Reincarnation Evidence - The Uncanny Case of Carl Edon

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Reincarnation Evidence
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Reincarnation Evidence
For my sophisticated videos on reincarnation, go here:
A great short summary of one of the most incredible recent reincarnation cases, discussed heavily in my videos:

The uncanny case
of Carl Edon
the Luftwaffe German who
became a Yorkshireman
. .
84229-11540818 in Yorkshire, England, land of my maternal ancestors.] [source:
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/news/teesside-news/2002/01/15/the-uncanny-case-of-carl-eden-84229-11540818 in Yorkshire, England, land of my
maternal ancestors.]
J an 15 2002
The uncanny case of Carl Edon
84229-11540818 in Yorkshire, England, land of my maternal ancestors.]
J an 15 2002 Mike Blackburn
For years before he was brutally murdered Carl Edon tried to convince his family that he was reincarnated. Today
his astonished parents believe they have been given extraordinary photographic evidence.
Young Middlesbrough dad Carl had spoken since he was just three years old of vivid flashbacks to a former life as a
Nazi airman killed when his plane was shot down in 1942.
Now startling new photos, unearthed after dogged detective work by a local historian, reveal a chilling resemblance
between Carl and a German airman, Heinrich Richter, buried in a Thornaby cemetery.
Richter, a turret gunner, perished when his Dornier bomber crashed onto a South Bank railway during a raid exactly
60 years ago today J anuary 15, 1942.
============ON THE DORNIER
It was a thin, fast, maneuverable light bomber meant to take out specific military-industrial targets, not
carpet-bomb civil ian cities l ike Al li ed bombers (which thus were committing a war crime under the Hague rules
of land warfare.)
The wreckage of the Dornier, damaged by anti-aircraft fire before hitting a barrage balloon, was discovered in 1997
buried off Tilbury Road only a few hundred yards from the spot where Carl was stabbed to death two years earlier.
When the bomber was dug up with Richters remains inside, Carls parents, J im and Val, shuddered as they recalled
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their sons eerie tales of reincarnation.
Val Edon
But only now as the Gazette reveals for the first time what the airman looked like are the Coulby Newham couple
looking at their sons claims in a new light.
Its got to be him, said a stunned Val, when shown a photo of the German in full uniform shortly before the crash
over Teesside.
The resemblance across the eyes and the nose is uncanny.
Maybe this is the final piece of the jigsaw, she said.
The striking picture was obtained after Guisborough historian and author Bill Norman tracked down Richters
relatives in Germany for a new book.
An uncanny likeness between the two young men and the fact that they share the same scene of death more than
50 years apart are just two of the strange coincidences which have spooked Carls parents.
During the excavation of the German bomber it was discovered that Richters leg, still inside a flying boot, had been
severed in the wreckage, explained Val.
Carl used to say he lost his right leg in the crash, she said. And he had a birth mark at the top of that leg.
On the day her rail worker son was murdered by Gary Vinter, later jailed for life he had been to Skinningrove to
collect train carriages.

Carl Edon and (black-and-white photo) double Iron-Cross winner, Luftwaffe pilot Heinrich Richter
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The day the Dornier crashed it had bombed Skinningrove first and flew on to Middlesbrough following the railway
line, said Val.
Carl and Richter had made the same journey the day they died.
There are just too many strange coincidences, and I think if Carl was here hed be saying Do you believe me
One of the countrys leading researchers into psychic phenomena admitted he was amazed at the details
surrounding the two deaths.
We research a lot of reincarnation cases, but not many as remarkable as this one sounds, said David Christie-
Murray, member of the Society for Psychical Research, founded in 1882 and now based in London.
It seems to me to be a fascinating case, and one Im sure the SPR would certainly be interested in investigating if
the family wanted to.
Carls experiences are already detailed in a book called The Children That Time Forgot by Peter and Mary Harrison,
and on a US TV show. Theyve also been well documented in British and German newspapers, including the
Gazette when Carl was just nine years old.
But his parents said he suffered taunts at school as a result of his past life claims.
When that started happening Carl didnt like talking about it any more, said his mum.
But he always believed it.
His dad told the Gazette he was cynical at first. I was sick of Carl going on about it, he said. But I probably believe
more in reincarnation now.
The Dorniers three other crew were buried in Thornaby after the crash in 1942, but Richter was not laid to rest
alongside his colleagues until the plane was rediscovered 55 years later by water board workers.
Val and J im joined nearly 300 mourners at a moving funeral service for the fourth German airman.
Standing at Richters grave afterwards felt eerie, said J im. It was like we were re-burying Carl again. Maybe now
this will be the end of it.
Richter, who won the Iron Cross medal twice and had been wounded in action, was 24 when he was shot down and
killed. Carl was just 22 when he was murdered, leaving behind heartbroken fiancee Michelle, and their two young
daughters Carla and Sophie.
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The detail about the birthmark is significant. In the vast compendium of reincarnation studies at the University of
Virginia (see this article about Ian Stevenson, MD:, children who
reincarnate quickly after a traumatic death often have a birthmark at the spot where they were stabbed, shot or
otherwise injured.
Here is a video featuring Dr. J im Tucker, a child psychiatrist who has continued Dr. Stevensons work:
Here is an accurate article about Tuckers major book:
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A fair review of the book:
What strikes me about Tucker, a medical doctor, is that he never, ever, ever leaves behind the scientific method or
spirit. The scientific method is have a hypothesis, then gather hard facts and from them develop a theory to explain
them and provide other scientists wi th your methods and data and a means to do their own experiments to
verify or disprove your findings..
The book is anything but dogmatic or full of New-Age-y flower-power assertions. The reason why the founder of
Xerox Corporation (inventor of the photocopy machine) funded Ian Stevenson, MD and then J im Tucker, MD at the
University of Virginia was their rigorous scientifi c work.
The following book, still available only in German, is the most brilliant work to date on the subject for those who
already accept the concept as being possible and want to know more details.
Die Spirituelle Welt (The Spiritual World)
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It is appropriate for those who already accept the possibility of reincarnation but still have very reasonable and
nagging questions about who, what, when, where and why. Winkler, whom I know from correspondence and
reading his blog, is a former computer programmer who awoke to pro-white issues and became a commentator on
the Internet on German and European affairs.
This particular book is barely racial in tone (which anyway would be ILLEGAL in Germany), except inasmuch as our
karma affects what race we are born into. It has a strong ring of truth to it, deep in your gut, and nothing is sugar-
coated or Baby-J esus-Will-Save-You from your own folly.. In that sense it is very German but Winkler has a
delightful sense of humor and a light, easy writing style as well that I as an American loved.
This book changed my life. It is nearly finished being translated from German into English by me and my team. It
was very, very real and yet inspiring to me.
Here are the first two chapters of this masterpiece:

