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Pseudonymus-Observer Report: Universe Sector 0081422-Introducing an nac!

by Pseudonymus, Call Sign: Alpha-Echo-Gamma-42179
!"ansc"ibed #"om $he %"iginal &emo"y 'epo"$ by Gu$h"ie P"en$ice, con$ac$ in (ni)e"se Sec$o"
!his analysis and $he a$$ached memo"y #iles highligh$ a pa"$icula" p"oblem $ha$ .e may ha)e
o)e"loo/ed in ou" a$$emp$ing $o app"oach o$he" $ype + ci)ili0a$ions .hen e1posing $hem $o ou"
di##icul$ies, $he mul$i)e"se a$ la"ge, and $he p"ecep$s $o .hich .e hold, 2hile many o# $hem, as .i$h $he
#ou" g"ea$ alliances o# $ype + ci)ili0a$ions .e3)e been a pa"$ o# o)e" $he pas$ se)e"al hund"ed $housand
0a"na/s, unde"s$and $ha$ mul$i)e"se $"a)el and communica$ion "e4ui"es $he inco"po"a$ion o# all
dimensions as a physical di"ec$ion .e mus$ $a/e in$o accoun$, o" a$ leas$ $hey do in some #o"m, $he"e
a"e some $ype + en$i$ies .ho do no$ ha)e $he sligh$es$ no$ion o# ho. )ulne"able $hey a"e, despi$e $he
#ac$ $ha$ $hey a"e ope"a$ing ou$side a uni)e"sal le)el,
!a/e, #o" e1ample, $his pa"$icula" inciden$, !he lac/ o# unde"s$anding displayed he"e sho.s a clea"
blind spo$ $ha$ i# no$ add"essed, can o)e".helm any in$e"-dimensional g"oup, and i$ is one .e should be
.a$ching all $he mo"e ca"e#ully #o", as .e a"e a$$emp$ing $o coun$e" en$i$ies $ha$ eme"ged #"om 25
dimensional space, 6# $his g"oup can o)e"loo/ $he 7#ou"$h dimension3s8 impo"$ance, $hen pe"haps .e,
and o$he" allies .ho may help us, can be blindsided by ye$ ano$he" dimension3s di"ec$ions o"
pe"mu$a$ions $ha$ .e ha)e o)e"loo/ed, and po$en$ially ge$ ou"sel)es and e)e"yone .ho "ely on us,
/illed pe"manen$ly, 6n acco"dance .i$h a"$icle 1+ o# $he 6n$e"-dimensional Sen$ien$ 'igh$s
P"oclama$ion, .e canno$ a##o"d $o se$ a bad e1ample #o" o$he" sen$ien$ species, A$ $he end o# $his "epo"$,
$he"e .ill be po$en$ial solu$ions $ha$ can be e1plo"ed $o add"ess $his p"oblem in #u$u"e,
"ode# 1:
6$ s$a"$ed immedia$ely a#$e" 6 .as "eleased #"om (ni)e"se Sec$o" **2+17442 and my e1$ended $empo"al
"esea"ch p"o9ec$ had been comple$ed, 6 .as on my .ay bac/ $o my sa#e ha)en in (ni)e"se Sec$o"
::11;, .hen, much $o my su"p"ise, 6 .ound up in .ha$ appea"ed $o be $he con$"ol "oom o# a spaceship,
(pon en$e"ing $he uni)e"se line, 6 .as p"omp$ly $ossed s$"aigh$ in$o $he bul/head o# $he con$"ol "oom
.i$h such #o"ce $ha$ 6 .as luc/y $ha$ 6 only #el$ $.o "ibs c"ac/,
6 sun/ $o $he #loo", g"un$ing in pain, <o soone" had 6 done $his, $hen an elde"ly gen$leman, in g"ay
o)e"alls .ho had been a$ $he con$"ols p"omp$ly $u"ned a"ound and came o)e" $o me as/ing, 7A"e you
7<o, 63m no$,8 6 said $h"ough labo"ed b"ea$hing, 76 $hin/ some$hing3s b"o/en and 63m #eeling )e"y
72ell, le$3s ge$ you do.n $o $he sic/-bay and ge$ you pa$ched up,8 said $he g"ay clad man, !hen, he
$oo/ a good loo/ a$ me, and 6 #el$ some$hing $ouch my mind, 7=ang on,8 he said bo$h in .o"ds and in
my head, 7>ou3"e no$ #"om my c"e., ?"om .ha$ 6 can $ell, .ai$, $he"e3s $.o minds a$ .o"/ in $his body,8
A$ $his he .hipped ou$ .ha$ loo/ed li/e a )e"y odd lase" pis$ol and said, 7&y mic"o-p"o9ec$o" is aimed
a$ you, don3$ mo)e a muscle,8 =e $hen p"oceeded $o go silen$ and his e1p"ession changed and $he #o"ce
disappea"ed #"om my mind,
6$ .as a$ abou$ $his poin$ $he pain .as se"iously s$a"$ing $o ge$ $o me, bu$ $h"ough $he blu" $ha$ .as
s$a"$ing $o de)elop o)e" my )ision, 6 could see mul$iple soldie"s come in including a so"$ o#
li0a"d@d"agon@sna/e li/e loo/ing #igu"e come in, !hey "es$"ained me, and some$hing go$ in9ec$ed in$o
my a"m, E)e"y$hing .en$ da"/,
"ode# 2:
2hen 6 came $o, 6 .as lying a$$ached $o a bed, s$ill #eeling )e"y ha0y, and li/e 6 .as #loa$ing in and ou$
o# "eali$y, 6 $"ied $o mo)e and couldn3$, !hen 6 no$iced $ha$ my ."is$s #el$ a li$$le o##, and mo)ed my
head $o see $ha$ bo$h my ."is$ compu$e" and Casimi" shield .e"e gone, 6 could s$ill #eel $he connec$ion
$o my cu""en$ly assigned hype"sphe"e, .hich sugges$ed $ha$ a$ leas$ $he ."is$ compu$e" hadn3$ been
damaged in any .ay, shape, o" #o"m,
A$ $his poin$, $he same elde"ly gen$leman in g"ay o)e"alls .al/ed in and said, 7%A, So he"e3s .ha$3s
going $o happen, >ou3"e being shipped $o A"isia on &en$o"3s o"de"s, %# cou"se, you" medical $"ea$men$
and "e$u"n o# you" i$ems .ill be con$ingen$ on ho. you ans.e" my 4ues$ions and ho. .ell you
A$ $his poin$, a memo"y clic/ed #"om my p"e)ious hos$ body, 6 "emembe"ed g" up as a /id in
(ni)e"se Sec$o" **2+ "eading old classic boo/s #"om decades be#o"e 6 .as bo"n, and some o# $hem
.e"e #"om some$hing called $he Bensman se"ies, 6$ .as also a$ $his momen$ 6 "eali0ed some$hing .as
o##, 6 $"ied $o access $he hype"sphe"e ne$.o"/ )ia di"ec$ men$al con$ac$ $o see .he$he" o" no$ $he =igh
Commi$$ee had any /no.ledge pe"$aining $o $he Bensman (ni)e"se Sec$o", bu$ go$ no "esponse bac/,
!ha$ ei$he" mean$ $ha$ $he"e .as no in#o"ma$ion, o" my men$al lin/ .as s$a"$ing $o su##e" .i$hou$ my
."is$ compu$e" physically on my pe"son $o help main$ain $he connec$ion $o my hype"sphe"e,
6 "esponded sha/ily $h"ough $he ha0e, 7%A, 6 /no. .ho &en$o" and $he A"isians a"e, 6 also /no. $ha$
you" "e#usal $o gi)e me medical $"ea$men$ is beha)io" unbecoming o# .ha$ 6 assume is a G"ay
Bensman, &en$o" .ould $ell you $he same,8
!he G"ay clad man shoo/ his head, 7&en$o" has e1plici$ly $old us $ha$ anyone up ine1plicably
and unde" mind con$"ol is ano$he" Cos/onian agen$,8
7=ang on, .hen a"e .e:8 6 as/ed, 76 $hough$ Cos/onia had been de#ea$ed,8
!he G"ay clad man bac/ handed me, 7Silence Cos/onianD 6 as/ $he 4ues$ions he"e,8 he said, 7<o. you
.ill allo. me $o p"obe you" mind and ans.e" my 4ues$ions, %" o$he".ise, 63ll igno"e .ha$ &en$o" said
and /ill you he"e and no.D8
&y head .as "eeling, bo$h #"om $he ha0e o# my #aul$y connec$ion, $he hi$, and mos$ o# all, #"om $he #ac$
$ha$ $his .as comple$ely opposi$e $o e)e"y$hing $ha$ 6 "emembe"ed "eading $ha$ ci)ili0a$ion and $he
Galac$ic Pa$"ol s$ood #o", =o. could a lensman ac$ so "u$hlessly: So )iolen$ly: <o, $his .as do.n and
ou$ c"uel$y, (n#o"$una$ely, all $his .as $oo much #o" me, so 6 d"opped unconscious again,
"ode# $:
2hen 6 came $o ye$ again, 6 .as on a plane$3s su"#ace in #"on$ o# an old Chinese gen$leman, =e $oo/ a
loo/ a$ me and smiled, saying, 76n$e"es$ing, 6 ha)e used all my po.e" o# mind, and 6 /no. 6 ha)e
bloc/ed $he non-human mind, ye$ $he"e s$ill "emain $.o minds in you" head, !his mus$ be some ne.
