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2013-2014 Semester 1 Study Guide

Mechanics, Chapters 1-3

1. What is the branch of physics that studies motion and its causes called?
2. Distinguish between dependent, independent and controlled variables. Know which goes on which axis if
3. What is a line of best fit? How do you draw one? How do you find the slope?
4. What is a linear relationship? What is an inverse relationship?
5. Distinguish between accuracy and precision.
6. Give the rules for significant digits in addition and multiplication.
7. List the basic SI units and their symbols.
8. Describe a coordinate system used to describe motion. What does a negative value tell you about the objects
9. What are the formulas for velocity and acceleration?
10. Explain how you would use a d/t graph to determine an objects velocity.
11. Explain how you would use a v/t graph to determine an objects acceleration.
12. Explain how you would use a v/t graph to determine displacement.
13. Use basic kinematic equations to solve problems involving an object accelerating at a constant rate. Know these
14. Do large objects accelerate at a faster rate in a vacuum than small objects? Explain.
15. What is the acceleration due to gravity? (Both the definition and the accepted value.)
16. Distinguish between scalar and vector quantities. Be able to give or recognize examples of each.
17. What is the acceleration of an object thrown into the air at the peak of its path? velocity?
18. If an object is thrown upward, into the air with a velocity of 50 m/s, how long does it take to reach the peak of its
19. Continuing 18, what maximum height will it reach (consider initial height zero)?
20. Continuing 18, what velocity will it have when it falls to the original height?
21. Continuing 48, what is the total time the object remains in the air?
22. An object is dropped from a height of 3m. How long does it take to reach the ground and how fast is it moving
just before impact?
23. An object is thrown downward with a speed of 20 m/s. If it hits the ground 3 seconds later, from what height was
it dropped?
24. Continuing 23, how fast is it going just before impact?
25. An object is thrown into the air with a velocity of 40m/s. Find the velocity 6 seconds later.
26. Continuing 25, If the initial height is zero, what is the height 6 seconds after being thrown?

Newtons Laws, Vectors and Friction (4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2)

1. What is the acceleration due to gravity? (Both the definition and the accepted value.)
2. Distinguish between mass and weight, and how given one, how do you calculate the other?
3. Calculate the weight of a 2kg object. Calculate the mass of a 50N object.
4. Distinguish between scalar and vector quantities. Be able to give or recognize examples of each.
5. Define Force. What is the SI unit of force?
6. State Newtons Laws of motion.
7. What is equilibrium? If an object is in equilibrium, what do you know about the acceleration and net force?
8. What is terminal velocity? Under what conditions will an object fall at terminal velocity?
9. What is a reaction or interaction pair? Be able to identify interaction pairs.
10. What is meant by net force? What is the net force of two forces working at 2N east and 10 N west?
11. List 3 examples of contact forces.
12. List 3 long range forces or field forces.
13. Construct a free body diagram of:
a. a stationary rock on a level surface
b. a stationary rock on a hill
c. a rock sliding down a hill at constant speed
d. an object falling at terminal velocity
e. a rock in free fall
f. an object being pushed that moves with constant speed
g. an object being pushed that is accelerating.
14. What is friction? In what direction does it act? How is the friction force calculated?
15. What is a coefficient of friction, and what factors affect it? What things do NOT affect it?
16. What is a Normal Force? When is it equal to weight, and when is it NOT equal to weight?
17. If an object is being dragged across a floor at a constant velocity, what does that tell you about the frictional force
that is acting on the object? Explain.

Chapters 10 and 11 Energy and Energy Conservation (10.1, 11.1, 11.2)
1. Define work and energy. What is the unit of work and energy?
2. How is work calculated? How is kinetic energy calculated?
3. Under what circumstances is work done? (when is it NOT done?)
4. How is work calculated if the work and displacement are not in the same direction?
5. What is the work-energy theorem?
6. Define Power. What are the units of power? How is it calculated?
7. Find the kinetic energy of a 10kg ball moving at 3 m/s.
8. Find the power used if you lift a 10kg object through a height of 5m in 4 seconds.
9. How is gravitational potential energy calculated?
10. What is a reference level?
11. What is meant by conservation of energy? Give an example. What does the LAW of Conservation of Energy
12. An object is thrown upward with a velocity of 20 m/s. How high will it go? (use cons. of energy to calculate)
13. Why does it often seem like energy is not conserved in real life? (for example, a pendulum will stop moving
after a while.)

Chapter 9 Momentum and Momentum Conservation (linear only, no angular concepts)
1. What is momentum and how is it calculated? Calculate the momentum of a 200g mouse running at 2m/s.
2. What is impulse and how is it calculated?
3. What is the impulse-momentum equation?
4. Explain the point of automobile airbags using the principles of impulse and momentum.
5. Is momentum a vector or scalar quantity?
6. Compare the forces needed to stop a 2200kg car traveling at 26 m/s in 4 seconds and in 0.25 seconds.
7. When a person jumps to the ground from something high, they bend their knees when they land. Why?
8. In terms of momentum, forces, time and impulse, explain why a glass might break falling to a concrete floor, but
might not if falling to a carpeted floor.
9. Explain the meaning of the Law of Conservation of Momentum. Give an example of a situation in which
momentum is conserved.
10. A 2kg ball traveling a 4 m/s strikes a stationary 3kg ball. If the first ball is moving in the original direction with a
speed of 2 m/s after the collision, how fast is the 3kg ball moving?
11. A swimmer with a mass of 75 kg dives off of a raft with a mass of 500kg. If the swimmers speed is 4m/s
immediately after leaving the raft, what is the speed of the raft?
12. In terms of momentum and momentum conservation, explain the recoil of a gun.

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