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Pastor ........................................

Andy Gans
Visitation Pastor (Ret.) ............ Tom McNeil
Music Director .......................... Rick Roberts
Executive Assistant ................... Chris Muramatsu
Nursery Attendant .................... Tammy Keeslar
Proofreaders .............................. Susan M. Jensen and
John Stewart
Contributors ............................... Members of Ft. King
Assembling ................................. Phyllis Altonn, Bobbie
Burns, Sue Chancey, Kay Dahlen, Joyce Gauntt,
Eleanor Hayesmore, Pat Merrill, Carol Primm,
Roselle Pringle, Alice Reffner, Judith Simonin,
Aileen Zimmerman
Bulk Mail Handling ................... John Stewart
Office: (352) 694 Office: (352) 694 Office: (352) 694 Office: (352) 694- -- -4121 4121 4121 4121
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Worship: Sundays 10:00 a.m. through August 31, 2014 Worship: Sundays 10:00 a.m. through August 31, 2014 Worship: Sundays 10:00 a.m. through August 31, 2014 Worship: Sundays 10:00 a.m. through August 31, 2014
Greetings in Christs name,

I write this article with bleary eyes as I have
just returned from being a commissioner to
our denominations 221 General Assembly in
Detroit, Michigan. The denomination gath-
ers every two years to discuss and vote on
overtures sent by presbyteries that will even-
tually set the course for the PC(USA) for the
next two years and beyond.

I have to say, this felt like the longest seven
days of my life. This was not a conference
that you go and work only a few hours and
play many more. No, we were in meetings
from 8:30 a.m. to 10, 11 or 12 midnight.
These were long days and very tiring, but
they were also very exciting and invigorating.
The topics we discussed were very important
and the weight of the decisions we made was
immense. I could feel that weight every time
I made comment or voted. The 613 commis-
sioners (half pastors, half elders) also felt the
weight and took our discussions very seri-

I felt very blessed to be part of the process.
I was energized to be able to share my voice,
and in some cases my voice changed or
added to the amendments. The overtures we
discussed sometimes caused great division as
witnessed with the vote on divestment from
three American companies. After much dis-
cussion and debate the vote to divest was
only separated by 7 votes! No matter which
side you fall on, on which ever issue, I was
amazed at how well our system of govern-
ment works.

Abound in Hope was the theme of this General
Assembly. I do abound in hope for this denomina-
tion, for this church and for Gods Kingdom as we,
together hand in hand, seek to live out the will of
God and share the grace of God with all people.

I encourage you to read the Moderators letter to
the denomination and the overtures on marriage
and divestment which are included in this newslet-
ter. If you have questions about the actions of the
General Assembly I encourage you to ask. We will
also have a time where we can gather as a commu-
nity and have these conversations.

Brothers and sisters, may we live in faith, grow in
love, and abound in hope, this day and forever




Below is the main section on the Marriage amendment to the Book of Order.
Amendment on Marriage W-4.9000

Marriage is a gift God has given to all humankind for the well Marriage is a gift God has given to all humankind for the well Marriage is a gift God has given to all humankind for the well Marriage is a gift God has given to all humankind for the well- -- -being of the entire hu- being of the entire hu- being of the entire hu- being of the entire hu-
man family. Marriage involves a unique commitment between two people, man family. Marriage involves a unique commitment between two people, man family. Marriage involves a unique commitment between two people, man family. Marriage involves a unique commitment between two people, traditionally traditionally traditionally traditionally
between a man and a woman between a man and a woman between a man and a woman between a man and a woman, ,, , to love and support each other for the rest of their lives. to love and support each other for the rest of their lives. to love and support each other for the rest of their lives. to love and support each other for the rest of their lives.
The sacrificial love that unites the couple sustains them as faithful and responsible mem- The sacrificial love that unites the couple sustains them as faithful and responsible mem- The sacrificial love that unites the couple sustains them as faithful and responsible mem- The sacrificial love that unites the couple sustains them as faithful and responsible mem-
bers of the church and the wider community. bers of the church and the wider community. bers of the church and the wider community. bers of the church and the wider community.

There was another item regarding marriage known as Authoritative Interpretation. Executive
Presbyter, Steve Benz shares the overture.

