MotionEye With Raspberry PI

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motionEye with Raspberry PI
motionEye with Raspberry PI
1 of 7 6/26/2014 12:41 AM
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motionEye is a 'eb 2rontend 2or a !inu3 %ideo sur%eillance
program called motion. #his tutorial 'ill 'al4 you through
the necessary steps to install and con2igure motionEye on a
Raspberry PI. 5ou 'ill build yoursel2 an intelligent %ideo
sur%eillance system based on a2ordable components and
opensource so2t'are.
Special than4s go to 6enneth !a%rsen1 the original author o2
motion1 a great piece o2 so2t'are that does all the hard 'or4
2or this project.
motion7ye "eatures
'eb inter2ace1 responsi%e design
user$pass'ord protection 8administrator and normal user9
mjpg streaming
motion detection1 output to jpeg and a%i 2iles
timelapse capturing
bro'sing1 pre%ie'ing and do'nloading o2 media 2iles
ad%anced camera settings
Required Hard'are
a Raspberry PI
a micro (S) po'er supply 8:V1 /A9
an S; memory card 8at least 0)9
an USB webcam or CSI camera board
an USB WiFi adapter 8optionally1 i2 an ethernet connection is not a%ailable9
motionEye with Raspberry PI
2 of 7 6/26/2014 12:41 AM

<nstalling #he =S
;o'nload the latest %ersion o2 the Raspbian operating system. Here you>ll 2ind
instructions on ho' to trans2er the =S image to the memory card. =nce the =S is on
motionEye with Raspberry PI
3 of 7 6/26/2014 12:41 AM
the S; card1 boot your Raspberry PI. #he commands presented 'ith the 2ollo'ing
steps are to be e3ecuted e3clusi%ely in a terminal on the Raspnberry PI.
)e2ore mo%ing on1 it is recommended that you update the pac4ages on your system?
<nstalling #he Required Pac4ages
motionEye requires a 2e' libraries and e3tra programs. <nstall them 'ith the
2ollo'ing command?
<nstalling motion7ye
Choose the latest %ersion 2rom the downoads list 8use the Tags tab9 and do'nload it
to /home/pi. (npac4 8replacing xyz 'ith the code in the 2ilename9?
A2ter this step you>ll ha%e motionEye installed in /home/pi/motioneye1 your current
Con2iguring motion7ye
Create a 2ile 2rom the e3isting template?
#he de2ault settings are good in most o2 the cases. <2 you 'ish to customi@e
motionEye1 you can later edit the 2ile - you>ll 2ind a short description
ne3t to each o2 the a%ailable options.
CS< Camera )oard
"ollo' this step only i2 you use the CS< Camera )oard instead o2 a regular (S)
only a single camera module can be used 'ith motionEye
gi%en the high resolution at 'hich this camera can 'or41 it is possible that the
per2ormance o2 Raspberry PI be not enough 8processing o2 large images is
the u%0l dri%er
#he camera module does not ha%e a nati%e !" dri%er 8at the time o2 'riting9. #here is
ho'e%er a set o2 #serspace components that emulate the !" inter2ace 2or such a
camera module.
1 sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade
1 sudo aptitude install python-tornado python-jinja2 python-imaging
motion ffmpeg v4l-utils
1 cd /home/pi
2 tar zxvf ccrisan-motioneye-xyz.tar.gz
3 mv ccrisan-motioneye-xyz motioneye
4 cd motioneye
1 cp
motionEye with Raspberry PI
4 of 7 6/26/2014 12:41 AM
(P;A#7? no' it has ?9
the bcm.AB:C%0l. module
Append bcm2835_v4l2 to /etc/modules
ma4e sure you run the latest %ersion o2 the Raspberry P< 2irm'are
ma4e sure you ha%e enabled the camera module in raspi-config
don>t o%ercloc4 your P< too much1 using the camera module causes core
o%erheating already
allocate at least D0M) o2 RAM to the P(
Running motion7ye
motionEye does not need root pri%ileges to runE it can be started directly 2rom the
directory 'here it 'as e3tracted?
<2 e%erything 'as properly installed and con2igured1 motionEye should emit an in2o
message saying that the server started. *o' point your bro'ser to
http$%%raspberrypi$&'() 8replacing raspberrypi 'ith the <P adress o2 your de%ice9.
#he motionEye 'eb inter2ace should sho' up. (se admin 'ith no pass'ord1 'hen
prompted 2or authentication. Start by adding a ne' camera and 2eel 2ree to
e3periment 'ith the %arious a%ailable settings.
&hen you>re done Fe3perimentingF1 hit ctrl-c.
Autostarting At )oot
5ou>ll probably 'ant motionEye to start automatically at boot. Add the 2ollo'ing line
to /etc/rc.local 8right be2ore the exit 09?
#his 'ill start the ser%er 'ith the user pi1 put the log into motioneye.log and run the
process in the bac4ground.
#he motion daemon 'ill be run automatically by motionEye - it should not run at