Cos/onian $"ic/ my )ision o# $he Cosmic All did no$ #o"esee,8
6 $oo/ a sense and couldn3$ e)en #eel my hype"sphe"e, A$ $his "a$e, 6 /ne. ho. $his could go, 6 had less
$han hal# an hou" $o li)e, 2i$hou$ $he hype"sphe"e connec$ion, 6 .ould no$ "ecei)e $he #ull dimensional
access 6 needed and .ould die o# in#o"ma$ion a$"ophy in a )e"y sho"$ pe"iod,
6 "esponded saying, 7Be$3s cu$ $h"ough $his cha"ade, 6 /no. $ha$ as &en$o", you a"e a #ou" ply #usion o#
E"ounli, A"iedigan, <edanillo", and C"olen$een, 6 also /no. $ha$ $he Cos/onians should ha)e been
de#ea$ed by no., .hich also means $ha$ you a"e no$ ac$ually &en$o", bu$ Aimball and Cla"issa
Ainnison3s child"en, $he Child"en o# $he Bens, 6 also /no. $ha$ $he Galac$ic Pa$"ol doesn3$ /ill people
needlessly, 6 .ill die in a #e. minu$es unless my connec$ion is made again, Please, g"an$ me bac/ my
."is$ de)ice and my highe" dimensional connec$ion a$ leas$,8 !he"e .as despe"a$ion and a $"emo" in my
)oice as 6 pleaded .i$h $hem, 6 could al"eady s$a"$ $o #eel my b"ea$h and 6 .as s.ea$ing
p"o#usely, / $ha$ 6 .as abou$ $o die,
A$ $his, a man and #ou" .omen ma$e"iali0ed .he"e $he Chinese man once s$ood, and all o# a sudden,
my ."is$ compu$e" .as bac/ on my le#$ ."is$, 6 could #eel my head s$a"$ing $o clea", As soon as 6 had a
b"ea$h, 6 p"omp$ly s$ood, .i$h .ha$ li$$le s$"eng$h 6 had, hi$ a bu$$on on $he ."is$ de)ice, and made $he
pu"ple dimensional poc/e$ appea", 6 collapsed my hype"sphe"e in$o ; dimensional space and yelled,
7!his is Pseudonymus, Call Sign: Alpha-Echo-Gamma-42179 "e4ues$ing bac/up assis$anceD8
6 #el$ a #o"ce #lo. $h"ough me and 6 /nel$ do.n, A deep )oice spo/e $h"ough me as a #lash o# .hi$e ligh$
bu"s$ #"om a"ound me, and 6 s$ood .ea"ing $.o se$s o# angelic loo/ing .ings and said, 7Cy %b9ec$i)e
'eali$y, 6 am $he &ys$ic A)enge", 6n$e"-space Ad)en$u"e" E1$"ao"dinai"eD As you a"e in )iola$ion o#
A"$icle 1 o# $he 6n$e"-dimensional Sen$ien$ 'igh$s P"oclama$ion, 6 .ill he"eby "es$"ain you and $a/e you
#o" p"ocessing,8
!he young man sno"$ed and said, 763)e al"eady seen in$o you" mind, and you don3$ ha)e enough po.e"
$o ma$ch us,8
7<o, bu$ 6 do,8 said an e)en deepe" )oice as $he se$s o# angelic .ings g"e. #"om $.o $o #ou", and 6 #el$
a p"esence $a/e o)e" my body and in$eg"a$e .i$h my mind $ha$ all %bse")e"s /ne. o#, bu$ #e. had e)e"
di"ec$ly in$e"ac$ed .i$h, 76 am ?lu1, And 6 mus$ as/ you, .hy do you $o"$u"e one o# ou" o.n:8
A$ $his, .ha$ loo/ed li/e a gian$ con$ac$ lens sp"ead ou$ in #"on$ o# $he Child"en o# $he Bens, and a bol$
o# "a. ene"gy s$"uc/ me, =o.e)e", my mind #used .i$h ?lu1, and all o# a sudden, 6 #el$, ine1plicably,
$he ene"gy "edi"ec$ed $h"ough ano$he" dimension, and s$"aigh$ in$o my hype"sphe"e comple$ely
"echa"ging i$ a#$e" a mic"o po.e" su"ge, ?lu1 spo/e again, bu$ no$ $h"ough my mou$h $his $ime,
7Ah, Pseudonymus con#i"med my suspicions i$ seems,8 he $hough$ a$ $he Child"en, 76 should
ha)e pu$ be$$e" sa#e$y p"o$ocols on $ha$ con)e"sion node $o 25 dimensional space-$ime 6 .as
e1pe"imen$ing .i$h,8
7>ou bloc/ ou" po.e": >ou mus$ be $he ne1$ $h"ea$ agains$ ou" uni)e"se,8 $hough$ $he
Child"en3s #usion, $he (ni$,
?lu1 shoo/ my head, 7!he $h"ea$ $ha$ is a##ec$ing is #a", #a" mo"e dange"ous $han $he Eddo"ians
.e"e, And .hen 6 $"ac/ed $he ene"gy bac/, 6 .as a#"aid $his migh$ happen, >ou" $ime-line has been
shi#$ed, .hich is in pa"$ .hy you and $he Galac$ic Pa$"ol a"e no. so c"uel,8
!he (ni$ sno"$ed, 7Eon3$ be absu"dD !his is $he .ay $hings ha)e al.ays been, %nly $h"ough
s$"eng$h can Ci)ili0a$ion be de#ended,8 and $hey p"oceeded $o #i"e ano$he" bol$ o# men$al ene"gy, ?lu1
a$ $his poin$ $oo/ $he bol$ in #ull, bu$ held on$o i$, and opened his mind $o $he #usion, =e sho.ed $hem
$he memo"ies $ha$ bo$h he and 6 /ne. #"om $he "eading, =e sho.ed ho. $hey o"iginally de#ea$ed $he
Eddo"ians, and mo"e impo"$an$ly, $he "eason .hy, ?"om "eading $hei" mind, he sa. some$hing, $hen
76 see .he"e $he disc"epancy is,8 he said, 7!he $ime-line has been changed #"om .hen you, Ai$,
.en$ unde" $he $hough$ sc"eens $o in)es$iga$e $he Eddo"ians, p"io" $o $hei" #inal de#ea$, Appa"en$ly
.hile you .e"e unde" men$al a$$ac/ #"om all o# Eddo"e, $ha$3s .hen $he (n/no.n &anipula$ion 'ay
go$ hold o# you and s$a"$ed #es$e"ing, <o. $ha$ i$3s .ha$, $.o cen$u"ies la$e": !he"e3s been enough $ime
#o" i$ $o #es$e" in you" #usion, =a)en3$ you .onde"ed as $ime .en$ on .he"e $he c"uel $hough$s
ine1plicably came #"om:8
A$ $his, $he (ni$3s #usion b"o/e apa"$, %ne o# $he .omen, .hom #lu1 $old me .as Cons$ance,
said, 7%A, ?"om .ha$ .e can $ell, you genuinely a$ leas$ belie)e .ha$ you3"e spea/ing, 6# $he"e "eally
.as an o##se$ $o ou" $ime-line, $hen Ci)ili0a$ion has go$$en o## on $he ."ong $"ac/ and you3"e
men$ioning a ne. $h"ea$: Also, .ha$ .as $his .e sa. abou$ closed $ime-li/e cu")es:8
?lu1 spo/e $h"ough me by )oice and said, 7Pa"$ o# $he p"oblem is $ha$ appa"en$ly you don3$ ha)e
a sense $ha$ as you c"oss $h"ough $he mul$i)e"se, i# you hi$ $he "igh$ combina$ion o# highe" dimensions,
you can ac$ually $"a)el bac/.a"ds o" #o".a"ds in $ime "ela$i)e $o .he"e you a"e, !he $h"ea$ .e
%bse")e"s #ace, .hich .e call $he (n/no.n, a"e beings .ho do one s$ep .o"se $han us, !hey
appa"en$ly can si$ ou$side o# $ime, and li$e"ally manipula$e en$i"e uni)e"ses such $ha$ ci)ili0a$ions
collapse, !hen $hey ha")es$ $he uni)e"ses #o" all a)ailable ma$$e" and ene"gy, >ou" pe"cep$ion sense
.ould no"mally ha)e pe"cei)ed $he enemy incoming, bu$ you only ha)e a + dimensional pe"cep$ion o#
$he mul$i)e"se, 2e %bse")e"s pe"cei)e 11 dimensions a$ p"esen$, and .e /no. $ha$ $he"e a"e 25 #"om
ma$hema$ical e1$"apola$ion and indi"ec$ e)idence, $hough .e canno$ di"ec$ly pe"cei)e $hem,8
Ai$ Ainnison a$ $his poin$ spo/e and said, 7So ho. do you p"opose .e handle $his issue:8
7!he"e3s only one me$hod,8 said ?lu1, 72e .ill need $o "ein$eg"a$e you bac/ in $ime $o "ese$ $he
$ime-line mo"e e##ec$i)ely,8
72ill .e /no. o# $hese e)en$s a#$e".a"d:8 said Camilla, one o# $he o$he"s, 7And .ha$ o# ou"
child"en $ha$ ha)e come in $he pas$ $.o cen$u"ies:8
76# you allo. us, .e .ill "ein$eg"a$e all o# you" consciousnesses .hen $hey a"e p"ope"ly "ebo"n
in$o a uni)e"se line $ha$ you all much mo"e .ould ha)e desi"ed,8 said $he &ys$ic A)enge", chiming in,
7All .e need $o do is upload you" consciousnesses $o $he hype"sphe"e ne$.o"/, >ou .ill be se$ bac/ in
$ime, bac/ $o a #e. momen$s be#o"e you #i"s$ #o"med $he (ni$ and de#ea$ed Eddo"e, =ope#ully, by
"ein$eg"a$ing, .i$h memo"ies o# / $ha$ a manipula$ion "ay .as #es$e"ing in you" consciousness
and causing you $o mislead Ci)ili0a$ion, you3ll be able $o neu$"ali0e i$ .i$h shee" men$al .ill, and #igu"e
ou$ ho. $o handle $he $h"ea$ ne1$ $ime,8
Ai$ smiled, 7Al"igh$,8 he said, 7Since .ha$ you3)e sho.n us does indica$e $ha$ $"adi$ional B;
$hough$ isn3$ su##icien$ $o handle $he ne1$ $h"ea$, .e accep$ you" help, 2e ha)e $o as/ .ha$3s $he ca$ch
7!he ca$ch is $ha$ .e3ll need $he help o# Ci)ili0a$ion $o s$a"$ loo/ing #o" i""a$ionali$y sp"eading
$h"oughou$ i$s sys$em, 9us$ li/e .i$h Eddo"e,8 6 said, 7=o.e)e", i$ .ill be #a" mo"e insidious, Also,
chec/ #o" ine1plicable $ime dila$ion #ields, 6# $he local dimensions you no"mally pe"cei)e appea" #ine,
ye$ $ime appea"s $o ge$ dila$ed, dis$o"$ed o" shi#$ed, and $ha$ couples .i$h ine1plicable i""a$ionali$y, i$
means $he (n/no.n a"e hiding and a$$emp$ing $o des$"oy you" ci)ili0a$ion by manipula$ing i$ and you"
his$o"y, >ou .ill also .an$ $o de)elop a successo" g"oup .ho can pe"cei)e $ime as a spa$ial dimension,
!he soone" you can ge$ $ha$, $he soone" you can help us %bse")e"s ha)e an e1$"a se$ o# people loo/ing
a$ $he (n/no.n and a$$emp$ing $o e1pose $hem, 2e need all $he help .e can ge$,8
A$ $his poin$, $he (ni$ "e#o"med, and $hough$, 7&ay .e #use .i$h you so as $o access $his ne$.o"/ o#
7Gladly,8 6 said, A$ $ha$, $he bodies collapsed as a +-ply #usion o# minds me"ged .i$h mine,
?lu13s and $he &ys$ic A)enge"3s, 6 ha)e ne)e" had so many minds occupying one b"ain a$ $he same
$ime, 6$ .as #ascina$ing, a li$$le ho""i#ying, and causing me a sea"ing headache #eeling li/e my head .as
abou$ $o bu"s$, 6 hi$ $he bu$$on on $he ."is$ de)ice, and $he"e .as a gunsho$ as .e le#$ $he (ni)e"se
"ode# 4:
