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News Release

Pierre Lortie elected President of the Canadian Academy of Engineering for


Ottawa (June 26, 2014) Mr. Pierre Lortie, FCAE was elected President of the Canadian
Academy of Engineering (CAE) at CAEs Annual General Meeting held on June 26, 2014 in St.
Johns, NL. He was elected as a Fellow of the Academy in 1988 and has served on the Board of
Directors since 2010.

A graduate of Universit Laval in engineering physics, Pierre Lortie holds
a licence in applied economics from the Universit Louvain, Belgium and
a M.B.A. with honors from the University of Chicago. A Senior Business
Advisor at Dentons Canada, he is also a Director of Group Canam,
Element Financial Corporation, Lamle Iron Ore and Quest Rare
Minerals. He has held senior executive positions at Bombardier, notably
as President of Bombardier Transportation and of Bombardier
Aerospace, Regional Aircraft. He has been Chairman, President and CEO
of Provigo, President and CEO of the Montral Stock Exchange and a
Senior Partner of SECOR Inc. A Director of the Research Center of the
McGill University Health Center and of the Canadian Center of Innovation for Manufacturers
(ETS). He is also President of the Canadian Ditchley Foundation, Chairman of The Schmeelk
Canada Foundation, Director of the Executive Committee of The Conference of Defence
Associations Institute and member of the SME Advisory Board of the Autorit des marches
financiers du Qubec. At the government level, he served as Vice Chairman of Canadas
National Advisory Board on Science and Technology and as Chairman of the Centre for
Information Technology Innovation. He also served as Chairman of Canadas Royal Commission
on Electoral Reform and Party Financing. He was a representative of the Prime Minister of
Canada on the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) from 1999 to 2003. He served as
Chairman of the Montral Demerger Transition Committee and he directed the PPP
procurement of the McGill University Health Center (MUHC), the Centre hospitalier
universitaire de lUniversit de Montral (CHUM) and the Research Center of the CHUM. He
was awarded the Order of Canada in 2001.

The Canadian Academy of Engineering comprises many of the countrys most accomplished
engineers, who have expressed their dedication to the application of science and engineering
principles in the interests of the country and its enterprises. The Academy is an independent,
self-governing and non-profit organization established in 1987 to serve the nation in matters of

engineering concern. The Academy is an active member of the International Council of
Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences (CAETS), which involves 26 leading

Fellows of the Academy are nominated and elected by their peers, in view of their distinguished
achievements and career-long service to the engineering profession. Fellows work closely with
the other national engineering associations in Canada, and with the other Canadian academies
that comprise the Council of Canadian Academies. Fellows of the Academy are committed to
ensuring that Canadas engineering expertise is applied to the benefit of all Canadians, and can
be identified by the FCAE after their names.

For additional information or interviews, please contact:
Kevin Goheen, P.Eng., Ph.D.
Executive Director
Tel: (613) 235-9056 x 223

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