I thank all who have recently sacrificed and donated to me:
John de Nugent
681 Canal Road
Apol lo PA 15613
(724) 596-4284
On Facebook: John D. Nugent
On Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)
Reincarnation Evidence
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This is how you can help financially:
(1) postal money orders and other money orders that are left blank in the recipient area, or made out to J ohn de
(2) sending valuable jewelry or gold coins
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(5) checks made out to john de Nugent (now that I again have a bank account. (in fact, BY STEALTH, I have now
I need the funds to at least pay my bills while I write the sacred book to awaken the SOUL.
Recent donations:
Reincarnation Evidence
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400 Swiss francs and 70 Australian dollars
And $US 5.. That helps too, from Tennessee!
Donate via Credit Card

Even the hardcore skeptic and NASA scientist Carl Sagan (, famous for his
special TV shows about outer space in the 1980s), who founded CSICOP, the Commi ttee for the Scientifi c
Investi gati on of Cl aims of the Paranormal, and dismissed almost ALL paranormal notions, stated that the
phenomenon of children recalling exact details of the life of a dead stranger from another family and city, a person
who died years or decades earlier, and also claiming very definitely to BE that person in a new life (not just having
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an ESP reading of that person) merit serious investigation.
In Wikipedias article on Stevenson, we read:
Stevensons work also attracted the attention of Carl Sagan and Arthur C. Clarke who, while intrigued,
felt it fell short of providing proof of reincarnation, which they both viewed as unlikely. In The Demon-
Haunted World (1996), Sagan wrote that claims about reincarnation have some, though dubious,
experimental support, arguing that one of three clai ms in parapsychol ogy deserving seri ous study is
that, young chi ldren someti mes report detai ls of a previ ous li fe, which upon checki ng turn out to
be accurate and which they coul d not have known about in any other way than reincarnation.
Clarke observed that Stevenson had produced a number of studies that were hard to explai n, then
noted that accepting reincarnation raised the question of the means for personality transfer.
Sam Harris said of Stevenson either he is a victim of truly elaborate fraud, or something interesting is
goi ng on.
Although I am sharply critical of jewish power over the white world, the scientist and author Carl Sagan did many
admirable things that I recognize, among them explaining the mysteries of the universe and advocating a healthy
skepticism about paranormal claims.
I have found over and over that the semitic idea that we have just one life and then are judged by God, or just die
and go out of existence, leaves people empty and nihilistic.
The crisis comes when a seemingly very good person is murdered, or evil seems to totally triumph over good. Then
people lose their faith in God, at least as the three semitic desert religions depict Him.
Rabbi Harold Kushner (I knew people in the Boston area who knew him) wrote a famous bestseller in the 1990s
entitled When Bad Things Happen to Good People.
It was a very well-chosen title and subject because when a horrible disease, crime or injustice happens,
especially to in innocent child (as disease struck Rabbi Kushners own child) then we often see that they really do
NOT believe in their god as propagated by judaism, saulianity or islam. They go atheist..
Where is God??
No! there IS no God!!
My mother told me that my father told her after Korea [the horrible atrocities he saw and the senseless slaughter of
brave Americans in adeliberate no-win war] i t was very hard to bel ieve in God.
I recall an Elvis Presley song about a little black boy born on a cold gray Chicago morning in the ghetto. The kid
grows up in a violent, criminal milieu and eventually is gunned down as a teen with a pistol in his hand. Presleys
point was that kids who grow up in such surroundings are fairly unlikely to get, or stay on the straight and narrow
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path which J esus Christ recommended toward a godly life.
(The video shows scenes of Presleys own humble origins and then his own child Priscilla.)
This is a GREAT song.. It was one of the things that made me examine my nightmares, anger and my own abuse-
shattered life, and seek the counselling that helped turn my life around. It is incredibly hard to feel good about
yourself if you had a very bad childhood.
So what kind of just God gives us (as the semites preach just
1) ONE l ife followed by
2) di vine judgment but
3) these li ves are totall y unequal ? How fai r is God then??
Some of us grow up in wholesome families (such as certain Mormons, Traditional Catholics and believing
Protestants) and have a ten times greater chance of a happy and successful life than others. Very many these days
of all races grow up having the chil dhood from hel l.
(I have discussed my own traumatic childhood and now it helped ruin two marriages and my whole financial and
emotional future until I found the courage to seek counseling at age 49. I have seen as a high school teacher that by
the 12th grade half the kids are l ivi ng in a broken home no mom-and-dad family, but a divorced single working
mom, NOT there at home when the kids return from school, with a string of boyfriends going in and out. And I can
think of one case where I suspected the divorced moms boyfriend was abusing the daughter while the mother
worked the 3-11 pm shift. The worst thing as a compassionate teacher is following the rule NOT to get involved in
the private lives of our students At most we can alert the guidance counselor, nurse or even the police, of
course. I remember one very pretty girl with beautiful long light brown hair who used to come in and cry on her
desk. It was heart-rending. What are the odds that girl will grow up to be perfectly normal? Btw, I tried just talking
a bit with her once but she just clammed up on me.)
Reincarnation answers in a satisfying and real-feeling way our questions about why life is as it is Why we suffer
either because of
1) bad karma we must endure, for evi l deeds we di d that were not punished in a previous existence (as in
VERY frequently the case; people get off scot-free ALL the time, although not in terms of God); or because
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2) we are good people who have volunteered to experience specific challenges and trials to help us grow in
understanding, empathy and even the agonies of choosing the rocky path of heroism.
Reincarnation is a profoundly Aryan idea of personal growth through cause and effect. What you sow i s what you
reap. You either run or you fi ght.
And as J ulius Caesar said about the Kelts of Gaul, their belief in reincarnation made them fearless.
The implications of reincarnation to our racial struggle are far-reaching and massive. This doctrine and this reality
are genuinely Aryan and they change everything.

Wikipedia: (source:
Henry Ford (J uly 30, 1863 April 7, 1947) was
the American founder of the Ford Motor Company and father of modern assembly lines used in mass production.
His introduction of the Model T automobile revolutionized transportation and American industry. He was a prolific
inventor and was awarded 161 U.S. patents. As owner of the Ford Motor Company he became one of the richest
and best-known people in the world. He is credited with Fordism, that is, the mass production of large numbers of
inexpensive automobiles using the assembly line, coupled with high wages for his workers. Ford had a global vision,
with consumerism as the key to peace. Ford did not believe in accountants; he amassed one of the worlds largest
fortunes without ever having his company audited under his administration. Henry Fords intense commitment to
lowering costs resulted in many technical and business innovations, including a franchise system that put a
dealership in every city in North America, and in major cities on six continents.
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In 1923, [Henry] Fords pastor, and head of his sociology
department, Episcopal minister Samuel S. Marquis, claimed that Ford believed, or once believed in
reincarnation.[63] Though it is unclear whether or how long Ford kept such a belief, the San Francisco Examiner
from August 26, 1928, published a quote which described Fords beliefs:
I adopted the theory of Reincarnation when I was twenty si x. [JdN: He was then 60 years ol d.]
Rel igion offered nothing to the point. Even work could not give me complete satisfacti on. Work i s
futi le i f we cannot util ize the experi ence we col lect i n one l ife i n the next.
When I discovered Reincarnation it was as i f I had found a uni versal plan. I real ized that there was
a chance to work out my ideas. Ti me was no longer li mited. I was no longer a slave to the hands
of the cl ock.
Genius is experience. Some seem to thi nk that it is a gi ft or tal ent, but it is the frui t of l ong
experience in many l ives. Some are ol der soul s than others, and so they know more.
The di scovery of reincarnation put my mi nd at ease. If you preserve a record of this conversation,
write it so that it puts mens mi nds at ease. I would l ike to communi cate to others the calmness
that the long view of l ife gi ves to us.
General George Patton in WWII
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[J dN: I have corrected a few punctuation errors and slightly shortened the essay below, of which the original version
is found here:]

