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Anthonys Canossian Secondary School

Test on Electrolysis
NAME: ( ) CLASS: 4E . Date:
Section A (10 Marks)
1 What are the products given off at the electrodes during the electrolysis of molten
magnesium chloride between carbon electrodes?
Anode (positive electrode) Cathode (negative electrode)
A Oxygen agnesium
! Oxygen "ydrogen
C agnesium Chlorine
# Chlorine agnesium $ %
& Which one of the following correctly describes the processes occurring at the
electrodes when molten sodium chloride is electrolysed?
Anode (') Cathode (()
A Oxidation )eduction
! )eduction Oxidation
C *o reaction *o reaction
# Oxidation Oxidation $ %
+ Which particles are responsible for the conduction of electricity through (i) metals,
(i) etals (ii) -lectrolytes
A *egative ions .ositive ions
! -lectrons -lectrons
C .ositive ions -lectrons
# -lectrons .ositive ions and negative ions $ %
/ A metal and its chloride have the following properties0
1ubstance elting point !oiling point #ensity
+&2C 1345C
110+ g6cm
etal chloride
4+/C 745C
/03 g6cm
8he metal can be obtained by the electrolysis of the molten chloride0 9n what state will
the metal be formed in this electrolysis?
A As a solid on the surface of the molten chloride0
! As a li:uid on the surface of the molten chloride0
C As a solid below the molten chloride0
# As a li:uid below the molten chloride0 $ %
4 A:ueous copper(99) sulfate is electrolysed using copper electrodes0 Which one of
the following e:uations represents the reaction ta;ing place at the anode (positive
electrode) in this electrolysis?
A Cu (s) Cu
(a:) ' &e
! 1O
(a:) 1O
(a:) ' &e
C Cu
(a:) ' &e
Cu (s)
# / O"
(a:) &"
O (l) ' O
(g) ' /e
$ %
< What are the products of the electrolysis of concentrated a:ueous sodium chloride
using inert electrodes?
Anode (') Cathode (()
A Chlorine "ydrogen
! Chlorine Oxygen
C Chlorine 1odium
# Oxygen Chlorine $ %
3 A constant current was passed through a:ueous copper(99) sulfate using copper
electrodes0 At regular intervals the copper cathode (negative electrode) was removed and
weighed0 Which one of the following graphs A, !, C or #, represents the mass of the
copper cathode plotted against time?
$ %
2 What particles are present in solid lead(99) bromide and in molten lead(99) bromide?
1olid lead(99) bromide olten lead(99) bromide
A olecules Atoms
! olecules 9ons
C olecules olecules
# 9ons 9ons $ %
7 Concentrated a:ueous =inc chloride is electrolysed with platinum electrodes0 What
are the products at the electrodes?
Anode (') Cathode (()
A Chlorine >inc
! "ydrogen Oxygen
C Oxygen >inc
# >inc Chlorine $ %
15 What occurs during the electrolysis of a:ueous copper(99) sulfate?
A Copper ions move to the negative electrode0
! "ydrogen ions move to the positive electrode0
C "ydroxide ions move to the negative electrode0
# Oxide ions move to the negative electrode0 $ %
Section B (15 marks)
10 Complete the table by naming the products formed when the following li:uids are
electrolysed using inert electrodes0 $4%
?i:uid .roduct formed at
Cathode (ve) Anode (' ve)
#ilute sulfuric acid (i) Oxygen
olten calcium bromide (ii) (iii)
Concentrated a:ueous sodium chloride (iv) (v)
(i) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (ii) 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
(iii) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (iv) 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
(v) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
& (a) ?ist all the ions present in a concentrated solution of sodium chloride in water0
@ive their chemical symbols and names0 $/%
(b) #uring an electrolysis, (using inert electrodes) which of these ions travel $&%
(c) (i) What is produced at the anode? BBBBBBBBBBBB $1%
(ii) What is produced at the cathode? BBBBBBBBBBBB $1%
(d) Write the ionic e:uation forA
Marking Scheme:
Section A: 10 marks
1 # 2 A 3 # 4 # 5 A
6 A 7 A 8 # 9 A 10 A
Section B: 15 marks
1 (i) hydrogenC
(ii) calciumC
(iii) bromineC
(iv) chlorineC
(v) hydrogenC
(1 mar; eachC spelling D18 be correct)
& (a) sodium ion (*a
), chloride ions (Cl
), hydrogen ions ("
) and hydroxide ions (O"
(b) (i) chloride ions (Cl
) and hydroxide ions (O"
(ii) 1odium ions (*a
) and hydrogen ions ("
(c) (i) chlorine gasC
(ii) hydrogen gasC
(d) (i)
Cl& ' &eC
' &e "&C

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