!he"e .as a gunsho$ as 6 popped in$o my sa#e ha)en in ::11; $o "ecalib"a$e, and a second gunsho$ as 6
bounced bac/ ou$ $o (ni)e"se Sec$o" **F1422,
"ode# %:
Ai$, son o# his #a$he", .as pacing $he #loo", chain-smo/ing,
Cons$ance .as al$e"na$ely ge$$ing up and si$$ing do.nGupGdo.nGup, She, $oo, .as smo/ingH o",
"a$he", she .as ligh$ing ciga"e$$es and $h" $hem a.ay, Aa$h"yn .as si$$ing, s$i##ly s$ill,
manu#ac$u"ing Benses .hich, s$a"$ing a$ he" ."is$s, "aced up bo$h ba"e a"ms $o he" shoulde"s and
disappea"ed, Aa"en .as me$iculously s$ic/ing holes in a piece o# blan/ pape" .i$h a pin, ma/ing an
in$"ica$e and meaningless design, %nly Camilla made any p"e$ense o# calmness, and i$ .as as
$"anspa"en$ as glass, She .as p"e$ending $o "ead a no)elH bu$ ins$ead o# abso"bing i$s #ull con$en$ a$ $he
"a$e o# one glance pe" page, she had "ead hal# o# i$ .o"d by .o"d and s$ill had no idea o# .ha$ $he s$o"y
.as abou$,
6 popped in .i$h a gunsho$ sound, !he Child"en o# $he Bens all $u"ned $o #ace me, bu$ i$ didn3$ las$ long,
As 6 mo)ed 4uic/ly, 6 g"abbed hold o# Ai$ and p"omp$ly .en$ in$o a $ouch $elepa$hic con$ac$ .i$h him,
A$ $his, $he po$en$ial #u$u"e )e"sion o# him popped ou$ o# my mind, and s$"aigh$ bac/ in$o his pas$ sel#,
!he #ully in$eg"a$ed Ai$ Ainnison $u"ned, and using $he po.e" o# ?lu1, mysel#, $he &ys$ic A)enge", and
his sis$e"s, managed $o o)e""ide $he minds o# his sis$e"s3 pas$ sel)es, and "ein$eg"a$e $he po$en$ial #u$u"e
sel)es in place,
A$ $his, 6 le$ go, !he Child"en o# $he Bens, .hile hiding i$ #"om &en$o", #o"med $he (ni$, and s$a"$ed
sea"ching Ai$3s pas$ mind #o" any sign o# manipula$ion, Su"e enough, $he"e .as a #ain$ $"ace o# $hough$,
Ius$ a li$$le bead, $ha$ $hey had comple$ely missed $he #i"s$ $ime, 6$ .as pluc/ed ou$, and e"ased, A$ $his
poin$, 6 .as abou$ $o hi$ my ."is$ de)ice, and lea)e, bu$ Aa"en held he" hand up,
7A"e you su"e you don3$ .an$ $o see us de#ea$ i""a$ionali$y #i"s$ hand:8 $hough$ $he (ni$, 7>ou said
you3"e $"ying $o coun$e"ac$ $hese (n/no.n, pe"haps you migh$ lea"n some$hing he"e,8
!he &ys$ic A)enge" $hough$ $h"ough me, 76 and ?lu1 ha)e $o ge$ bac/ $o ou" o"iginal p"o9ec$s no., bu$
Pseudonymus .ill s$ay he"e and obse")e $he e)en$s a$ $his poin$ in $ime, =e 9us$ go$ #inished .i$h a
punishmen$ on imp"ope"ly handling i""a$ionali$y, Pe"haps by obse")ing some .ise" heads $han his, he
migh$ lea"n some$hing,8 2i$h $ha$, 6 #el$ $he &ys$ic A)enge" and #lu1 lea)e my sys$em and 6 sagged $o
$he #loo", #eeling d"ained,
7Eon3$ .o""y,8 said Aa$h"yn as $he (ni$ b"o/e apa"$, 72e .ill shield you" e1is$ence #"om &en$o" and
$he o$he"s he"e, 6# 6 unde"s$and $his $ime $"a)el $hing co""ec$ly, changing $ime by acciden$ could ma/e
ma$$e"s .o"se,8
76n a nu$shell,8 6 said, 7So, is $he"e some .ay 6 can ge$ popco"n and si$ bac/ $o .a$ch $he main e)en$:8
72ha$3s popco"n:8 as/ed Ai$, So 6 in)i$ed $hem $o loo/ in$o my mind abou$ mo)ie $hea$e"s, .hich by
$hei" $ime .ould ha)e e1is$ed $housands o# yea"s be#o"e, !hey laughed upon seeing my memo"ies, bu$
$he $ime .as 4uic/ly app"oaching .he"e $hey .ould ha)e $o deal .i$h Eddo", and so "esumed $hei"
JA"e you "eady, child"en:J &en$o"3s $hough$ came in a$ las$,
J'eadyDJ 2i$hou$ / ho. $hey go$ $he"e, $he ?i)e #ound $hemsel)es s$anding in $he middle o# $he
"oom, pac/ed $igh$,
J%h, Ai$, 63m sha/ing li/e a $o"so-$osse"DJ Cons$ance .ailed, J6 9us$ /no. 63m going $o louse up $his
.hole damn .a"DJ
JKL, baby, .e3"e all in $he same #i1, Can3$ you hea" my $ee$h cha$$e": Eoesn3$ mean a $hing, Good
$eamsGchampionsGall #eel $he same .ay be#o"e a big game s$a"$s,,, and $his is $he bigges$ game
e)e",,, s$eady do.n, /ids, 2e3ll be KL as soon as $he .his$le blo.sG6 hope,,,J
JP-s-s-$DJ Aa$h"yn hissed, JBis$enDJ
JBensmen o# $he Galac$ic Pa$"olDJ &en$o"3s "esonan$ pseudo-)oice #illed all space, J6, &en$o" o# A"isia,
am calling upon you because o# a c"isis in .hich no lesse" #o"ce can be o# use, >ou ha)e been in#o"med
upon $he ma$$e" o# Ploo", 6$ is $"ue $ha$ Ploo" has been des$"oyedH $ha$ $he Ploo"ans, physically, a"e no
mo"e, >ou o# $he Bens, ho.e)e", al"eady /no. dimly $ha$ $he physical is no$ $he all, Ano. no. $ha$
$he"e is a "esiduum o# non-ma$e"ial malignancy agains$ .hich all $he physical .eapons o# all $he
uni)e"ses .ould be comple$ely impo$en$, !ha$ e)il e##lu)ium, in$"insically )icious, is implacably
opposed $o e)e"y basic concep$ and idea o# you" Pa$"ol, 6$ has been on $he mo)e e)e" since $he
des$"uc$ion o# $he plane$ Ploo", (naided, .e o# A"isia a"e no$ s$"ong enough $o handle i$, bu$ $he massed
and di"ec$ed #o"ce o# you" collec$i)e mind .ill be able $o des$"oy i$ comple$ely, 6# you .ish me $o do
so, 6 .ill supe")ise $he .o"/ o# so di"ec$ing you" men$al #o"ce as $o encompass $he comple$e des$"uc$ion
o# $his menace, .hich 6 $ell you mos$ solemnly is $he las$ .eapon o# po.e" .i$h .hich Cos/onia .ill
be able $o $h"ea$en Ci)ili0a$ion, Bensmen o# $he Galac$ic Pa$"ol, me$ as one #o" $he #i"s$ $ime in
Ci)ili0a$ion3s long his$o"y, .ha$ is you" .ish:J
A $"emendous .a)e o# $hough$, e1p"essed in millions o# )a"ian$ ph"aseologies, made $he .ish o# $he
Bensmen )e"y clea" indeed, !hey did no$ /no. ho. such a $hing could be done, bu$ $hey .e"e
sup"emely eage" $o ha)e &en$o" o# A"isia lead $hem agains$ $he Cos/onians, .hoe)e" and .he"e)e"
$hey migh$ be,
J>ou" )e"dic$ is unanimous, as 6 had hoped and belie)ed $ha$ i$ .ould be, 6$ is .ell, !he pa"$ o# each o#
you .ill be simple, bu$ no$ easy, >ou .ill all o# you, indi)idually, $hin/ o# $.o $hings, and o# only $.o,
?i"s$, o# you" lo)e #o" and you" p"ide in and you" loyal$y $o you" Pa$"ol, Second, o# $he clea" #ac$ $ha$
Ci)ili0a$ion mus$ and shall $"iumph o)e" Cos/onia, !hin/ $hese $hough$s, each o# you .i$h all $he
s$"eng$h $ha$ in him lies,
J>ou need no$ consciously di"ec$ $hose $hough$s, Ceing a$$uned $o my pa$$e"n, $he #o"ce .ill #lo. a$ my
di"ec$ion, As i$ passes #"om you, you .ill "eplenish i$, each acco"ding $o his s$"eng$h, >ou .ill #ind i$
$he ha"des$ labo" you ha)e e)e" pe"#o"med, bu$ i$ .ill be o# pe"manen$ ha"m $o none and i$ .ill no$ be
o# long du"a$ion, A"e you "eady:J
J2E A'E 'EAE>DJ !he c"escendo "oa" o# $hough$ bulged $he gala1y $o i$s poles, JChild"enGs$"i/eDJ
!he gene"a$o"s #la"ed in$o ac$ionG$he mechanical sc"eens collapsed G$he (ni$ s$"uc/, !he ou$e"mos$
men$al sc"een .en$ do.n, !he (ni$ s$"uc/ again, almos$ ins$an$ly, Eo.n .en$ $he second, !he $hi"d,
!he #ou"$h,
6$ .as $ha$ #la.less (ni$, no$ Camilla, .ho de$ec$ed and analy0ed and p"ecisely loca$ed $he Eddo"ian
gua"dsman handling each o# $hose #a"-#lung sc"eens, 6$ .as $he (ni$, no$ Aa$h"yn and Ai$, .ho d"illed
$he pilo$ hole $h"ough each Eddo"ian3s ha"d-held bloc/ and enla"ged i$ in$o a .o"/ing o"i#ice, 6$ .as $he
(ni$, no$ Aa"en, .hose impene$"able shield held s$ubbo"nly e)e"y ci"cula" mil o# ad)an$age gained in
ma/ing such ing"ess, 6$ .as $he (ni$, no$ Cons$ance, .ho assembled and d"o)e home $he blas$s o#
men$al #o"ce in .hich $he Eddo"ians died, <o $ime .ha$e)e" .as los$ in consul$a$ion o" decision,
Ac$ion .as no$ only ins$an$aneous, bu$ simul$aneous .i$h pe"cep$ion, !he Child"en o# $he Bens .e"e
no$ no. #i)e, bu$ one, !he (<6!,
JCome in, &en$o"DJ Ai$ snapped $hen, JAll you A"isians and all $he Bensmen, <o$hing speciali0edG
9us$ a gene"al slam a$ $he .hole sc"een, !his #i#$h sc"een is $he .o"/sG$hey3)e go$ $.en$y minds on i$
ins$ead o# one, and $hey3"e $opno$che"s, Ces$ s$"a$egy no. is #o" us #i)e $o lay o## #o" a second o" $.o
and sho. 3em .ha$ .e3)e go$ in $he line o# de#ense, .hile $he "es$ o# you #ello.s gi)e 3em hellDJ
A"isia and $he massed Bensmen s$"uc/H a $idal .a)e o# such $"emendous .eigh$ and po.e" $ha$ unde"
i$s impac$ $he #i#$h sc"een sagged Sa$ agains$ $he plane$3s su"#ace, Any one Bensman3s po.e" .as small,
o# cou"se, in compa"ison .i$h $ha$ o# any Eddo"ianH bu$ e)e"y a)ailable Bensman o# $he Galac$ic Pa$"ol
.as gi)ing, each acco"ding $o his s$"eng$h, and $he ou$pu$ o# one Bensman, mul$iplied by $he coun$less
millions .hich .as $he numbe" o# Bensmen $hen a$ .o"/, made i$sel# $ellingly #el$,
Coun$less: >es, %nly &en$o" e)e" /ne. ho. many minds con$"ibu$ed $o $ha$ s$upendous #lood o#
#o"ce, Cea" in mind $ha$ in $he ?i"s$ Gala1y alone $he"e a"e o)e" one hund"ed $housand million suns:
$ha$ each sun has, on $he a)e"age, some$hing o)e" one and $hi"$y se)en hund"ed$hs plane$s inhabi$ed by
in$elligen$ li#e: $ha$ abou$ one-hal# o# $hese plane$s $hen adhe"ed $o Ci)ili0a$ionH and $ha$ !ellus, an
a)e"age plane$, g"adua$es app"o1ima$ely one hund"ed Bensmen e)e"y yea", 3
JSo #a", Ai$, so good,J Cons$ance pan$ed, Al$hough she .as no longe" $"embling, she .as s$ill highly
e1ci$ed, JCu$ 6 don3$ /no. ho. many mo"e sho$s li/e $ha$ 63)eG.e3)eGgo$ le#$ in $he loc/e",J
J>ou3"e doing #ine, Connie,J Camilla soo$hed,
JSu"e you a"e, baby, >ou3)e go$ plen$y o# 9e$s,J Ai$ ag"eed, E1cep$ in momen$s o# sup"eme s$"ess $hese
pe"sonal, indi)idual e1changes o# by-$hough$s did no$ in$e"#e"e .i$h $he smoo$h #unc$ioning o# $he (ni$,
J?ine .o"/, all o# you, /ids, 6 $hough$ .e3d ge$ o)e" $he sha/es as soon as,,,J
J2a$ch i$DJ Camilla snapped, J=e"e comes $he shoc/ .a)e, C"ace you"sel#, Aay, =old us $oge$he",
!he .a)e came, E)e"y$hing $ha$ $he Eddo"ians could send, !he (ni$3s ba""ie" did no$ .a)e", A#$e" a #ull
second o# i$Ga $ime compa"able $o days o# sa$u"a$ion a$omic bombing in o"dina"y .a"#a"eGAa"en,
.ho had been s$anding s$i## and s$ill, began $o "ela1,
J!his is $oo, $oo easy,J she decla"ed, J2ho3s helping me: 6 can3$ #eel any$hing, bu$ 6 simply /no. 6
ha)en3$ go$ $his much s$u##, >ou, CamGo" is i$ all o# you:J <o$ one o# $he ?i)e .as as ye$ $ho"oughly
#amilia" .i$h $he ope"a$ing cha"ac$e"is$ics o# $he (ni$,
JAll o# us, mo"e o" less, bu$ mos$ly Ai$,J Camilla decided a#$e" a momen$3s $hough$, J=e3s as solid as an
ine"$ plane$,J
J<o$ me,J Ai$ denied, )igo"ously, J&us$ be you o$he" /ids, ?eels $o me li/e Aa$, mos$ly, All 63m doing
is 9us$ so"$ o# leaning up agains$ you a li$$leG 9us$ in case, 6 ha)en3$ done a $hing so #a",J
J%h, no: Su"e no$DJ Aa$h"yn giggled, an in#ec$ious chuc/le inhe"i$ed o" copied di"ec$ly #"om he"
mo$he", J2e /no. i$, Ai$, >ou .ouldn3$ $hin/ o# doing any$hing, e)en i# you could, Ius$ $he same, .e3"e
migh$y glad you3"e he"e, chumDJ
JKL, /ids, seal $he cha$$e", 2e3)e had $ime $o lea"n $ha$ $hey can3$ c"ac/ us, and so ha)e $hey, so le$3s ge$
$o .o"/,J
Since $he (ni$ .as no. unde" con$inuous a$$ac/, i$s $echni4ue .ould ha)e $o be en$i"ely di##e"en$ #"om
$ha$ used p"e)iously, 6$s ba""ie" mus$ )anish #o" an in#ini$esimal pe"iod o# $ime, du"ing .hich i$ mus$
simul$aneously de$ec$ and blas$ %", "a$he", $he blas$ .ould ha)e $o be di"ec$ed in mid-#ligh$, .hile $he
(ni$3s o.n bloc/ .as open, <o" could $ha$ bloc/ be open #o" mo"e $han $he ba"es$ #"ac$ional
millimic"osecond be#o"e o" a#$e" $he passage o# $he bol$, 6$ is $ime $ha$ $he bol$ compa"ed .i$h $he
po.e" o# $he (ni$ )e"y much as $he s$eady p"essu"e o# bu"ning p"opellan$" compa"es .i$h $he
dis"up$i)e #o"ce o# de$ona$ing duodec: e)en so i$ .ould ha)e ."ough$ much damage $o $he minds o# $he
?i)e had any o# i$ been allo.ed $o "each $hem,
Also, li/e pa"achu$e-9umping, $his $echni4ue could no$ be p"ac$iced, Since $he $iming had $o be so
nea"ly absolu$e, $he #i"s$ $.o sho$s missed $hei" $a"ge$s comple$elyH bu$ $he (ni$ lea"ned #as$, Eddo"ian
a#$e" Eddo"ian died,
J=elp, All-=ighes$, helpDJ a high Eddo"ian appealed, #inally,
J2ha$ is i$:J =is (l$ima$e Sup"emacy, / $ha$ only u$$e" despe"a$ion could be bac/ o# such
in$"usion, accep$ed $he call,
J6$ is $his ne. A"isian en$i$y,,,J
J6$ is no$ an en$i$y, #ool, bu$ a #usion,J came cu"$ "ep"imand, J2e decided $ha$ poin$ long ago,J
JAn en$i$y, 6 sayDJ 6n his u"gency $he ope"a$o" commi$$ed $he unpa"donable by omi$$ing $he $i$les o#
add"ess, J<o possible #usion can a$$ain such pe"#ec$ion o# $iming, o# synch"oni0a$ion, %u" bes$ #usions
ha)e a$$emp$ed $o ma$ch i$, and ha)e #ailed, 6$s sc"eens a"e impene$"able, 6$s $h"us$s canno$ be bloc/ed,
&y message is $his: sol)e #o" us, and 4uic/ly, $he p"oblem o# $his en$i$y, 6# you do no$ o" canno$ do so,
.e pe"ish all o# us, e)en $o you o# $he 6nne"mos$ Ci"cle,J
J!hin/ you so:J !he $hough$ .as a snee", J6# you" #usions canno$ ma$ch $hose o# $he A"isians you
should die, and $he loss .ill be small,J
!he #i#$h sc"een .en$ do.n, Eddo"e lay ba"e $o $he A"isian mind, !he"e .e"e inne" de#enses, o# cou"se,
bu$ Ai$ /ne. e)e"y oneH $hei" s$"eng$hs and $hei" .ea/nesses, =e had long since sp"ead in &en$o"3s
mind an e1ac$ and comple$ely de$ailed cha"$: $hey had long since d"a.n up a comple$ely de$ailed plan
o# campaign, <e)e"$heless, Ai$ could no$ /eep #"om ad)ising &en$o":
JPic/ o## any .ho may $"y $o ge$ a.ay, S$a"$ on A"ea C and .o"/ up, Ce su"e, $hough, $o lay o## o# A"ea
A o" you3ll ge$ you" bea"d singed o##,J
J!he plan is being #ollo.ed, you$h,J &en$o" assu"ed him, JChild"en, you ha)e done )e"y .ell indeed,
'es$ no., and "ecupe"a$e you" po.e"s agains$ $ha$ .hich is ye$ $o come,J
JKL, (nlace you"sel)es, /ids, Boosen up, 'ela1, 63ll b"ea/ ou$ a #e. bea/e"s o# #ayalin, and all o# usG
you especially, ConGhad be$$e" s$o/e up .i$h candy ba"s,J
JEa$D 2hy, 6 couldn3$,,,J bu$ a$ he" b"o$he"3s insis$ence she $oo/ an e1pe"imen$al bi$e, JCu$ say, 6 am
hung"y, a$ $ha$DJ
J%# cou"se you a"e, >ou3)e been pu$$ing ou$ a lo$ o# s$u##, and $he"e3s mo"e and .o"se coming, <o.
"es$, all o# you,J
!hey "es$ed, Some.ha$ $o $hei" su"p"ise, $hey could "es$H e)en Cons$ance, Cu$ $he "espi$e .as sho"$,
A"ea A, $he head4ua"$e"s and $he ci$adel o# =is (l$ima$e Sup"emacy and $he 6nne"mos$ Ci"cle o# $he
Cos/onian Empi"e, con$ained all $ha$ "emained o# Eddo"ian li#e,
Cu$ $his, Ai$ /ne., .as $he c"u1, !his .as .ha$ had s$opped $he A"isians coldH had held $hem o## #o" all
$hese millions upon millions o# yea"s, E)e"y$hing up $o no. $he A"isians could ha)e done $hemsel)esH
bu$ e)en $he $o$ali0ed and in$eg"a$ed mind o# A"isia .ould hi$ A"ea A and bounce,
!o handle A"ea A $.o $hings .e"e necessa"y: $he (ni$ and $he u$$e"ly inconcei)able massed migh$ o#
$he Bensmen, be$$e" e)en $han &en$o" .ha$ $he si$ua$ion .as, Ai$ #el$ again a $.inge o# panic, bu$ managed
$o $h"o. i$ o##,
J<o $igh$ lin/age ye$, /ids,J Ai$ $he %"gani0e" .en$ smoo$hly $o .o"/, J6ndi)idual e##o"$Ga #lash o#
#usion, pe"haps, no. and $hen, i# any o# us call #o" i$, bu$ no (ni$ un$il 6 gi)e $he .o"d, !hen gi)e i$
e)e"y$hing you3)e go$, Cam, analy0e $ha$ sc"een and se$ us up a pa$$e"n #o" i$Gyou3ll #ind i$3ll $a/e some
doing, See .he$he" i$3s absolu$ely homogeneousGhun$ #o" .ea/ Spo$s, i# any, Con, na""o. do.n $o $he
sha"pes$ needle you can possibly ma/e and s$a"$ pec/ing, <o$ $oo ha"dGdon3$ $i"e you"sel#G9us$ $o ge$
ac4uain$ed .i$h $he $e1$u"e o# $he $hing and /eep $hem a.a/e, Aay, $a/e o)e" ou" gua"d so Eu/onido"
can 9oin $he o$he" A"isians, Aa$, come along .i$h meGyou3ll ha)e $o help .i$h $he A"isians un$il 6 call
you in$o $he (ni$,
J>ou A"isians, e1cep$ &en$o", blan/e$ $his dome, !hinne" $han $ha$G solide", ha"de",,, $he"e, A $"i#le
o##-balance ye$Ggi)e me 9us$ a li$$le mo"e, he"e 3on $his side, KLGhold i$ "igh$ $he"eD SK(EEMED Aa$,
.a$ch 3em, =old $hem "igh$ $he"e and in balance un$il you3"e su"e $he Eddo"ians a"en3$ going $o be able
$o pu$ any bulges up $h"ough $he blan/e$,
J<o., &en$o", you and $he Bensmen, !ell $hem $o gi)e us, #o" $he ne1$ #i)e seconds, absolu$ely
e)e"y$hing $hey can deli)e", 2hen $hey3"e a$ absolu$e pea/, hi$ us .i$h $he .hole cha"ge, Eead cen$e",
Eon3$ pull you" punch, 2e3ll be "eady,
JCon, ge$ "eady $o s$ic/ $he needle "igh$ $he"eG$hey3ll $hin/ i$3s 9us$ ano$he" pec/, 6 hopeGand slug as
you ne)e" slugged be#o"e, Aay, ge$ "eady $o d"op $ha$ sc"een and s$i##en $he needleG.hen $ha$ beam
hi$s us i$3ll be <% pa$ on $he bac/, !he "es$ o# us .ill b"ace you bo$h and /eep $he shoc/ #"om /illing us
all, =e"e i$ comes,,, ma/e (ni$D,,,
!he (ni$ s$"uc/, 6$s needle o# pu"e #o"ce d"o)e agains$ $he Eddo"ians3 supposedly absolu$ely
impene$"able shield, !he (ni$3s $h"us$ .as, o# i$sel#, li/e no$hing e)e" be#o"e /no.n, !he Bensmen3s
pile-d"i)e" blo.G$he in$eg"a$ed sum $o$al o# $he $op e##o"$ o# e)e"y Bensman o# $he en$i"e Galac$ic
Pa$" o# i$sel# i""esis$ible, Some$hing had $o gi)e .ay,
?o" an ins$an$ i$ seemed as $hough no$hing .e"e happening o" e)e" .ould happen, S$"ong young a"ms
laced $he s$"aining ?i)e in$o a g"oup as mo$ionless and as sculp$u"es4ue as s$a$ua"y, .hile be$.een $hei"
bodies and a"ound $hem $he"e came in$o being a gigan$ic Bens: a Bens .hose splendo" #illed $he en$i"e
"oom .i$h "adiance,