Patton Movie Script: Dialogue taken from
Scene descriptions from Reverse Spins
Three men in W.W. II uniforms (two
Generals) traveling down a North African
road in a jeep.
General George S.
Patton (George C. Scott): Hold it!
Turn right here.
Driver: But sir, the battlefield is
straight ahead.
Patton: Please dont argue with
me Sergeant. I can smell a
General Omar Bradley (Karl
Malden): He was out here just
yesterday George.
Patton: (points with his riding
crop) Its over there, turn right,
damn it!
The jeep goes off road, passing
some turbaned North Africans on
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donkeys and then comes upon
some Romanesque ruins. Patton
gets out, followed by Bradley. A
haunting echo of horns plays in
the background as if replaying
some ancient charge of a long
forgotten battle.
Patton: It was here.
The battlefield was
here. The
defending the city
were attacked by three
Roman Legions.
Carthaginians were
proud and brave but
they couldnt hold.
They were massacred.
Arab women stripped
them of their tunics
and their swords and
lances. The soldiers
lay naked in the sun,
two thousand years
ago; and I was here.
Patton, on bended knee, pauses,
smiles knowingly, turns to a
sometimes bemused Bradley and
Patton: You dont believe me, do you Brad?
You know what the poet said,
Through the travail of
midst the pomp and
toils of war,
have I fought and
strove and perished,
countless times
among the stars.
As if through a glass
and darkly,
the age old strife I see,
when I fought in many
guises and many
but always me. *
Patton: Do you know who the poet was?
Bradley [Smiles slightly and shakes his
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head, no.]
Patton: Me.

