative power sources through it.
Like a hot air balloon free of the heavy weight of the sand bags, you can soar to new heights,
change your perceptions on life and see the vastness of creation. Soon you will be living as
your creative Higher Self accessing more and more freedom, instead of the egoic self whose
primarily driven by the need for attention.
Deepak Chopra says this about his life, now that he has done the foundational work:
I was always ambitious* wanting to do this, wanting to do that. But the
personal stake is not there any more. That"s the only way to describe it. It"s a
very freeing position to be in.
The gift of freedom is full self*realization. Realizing our innate power as a creator. You too
can create your life with this level of Free expression. Have fun!
#9 Create Freedo&
Everything that is rea#y great and inspiring is created by
the individual who can labor in .eedom.

$Albert Einstei-
Be the creator of your lifeBe at cause for what is occurring in your Now life and
in the life that you are living into.
When you get to the point in your life that you know who you are as a creator, you
feel so Free that you no longer hurt with a deep yearning or neediness of another.
Set your daily intentions to be your own generator of Love and to live the laws of
List what you want in your lifewhat your life is aboutwhat would have you
feel the freedom to be yourself?
Freedom refers to ones power to make choices leading to action, do you know
your own power, do you trust yourself enough to create an inspiring future of
The English word "freedom" comes from an Indo-European root that means "to
Love." Love yourself enough to Free yourself from the bindings of the past and
create an amazing future.
Create Freedom Guided Journey
Click HERE to download and listen to your Create Freedom Guided Journey

! Questions to ask your Self:

When in the past have you felt
resentful because you had to %do& things
for others instead of for yourself?
What role did you play in creating this
Who are you not saying %no& to, that
you need to for creating freedom?
What in the past are you not letting go
of that you need to to set yourself Free
and move forward?

Freedom List Exercise

Make a list of activities that have you feel the value of Freedom in
your life
This list may include time to read, go to the beach, dance, or create
a new business idea
Take a look at your daily schedule book or calendar, wherever you
keep track of daily activities. Notice what you spend the majority of
your time doing. Jot down next to it the amount of time per week
Continue this list by writing down in order the activities that take
the majority of your time to those that take the least amount of
your time
Scan the list and see how much time you have set aside for creating
Freedom. Each day needs to re+ect a minimum of an hour that is set
aside just for you (alone time)
Are you balanced with the amount of time you give yourself to just
do something alone? Do you $ll it up your alone time with talking
on the phone, doing something for others, cleaning the house or
errands? Or, do you $ll up your alone time with endless emotional
overwhelm and out of control projection into the future
Take this time to mark o' space in your calendar just for you to be
Free. Fill those time spots with the activities on your Freedom List.
You will be a happier person living a more balanced life
Create Freedom
Examine your Personality Aspects
Keep in mind these questions as you read through the personality aspects:
What qualities do you $nd inherent in your personality?
What personality traits do you want to change?
What behavior feels in alignment with your Higher Self?
In this review, you will gain clarity and immediate choice in your behavior...
Positive Aspects:
You have done your personal work
You feel free to be, do and have... Life is purposeful and meaningful
Your self*talk is healthy and promotes positivity
You are living with volition, full self*expression is your way, you experience
life as a $eld of possibilities
You know when to say no and you exhibit strong boundaries in your
Because you value opportunities for alone time you recognize others need to
be free and gift them their space as well
Opposing Aspects:
You are bogged down by life and feel trapped, life has restrictions and they
are somehow placed on you
You hold a victim mentality and are over run by limiting self*talk
Exhibiting codependency behavior, you are a yes person and then get angry
because your so busy doing for everyone else that you don"t have any time for
You always need to have something to do or someone to be around
You break the rules for a whif of power
#10 Be in The Flow of Life
Can you hear it? Can you hear the calling of your Higher Self?
Do you know the unique sound of your Soul guiding you along your path? Can you hear
your soul"s whisper, telling you when to turn right or stop or veer to the left?
When we are surrendered to our inner compass, we know exactly how to be in the +ow of
life. We are constantly being guided from a deep knowing of Truth, but it is only valuable
and helpful if we are listening. Are you paying attention to your inner intuitive voice? Are
you structuring your life in a way that sets aside time to connect with your Soul?
If you prioritize your life in a way that makes down time just as important as production
time, then you will bene$t greatly. Taking the time to merge with your Soul Self allows you
to trust more deeply that there is a divine collaboration taking place for you to achieve
Love, Joy, Freedom, and Passion.
Unite with your Higher Self, become one with your Soul"s intention and be in the +ow of life
force energy moving you to create all that you desire.
#10 Be In the Flow of Lif!
Let mystery have its place in you; do not be always turning up your whole soil
+ith the ploughshare of self$examination, but leave a little fa#ow corner
in your heart ready for any seed the winds may bring.