(nde" $ha$ a.#ul concen$"a$ion o# #o"ce some$hing had $o gi)e .ay, !he (ni$ held, !he A"isians held,
!he Bensmen held, !he needle, supe"la$i)ely b"aced, nei$he" ben$ no" b"o/e, !he"e#o"e $he Eddo"ian3s
sc"een .as punc$u"edH and in $he ins$an$ o# i$s punc$u"ing i$ disappea"ed as does a bubble .hen i$
!he"e .as no mopping up $o do, Such .as $he $o""en$ o# #o"ce cascading in$o $he s$"onghold $ha$ .i$hin
a mic"osecond a#$e" i$s shield .en$ do.n all li#e .i$hin i$ .as snu##ed ou$,
!he Cos/onian 2a" .as o)e",
"ode# &:
6 .a$ched i$ all $he .ay $h"ough, 6 go$ $o see $h"ough $he minds and eyes o# $he (ni$ as $hey de#ea$ed
$he 6nne"mos$ Ci"cle o# Eddo", Su"p"isingly, $he"e .as enough ene"gy going $o $he (ni$ $ha$ $hey .e"e
able $o spa"e 9us$ a li$$le bi$, bo$h $o main$ain a $"ic/le o# $hough$ connec$ion $o me so 6 could .a$ch
$h"ough $hei" eyes, and also enough $ha$ 6 could be shielded, <o one e)en /ne. 6 .as $he"e, So much
.as $he #ocus going on on de#ea$ing Cos/one, $ha$ no one e)en $hough$ $o chec/ #o" an in$"ude"
some.he"e on $he Ci)ili0a$ion side, 6$ .as a good $hing $oo, %$he".ise, i$ migh$ no$ ha)e ended .ell
#o" me gi)en $he mindse$,
<o. 6 mus$ con#ess, 6 did no$ li/e $he idea o# /illing, A"$icle 17; in $he punishmen$s sec$ion o# $he
P"oclama$ion 4ui$e clea"ly s$a$es $ha$ i# you /ill someone, $hey don3$ lea"n any$hing, so one mus$ al.ays
a$$emp$ $o p"ese")e $he consciousness o# $he pe"son you a"e physically /illing in some #o"m and $hen
pu$ said consciousness $h"ough an app"op"ia$e "ehabili$a$ion o" "e-pa"ame$"i0a$ion p"ocess $o ge$ $hem
bac/ on $he mend, <o. 6 /ne., in$ellec$ually #"om "eading $he Bensman boo/s $ha$ $he Eddo"ians
could no$ be "easoned .i$h, =o.e)e", / some$hing in$ellec$ually, and ac$ually e1pe"iencing i$
#i"s$hand a"e $.o )e"y di##e"en$ $hings, 2ha$ 6 pe"cei)ed $h"ough $he (ni$3s &ind as $hey $oo/ ou$ $he
6nne"mos$ Ci"cle made $he .o"ds o# a ce"$ain E", Ed.a"d Elme" Smi$h, $ha$ 6 had "ead as a child, loo/
li/e an unde"s$a$emen$ by abou$ 1* o"de"s o# magni$ude,
!he #eelings o# $he (ni$, as $hey $oo/ ou$ $he Eddo"ians, .e"e 4ui$e clea", !hey .e"e a singula" #ocal
$housands, no millions o# minds ac"oss an en$i"e gala1y, Cu$ in $he"e, 6 no$iced some$hing $ha$ 6 don3$
$hin/ any o# us %bse")e"s ha)e seen be#o"e, 6 no$iced $he $hough$s o# $he (ni$, in $hei" subconscious, in
addi$ion $o shielding me, .e"e a mi1 o# pi$y, sadness, bu$ / .ha$ needed $o be done, 6 sa. in
$hem .ha$ 6 had "ead in $he boo/s abou$ being unable $o unde"s$and ho. $he Eddo"ians could opp"ess,
Cu$ in $he (ni$3s mind #"om Ai$3s memo"ies o# his in)es$iga$ion behind $he $hough$ sc"eens, 6 sa. $he
"easons #o" Eddo"ians de)eloping as opp"esso"s, 6 sa. $he shee" con$emp$ and a""ogance $ha$ $he
Eddo"ians had, Cu$ as 6 .as bas/ing in e)e"y$hing, some$hing occu""ed $o me, 6 "emembe"ed abou$
o$he" Amoebic species $he %bse")e"s had come ac"oss, and ho. a lo$ o# $hem seemed $o be coope"a$i)e
and no$ opp"essi)e, and 6 "eali0ed i$ .asn3$ ac$ually $he #ission p"ocess $ha$ caused $he opp"essi)e
$endencies, 6$ .as $he shee" belie# $ha$ $hey /ne. e)e"y$hing, (pon la$e" chec/ing .i$h $he Cen$"al
Ea$abase o# $he %bse")e"s i# $he"e .e"e any de$ails abou$ a (ni)e"se $ha$ migh$ ha)e o"iginally held $he
Eddo"ian plane$, 6 $"ac/ed dimensional dis$o"$ions $h"ough space and $ime, and .e #ound a .ay $o loo/
in on )e"y ea"ly Eddo"ian e)olu$ion, as $hey .e"e 9us$ becoming sen$ien$, $ha$ indica$ed .he"e $hei"
sys$em e)ol)ed #"om,
6$ $u"ned ou$ $ha$ $he "eason $he Eddo"ian #ission .en$ di##e"en$ly is $ha$ $hey o"iginally s$a"$ed as a
single gian$ amoeba .ho .as 4ui$e li$e"ally, $he only #ully sen$ien$ li#e #o"m on i$s plane$, 6$ #igu"ed $ha$
since i$ .as alone and .as $he only one $ha$ could $hin/, i$ should "ule o)e" e)e"y$hing and ma/e i$sel#
a God, #igu"ing i$s supe"io" in$elligence .ould au$oma$ically guide e)e"y$hing else $o $he $"u$h,
=o.e)e", .hen i$ #issioned in o"de" $ha$ $he"e migh$ be mo"e o# i$ in o"de" $o go abou$ $he .o"/
necessa"y $o helping guide $he o$he" li#e $o sen$ience, $he spli$ o## en$i$ies los$ a bi$ o# memo"y
abou$ $he o"iginal pu"pose, bu$ $he supe"io"i$y belie# and $he belie# in s$"eng$h "emained, As i$ /ep$
#issioning, only $ha$ so"$ o# opp"essi)e men$ali$y "emained, .hile $he memo"ies o# i$s o"iginal posi$ion,
#la.ed as $hey .e"e any.ay, comple$ely los$, only .i$h $he d"i)e $o become $op dog "emaining, 6$ 9us$
go$ .o"se and .o"se .i$h each ne. #ission o" gene"a$ion, 6 ini$ially con$empla$ed $"ying $o pop in$o $he
(ni)e"se Sec$o" **1++F4, $he Eddo"ian home uni)e"se, a$ $ha$ ea"ly poin$ in $ime, in an a$$emp$ $o
con)ince $he #i"s$ Eddo"ian $ha$ $his .asn3$ necessa"y, bu$ $hen 6 $hough$ be$$e" o# i$, as 6 didn3$ .an$ $o
a##ec$ $he de)elopmen$ o# billions o# en$i$ies ac"oss a numbe" o# .o"lds, As $his $imeline .as $"ans-
uni)e"sal, 6 couldn3$ a##ec$ i$ .i$hou$ des$"oying a la"ge numbe" o# o$he" (ni)e"se lines in $he p"ocess,
2hile 6 .as "unning all $his $h"ough my hype"sphe"e, in (ni)e"se Sec$o" **F1422, ba"ely + minu$es
had passed by a#$e" $he end o# $he des$"uc$ion o# Eddo", .hen 6 go$ a $hough$ beam b"inging me bac/ $o
my hos$ body,
72e3)e go$ a p"oblem, and need you" help,8 $hough$ Ai$ Ainnison u"gen$ly, 72e "emembe" going
$h"ough $his pa"$ .he"e ou" #a$he" Aim is s$uc/ in ano$he" uni)e"se beyond ou" pe"cep$ion, 2e could
use you" help in ge$$ing him bac/,8
Snapping bac/ $o 7"eali$y,8 6 $hough$ bac/, 72ell as you3)e al"eady li)ed $his pa"$ )ia a po$en$ial #u$u"e,
you should /no. ho. $his .o"/s ou$ al"eady, Ius$ do .ha$ you did las$ $ime and you" #a$he" .ill come
7>es, bu$ .e didn3$ ha)e you he"e be#o"e,8 $hough$ Ai$, 7And i# $he"e is one $hing 6 comp"ehended #"om
$he #usion .i$h you and you" #"iends .as $ha$ $he numbe" o# uni)e"ses you can sense and loca$e is #a"
g"ea$e" $han any .e can p"o9ec$ $o, Also, i$3s possible $ha$ he .as s$uc/ in one o# $hose dimensions $ha$
.e can3$ see, 6# you could p"o9ec$ ou" mum3s $hough$s $h"ough you" ne$.o"/ $o "each dad and gi)e us a
hand, maybe .e can pull him bac/ easie", Also, he 9us$ ma$e"iali0ed in #"on$ o# us $he las$ $ime, 6sn3$
$ha$ one o# you" s$"eng$hs:8
7>es,8 6 $hough$, 7Cu$ i$3s no$ my place $o in$e"#e"e, >ou3)e seen enough /no.ledge #"om $he ne$.o"/,
Ius$ $"y $o push you" mum3s signal #a"$he", >ou should be able $o do $his much you"sel)es,8
7?ai" enough,8 said Ai$, !he $hough$ line cu$ ou$, and 6 #iddled a bi$ mo"e .i$h my ."is$ compu$e",
Aimball .as "e$u"ned $o his .i#e Cla"issa and $he $imeline .en$ on as o"iginally planned, As i$ $u"ned
ou$, $he Child"en o# $he Bens .e"e "eally good a$ ac$ing as i# $hey hadn3$ had li)ed $h"ough $.o
cen$u"ies o# a po$en$ial #u$u"e $ha$ .as no. sa#ely sealed a.ay, !hey "epea$ed 9us$ li/e cloc/.o"/
be#o"e, $he "es$ o# $he Galac$ic Pa$"ol and Ci)ili0a$ion $hough$ $ha$ Cos/one .as ac$ually con$"olled by
Ploo", &en$o" and $he "es$ o# $he A"isians .en$ o## $o e1plo"e mo"e planes o# e1is$ence,
?unnily enough $hough, $hey didn3$ ac$ually die, 2hile i$ is $"ue $ha$ $hey .e"e no longe" de$ec$able by
any mind in Ci)ili0a$ion, including $he Ainnisons, 6 speci#ically sen$ a call $o $he %bse")e" =igh
Commi$$ee "e4ues$ing special in$eg"a$ion s$a$us be g"an$ed $o $he A"isians, An edic$ by $he =igh
Commi$$ee .as la$e" "eleased a#$e" $his inciden$ saying $ha$ inco"po"a$ion in$o $he hype"sphe"e ne$.o"/
and $u"ning any $ype + en$i$y in$o a %bse")e" %pe"a$i)e .as an o##e" $ha$ .e .e"e supposed $o e1$end
$o any $ype + species $ha$ .an$ed $o e1plo"e beyond i$s limi$s i# i$ couldn3$ any o$he" .ay, !he A"isians
.ound up being Be)el 1, S$age 5 ope"a$i)es, e1cep$ #o" &en$o", all o# .hom .ound up ini$ially as s$age
7, !hey go$ $o e1plo"e .ha$ .as beyond .ha$ $hey pe"cei)ed as dea$h, and a"e s$ill helping us ca$alog
o$he" uni)e"ses, as .ell as #ounding $he 'NE depa"$men$ on ho. $o access pu"e $hough$ .i$hou$ $he
use o# hype"-sphe"es, 2e3ll /eep an eye on $he p"og"ess o# $ha$ $hough,
2hile $he co)e"up .as happening, e$c, 6 decided $o $a/e a yea" o##, as a )aca$ion $o e1plo"e !ellus, $he
human plane$ o# Ci)ili0a$ion, $a/e pa"$ in $he #es$i)i$ies, see $he sigh$s, and essen$ially do some$hing 6
hadn3$ had a chance $o do in a long numbe" o# uni)e"sesH play $ou"is$, 6 go$ $o $a/e in a conce"$ o" $.o,