A particularly evocative scene from the movie Patton, is it not? You get the sense
that he actually remembers the terrible scene of his fallen comrades. But what of
his modern day army, those men he led in World War II? Tens of thousands of
them willingly trusted his judgement in battle. Would they also follow him in
matters of the spirit? Would those who believe he was brilliant in battle also
believe that that insightfulness can be brought to bear in other areas of life?
George Patton believed in reincarnation. He remembered fighting the Romans as
a Carthaginian. Patton also believed he was with Napoleon as the flamboyant and
daring Marshal Ney.
I will make the case that one of Americas greatest generals, Patton, was one of
historys greatest generals, Hannibal through both parallels (habits ingrained)
and lessons learned (opposite courses of action). Many can be explained as
coincidences but then, if there is such a thing as reincarnation, there are no
accidents. Do great generals just sprout up or are they made over countless
lifetimes, perfecting and honing their abilities? You be the judge:
1. Both grew up in wealthy families.
2. I swear that so soon as age will permit . . . I will use fire and steel to
arrest the destiny of Rome. A very young Hannibal Barca said this
while standing next to his father, before an altar. George Patton
decided during childhood that his goal in life was to be a hero in the
mold of ancient Greek heroes. His father read to him Homers Iliad and
Odyssey until the boy could recite the lines himself.
3. Both were avid horsemen.
4. Both entered the infantry. Patton had several other choices. Hannibal
had only two. Carthage was a famous seafaring city also.
5. Both cut their teeth in battle in a Spanish-speaking country, Patton in
Mexico and Hannibal in Spain.
6. Both were enamored with the use of heavy armor. Patton with his
tanks and Hannibal utilized armor-plated elephants like no one before
or since, although they were often ineffective. He must have been
pretty pleased with the new innovation of tanks.
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7. Hannibals final defeat happened in North Africa. Patton joins WWII
by landing in North Africa. He rectifies the karmic record by winninng
his first major engagement.
8. The Roman consul Scipio studied Hannibals tactics to finally defeat
him at Zama. (Among some of these were the use of horns which were
blown to scare the charging elephants into retreat, causing havoc in
the advancing Carthaginian lines.) Patton studied Rommels book and
tactics to defeat his Panzer battalion in North Africa. It would be an
ironic case of karmic justice if Rommel and Scipio were one and the
Hannibal crossing the Alps; by Jacopo Amigoni. Bridgeman Art Library
9. Hannibal led one of the greatest, if not THE greatest march in
history. With approximately 60,000 men, 20,000 or so cavalry and 100
elephants, he started from Spain; crossed the Rhone River in France;
then crossed the Alps in winter!. to attack Italy from the north.
Patton was famous for getting his troops to move faster and beyond the
expectations of both the Allies and the German enemy. His Third Army
end run through France is a prime example. By coincidence the
longest terrain Hannibal had to cross was France as well.
10. Both of them would find ways to overcome obstacles that would
stop others in their tracks, literally. They were both adept at crossing
rivers. When crossing the Rhone, Hannibal created a gigantic raft
covered in dirt and plants to fool the elephants into getting on board. It
In a war game before WWII, Patton had to cross rivers without using
any existing bridge. A lieutenant came upon a tank sitting in a stream
with only its turret showing. Patton said to him: Their speed was not
high enough when they hit the water. Im sure they could float all the way
across the stream if they had hit the water at top speed! We gotta be
able to cross this kind of stuff without bridges. It takes too much time to
build a pontoon bridge for these little streams. He then proceeded to
back up his tank 100 yards. The driver gunned it with only Patton
sticking out of the turret. Patton braced himself as the impact created a
great splash. The tank floated for a moment, the engine sputtered and
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the tracks finally caught hold on the other side, lifting the drenched
tank to the opposite bank. (From General Pattons Principles by Porter
11. There are two of Pattons principles that Williamson extrapolated
from that experience. They are in Pattons words:
1) We can always learn from each other.You watch me cross this
stream.You taught me that you reserve officers can solve problems. Let