an Authoritative Interpretation of the Constitution that would allow pastors an Authoritative Interpretation of the Constitution that would allow pastors an Authoritative Interpretation of the Constitution that would allow pastors an Authoritative Interpretation of the Constitution that would allow pastors
to to to to exercise freedom of conscience in the interpretation of scripture in the planning exercise freedom of conscience in the interpretation of scripture in the planning exercise freedom of conscience in the interpretation of scripture in the planning exercise freedom of conscience in the interpretation of scripture in the planning
and leadership of worship. (G and leadership of worship. (G and leadership of worship. (G and leadership of worship. (G- -- -2.0105). Teaching elders would be allowed to conduct a 2.0105). Teaching elders would be allowed to conduct a 2.0105). Teaching elders would be allowed to conduct a 2.0105). Teaching elders would be allowed to conduct a
service of marriage for same gender couples under the following conditions: 1) that mar- service of marriage for same gender couples under the following conditions: 1) that mar- service of marriage for same gender couples under the following conditions: 1) that mar- service of marriage for same gender couples under the following conditions: 1) that mar-
riage is legal in the state where the service is to be held; 2) that the session approve of riage is legal in the state where the service is to be held; 2) that the session approve of riage is legal in the state where the service is to be held; 2) that the session approve of riage is legal in the state where the service is to be held; 2) that the session approve of
the use of the church for such an event; and 3) that the teaching elder discerns that the the use of the church for such an event; and 3) that the teaching elder discerns that the the use of the church for such an event; and 3) that the teaching elder discerns that the the use of the church for such an event; and 3) that the teaching elder discerns that the
couple should be married, just as in any request that comes to a pastor. couple should be married, just as in any request that comes to a pastor. couple should be married, just as in any request that comes to a pastor. couple should be married, just as in any request that comes to a pastor. It will still al- It will still al- It will still al- It will still al-
ways be at the discretion of each of those entities to make that decision. ways be at the discretion of each of those entities to make that decision. ways be at the discretion of each of those entities to make that decision. ways be at the discretion of each of those entities to make that decision. It goes on to It goes on to It goes on to It goes on to
say that say that say that say that in no case shall any teaching elders conscience be bound to conduct in no case shall any teaching elders conscience be bound to conduct in no case shall any teaching elders conscience be bound to conduct in no case shall any teaching elders conscience be bound to conduct any mar- any mar- any mar- any mar-
riage services riage services riage services riage services for any couple except as his or her for any couple except as his or her for any couple except as his or her for any couple except as his or her understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the Word, and the Word, and the Word, and the Word, and the
leading of the Holy Spirit. leading of the Holy Spirit. leading of the Holy Spirit. leading of the Holy Spirit. No teaching elder or certified ruling elder can be compelled No teaching elder or certified ruling elder can be compelled No teaching elder or certified ruling elder can be compelled No teaching elder or certified ruling elder can be compelled
by anyone to perform any marriage, whether same gender or not, that violates his or her by anyone to perform any marriage, whether same gender or not, that violates his or her by anyone to perform any marriage, whether same gender or not, that violates his or her by anyone to perform any marriage, whether same gender or not, that violates his or her
conscience. conscience. conscience. conscience.

This overture passed and takes effect immediately.

Here is the overture that was passed regarding divestment from three American companies. I
encourage you to read the whole overture.

The PC(USA) has a long standing commitment to peace in Israel and Palestine. We The PC(USA) has a long standing commitment to peace in Israel and Palestine. We The PC(USA) has a long standing commitment to peace in Israel and Palestine. We The PC(USA) has a long standing commitment to peace in Israel and Palestine. We
recognize the complexity of the issues, the decades recognize the complexity of the issues, the decades recognize the complexity of the issues, the decades recognize the complexity of the issues, the decades- -- -long struggle, the pain suffered and long struggle, the pain suffered and long struggle, the pain suffered and long struggle, the pain suffered and
inflicted by policies and practices of both the Israeli government and Palestinian entities. inflicted by policies and practices of both the Israeli government and Palestinian entities. inflicted by policies and practices of both the Israeli government and Palestinian entities. inflicted by policies and practices of both the Israeli government and Palestinian entities.
We further acknowledge and confess our own complicity in both the historic and cur- We further acknowledge and confess our own complicity in both the historic and cur- We further acknowledge and confess our own complicity in both the historic and cur- We further acknowledge and confess our own complicity in both the historic and cur-
rent suffering of Israeli and Palestinian yearning for justice and reconciliation, the 221st rent suffering of Israeli and Palestinian yearning for justice and reconciliation, the 221st rent suffering of Israeli and Palestinian yearning for justice and reconciliation, the 221st rent suffering of Israeli and Palestinian yearning for justice and reconciliation, the 221st
General Assembly (2014) recommends the following: General Assembly (2014) recommends the following: General Assembly (2014) recommends the following: General Assembly (2014) recommends the following:

1. 1. 1. 1. Reaffirm Israels right to exist as a sovereign nation within secure and internation- Reaffirm Israels right to exist as a sovereign nation within secure and internation- Reaffirm Israels right to exist as a sovereign nation within secure and internation- Reaffirm Israels right to exist as a sovereign nation within secure and internation-
ally recognized borders in accordance with the United Nations resolutions. ally recognized borders in accordance with the United Nations resolutions. ally recognized borders in accordance with the United Nations resolutions. ally recognized borders in accordance with the United Nations resolutions.

2. 2. 2. 2. Declare its commitment to a two Declare its commitment to a two Declare its commitment to a two Declare its commitment to a two- -- -state solution in which a secure and universally state solution in which a secure and universally state solution in which a secure and universally state solution in which a secure and universally
recognized State of Israel lives alongside a free, viable, and secure state for the Palestin- recognized State of Israel lives alongside a free, viable, and secure state for the Palestin- recognized State of Israel lives alongside a free, viable, and secure state for the Palestin- recognized State of Israel lives alongside a free, viable, and secure state for the Palestin-
ian people. ian people. ian people. ian people.