.a$ch $he #i"e.o"/s, 6 e)en did s$"ee$ magic #o" some /ids and #amilies $ha$ .e"e ou$ on one o# $he
p"omenades, Buc/ily, 6 didn3$ ha)e $o .o""y abou$ no$ ha)ing pape"s o" any$hing, !he Child"en o# $he
Bens in$"oduced me $o $hei" pa"en$s as a s$"ay $ha$ $hey had pic/ed up and claimed $ha$ 6 .as #"om
ou$side o# ci)ili0a$ion and in$e"es$ed in lea"ning abou$ i$ #"om pe"sonal e1pe"ience, and $ha$ 6 .as in
need o# pape"s and c"edi$s, %# cou"se, Cla"issa and Aimball, $hough $hin/ing $he #ull s$o"y .asn3$ being
$old, in$e"p"e$ed $ha$ as 6 .as a "e#ugee #"om one o# $he human inhabi$ed plane$s in Cos/one, and as a
"esul$, $hey made a numbe" o# calls $o ge$ me se$ up .i$h enough c"edi$s $o ge$ s$a"$ed, and a se$ o#
pape"s $ha$ had me in$"oduced as =en"y Smi$h, magician and comedian, %# cou"se, 63)e ne)e" li/ed
doing s$age sho.s, So 6 .en$ a"ound !ellus as a s$"ee$ magician, pe"#o"ming #o" #amilies and as/ing #o"
c"edi$s $o be $"ans#e""ed $o my ."is$ de)ice, .hile $a/ing in $he landma"/s and all $he places .o"$h
)isi$ing, Be$3s 9us$ say $ha$ $he $"a)el .as .ell .o"$h i$, 6 don3$ $hin/ 63)e e)e" me$ #"iendlie", mo"e
$hough$#ul, o" mo"e ca"ing people in any (ni)e"se 63)e gone $o,
A#$e" all .as said and done $hough, 6 .ound up mee$ing $he + Ainnison child"en #o" lunch a$ $he
siblings3 p"i)a$e "esidence, 2e s$a"$ed discussing ho. $o add"ess $he $h"ea$ o# $he (n/no.n .hen $hey
#inally became a.a"e o# (ni)e"se Sec$o" **F1422 and .ha$ $he ne1$ plan .ould be, <eedless $o say,
.hile 63d been gone, as $hey .an$ed $o $al/ $o me abou$ a #e. $hings be#o"e 6 le#$, and ge$ my analysis
o# $hei" .o"ld, $hey decided $o no$ in)i$e $hei" pa"en$s, bu$ #o" $he pas$ yea", $hey had been upg"ading
$hei" pe"sonal "esidence .i$h all o# $he la$es$ s$eal$h $echnology, including up $o da$e spy-"ay bloc/s,
and e)en adap$ing $he Eddo"ian $hough$ sc"eens $ha$ bloc/ed ou$ $hi"d le)el $hough$, 9us$ in case $he
(n/no.n came and $"ied $o manipula$e $hem again,
76 pe"sonally li/e $he idea o# signing $he 6n$e"-dimensional Sen$ien$ 'igh$s P"oclama$ion,8 said Aa"en,
$.i"ling he" spoon in he" ice c"eam, 76 mean .e can pe"cei)e and send ou" minds $o o$he" uni)e"ses,
maybe .e should "eally help di"ec$ly,8
7Boo/ $o ou" o.n,8 said Cons$ance, 72e clea"ly don3$ /no. ho. .hen o" .he"e o" e)en ho. $hese
(n/no.n .ill a$$ac/, o" e)en .ha$ #o"m $hey .ill $a/e, 'emembe" ho. much o# a po.e" disc"epancy
$he"e .as be$.een $he A"isians and $he Eddo"ians: 6# .ha$ Pseudonymus $ells us abou$ $he (n/no.n is
$"ue, $hen chances a"e $he po.e" disc"epancy be$.een $he %bse")e"s and $he (n/no.n is a$ leas$ +*
o"de"s o# magni$ude g"ea$e" o" mo"e, And .e3"e no.he"e nea" $he capabili$ies o# $he %bse")e"s ye$,8
Aa$h"yn sided .i$h Aa"en, 7>es, bu$ $he #ac$ $ha$ .e a"e in$e"-dimensional means $ha$ .e should be
#inding ne. .ays $o help $he %bse")e"s as 4uic/ly as possible, %u" pe"cep$ion and )isuali0a$ion o# $he
Cosmic All could be )e"y use#ul $o $he %bse")e"s p"o)ided .e can #igu"e ou$ ho. $o see $ime in a
spa$ial sense,8
7=a)e you $.o managed $o s$a"$ pe"cei)ing mo"e $han + dimensions, $hen:8 as/ed Camilla, 7Cecause
63m ha)ing di##icul$y e)en )isuali0ing $ha$ concep$, ?ace i$, .hile .e may be able o)e" $he ne1$ aeons
be able $o e1pand ou" )isuali0a$ion o# $he cosmic all by 1* o" e)en 2* o"de"s o# magni$ude o" e)en
mo"e, $he #ac$ "emains .e .ill only be able $o e1pand $hem along $he dimensions .e can pe"cei)e, 2e
need $o #ocus on doing .ha$ $he A"isians didH selec$i)ely b"eeding $he ne1$ g"oup o# B;s .ho can
pe"cei)e .ha$ .e can3$, and #igu"e ou$ ho. $o "emo)e $he (n/no.n once $hey come in$o ou" uni)e"se,8
7!hey .ouldn3$ ac$ually en$e" you" uni)e"se,8 6 said, 7?"om .ha$ .e3)e seen, $hey appa"en$ly hide in
highe" dimensional space, .o"/ $h"ough condui$s by manipula$ing $hem, .ho don3$ e)en "eali0e $hey3"e
being manipula$ed in $he #i"s$ place, and heigh$en $he condui$s3 cha"isma 9us$ enough $o bypass
"a$ionali$y on bo$h sides o# an a"gumen$ and collapse $he socie$ies #"om .i$hin,8
7EnoughD8 said Ai$, slamming his hand on $he $able, 763m so""y, bu$ you ladies ha)e been a$ each o$he"s3
$h"oa$s #o" mon$hs deba$ing $he issues su""ounding $he documen$s $ha$ Pseudonymus le#$ us .i$h, As
Gua"dians o# $his and $he su""ounding (ni)e"ses, .e ha)e $o come $o a decision as $o ho. .e3"e going
$o handle $he ne1$ upcoming $h"ea$, Pseudonymus, $"u$h be $old, 6 ag"ee .i$h all o# my sis$e"s, 2e
should sign up as .e could use you" help, bu$ .e3"e no$ much use $o you i# .e can3$ e1ac$ly pe"cei)e a
si1$h dimension, <o. you clea"ly sho.ed us $h"ough $he ma$h $ha$ closed $ime-li/e cu")es need a$ leas$
5 dimensions .i$h a signal $"ansmi$$ed #as$e" $han ligh$ $o be p"ope"ly #o"med, And .e all unde"s$and
$he ma$h pe"#ec$ly .ell, =o.e)e", due $o ou" lac/ o# pe"cep$ual capabili$y, 6 am )e"y .a"y abou$
a$$emp$ing such e1pe"imen$s, e)en in ano$he" uni)e"se, simply because o# $he li)es being los$, !he
b"eeding p"og"am also has one #a$al #la. $hough,8 he said $u"ning $o Camilla, 72e a"e b"eeding #"om
sen$ien$ species .ho a"e s$ill #"om simila" s$oc/ as us, 2e may be able $o selec$i)ely b"eed mo"e
pe"cep$i)e B;s, bu$ unless a mu$a$ion is ac$ually $he"e $ha$ migh$ be mo"e open $o $ime $"a)el in some
#o"m, .e don3$ ha)e $he basic s$oc/ .e need $o b"eed .ha$ .e .an$, !ha$3s .hy 63m as/ing again,
Pseudonymus, can you gi)e us $he gene$ic code $o s$a"$ us o##:8
7And again, 6 ha)e $o say no,8 6 said, 7A"$icle 7 clea"ly s$a$es $ha$ .e a"e no$ allo.ed $o gi)e
in#o"ma$ion beyond an en$i$y3s unde"s$anding, only hin$s $o.a"ds i$, !his is .hy 6 go$ s$uc/ in a $ime
loop as punishmen$, 6 "e)ealed a .o"mhole 9ump di"ec$ly $o a pe"son .ho .asn3$ #ully cogni0an$ o#
.ha$ such $echnology .as and )iola$ed $he <on-E1posu"e Ei"ec$i)e,8
72ell .e need $o a$ leas$ #igu"e ou$ some$hing,8 said Cons$ance, .ho .as no. s$abbing he" ca/e "a$he"
#o"ce#ully .i$h he" #o"/,
72ai$, 63)e go$ i$,8 said Ai$, 72ha$ abou$ se$$ing up a $es$ #o" $he ne1$ b"eed o# B;:8
72ha$ do you mean:8 as/ed Aa"en, .i$h a pu00led e1p"ession on he" #ace, #u"$he" highligh$ing $he
beau$y o# he" cu")y chin,
76 mean,8 said Ai$, 7$ha$ .e pu$ a message some.he"e .i$h a "eco"ding o# ou" his$o"y some.he"e #o"
$he <e. B;s $o "ead and come #ind us, !he"e is $he old adage $ha$ $hose .ho do no$ lea"n #"om his$o"y
a"e doomed $o "epea$ i$, 2ell .e a"e dealing .i$h ou" )e"y $imeline i$sel# being changed, And i# $he
$imeline is al$e"ed again, $hen pe"haps maybe $he disc"epancy #"om $he o"iginal his$o"y .ill ha)e $he
B;s con$ac$ us and men$ion $ha$ some$hing seems o##,8
A$ $his, 6 smiled, 6 had "emembe"ed $he $hough$ bo1 $ha$ Ai$ had se$ up in $he Epilogue o# $he 7Child"en
o# $he Bens8 boo/ .i$h "eco"ds o# $he en$i"e Cos/onian 2a", and 6 had been .ai$ing #o" him $o come $o
$his himsel#, Ano$he" hou" o# discussion and 6 .as abou$ "eady $o d"op $he idea in mysel# 9us$ $o
comple$e .ha$ 6 "emembe"ed o# $he $imeline, 72ell $ha$3s g"ea$ #o" $he $es$ing, bu$ ho. a"e you going $o
p"o$ec$ $he message, and ho. a"e you going $o do $he b"eeding since 6 can3$ gi)e you $he gene$ic code:8
6 as/ed smiling, eage" $o see .ha$ he had in mind,
72e don3$ necessa"ily need $o ha)e a ne. gene$ic s$oc/, i# .e encode $he ma$h you ga)e us as a gene$ic
code i$sel#,8 said Aa$h"yn, a#$e" a momen$, .i$h an impish g"in, sp"ead #"om ea" $o ea", 72e li$e"ally
$"ansc"ibe $he ma$hema$ical $heo"y i$sel# as a gene$ic se4uence, .hich ge$s in9ec$ed as pa"$ o# s$anda"d
)accina$ion in$o some o# $he child"en o# $he po$en$ial gene$ic lines o# a numbe" o# species, and $hen do
$he p"ocess #"om $he"e, 6n a #e. millennia, $he idea .ill c"op up in en$i"ely ne. minds, !hose B;s .ill
be able $o $hen $"ansla$e $hose ideas in$o a ne. )ision o# $he Cosmic All and pe"cei)e $he si1$h
dimension a$ leas$,8
7And,8 said Aa"en, smiling as .ell, 7.e should ge$ Pseudonymus he"e $o pu$ $he message in some
dimension some.he"e $ha$ .on3$ necessa"ily be a##ec$ed o" sensed immedia$ely, 6$ .ill be $he pe"#ec$
.ay $o p"o$ec$ $he message, and $es$ $o see i# $he ne. B;s can ac$ually pe"cei)e highe" dimensions $han
.e can,8
76 s$ill $hin/ .e should be cau$ious abou$ s$"e$ching ou$ in$o e1$"a dimensions $ha$ .e can3$ pe"cei)e,8
said Camilla, 7Again, i# .e and $he "es$ o# $he uni)e"se a"e )ulne"able $o manipula$ion o# his$o"y, ho.
