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Preliminary Reading List

MSc in Risk, Crisis and Disaster Management &

MSc in Emergency Planning Management
By Distance Learning
Please find below a list of books that you may find helpful to read prior to starting the course. Each
one offers a different insight and will provide helpful supplementary (although not essential) reading.
As you may know we supply all the recommended books for your course in the study packs. The
books listed below are not included in any of the study packs that will be sent to you. The first book
listed may prove particularly useful.
If a book is tagged out of print! (""P) it can still be obtained through the library. If it is not on the
library shelves# it will be ordered via Inter$%ibrary %oan (I%%). Please contact the %ibrary &elp 'esk
for further information.
(ote that some books are very recent# others not. %ongevity is sometimes an indication of
e)cellence. Professor *ohn Adams!s book Risk# for e)ample# still resonates with theoreticians#
students and practitioners.
Recommended Reading:
Adams# *. (+,,-) Risk# %ondon. /0% Press.
I12(. +34-53673-
Price. 853 print$on$demand book (i.e. printed for you). takes 9$: weeks
Antonsen# 1. (566,) Safety Culture: Theory, Method and Improvement. Aldershot. Ashgate.
I12(. ,-36-4:7,9,:,
Price. e$book only. "rder from publisher
2artol# ;.<. and <artin# '.0. (+,,3) Management. 2oston. <c=raw$&ill.
I12(. 66-664-555
Price. ""P
2eeson# <. and 2isley# (. (56+6) Issues in 21
Century World oliti!s. 2asingstoke. Palgrave$
I12(. ,-365964,:45:
Price. 85-
2ennett# P. (56+6) Risk Communi!ation and u"li! #ealth. ")ford. ")ford /niversity Press.
I12(. ,-36+,,4753:3
Price. 89-.,,
0onklin# T. (56+5) re$%!!ident Investigations. Aldershot. Ashgate.
I12(. ,-3$+$:6,:$:-35$4
Price. 856
0ook# <.# (oyes# *. and <asakowski# >. (566-) &e!ision$Making in Comple' (nvironments.
Aldershot. Ashgate.
I12(. ,-36-4:7:,465
Price. 874
'uffey# ?. and 1aull# *. (5665) )no* the risk + learning from errors and a!!idents: safety and risk in
today,s te!hnology. 2utterworth$&einemann.
I12(. 6-467-4,7,
Price. ""P
@ulcher# *. (566:) Capitalism + a very short introdu!tion. ")ford. ")ford /niversity Press. (This
book is illustrative of an e)cellent series of short monographs written by celebrated academics on
over 966 topics# including risk# technology# nuclear power# the Industrial ?evolution#
environmentalism# globalisation and other topics of interest to 011/ students. 1ee.
I12(. ,-36+,5365+3-
Price. 8-.,,
=lendon# A.I.# 0larke# 1.=. and <c;enna# E.@. (5667) #uman Safety and Risk Management. 2oca
?aton. 0?0 Press.
I12(. ,-363:,996,65
Price. 8-9.,,
=ottschalk# *. (5665) Crisis Management. ")ford. 0apstone.
I12(. +3:++55+4-
Price. 83.,,
=riffin# =. (5665) Reputation Management. ")ford. 0apstone.
I12(. +3:++559+,
Price. 8+6
&ealth and 1afety E)ecutive (+,,,) Redu!ing (rror and Influen!ing -ehaviour. %ondon. &er
<aBesty!s 1tationery "ffice.
I12(. 6-+-75:453
Price. 8++.46