3. 3. 3. 3. Instruct the Presbyterian Foundation and the Board of Pensions of the PC Instruct the Presbyterian Foundation and the Board of Pensions of the PC Instruct the Presbyterian Foundation and the Board of Pensions of the PC Instruct the Presbyterian Foundation and the Board of Pensions of the PC
(U.S.A.), to divest from Caterpillar, Inc., Hewlett (U.S.A.), to divest from Caterpillar, Inc., Hewlett (U.S.A.), to divest from Caterpillar, Inc., Hewlett (U.S.A.), to divest from Caterpillar, Inc., Hewlett- -- -Packard, and Motorola Solutions, in Packard, and Motorola Solutions, in Packard, and Motorola Solutions, in Packard, and Motorola Solutions, in
accord with our churchs decades accord with our churchs decades accord with our churchs decades accord with our churchs decades- -- -long socially responsible investment (SRI) history, and long socially responsible investment (SRI) history, and long socially responsible investment (SRI) history, and long socially responsible investment (SRI) history, and
not to reinvest in these companies until the Mission Responsibility Through Investment not to reinvest in these companies until the Mission Responsibility Through Investment not to reinvest in these companies until the Mission Responsibility Through Investment not to reinvest in these companies until the Mission Responsibility Through Investment
Committee of the PC(USA) is fully satisfied that product sales and services by these Committee of the PC(USA) is fully satisfied that product sales and services by these Committee of the PC(USA) is fully satisfied that product sales and services by these Committee of the PC(USA) is fully satisfied that product sales and services by these
companies are no longer in conflict with our church investment policy. companies are no longer in conflict with our church investment policy. companies are no longer in conflict with our church investment policy. companies are no longer in conflict with our church investment policy. This action on This action on This action on This action on
divestment is not to be construed or represented by any organization of the PC(USA) as divestment is not to be construed or represented by any organization of the PC(USA) as divestment is not to be construed or represented by any organization of the PC(USA) as divestment is not to be construed or represented by any organization of the PC(USA) as
divestment from the State of Israel, or an alignment with or endorsement of the global divestment from the State of Israel, or an alignment with or endorsement of the global divestment from the State of Israel, or an alignment with or endorsement of the global divestment from the State of Israel, or an alignment with or endorsement of the global
BDS (Boycott, Divest and Sanctions) movement. BDS (Boycott, Divest and Sanctions) movement. BDS (Boycott, Divest and Sanctions) movement. BDS (Boycott, Divest and Sanctions) movement.

4. 4. 4. 4. Reaffirm PC(USA)s commitment to interfaith dialog and partnerships with the Reaffirm PC(USA)s commitment to interfaith dialog and partnerships with the Reaffirm PC(USA)s commitment to interfaith dialog and partnerships with the Reaffirm PC(USA)s commitment to interfaith dialog and partnerships with the
American Jewish, Muslim friends and Palestinian Christians and call for all presbyteries American Jewish, Muslim friends and Palestinian Christians and call for all presbyteries American Jewish, Muslim friends and Palestinian Christians and call for all presbyteries American Jewish, Muslim friends and Palestinian Christians and call for all presbyteries
and congregations within the PC(USA) to include interfaith dialogue and relationship and congregations within the PC(USA) to include interfaith dialogue and relationship and congregations within the PC(USA) to include interfaith dialogue and relationship and congregations within the PC(USA) to include interfaith dialogue and relationship- -- -
building as part of their own engagement in working for a just peace. building as part of their own engagement in working for a just peace. building as part of their own engagement in working for a just peace. building as part of their own engagement in working for a just peace.

5. 5. 5. 5. Call for all foreign aid given by the U.S. government Call for all foreign aid given by the U.S. government Call for all foreign aid given by the U.S. government Call for all foreign aid given by the U.S. government including aid to Israel and including aid to Israel and including aid to Israel and including aid to Israel and
the Palestinian Authority the Palestinian Authority the Palestinian Authority the Palestinian Authority to to to to be comprehensively and transparently accounted to the be comprehensively and transparently accounted to the be comprehensively and transparently accounted to the be comprehensively and transparently accounted to the
American people and held to the same standards of compliance with all applicable laws. American people and held to the same standards of compliance with all applicable laws. American people and held to the same standards of compliance with all applicable laws. American people and held to the same standards of compliance with all applicable laws.

6. 6. 6. 6. Call for church advocacy for foreign Call for church advocacy for foreign Call for church advocacy for foreign Call for church advocacy for foreign- -- -aid accountability to be directed toward its aid accountability to be directed toward its aid accountability to be directed toward its aid accountability to be directed toward its
universal adherence rather than targeted for selective application to some recipients and universal adherence rather than targeted for selective application to some recipients and universal adherence rather than targeted for selective application to some recipients and universal adherence rather than targeted for selective application to some recipients and
not others. not others. not others. not others.

7. 7. 7. 7. Encourage Presbyterians to travel to the Holy Land, and give broad support to Encourage Presbyterians to travel to the Holy Land, and give broad support to Encourage Presbyterians to travel to the Holy Land, and give broad support to Encourage Presbyterians to travel to the Holy Land, and give broad support to
the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim communities throughout the Middle East. communities throughout the Middle East. communities throughout the Middle East. communities throughout the Middle East.

