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Copyright2013 My Online Business Empire

The MOBE Compensation Plan

By: Matt Lloyd

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The MOBE Compensation Plan Explained
My Online Business Empire (MOBE) is an internet marketing and training system designed to
help you make money online. Anyone can become a Regular Affiliate (with no initial
investment) and promote our products.
As a Regular Affiliate, you will earn 50% commissions on the majority of our front-end
products (under $500) but no commissions on our back-end products (over $500).
However, if you wish to earn commissions on all our products as well as have our phone
sales team make high ticket sales for you ($1,000; $3,000 and $5,000 commissions) then you
can upgrade your Affiliate Membership.
MOBE Affiliate Memberships
MOBE offers 3 levels of Affiliate Membership in addition to the Regular Affiliate level:
1. MOBE License Rights
2. Titanium Mastermind
3. Platinum Mastermind

1. MOBE License Rights
MOBE License Rights members make an investment of $1,997 to partner with MOBE.
When you become a MOBE License Rights member you are eligible for:
1. Free access to 4 core products:
a. Affiliate Bonus Domination (retail price - $291)
b. How to Build a Funded Proposal (retail price - $194)
c. Email Marketing Empire (retail price - $194)
d. The O.P.T Formula (retail price - $194)
2. 90% commissions on all our front-end products (below $500)
3. 50% commissions on the majority of our back-end products (up to $1,200 per sale)
4. $1,000 commissions whenever you sign up a new MOBE License Rights member.

Here is a list of some of the MOBE products for which you will receive 90% commissions:
1. IM Revolution (retail price - $9.95)
2. Instant Info Product (retail price - $39.95)
3. MOBE Inner Circle (retail price - $97/month)
4. MOBE Elite Earners (retail price - $97/month)
5. Done For You Emails (retail price - $97/month)
6. Affiliate Bonus Domination (retail price - $291)
7. How To Build A Funded Proposal (retail price - $194)
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8. Email Marketing Empire (retail price - $194)
9. The O.P.T Formula (retail price - $194)
Here is a list of some of the MOBE products for which you will receive 50% commissions:
1. MOBE License Rights Program (retail price - $1,997)
2. 10,000 Leads in 100 days (retail price - $1,997)
3. Online Income Revolution (retail price - $997)
4. The 90 Day Challenge (retail price - $997)
5. Six Figure Coaching Secrets (retail price - $997)
6. Add the Nitrous (retail price - $997)

You also receive $1,200 in commissions when you sell the Diamond Coaching Program
(retail price - $4,997).
As you can see, being a MOBE License Rights member allows you to make far more
commissions than being a Regular Affiliate.
However, your earnings as a MOBE License Rights member are limited compared to those of
a Titanium or Platinum member.
2. Titanium Mastermind
Only MOBE License Rights members are eligible to become Titanium Mastermind members.
Titanium members invest $8,997. Payment is by bank wire. A 3% merchant fee is charged if
payment is made using a credit card.
As a Titanium member, youre given complimentary access to attend an annual 3 day, 4
night all-expenses paid mastermind retreat for two people. Your guest can be your spouse,
friend or business partner who is not already a MOBE partner.
Titanium members have free and exclusive access to the following services:
1) 500 Leads delivered onto your list
2) 5 Titanium 1-on-1 private consulting sessions
You also get a 50% discount on the following products and services:
3) MOBE Elite Earners (retail value - $97/month)
4) MOBE Inner Circle (retail value - $97/month)
5) Done For You Emails (retail value - $97/month)
Titanium members have the same commission structure for products as the MOBE License
Rights members. However, as a Titanium member, you will be eligible to earn an additional
$3,000 when one of your team members upgrade to the Titanium Mastermind level.
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3. Platinum Mastermind
Only Titanium Mastermind members are eligible to become Platinum Mastermind
Platinum members invest $14,997. Payment is by bank wire. A 3% merchant fee is charged if
payment is made using a credit card.
As a Platinum member, youre given complimentary access to attend an annual 5 day, 6
night all-expenses paid mastermind retreat for two people. Your guest can be your spouse,
friend or business partner who is not already a MOBE partner.
You also have free and exclusive access to these products and services:
1. 60K in 60 days (retail value - $1,997)
2. How To Make High Ticket Sales On The Phone (retail value - $4,997)
3. 10,000 Leads in 100 days Training Program (retail value - $1,997)
4. MOBE Elite Earners (retail value - $97/month)
5. MOBE Inner Circle (retail value - $97/month)
6. Done For You Emails (retail value - $97/month)
7. 10 Platinum 1-on-1 private consulting sessions
8. 1,000 Leads delivered onto your list
Platinum members have the same commission structure for products as the Titanium
members. However, as a Platinum member, you will be eligible to earn an additional $5,000
when one of your team members upgrade to the Platinum Mastermind level.
Compensation Plan Rules
Pay very close attention to this section - It could be the difference between you earning
$1,000 or $15,000 in commissions with just one sale.
The following abbreviations are used:
MLR = MOBE License Rights Program
TM = Titanium Mastermind
PM = Platinum Mastermind

