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This is a method for taking notes from written (textbooks) or oral (lectures) information. It
is designed to give the user clear notes that are divided into main ideas and details.


1. Divide the paper into two columns. One should be approximately the paper and
the other should be the remaining 3/4

2. Label the 1/4
side Main Ideas and the 3/4
s side Details.

3. If the information from which the notes are to be taken is written, and if possible,
number the paragraphs.

4. Read the first paragraph and locate and highlight the main idea.

5. On the paper under the Main Ideas column write the main idea.

6. Enter the details under the Details column, in note form (using abbreviations and
omitting small words, if you know how) in the order in which they appear in the

7. Skip a line after the last detail in the paragraph and before the next new main idea.

8. Proceed paragraph by paragraph throughout the entire selection.

9. Not all paragraphs have details.

10. Some paragraphs have implied main ideas.

Two column notes can be used for a variety of things among them are: for notes that are
visually easy to read, to separate main ideas from details, to study from, to write study
guides, and to write summaries.

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