8. 8. 8. 8. Affirm the importance of economic measures and cooperation between Israelis Affirm the importance of economic measures and cooperation between Israelis Affirm the importance of economic measures and cooperation between Israelis Affirm the importance of economic measures and cooperation between Israelis
and Palestinians that support and advance a negotiated two and Palestinians that support and advance a negotiated two and Palestinians that support and advance a negotiated two and Palestinians that support and advance a negotiated two- -- -state solution. state solution. state solution. state solution.

9. 9. 9. 9. Urge all church institutions to give careful consideration to possible investments Urge all church institutions to give careful consideration to possible investments Urge all church institutions to give careful consideration to possible investments Urge all church institutions to give careful consideration to possible investments
in Israel in Israel in Israel in Israel- -- -Palestine that advance peace and improve the lives of Palestinians and Israelis." Palestine that advance peace and improve the lives of Palestinians and Israelis." Palestine that advance peace and improve the lives of Palestinians and Israelis." Palestine that advance peace and improve the lives of Palestinians and Israelis."


FKPC Financial Status as of May 31,2014

For the second month in a row our Actual Offerings were below our expected budgeted Offerings. We missed the
May budget by $4,231 (17.3%). For the year we are down $6,174 (5.0%). Summer months are often soft as peo-
ple are off on vacations so I urge all of you to please stay up to date in regards to your pledges.

Our expenses are $10,537 below budget. Our insurance ($1,538) and utility ($1,700) bills were not paid until
after May 31st so they will reflect as overages in June. Our ministries are running approximately $1,800 below
budget. However, the Property Ministry is working on some property upkeep items (sprinkler system, well repair
etc.) the costs of which will be reflected in June.

If we miss June's expected Total Offerings, it would be the third month in a row. That would be considered a
trend. So I ask all members of Fort King Presbyterian Church to do some prayerful reflection and get us back on
the right path.

Steve Layendecker
Chair, Finance Ministry
Thank You

Dear Ft. King family,

My deepest and most heartfelt thanks to you for all the prayers and love you have given
me these past months.

Your love and caring have been and are a great blessing in my life and in my healing.

May the Lord bless you all.

Love, Prudence
= $117,215
= $123,389
= -$6,174

= $113,767
= $124,304
= -$10,537
Total Offerings Actual
Total Offerings Budget

Total Expenses Actual
Total Expenses Budget

July Birthdays
Thank You

Dear Fort King Family,

We want to thank everyone for being so supportive of us and our Andrew during and after his battle with the
ALS or Lou Gehrigs Disease. He loved the church shawl and used it extensively. He was appreciative of the
meals brought to his apartment. He was not well enough to receive many visitors but welcomed his visits from
his closest friends and Reverend Gans who also shared his name.

We are sure he loved the memorial service. He loved the words from his best friend and his high school bas-
ketball coach, the organ music, the vocalist, the songs, the people that came to the service, the beautiful tables
with delicious food, the basketball and Reverend Gans positive words and thoughts.

He is now free from the crippling ALS Disease and is in Heaven with his Lord and Savior.

Jack and Sue Harshman

Womens Retreat

Calling all women of Fort King. It is time again to start planning for our annual womens retreat. Our dates for
this year at Montgomery Conference Center are October 24-26, 2014. Mark your calendars now and plan to at-
tend this great weekend. Becca Gillespie will be our Spiritual Leader again this year; bringing us spiritual refresh-
ment and fun filled experiences. If you would like to be a part of the planning committee for this event, please con-
tact Bernice Henry. The first planning meeting will be at her home on July 21
at 7:00 p.m.

Welcome New Members Welcome New Members Welcome New Members Welcome New Members


DISCIPLESHIP (continued)
Adult Class

The Adult Discipleship class is continuing its informal discussions of The God Squad column which appears
every Saturday in the Ocala Star-Banner. The column originated as a joint effort with Monsignor Thomas Hart-
man and Rabbi Marc Gellman. However, when Monsignor Hartman was stricken with Parkinsons, Rabbi Gell-
man continued as its author. Rabbi Gellman has a deep appreciation for the Christian faith and the columns are
written from an ecumenical perspective.
Rabbi Gellmans book, with Monsignor Hartman, Where Does God Live? was awarded The Christopher Award,
and they also published, Lost and Found: A Childs Guide to Overcoming Grief and Loss, and How Do You
Spell God? To give you an idea of Rabbi Gellmans humor, he has also published Always Wear Clean Underwear
(And Other Ways Your Parents Tell You They Love You).
Join us in the Session Room at 9:00 a.m. every Sunday morning (through August 31) for a lively and informative
discussion. Copies of the column to be discussed that day are available as you enter the Session Room.

Library Corner

Marcus J. Borg, described by the New York Times as "a leading figure in his generation of Jesus
scholars," has a new book just published this spring which is entitled Convictions: How I Convictions: How I Convictions: How I Convictions: How I
Learned What Matters Most. Learned What Matters Most. Learned What Matters Most. Learned What Matters Most. From the book is this quote: "Imagine that Christianity is about
loving God. Imagine that it's not about the self and its concerns, about 'what's in it for me,'
whether that be a blessed afterlife or prosperity in this life. Imagine that loving God is about
being attentive to the one in whom we live and move and have our being. Imagine that it is
about becoming more and more deeply centered in God. Imagine that it is about loving what
God loves. How would that change our lives?"