me show you how to get a tank across a river! and
20 Always do everything you expect of the men you command. These
principles are perfectly consistent with the M. O. of Hannibal. He was
with the men every step of the way from Spain, into the Alps and on to
the plains of Italy, sharing their difficulties and triumphs.
Hannibal discovers the head of Hasdrubal; by Giovanni-Battista Tiepolo.
Bridgeman Art Library
12. Hasdrubal, Hannibals brother (sometimes described as his brother-
in-law) comes from Spain, crosses France and the Alps to aid
Hannibal; only to be defeated and killed almost immediately upon
entering Italy. His head is sent to Hannibals camp. This had to be a
devasting series of events for Hannnibal. First, he did not know that
Hasdrubal was coming to his aid. When he did find out, couriers were
constantly being intercepted by the Romans. He did not know the true
situation and so decides to wait in the south. The loss of Hasdrubals
30,000-man army signaled a change in the fortunes of Hannibal. The
unexpectant arrival of Hasdrubals head must have been unnerving.
Could it have had such an emotional impact that it would cloud his
judgement in a future life? Pattons worst fiasco of the war was his
ill-conceived plan to liberate the Allied prisoners of war in a prison
camp at Hammelburg, Germany. He did not have enough intel, so not
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enough troops were sent. Not only were the prisoners recaptured, but
the troops he sent were captured also. Why the error in judgement?
His son-in-law was a POW in that camp. Could this be the hidden
cause and effect behind a failed mission that has baffled historians to
this day?
13. Hannibal spent about 17 years trying to subdue Rome. In
retrospect, his greatest error was in not attacking Rome directly. Some
experts say he lacked siege equipment therefore he didnt try; or that
he didnt want to destroy Rome, just split off city-states to reduce its
power. It would be his undoing. Patton, having learned from that
mistake over 2,000 years ago, was relentless in forging ahead
whenever he attacked. First he raced Monty to Messina and probably
would have finally been able to attack Rome, 2,000 years later, through
Anzio if not for the infamous slapping incident. He did prove for the
first time in WWII that the Americans were a highly effective fighting
force. When he resumed command, he made a beeline for Berlin. They
had to slow him down, in fact. (FDR had promised Stalin Eastern
Europe. If Pattons Third Army had liberated Eastern Europe before the
Soviets arrived, it would have been difficult politically for Roosevelt or
Truman to just let those US-occupied countries become communist.
14. Elephants turned back on his own troops help to defeat Hannibal at
Zama. Lack of gasoline slowed down Pattons heavy armor.
15. Both fought martial, warlike states.
16. For a short while after his defeat, Hannibal ruled Carthage with
democratic principles, trying to reduce the power of the oligarchy. That
didnt sit well with the powers that be. He was forced to leave. Patton
refused to blindly condemn all Germans, even the SS, despite media
pressure. He was only interested in punishing the Nazis. Needless to
say, this put him at odds with the press and the higher brass,
especially Eisenhower.
18. Both were an anathema to ruling governments once the fighting
stopped. Hannibal was hounded all across the Mediterranean once he
was forced to leave Carthage. Patton was a duck out of water in
administering the conquered land.
19. Both men died a strange death. Chased till he could take it no
more, Hannibal committed suicide. Patton died an innocuous death in a
minor traffic accident, though many believe to this day there was foul
20. Both had an endearing personality and charisma to spare.
Although each undoubtedly had a strong ego, their men would follow
them anywhere. Indeed, no one has ever matched Hannibals ability.
He kept a massive force of mercenaries together for over 15 years, on
foreign soil without one mutiny.
21. Now look again at the two pictures you first saw at the top of this
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essay, but this time more closely.
Compare the mouth, chin, nose and eyes. The bust of Hannibal dates
to about the Second Punic War. It was originally found at the ancient
city-state of Capua in Italia. Capua was closely allied to the general,
and it possibly commissioned the bust in honor of him. It also
corresponds well with Carthago-Phoenicians coins and may be said to
be a true likeness of Hannibal. In addition, artists and sculptors
sometimes have a knack for tuning into the soul of an individual,
capturing the true essence of the man.

