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Leah Ambler

Plans for front Cover(s) Photo-shoot

Product: Adolescence Magazine
Cover 1: Hats
Cover 2: Party
Cover 3: Music
Cover 4: Summer
Cover 1: Jackson Desilva
Cover 2: Dom Devlin
Cover 3: Jackson Desilva
Cover 4: Dom Devlin
Cover 1: a hat
Cover 2: none used
Cover 3: headphones
Cover 4: none used
Cover 1:
Floral supreme hat
Grey Diamond Hoodie,
Baggie blue jeans
Original Timberland boots
Cover 2:
Black cheap Monday top
Black high wasted Topshop leggings
High heals
Leah Ambler
Cover 3:
Black Jacket
Blue Jeans
Cover 4:
Floral crop top
Yellow Minnie Skirt
Hunter Wellingtons.
Cover 1: none used
Cover 2: Fake tan and big Eyelashes (Eyeliner)
Cover 3: none used
Cover 4: Blusher, pink Lipstick, Eye shadow and Fake tan.
Equipment Required
Nikon DX AF-S NIKKOR 18-55mm Camera.
Location Recce
Cover 1 & 3: PA16
Cover 2: Bar
Cover 4: Garden
Cover 1: Monday 13
Cover 2: Monday 13
Cover 3: Friday 10
Cover 4: Monday 13

Leah Ambler
Contingency Plans
Cover 1:
Location: A white wall inside.
Model: Hector Oladipo
Props: N/A
Cover 2:
Location: A kitchen.
Model: Jade Bonello.
Props: N/A
Cover 3:
Location: A brick or wooden wall.
Model: Hector Oladipo
Props: Guitar
Cover 4:
Location: A Floral wall.
Model: Jade Bonello.
Props: N/A
Copyright Laws
Definition: The law gives the creators of literary, dramatic, musical, artistic
works, sound recordings, broadcasts, films and typographical arrangement of
published editions, rights to control the ways in which their material may be
used. The rights cover; broadcast and public performance, copying, adapting,
issuing, renting and lending copies to the public. In many cases, the creator will
also have the right to be identified as the author and to object to distortions of
his work
Apply: This means that all content in my magazine must be work of my own to
ensure that I stick by the copyright law. For example, all pictures must be my
own and taken by me.

Leah Ambler
Discrimination Laws
Definition: It is against the law to discriminate against anyone because of:
Being or becoming a transsexual person
Being married or in a civil partnership
Being pregnant or having a child
Race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin
Religion, belief or lack of religion/belief
Sex or sexual orientation
Apply: This means that the content of my magazine must contain no content
which could be deemed as discrimination to any of the things above. For
example in the text used on my front covers or within the photographs no one
can be represented in a bad way.
Obscenity Law
Definition: The Law established by the Obscene Publications Act 1959
prohibiting the publishing of any material that tends to deprave or corrupt. In
Britain, obscene material can be, for example, pornographic or violent, or can
encourage drug taking. Publishing includes distribution, sale, and hiring of the
material. There is a defence in support of the public good if the defendant can
produce expert evidence to show that publication was in the interest of, for
example, art, science, or literature.
Apply: This means that in the content of my magazine there must be no
content which can be deemed as obscene. For example, no photographs which
could be seen as pornographic or inappropriate.
Official Secrets Act 1889
Definition: An act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom in which created
offences of disclosure of information of the country and also a breach of
official trust. Therefore meaning nothing which could be of offensive to the
country can be published.
Apply: This means that the content of my magazines must have nothing with
could be deemed as offensive to Britain.
Leah Ambler
Definition: The communication of a false statement that harms the reputation
of an individual, business, product, group, government, religion, or nation.
Most jurisdictions allow legal action to deter various kinds of defamation and
retaliate against groundless criticism.
Libel: Written
Slander: Spoken
Apply: Libel Slander applies to my magazine due to libel being written. This
means that there must be no written content in my magazine which features
discrimination to an individual.
Contempt of Court
Definition: Contempt of court is a court order which in the context of a court
trial or hearing, declares a person or organization to have disobeyed or been
disrespectful of the court's authority - Therefore meaning a person revealing
confidential information of the court or a case.
Apply: This means that nothing in my magazine can be discussed about
confidential law cases. This wouldnt apply to my magazine as much as it isnt a
gossip magazine.

Trademark Law
Definition: A trademark, trade mark, or trade-mark is a recognizable sign,
design or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source
from those of others. The trademark owner can be an individual, business
organization, or any legal entity. A trademark may be located on a package, a
label, a voucher or on the product itself. For the sake of corporate identity
trademarks are also being displayed on company buildings.
Apply: This means that photographs taken in my magazine must not contain
my models wearing any clothing that is clearly branded.

Ethics are the things that could be person and about morals or right or wrong.

Leah Ambler
Offensive Material
Definition: this is subject to the insult some people may find offensive and
some people may not.
Apply: This means that during the making of peoples magazines I must ensure
to consider the fact that people have different morals.
Representational Issues
Definition: how people and things are represented in the media and is it fair?
For example Nuts magazine.
Apply: This means that all social groups represented in my magazine must be
represented fairly. This is relevant to how rappers and music producers will be
represented in my magazine.
Protection of Children & privacy of the public
Definition: This includes not using images of children inappropriately, allowing
children to access inappropriate sites, also that the public arent exploited in
Apply: This means that I must ensure that throughout the content of my
magazine children must be protected meaning I must have no inappropriate
content in case children see it.

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