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Fabiola M.

Torres Prez
Annotated Bibliography
Internet Addiction
Lin, C., Lin, S., & Wu, C. (2009). The effects of parental monitoring and leisure boredom on
adolescents internet addiction. Adolescence, 44(176), 993-1004. Retrieved from
In Taiwan, a study of internet addiction and strategies for teens to prevent this obsession
is made. There were eleven students chosen from secondary schools in Taiwan to participate in
this study. Experts interrogated those students with various simple questions like; what did they
do when they were bored? Do they feel like their social life depends on internet? Do their parents
look after them? Etc After interrogating these children, studies reveal that teens go to their
computers when they feel bored causing them to not study, get bad grades and low self- esteem.

Ghamari, F., Mohammadbeigi, A., Mohammadsalehi, N., & Hashiani, A. (2011). Internet
addiction and modeling its risk factors in medical students, Iran. Indian Journal of
Psychological Medicine, 33(2), 158-162. doi:
The internet is a worldwide sensation in which many people have got obsessed with it. A
study was made about some medical students of Iran, in which participated 426, half of those
students are addicted to the internet and the other half depend on the internet. In that study,
Experts interrogated all of them and applied the Pearson coefficient statistical tests. These tests
revealed that 10. 8% suffer internet addiction but the relationship with their parents and social
life was not affected. In conclusion, People have to learn how to divide their time because that
will give them a lot more peace.

Belluck, P. (1996). The symptoms of internet addiction. New York Times. Retrieved from
We talk about the big issue of the internet and how it affects us. The problem of internet
users developing on-line addiction is discussed. The people that are obsessed with internet
chatting, meeting and talking to unknown strangers to date via Facebook, tweeter or even
Instagram. They explain that they are not obsessed with it, but they obviously are because of the
excessive use of the computer. There are a lot of counseling places that helps people with these
addictions to reduce internet obsession. In conclusion, these people are not very different from
those addicted to sex or alcohol because they also reject their obsession.

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