Wil li am House
Editor, Reverse Spi ns

The death of the Roman Consul Paullus at Cannae
Before Hannibals greatest battle and Romes worst defeat in history,
Cannae, he stood with his commanders overlooking a terrifying sight.
Roman legions and cavalry that outnumbered them two-to-one. One of
his followers, called Gisgo, a Carthaginian of equal rank with himself,
told him that the numbers of the enemy were astonishing; to which
Hannibal replied with a serious countenance,
There is one thing, Gisgo, yet more astonishing, which you
take no notice of.
And when Gisgo inquired what, answered, that
In all those great numbers before us, there is not one man
called Gisgo.
This unexpected jest of their general made all the company laugh, and
as they came down from the hill, they told it to those whom they met,
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which caused a general laughter amongst them all.
(Source: )
[ If that doesn't sound li ke Patton, I don't know what does!--- the

Captain George S. Patton had never before visited Langres, a small
town in northeastern France. But in December 1917, during WWI,
having just arrived to operate a tank school, the American newcomer
declined the offer of a local liaison officer to show him around the town,
once the site of a Roman military camp.
You dont have to, Patton told the surprised young man, I know it
well. A staunch believer in reincarnation, Patton felt sure that he had
been to France before as a Roman legionnaire. As he led the way
trhough the area, he pointed out the sites of the ancient Roman
temples and amphitheater, the drill ground, and the forum, even
showing a spot where J ulius Caesar had made his camp.
It was, Patton later told his nephew, : As if someone were at my ear
whispering the directions from The Many Incarnations of George S.

* Why there may be more behind Marshal Ney than meets the eye.
Patton Movie Script: Dialogue taken from movie.
Scene descriptions from Reverse Spins Editor.
After Patton finishes speaking French to an aide, the scene
shifts to an elegant dinner. Patton is surrounded by senior
British officers. A few American officers are at the far end of
the table.The British officer to his left compliments George
on the fine wine. Pattons culture and knowledge of history
is apparent. The ambience is set for an unusual revelation.
Patton turns to Sir Harold on his right, the highest ranking
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Brit there and says:
Patton: I think it was Alcibiades in the Peloponnesian War ,
ah, 415 B.C., he said , if Siracusa falls, all Sicily falls, and
then Italy. He knew, you see, that Syracuse was the jugular
of the island, and old Alcibiades always went for the throat. I
propose to take Sicily in the same way
Patton gives a short explanation of the plan using a map.
The British are impressed. Patton raises his glass in a toast
and says:
Patton: To the conquest of Sicily.
Sir Harold: You know George, youd have made a great
Marshal for Napolean, if you had lived in the 18th century.
Patton: But I did Sir Harold, I did.
Everyone laughs, no one harder than Sir Harold and Patton.
The toast is finished and the scene ends.
Michel Ney By Meynier
National museum of the Castle of Versailles and Trianon
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===============Wiki pedias arti cle
This article is fairly accurate:
What it does NOT go into is WHY rulers would discourage acceptance of reincarnation..because they want
subj ects who are afraid to die.
People afraid to die do not revolt.
And ARYANS afraid to die do not revolt.
Most white Christians do NOT really believe in God or the afterlife not as their faith teaches them. You can see it
by their EXTREME fear of death (which shows they dont REALLY believe in the Christian heaven) and by their
behavior in life, which is shameless and shows no fear of divine retribution.
They act l ike atheists!
.atheists as in Dostoyevskys famous proverb:
If there is no God, everything is permitted.
They act l ike people who thi nk they have just one life to li ve and they might as well grab al l the gusto they
TO DIE the GOYEEM, in Hebrew, the CATTLE. A totally dereligionized, despiritualized animal herd..focused
on stomach and genitalia, pursing pleasure and fleeing pain.
Solutreanism is the certainty that every thought, word and deed, and every duty peformed or NOT performed, has
eternal consequences, and that in the moment of death you SEE the effects of your life on the lives of others.
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The famous Viking prayer, the real kind of prayer Vikings would said as death or victory approached, with words
taken from various heathen Germanic sources.

I got a HUGE response to a radio show I did on reincarnation and typical of it was men who told me they felt a
hypnotic attraction to the SS as small boys, and a horror of cold and snow also
Here is what a new friend and comrade wrote me, also a former Marine with Heartland roots:
* * *
I never give reincarnation a real lot of thought, but have thought about it some. I think it sure is possible.
Now you have read me online talking about my German heritage.
Well, I can remember as a kid. I think maybe in the fourth grade (I went to a Catholic grade school) we were doing
book reports. I dont remember what book report or subject I was doing, but a friend of mine (I still remember him
and this moment Im about to tell you about, and that was 30 years ago) was doing his book report on WWII.
Well, J ack had some books on the Army, Navy, Marines and so forth. No big deal, and I didnt give them a second
thought. Then I saw one book he had. It was Waffen SS the Asphalt Soldiers. I grabbed that book as if I were
mesmerized. I just looked at the cover in a daze and quickly thumbed through the pictures like I was looking for
someone or something. I begged him to let me borrow it, and he did. I ran home with it and studied this book from
cover to cover. I actually thought I knew these men. I was more giddy about this book that I came across then I
would have been at Christmas receiving a train.
[JdN: Btw, thi s book, which I also own, was written by a John Keegan who was not yet presti gious enough
(he i s now " Sir" John Keegan) to dare on his own to real ly praise the Germans as they deserved -- as he later
did in Six Armies at Normandy. In thi s strangely named " Asphalt Soldiers" book (
/Waffen-SS-The-Asphalt-Sol di ers/dp/0345278984) Keegan barely manages to fi nd any praise at all for the
greatest fighting force that ever exi sted in the l ast 4,000 years, and I say this as a proud former US Marine,
admitting myself that the Waffen-SS was the ul timate eli te among l arge mil itary formati ons. But the pi ctures
were okay. ]