Here are the MOBE Compensation plan rules:

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Rule #1 A partner can earn commissions ONLY on those
MOBE Membership Levels he/she is personally positioned at.
For example, MOBE License Rights members are eligible to make commissions on their
MOBE License Rights sales. They are not eligible to earn Titanium and Platinum commissions
unless they are positioned at those levels.
Similarly, Titanium members are eligible to earn commissions on MOBE License Rights and
Titanium sales not Platinum sales.
Platinum members are eligible to earn commissions on MOBE License Rights, Titanium and
Platinum sales.

Rule #2 When a partner invests in their first MOBE product, their
MOBE License Rights, Titanium and Platinum sponsors
are set and do not ever change.
For example, lets say you fully position yourself as a MOBE License Rights, Titanium and
Platinum member.
You sponsor Bob who positions himself as a MOBE License Rights member.
Bob sponsors Mary who also positions herself as a MOBE License Rights member.
This means:
You are Bobs MOBE License Rights, Titanium and Platinum sponsor.
Bob is Marys MOBE License Rights sponsor.
You are Marys Titanium and Platinum sponsor.
Because when Mary purchased her first MOBE product, Bob was only a MOBE License Rights
member himself. He was not a Titanium or Platinum member.
Remember; when someone invests in their first MOBE product, their MOBE License Rights,
Titanium and Platinum sponsors are set in stone. They never change.
If you had been a MOBE License Rights member when Mary purchased her first MOBE
Bob would still be Marys MOBE License Rights sponsor.
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Marys Titanium sponsor would have been your Titanium sponsor.
Marys Platinum sponsor would have been your Platinum sponsor.
If you become a MOBE License Rights member and sponsor 5 MOBE License Rights
members and then you later upgrade your membership to Titanium, you cannot get the
$3,000 commissions when any of your 5 MOBE License Rights members upgrade their
affiliate level to Titanium.
Because at the time they made their first MOBE product purchase, you were not positioned
as a Titanium member, so you are not their Titanium sponsor.
Rule #3 Every MOBE License Rights, Titanium and Platinum member gets
5% commissions on the personal sales of the members they sponsor.
Lets consider the previous example involving You, Bob and Mary:
You are fully positioned (MOBE License Rights, Titanium and Platinum member).
You sponsor Bob who positions himself as a MOBE License Rights member.
Bob sponsors Mary who also positions herself as a MOBE License Rights member.
The diagram below indicates how much you would earn in commissions overall.

$1,000 (for MLR sale)
$100 (5% of MLR sale)
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Your Personal Sales = $1,997 (MOBE License Rights Program sold to Bob)
Your Commissions on Personal Sales = $1,000

Bobs Personal Sales = $1,997 (MOBE License Rights Program sold to Mary)
Your Commissions on Bobs Personal Sales = $100

Your Total Commissions = $1,100

What if Mary upgrades to Titanium and Platinum Mastermind?
In that case, heres what would happen:

Your Personal Sales = $1,997 (MOBE License Rights Program sold to Bob)
Your Commissions on Personal Sales = $1,000
Bobs Personal Sales = $1,997 (MOBE License Rights Program sold to Mary)
Your Commissions on Bobs Personal Sales = $100
Your Commissions Earned through Pass Ups = $8,000 ($3,000 + $5,000 due to Marys
Titanium and Platinum Purchase)
Your Total Commissions = $9,100

$1,000 (for MLR sale)
$100 (5% of MLR sale)
$3,000 as Marys TM sponsor
$5,000 as Marys PM sponsor
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What if Bob upgrades to Titanium and Platinum Mastermind and then sponsors
Jane (who gets fully positioned by getting all 3 memberships)?
In that case, heres what would happen:

Your Personal Sales (all 3 memberships sold to Bob) = $25,991 ($1,997 + $8,997 + $14,997)
Your Commissions for Personal Sales = $9,000 ($1,000 + $3,000 + $5,000)
Bobs Personal Sales = $27,998 ($1,997 + $1,997 + $8,997 + $14,997)
(MOBE License Rights sold to Mary and all 3 memberships to Jane)
Your Commissions for Bobs Personal Sales = $1,400
Your Commissions Earned through Pass Ups = $8,000 ($3,000 + $5,000)
(Marys Titanium and Platinum Purchase)
Your Total Commissions = $18,400

Note: Who you sponsor will have a large impact on your earnings in MOBE. If you sponsor a
producer, your earnings can multiply many times over.