In Convictions Convictions Convictions Convictions, , , , Borg reflects on his life and how he developed his most basic convictions and why they matter.
With each chapter embodying a distinct conviction, he writes compellingly on the beliefs that can deeply ground
us and guide us. The result is a manifesto for all progressive Christians who seek the best path for following Jesus

Other books by Marcus Borg in the Church Library include Reading the Bible Again for the First Time Reading the Bible Again for the First Time Reading the Bible Again for the First Time Reading the Bible Again for the First Time; ; ; ; Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting
Jesus Again for the First Time; Jesus Again for the First Time; Jesus Again for the First Time; Jesus Again for the First Time; The God We Never Knew The God We Never Knew The God We Never Knew The God We Never Knew; ; ; ; The Heart of Christianity The Heart of Christianity The Heart of Christianity The Heart of Christianity; ; ; ; and Speaking Christian Speaking Christian Speaking Christian Speaking Christian. .. .
Summer Library hours are 9:00 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. every Sunday. Church members may access the Library at other
times by requesting the key from the Church Office. Don't forget to sign the check-out cards and place them in
the small gray box on the table if you take things out of the Library. Enjoy some good reads this summer!

Sassy Seniors

All widows and single ladies are welcome to join Sassy Seniors on Wednesday, July 9th
at 1:00 p.m. Julys luncheon will take place at Applebees, 2615 SW 19th Ave. Road,
Card Making Ministry

Card Making Ministry meets on the 2nd Friday of every month at 10:00 a.m. until about
Noon. We will meet off-site. Please contact Prudence Pritz if you are interested in joining
this group.

Crafty Ladies

Crafty Ladies meet on Thursdays from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We hope to see
all of you there. If you would like to join our group, come for a visit some Thursday and see
what we are doing and how you can help. We welcome new people and new talents!
Mens Night Out

Mens Night Out will be taking the summer off. There will be no meetings June, July, and August.
The next Mens Night Out will be on Monday, September 8th at 6:30 p.m. Your host will be an-
nounced in the September Link.

Presbyterian Women Circles

All women of Fort King are Presbyterian Women and are invited to participate in all activities of Presbyterian
Women. The Presbyterian Womens Coordinating Team as well as the Circles will be taking the summer
months off. Join us in September. You are cordially invited to attend one of the Circle meetings. Deborah Deborah Deborah Deborah
Circle Circle Circle Circle meets at the church, in the Session Room, on the third Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. The meet-
ing in September will be September 16th. Esther Circle Esther Circle Esther Circle Esther Circle meets on the second Monday of each month in the
evening at members homes. The meeting in September will be September 8th. The location will be an-
nounced in the September Link.
Domestic Violence

The Presbyterian Women will continue to collect items left in the white basket in the Narthex for the Domes-
tic Violence Center. Please remember to continue this effort during the summer months. Check the basket in
the Narthex for a list of needed items.


Habitat For Humanity

The mission ministry wishes to announce that on Saturday, July 19th, volunteers from Fort King
will be working with Habitat For Humanity. More information will follow as soon as it is avail-
able. Please consider volunteering.

Copy Paper
Spiral notebooks (college ruled)
Primary pencils (fat Ticonderoga)
Crayons 16 or 24 count
Water color paint set (crayola or
Glue Sticks
Prong folders
Pocket folders
Pink Erasers
Index cards (3X5) no lined
Post-it notes
Dry Erase markers
Dry Erasers
Liquid Glue
Fiskers Sissors (child size)
Hand Wipes
Plastic Sleeves
Printer Cartridges # HP92
Florida Guardian ad Litem Program
Speaking up for Floridas Abused and Neglected Children

There are about 1,500 children in the Marion, Hernando, Lake, Sumpter and Citrus counties, who have
been removed from their homes for alleged abuse, abandonment or neglect, who are now part of a depend-
ency court proceeding. These children need someone who will speak up for them.

A GAL is a volunteer appointed by the court to advocate for a child. The volunteer works as part of a team with
a volunteer supervisor and program attorney. He/she becomes familiar with the child and the childs case and
makes recommendations to the court to help ensure a safe, caring, stable and permanent environment for that

Am I eligible to be a GAL? Eligible volunteers must be 32 years of age and older, successfully complete the pre-
service training program, provide favorable references, and be cleared of any serious criminal history via a level II
criminal background check. A GAL must successfully complete 30 hours of pre-service training.

How much time must I commit as a Volunteer Guardian ad Litem? After the pre-service training, on average,
volunteers spend 5-10 hours a month on a case. Most cases last 10 months.

How do I get started? Call Sarah Jay at (352) 274-5231 or e-mail her at For more infor-
mation and an application, visit our website at

Tools for Teachers

The Mission Ministry is sponsoring its 2
annual Tools for Teachers drive! We
would like to show support for our teachers by collecting supplies they need for
their students. Due to a lack of funding, the Marion County School District has
reduced school budgets, which consequently cut into teachers classroom budgets.
Below is a list of items our teachers use to manage and teach in their classrooms.
Thank you for your support!

No Session Meeting

There was no Session Meeting in June. Next Session Meeting will be July 22nd.
Rain, Rain, Rain! Rain! Rain! Rain!