After 1929 the SS began to expand rapidly, and standards in personnel unsurpri singl y began to
l ower. The pol iti cal changes al so led Hi tler to call for the creati on of a dedi cated guard formation
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from the ranks of the SS, and instructed one of hi s oldest coll eagues, Fi rst World War veteran
Josef Sepp Dietri ch, to set the wheels in moti on. Dietri ch quickl y set about select ing a group of
men appl ying rigorous standards, and by the spring of 1933 had establi shed the SS-Stabswache
Berl in, consisti ng of 117 men.
The pri mary role of this new Stabswache was the guardi ng of the Reich Chancel lery [i n downtown
Berlin], and as a result they were quickl y given the nickname asphal t soldiers .
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Of course, none of the units detractors would have known that of these initi al 117 men, over sixty
were to become company commanders or above, with three becoming di visional commanders.
(http://www.funtrivi )
Now I was maybe eight years old and felt so strongly about these SS men. Also, when growing up as a kid I have
long since grown out of it I hated winter and the cold. Growing up, I would get upset and almost cry over icy cold
weather. I live in Wisconsin and winters can be rough. It was somethi ng about winter I just could not stand. I was
miserable and wished for warm weather. My cousins or sisters never gave winter a second thought, but for me I
thought it was tragic. I didnt join the Marines because I was a wimp, but the cold really bothered me..
* * *
I replied:
* * *
Your experience seeing that Waffen-SS book sent chills down my spine. That is just how I felt staring at that Hitler
stamp (see below). I think MANY of our fellow WN activists will see themselves in your story! That ATTRACTION for
German things..was WAY beyond anything we were getting culturally as kids in our environment..Hey, after
WWII Germanys name was mud in America and there was no pro-German talk going on at MY kitchen table in the
1950s. My dad fought in WWII and conformed to the Hitler-was-evil line, which is why he snatched away that
framed Hitler stamp. My mother and father both had many jewish friends.
I had the strangest experience at around age five when I first saw a picture of this man. I had discovered a framed
stamp at my grandfathers house whicH displayed him as chancellor of the German Reich. I found myself just
staring at it in some strange feeling of connectedness for 15 minutes until my father came upstairs, scolded me
for ignoring him and confiscated the framed stamp, telling me Hitler was a bad man, a very bad, bad man (which is
what Roosevelt had told American GIs such as my father).
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Right after this, again at the age of five, I began studying my first foreign language, German, in great earnest, and
was able to hold a little conversation a year later in German with a lady from Deutschland on a flight from Providence
to Pittsburgh to see my great-grandmother, ne Berlin, at her home in Greensburg.
It was one of those inexplicable occurrences seemingly silly, a stamp with an unknown foreign leader impacting a
mere five-year-old a strange event.such as actually many people have, but they usually do not tal k about it.
But such mysterious feelings mark the person.
I felt neither affection nor hatred for Hitler gazing at his visage, just distance, as if that man represented something
somehow important but that had to stay firmly in the PAST someone perhaps to be inspired by, to be learned
from, and then resolutely moved beyond.
I felt and I feel that we must look FORWARD. (And this leads me further on to Thomas J efferson.)
Two main things in Mein Kampf turned me off one, the concept of the genius-dictator, which Hitler called the
Fhrerprinzip. Certainly, the giving of total power to a genius can work wonders, but what happens when he
i nsi sts on a di sastrous decisi on?
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And that disastrous decision was my second turn-off Operation Barbarossa, J une 22, 1941, which was NOT
meant to liberate Russia but to chase out the Soviets and then install a German occupation regime in the east,
taking their land and making them slaves of Greater Germany.
No one could persuade Hitler to change that policy, which was of long standing. He had enunciated it in Mein Kampf
in 1925, reiterated it in the Second Book in 1928, and ordered it implemented in Operation Barbarossa in 1941. It
was not until September 1944 that he completely changed gears and allowed the Russian patriot, General Vlassov,
to establish a Russian National Liberation Army, but by then Germany had suffered the debacle at Stalingrad and
was already doomed and in full retreat. Seven months later Hitler was dead, and the unlucky Vlassov was later
strangled by order of Stalin.
Lesson? Even a geni us, and whatever his si ncere love for hi s people, and his previ ous achievements for
them, must never get absolute power where a Hi gh Council cannot overrule him for the sake of the
nations survival .
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I received this commentary in German, referring to the J eff in Chicago whose story is found above, and my
translation of this German text follows below.
Alexandra Wunder May 11, 2013 at 12:34 am [edit]
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Dear J ohn and dear J eff,
Zur Idee, dass sich die Waffen-SS reinkarnieren knnte, habe ich eine erstaunliche Geschichte gehrt die
letzten Wochen. Ein Freund von mir erzhlte mir die Geschichte.
Wiederum eine Freundin von ihm, sie ist alleinerziehend mit einem vierjhrigen Sohn, den sie Marlin (oder so
hnlich) genannt hatte.
bers Wochenende war Marlin bei seinem Vater und whrend dieses Wochenendes trumte die Mutter, sie
wre von diesem Kind bereits in einem frheren Leben die Mutter gewesen und zwar zur Zeit des 2.
Weltkrieges, und ihr Sohn htte damals Klaus geheissen und wre Soldat gewesen.
Als ihr kleiner Sohn nach dem Wochenende beim Vater Hause kam, hat sie ihn gefragt: Na Marlin, wie war
das Wochenende bei deinem Papa? Was habt Ihr so zusammen gemacht?
Marlin antwortete: Ich heie nicht Marlin, ich heie Klaus.
Die Mutter des Kindes hat in ihrem Erstaunen direkt beim Vater des Kindes angerufen und hat nachgefragt, ob
irgendein Klaus-Besuch war oder irgendein Gesprch stattfand, das sich auf irgendeinen Klaus htte
beziehen knnen und da war nichts in irgendeiner Richtung, dass eine Klaus-Aussage htte inspirieren
Wer wei???
Alles Gute und Liebe,
Alexandra Wunder
J ohn de Nugent May 11, 2013 at 10:07 pm [edit]
This is a TRANSLATION into English of the German comment above.
Alexandra Wunder May 11, 2013 at 12:34 am [edit]
Dear J ohn and dear J eff,
On the idea that the Waffen-SS men could reincarnate, I have an amazing story from the last few weeks. A
friend of mine told me the story.
A friend of his in turn is a single mother with a four-year-old son whom she had named Marlin (or something
Over the weekend Marlin was with his father and during this weekend when he was away his mother dreamed
she had been the mother of this child in a previous life, during the time of the Second World War II, and her
son had then been called Klaus and was a soldier.
When her young son after the weekend at his fathers house came home to her, she asked him: Well, Marlin,
how was the weekend with your dad? What did you two do together?
Marlin said, My name is not Marlin, my name is Klaus.
The childs mother, astounded (this was right after her dream) called the father of the child and asked if any
Klaus visitor had been by or was a Klaus the topic of any conversation over the weekend, someone to whom
the name Klaus referred and there was nothing at all in any direction that could have inspired him to say
his real name was Klaus.
Who knows?
Best wishes and love,
Reincarnation Evidence
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Alexandra Wunder