a"e .e going $o /no. i# $he message i$sel# hasn3$ been comp"omised:8
Ai$ $u"ned $o me .i$h an e1aspe"a$ed e1p"ession and a $hough$ in my head o#, 7>ou see .ha$ 6 mean: 6
can only seem $o ge$ $hem $o ag"ee comple$ely .hen .e3"e in $he (ni$,8 6 chuc/led and he said ou$
loud, 72ell isn3$ i$ ob)ious: 2e sign $he P"oclama$ion, bu$ .i$h $he p"o)iso $ha$ $he %bse")e"s ha)e $o
.a$ch ou" bac/s and de#end us agains$ $he (n/no.n un$il such $ime as $he b"eeding p"o9ec$ is
comple$ed, !hen, $he <e. B;s .ill s$a"$ coming up .i$h ne. angles and solu$ions $he %bse")e"s ha)e
72ell i$ is $"ue $ha$ .e3"e al"eady using some help #"om $he A"isians,8 6 said, 7Cu$ $hey3"e s$ill ge$$ing
up $o speed, and i$3s going $o $a/e a long $ime #o" $hem,8
72ai$, .ha$:8 as/ed Camilla, loo/ing dead ang"ily a$ me, 72ha$ did you do $o $he A"isians:8
7<o$hing $hey didn3$ ag"ee $o,8 6 said, 7!hey .an$ed $o e1plo"e mo"e planes o# e1is$ence, and .ound
up, pu"ely by acciden$, popping $h"ough dimension 7 "igh$ in$o a hype"sphe"e, 2e o##e"ed $hem $he
chance $o become #ull #ledged %bse")e" %pe"a$i)es and e1plo"e $he mul$i)e"se as #a" as .e /ne. i$,
!hey accep$ed, signed $he P"oclama$ion, and a"e no. heading up mul$iple sec$ions o# "esea"ch #o" us,
2e al.ays need #"esh minds, and .e need all $he help .e can ge$,8
A$ $his, Camilla3s e1p"ession so#$ened, !he #ac$ $ha$ $he A"isians had al"eady signed $he P"oclama$ion
appa"en$ly had some$hing o# an e##ec$ on he", She $u"ned $o Ai$, 76 changed my mind, .e need $o sign
$he P"oclama$ion,8 she said, 76# $he A"isians a"e al"eady on boa"d .i$h $he %bse")e"s, $he leas$ .e can
do is help $hem in ou" o.n small .ay,8
7!hen i$3s ag"eed $ha$ $his is $he plan:8 as/ed Ai$, All #ou" sis$e"s nodded, =e $u"ned $o me, 7!hen i$3s
se$$led, Please accep$ $he (ni$3s signa$u"e o# $he 6n$e"-dimensional Sen$ien$ 'igh$s P"oclama$ion and
$ha$ .e s.ea" $o uphold i$s a"$icles and p"inciples in ou" sec$ion o# $he &ul$i)e"se and help in i$s
upholding .he"e)e" possible,8 A$ $his, 6 nodded, opened my ."is$ de)ice, hi$ $he bu$$on #o"
$"ansmission and placed my hand on $he $able, E)e"yone else $ouched my "igh$ hand as $hey #o"med $he
(ni$ and en$e"ed in$o $elepa$hic con$ac$ .i$h me )ia $ouch,
7!his is Pseudonymus, Call Sign: Alpha-Echo-Gamma-42179, Ad9unc$: 1744271, Code 2o"d: >lona
"epo"$ing in,8 6 $hough$, p"o9ec$ing $h"ough $he hype"sphe"e ne$.o"/, 76n connec$ion .i$h me a"e $he
Ainnison (ni$, as $hey a"e $o be called in ou" da$a ban/s, Please pa$ch me $h"ough $o $he =igh
Commi$$ee o# $he %bse")e"s,8
A#$e" a momen$, a #usion "esponded, 7!his is $he =igh Commi$$ee o# $he %bse")e"s, !hough .e a"e
many, .e spea/ .i$h one )oice, $ha$ $h"ough many obse")a$ions, $he $"u$h may be "e)ealed, 2ha$ is
you" "e4ues$ Pseudonymus:8 as/ed $he =igh Commi$$ee,
7G"ee$ings % Bea"ned %nes, !hough you may issue $he $heo"y, 6 see/ $he da$a #o" i$s con#i"ma$ion,
"e#u$a$ion, and@o" con$e1$uali0a$ion, so $ha$ science and independen$ "e)ie. may be upheld,8 6 said,
"esponding .i$h $he #o"mal "eply o# g"ee$ing, 72i$h me a"e $he Ainnison (ni$, $he successo"s $o $he
A"isians, !hey .ish $o sign $he 6n$e"-dimensional Sen$ien$ 'igh$s P"oclama$ion, .i$h a de$ailed
unde"s$anding $ha$ .e a"e $o help de#end $hem #"om $h"ea$s coming #"om dimensions $ha$ $hey canno$
pe"cei)e, in e1change #o" de)eloping .ha$ $hey call B;s .ho can pe"cei)e .ha$ .e see .i$hou$ $he aid
o# hype"-sphe"es, $hus seeing mo"e o" a di##e"en$ angle $ha$ .e ha)e missed .hen $hey ge$ access $o ou"
76s $his $"ue:8 as/ed $he =igh Commi$$ee,
7>es,8 $hough$ $he (ni$, 72e ha)e .o"/ed ou$ a me$hod by .hich .e can p"o)ide you .i$h some o# $he
e1$"a obse")a$ion and #"esh pe"spec$i)e you need, Cou"$esy o# a bi$ o# ma$h Pseudonymus sho.ed us,
.e should be able $o ge$ $his "eady #o" you in a #e. millennia #"om ou" pe"spec$i)e, 2e 9us$ need you $o
help p"o$ec$ us #"om $he dimensions .e canno$ pe"cei)e un$il $hen,8
7&a$h $ha$ Pseudonymus sho.ed you:8 as/ed $he =igh Commi$$ee, 7Pseudonymus, you a"e $o "e$u"n
$o you" Sa#e =a)en a$ once .hile .e "e)ie. .ha$ punishmen$ you .ill ha)e $o $a/e, !his is you"
second )iola$ion o# A"$icle 7,8
7=e has no$ )iola$ed $he P"oclama$ion,8 $hough$ $he (ni$, 7A"$icle 7 s$a$es $ha$ in#o"ma$ion mus$ be
sho.n in $e"ms an en$i$y can unde"s$and .i$h hin$s $o.a"ds some$hing mo"e, A"$icle +9* also s$a$es $ha$
.hen necessa"y #o" empi"ical "easons, any o$he" a"$icle may be subse4uen$ly "e)ie.ed and "e)ised in
o"de" $o p"o$ec$ $he unde"lying )alues, %u$ o# necessi$y, Pseudonymus and $.o o# you" o$he"s $oo/ us
bac/ in $ime $ha$ .e migh$ a)e"$ a dange"ous #u$u"e .e had #allen p"ey $o, cou"$esy o# a mis$a/e one o#
$hose ope"a$i)es made, ?lu1 .e belie)e his name .as: Pseudonymus has ale"$ed us $o a )e"y "eal $h"ea$
$ha$ is coming, and .e a"e #ully capable o# unde"s$anding mul$i-dimensional ma$hema$ics as .e a"e
$ype +, as you call us, 2e 9us$ can3$ pe"cei)e $he dimensions di"ec$ly, and $hus i$ is di##icul$ #o" us $o do
any$hing bu$ help de)elop $hose .ho can,8
!he"e .as a pause #o" abou$ ;* seconds, %# cou"se, conside"ing $his could ha)e mean$ 6 .as bac/ on
7an e1$ended "esea"ch assignmen$8 in a "epea$ed $ime loop again, possibly #o"e)e" o" un$il $he
%bse")e"s #ell $o $he (n/no.n, i$ seemed li/e an e$e"ni$y, A#$e" a bi$, $he =igh Commi$$ee "esponded,
7>ou do ha)e a poin$,8 $hey $hough$ g"udgingly, 7=o.e)e", A"$icle 1+ also s$a$es $ha$ .e mus$ clea"ly
se$ an e1ample $o o$he"s in upholding $hese p"inciples, 2e canno$ slac/ $hei" p"ope" applica$ion #o" one
ope"a$i)e, !o $ha$ end, Pseudonymus, you" ne1$ assignmen$ is assis$ing a #ello. ope"a$i)e .ho .e had
$o send ou$ as a "eplacemen$ #o" you .hile you .e"e s$uc/ in $he !ime Boop, A ce"$ain subma"ine is los$
in a (ni)e"se Sec$o" .i$h no .ay home, and no idea ho. $o comple$e i$s mission, le$ alone #o" $he
%pe"a$i)e ho. $o comple$e ou"s, 6n sho"$, i$s memo"ies need a.a/ening, !he &ys$ic A)enge" did i$ #o"
you, i$3s $ime #o" you $o do i$ #o" ano$he" agen$, As #o" $he Ainnison (ni$, i$ is he"eby es$ablished $ha$
you a"e no. pa"$ o# $he !ype + Alliance, and you" pass code is being #o".a"ded acco"dingly,
Pseudonymus .ill no$ be able $o in$e"p"e$ i$, $hough you .ill, ?o" Eisco)e"y, %b9ec$i)i$y, 6n$eg"i$y and
7?o" Eisco)e"y, %b9ec$i)i$y, 6n$eg"i$y and Cla"i$y,8 6 $hough$ as $he =igh Commi$$ee signed o##,
72ell,8 said Ai$ as $he (ni$ sepa"a$ed, 7<o. $ha$ .e3"e o##icially pa"$ o# $he ne$.o"/, 63m assuming .e
should ge$ $o .o"/ on se$$ing up $he message so you can be on you" .ay, %h, ho. .ill .e ge$ hold o#
$he %bse")e"s since .e can3$ pe"cei)e $he dimensions you a"e in:8
7Chec/ you" sense o# pe"cep$ion, all o# you,8 6 said, !hey did so, and b"ea$hed in sha"ply in su"p"ise,
7!he"e is a li$$le dimensional poc/e$ "igh$ be$.een uni)e"ses abou$ one million uni)e"ses a.ay,8 said
Camilla, 76 can3$ pe"cei)e some o# i$s #ace$s, bu$ no$ $he .hole $hing,8
7!ha$ is a hype"sphe"e,8 6 said, 76$3s connec$ed $o $he ne$.o"/ and has been d"opped in$o one o# se)e"al
$ha$ you should be able $o pe"cei)e soon, as long as $hey pass $h"ough $he dimensional line along .hose
o$he" (ni)e"ses you can pe"cei)e, Ius$ simply send a $hough$ $o i$, .i$h you" pass code included, and
you should be able $o con$ac$ anyone else on $he ne$.o"/ a$ $ha$ $ime, <o., on a mo"e impo"$an$ no$e,
.ha$ so"$ o# message did you .an$ $o lea)e:8
7%h, 63)e al"eady $a/en ca"e o# $ha$,8 said Ai$, =e $hough$ i$ a$ me, and 6 used my ."is$ compu$e" $o
ac$i)a$e a hype"sphe"e and c"ea$e a dimension poc/e$ in $he dimension 5, a$$ached $o (ni)e"se Sec$o"
**F1422, bu$ no$ de$ec$able unless you .e"e "eally loo/ing, As i$ .en$ in $he"e, 6 caugh$ a li$$le
message $ha$ .a"med my hea"$, as 6 "emembe"ed i$ #"om $he boo/3s epilogue:
7!o you .ho ha)e scanned $his "epo"$, #u"$he" g"ee$ings:
Since 6 .ho compiled i$ am only a you$h, a Gua"dian only by $i$le, and hence unable $o )isuali0e e)en