$3,000 as Marys TM sponsor
$5,000 as Marys PM sponsor
$100 (5% of MLR sale)
$1,000 (for MLR sale)
$3,000 as Bobs TM sponsor
$5,000 as Bobs PM sponsor
You earn 5% of Bobs
personal sales
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Compensation Plan Scenarios
3 hypothetical scenarios follow. You can use these scenarios to understand the
compensation plan better. In each scenario, calculate how much each person has earned at
the end.
Once you get your final answer, check the answer to see if you got it right.
It is highly recommended that you attempt to solve the scenarios before checking the
So; lets see how well you have understood the Compensation Plan Rules.
Scenario 1:
Event 1:
You fully position yourself as a MOBE License Rights, Titanium and Platinum member.
Event 2:
3 days later you sponsor Colin who signs up as a MOBE License Rights member.
Event 3:
5 days later Colin sponsors 3 people: Sarah, James and Nathan.

Sarah signs up as a MOBE License Rights member.
James gets fully positioned (MOBE License Rights, Titanium and Platinum memberships).
Nathan signs up as a MOBE License Rights and Titanium member.
Event 4:
Colin, after seeing his success, gets fully positioned (invests in Titanium and Platinum
Event 5:
4 days after Colin gets fully positioned;
Sarah makes her first sale to Kyle who gets fully positioned (MOBE License Rights, Titanium
and Platinum memberships).
Event 6:
James makes his first sale to Todd who signs up as a MOBE License Rights member.
Event 7:
Nathan sponsors 2 people Wayne (MOBE License Rights member) and Ben (MOBE License
Rights and Titanium member).
How much does each person earn in commissions at the end of this scenario?
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Sponsor Diagram:

Before checking the answers below see if you can guess how much each person made.

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Here is the answer:
1 You get fully
- - - - -
2 You sponsor
Colin (MLR)

- - - -

Sarah (MLR),
James (MLR,
TM & PM)
and Nathan
(MLR & TM)
(3 MLR Sales)
+ $8,000 (James
TM & PM pass
+ $3,000
(Nathan TM
pass up)
= $11,300

3 MLR sales





Colin gets

$3,000 + $5,000
( TM &
PM Sale)





Kyle (fully

$100 (MLR
Sale) + $8,000
(TM & PM
Pass Up)
= $8,100




Todd (MLR)






(MLR) & Ben
(MLR & TM)


(2 MLR Sales)
+ $450
(Ben TM sale)
= $650



(Wayne MLR)
+ $4,000
(Ben MLR & TM)
= $5,000
TOTAL: $20,300 $11,850 $1,000 $1,000 $5,000

At the end of this scenario:
You earn $20,300 in commissions.
Colin earns $11,850 in commissions.
Sarah earns $1,000 in commissions.
James earns $1,000 in commissions.
Nathan earns $5,000 in commissions.

Did you get it right?
If yes, awesome!
If not, dont worry. Have another go.
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Scenario 2:
In this scenario:
- You are a MOBE License Rights and Titanium member but not a Platinum
- We also consider your Platinum sponsor, Rick.
- Everything else stays the same as in scenario 1.
Can you calculate how much you and Rick make at the end of this scenario?
Sponsor Diagram:

Before checking the answers below see if you can guess how much each person made.

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Here is the answer:
1 Rick Sponsors You
(MLR & TM)

($1,000 + $3,000)
2 You sponsor
Colin (MLR)
(1 MLR sale)
3 Colin sponsors
Sarah (MLR),
James (MLR, TM & PM)
and Nathan (MLR & TM)
$300 (3 MLR sales)
+ $3,000 (James TM pass up)
+ $3,000 (Nathan TM pass up)

= $6,300

(James PM pass up)
Colin gets
fully positioned

(Colin TM sale)


$450(Colin TM sale) + $5,000 (Colin
PM pass up)
= $5,450
5 Sarah sponsors Kyle (fully
- -
6 James sponsors Todd
- -
7 Nathan sponsors
Wayne (MLR) &
Ben (MLR & TM)



TOTAL: $10,300 $14,550

At the end of this scenario:
You earn $10,300 in commissions.
Rick, your Platinum sponsor, earns $14,550 in commissions.

How did you go this time?
Did you get the right answer?
If yes, great!
If not, lets have one final go.
Scenario 3
This scenario is the same as scenario 2 except that you are now just a MOBE License Rights
member. You are not positioned as a Titanium or Platinum member.

Can you calculate how much you and Rick made at the end of this scenario?

