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The Modified Project site is Block T5/6, one of four city center blocks located within the
City Center Project Area, in the City of Oakland. Block T-5/6 is bounded by 11
Street, Clay
Street, 12
Street and the former Washington Street right-of-way. The remaining three blocks
are T10, T9, and T12. Block T10 is bounded by the former 13
Street right-of-way, Martin
Luther King Jr. Way, 14
Street, and Jefferson Street. Blocks T9 and T12 are adjacent to each
other. Block T9 is bounded by 11
, Jefferson, Clay and 12
Streets; and Block T12, by 11
Street, Martin Luther King Jr. Way, 12
Street, and Jefferson Street. Block T9 and has been
developed as 555 City Center, a high-rise office tower (21 stories) with some ground-floor
commercial space. Block T10 has been developed as 1389 Jefferson Street, a mixed-use project
approved for approximately 252 market-rate residential units, about 3,000 square feet of ground-
floor commercial space, and about 252 off-street parking spaces. Existing conditions for Blocks
T5/6 and T12 are unchanged from those described in the 2000 FEIR and reiterated in Addendum
Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4. Block T5/6 includes the southern exit ramps from the subsurface City Center
Garage and some landscaping, while Block T12 remains undeveloped.
The 2000 FEIR considered the development program on the four city blocks, and the City
of Oakland approved this program in April 2000. Subsequently four addenda were completed in
2003, 2005, 2007, and 2010. The 2003 Addendum found that the modified T-10 project, which
increase the residential unit and decreased office square footage would have no new or
substantially severe impacts than those identified in the Final EIR. The 2005 Addendum, which
sought to increase residential units for Block T12, acknowledged that changes in the immediate
project vicinity had occurred with the completion of a 92-unit condominium complex at MLK
and 12th Street and the construction of the Market Square Phase 1 project (a 115-unit residential
project). The 2005 Addendum reviewed the impacts of that increase through a traffic analysis
which included a review of anticipated traffic impacts of the approved Uptown Project to
determine whether the T-12 Project could adversely affect intersections once the Uptown project
was completed. The review concluded that there would be little interaction between traffic and
the two projects at the affected intersections. Moreover, since the certification of the 2005
Addendum, all projects being developed in the downtown area have included the City Center
Project in their cumulative traffic impacts. The 2007 and 2010 Addenda were completed to
address the reversion of the T-12 project to office use. It found that the four significant and
unavoidable impacts of the City Center Project in the 2000 EIR, which are primarily due to the
office component of the City Center Project, remain the same and that no new or severe impacts
were found. As such, no further review was required pursuant to Section 15162. This EIR
Addendum assumes development of Block T12 with a high-rise building as approved in 2000,
under the Original Project.
The project site is located within a built out, urbanized area comprising a mixture of
commercial, retail, office, and residential uses that remains generally unchanged since the 2000
FEIR was certified. To the west, Block T5/6 is located across Clay Street from 555 12th Street
or Block T9. To the east of Block T5/6 is 1111 Broadway, another high-rise office tower, with
some ground floor commercial space. To the north are a series of mixed-use buildings
commercial, office and retail. To the south of Block T5/6 is the Marriott hotel and convention
center. The site is very close to the 12th Street BART station and is close to AC Transit and the
free B shuttle.
The new proposed mixed-use project on Block T5/6 would consist of approximately 224
market-rate residential units, about 6,200 square feet of ground-floor commercial space, and
either a 150 foot tall, 202,250 gross square feet office building (Option 1) or a 150 foot tall, 300
key hotel (Option 2), both with 3,000 square feet for ground-floor commercial space. The project
would have about 237 off-street parking spaces for residential (including 224 residential, 7 guest,
and 6 retail), and 302 off-street parking spaces (under Option 1) or 153 off-street parking spaces
(under Option 2).
The residential units would range in size from about 400 to 1600 habitable square feet,
and would include studio, one, two, and three bedroom units. The residential space would be a
type-1 tower, located on Clay Street. The tower would be up to 14 floors (approximately 150
feet) in height, and constructed with post tension concrete construction on mat foundation.
The other component of the proposed project would be either an office building (Option
1) or hotel (Option 2), located on 11
Street. If office, it would be up to 10 floors
(approximately 150 feet) in height. The office would be a steel frame construction building with
a mat foundation. If hotel, it would be up to 14 floors, approximately 150 feet in height. The
hotel would be a type-1 construction building with post tension concrete construction on mat
foundation. A service area would be located on Clay Street (for the residential building) and
through the 12
Street pedestrian plaza (for the office building or hotel) and would include
loading/unloading space, trash and recycling storage space, and retail delivery space.
The proposed project also contains a pedestrian plaza and art park on the ground plane of
the project site. The pedestrian plaza would offer soft and hard landscaping, public art, and
pedestrian-oriented commercial spaces for restaurant and/or retail use, potentially through
shipping container installation. Landscape and sidewalk improvements would be made in
accordance with City specifications.
The project applicant proposes to start construction in two phases. Construction for each
phase is anticipated to last a period of approximately twenty-four months. The residential
building will begin construction in 2016, with the building ready for occupancy in 2018. The
hotel or office building will start construction in 2018 with the building ready for occupancy in
the fourth quarter of 2020. To accommodate below grade parking, approximately 13,000 cubic
yards of excavation would be required for the residential building and either 33,000 (Option 1) or
25,000 (Option 2) cubic yards of excavation for the office or hotel. Construction for each phase
is anticipated to last a period of approximately twenty-four months.
The project would require an amendment to the 2000 Planned Unit Development
approval, as well as a Final Development Plan (FDP). It also is contemplated that a Disposition
and Development Agreement (DDA) will be approved by the City. Other planning approvals
that may be required include, but are not limited to, Design Review, Conditional Use Permit,
Variance and/or a Subdivision Map.

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