Okay, I will admit and confess that the abundance of rain we have been having is probably my fault. Now, Im
not saying I have an in with our Mighty Creator, but I did pray for rain. You see, every Good Friday I plant
my tomatoes. My grandfather told me to always plant my tomatoes on Good Friday and they will always be
fruitful. Like an obedient grandson, I obeyed his instructions. He was right! I have planted my tomatoes
every Good Friday for the past 50 years. This year I thought If Good Friday is good for tomatoes, it has to be
good for bell peppers and eggplant as well. So they got planted too. Then I prayed for rain.

Have you ever noticed you can water your plants and use Miracle Grow but nothing makes the plants happier
than heavenly water? Mine have really thrived and have grown and now are producing bountiful fruit.
Theres nothing better than a good ole tomato sandwich!

But along with the growing vegetables, my grass is growing necessitating frequent mowing, my hedges con-
stantly need trimming, Ive lowered the water in the pool several times and Ive even got wet on occasion. But
I love it. All Gods creation is beautiful to behold. Thank You for the rain. My thoughts turn to that won-
derful hymn There Shall Be Showers of Blessing. What a beautiful song Daniel Whittle penned!

The words bring hope and encourage the Christian to seek after God. Daniel W. Whittle was born on No-
vember 22, 1840, and died on March 4, 1901. Whittle served as a Major in the Civil War, where he lost his
right arm, and was known thereafter as Major Whittle. It was during the Civil War that he was saved. He was
asked to pray with a dying young soldier because he had been seen reading a Bible. He obeyed the request and
it was at this young mans bedside that he asked God for forgiveness. Major Whittle then prayed with the
young soldier and the soldier found Christ before passing away. The Lord used this situation to draw Major
Whittle and the young dying soldier to Him. What a blessed story this was to read! After the War, Major
Whittle became treasurer of a watch company. It was in this companys quiet vault that he committed his life
to the Gospel.
There shall be showers of blessing:
This is the promise of love;
There shall be seasons refreshing,
Sent from the Savior above.

There shall be showers of blessing,
Precious reviving again;
Over the hills and the valleys,
Sound of abundance of rain.
There shall be showers of blessing;
Send them upon us, O Lord;
Grant to us now a refreshing,
Come, and now honor Thy Word.

There shall be showers of blessing:
Oh, that today they might fall,
Now as to God were confessing,
Now as on Jesus we call!

WORSHIP (continued)
What powerful words! The Bible tells us in Ezekiel 34:26 what God will do: And I will make them and the And I will make them and the And I will make them and the And I will make them and the
places round about my hill a blessing; and I will cause the shower to come down in his season; there shall be places round about my hill a blessing; and I will cause the shower to come down in his season; there shall be places round about my hill a blessing; and I will cause the shower to come down in his season; there shall be places round about my hill a blessing; and I will cause the shower to come down in his season; there shall be
showers of blessing. showers of blessing. showers of blessing. showers of blessing.

I am also reminded of how the rain cleanses, refreshes, and nourishes the earth. In 2 Timothy, chapter 2,
verses 19 thru 21, it says Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord
knoweth them that are his. And, let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. But in a knoweth them that are his. And, let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. But in a knoweth them that are his. And, let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. But in a knoweth them that are his. And, let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. But in a
great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour,
and some to dishonour. If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sancti- and some to dishonour. If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sancti- and some to dishonour. If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sancti- and some to dishonour. If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sancti-
fied, and meet for the masters use, and prepared unto every good work. fied, and meet for the masters use, and prepared unto every good work. fied, and meet for the masters use, and prepared unto every good work. fied, and meet for the masters use, and prepared unto every good work.

It is at this point in our spiritual walk that we can fully receive the showers of blessings that God wants to
shower upon us. When we fully lean on Him and trust Him with all areas of our lives, we receive that peace
which passeth all understanding.

How do you view the blessings of God in your life?

A drought A drought A drought A drought This is the place where you feel like God has forgotten you. Maybe you are in a spiritual
drought, and your life is dry and parched.

Scattered showers Scattered showers Scattered showers Scattered showers This is the place where you occasionally see and feel scattered showers of blessing. Not
enough to water the dry ground. Not enough to cool and refresh you.

Steady downpour Steady downpour Steady downpour Steady downpour This is the kind of life where God showers blessings on you. You recognize the big bless-
ings life, health, salvation, the Bible, family and Church. You also recognize the small blessings. The singing
of a bird. The smile from your child or grandchildren. An old hymn from the past. It is life flooded with the
blessings of God.

I pray for you to have a rainy forecast for showers of blessings in your life. Get out your umbrella Get out your umbrella Get out your umbrella Get out your umbrella! !! ! There
shall be showers of blessing. Chance of rain 100%.

With a song in my heart,

There shall be showers of blessing,
If we but trust and obey;
There shall be seasons refreshing,
If we let God have His way.

Showers of blessing,
Showers of blessing we need;
Mercy-drops round us are falling,
But for the showers we plead.

