Speech 8th Cycle: The Last Breath

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Speech 8th

Speech 8th Cycle
Did you know that sleep can cost
your life? or not? Well dont worry,
this is one of the ten most bizarre
diseases that occur in humans. In
fact, there have been only about
2 to ! cases worldwide who
suffer this sickness.
"ndine#s disease or primary
alveolar hypoventilation is caused
for one or more $%"&2' (ene
mutations, which can cause death by suffocation. )herefore, an innocent little
afternoon nap could have serious conse*uences. In fact, a severe case of this
disease is when it appears at birth and most infants die without a scientific
e+planation about what had happened.
,sually, when a normal person sleeps, breathin( stops workin( voluntary and
involuntary mechanisms are breathin(, which take the responsibility of the body.
)hus, a person sufferin( $rimary alveolar hypoventilation has disrupted
involuntary mechanisms so that with a low o+y(en in the blood, that is to say,
that there wasnt an increase of respiration.
%owever, there are people who have been livin( with this disease, in other
words, this illness is presented in a low level, where the patient can live but
cant sleep well and feels headaches and an increase in his red blood cells.
"n the other hand, it becomes dan(erous if you suffer this sickness since birth
and a lot of new born babies die without knowin( why.
Speech 8th Cycle
)he name to this disease is based on -ermanic mytholo(y, where "ndine was
a water nymph. .he was very beautiful and /like all nymphs0 immortal. "ndine
fell in love with a brave kni(ht 1 .ir 2awrence 1 and they were married. When
they e+chan(ed vows, .ir 2awrence said, 34y every wakin( breath shall be my
pled(e of love and faithfulness to you.3 5 year after their marria(e "ndine (ave
birth to 2awrences son. 6rom that moment she be(an to a(e. 5s "ndines
physical attractiveness diminished, 2awrence lost interest in his wife.
"ne afternoon, "ndine was walkin( near the stables, she heard the familiar
snorin( of her husband. When she entered the stables then saw .ir 2awrence
lyin( in the arms of another woman. "ndina *uickly woke her husband, she
pointed and said his curse7 89ou swore faithfulness every breath that you (ave
while you were awake and accepted your promise. While you stay awake, you
can breathe, but if you ever (et to sleep, you wont breath and you#ll die.
6inally one day he didnt resist and died.
Speech 8th Cycle
)he curse of "ndine is a mortal sickness
Its caused by a (ene mutation
)reatment depends on the severity of the case
)his disease re*uires a lot of care from parents
Investi(ate possible hereditary cases
:eeds to be informed of the latest treatments

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