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(Scene 1)

Security : morning
Risma : morning
Security : May I help you something?
Risma : yeah of course, I wanna meet to customer service.
Security :just follow me
Ok here, please
Customer service : Hi, how are you doing today?
Risma : Great. Thanks.
Customer service : What can I do for you?
Risma : I would like to open a bank account.
Customer service : What kind would you like to open?
Risma : I need a checking account for business.
Customer service : In order to open these accounts, you need to deposit a minimum of Rp.
Risma : I want to deposit Rp. 30.000.000.
Customer service : please fill out this form.
Risma : ok. (Filling out)
Customer service : do you have corporation formed?
Risma : yeah, I have this (Giving the form)
Customer service : (looking the form for a few minutes) who is Mrs. Risma the director of
Risma : I am.
Customer service : follow me please

(Scene 2)
(In Bank ManagerRoom)

Customer : good morning Miss (knock the door)
Bank director : morning, come in please!
(Enter into the room)
Bank manager : What can I do for you?
Customer service : Miss Risma is the director of TIGA SERANGKAI corporate, she need to
open account.
Bank manager : ouuww, checking account?
Customer service : yeah, this is the form (giving a form).
Bank manager : what kind of your corporate Mrs.Risma?
Risma : my corporation is engaged in thedistribution ofschool books
Bank manager : how manyof youremployees?
Risma : My employees numbers are 25people
Bank manager : so, how about your corporate monthly income?
Risma : net income derived by my corporation is about 500 million per month.
Bank manager : hhmm..If you need financial loanfor your business, please contact
us (smile), because we have designed a range of products for working capital loans to support the
development of your business. Our Bank working capital loans are our solutions to provide
support to you to make it easier for you to reach your business goals, reinforced by a network of
banks across Indonesia.
Risma : thank youfor theinformation, butfornow Ijustneed toopenan account.
Bank manager : ok, thank you for believe us.
Risma : you are welcome (stand and shaking hands).
Out of the room
Customer service : Mrs. Risma, now you can sit back and I'll set up your accounts for you
right now.
Risma : alright! (Sit back in waiting seat)
(Customer service gives the form to the teller, and then teller set up the accounts)
Customer service : Mrs. Risma, this is your new business account, thank you for your
Risma : you are welcome.

(Scene 3)

Ramla : hi Amy, what are you doing?
Amy : nothing, why?
Ramla : hhhmm, actually I need to withdraw my checking account, but I dont
know how?
Amy : its ok;you can use your bank card at an ATM. You insert the card into
the machine; it will prompt you to enter your pin. It pretty much walks you through the process,
how much you want to take out, if you want a receipt, et cetera. Or go to the bank during their
hours, fill out a withdraw slip, and hand it to the teller. Or write a check to yourself from that
account and cash it.
Ramla : well, it might be better if I come into the Bank.
Amy : yeah,I think so.
Ramla : OK.

(Scene 4)

Teller : good afternoon, may I help you? Sit down please
Ramla : yeah, I need to withdraw my checking account, but I dont know how?
Teller : ok, to withdraw your account. First, you have to take a withdrawal slip
this is withdrawal slip, and you take withdrawal slip, and then fill out the requirements requested
in the slip. And the last, give the slip to me.
Ramla : ok, (taking the slip)
(Ramla is looking the slip and back again to the teller)
Ramla : excuse me, how to fill out this slip?
Teller :
First, Place the checking withdrawal slip on a flat surface. Have your checking account
number handy.
Second, Print today's date on the line next to the word "Date." This is the official date of
the transaction.
Third, write out in words the amount you wish to withdraw from your checking account
on the line next to the word "Amount." For example, if you are withdrawing RP.500.000, write
the word five-hundred thousand Rupiah."
Fourth, insert the numerical amount you wish to withdraw in the box next to the words
"Rupiah Amount."
Fifth, Place your name on the line next to the word "Name." If there is a space for your
address on the withdrawal slip, enter the mailing address associated with your checking account
in that space.
Sixth, enter all the digits in your checking account number in the boxes next to the words
"Account Number."
Finally, Sign your name on the signature line to authorize the transaction.
Any question so far? (Smile)
Ramla : I got it!
(Filling out the slip)
Ramla : this is the slip (giving the slip)
Teller : Ill cash your check
(Cash processing)
Teller : Rp. 400.000,-(giving the money)
Ramla : thank you
Teller : thank you

Figure :

Risma :Rismayana (211 110 225)
Customer service :Hera Palayukan (211 110 020)
Bank Manager :Sarinah Rasid (211 110 037)
Teller :Julianita (211 110 015)
Ramla :Ramla (211 110 028)
Amy :Nurdia (211 110 016)

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