app"o1ima$ely ei$he" $he $ime o# no" $he necessi$y #o" $he opening o# $his #las/ o# #o"ce, 6 ha)e no idea
as $o $he bodily shape o" $he men$al a$$ainmen$s o# you, $he en$i$y $o .hom i$ has no. been made
>ou al"eady /no. $ha$ Ci)ili0a$ion is again $h"ea$ened se"iously, >ou p"obably /no. some$hing o# $he
basic na$u"e o# $ha$ $h"ea$, 2hile s$udying $his $ape you ha)e become in#o"med $ha$ $he si$ua$ion is
su##icien$ly g"a)e $o ha)e made i$ again necessa"y $o #o"ce ce"$ain selec$ed minds p"ema$u"ely in$o $he
$hi"d le)el o# Bensmanship,
>ou ha)e al"eady lea"ned $ha$ in ancien$ $ime Ci)ili0a$ion a#$e" Ci)ili0a$ion #ell be#o"e i$ could "ise
much abo)e $he le)el o# ba"ba"ism, >ou /no. $ha$ .e and $he p"e)ious "ace o# Gua"dians sa. $o i$ $ha$
$his, %(' Ci)ili0a$ion,, has no$ ye$ #allen, Ano., no. $ha$ $he $as/ o# you" "ace, so soon $o "eplace us,
.ill be $o see $o i$ $ha$ i$ does no$ #all,
%ne o# us .ill become en "appo"$ .i$h you as soon as you ha)e assimila$ed $he #ac$s, $he conno$a$ions,
and $he implica$ions o# $his ma$e"ial, P"epa"e you" mind #o" con$ac$,
Ch"is$ophe" A, Ainnison,8
6 smiled a$ $his, and loo/ed a$ $he #i)e Child"en o# $he Bens, As 6 $u"ned $o #ace each o# $hem, $hey
smiled, and 6 #el$ a .a"m, $ingly #eeling, deep inside my soul, $ha$ a$ leas$ $his (ni)e"se Sec$o", .as in
capable hands, and li/ely $o su")i)e #o" a )e"y long $ime,
6 smiled, and nodded and said $ha$ i$ .as $ime #o" me $o go,
!he #ou" sis$e"s o# $he lens g"abbed me in a g"oup hug, .he"eas Ai$ 9us$ shoo/ my hand, 7Clea" e$he",
Pseudonymus,8 he said, nodding solemnly, ye$ smiling,
7KL, Clea" e$he" Ainnisons,8 6 said, And .i$h $ha$, 6 opened my ."is$ compu$e", hi$ $he .o"mhole
bu$$on, and $he"e .as a gunsho$ as 6 disappea"ed,
na'ysis and (iscussion:
?"om $his inciden$, $he"e a"e a coupe o# $hings 6 $hin/ .e need $o be a.a"e o#:
1, !ype + classi#ica$ion has al.ays been de#ined as being able $o c"oss uni)e"se lines, in$e"-
dimensionally, on a "egula" basis, <o. up un$il $his poin$, all !ype + ci)ili0a$ions .e ha)e me$
ha)e a$ leas$ been a.a"e o# closed $ime-li/e cu")es and causali$y issues, e)en i# $hey couldn3$
#ully e1ploi$ $hem, 6$ appea"s $ha$ $his is no$ al.ays $he case,
2, !hese ne. !ype + ci)ili0a$ions .i$h $his /ind o# de#ici$ s$ill ha)e )aluable $echni4ues and ideas
$o $each us, ?o" e1ample, .e sa. #"om $his ho. i""a$ionali$y may #o"ce us $o ac$, !ha$ said,
/illing and )iolence a"e AB2A>S a las$ "eso"$, and e)en, in a .ay, $he memo"ies o# $he
Eddo"ians .e"e do.nloaded $h"ough $he Ainnisons, so a$ leas$ .e #ound a .ay $o help $hem no$
b"ea/ A"$icle 17;,
?o" $hese $.o poin$s, 6 .ould li/e $o ma/e $he "ecommenda$ions:
1, !ha$ #o" necessi$y "easons, an addendum be a$$ached $o A"$icle 7 o# $he P"oclama$ion, 6# a $ype +
species is su##e"ing lac/ o# /no.ledge, comp"ehension, o" unde"s$anding abou$ closed $ime-li/e
cu")es o" a"e limi$ed in $he numbe" o# dimensions $hey can pe"cei)e pe"$aining $o us, e)en
$hough $hey a"e $ype +, i$ is essen$ial $ha$ .e a$ leas$ gi)e $hem some $heo"e$ical #"ame.o"/ in
$his a"ea $ha$ $hey can e1$"apola$e #"om, i# only so $hey can be p"epa"ed #o" .ha$ lies ahead,
2, 6 p"opose $ha$ $he edic$ 6 ini$ially "e4ues$ed #"om $he =igh Commi$$ee and .as #inali0ed become
a #o"mal addendum $o edic$ ;47, .hich says $ha$ any species $ha$ achie)es !ype + may sign $he
$"ea$y, 2e need $o es$ablish $he idea $ha$ i# any en$i$y .ishes $o ha)e $he abili$y $o sha"e $he
$hough$s o# all o$he"s in $he alliance, i$ should ha)e access $o $ha$ in#o"ma$ion, #o" $he sa/e o#
$he pu"sui$ o# %b9ec$i)e 'eali$y,
<o. $ha$ $his "epo"$ has been compiled, 6 am o## $o help &al$ha"ius ou$ .i$h "ea.a/ening his memo"ies
and ha)ing $he necessa"y ma$hema$ical s/ills $o a$ leas$ plo$ .he"e in 6n$e"-space he is, (n$il my ne1$
"epo"$, #o" Eisco)e"y, %b9ec$i)i$y, 6n$eg"i$y, and Cla"i$y, o" as $he Bensmen say, 7Clea" e$he"D8
?"om $he Au$ho":
?o" a long .hile, 6 ha)e been .an$ing $o ."i$e a Pseudonymus o" %bse")e"se s$o"y in one o# $he
uni)e"ses c"ea$ed by one o# $he Cig ?i)e o# $.en$ie$h cen$u"y science #ic$ion, Buc/ily, a "e)ie. 6 came
ac"oss h$$p:@@#"an/ens$einbec/,blogspo$,ca@2*1;@*+@"andom-boo/-"e)ie.-lensman-se"ies,h$ml- said
$ha$ $he Bensman se"ies .as o##icially in $he public domain as i$ .as on $he Gu$enbe"g p"o9ec$, 6 9us$
hope 63)e done E,E, Eoc Smi$h3s .o"/ 9us$ice, Cu$ yeah, 6 $"us$ you #ound $his s$o"y a$ leas$ some.ha$
en9oyable, and $ha$ i$ .ill ac$ually ge$ you $o .an$ $o "ead $he o"iginal se"ies, e)en 9us$ $o see i# 6 did i$
!he"e .e"e $.o ma9o" bloc/s o# 4uo$es, !hey bo$h come #"om $he las$ boo/ in $he se"ies, 7Child"en o#
$he Bens,8 >es, 6 had Pseudonymus ac$ually "emembe" $ha$ $he uni)e"se .as desc"ibed in a boo/,
!hough 6 didn3$ use $he ac$ual $e"m, $his is a concep$ /no.n as &y$h is 'eali$y o" Pan$heis$ic
Solipsism, Also, 6 in$end $o "e)eal in la$e" s$o"ies .hy Pseudonymus could no$ #ind any in#o"ma$ion in
$he Cen$"al da$abase abou$ $he Bensman uni)e"se,
!he "e#e"ence $o 5 dimensions being "e4ui"ed #o" a closed $ime-li/e cu")e is ac$ually li#$ed #"om a pape"
en$i$led 7Closed !ime-li/e Cu")es in Asymme$"ically 2a"ped C"ane (ni)e"ses8 .hich can be #ound
A small glossa"y o# $e"ms:
6n$e"-space is .ha$ $he %bse")e"s call in$e"-dimensional space, o" bul/ space as s$"ing $heo"is$s call i$,
$he space in .hich o$he" uni)e"ses si$,
A 0a"na/ is .ha$ $he %bse")e"s conside" a #ull o"bi$ o# $hei" plane$ a"ound i$s sun, A 0a"na/ is abou$ one
million ea"$h yea"s in leng$h, and $he %bse")e"s ha)e been a"ound #o" a million 0a"na/s,
A &ic"o-p"o9ec$o" is basically a p"o9ec$o"@ene"gy .eapon as desc"ibed in $he Bensman se"ies, e1cep$ i$
is no. $he si0e o# a hand pis$ol as in $ha$ sec$ion o# $he $imeline, 2** yea"s had passed since $he
Cos/onians had been de#ea$ed, so $echnology had ad)anced $ha$ much #u"$he",
A closed $ime-li/e cu")e is a $heo"e$ical physics $e"m #o" $"a)eling bac/ in $ime,
A hype"-sphe"e is a 5 dimensional sphe"e $ha$ "uns o## Me"o-poin$ ene"gy, and is combina$ion
g"a)i$a$ional senso", compu$e", and .o"mhole gene"a$o", Each hype"-sphe"e is 4uan$um en$angled .i$h
e)e"y o$he" hype"-sphe"e in $he ne$.o"/, bu$ $u"ns $hose en$anglemen$s in$o mic"oscopic $"a)e"sable
.o"mholes $o allo. in#o"ma$ion communica$ion by #as$e" $han ligh$ $"a)eling g"a)i$y .a)e o"
g"a)i$a$ional lase" cou"$esy o# $he .o"mhole ma/ing a sho"$cu$-, !he bac/ s$o"y on Pseudonymus and
$he %bse")e"s has lin/s $o pape"s e1plaining $he physics o# ho. non-$"a)e"sable .o"mholes a"e
e4ui)alen$ $o 4uan$um en$anglemen$,
!he 6n$e"-dimensional Sen$ien$ 'igh$s P"oclama$ion is a philosophical documen$ and $"ea$y $ha$ all
!ype + ci)ili0a$ions subsc"ibe $o, 6$ has +9* a"$icles .hich p"esc"ibe ho. !ype + Ci)ili0a$ions a"e $o
conduc$ $hemsel)es, .ha$ )alues $hey hold, .ha$ $he punishmen$s a"e #o" )iola$ing $hem, and o$he".ise
.ha$ belie#s a"e held, Casically summa"i0ed, i$s co"e p"inciples a"e do no$ opp"ess o" ha"m o$he"
sen$ien$ li#e, (phold Empi"icism in i$s $"ues$ #o"m, and pu"sue ob9ec$i)e "eali$y, A"$icle +9* also allo.s
#o" "e)ie. and "e$"o#i$$ing indi)idual a"$icles as necessa"y $o help pu"sue $he co"e )alues@p"inciples in
ligh$ o# uni4ue si$ua$ions o" ne. da$a,
A code1 is /ind o# li/e a Chap$e" heading, bu$ in $e"ms o# a memo"y "epo"$, i$ basically is a bloc/ o#
memo"y, /ind o# li/e a compu$e" #ile, All memo"ies #"om %bse")e" ope"a$i)es a"e uploaded $o $he
Cen$"al Ea$abase, along .i$h "epo"$s, so $ha$ e)e"y %bse")e" can access .ha$ e)e"y o$he" %bse")e" has
disco)e"ed, $o help $he en$i"e species .o"/ on $hei" e)e" e)ol)ing pu"sui$ o# %b9ec$i)e 'eali$y, .hile
$"ying $o p"o$ec$ e1is$ence in $he p"ocess,
?o" any o$he" de#ini$ions, #eel #"ee $o "ead o$he" publica$ions pe"$aining $o $he Pseudonymus-%bse")e"
'epo"$ se"ies, #ollo. $he se"ies a$ h$$p:@@...,you$ube,com@ai/iboy1111111, "ead $he Bensman se"ies $o
unde"s$and $e"ms 4uo$ed #"om $he"e, o" con$ac$ $he au$ho" .i$h any #u"$he" 4ues$ions,

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