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Public workshops as a way for

creating Landscape Quality

Objective on the local level
Martin Weber, Markta antrkov

Public workshops and creating the landscape quality objective were a key part of the
project Implementation of the European Landscape Convention measures within
intensively utilised landscapes that bear traces of historical landscape design
activities pilot study Nov Dvory Kaina (2006 2011).
Participative workshops in each stage of the project were organized by the project
team in the most important villages in the model area.

Model area
Total area is 113 km2.
The landscape is flat (200300 m above sea level).
The main land use is agriculture, although traces of Baroque, Classical and Romantic
landscape designs remain.
More than two-thirds of the land cover area is arable land.
The region faces many challenges in maintaining its agricultural profile, including
industrialised agriculture, urbanisation and the expansion of air, road, rail and water
transportation infrastructure.
First participative workshop first step to collaboration
place and time: first workshop was held in June 2008 in the most important monument
in the model area Kaina castle (reason: all people should have same distance from
their homes, workshop was connected with local celebration in the castle).
participants: workshop was open for all who would come, local stakeholders were
invited individually.
aims: make contact with local stakeholders and other people who are interested in
landscape; discuss with them about strength, problem and opportunities of the
landscape; find their point of view
form: moderate discussion
results: list and map of strength , problems and visions for the landscape

Participative workshops SWOT analysis
place and time: three biggest villages/small towns in the model
area (Nov Dvory, ehuice, Zbo nad Labem), October 2008,
June 2009.
participants: workshop was open for all who would come,
collaboration with local schools, important stakeholders were
invited individually.
aims: discussion with stakeholders about strength, weak sides,
opportunities and threats of the landscape of model area, first
step to SWOT analysis
form: modified ECOVAST method, moderate discussion
results: draft of SWOT analysis
ECOVAST method
The purpose of the method developed by ECOVAST (European Council of the Village and
Small Towns) is to identify the character of the landscape. In the first step, people identify
important features and driving forces in their landscape according a simple matrix. In the
second step, they should mark the most important of them.

Participative SWOT analysis assessment
place and time: Kaina castle, November 2009.
participants: participants of previous workshops, important
stakeholders were invited individually.
aims: discussion and assessment of SWOT analysis
form: moderate discussion, questionnaire
results: data for landscape scenarios
Participative landscape
scenarios assessment
place and time: village Crkvice,
September 2010.
participants: participants of previous
workshops, important stakeholders were
invited individually.
aims: discussion and assessment of
landscape scenarios
form: moderate discussion,
results: draft of the landscape quality
Participative landscape
quality objective assessment
place and time: village ehuice, castle
Kaina, March, October 2011.
participants: participants of previous
workshops, important stakeholders were
invited individually.
aims: participative assessment of the
landscape quality objective
form: moderate discussion
results: final version of the landscape
quality objective
Landscape quality objective
Novodvorsko, ehuicko
Thank you for your attention

Markta antrkov, Martin Weber
Silva Tarouca Research Institute for Landscape and Ornamental Gardening,
Actual land use
Novodvorsko, ehuicko

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