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Here is the answer:

At the end of this scenario:
You earn $1,300 in commissions.
Rick, your Platinum sponsor, earns $20,100 in commissions.

1 Rick Sponsors You


2 You sponsor
Colin (MLR)

1 MLR sale
3 Colin sponsors
Sarah (MLR),
James (MLR, TM & PM) and
Nathan (MLR & TM)

3 MLR sales

(James TM & PM pass up)
$3,000 (Nathan TM ) pass up
= $11,000
4 Colin gets
fully positioned

Colin TM & PM pass up
5 Sarah sponsors Kyle (fully



6 James sponsors Todd (MLR)

7 Nathan sponsors
Wayne (MLR) &
Ben (MLR & TM)



TOTAL: $1,300 $20,100
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How Your Affiliate Level in MOBE can Impact Your
Commissions and Make a huge Difference to Your
Bottom Line:
As you can see from the above 3 scenarios and the table below, your decision as to what
level you are positioned has a huge impact on your earnings in MOBE.
Scenario 1
Platinum Mastermind
Scenario 2
Scenario 3
MOBE License Rights

Your commissions




Ricks Commissions
Your sign-up
($1,000 + $3,000 + $5,000)
your MLR,TM&PM sales to Colin
($100 + $450 + $750)



In the scenarios we assumed you had sponsored one person (Colin). You can imagine how
the above earnings can be multiplied if you sponsor 5, 10, 15 or more people!
We used exactly the same events in each scenario.
The only difference was your affiliate level.
The same amount of work was done, but the commissions earned were considerably
The difference in your commissions as a fully positioned member and as a MOBE License
Rights member came out to nearly $20,000.

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Compensation Plan Summary:
Think of MOBE as having 3 different levels:
1. MOBE License Rights (MLR)
- You earn $1,000 commissions per customer as well as 5% in residual
- To create a comfortable income online, you still need to sponsor at least one
MLR a week.

2. Titanium Mastermind (TM)
- You now can get an additional $3,000 in commissions per customer.
- Industry statistics would indicate that 1 out of every 3 MOBE License Rights
members make the decision to position themselves as Titanium members.
- The 5% in residuals and the pass-up Titanium commissions can multiply your
income in MOBE, for no extra work.

3. Platinum Mastermind (PM)
- You now can get an additional $5,000 in commissions per customer.
- Industry statistics indicate that 1 out of 2 Titanium members will position
themselves as Platinum members.
- The 5% in residuals and the pass-up Platinum commissions can further multiply
your income in MOBE.

Consider this: Every single MOBE partner who earns over $250,000 in commissions per year
is a Platinum member.
If your goal is to earn a multiple 6 or 7 figure income online, it is strongly advised that you
get fully positioned (MOBE License Rights, Titanium and Platinum memberships).

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A Real Life Example of How the MOBE
Compensation Plan allowed a Platinum member to
earn $12,000 from a single sale
To demonstrate why its in your best interest to get fully positioned in MOBE from the start,
here is a real life example of what can happen.
Take a look at this post by David Follini:

David posted this in our Private Customer Only Facebook Group and it got quite a few
When someone asked David how he was able to earn $12,000 income in just a month or so,
he replied as follows:

This is a great example of why it makes sense to fully position yourself as a MOBE License
Rights, Titanium and Platinum member before you start your marketing.

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How to Earn a Free Mercedes with MOBE
With just 5 points per month, MOBE License Rights members can drive away in a Mercedes
Benz of their choosing.
Titanium members only need 4 points a month to qualify.
And Platinum members need just 3 points a month to qualify.
Heres how the point structure works:
A MOBE License Rights sale = 1 point
A Titanium Mastermind sale = 3 points
A Platinum Mastermind sale = 5 points

Base Level: ($600 / month
Luxury Level: ($1,200 / month
Points Required: Points Required:
MOBE License Rights: 5 10
Titanium Member: 4 8
Platinum Member: 3 6

For more information on how to get your MOBE Mercedes and to see some case studies of
other MOBE partners who have, go here:
If you have any remaining questions on how the MOBE Compensation Plan works, contact
your MOBE coach or support.
Regular Affiliate Refers to free affiliates. Regular affiliates get 50% commissions on front
end products (below $500) and no commissions on back end products.
Affiliate Membership Refers to the 3 different MOBE partner levels MOBE License
Rights, Titanium Mastermind and Platinum Mastermind.
Fully Positioned Refers to the investment in all 3 MOBE partnership levels (MOBE License
Rights, Titanium Mastermind and Platinum Mastermind).
Pass Ups Refers to the commissions a person gets when someone in their organization
makes a sale but is NOT eligible to receive the commission on that sale (and so the
commission is passed up)

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