$Henri$Frederic Amiel
There is an Intelligence that is operating outside of your logical mind, there is a
collaboration in the higher realms on your behalf.
There is a natural flow of synchronicity that is occurring in order for you to
achieve your greatest purpose in life.
By learning how to surrender to each moment and by learning the practice of
awareness, you will be in the flow and things will fall into place.
Unexpected events will happen that take you to the next step of reaching your life
Ask: What is this moment, this person, this issue, this event offering me?
How is what Im going through right now serving me in becoming my Higher
Be In the Flow of Life Guided Journey
Click HERE to download and listen to your Be In the Flow Guided Journey

! Questions to ask your Self:

How in the past have you struggled in
relationships because you are trying to
control circumstances to match your
What are you afraid might not happen
or be realized in your future? Give it
over to your Higher Self right now and
surrender the need to manipulate your
life to make it happen.
What daily rituals can you create to
move out of your mind and into your

Stop, Surrender, Shift and Serve %the 4 S&s' Exercise

This exercise is best used when there is something lurking in your
mind, a decision must be made, a challenging situation is at hand
or you are $nding it hard to concentrate.
Stop! That is physically stop, mentally stop and emotionally
stop. Stop everything!
Surrender. Take a moment to say out loud, I surrender, I give up
and I release everything over to my Higher Self.
Shift. Think of something positive. Put your attention towards a
memory that makes you physically, mentally and emotionally
shift into a better mood.
Serve. Start right now by taking one action step of being in
service to yourself, to others or to the world. You may do this
instantly by complimenting yourself on something, smiling at
someone or passing on a helpful environmental hint.
Be In The Flow of Life

Examine your Personality Aspects
Keep in mind these questions as you read through the personality aspects:
What qualities do you $nd inherent in your personality?
What personality traits do you want to change?
What behavior feels in alignment with your Higher Self?
In this review, you will gain clarity and immediate choice in your behavior...
Positive Aspects:
You move with the +ow of life... displaying a surrendering spirit
You relax into and yield to situations
Synchronicity occurs daily, opportunities land in your lap and miracles
You trust and allow your Higher Self to guide you
You create and manifest what you want in life by connecting with the divine
You heal the world through your expanding openess while making Love

Opposing Aspects:
You are fearful of outcomes
Questioning the future, you are always asking: how will this or that happen?
You are constantly trying to control everything in your environment by
controlling others and manipulating circumstances
You have the habit of relying on your mind for answers instead of your
intuitive guidance
You display worry on your face, with your body posture and movements
Giving Your Gift
Spreading the Love
You are here on a mission...
You have come to this planet to be a gift to the World...
You are on a special assignment of spreading Love and Light.
There is nothing more gratifying than being seen as the bright Light that you are...
Radiating Love is so ful$lling because you are feeling the Love move through your
body as you consciously intend to share it with others.
Love and Light aren"t meant to be kept all for the self or to give it all away...
Your responsibility as the Feminine, is to become a channel for Love and Light to
+ow through.
Say, Yes to this quest and start asking, %How can I Inspire today?&
Consciously o/ering Love to Self, Others and the World
Living out your Mission of Love
Love is your natural state.
To create this state of Being you must tune into your Higher Self.
Your Higher Self is your avenue to immediately access Spirit.
So the way to Inspire Love in your life is to be consciously connected to Spirit
(Inspiration) via your Higher Self.
Practicing Being the O$ering
When you are consciously o'ering, you are Aware.
Awareness is knowing what is being asked of you to o'er in this moment of the
What is your Higher Self whispering to you that is needed for promoting
inspiration in that moment to yourself, to others, and to the World?
A Wish List of O/erings
Create O$erings for Each Law of Love
In the following pages, there is a structure for you to list ideas of o'erings.
For each Law of Love consider what you can contribute as an o'ering to Self,
Others and to the World.
By listing these in advance you will have a collection of ideas that your Higher
Self can remind you to pull from, for Inspiration when needed.
This is a great gift of Love to the World. And, this is how Peace is created!
Thank you in advance for your gift giving as a contribution to changing
consciousness in the World.
#1 Be Bright
O$ering To Self:
O$ering To Others:
O$ering To The World:
#2 Revealing Yourself To Others
O$ering To Self:
O$ering To Others:
O$ering To The World:
#3 Be In Truth
O$ering To Self:
O$ering To Others:
O$ering To The World:
#4 Recognizing Others Divinity
O$ering To Self:
O$ering To Others:
O$ering To The World:
#5 Be In Continuity
O$ering To Self:
O$ering To Others:
O$ering To The World:
#6 Goodness Of Spirit
O$ering To Self:
O$ering To Others:
O$ering To The World:
#7 Be In Gratitud!
O$ering To Self:
O$ering To Others:
O$ering To The World:
#8 Be In Self$Acceptance
O$ering To Self:
O$ering To Others:
O$ering To The World:
#9 Create Freedo&
O$ering To Self:
O$ering To Others:
O$ering To The World:
#10 Be In the Flow of Life
O$ering To Self:
O$ering To Others:
O$ering To The World:
A Bouquet of Blessings
I am inspired by the many individuals that I come into contact with on a daily
I send out vibes of gratitude for all of my many %teachers& as they show up for
my evolution in this way, pleasantly and unexpectedly.
Thank you to all for keeping me in practice of these principles, spontaneously
and consistently.
I am also grateful for the beauty of Mother Nature. Her variety has me smile
with pleasure as my senses soak up her glorious nature.
Many thanks to the furry friends who have inspired a warm heart and a bright
Many Blessings,

"Anything you do from the soulful self will help lighten the
burdens of the world. Anything. You have no idea what the smallest
word, the tiniest generosity can cause to be set in motion.

Be outrageous in forgiving. Be dramatic in reconciling. Mistakes?
Back up and make them as right as you can, then move on.

Be off the charts in kindness. In whatever you are called to,
strive to be devoted to it in all aspects large and small. Fall
short? Try again. Mastery is in increments, not in leaps.

Be brave, be fierce, be visionary. Mend the parts of the world that
are "within your reach." To live this way is the most dramatic gift
you can ever give to the world. Consider yourselves assigned."

~Clarissa Pinkola Estes

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