1 sudo nano /etc/module
1 ./
1 sudo -u pi sh -c !/home/pi/motioneye/ " /home/pi
/motioneye/run/motioneye.log 2"&1! &

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motionEye with Raspberry PI
5 of 7 6/26/2014 12:41 AM
B Comments
*e+ Super .5ou ma4e something %erry use2ull and nice.ood job
Posted at .+/0-+/-/: //?::?B. Repy
73cellent 'or41 <>%e implemented in my raspy. #han4s 2or that.
<>m Spanish and <>%e translated all that could $ ma4e 4no'n ...
&ell1 my 7nglish is 2atal and use google 2or this message.
< ha%e translated 2iles? main.html1 main.js1 ui.js1 R7A;M7.md1 !<C7*S7 and
< thin4 <>m not missing any 2iles to translate1 noG
<2 this small translation job you 'ant to use in the project1
'ould be my pleasure to assist in this.
Posted at .+/0-+0-+. /0?0A?+/ Repy
i et this message 'hen i try to add a cam in the 'ebinter2ace.
"ailed to open $de%$%ideo+? *o such 2ile or directory
.+/0-+0-.+ .B?/D?./? 7RR=R? (ncaught e3ception 7# $con2ig$listCde%ices
$GCH/B,A+.A:I:,,+ 8/,../DA././+:9
H##PRequest8protocolH>http>1 hostH>/,../DA././+,?AID:>1 methodH>7#>1
uriH>$con2ig$listCde%ices$GCH/B,A+.A:I:,,+>1 %ersionH>H##P$/./>1
remoteCipH>/,../DA././+:>1 bodyH>>1 headersHJ>Accept-!anguage>?
>s%-S71s%EqH+.A1en-(SEqH+.D1enEqH+.0>1 >Accept-7ncoding>? >g@ip1de2late1sdch>1
>Host>? >/,../DA././+,?AID:>1 >Accept>? >K$K>1 >(ser-Agent>? >Mo@illa$:.+ 8MacintoshE
<ntel Mac =S L /+CIC:9 Apple&eb6it$:BI.BD 86H#M!1 li4e ec4o9
Chrome$B0.+./A0I.//D Sa2ari$:BI.BD>1 >Connection>? >4eep-ali%e>1 >L-Requested-
&ith>? >LM!HttpRequest>1 >Re2erer>? >http?$$/,../DA././+,?AID:$>1 >Authori@ation>?
>)asic 5&Rta&0D>M9
#racebac4 8most recent call last9?
"ile F$usr$lib$python..I$dist-pac4ages$tornado$'eb.pyF1 line /+++1 in

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Timothy A Gorman Works at Punk Rock
Wow.. not running on a RBP but this is the best and lightest linux surveillance system I've used
to date
Reply Like Follow Post April 11 at 9:46pm
Jean David
Great work. It was just lack the action to take upon detection of movement (on_event_start)
and at the end of the movement (on_event_end).
Thank you for giving us the benefit of your work.
Reply Like Follow Post May 10 at 10:05pm
motionEye with Raspberry PI
6 of 7 6/26/2014 12:41 AM
Copyright N .+/0 Ho' to embed. All Rights Reser%ed.
raiseCe3cCin2o88type1 %alue1 tracebac499
"ile F$usr$lib$python..I$dist-pac4ages$tornado$'eb.pyF1 line ///A1 in 'rapper
return method8sel21 Kargs1 KK4'args9
"ile F.$src$handlers.pyF1 line /::1 in get
"ile F.$src$handlers.pyF1 line /.,1 in 'rapper
return 2unc8sel21 Kargs1 KK4'args9
"ile F.$src$handlers.pyF1 line 0:I1 in listCde%ices
2or d in %0l.ctl.listCde%ices89O
"ile F.$src$%0l.ctl.pyF1 line 0B1 in listCde%ices
output H subprocess.chec4Coutput8>%0l.-ctl --list-de%ices>1 shellH#rue9
"ile F$usr$lib$python..I$subprocess.pyF1 line :001 in chec4Coutput
raise CalledProcess7rror8retcode1 cmd1 outputHoutput9
CalledProcess7rror? Command >%0l.-ctl --list-de%ices> returned non-@ero e3it status
.+/0-+0-.+ .B?/D?./? 7RR=R? :++ 7# $con2ig$listCde%ices$GCH/B,A+.A:I:,,+
8/,../DA././+:9 AA..Bms
Posted at .+/0-+0-./ ++?/A?/, Repy
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motionEye with Raspberry PI
7 of 7 6/26/2014 12:41 AM

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