WORSHIP (continued)
Something To Think About
Abraham, the Model for Faith
Genesis 15:1-6

From a religious point of view, Seyyed Hossein Nasr (Harvard and Tehran) has presented a case for Islam Islam Islam Islam as both
the the the the primordial religion and the the the the last religion (1972 Ideals and Realities of Islam Ideals and Realities of Islam Ideals and Realities of Islam Ideals and Realities of Islam 35). Judaism, Judaism, Judaism, Judaism, he said, empha-
sizes Torah, Torah, Torah, Torah, Divine Law, the Talmudic Law, as the basis for religion. Christianity Christianity Christianity Christianity presents the esoteric as-
pect of the Abrahamic tradition a spiritual way rather than a law, with an emphasis on love. And Islam Islam Islam Islam is a
return to Abraham, in whom Shariah, Shariah, Shariah, Shariah, law, and Tariqah, Tariqah, Tariqah, Tariqah, the way, are embodied.

Abraham Abraham Abraham Abraham is the keystone upon which the three Semitic religions are founded.
- Indeed, in Judaism Abraham was referred to as the rock rock rock rock on which God built and established the
world (Isaiah 51:1, compare Matt 16 where Peter is referred to as the Rock on which the Church is
built). Abraham possessed both worlds: this one and the world to come. He is sufficient to atone for the
wrong that Israel has done in the world. The Exodus was done for the sake of Abraham, as was the giving
of the Torah to Israel (Psalm 68:19; G.F. Moore 1954 Judaism I Judaism I Judaism I Judaism I 538). Abrahams faith faith faith faith is not creedal/
confessional belief, but an active trust/confidence in God.
For first century CE Jews, to refer to Abraham as our father (See John the Baptists retort, Mat-
thew 3:9), to be a son of Abraham, was thought to be a pledge of safety, from whom merits of the father
were available.
- For the Apostle Paul, Abraham was the model for faith in Romans 4 Romans 4 Romans 4 Romans 4. Paul declared we no longer
have to depend on Torah or circumcision to belong to the people of God; all we need to do is to believe
in him that raised from the dead Jesus our Lord (Romans 4:24) and to have faith in Christ (Galatians
- The perspective of the Quran Quran Quran Quran is clear:
* The Torah and the Gospel were sent down after him (i.e. Abraham)
(Quran Quran Quran QuranImran3:65).
* Neither was Abraham a Jew or a Christian, but upright and obedient, and not an idola-
ter (Quran Quran Quran Quran Imran3:67; see also Cow 2:140).
* Abraham was certainly a model of faith, obedient to God and upright.
(Quran Quran Quran QuranBees 120); So we command you to follow the way of Abraham the
upright (Q QQ Quran uran uran uranBees 123).

How was Abraham a model of faith? Because he was obedient to God by submission to Gods will. This is
precisely a choice a man must make; biological progeny does not count in faith. For Judaism, Abraham is
the great exemplar of faith (G.F. Moore, Judaism II Judaism II Judaism II Judaism II 237); and this was the point the Apostle Paul was
making in Romans 4 as well.

However, just what was Abrahams historical life historical life historical life historical life- -- -situation situation situation situation? What exactly did that mean? And what does
faith mean in that historical context historical context historical context historical context, apart from religious interpretations?

WORSHIP (continued)
The historical era within which Abraham lived was one in which socio-political and religious turmoil was the way
of life. Babylonia was being invaded from every corner, east and west; the raiders would demand subordination to
their point of view, to their way of life, subjugation to tribute payments, and subjection to the divinities of their
tribal-societies and religions. Rivalries between warring factions left a political vacuum as different leaders tried
to dominate foreign areas. As G. Leick (2003 The Babylonians) The Babylonians) The Babylonians) The Babylonians) observed:
They (leaders) had to be quick-witted, decisive, patient, obdurate and charismatic, dissimulating and ruth-
less. A tough physique and a talent for military strategy also helped (33).

Sound familiar? Without question, rulers claimed their authority both as something bestowed by the gods (36)
and/or by a claim to be a divinity.

Abraham and Jacob may have been small nomadic tribal groups (Johs. Petersen 1954 Israel Israel Israel Israel I, II 12-13), not only
caught in the crossfire of warring parties, but also caught with no legal status because they had separated them-
selves from an established religio-political community. In fact, anyone who had done this was regarded as a
wandering fugitive (see Deut. 26:5); as such, both an individual and/or a tribal group were regarded as
stateless (G. Mendenhall 1973 The Tenth Generation The Tenth Generation The Tenth Generation The Tenth Generation 137). Thus, a person and/or a tribal group had a choice:
assimilate into and be subject to the socio-political and religious order and its institutions, or withdraw from all all all all
obligation and relationship to it and suffer the consequences (Ibid.; his emphasis).

Abraham made up his mind: he believed the Lord (Gen. 15:6), i.e. he trusted God, God, God, God, had confidence in God, confidence in God, confidence in God, confidence in God,
meaning precisely this: he chose to trust God trust God trust God trust God for his own future rather than trust other human beings who claimed
they represented the divine will, either by their commandments or by their persons.

