Introduction To Criminal Justice System

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4 Principal Methods Of Implementing The Punitive Policy Used During The History Of Mankind

1 Physical Torture
! "ocial Degradation
# $inancial %oss
4 &emoval from the group 'y death( e)ile or imprisonment
*lphonse +ertillon , One -ho originated a system of classifying criminals according to 'odily
*ncient &ome , * nation -ho pioneered 'anishment as a form of punishment
*pproaches To The .)planation Of /rime
1 "u'0ective *pproach
! O'0ective *pproach
"u'0ective *pproach
1 *nthropological *pproach
! Medical *pproach
# +ilological *pproach
4 Physiological *pproach
1 Psychological *pproach
2 Psychiatric *pproach
3 Psycho4*nalytical *pproach

O'0ective *pproach
1 5eographic *pproach
! .cological *pproach
# .conomic *pproach
4 "ociological and /ultural *pproach
*ustralia , * place -here after the *mericans gained their independence from .ngland in 1362( the
prisoners of .ngland -ere transferred until 1623
*utopho'ia , It is a mor'id fear of one7s self or of 'eing alone
+erlin , The country -here the last 'urning at the stake -as made until 1362
+iology , Is the study of living things The science that deals -ith the origin( history( physical
characteristics( life( processes( ha'its etc of plants and animals
/lassical "chool , This school of penology -hich +eccaria made of the first significant contri'utions
and to -hich &ousseau Montes8uieu and 9oltaire 'elonged maintained the doctrine of psychological
hedonism( that the individual calculates pleasures and pains in advance of action and regulates his
conduct 'y the results of his calculations That since punishment must 'e one that can 'e calculated( it
must 'e same for all individual regardless of age( mentality( social stauts or other conditions
/riminalistics , "um total of the application of all sciences in crime detection * criminal commits
crime 'y means of things or he leaves something in the crime scene
These Physical .vidence Include +ut :ot %imited To The $ollo-ing
1 +lood and +lood stain
! $irearms and other deadly -eapons
# $ingerprints and footprints
4 Tool marks and many more
/riminal .tiology , Is an attempt at scientific analysis of the causes of crime
/riminological "chools 4
1 /artographical "chool
! The "ocialist "chool
# The Psychiatric "chool
4 "ociological and "ocial4Psychological "chool
David ; Maurer , *n *merican authority in police matters -ho in his 'ooks <The +ig /on , 1=4>?
once said the dominant culture -ould control the predatory cultures -ithout dificulty and -hat is more(
it could e)terminate them for no criminal su'culture can operate continuosly and professionally
-ithout the connivance of the la-
Divisions Of /riminalistics 4
1 "cientific , a /hemistry
' Physics
c +iology
! Technological , a @uestioned Document .)amination
' $irearms Identification
c $ingerprint Identification
Italian Theory , Dr /esare %om'roso
# /lasses of /riminals
1 +orn /riminals , *tavism
! Insane /riminals , Idiots( im'ecile( dementia( paralysis( pelagno etc
# /riminaloids , :ot 'orn -ith physical stigma 'ut -ho are of such mental makeup
that they display anti social conduct /riminaloids are persons suffering
from psychological defects
ProponentsAPioneer of Italian theory
1 Dr /esare %om'roso
! .nrico $erri
# 5arofalo
Bohn Ho-ard , The great prison reformet -ho -rote <The state of prisons in england in 1333 after a
personal investigation of practically all the prisons in .ngland
Middle Of The 12th /entury , The period -hen the first house of correction appeared in .ngland on
the petition of +ishop &idley of london for help in dealing -ith the sturdy vaga'onds of the city The
Cing gave his place at +ride-ell to 'e one of the hospitals of the city for le-d and idle and a place for
the employment of the unemployed and the training of children
Modern Trend In /riminology *nd Penology , Is that the offender in society regardless of the gravity
of the offense must 'e corrected and reha'ilitated for eventual return to the community
:eo4/lassical "chool , This school arose at the time of the $rench revolution and the period
immediately follo-ing( maintained that -hile the classical school -as correct in general( it should 'e
modified in certain details since children and lunatic can not calculate pleasures and pain( they should
not 'e regarded as criminals or to 'e punished
P.*/. , Philippine .ducator7s *ssociation for /riminology .ducation( Banuary 11( 1=6#
Penology , /oncerned -ith the control and prevention of crime and the treatment of youthful
Phenomenon , *ny e)tremely unusual or e)tra ordinary thing or occurrence
Philippine /ollege Of /riminology , *t "ta /ruD Manila( $ormerly kno-n as Plaridel /ollege( 1=1>7s
1 Manila Police Ma0or .liseo 9i'ar
! Dr Pedro "olis of :+I
# "/ *ssociate Bustice $eli) +autista *ngelo
Peter &entDel , * private person -ho in 122= esta'lished a -ork house in ham'urg at his o-n e)pense
'ecause he had o'served that thieves and prostitutes -ere made -orse instead of 'etter 'y pillory and
he hoped that they might 'e improved 'y -ork and religious instruction in the -orkhouse
PoliceA%a- .nforcement , The core of the criminal 0ustice system or the institutuion -hich the other
machineries of the criminal 0ustice system are developed
Positive "chool , This school denied individual responsi'ility and reflected an essentially non punitive
reactiion to crime and criminality The adherents of this school maintained that a crime as any other act
is a natural phemomenon like tornado( flood etc
Principal Division Of /riminology 4
1 /riminal .tiology
! "ociology of %a-
# Penology
"ocial /ontract Theory , It is 'ased on the principle that it is the o'ligation of the state to protect and
provide safety of the people and to promote the happiness of its constituent mem'ers In return for
these services( it is the o'ligation of the individual mem'er to surrender a small portion of his natural
li'erty in o'edience to the valid la-s of the state
"ocial /ontrol Theory , "ince man has en0oyed freely the protection and security( it is necessary for the
state to assume some sort of control over the 'ehavior of the mem'ers so that the greatest happiness for
the ma0ority can 'e o'tained
"ociology Of %a- , Is an attempt at scientific analysis of the conditions under -hich penalAcriminal
la-s develop as a process of formal social control
Theories Underlying /riminal %a- In &elation To Man
1 /lassical Theory
! :eo4/lassical Theory
# The Positive and Italian Theory
FThe 'ehavior system in crime may 'e dscri'ed 'y its # pricipal characterstics e)cept <it is not merely
an aggregation of individuals criminal acts?
The maintenance of peace and order is the 0oint and several responsi'ility of man and his
government /an 'e descri'ed 'y the follo-ing theoriesE
1 "ocial /ontract Theory
! "ocial /ontrol theory
More Materials at criminology'oarde)amrevie-er-ee'lycom

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