============EMAIL REACTION
A comrade wrote me:
I listened to the interview you did with Tom Metzger that dealt with reincarnation. Good job!
[Part One (March 20, 2013): and
/watch?v=ukEOsKDXUEg ]
I have read some of the research that you mentioned in regards to reincarnation. I am not a believer yet but I do not
reject the possibility. There are some very interesting cases that indicate that some people have some ki nd of
connection wi th the past. That opens the door to some fascinating possibilities from some type of shared ancestral
consciousness to reincarnation.
My reply:
Right, well, the kids in the two thousand fi ve hundred U. Va. case studi es are very specific that they WERE that
person, not just knowing about them.
This explains knowing nicknames of pets, quirks of family members, trees that used to stand next to the house and
no longer do, they talk about their first car as a teenager, a Studebaker . etc., and a seven-year-old (now called
J ames Leininger) who knew the secret nicknames of his fellow 1945 Navy pilots at a veterans reunion in 2003
These kids know a lot more than J ungian archetypes. They know things ONLY a family member would know.
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33 of 38 10/25/2013 12:55 PM
James Leininger at a veterans reunion of the USS Natoma Bay aircraft carrier. As USN Lieutenant James Huston in
his last life he was shot down by Japanese anti-aircraft fire at the battle of Iwo Jima and drowned when he could not
kick open his glass cockpit. (The ejection seat was invented by the Third Reich and US pilots did not have it.) My
late father, then a Marine on the beach, might even have seen Lieutenant Hustons plane hit the water.
James Huston and James Leininger; often there is SOME physical resemblance, like that between relatives, but not
the same face. Compare their chins, eyes and nose shapes The energy of the soul that forms the next physical
body is different, especially when a person has spent decades on the other side before returning. There are many
worlds on the other side, some nice, some not..
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