Abrahams future had been interpreted as biological progeny; in Paul by spiritual progeny; and in Islam by legal
and prescribed behaviors that demonstrate ones submission to Allah. The faith of Abraham in God in God in God in God means pre-
cisely that he chose to trust God trust God trust God trust God for his future, rather than use biological or socio-political and/or religious mecha-
nisms; to trust God rather than to submit to any form of human leadership and direction for his and his familys

If this historical understanding is close to understanding Abrahams act of faith/trust (note: Faith Faith Faith Faith has nothing at all
to do with Belief!), then we each are every day confronted by the powers that be that require our compliance and
submission to maintain their power. And, each day, we must choose whom we will serve (Joshua 24:15), in
whom we will place our faith/trust.

For Abraham, faith/confidence/trust in God had nothing to do with religious acts, feeling or belief, or with being
subject to another human being. His alternative was: either trust/have faith in human leadership which involves
subjection to that leadership for our future, or, trust/have faith in God for our human future. There are serious im-
plications to these.

Just how risky is Abrahamic faith in God for us? Which do we have: comforting beliefs about God, beliefs about God, beliefs about God, beliefs about God, or Abrahamic
faith in God? faith in God? faith in God? faith in God? Something to think about.


WORSHIP (continued)
Flower Calendar

As of this mailing, the following people will be providing flowers for the remainder of 2014. If you would like to
provide flowers on an open date or during 2015, please call Nancy Hall at 694-3221. Thank you.

PLEASE NOTE: If you would like to commemorate a special event/occasion/memory etc. for a specific date,
please call me as soon as possible. It is never too early to select your chosen date. Please dont hesitate to call me if
there is a Sunday you would like to commemorate by sharing with the church some type of flowers or plant of your
choice. (It could be fresh, silk, dried, etc. from your yard, a supermarket, a florist, etc.) Thank you.

Thank you to these people as they share in donating the flowers for the following worship services:

July 6, 2014---In loving memory of my mother, Ann Patnode, and my brother, Edward, from Kay Dahlen
July 13, 2014---In loving memory of my husband, John, from Carol Primm
July 20, 2014---In honor of Doris Charlestons birthday from her husband, Steve
July 27, 2014---In honor of our 40
wedding anniversary from Thom and Kathy Kuhns

August 3, 2014---from the Ruarks
August 10, 2014---In celebration of 50 years of marriage from Anna and David McChesney
August 17, 2014---In honor of my mother Ruths 94
birthday today from Cash and Gwynn Pealer
August 24, 2014---From the Clegornes in honor of the Clegorne family birthdays, sons Nicholas and
Patrick, and Anthonys mother and father
August 31, 2014---In celebration of our 35
wedding anniversary from Frank and Heidi Lawson

September 7, 2014---In celebration of our 35
wedding anniversary from Bruce and Gouley Andrews
September 14, 2014---In celebration of our 67
wedding anniversary from Glendon and Mildred Shank
September 21, 2014---In loving memory of my husband, Bruce, and other loved ones from Prudence Pritz
September 28, 2014---From Dorothy Roth in loving memory of Merl on their wedding date

October 5, 2014---From Jack and Sue Harshman in honor of our 62
wedding anniversary
October 12, 2014---In loving memory of Julien from Kay Dahlen
October 19, 2014---From David and Martha MacKay in celebration of their 29
wedding anniversary
October 26, 2014---In memory of Daisy Rowland, my grandmother, from Rosemary and Peter Messmore

November 2, 2014---From Debbie and Larry Bush in celebration of our 28
wedding anniversary
November 9, 2014---OPEN
November 16, 2014---From Joy Hunt in memory of my beloved husband, Jim
November 23, 2014---From Buddy and Anne MacKay
November 30, 2014 through December 28, 2014---Poinsettias in the Sanctuary

July 2014
Italicized items are non-FKPC activities using FKPC facilities
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

10:00 Prayer
Shawl Ministry

5:30 Connections

7:00 Boy Scouts


11:00 Adult

11:00 Crafts

7:00 AA (FH)



9:00 - 11:15 Library
9:00 Adult Ed. &
9:30 Choir Practice
10:00 Worship
11:00 Discipleship
Youth Ministry
5:00 PYC


5:00 TOPS (FH)
5:30 Mission Ministry
6:00 - 8:00 Marions
United (CE)


6:00 Finance

7:00 Discipleship

7:00 Boy Scouts

1:00 Sassy Seniors


11:00 Crafts

7:00 AA (FH)

10:00 Card


9:00 - 11:15 Library
9:00 Adult Ed. &
9:30 Choir Practice
10:00 Worship
11:00 Congrega-
tional Care Ministry

Youth Mission

9:30 Small Group

5:00 TOPS (FH)
6:00 - 8:00 Marions
United (CE)


7:00 Boy Scouts

3:00 Pastoral Care


11:00 Crafts

7:00 AA (FH)



9:00 - 11:15 Library
9:00 Adult Ed. &
9:30 Choir Practice
10:00 Worship
5:00 PYC

5:00 TOPS (FH)
6:00 - 8:00 Marions
United (CE)

6:00 Session

7:00 Boy Scouts


11:00 Crafts

7:00 AA (FH)

Set-up (FH)

Point (FH)
2 Cents A Meal

9:00 - 11:15 Library
9:00 Adult Ed. &
9:30 Choir Practice
10:00 Worship
5:00 PYC


9:30 Small Group

5:00 TOPS (FH)
6:00 - 8:00 Marions
United (CE)

7:00 Boy Scouts

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