&ucCynski# A. and 2uchanan# '. (566-) .rgani/ational -ehaviour: %n Introdu!tory Te't. &arlow.
Prentice &all.
I12(. ,-365-9-5355+
Price. 846
Irwin# A. (+,,4) Citi/en S!ien!e# %ondon. ?outledge.
I12(. 6:+4+96+6-
Price. 895.,,
*eynes# *. (566+) Risk Management: 10 prin!iples. 2utterworth$&einemann.
I12(. 6-46746975
Price. ""P
;letC# T. (566+) 1earning from %!!idents. ")ford. =ulf Professional Publishing.
I12(. 6-467:339D
Price. 875.,,
%arkin# *. (5669) Strategi! Reputation Risk Management. 2asingstoke. Palgrave$<acmillan.
I12(. 6999,,44:7
Price. 846 (hardback only)
%evinson *. and =ranot# &. (5665) Transportation &isaster Response #and"ook. %ondon.
Academic Press.
I12(. 6+5::4:376
Price. 849.,4
%upton# '. (+,,,) Risk 2)ey ideas3. %ondon. ?outledge.
I12(. 6:+4+399:6
Price. 8+5.,,
<aurino# '.E.# ?eason# *.# *ohnston# (. and %ee# ?.E. (5665) -eyond %viation #uman 4a!tors:
Safety in #igh Te!hnology systems. Aldershot. Ashgate.
I12(. +3:6+:,:34
Price. 896.66
<cIntyre# =.?. (5666) atterns in Safety Thinking. Aldershot. Ashgate.
I12(. ,-36-4:7+9556
Price. 876
<orris# *. (5666) Rethinking Risk and the re!autionary rin!iple. 2utterworth$&einemann.
I12(. 6-467:739-
Price. 89-.,, print$on$demand book (i.e. printed for you). takes 9$: weeks
"E;ane# ?. (566-) Terrorism. &arlow. Pearson.
I12(. 6435467+6-
Price. 8+4.,, (new 56+5 edition)
"wen# 0.# 2eguin# P. and Fackers# =. (566,) Risky Work (nvironments. Aldershot. Ashgate.
I12(. ,-36-4:7-76,7
Price. 874
Peters# =.A. and Peters# 2.*. (5665) %utomotive 5ehi!le Safety. %ondon. Taylor and @rancis.
I12(. 6:+4579997
Price. 8,7 (hardback only)
Pugh# '.1. and &ickson# '.*. (566-) Writers on .rganisations. %ondon. Penguin.
I12(. 6+:+65,,5-
Price. 8+6.,,
Guarantelli# E.%. (+,,3) (ed) What is a disaster6 erspe!tives on the 7uestion. %ondon. ?outledge.
I12(. 6:+4+-3,,+
Price. 89,
?eason# *. (+,,-) Managing the Risks of .rganisational %!!idents. Aldershot. Ashgate Publishing.
I12(. +3:6+:+646
Price. 85-.46
?othstein# &. (5665) 8egle!ted Risk Regulation: the institutional attenuation phenomenon. %ondon.
%ondon 1chool of Economics (%1E) 0entre for Analysis of ?isk and ?egulation (0A??).
I12(. 6-496+76-,
Price. Available from %1E (0A??)
1agan# 1.'. (+,,9) The 1imits of Safety: .rganisations, %!!idents and 8u!lear *eapons.
Princeton# (*. Princeton /niversity Press.
I12(. 67,+65+6+4
Price. 857.,4 print$on$demand book (i.e. printed for you). takes 9$: weeks
1canlon# E.# Fhitelegg# E. and >ates# 1. (+,,,) (eds) Communi!ating S!ien!e. %ondon.
?outledgeA"pen /niversity.
I12(. 6:+4+,-493
Price. 85:.,,
1kinns# %.# 1cott# <. and 0o)# T. (56++) (eds) Risk. 0ambridge. 0ambridge /niversity Press.
I12(. ,-3645++-+,--
Price. 8+9.,,
1tallings# ?.A. (5665) (eds) Methods of disaster resear!h. Philadelphia# PA. Dlibris.
I12(. +:6+6-,-6,
Price. 8+4.66 (unavailable to /; booktrade)
Haughan# '. (+,,7) The Challenger 1aun!h &e!ision. 0hicago. /niversity of 0hicago Press.
I12(. 655734+-49
Price. ""P
Farr# P. (5665) (ed) sy!hology at Work. %ondon. Penguin.
I12(. 6+:+666+6:
Price. 8+7.,,

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